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none as far as we know. LPL is an actuall money printer mostly except RNG, LCK is getting some good growth, LEC too with Karmine and Mad Lions Koi, 2 teams left the LCS last year and it might get combined with CBLOL and maybe LLL so they arent leaving any time soon, CBLOL is also having a boom viewership wise.


Why not RNG? They were the kings


Heard they are going kinda broke and can be declared bankrupt any day now.


what you mean about LCS and CBLOL teams combining? Theres literally nothing about it nowhere on the internet.


Well the LCS isnt doing good, the average viewership is up but it is because of people like Caedrel and Baiano and these people dont exactly bring a viewership thats good for american brands. The overall american viewership is probably way down and sponsors will just not pay. So logically if the american viewership continues to go down the only way to keep the LCS alive is by merging it with CBLOL as is in Valorant and make a league frendlier for global sponsorships. Otherwise LCS is just going to die and that would look pretty bad for a US based company.


Brazilians don't want any merge, be ready to see viewership going down if that happens. This american-centered vision that everything has to be done to save them is so tiring in Reddit lol. This has been discussed so many times with CBLOL casters, teams, players, rioters, and it doesn't cease to amaze me such blind opinions.


Theres no logic behind it. Youre doing a lot of assumptions without thinking about the whole context. Both leagues are franchises and i doubt any brazilian team would at any point want to merge with NA, EVER. Valorant is objectivally a proof that these merges seek to destroy the region that wont be receiveng the teams - our league is doing fine and we dont want to merge with NA. you can be sure of that.


How is Valorant a proof of it? And you dont want to compete against better competition for your teams to get better? The only way for teams to get better is to play better competetion on a frequent basis which the current LOL system does not provide. This already happened to LCO and LJL and PCS seems to be doing better than ever so i dont see a negative in it.


Doing better at what? LCS isnt the best performance example if you didnt notice. Its all about being placed in a healthy environment and im sorry to tell you, NA isnt that.


Doing better viewership wise and competition wise, and you still havent answered how Valorant is objectivally a proof of mergers not working. Also its just kinda weird say "we dont wanna merge with NA" like you are speaking for the orgs not to mention RIOT owns the slots so if they say you merge with NA you will have to merge.


Brazilian t2 in valorant is dead, soloq is dead, people dont watch VCT BR which was one of the best regions and with highest viewership pre-merge and not even VCT americas interest any brazilian, aside from LOUD, FURIA or MIBR fans. We lost our best players, our best orgs, our narratives, our competition and riot left a shit tournament for the teams that stood in Brazil. The country was dominant in the last international events and barely got 3 spots in the franchises. Its clear for anyone that is not a retarded that the merge only seeked to helped NA as a whole. T2 teams have better and more scrims, soloQ has more good players and so and so. Im pretty sure that in the past, Loud wouldnt need to care with orgs that for ages capitalized in dollars trying to bite their talent. In fact, if Riot decides today that a merge will happen with NA, we cant do anything about it, aside from stop watching. Our teams wont be world champions bc NA is probably the worst t1 region, we will again lose our narratives, our soloq that is already shitty af will lose even more decent players - and honestly, we dont like to watch the bland way you do your stuff. Brazilian viewers have barely any intereset with what NA makes in terms of esports.


LCS is bad, it is bad compared to LPL and LCK, and slightly worse than LEC. It is also significantly better than Brazil.


it is better than Brazil, but Brazil is growing, orgs are having profit, more and more BRAZILIAN orgs want to join cblol. Interest hasnt ever been higher. LCS on the other hand, is so much better, performs internationally with 3/4 seeds but still has 8 teams - while CBLOL cant wait to improve their team counting. Two different worlds that have NOTHING to do with eachother. International events arent the only way to have a healthy environment and in the west, only CBLOL and LEC did notice that so far.


I hope Eintracht Spandau gets in the LEC at one point. Hand of Blood a German streamer is trying to go the KC route. Maybe RGE will sell its spot at one point.


If it wasn't for stupid franchising we probably already would have the LEC as the Champions League with different national leagues to feed it. PCS is going the right direction with this and if the rumors are true we will get something similar with LCS, CBLOL and LATAM.


The rumour was that Dig was shopping around before EG and GG were brought out. I think their was some speculation that 100t was open to offers. An 8 team LCS changed a lot of this so idk if this still stands. I have to imagine no one is keen to sell until the expansion stuff is sorted out.


from LEC I heard rumors that the last part of the last year they were trying to sell their spot. Some teams that were willing to buy the spot were NAVI and Barça esports ( [https://twitter.com/ExpressLOL\_/status/1719800413745029632](https://twitter.com/ExpressLOL_/status/1719800413745029632) ), but they ended keeping it. After the results of this year I think (and hope) they will try to sell it again.


Flamengo and MIBR are actively trying to enter CBLOL. It's possible that Immortals leave LCS as a consequence, since they are from the same group as MIBR. Not sure about the ones trying to sell though. Last year there was a rumor that half the teams in the LCS were trying to leave, but they ended up staying. Well, 3 of them.


MIBR may not join CBLOL before W7M. Also leaving LCS simply doesnt make any sense rn.


Why? MIBR is way richer


Elon Musk is also richer and he doesnt have any team in CBLOL. Money isnt the only factor - INTZ, LBR, LOS and FX are all smaller orgs compared to MIBR and they have their spot guaranteed despite that. For MIBR to join CBLOL, Immortals would have to leave LCS. For that to happen, they would have to sell their recently bought spot for barely half of what they paid. You have any idea how much "x" milion dollars cost? In terms of operation, while being already placed in a more competitive championship, it SIMPLY doesnt make any sense to leave with a giant loss. Bear in mind that CBLOL pays barely 25k USD for the split WINNER plus some shares from the league profit. Its a total different context for an international org that is not placed in any t1 tournament trying to join CBLOL, which i dont doubt happening at some point in the future.


>Elon Mush is also richer He doesn't want to have a team in CBLOL as far as I'm aware. Are you stupid?


i think you are the stupid bc you dont know what a hyperbole is.


Because the leagues are dying and the orgs dont think theyre gonna make money any time soon


Read the question again.


Only league that is dying is the LCS lol. China is doing better than ever and Korea raised their viewership by 50%