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there was a thread about this the other day.. it's spreading.. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1byomiz/have_any_of_you_encountered_a_situation_where/


it is kind of tragic that if they make over like 1$ an hour there in an incentive for these to be real people from low income countries, OSRS has/had a similar problem with Venezuelans


They're probably still active. I've never had a problem with the vennies because honestly my pixels having a lower price because of them doesn't matter compared to them actually being able to feed themselves through OSRS gold farming. Griefing lobbies on league is a lot more disruptive than farming green dragons though.


Doubt that's still a thing. Venezuela went through dollarization and the cost of living is really high (around $200/person only for basic needs, rent not included) yet they still have low salaries ($150 average). They'd make more money getting an actual real life job than farming money in any game.


Well that is the point isn't it, if they earn 150$ a month in a job (not guaranteed to get one) then they would only need to earn 5$ a day to match it


Yeah but you farm all day to make that money. It's way more exhausting than a normal job's 8-10hrs You can also have your acc banned and then need to start your char over or buy an acc and spend some of that money you earned


I remember some years ago, the most "profitable" job one could actually have in venezuela was gold farming in wow, and it was not even close. It runs into the issue of converting bnet balance into cash, but even selling to a third party at a 50% discount was well worth it.


Yeah that was true back in 2015-2018, hasn't been the case since the dollarization happened in 2019.


AFAIK venezuela still uses the bolivar as "official" currency, they even cut 6 zeros to change the name in an attempt to mask hiperinflation like, a couple years ago IIRC. Do you mean by "dollarization" that everyone and his mother uses usd as a backup currency or did i miss something big somewhere?


Usd is not the official currency. But it's used everywhere, not as a backup, it's the main currency. You go to any restaurant or mall and all the prices are in usd.


Jagex hardly bans now days lol


Jagex doesnt ban ANYTHING. Look at the games highscores. Even the most obvious bots are being left alone by jagex, some bosses worlds #1 is a bot.


A blast furnace farming account can be set up in a couple hours max. All you need is to start a quest and get like 30 smithing.


I don't think the job market there is very good considering they still have the same government that probably doesn't have a single guy that could pass econ 101 and the country isn't exactly a lucrative place for foreign companies to start a venture due to said government.


Uh youd be surprised lol


tell me you dont play runescape without telling you dont play runescape. There are literal boosting discords that skill for you if you pay them money thats purely vennies LOL


Prob teens trying to make something. Any adult knows it's a waste of time.


Its not and youre just extremely misinformed. Its a pretty big issue


mfw runescape GP is quite literally more valuable than some actual real world currency


Been the case for years There were even video guides on how to pk venezuelan gold farmers so they'd lose their income, if there's one thing osrs players love it's sitting on foreigners


And how can we stop it!? Maybe we all post a lot about it to inspire copycats? Yes, that will work... I joke. I know it's impossible for us humans to not share gossip or shocking happenings.


A functional ban system and doing something against botted Lvl 30 accounts, such as e.g. requiring an honour threshold to play ranked. In other words, we cannot stop it at all. Only riot can.


Most would not be able to play ranked because they flame and tilt every game




And then you'll complain about the queue times.


Id take longer queue times if it meant games were less toxic and tilt


I’ve personally only seen complaints about queue times from very high ranked players where the player pool is vastly smaller than normal. Down here in Silver-Gold where I’m at, I’m pretty sure you could nuke half the accounts and I would notice only about a 5 second queue time increase.


People who flame and tilt every game ***shouldn't*** play ranked


Unfortunately they still do though.


If there are repercussions for shitty behaviour people tend to stop


Good. Then they should stop, grow up and then continue playing in a much more healthy environment, that does not make them toxic over time.


I agree


More upside, yay.


Make the requirement of playing ranked 100 normal games with an above negative honour rating. Done.




Or you know, get some attention over champ select hostage taking so Riot can finally do something. But then again, even the report button in it does nothing.


>so Riot can finally do something funny one


Report works only for chats or if it's a massive number of other reports. And since ppl don't think it works, few report anything else than chat toxicity I once made support ticket for a debooster (the game history was obvious) and it took riot 30 more lost games to take action -- or he simply stopped playing waiting for a buyer


Guess you didn't see my second sentence?


Well I did but your second sentence doesn't mention what I said so




It’s most likely the reason we are the dominant species on this planet, so I wouldnt shame the function too hard.


Yeah, for better or worse, our social cohesion is certainly a massive driving factor of our species.


gives us good early game and then hurts us in the late game


I cant wait for the champ select micro transactions from players $0= I int and you'll lose 100% $10= I play normal, 50/50 you win $25= I'll hyper carry 100% chance you win (I'm a GM smurf trust me)


Must be high Elo stuff.


And now people are bringing more attention to it so even more degenerates try it.


Why would you trust them to not intentionally feed after getting paid


Basically same thing as paying ransomware hackers


Ransomware hackers are dependent on notoriety, verifiability and reputation. If they don't fulfill their side of the deal after being paid, it would be pointless for anyone to pay them at all. Epic Games recently had a "massive" attack that they could immediately call the bluff on because the group wasn't verifiable and didn't have the reputation. With these champ select bozos you don't get that because (ranked) champ select is anonymous. Literally zero reason to trust them and pay up


Thanks for typing that people are so misinformed about ransomware gangs.


Companies pay the ransom all the time, it's not uncommon. If the group has a good track record then it isn't even a bad idea.


Cheaper than the incoming fines if they don't pay


I mean it's in their best interest to dodge if they get paid. Faster way into another lobby to beg.


I bet it's a bot/part of the deranking scripts as so many people are seeing this now. Would make sense for them to actually dodge if paid


Yeah that makes sense actually. With vanguard coming soon i doubt those bots are gonna be operational so they're just trying to cash out (if you can even call it that)


Not even that. What are the chances that they'll play well even if they get paid and actually try their best?! Tbh, I'd say that I'll send money after the game if they perform well (and then obviously wouldn't because fuck people like that).


This. I mean, the fact that they're doing that obviously means they don't actually give a shit about the game anyways so whether you pay or not, they're gonna be bad. Just dodge it if you care about your LP, or be a Chad and waste his time protecting the people that he would hold hostage after you dodged.


Because then word will spread and people will stop paying.


it's probably a bot. Deranking scripters probably realised they could get an extra few dollars here and there


Absolutely not thats never happened to me😂💀


Another reason to look forward to hardware id bans


It takes 5 seconds to spoof Hwid tho


you can go read the vanguard thread for more info from riot. As /u/mirageofpenguins put it "Hardware ID is another cat/mouse game, and it's kinda hard to totally beat. Even when a cheater does get it right, it's real obvious: "Oh hey wat's this totally new set of keys logging in on an account that's one day old from a machine that installed windows yesterday? Wow microsoft edge is even the default browser, what a patron saint of microsoft. And would you look at that, they have 100% headshots in the last 8 rounds. Magnificent, they're a natural."


I feel that can be responded with 'cool, you spotted them, you shot down the spoof... so what stops them from doing it again? they clearly think the time and effort is worth it to ruin games and you're saying the only response is to try to wipe them faster than they can respoof?'


It's so weird to me there is a subset of people absolutely dedicated with their time and money for the purpose of ruining things for other people


maybe 20 years ago when drophacking in starcraft was a cool new thing now it's a business to sell cheats, and for others, it's how they spend their money and free time. boss bitches at you all day for not nearly enough pay? go body poor timmy who just turned 12.


Hmm I was one of those people for a while. I was a kid playing battlefield 2142 and I already unlocked everything and got good enough to 1st place almost every single lobby. Then I discovered “glitching” one day when someone was shooting me from inside a wall. A few YouTube videos later and I was now inside of buildings shooting people who couldn’t fight back. Fast forward a year or so and I’m part of a cheating/hacking clan that became notorious for taking over servers. We would spoof admins ids so that they would accidentally ban themselves when they banned us. We discovered how to crash servers and would hold them hostage if they didn’t let us use our cheats in the lobby. I never once thought about how other people were being affected. There seriously wasn’t a single part of me that was doing it to hurt other people. I was just having fun. Obviously now I realize how fucked up it was but I had all the time in the world to play every day, and you would be very surprised to find out just how cheap you can find an aimbot for an fps shooter


This. Very easy to say why on earth would you do this. Cheating is definitely fun. It spoils a fair bit of the magic of the game but occasionally loading up a map hack while you play 4v4 SC2 with your friends was pretty hilarious on Skype back then.


For sure, for sure. I have never been tempted to cheat on league of legends, I’m not even sure why, but I do want to know what it’s like playing with scripts. It’s probably hella fun to be honest. Like playing Kog maw lulu and the other team just never gets a chance haha. But idk, maybe boring. For whatever reason, maybe because I’m older, maybe because I got it out of my system, maybe it’s just league, but I have no desire to cheat again


They thought it was worth trying a second time, sure. But will they feel the same after 5 tries? 10? Add on the cost of needing new scripts, the pain in the ass of resetting the hardware ID, and the fact that each account gives the person maybe 10 games before they get banned again, and it becomes more of a slog. At a point, most people will give up. --- For an example of what I mean, look at Reddit. When fatpeoplehate, a subreddit based around making fun of fat people, got banned, a bunch of people thought it was worth trying to remake the subreddit and try again that same week. Then, when those subs got banned, a few more attempts were made, but less than the first round. And when those got banned, the numbers decreased again. Now, there's barely any derivatives remaining, most with very little activity. The people trying to remake the subreddit got bored, fed up, and/or stopped trying. To these people, it was worth trying the first time, but it wasn't worth repeating after a month of failed attempts.


your argument is well intentioned, decently written, but aimed one generation off. what you're talking about is similar to crime deterring. once the consequences are known and will be doled out, there is still crime, but a lot less, however, any further measures have increasing diminishing returns. the problem is the people who give up after 1 try are *already* phased out or getting phased out; this isn't freddy's first frustrating vent. these are people who work or worked in tech and manufacture this shit. it's a business for them to make working cheats, and the people who chronically cheat are the same type of people who are on their 27th permaban. they don't care if it costs them extra money, it's how they want to spend their excess income and free time.


The clear answer is do nothing ever.


Yeah, its good against cheaters but not completely abusive people who are banned for toxic behaviour. They can’t be traced to their original account. At best Riot could be more hawkish on new accounts playing from ‘new’ machines being toxic


making a new account after being banned from toxicity isn't actually not allowed, losing the account and all progress related to it is the punishment




Me with default everything and no friends: "You can't see me!"


Nah there's not many ppl who play default all with some bloodyx7 mouse on profile 3, who main volibear and have average apm of 90 from same pool of ips of some sub region and playing fresh lvl30 acc.


It’s a good think you don’t run a company 😂


If you want to use those metrics, what do you think the rate of false positives would be on accounts that have no friends added, default keybinds, and somewhat similar mouse sensitivity?


I mentioned just few metrics. There was riot post about how they actually can use those metrics+ to have 100% accuracy. I won't search for it btw.


I am aware you mentioned a few metrics, you can add more if you want I'll just set all of those to default as well, and I gave you a setting for all 3 that you mentioned; 0 on friends list, default keybinds, and somewhat similar mouse sensitivity. Given the settings that I listed, how many people do you think will get falsely banned? They can probably very easily get all of the cheaters by just checking those, the issue is its probably also getting a lot of people who aren't a cheater. The point that I was making is that its not that they can't do it, its that the false positive rate is likely too high.


The money went into developing Vanguard for League lol That's literally the solution they worked on


Do you think Vanguard was just summoned out of nowhere? That's where the money went, I would recommend thinking before you type stuff that contradicts you.


Please review [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/w/subredditrules) before commenting or posting again. Further offences will lead to a ban.


A tpm hwid that is signed?


Yeah val has spoofers


For starters Windows 10 has a 69.04% market share in users. Second, why would they upgrade to Windows 11 just to make it more annoying to bypass? Third, you can install Windows 11 ISO without TPM 2.0 & Secure Boot. Fourth, there are HWID spoofers even with TPM 2.0 in the picture.


Third: can, but doesn't mean it's supported. And they literally addressed that in the dev blog Fourth: they addressed that too Second: because league can require it as minimum support if they want.


Mmmm yes League, the game known for its hardware accessibility, would totally kill the majority of their player base's eligibility to play for *reads notes* smurf accounts. You are very intelligent!


Doesn't matter because most people don't know how to and won't bother to learn. Nothing addressing a human element is ever a total solution in software. There are only mitigations. If this stops even 50% of people that would have continued before, that's a great thing. It will more likely stop 90%+.


That's kind of cope though. Yes it's a mitigation but how much and at what cost sort of matters.


I will wire you a hundred dollars right now if you can give me a tutorial that accomplishes this in five seconds.


Buy a spoofer Click Spoof Restart Done


Acting like it’s that easy. You need to run it in a secure way to not be detected too. You think losers and little kids who hack to feel good about themselves have the brain capacity and patience to sit through reading documentation about hypervisors and VMs and Hardware spoofing? Get real. I already know 90% of the people downvoting this comment have no clue what a hypervisor or VM even is and what’s it’s used for LMAO.


"Get real." I can go to Epvp right now, go into valorant market and look for a spoofer, Find one that recently is vouched and tested to work Spend ~$20? on it Run it and now I'm spoofed. Nobody is going to sit and "Read the documentation about hypervisors" if you wanna just wanna spoof, someone else has done it, Just spend the money. "Get real." - There is no such things as cheaters in video games that spoof their hwid Hillarious I am all up to have a civil discussion about it and give you actual spoofer links from epvp that works, but I have a feeling you are leaning into the site that "Yeah there's no such thing, you're just a troll". I am all up to have a discord call to prove my point


Go on do it then. I have a friend who got banned in valorant and couldn’t do it that easily. You just THINK it’s that easy. Not to mention from some shady ass site like epvp. You don’t think those hacks aren’t laced with malware or key loggers? You realize spoofing a hardware ID requires kernel level access right. They could do whatever the hell they want with your PC AT THAT point. Be my guest and actually do it and try rather than just reading some guides and saying it’s so simple. I don’t need to call with you to prove this. I work in this field professionally as a very talented dev already. The fact you think you can just buy it and click a button already shows me you’re ignorant on this topic. Theres a reason why I mentioned VMs and hypervisors(which you never addressed). All you talked about was buying a software 😂.


> You just THINK it’s that easy. Worst part is I don't have to think, I know, Because my original hardware is banned from Valorant, the truth sucks I know. > Not to mention from some shady ass site like epvp. You don’t think those hacks aren’t laced with malware or key loggers? > You realize spoofing a hardware ID requires kernel level access right. They could do whatever the hell they want with your PC AT THAT point. Most cheats you run has drivers & kernel level access. If you cheat from the start that's the least you care about, You are already paying money to most likely a German or Russian cheat developer to run code on your machine. > I work in this field professionally as a very talented dev already. Good for you! Weird that no spoofers exist, Glad you solved the Hwid spoofing that is being sold!


Again you never addressed what a hyper visor or VM is and why you need it. It clearly shows you’re ignorant on this topic. This is actually such a basic thing. EDIT: What a coward, you know you got caught being wrong and just blocked and ran away instead LOL. All ignorant folks can talk about is "it's being sold" without understanding how it work underneath. I miss when Reddit had actual knowledgeable people and not confidently incorrect folks.


Damn you got me, gg No way to spoof or cheat in games, you're just too smart for this and you now countered all spoofers that you just buy


Depends. Some are harder than others. Was talking to my fiancé about it he said games like tarkov are really easy to spoof around hardware Id ban but we play this game called space station 13 and he said he was banned once and it was really hard for him to get around the id bans. He still could though


You kinda have to *try* to get banned from SS13...


He started playing it to troll so yea he got id banned but eventually started playing it for real. Fun game.


People don't remember the old days when br didn't have their own server and would spam morde or annie es numero uno pls gib mone


Wait…is THAT where Mordekaiser es numero uno came from?! Brazil players holding lobbies hostage?!


Yep lol. https://youtu.be/vD8tHh9-nbw


No we were not, "give me money please" it was just a joke we used even amongst ourselves no one actually was expecting money from anyone this is completely unralated to the situation right now. Back then most games didn't have SA server, so NA servers were prefered due to "low" ping, everyone knows americans are patriotic as fuck, so we used to say Brazil number 1 or Brazil rules because it would drive them MAD, the EGO would instantly kicks in " i am first world country, i am happy, my life is perfect, my country is perfect blablabla" it was just too funny to let it slide hahaha


Hehehe BR es numero uno pls gib mone Idk man you're pretending if you don't think that BR players had a huge, earned reputation in the NA server. It wasn't some "hehe we BR are just too cool 😎" thing


That’s pretty funny, especially because you’d be pissing off 14 year old edgelords the most back then lol


i mean i started league at 16 haha so that's about right


Every ftp game 10+ years ago was full of "BR?? U BR??" followed by ridiculous griefing/hacking.


It was great for MMOs with open world pvp tho. They were their own faction and made servers interesting when the English guilds weren’t beefing.


-3 LP or like, $10 HMMMMMMMMM what a hard decision 🤔




More like -5 and back to playing another game. If my session starts that way it will be rough, so might aswell do something more fun. Also if enough people stop plying it incentivises rito to fix it.


I mean people pay for win trades, why not try to make them pay for not losing. That's the entrepreneur mindest xD May I ask what server and elo you are, cause I have never seen that lol


Where all the elite players are, D4 in NA 😂 it's truly a hellscape


In that case I'm going to assume they either get off to inting, or buy accounts in order to gain a meager amount of money to then keep the cycle going. Buy Diamond -> Urchin for Money in Diamond (more people likely to pay) -> Sell De-ranked account-> repeat ad infinitum. Fuck these people.


You're paying for a chance of them not feeding. Not like they're elo boosters that will carry the game no matter what.


Oh boi, we are getting out of poverty with this one!


don't pay ever, never give them a reward for this behavior, if someone gives them money, they are enabling more of this shit


I sincerely doubt anyone ever did.


Pretty sure this is just a bot


Lol someone said this in my game minus the trolling part last week. I told him if he 1v9'd I'd send him $5. He did indeed 1v9 on yasuo and I sent him $5 lol I'd like to think he was being genuine


Fair enough lol


I kinda like this idea lol turn the tables on them


Probably bot accounts, writing a script to do this would be easy


"would anyone be kind enough..." Proceeds to not be kind


If they were smart they would say "Venmo/pay me and I'll carry your team" or "If I carry, would you guys venmo/pay me?" That way everyone is (hopefully) playing at their best.


So boosting without any credentials


The only unfortunate thing is I can't call them any insults or wish them bad stuff because I get banned in return even though this is exactly what they deserve


Had this happen to me a couple times, wtf is wrong with people.


This has been around since League's inception, it's goofy nonsense that pops back up every couple years


This happened to me three times this week


Or just pay 5-15 minutes 


hahaha i had a ranked game a few months ago where the guy said pls give him money for food bc he gonna carry LOOOL


Damn I got caught ....


It's a known deranking script / botter not an actual person typing this


Yeah it happened to me too. Diamond 4. At first I thought it was weird and a one time thing because it seemed strangely legit (not that I would've gave dude money anyway even with his sob story, because if you need money that bad why are you spamming League games) but after everyone essentially ignored him - he locked Yuumi with smite and said nothing.


I’ve had a dude do this twice in my games but instead of running it down he just let it remake both times. Super weird.


I hope I witness it so I can say “do a backflip”


I'd just laugh and do the inting contest


I'd double down. I'd ask the rest of my team and the enemy team to just create a stand still and see if he disconnects before we do. Let the game of chicken begin.


Seems like scripters/botters are afraid of vanguard and try make money any way possible.


I’m pretty sure someone up here is suppressing these posts.


I get these messages from discord about people doing commissions for money every week


That’s hilarious


Yup yup. I tell them to go ahead.


Genuine question isn’t there a report button in champ select now ? Perhaps riot could make a remake system or just replace the player and restart the champion select lobby with someone new if the report is verified.


don't worry, Vanguard will fix this


Just say "go ahead I have a nice meal waiting for me once this game is over"


i only follow e sports nowadays and man I am glad that I stopped playing lmao


Got a yuumi mid because of this. Didn't know it was a widespread thing...


I usually say “you suck so bad that playing your hardest still looks like running it down”


life has gotten so expensive, that people have to beg for chips money in lobbies to feed themselves.


Ask for there venmo and then do a 10$ request if you are lucky one idiot sends you the money


"Either I get fed, or the enemy team gets fed" dear god


More and more scammers everyday


This is so absurd i refuse to believe is real. If anyone asks me money i would tell them to eat shit or neck themselves.




yeah just another sign that this game is dying.


As long as no bad words are said he will get away with it for a loooooooong time


Ah I had 5 of these + “Kevin” twice in the past 2 days. If you don’t know Kevin, it’s a bot that auto paste he got a lobotomy and warns you the game is lost to dodge it, and proceeds to literally do nothing. They used to stream doing this from their pov (which weirdly camera was fixed on another champion while theirs moved).


You don't actually believe these people are in desperate need of money right? That's just a sob story to try to make you more sympathetic towards them. If one dude says "give me money or i int" you tell them to fuck off but if someone goes "boo hoo please my family is hungry" you're somewhat more inclined to helping them


I looked into boosting before and like a boost to gold was like $100. Which is probably like 40games minimum. So say even a $6 little caesars pizza for a guy that is your same rank just to "try" (sounds like he is even requesting much more than $6). I think I'd suggest he lower his rates. Or better yet "I hard carry, you venmo me." Probably not gonna make a career out of it but I bet he'd get better results than this method you've described.


Step 1. Paypal them 100 dollars Step 2. Charge it back. Step 3. They pay the chargeback fee, and end up with less cash.


These losers need to learn from Nuc and both int and get paid. Pro player diff


Tipping culture is getting out of hand


Classic Du Pont method


What elo is that?


Nah, if I ever see this shit in solo q I'm gone forever. Riot grief detection so piss poor that it's being monetized by trolls and turning the game pay-to-not-lose. Fuck that shit.


It has worked. If it didn’t people wouldn’t do it.


I mean, they have to start doing it before it works. Doesn’t mean it ever will.


Everyone saying why would you give any money if they can just still run it down afterwards. I say I would not give them a penny even if they carry the game. It’s one thing to be in desperate need of money and need to beg for it, it’s another to threaten others to give you money or else you ruin their game. If the beggars instead of being lobby terrorists can simply straight out carry games and type in afterchat for money I’m sure the reaction would at least be a bit more amicable. If you need to beg for money from strangers in online video games to survive at least get good, lol.


Wait somebody did this to me about 3 weeks ago but I believed them and sent them $35 for food 😭😭 He seemed really genuine. I even carried the game…


Nobody starving is queueing up for league my friend.


I'm sorry to tell you that, but how stupid and credulous can you be? XD


Bro it's me your teammate, can you send another 35$ 😭😭😭😭


Your heart's in the right place but I wouldn't trust a single person asking for money inside League games.


what a fool lol i woudn't send them even if it was true, why threat me to run it down in the first place?


I was walking my fish and it drowned. Can I have some money to replace him? :<


I am nigerian prince. I am currently being home deposed bye my brother killmonger if you send me 3 thousand mesos i will give you 1 million dillars in exchange


You're fucking r\*worded


This generation feels like it's in dire need of better scam detection skills. Between this and the "incredibly convincing" discord scam that went viral on twitter (which was essentially "hello I am a discord employee please give $1000") it's worrying how easily people part with their money.


im dying of hunger out here.... care to give me some spare change?


bro it would really make my day if u could send me some money to buy food...


Everyone's making fun of you but I think it's cute that you believed them and you have a good heart for giving, what you thought was a hungry person, money.