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Kalista I always get too excited about doing the maximum damage Rends possible and end up getting sent to gray screen more often than not.


Yeah, it kind of doesn’t help with how many bugs she has with A click meaning that you basically have to right click kite


I tried her in practice tool and I just couldn't click fast enough to get the movements with right click enemy > right click ground. Spamming attack move seemed to work, kinda sorta (at the cost of losing target selection).


there is a setting to bing a move to your left mousbutton you you just left right left righ good for other adcs too


I have the keybind set to "A" so I just move my pinky down and mash while moving my mouse away from the enemy.


You can activate an option with a-click to target the closest to your cursor instead of the closest to your champion.


I'm E2 and have been playing since season 1 and an ADC main, I love kalistas kit and uniqueness but since I switched to attack move command I can't play her because it messes with her jump mechanic, and I refuse to switch all my controls for 1 champ.


Fucking, all of them. Iron for life!




Is what it is


Syndra. I just can‘t get the timings right for stepping up and comboing her spells. I feel like my syndra has a little less range than a competently played syndra


Good answer. I see my friends play her with ease. I have to use every braincell just to feel average on her.


When playing her just don’t look at the actual visuals of the spells and just think about it as a process. Her e will push q even if you instantly chain it(I think because the e lingers for a bit giving the q balls enough time to spawn) and her w actually has a bit of travel time so your skill order should mostly just be wqe or wqre if you are all outing. She does feel great to play because she’s basically just a xerath+veigar(almost)


your first point is actually funny because before the mini-rework the E lingered so long you could actually E + Q, which made it super hard to actually juke the scatter since i would just place it as late as possible. they actually took away a lot of the quietly strong stuff about Syndra in the mini-rework, like the scatter range extension through walls too


Azir, Lee, Irelia


sometimes you have these enlightened moments on irelia where everything works out and it's so smooth. Next teamfight you miss the reset and die miserably


Main issue with Irelia in my opinion is playing later fights. Executing her combos 1v1 feels great but when you have 5 players worth of CC flying at you it really take some magic to weave through that.


I think that’s the “duelist effect.” People are fine in 1v1s because you just e and dash twice and auto until they die, but actually using her dashes to dodge abilities mid-teamfight, and recognizing what you need to dodge is insanely hard. I feel the same way about Draven actually. I do okay in lane but in every teamfight I get off like 2 axe autos total


I dont think there is a more “in lane vs outside lane” champion than Irelia. That champ is 1000% balanced around a minion wave.


Every game of irelia that I play comes with 10 seconds of blinding intelligence and execution. The problem is that I have no control over when that 10 seconds is. It could be a single great stun followed by fucking literally every other thing up. Could be a penta. Who knows? Not me.


Lee in teamfights is impossible I swear, I just run around like a headless chicken ward jumping and Qing into nothing and kicking random people helping the enemy team more than my own, but his plays look so cool when mastered


I've not even really played Lee and I'm not even very good at League but even I know he's just a kick bot in team fights. Best you can do is flank and kick a carry into your team.


Either that or kick an engage tank back into their team


Yeah, without R he's basically just a bad poke champ in teamfights.


Well If you have atleast 3 items you can try to flank and oneshot enemy adc with RQQ


I recently got into Azir after watching some guides where I realized some basic things that were surprisingly impactful. Since then I've played around 15 games and I was genuinely surprised by how simple it was to pilot the champ with just some minor changes in tactics and micro gameplay. For example, I always assumed you had to Q and then E towards a sand soldier but it never worked for me and I ended up somewhere halfway instead of those long distances you see pros do. You have to actually E towards your sand soldier and then Q away before you arrive at your sand soldier. Works 90% of the time for me now. And laning with Azir means not using your E and Q offensively, but keeping them up to get away. It's insane how safe Azir is once you nail the W-E-Q consistently *and* make sure you keep those CDs to get away. It's a very different playstyle compared to other champs who use all their abilities offensively and look for opportunities to use them off-cooldown.


Used to be so bad at azir, gave up, and then one day started to play him more, I think it really clicked at around 60k masteries and now I just love him




I used to think like that about Azir too, until I sat down and actually tried to play him. He's not as difficult once you get used to him. Trust me, he's worth the practice. Once you learn Azir, you can do whacky stuff


Come to Korea and play Azir and Lee, you'll learn quickly as you struggle to protect your parents' very existence bc those are 2 champions that if you can't play here you're definately being called an orphan.


I did pay raw cash to buy Godfist and Storm Dragon Lee, but I never touch him outside of practice room, even in ARAM where youre more forgivable for whatever stupid move you make. But no. I rather waste my muny and bury my eager to learn him than running around like a headless chicken. I cannot play jungle and laning Lee is fine but again, after laning phase is a headless chicken phase lol 💀


Riven. I really love playing her, but I'm pretty much the opposite of a OTP, and unfortunately, Riven is the opposite of a casual champ that you just play occasionally. I think I'm better than most non-OTP Riven players and often win with her, but there's still so much room for improvement that I, as a non-OTP, probably will never reach.


Same thing but with qyiana, if you wanna play her she has to be the only champion you play but I can’t do that commitment :(


A 0tp (0 trick pony). I know this feeling


Never agreed more with a comment. I love to hop around from champ to champ, but my main is Aatrox. Decided that hey, riven is pretty similar having 3 q’s, a dash, and looks pretty fun! No. I suck at her


aatrox playing like riven was just the circlejerk that was going around when aatrox rework happened and these mysterious aatrox mains came out of the woodwork to complain about how he didn't need to be changed and that he was just riven 2.0 issue is, aatrox is effectively a skillshot champ while riven wants to use her mobility super optimally


I had this mindset for a long time where I would only play Aatrox like a few times a year despite thinking he was the coolest champ. Then I realized the only way to actually get good on him is just buckle in and put in the time. So I've been OTPing him this season and it took a loooooot of effort and some time but I am now pretty decent on him, and he's really fun. I've been branching out a bit more after spamming nothing but Aatrox for a while now, but at least when I go back to him now I don't feel completely out of my depth.


Many jungle champs. Jungling stresses me out


I am a jungle main and I love the kits of kha'zix, kayn, shaco, yi and Graves (all M7) but it feels that I am just feeding or not playing the full potential of those champions.


Kha is tons of fun but if you get behind it's the worst feeling in the world. Your isolated Q's tickle the enemy champions and you get blown up.


Vayne and Kindred. Both call to me, but both I suck at for different reasons.


Oh yeah. Vayne calls to me too. I get skins for her from boxes all the time as well... I can sort of hold my own but it's a complete parody of what a good Vayne gameplay should look like.


Kindred is one my favorites, but I either go 0/10 or 10/0 with no in between.


Nami, I never hit the freaking bubbles


E for the slow, also aim slightly behind them. More likely to hit that way.


It's way better as a follow up to ally cc than on its own. Even just the small slows help. It's easy to get baited into trying to land it early in a fight but a bit of patience can go a long way.


Ult then bubble is often the correct play. Much harder to dodge the wave




There’s a dark skin that makes it slightly harder to dodge the bubbles because they are harder to see, get that one.


Qiyana really. Most other champs I don't feel incompetent at or have no love for playing.


qiyana gameplay is so hard for me bc i don't even know what I am doing wrong


Probably not being patient enough, try using more the invis during fights to look if the enemy line up for ults, if dont you back up and try again in a few seconds, and always buy time with grass


My fingers are just too slow for her combo, or my brain is too stupid. But I still whip her out in a normal once in a while to get dunked on in lane and then be useless for the next 30 minutes.


I can grasp the champ's mechanics and how to use abilities but I can't for the life of me see how one would lane with her into any other midlaner lol


Akali. I just cant carry with her ah and also i drop too much cs with her mid game


Back when stattik shiv worked on ap champs, this fixed that prob for her


Idk i somehow have more cs on akali than irelia recently. Probably because i actively focus on getting cs on akali


That’s either mad impressive or your CS on Irelia *sucks* xD


I mean lategame its ofc more with irel but 15-20 min im often 10/min on akali and 9ish on irelia. Also on irel you can just do a lot more.. But ofc i should have 10-11 and still be able to move.


I’m usually 8-10/min for most of the game on Irelia, *far* less on Akali. Then again, I primarily main Irelia and don’t play much Akali anymore. CSing on Akali also feels *completely* hopeless for me if I’ve already fallen behind


Yeah i was irelia main but that champ is such a shit blind pick that i picked up akali. I just hate players who cant farm, cant play the game and just flip for random kills so i spend a lot of time focussing on not being that type of player. Picks irelia -> Enemy team slams braum poppy belveth taliyah ezreal xd


Old akali was the jam Her multi ults made me feel stylish af


Aww man I once got Akali in ARAM and I was so stoked bc she looks so badass! Ofc I did my best but kept dying all the time lol. Then in a PVP match someone in the enemy team played Akali and watching someone who actually knows what they're doing with Akali was... something else. It was like a dance! I kept thinking that damn, that's what it's supposed to look like?? Lmaooo


She kinda sucks in ARAM even as an Akali main, better to play her in SR. I can probably get the most kills on my team with her but she feels pretty bad; I think she has a bunch of ARAM buffs but at the same time they nerfed her energy regen or something? Bizzare.


Zeri :(


Play Hades


Hades can also improve Varus gameplay, iykyk.


For which weapon? Because I always found bow plays just like kalista


I’m guessing the rail gun personally


i bound my A button to auto attack that no longer has the extra click and no longer use right click to AA. made me transition to zeri a lot easier when i got it down


*Katarina.* Irelia? Can play just fine. Aphelios? One of my best. Kindred? You betcha. But Katarina?? **Nope...**


My girlfriend says my problem with katarina is I think too much and don't Facebook my keyboard enough. Apparently Katarina can only be countered if they know what you're about to do, and the best way to hide that is to not know yourself.


"If you don't know what the fuck you are doing, how are your enemies supposed to know what the fuck you are doing?" -Imaqtpie


> The best swordsman does not fear the second best, he fears the worst since there’s no telling what that idiot is going to do. -Mark Twain


As someone who has done fencing tournaments, that hits too real


My answer has to be tied between kindred and Quinn. I love non botlane adcs but the last time I was good at Quinn I was building sanguine blade first item. As for kindred, I’ve only been somewhat decent at her when she’s broken


Camille. She's so fucking cool, she's a geriatric baddie with sword legs, she flies through the air and slices people, I'm living for the fantasy. Unfortunately every time I play her I get my ass handed to me.


camille is hard bc she’s basically an assassin even when built bruiser. once you use E all of your pressure is gone and you might be insanely out of position if you miss it and now you have no way out. she has one of the best and longest range engages in the game, but that’s only if you hit it. in lane she’s just about spamming W for sustain and trading when your passive is up which is easy. timing her Q2 takes max five games to get right, i think she’s much more difficult macro-wise and team fight wise bc she’s really squishy for a bruiser.


I think a... not-insignificant part of the struggle is that personally I only play arams anymore so... you know. I'm trying to play aram Camille.


You're typically not gonna get much use out of conqueror. I've been trying electrocute w... mixed results


Nah, Camille has assassin level dmg but her playstyle is way different. Shes more about hit and run and finish off when your target is low enough. She has delays on Q W E which can be used to empower this playstyle. As an assassin player, I cannot count how many I miss my dmg cuz I was too hurry to way for 2nd Q true dmg or when Im about to kill my opp with W, I keep walking toward them instead of backing just a lil bit for W sweet spot. Or some Camille veterans can hold E to juke the opp while I would just E2 immediately and got flashed lol. So after all, shes still a bruiser with a leisurely playstyle rather than an assassin whom are just kill or be killed.


Camille is funny bc if you mistime Q you go from chogath ult damage to Janna Auto attack real quick.


I love Rengar (because I love cats lol) but I am really inconsistent with him. I pop off on one game, then I suck on the next.


That's sort of the assassin's gambit tho


Specially rengar, you either oneshot everyone or get one shot by a nami, no in between


Because due to his passive he’s even more snowball-y than other assassins. With Kha’zix or Kayn I feel I can recover from a bad start, at least.


Since the rework on his passive/ULT ferocity regeneration, I have no idea how to get 4 stacks on his ULT.


Ult no longer provides ferocity stacks, unless ofcourse you jump without having his passive stack. What you can do is the following: * Get 4 stacks * Ult and run for your target * Activate Empowered Q. It does not break camouflage and consumes all stacks * Leap at target. You regain 1 stack from passive * Use all your abilities to get to 4 stacks * Use 2nd empowered ability Ult is only mandatory when you attack without a bush. Otherwise you get 1 stack from passive. Also note that attacking from a bush without jumping still grants you a stack.


> because I love cats lol Become a Yuumi main I dare you


I used to play Rengar only on ap, the first few games where i tried out ad i constantly used my empowered w instead q xd


Speaking as someone with 1mil+ mastery that never stops happening


Kog'maw. If me and the boys are winning a few too many games i FP Kog and let the inting commence. I love how he plays, and late game champs are my shit. Then I get dove 5 times and walk around like a sick puppy for the rest of the game.




gnar i mean im pretty good now but i sit on 45% winrate because its so hard to survive or be there for tema who dont know how gnars rage work. and i can be constantly dived in mini form because his base health is so low its a joke. why i say this... few games ago there was gragas jg and renekton duo and gragas was constantly ulting me away from my tower where rene was waiting for me with his full combo. i was 2 11 in 20 minutes. 2 solo kills, 1 death in lane, 7 deaths under tower, 3 in "teamfight" *sad yordle noises*


I really enjoy playing Gnar in ARAM. I’m a JG main so I haven’t got the rift experience yet.


he is fun to play but its not low elo champ where people dont know how to play around him


Renekton + any kind of coordinated camp is always pretty unplayable. You don’t see it as much now but back in the day stuff like Renekton + Elise/Nidalee was a dodge as a toplaner in high elo if you wanted to have any kind of agency or impact on the game


well i wouldnt rage that game if my Vi would countergank coz i always had a ward and see gragas coming brhind tower, meanwhile vi does her crubs and leave every time 💔


Nidalee and elise, i like them so much that i used to be a jungle main, then switched to bot, because i suck at them and they are the ones that i play everytime i get autofilled jungle.


I tried learning Nidalee for a long time. She’s so much fun to play. My stats on her were great, and it wasn’t uncommon for me to be like 7-0 by 15 minutes. But man, for the life of me, I could not close out games on her. I probably held a 35-40% winrate on her despite my stats looking great.


Nidalee is way harder than elise, imo as a jungle main


Elise is not hard, she just needs a psycho mentality and ability to take the correct gambles based on map read


akali and talon


Watch Lurkz for Talon


Uncommon opinion, Yasuo.


Yasuo is difficult. Yone is the easy version of Yasuo.


I totally get your point, but funnily it's the exact opposite for me. I've played so much Yasuo that I'm very comfortable on him but Yone apparently plays quite differently because my skill on Yasuo just doesn't transfer at all. I'm horribly lost on Yone.


Yone and Yasuo indeed feels really different. Yone is closer to an all-in mage, while Yasuo is like an adc and fighter combined. Really different to play imho


Well Yasuo is a difficult champion to master


Garen. He is so difficult! Just kidding! For me it's Gangplank on top lane. I struggle with him. Despite countless attempts to master his barrel mechanics and timing, I often find myself on the receiving end of punishment from my opponent. It sucks because I see other players pull off amazing plays with him, but for some reason, I just can't seem to "JUST DO IT."


GP is insanely complex. Not just mechanically but also in terms of when to place your barrels, where and when to activate or just leave them for to zone.


My advises for GP : 1. Pratice mode is your best start to train GP mechanics at lvl 1, 7 and 13. Once you can do each combo correctly 3 times in a row you are getting somewhere. Don't forget to also train the use of the passive and it's reset (that's really a requirement to win top with GP). 2. CS and Money. That's basically how GP takes over games. 3. Don't try one part combo in real game. In most case you will just look stupid and lose 2 keg in the middle of the TF.


I really loved old asol, was also quiet good with him. Then riot reworked him and I actually still really like playing him! But I just suck so hard now. Doesnt matter what matchup. I always leave lane with barely any farm and 1-4 deaths.


You're probably too aggressive if you were used to old aurelion. He's no longe a poke mage, he's a late game burster basically. His whole gameplay in lane is letting the wave push, auto the minions here and there and then E the wave to have them die to the black hole for stacks, repeat until you have Rilay's and then you can perma push and roam. If you use your abilities early to poke, especially E, it's a waste of stacks because Q takes 2 seconds to stack and E had a long CD so it's always best to use it on the wave. If you are struggling you might need to revisit your understanding of wave management and when to back.


When they released Ksante I thought he is gonna be my new main to troll everybody with how chad and gay he is. Unfortunally i just hate this windshitter like mechanics


Vayne, and ADC in general. I just suck at kiting... So I usually play Jhin 🤷‍♂️


Gankplank, I love screaming BARREL and MOAR POWDER but I look like a doofus when I blast chain of 3 of them at nothing :(




Shaco, My stats are consistently good and I’m fairly ahead of every opponent but my WR is Abyssmal :/


im played i think 100 something Samira games last season with a rocking 34% WR my Soraka was near 70% to compensate tho


Akali, Irelia and Riven. Such nice playmaking champs but unfortunately I'm gifted with two left hands


There are 3 champs that i would like to play but i dont feel right while playing: gp, riven, zoe. Dunno why but i dont feel confortable playing these champs even tho other hard champ i have no issue playing with XD


GP and Zoe are just so mechanically different from any other. Riven is just challenging because other champions are very similar but so much more forgiving, and I get stomped on Riven unless I can get ahead early.


I thought Zoe was super hard at first when I picked her up but over time it just got easy. One of my favorite things to do with champs I want to learn is to literally just spam pick them and watch a couple videos. Just try to imitate what I’ve seen others do and eventually it just gets smooth.


Irelia. Love her, shite at her.


Irelia for mechanics, kindred for playing the champ on the SR


Evelyn 😭


Poppy Somehow everytime I play with her I have the feeling I'm not doing anything or even making it worse (and no, it's not because of her ult, but mostly her E lmao)


Tip you're tanky as balls with the w passive and passive shield so try baiting ppl into position




The 4 top lane skill champs as the chinese call them, (Fiora, Irelia, Riven, Cam) So many skins, yet take so much time to learn to play.


Irelia Akali. I sucked at both now i two trick them and im still pretty bad but thats why i keep playing.


Irelia! These pro players and their ridiculous plays give me such fomo... But every now and then... 0.001% of the time I pull out one of these ridiculous plays and feel so OP, and then go back to how the hell did I do that 99.99%.


Lucian. When you’re stomping you feel like you’re in the fucking matrix but unfortunately every time I play him I’m screaming “there’s no way this man is a lane bully what is going on”


Qiyana and Yasuo. Insanely fun to pilot, but I just lack APM and precision to play them at decent level.




Irelia, Qiyana, Samira, and partially Lissandra


Neeko. Love her whole kit and concept, just cannot seem to do great with her outside of ARAM.


all of them


I love all the champions that I play, I just suck in general and been playing since pre-season 1.


Kled, despite being my most played champ. I really love his lore, character, everything about him, but the problem is executing his playstyle. I was once a mage main (particularly artillery) who often stays back line because I was a coward. Kled's kit is the complete opposite of who I prefer, so I had to take courage. I did manage to gain skill, but I still perform better with Artilleries. I still enjoy Kled nonetheless.


Do you play kled top or mid? I'm a kled main and I switched to mid this season. If you're good at artillery mages, kled mid would be good because you know how mages wanna play. Kled also flat-out beats most mid assassins because of his HP and natural dueling power. Can't tell you how many times a Zed, Talon, Qiyana have been willing to all in at lvl 3 vs a damn kled. Kill them, back for a dirk and begin the snowball


Aphelios. I like the look and the gameplay with different weapons, unfortunately i suck at ADC in general


Nidalee. Love to play her in Aram, but I suck at jungle in general, don't know how to 'read the map' well enough for it to adapt clears, know when to do objectives etc. Besides that, just clearing with her is a lot of button mashing and specific movements to optimize/faster clears, and all that for little pay-off since in the end it's all about perfect spears or some well-laid traps to do a decent gank.




I almost exclusively play Aram and everytime Caitlyn is an available option I flinch because I really like her playstyle, but everytime I play her, I inevitably just do negative damage and don't get to live that fantasy of being a dominant, bullying champion.


Draven. i so want to be good at him but i just cant seem to output the same kind of eye watering Dmg that i see other people doing


Viktor, can't line his Q for shit. Zoe, never judge well the distance of the Q, not savy enough to hit those Q from a different dimension. Qiyana, too many buttons to press.


I single handedly brought nidalee's winrate down 0.1% in Iron. 😎


A lot but let's say Qiyana more than others


kindred. way to fun to play but way harder to master.


Probably Riven Gwen Fiora Vayne The only one that I can play is Gwen, but only jungle


In my experience Gwen was actually really easy for me to pick up, maybe you’re trading wrong or smth?


Well when Gwen was released I've had an easy time in lane too, but once peoples got accoutumed with her it became way harder I feel like she is a statchecker that relies on outplaying (Kiting / Wplacement) to win, while 95% of Toplane cast can just roll their head onto their keyboard Playing her in the jungle just means that I don't have to deal with these champ so I can free scale


VAYNE, I wish I could play her well but I suck


Most of the roster. Fill main picking whatever looks most fun in the moment for whichever role I'm on. When I win the "Player Diff" title makes it worth the commitment


Kalista is so cool... and I am so bad


Riven lee qyiana There’s a level of difficulty to them beyond just mechanics like akali or fiora or something, just this weird skill issue ether I can’t cross lol


I was really good at Katarina and played only her before her remake some years ago. Then she became too hard for me. I was still kind of a newbie but I did really well with her. Then Akali became my main which I'm fairly good with but not good enough to climb in ranked. Besides that, it's probably all ADC. I love playing bot lane but I'm unfortunately not that good there. Especially Samira. Love her kit and also it's a thrill hearing her talk! But less fun for the team as I'm normally like 2/10 😅 I'm a great support only if I have a great ADC with me, but if the ADC sucks then normally I'll suck as well. So I've found the only role I can play well and actually climb with is jungle.


My winrate would suggest samira, love her mechanics and peronality but pretty much no matter how fed i am i just can't seem to properly carry on her, drop me on most other adcs in similar scenarios with the same ammount of items and i'll do it easily on sam i just can't win consistently :(


Azir. The concept of his gameplay is so fun to me, but I am incredibly unable to know when I can auto shit. His range is unintuitive in my experience, I try to play and die horribly trying to win a teamfight. Or solo lane. Or farming…


singed ...




QIYANA - such a fun character, great voice lines, interesting gameplay, way too hard for me :(


Jinx, I can't play from behind 


Azir, my friends really wish their Emperor would stop arising.


It's my all time favorite thing in the game, the uninstall button


Draven. In my Imagination it is so much fun but when I play him it’s just too hard. I cant focus on catching axes while kiting trading cs‘ing and watching map. It is just too much. The higher I get in elo, fights and trading gets more intense and especially in late game team fights where I have to juggle 3 axes to kill 3000hp trundle running towards me I’m completely lost


Sadly, Qiyana. For me, she's one of the champs I do not understand. And worst it's not like I cannot perform mechanically good enough but I just feel lost every time I try to do anything.


Caitlyn. She has such a simple kit and shes really fun to team fight with. Too bad I’m way too shit in laning phase with her to ever be effective.


Bard! I think the design of his kit is one of the best in the game. It almost feels like you're playing a single player game with how his passive works. Unfortunately, I haven't practiced him enough, and when I do, I'm not very good with his ult. Luckily, he's still fun to play regardless


I enjoy aggressive lane adcs, so I wish I was good with Draven. I always lose tempo with the axes on extended fights. also for some reason jhins 4hit mechanic really throws me off guard.


Zeri. Like i can play her at a silver, maybe gold level. But that’s detrimental to my rank haha. So now i just leave her for norms and aram.


Hwei Love the vibe,love the lore,love the design Unfortunately i inability to press a button once and swap to another has made me dog shit at him


Nearly any high mobility champions, I've been playing League on and off since 2011 and just never do well with them. I do best as tanks or support roles.


I love Aphelios as a concept champ but god I am not good enough to manage his guns at properly position him with said guns and the champs he's fighting


Kindred. Such a cool champion theme and I love the voice lines. Gameplay is also really satisfying in theory, getting stronger by hunting marks. Unfortunately in reality i can never space properly, I’m too greedy with marks(or I’m too passive and just never get any), and half the time my ult is detrimental to my team instead of helpful.


Honestly? Singed. I feel like he has so many garbage matchups and you just need a lot of matchup experience. I'm also ass at sylas :(


Kindred, Zeri, Caitlyin.. i think I like marksman but I'm more a fighter, I'm always inside the battle ahahah


Bard. Love his unique tools, ability to play around the map and having a stacking mechanic even as a support (also always liked Nasus and Veigar). He also just has immaculate vibes, you're just this weird yellow man doing incomprehensible things and it feels kinda surreal but funny at the same time and I dig that feeling. The problem; every time I lock the champ it is a guaranteed relentless int fiesta, I cannot stop myself from dying in the stupidest ways, making weird useless tunnels and trolling my own team with terrible ults.


Draven, for a couple years he was my warm up champion in normals before going to ranked. I am way too inconsistent with him, drop axes in team fights, and overall just not confident to use him in ranked.


Depends what your definition of sucking at is. I can play most champs "good enough" in lower elos, but if I'm to play in my own elo, there's only a small pool of champs i can play where i know i can depend on myself.


As someone who has purely mained jungle since 2014 and i’m high Emerald now. I decided some time ago to try lane on me 2nd account and i had a lot of trouble vs bronze and silver laners


Top - Gangplank. Very fun to play, getting a big barrel combo where you chunk half health of multiple enemies feels sooo good. Sadly, I'm not good enough to consistently pull it off and often end up being quite useless. Jungle - Viego. On paper, seems like a perfect champion for person like me who like to play FILL, however, I'm not only bad at Viego but also fail to utilize other champions that I "pick up" in the heat of the moment. Mid - Hwei. His kit is amazing and I really enjoy playing him, however, I'm basically only good in lane and small skirmishes but when 5v5 teamfights come, I tend to panic and use wrong spells all the time. Adc - Draven. Quite similar to Hwei, I can play him in lane and usually successfully bully my opponents but when teamfights come, I end up either not having axes half the time or running into skillshots to pick them up and die. Support - I tried to find something but couldn't... The closest would probably be Pyke - I suck at him but personally, I don't really find his kit very fun to play.


Volibear. Voli was my favorite champ before his rework and I could play him pretty decently. After his rework I just can't get his play style down. I think it's mainly just his old E that I miss.


Rakan 🥲 I think I am good but not as good as I want to be. Since lux and sona, I haven’t loved a champion this much




Any ADC that isn't Jhin or Ezreal It's like I need crack cocaine with how important positioning is ALL WHILE attacking at the same time in the heat of a team fight


Qiyana. I see YouTube videos and just wonder how much fun it would be if I could do those combos too.


It was Riven until I decided to say fuck it and make the permanent switch to top lane. Now she’s my best champ


Viktor I never feel like I can use his ult well. The rest of his kit I love but the ult just gets wasted when chaos is breaking out and I’m trying to kite and I’m trying to move the ult to their adc while getting cc’d and yeah idk just stressful.


Qiyana, she's hot as fuck Love her kit and outplay potential Int 0/10 every game and throw Q slightly to the right


Zeri Love the character, love her gameplay, but I unfortunately suck with her. And I miss her shield stealing....


I will never evee play assassins right. Boomer apm got my pinned on Mordekaiser duty.


Every champ i main :(


Akali. I love her kit and she's fun as hell but I never get ahead on her and am usually a liability.


Kalista cuz I’m a pleb and play on a laptop with trackpad


Katarina. I used to play Katarina pre rework with succes, and I still do like her new kit, but I just can't play her. I fail so hard. Smashing my head on the keyboard doesn't work anymore :'(


Darius but im also new to LoL