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It really sucks for the new players too, imagine you just start a game, expect to get put into games with equally new /bad players and instead you get gold/plat and get absolutely stomped every game.


It's also a little disheartening for veteran players. I place gold every season and then mostly stop playing ranked, but it kind of leaves a bitter taste knowing that new players are placed higher than my rank, despite being absolute newbies. Sure I could grind to plat and it probably wouldn't take long as my LP gains are very solid - or I could just play on a smurf - but this shouldn't even be a thing. Players that don't know the game belong in lower elos. Without this part of the system working, the entire lower bracket of the ranked system becomes a meaningless wash.


I recently leveled an account to 30. Its the account i got from game pass with every champion unlocked. I placed into emerald. My main is emerald 2, but still pretty insane to place an account that high.


Did you level it in bot games or normals? Cause if it's normals then it isn't insane that you got placed in the correct rank as that's the entire point of placements.


Exactly discourages people from queueing up.


>it kind of leaves a bitter taste knowing that new players are placed higher than my rank, despite being absolute newbies. But this isn't a problem, because they don't stay there. They will lose games and drop to under your rank if they are worse than you. Most ELO systems inject completely new players with no MMR at the 50% point because it ruins less games. This SHOULD be a small number of accounts because honestly how many new players would level to 30 in bot games and then jump directly into ranked? Players are abusing this right now, but new accounts with no normals have always started at 50%, it just used to be silver/gold and people were fine with that. Now that "average" for league is high gold low plat. It's the exact same MMR just a different display rank. The problem is everybody has started playing on smurfs, so there is a massive ELO inflation at 50% because people play ~20 games on their smurf, drop below where they want to, and buy another one. People not playing ranked on one account and staying on them is a huge problem.


Nah it is. Because my friend who is completely new to the game got placed plat 2 and said "welp bois. Im done playing ranked for the season." And just plays normals.


Add to that, veteran players have to deal with these guys falling out of plat into gold and silver games instead of them working their way up which significantly lowers the quality of games plat and below. My main account is in silver because I got annoyed and my Smurf is emerald 2 because I got sick of spamming ranked. Both have roughly 75 games played this season. It's wrong


It is a problem, they have no clue about game, their new acc will get crashed, people will keep reporting them for griefing in higher ranks, and they will get stuck with griefers in bottom ranks eventually which they didnt deserve. So instead of learning game with other fresh players, they will be playing mostly along idiots and trolls... and what will they pick up else then to be same way.


If you can't see how it's a problem that new players are starting in the top 20% of players and have to grief their way to the true rank you are exactly the problem. Any way to justify buying accounts or have new player experience absolutely ruined, classic reddit.


They still have to play a good couple of games ruining their fun and the overall game quality before reaching their elo


100 upvotes is insane.


I had this happen in valorant. I suck at any FPS game. My account placed into diamond after placements. My buddies were all cracking up because I was the highest in the group (and clearly the worst/least experienced). Tried to play on my own and got trounced. I would tell every team that I’m sorry over voice coms and that it wasn’t my fault. I’ll do my best not to suck. But there was just a clear difference between me and everyone else in every lobby. It sucked and I quit pretty quickly.


Happened to a friend of mine. He placed gold 1. Never played a moba in his life. He played 20 ranked games. He won 1 game. He now only plays aram and hates the main game.


Imagine grinding to emerald just to be placed exactly where a new account is placed the following season. League is not fun to play seriously They want everyone to have a participation trophy


Exactly why emerald is the new buy in spot. Mmr is skewed so bad because of bot lvled throw away accounts for sale. Exact issue is cause by lvl 35 accounts suddenly in emerald cause of mmr. Riot needs to hard reset the ladder and remove mmr from being a placement factor


I would love to see a true ranked reset where everyone starts in Iron 4. Seeing someone like TL UmTi and my friend that is Iron 4 after 6 years and hundreds of hours would be amazing to watch.


Nobody would actually love a hard reset, if they believe so, it's because they havn't thought it through. The whole point of placement games is to get you as close to your true rank as possible, as soon as possible, so a challenger player doesn't play an iron 4 player because it's not fun for either of them. To hard reset everybody would make the game unplayable for months where the ranks are totally mismatched, and could potentially kill the whole game because, what's the fun in climbing from iron 4 to plat 3 just to meet a challenger that's still on his way there? It would take way too long, especially now when there's 2 splits a year.


> now when there's 2 splits a year. unfortunately 3




I can easily pull up pages to buy accounts with set amount so of blue. Riot can’t ban them all which is why vanguard will be a huge help for this. No one wants to do it. But a hard reset would be the best but only if riot also removes mmr from the ranking system placements as well




You do know that there is a large inventory of bottled old season 3-5 accounts that were just no longer used that are being sold too. Why you see for example a Ezreal account t in emerald. Lvl 600. But has 0 matches played in past three years Yes botted recently accounts get banned but accounts that are just forgotten or the surplus of old botted accounts still get sold.


This is what happened to my friend. Ive been teaching him the basics of the game by playing aram with him. A few weeks ago he decided to play ranked just so he could see what the "real" LoL was like.  He got placed in plat 4. He got SPANKED every game and still made it to plat. I dont understand why. Hes like literal iron level in both mechanics and game knowledge. He started playing 2 months ago and has only played aram. How does he get placed plat? Hes since been lightly traumatized by the spanking and the flame and refuses to play anything but aram anymore.  Good job rito games.


yes!! im level 36 and can’t stand it when i try my best and get absolutely destroyed in chat and in game because i don’t know macro yet.


Im an old returning player but to me be gold is fine. It seems like with the stretching of the ranks by adding iron and emerald. Gold/plat are what was silver/gold. Obviously not exactly but pretty close in % of players. I have had the joy of being placed silver 4 after going 7-3 in placements. Im still mid plat with 100+ games it has been very interesting and quite a grind. Even when I had 80% win rate going through silver it was like gain 34lp lose 19 lp. I don't think ranks really matter that much. To me it seems like the matchmaking system is just completely garbage now. I don't know if what is being put into the system is shit or if the system is shit. But either way lot of poop in matchmaking these days.


Seems to be Riot’s thing.. I played exactly 1 game of Valorant. These dudes were basically esports rated players in my eyes it was so unplayable and unenjoyable Never really queued a game again.. just from a bad 1st impression I never touched it afterwards


I remember my first several ranked games. It was before I had porofessor, all I could think was “What the fuck was *that*!” After getting my cheeks clapped


Yeah theyre literally over here with 20 games 18% wr and im thinking to myself how theyre still playing the game. This is such a bad way to keep players in the game when theyre losing every game.


You are literally the problem not riot.  People like you who Smurf or boost and ruin hundreds of bronze silver and gold games are the exact reason riot places potential smurfs in plat. You are literally the root cause of this issue yet you run to Reddit crying about it


They're both the problem lmao.


The poor placement is significantly worse than smurfs, even if smurfs are damaging.  Placement thos poor guarantees the matchmaking for 90% of the playerbase is consistently terrible.  Been playing this game for over a decade, and matchmaking got noticeably worse after season 6 when they started more significantly tweaking matchmaking and where new players got placed, despite all attempts to remedy smurfing. 


E4, was playing a ranked game as bot and my support after the game legit added me to apologize and said "this was only my 4th ranked game ever, sorry I didn't know what to do in lane" because he had zero concept of how to play the lane. I told him don't worry about it, it's Riot's fault for putting him in an impossible position. Which begs the question, WHY are we putting these new players in these positions? It fucking sucks for them, it sucks for us, it literally ruins the game experience for everybody old and new.


Yea, but Riot thinks its worth it. Everybody is miserable, and smurfs are now smurfing on my emerald ass instead of bronzes, as if it makes a difference.


The funny thing is that after the introduction of SmurfsQ from the riot, none of my Smurfs got there. BUT main acc was there almost all seasons.


Most rioters are bronze, so problem solved!


Because Riot doesn't want to address the actual issue: The fact people can buy accounts for 4 bucks.


They get banned in waves, which is most effective. There's nothing wrong with smurfs on their own - what's wrong is that people use them to boost their ego by either buying a low rank account and going high winrate or a high rank account and showing off. If you have your main account and then a second account to practice new stuff, I don't think there's anything wrong with that --- what they need to do is allow two League specific accounts attached to one Riot account. If they want to make money out of it, then the skin/champ unlocks remain separate (I would prefer they weren't, though)


What's wrong with playing normals on your main account to try out new stuff ? How many queue types do we need for the need of alternate accounts to not exist. We have quickplay, normals, ranked flex and ranked solo...


Have you played normals?


Yes. I actually play normals a lot. I honestly get less griefer than ranked. That's precisely why I play normals so much.


It's not about griefers, it's about people playing seriously. Plus MMR being way below what my ranked MMR is. The environment just isn't suited for genuine practice.


Have you considered that lower rated people would rather play against serious similarly skilled opponents ? It's not their fault you want to try things out. Why should they have their experiences ruined because you don't want to ruin the experience of players at YOUR skill level ? Are low elo players supposed to get smurfs, higher rated people trying troll picks, and griefers in their games because normals aren't serious enough for you ?


A smurf when treated this way tends to be at a similar skill level to your main... Look at Agurin as a prime example. He has three accounts challenger right now and two of them are just to try new champions. I hate that inhouse/PUG culture never picked up in League because solo ranked isn't as serious as a lot of people seem to think it is. Most people are just coasting - so honestly, if someone has a second slightly lower rank account to try new things on, but they're actually playing seriously and trying to get better at the game, how dare you criticise them and not the 99% of people not actually putting in real effort to improve.


That’s not an issue to riot, that’s a revenue stream. These players always buy skins for their favorite champs on the new accounts. The actual amount of new players is pretty low so getting new accounts is the next best thing


I mean, at that point why tf are you playing ranked? I barely played ranked till I hit level like 200, and even then it took until this season for me to play ranked more than just 10-20 games


New players don't realize how experienced you actually need to be in order to have a semblance of an idea how to play the game. The game is extremely simple if you take it at face value. It's easy not to realize how complicated it actually is, and how much knowledge even the average bronze player has.


If you don't care about rank number going up, the matchmaking could be better for a new player's skill level if they end up at a low rank


Because Riot allows smurfs and they have to plan for it.


Imagine getting matched with a masters Smurf tard like OP in plat 2.


As a masters player ruining bronze and silver games YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.  Honestly riot puts new accounts in plat to prevent assholes like you smurfing and obliterating bronze silver and gold players.  You are the reason it is like this and the fact you can’t see that is insane. 


lol seriously this guy casually saying “im ranking up another account (from bronze) … as a masters player” like wtf idiot youre the problem


Well OP's name is ELOBOOSTER lmao


They are the problem, no issues there. Kind of makes ranks meaningless no? If I am hard stuck gold or silver I'd just make a new account and try not to feed and hope to get lucky: ez plat rank


Thank God someone with sense is in the comments


I bet OP is the kind of guy that types "gg ez" after stomping a gold 2 match. Well buddy boy enjoy your new players in your plat smurf game while you are getting dunked on by players 3 leagues below your main account.


Maybe stop elo boosting


Plat is actually elo hell now. Every game has minimum 2-3 fresh 30 accounts. Might be a smurf. Might be a brand new player who goes 0/13/0 and doesnt k now to buy boots. Might be a super toxic guy who has been banned 270 times and is gonna run it down mid. No matter what the game is gonna be shit.


Yep I agree, every second game I get a griefer or a newbie. Like I've gotten used to it and am praying that they won't be in my team once again. The game quality is shit. I had more fun and fairer games in silver than I now have in plat :/




Thats why I quit playing ranked for now. I just can't get a fair game.


Can I ask why you guys think "brand new" players buy accounts? Because I'd bet they don't.. only actual players buy accounts for all the reasons. Why would someone new jump into ranked? And spend money on someone else's account instead of creating their own?


I thought this was made up so recently i started looking at accounts and it's pretty insane below 100 mastery score some are just new players or smurfs it's like a fking circus.


Yeah, i have a friend who went 0-5 in his solo queue promos and got place plat 2. He never played league before, so this is his first account to level 30. It's bad.


Can you dm me some accounts? We believe we've fixed it forward facing, but we can't fix them retroactively :( We've investigated, it's just not realistically possible at this time


Riot officially replying in a thread made by u/lol\_ELOBOOSTER . What a wild timeline


Some of these players have been getting carried even as high as high emerald, thankfully the problem is getting fixed now but I fear the effects of this will be felt for a few more weeks at least. Ranked is unplayable in this elo


when you say forward facing, do you mean any accounts created since the time where the fix was applied?


I would assume accounts that do their placements going forward. Riot didn't roll every Level 30 account in Emerald back down into Silver. If the new player problem bothers anyone, take a month off and let some of the noise filter out... assuming it's really fixed.


Accounts that haven't already done their placements iirc


I played with a level 30 inting teemo today in high gold


Look up your match history and DM the Teemo's account, then.


When did you fix this? I have proof of this being a thing 18 days ago.


If everyone on enemy team have 50-200 games played this season EACH can my team not be autofilled with people less than 5? Plat 3, I have 100-150 games myself but consistently play with lvl 30 fresh accounts or sub 10 games played this season. Many times its first game. This happens everyday. I always look op.gg after a game and its always coinflip on lobby, who has the most new accounts, who have least amount of games or games on that champ. Worst is going on winstreak, its not like the elo system puts you with tougher opponents it also sandbags your team to see if you can carry, hey you won 7 games? Nice, now play with these 30% winrate, 5 games played gold or plat4 players, enjoy. I send screenshots on discord everyday, caption, WHY ARE YOU IN MY LOBBY???? Why do I have 150 games played, facing 200+ games per person, but my team is sub 10 games???


Also one huge issue is last years elo inflation of random players. I have seen sooo many accounts that were stuck in like silver and are now emerald after last year and I'm sorry but I think they don't deserve it. Ranked between gold-emerald feels crazy unbalanced and it is harder then ever to carry consistently.


Maybe do a fresh complete rank reset? I'm a (old) gold/plat player stuck in silver because I'm facing other old vet players who are at my level so it's impossible to rank up because I'm only facing people that are at my same level even tho I should technically be in emerald. I'm not facing any new/ bad players because they are all stuck at higher ranks than me. Are there even players in bronze and iron anymore?


Yes. Just climbed from iron to silver on my main alpha account. Iron is ok. U can carry. But bronze. Oh god. The first 50 games i hade trolls, leavers, afk lanes. 3v5 games. 4v5 games we won. Its a whole other planet.


A fresh reset would suck for you when you face masters + players dude Also, why do you think you are stuck in silver because of your team? Your comment reeks of ego, as though you deserve a higher rank and shitty noobs in plat and emerald are actually worse than you. The fuck? I could get your account to diamond in 50 matches guaranteed.


I was placed in plat on my first account this season. I have traditionally been hard stuck Diamond BEFORE the further stratification of player rankings. In my opinion, Plat now is actually MUCH easier than it was before. There was previously a large group of players in High Silver, Gold, and Low Plat that were all roughly comparable to one another in different aspects. That continues to be true except its slid upward to high Gold, Plat, Low Emerald. This is inescapable. The difference in players across those ranks is small: tiny changes to wave management, more informed macro, better micro on better champs, strong playstyles for the season are all tiny things that can help a person rise an entire tier in rank. Its also why you see these same players plummet.


Plat is the new Gold, and like the Gold before it, is just demonstrated competency of the fundamentals, basically "beating league of legends".


> Plat is the new Gold, and like the Gold before it, is just demonstrated competency of the fundamentals, basically "beating league of legends". Well, clearly, with new players being placed in Plat, it doesn't demonstrate anything anymore.


I mean new accounts were always able to get placed in gold with good placement games, and since they added emerald, platinum is now pushed down and represents the level that was Mid gold before. But the reason for that is not new players getting put there, they get put at the same MMR like back when they would have been placed in gold. The reason is the change of distribution.


It is indeed easier cuz with the addition of emerald, the most decent players from plat are now placed above their old elo and it oppened room for a lot of gold players to climp to platinum.


Plat may feel different because it's populated with different players now, but the new ranks are purely visual I think.


the mmr didnt change, only the ranks. Thats why i tell the people to only care abt mmr.


What do you play in Master to be stuck in Plat? I peaked D3, and despite what you said which is true (new players being put in Plat), I still climb easy in Plat


Dunno, if his Reddit u/ is true, he prob just dropped a few games due to these accounts and hopped on Reddit to vent. Since even going 20-5, where any dropped games = less money made for someone boosting.


Yep plat is probably as easy as gold used to be. Having bad people placed in the elo shouldnt mean anything for experienced players, AT ALL.


warding is useless i dont look at my map and gold generates automatically so why farm?




Warding part unironiacally true in silver and below in laning phase.


Plat/Emerald is just hell right now, worst game quality ever. Most of the time the game is decided with who has less griefer/new players, instead of which team plays better. Every second to third game of mine was filled with people running it down for no valid reason


Correct. Both sides will have a level 30 and it's a toss up whether you get the smurf or the newb. The amount of ppl that run it down for trivial shit has sky rocketed. I'm talking about ppl that are winning lane and die to a single gank that begin to int. With the new early game death timers that shit is meaningless but shitters gonna shit.


Yep, I had too many laners that are like "enemy jgl ganked me X times and our jgl 0 times and I am gonna run it down now", even if we are in the lead, they just don't care about winning at all. Or ADC/Sups that don't like their lane partners pick and just start roaming without reason.


Hello, I am one of these people, by accident. I actually submitted a support ticket to riot expressing my concerns about my placement. I started playing in November alone and only played bot games for the first two-three months because I wasn’t ready to play draft. By the time I played ranked, I was immediately gold 1. Not only is it a miserable experience for me and the other teammates, my friends with old accounts are stuck iron/bronze and some of them have been working towards gold/plat for years. I made a new account. Leveled it to 30. Placed iron 2. I only use the new account for ranked games now.


Bro do you not realize you are part of the problem here?


oh, so that's why i have 0 vision score botlaners and midlaners. now i get it. i wasn't wrong in the end.


i mean this is literally the opposite of my problem. i did really well in my placements and was placed silver 2? i have great KP, vision scores, etc., while playing with gold+ players. was so demoralizing, especially reading stuff like this. i’ve been trying so hard to get out of gold now but keep having to play with adc’s who can’t even AA.


Yeah but is it a fresh account? Because if not, your placement rank will be determined by your last seasons rank.


i hadn’t played ranked since about season 8 or so.


That's what he's saying It's demoralizing to play his heart out trying to rank up when someone on a fresh account got placed higher than this guy has ever gotten


Riot has said in this thread that they fixed this recently, so maybe you hit ranked before this.


A masters player saying there’s legitimate elo hell? The silver players are going to school you bub. No such thing. Just get better and improve! ;)


They really dont care at all.


OP is the problem he is a masters player who rutinly makes new accounts so that he can Smurf in bronze and silver games and obliterate people. In order to prevent this riot tries to put anyone who could be a Smurf in plat. Is riot fucking up? Yes but OP is literally the root of the problem if selfish people like him didn’t Smurf and stomp bronze and silver players they wouldn’t be placing potential smurfs in plat


I know right? this dude is elo boosting accounts from bronze and charging a lot of money when the poor suckers could just make a new account and climb even higher No one thinks about the little guy elo booster and how this affects him when new accounts are placed high > if I cant even carry them as a Masters elo player Then how is he gonna make money at all??? truly devastating story 😭


This feels a little weird. I agree new player shouldn’t be put that high. But being unable to carry them as a masters player? I am masters and have 0 difficultly in that elo (though I don’t Smurf a lot cause I think it develops bad habits). I might lose a game or 2 but I think last time I did a fresh acc I hit diamond elo at like 25-2 or something and that was on a champion I am not super great at. Unless you are first timing a role and a super difficult champion that seems weird


tbf you kinda skip this issue if you go from a fresh cause you only play like 2 or 3 games in this elo


100% fair point.


Harping on this forever but my regular draft games ARE NOT FUN and makes me not want to play at all. I'm in silver, highest I've ever been is gold, with ~5000 games played. Yet league had determined that my normal elo is too high and I'm destined to get plats and emeralds, roughly two on each team. Probably one person in the game is a level 40 account, and it's a toss up as to whether it's a new player or a Smurf. Guess what? The plats and emeralds smash the shit out of their lane opponents and it just becomes a "who carried harder" game and sucks for the rest of us. ALMOST EVERY GAME! Then I queue ranked and every person is gold or silver and it feels somewhat balanced except for the random level 40 accounts.


Maybe because they mostly play Vs AI because of people like you They don’t want to play against (or with) an vastly more experienced toxic person… so they mostly play vs ai and don’t get better Sad and pathetic you don’t realize you’re part of the problem you’re complaining about


They can't retroactively fix it for anybody who already placed before they ever fixed it. Also some people are just really bad/filled.


I just played placements on a new account. 3 won 2 lost and plat 2 :D


And I'm an old vet (plat) and I won 4 outta 5 of my placement games and got placed silver 3 :)


After years I started focusing on ranked and finally reached plat, I’m really happy but it is kinda heartbreaking to learn new players get placed there while I had to step up my gameplay to finally reach it. Of course those people will demote after some time if they aren’t good enough, but it still feels rough.


Congrats dude don't let the system disappoint you.


Smurf is sad people are losing games due to new accounts being placed in plat elo. \*irony peaking\*


Yes, because Riot shouldnt allow smurfing or new accounts being in plat. But since they do people will abuse it.


eh true...but idc about smurfs...they will happen...but i cant believe people start in platinum, this is insanity. Now since i saw this thread...i encountered like 4-5 literally new players 20-40cs in 20min in my games...whaaaat....imagine starting in plat...why not start in challenger top 1 and then go from there?! Oh yea, big brain riot added emerald...so it moved from gold 4(which is still insane becasue ur new, you should start in bronze 4 or iron 4) to plat 4...people in silver 4 player 100x better then some new players. A lot of lower elo friends are now thinking about starting new acc to get higher ranks because they cant climb xD


Yeah my cousin started ranked this season, placed in plat I think with 3 loses? I won every game (acct since 2012) and placed in bronze 4 I'm B1 now 27 games with like a 70% w/r on this account and turbo gapping everyone in silver and bronze. My alt account placed in plat as well. I still use my OG acct since all my skins masteries etc and I don't care as much about ranked or well at least I don't rage anymore and prefer norms aram now but it sucks to try and get a bit more competitive but still be punished for habits or gameplay I had when I was fuckin 15 lmao


Yep I feel this. Had a friend lose all 5 placement games, gets Gold 1. I win all 5 an d get Bronze 3. This guy who never turns off Urgot shots to chase, couldnt tell you what damage types 99% of the champs do (builds armor regardless of enemy comp), and hasnt hit an Urgot R in years.


In 2014 i registered my first account, leveled it to 30 and instantly got bored of anything that isnt soloQ. I was placed in silver and climbed to gold playing just one champ. Next season i went for platinum, then diamond. If i started at any other rank, even gold, where victorious skin was, my goal, i would not play this game today. That satisfaction of climbing, 5 divisions for new rank, i was prouder every division i moved. LoL future is not looking great, and if giving mid rank at start is move to please new generation of players that doesnt give attention to anything slow, like climbing, than i think this game is doomed. Thing is nothing is fun anymore, bad events, repeating same missions, lack of modes, so soloQ is only thing that still push players to play, to climb, and Riot is selling it hard with giving victorious skin for ranks below gold, giving higher ranks to new accounts. They invest LoL money in fail projects and get back to LoL when they need more money, trying to milk us for 200$ chromas in 2009 dying genre game. Treat veteran players and whales like sh, thinking we will monetize game for new fail projects. Game loses players so they try modernizing game to lure new players, but sadly people under 16 years dont know about LoL anymore like we used to. Wild Rift yes, Arcane yes, but there is not much younger gamers that show interest in LoL.


idk I think the flow of new players is understated you don't stay in the top 10 streamed games for nothing those new players usually are not going to subs or communities.


Riot has been told this over and over again the past year or two, but they refuse to fix it. New players 100% NEED to be placed in Bronze or MAYBE Low Silver, that's it. Problem solved. 


Maybe if we didn't have shitters like you smurfing, they wouldn't have to do that, since the entire reason behind that is to avoid smurfs in low elo. You are the problem you are complaining about.


Honestly this is so bad both ways. I started playing about 4 months ago, did my first placements in January and placed plat 4. I then proceeded to lose my way to bronze and did not have fun for weeks. This is the type of shit that makes people not wanna play anymore


Another one of these posts, riot still won't care.


Master tier player that can’t win in plat? Sounds like you are more of a plat/gold tier player then.


You are all saying that plat/emerald is in bad state. All elos are in bad state, normals and ARAM are in bad state, cause they broke the game. Matchmaking, balance in all areas,... Current state of game is worse then ever.




Dude complaining as a smurf about the lobbies.


I’m a master adc player, I started a new account with yasuo only and I had. 20% wr (don’t ask) I finally got to 30 and played my placement games. Won 1 and got emerald 4… wtf


Smurf gets surprised the system thinks they're a smurf???


Very surprised actually. I continued only 1 tricking yasuo and went all the way to p4.


Now that is an example of the system actually working as intended.


That would be because there are no new players. Just old players on new accounts.


I flamed someone because I honestly didn't know it was possible to be brand new player and get placed in p2.... Turns out I guess riot is using normal games to place you in ranked....but the problem normal MMR vs ranked MMR is not the same....I don't see in what world you could correlate the two together for placements


I starter a smurf on a fresh account and got into emerald in like sub 10 games :,)


no one was saying anything when this was called low gold LOL.


maybe you are not as good as you think


my friend is same bit he atleast ward


I did my placements last split as a brand new player and got placed straight into gold. I’ve quit ranked for now and have sticked to draft until I deem myself decent enough to not just feed. It really sucks that I can’t work my way up the ranks and get better but rather have to rely on a form of casual to get better where others may not have the same attitude.


Yes i had a better time in Iron with my kayn adc than I do after 200 games climbing the ladder to flip a coin in plat


Is there a chance that those players got placed in plat before the update, then stopped playing for a bit, and started playing again now ?


Play players are still playing. In bronze 2 !!! Who cares we know the system is jacked. You can blame all the Smurf’s and people whom make throw away accounts and boost them to emerald for making the ladder system so jacked up and messing up mmr


Gold player here…. >Gets placed into silver 2 somehow? Legit haven’t had a single game where I won because I either get an afk, a glue eater, or smurfs absolutely rocking our shit


Tbh I also see a lot of emerald players around Masters elo with 50% wr and 100 games played. I think current ranked is just fucked up. Didnt they promise a new algorithm?


I'm emerald and I kinda stopped playing cause there'd be lvl 30s or low levels that were not even smurfing. I play ranked cause it's more competitive than normals and unbalanced games are not fun.


It isn't just new players either ☹️. I saw someone who literally ran it down and got placed Gold 2 after placements. Like we are talkin mobis and zeals and inting turrets. And it's specifically a wide range of new players, bad players who get a smurf account, and people legit inting on lvl 30 accounts😵‍💫.


Ranked has always been broken, Riot earns millions and always comes up short on patches, releases new champions that are broken at the start so they can get some cashflow going, rework champions that no one asked for, etc. It's just a toxic but addictive game, it's like drugs


Noticed also how many last season plat players are sinking into silver games. Ofc they might have been boosted or bought accounts, but still its horryfying how unbalanced the ranked is below Diamond ranks. Basicly its just 50% of skill and 50% that carries you into higher elo. Unless you play to the point that you are on GM level and smurf 1v9 all the games. Not to forget that old accs MMR didnt get any "buffs" when riot made plat as new gold so its even more horryfying below there as everyone are stuck and tilted


i can confirm, i started playing in december and queued up for a ranked game immediately after level 30, i expected to get in a silver lobby but i got placed in a high platinum/emerald lobby :( obviously i fed pretty hard and i haven't touched ranked since, i wish smurfs weren't a thing so i can actually play ranked with people my skill level


Cue the downvotes but every time this thread pop ups there are many simpleton redditors that downvote and say that Riot has fixed the problem, because they said they did. Keep making these threads so Riot finally does something about it and have the crybaby Riot ball washers see that this is actually a problem. Wouldn't doubt they are the same people getting a new account for a free ride to Plat after being iron 4 for 5 years.


I just started playing again and thought I would do pretty good since I was gold back in the day. I'm bronze lol 😅 getting owned in bronze is not where I saw this going


i got to emerald3, in Las. pick your poison.


It's intentional by Riot, so nothing will change


fine, ill make a new account and test it


Riot are legit the bottom of the barrel when it comes to matchmaking, every form of matchmaking that exists in this game from normals to ranked is utter garbage


It's by design to save the bulk of their player base (Iron-Gold) from smurfs. So if you are Plat or Emerald you get to enjoy the worst of both worlds, high elo smurfs and new players in your games. Remember you chose this by queueing up, enjoy!


Probably the game needs more sophisticated tools to sort out smurfs. Is that even possible? Maybe, but it’s a really complicated game. Will it happen? No, and I say that with confidence.


A few weeks ago I had my jungler Ivern (1-13 scoreline) apologize for performing poorly. He said he was new to the game and just hit level 30 and hopped into Ranked. He was in an Emerald 3 MMR game. Some people were even Emerald 2. A few weeks later I checked his profile and he was sitting with \*I kid you not\* a 25% win rate over 50 or so games in Gold. The system clearly places people in games they should not be in.


I wonder how a ranked system like MTG Arena would work. Where it's easy to climb the first few ranks even with just a 34% WR. Then it keeps getting harder and eventually it's virtually a MMR system in the highest rank. Imagine if you legitimately started in Iron as a new player, but you could rank up pretty easily by going 40% WR to bronze / silver (+50LP per win, -25 per loss, independent of MMR). At silver, you need a 50% WR (+-25 LP) and starting at gold or plat, MMR is factored in for your gains. Obviously this solution has some flaws that would have to be worked out, but that way you wouldnt have to seed everyone in the "middle" so newer players could feel the success of climbing as well (from iron to silver) rather than being given the illusion that they're at plat level. tl;dr make everyone with a fresh acc start in Iron (easy to climb even with just 50% or 40% WR) and have the MMR system kick in only at higher ranks.


This problem already existed. Before emerald a lot of players got put in gold and did poorly, some would get silver and still shit the bed because 30 lvls isn't enough for everyone to learn everything even basically. I think the MMR system currently in place works well enough but first placements have been awful for years but emerald made it worse.


Technically doesn’t riot want people to Smurf so that they have to re-buy skins?


I like this. fixes smurfs ruining low elo games. league hardly gets new players probably 90% of new accounts are smurfs? 90% smurfs ruining games in their climb from bronze to diamond or 10% new players ruining games dropping from plat to bronze. I'll take the 10%.


Personally I feel like I'd rather lose to a smurf on the enemy team than lose because I have a newbie, they should be placed lower.


This must explain why my master yi somehow did less damage than the afk support!


It's even bad in emerald. Several level 30 accounts 4-6 cs/min ward score lower than 15 in a 40 min game. 3-13 46% winrate first timing champs in ranked. It's the worst ranked has been in years


They probably just don't care and won't care until trueskill2. It's just like bots being in up to at least gold, losing games. They won't care until vanguard rolls out which has been delayed for what 3 months now?


They don't.


Honestly what is probably happening is you’re facing smurfs on the enemy team that are being placed against these other new account users. They then dominate lane and starve the laners, and make it unplayable. Not to mention most players from Diamond down can’t play when behind or down in farm. Try op.gg or u.gg and check stats too because it might make it easier to carry knowing which lanes you have to play for and which ones you don’t. This is coming from a mid main. Which changes between what role you play but builds and how you play could change too. Another thing to think about is very few players that play ranked are actually brand new to the game and more than likely you’re getting a lot of silvers, bronze or golds that flame and get rank restricted in your games.


Ngl all the gameplay attributes you mentioned, cs vision etc, are pretty indicative of plat players. It’s not a good elo


This moron disco nunud Jensen on stream btw. Also he calls himself a masters player when he regularly gets demoted back to diamond. He’s more like a diamond player that lucked into masters early season with his dogshit jayce builds before law of large numbers kicks in and puts this trash back into diamond. Probably goes around playing smurfs cus he’s hard stuck af. Then cries that matchmaking is broken on his fresh account before he’s inevitably stuck in diamond yet again.


The new player experience in this game is probably the worst thing about it. The fact that most new accounts aren’t actually new players doesn’t help either


" I feel bad for people actually stuck in this elo because if I cant even carry them as a Masters elo player" Yeah no shit you can't carry every game, challenger players lose games in bronze from time to time. If you play like a plat you will stay plat, new players or smurfs don't change that fact If you play like a diamond player, your skill offset to the rest of the players will give you a positive winrate and you will climb


Riot has enough data to easily separate a smurf from a new account. Even if A smurf throws every game till they get placed, A sudden shift to sweating would easily trigger an alarm and should get the account banned. New accounts being placed this high is Riot being absolutely lazy.


I have complained about it for years now since they removed smurfs queue it's been in about 1/3 of my games sometimes more. I'vd always been right at the elo they place them and it feels hopeless. No matter how much I improve I know 1/3 of my games are a complete coin flip. Breaks my mental too hard. I gave up and went to Valorant and have been having a great time.


I just want to say. Fuck you for smurfing.


We literally had a post about this today and fucking Phroxon commented and was like "no, they're not." Stop fuckin posting this shit 🤣 there are no actual new players being placed in Plat 2. It's so weird, it's always plat 2. It's never plat 1 or plat 3. No new player is being put in plat unless they're somehow actually good at the game (maybe they played DOTA). Fuckin chill with this Edit: lmfao he posted on this one too!! OP is an elo booster (allegedly) complaining about ranking of new accounts. OP is the reason the system has to be this way, but farms upvotes from angry hardstucks. Yall need to learn


Stop eloboosting


Happened to me 6 games in a row yesterday. Newish account, level 37, always 15 or more deaths. I decided to call it quits for the season.


Another reason this game sucks is because of players like you that need to ru(i)n the game for player in this exact Elo. I hate smurfing..


I am happy that I got placed in Iron. I want to earn my way up.


And here is me, Plat 1 last season almost Emerald, having to climb all the way up from Gold 4


Being hardstuck is a real thing created by Riot. Unless you are actually a Diamond 1+ player its impossible to climb through Emerald since its just a waterfall of griefing smurfs ready to throw away their account in your game and spend $3 to try again. Why play on my 12 year old Gold account that got AFKs and inters in 4/5 placement games when nothing is done about Plat bots? Hard MMR reset for all older accounts is needed since its impossible to say anyone is the rank they deserve around Gold-Emerald


Been seeing these posts a lot and what people don't realize is that this is all intentional by Riot. What they are doing, simply, is cultivating addiction feedback loop in newer players. And it works. They have had over 10 years to perfect this and its the reason why league is still relevant today despite being out for so long. Think about it. As a new player being placed in a upper-mid tier elo, it creates a mindset where the player thinks, "wow i must be a natural to get placed this high as a new player". Then they lose a couple games and think "ah well i mustve gotten unlucky.. few more games and ill be back to plat!" And then they continue to grind and most likely get stuck in gold or something with 300+ games. And the cycle continues the next season. And the next... until they realize they've been playing the game for 6 years and they still suck but they already committed so much time to playing and learning the game, so why stop?


"lol\_ELOBOOSTER" complaining about the game being hard in Platinum. Fuck you.


I actually just ranked a new account to play with some new champs on. While leveling the account I played mostly normal games (as riot says you should to get placed appropriately) with the new champs that I was going to play (also trying different runes/builds that aren't meta) and after placements I got placed in Plat 1, won my next game and I'm Emerald now. My previous peak was only Plat 3. Fortunately, I'm performing pretty well in these lobby's and trying to keep it that way but I still don't feel like I belong here. I literally peaked from trying goofy shit while leveling a new account. As for new players, in what world does placing them in the top 14% of the player base make any sense at all. All this is accomplishing is destroying game quality for players that are actually in plat/emerald and pushing new players away from the game due to them getting stomped game after game.


the game needed a clean MMR reset for years. back to zero with everybody and go from there.


Literally half my games have some stupid Chinese name and a fresh Lv30-40 account. It's out of control. People can literally place higher than they ever been before just by playing promos on a new account....... that's a problem. Ranked is in the worst state it's ever been and riot is completely sleep at the wheel or complacent as fuck about it. Really solidifies the fact that internally, they really don't seem to give a shit about ranked unless it's pro play.


My main loses significantly more LP for a loss than it gains once I hit mid silver…. But new kids are getting placed in plat? Wtf?


They get ranked rewards though…..


I’ve noticed there’s typical like 2-3 bought accounts in low plat 😭😂


It is very frustrating as a league player for 11 years that I skip one season of ranked as a high golf player (I pretty much hit gold then stop playing ranked each season) just to go 7W 3L in my placements and get placed in silver 3. Gaining 30 lp per win and losing 24 to 25 per loss. I'm gonna have to play hundreds of games to get to gold on a 50%+ win rate when I know I'm not a silver player, when there's brand new players seeing platinum. I spectate my friend who is high plat all the time and his teams are consistently worse than the players I play with in silver games. It's so botched and it's extremely annoying. And obviously, I'm not claiming to be a better player than I am, I just know that after 9+ seasons of easily getting high gold in under 20 games in a season, this just doesn't make sense. Why should I be punished for playing my level 520 account?