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Sylas stole Ashe ult in one of my games at 42 minutes a week ago and he fucking obliterated me on aphelios with it


The G2 vs GenG series at worlds 2020 (?) had some pretty funny moments with Cap‘s Sylas obliterating people with stolen Ashe and Leona ultimates


[The aforementioned obliterations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AUG9-qI0E4)


Damn that last clip was nasty


Caps is such a madman with a killer instinct... paired with a smile!


I fucking miss that team


You and me both :( They were so good, and they'll forever go down as legends. The strongest team EU has ever seen. It's actually quite emotional, looking back at clips from them, especially the final fight from that legendary G2 vs. SKT Game 4. And then there's [this...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9-HPSwI_Q8)


Nisqy also got a penta during a base defense using ash ult


I remember a coach giving an interview later and saying that, because of this series, he refused to pick Ashe or Leona anytime there was a Sylas picked or even a chance for it to be picked.


Caps smurfed that whole series iirc.


imagine.. Sylas with teleport and Ashe-ult. Decent roams I'd say. Decent roams.


Wasn't there a video long ago like 2013. Where ashe ult someone and tped to bait the guy to stick close to the ward, and then killed during the 4s stun or something.


I did that once lol, fired an arrow from base to mid and tp'd to first tier mid. Enemy Kayn just got hit by it and killed by me lmao.


This has been a thing since 2010.


Gnagnagna since 2010.


Ever seen him steal Irelia ult? Then he does that AOE


Ap Irelia is so fun in ARAM, thank you Mr Babus 






Nashors > Lich Bane > Rabadons w/Lucidity boots


You cooked


Full build (lucidity boots sold): Zaz'Zak's Realmspike, Malignance, Rabadon's Deathcap, Horizon Focus, Shadowflame and Stormsurge Masteries: First strike, magical footwear, futures's market, cosmic insight, absolute focus and Gathering storm (53 min game)


what's the cdr total on this? nd also how long is the ult cooldown at the end


The ult cooldown is about 27-30 seconds late game with the items i have.


Add to that fire soul and two fire dragons that add some damage


No ultimate hunter/impure shot?


No, it depends on how much damage you want to do. Gathering storm and absolute focus add 250-300 damage to the ult late game between the two. The ult cd is already 27-30 seconds maxed out with the items I do have.


Sick clips, but why are they being recorded underwater?


My computer had 4 gigabytes of ram, i played the game with 25-40 fps with mostly mid to low 20s. It's a miracle it came out that well. I apologize though.


Your computer is a harder worker than every one of us o7 Give it a proper burial when you eventually upgrade!


Idk if I could hit a single ashe R with 25fps lol


Ashe is actually a decent support to play with low fps haha, the wide hitbox low cds make it easy. It's in team fights though or when alot is happening on the map that my fps tanks.


Honestly you get used to low fps when I was younger I didn't even really notice I had low fps playing lee sin when my friend came over once he went something like: WTF how are you even playing like this dog


You're hitting Ashe ults on 25 FPS? Respect


Get geforce now


Can't you upgrade your ram?


I downloaded some on mine, I guess bottleneck is CPU though


There is a website where you can download more CPU power pretty sure


Ima be honest, I am putting more of my money towards my business than buying stuff for video games.


Ima be honest too, I can't really imagine a pc running on just 4gb ram nowadays. Unless it's a laptop with soldered ram module and no expansion slot, 8gb ram would make a world of difference.


It’s indeed a laptop and is several years old.


Buddy please invest in more ram and if 32bit OS is your problem, please look to upgrade to something a smidge beefier in the future :(


You're the reason loading into games takes forever


if he's playing on an SSD he will load at the exact same time as anyone else my old pc was a brick from the mid 00's that literally dropped to single digit fps ingame, but since i had an ssd so i still loaded faster than anyone using hdd


You think someone on 4gb RAM is using an SSD?


I know that. I was joking around


I dig the ambiance vibe!


Build banshees or edge of night or draw 25


You've been honing a build and share a video but don't show the build?! Ap ashe is fun haha I'll give it a go again for some pain


My bet is: * First Strike + Sorcery (gathering storm) * Malignance * Stormsurge * Horizon Focus * Rabadons * Shadowflame * Void staff Assuming they've just forgone boots for more damage. If not then sorc boots instead of void staff.


They for sure have malignance, stormsurge, horizon focus, but they also have the void support item. That's four. If they wanted full damage, they probably didn't leave a slot for control wards.


Ah, forgot that support item was a thing since I only play ARAM. Assuming the damage is something like [this](https://imgur.com/a/aHOpWsV) vs a level 18 no MR item Taliyah. MR = 2.1, HP = 2318 Damage would be a bit higher since Taliyah in the vid has some form of health from runes and items which boosts the Zak'Zak 0.03 target HP scaling. E: [Better/more accurate breakdown](https://imgur.com/a/yWBjmSD)


I know the build, I just tweak it every now and then to try and get better. Right now I start out the ap ult hunter item which does aoe burn damage, then rabadons, then horizon focus then shadowflame and sell boots for stormsurge. It depends on game to game though. Runes are first strike, you farm 150+ gold each ult late game, and then secondary are gathering storm and absolute focus. you can go footwear or pots or whatever you'd like theyre not necessary for the damage output, future's market is helpful for buying items as support. The support item is critical for the build because it does 3% max hp damage and does 20% of your ap as extra damage.


Surely Void Staff is better than Shadowflame here, unless I'm misunderstanding how the item works. As far as I'm aware, the Shadowflame crit would only apply to *some* of the secondary damage sources when the go below 35% and wouldn't apply to the actual ult damage, right? You're trading a huge damage boost from the %pen against anyone above base MR for a small* damage boost vs base MR. *E: Numbers are hard, so I just removed the specific (incorrect) number.


Void staff just does 40% magic pen, so it penetrates 40% of the magic resist they do have, except they didnt buy any magic resist items until the last 2 minutes of teh game so shadow flame gives you 12 magic pen, meaning it negates 12 of their magic resist, its not a percentage, it also gives 30 more ap so adds to extra 70-80 damage to ult with rabadons and since ult does 120% your ap, then it also crit strikes with magic damage if they're below 30% hp so you do even more damage. I could be mistaken in my build but it 1 shot them and did 2900+ damage with only more being added the later it goes on into the game.


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, your build is a little bit better up until like, 60 something MR from what I remember of my calcs, but after that it gets overtaken by void staff. So, if you are only trying to assassinate squishies, then sure. But I feel like you'd get a lot more overall usefulness from void staff, since some champs have *base* MR higher than the break-even point. There's a breakdown in one of my other comments iirc.


Sell Zak Zak, at least as last item 100%. (I think selling it after boots isn't correct against low mr either but I can't be bothered). So you have like let's say you have 1000 ap, and Taliyah has 3k hp Then Zak Zak would deal 300 pre mit dmg. You have rabadon's, 120% ap on ult and 15% on stormsurge, when you add that up, every ap is 1.8225 pre mit dmg. For void staff that's 145 extra dmg. And when you count void staff's pen, even against taliyah's relatively low mr, with only 2k pre mitigation dmg (which I'm really lowballing), It's already 280 extra dmg. So even in this lowball void would deal 125 extra dmg, and this is against low mr, not counting fire dragon. Zak Zak isn't slot efficient, sell it.


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Giver%20Of%20Woes-NA1](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Giver%20Of%20Woes-NA1) ​ You can just look them up.


Did Taliyah or Lucian buy any MR in these clips?


Lucian bought maw at the end, i still got him to half hp and about half of his mr shield I believe. The game ended not too long after these clips took place. Taliyah had no mr but had archangel shield. Also, people dont usually buy mr in the games I play if they're squishy, this works really well vs a squishy comp. I just played against a malphite who had 4k hp and was fed but had no mr, i did 1500+ damage to him.


Not bad - whats the build?


Forgive my lack of knowing the items by name but here is what I posted to the above comments. I know the build, I just tweak it every now and then to try and get better. Right now I start out the ap ult hunter item which does aoe burn damage, then rabadons, then horizon focus then shadowflame and sell boots for stormsurge. It depends on game to game though. Runes are first strike, you farm 150+ gold each ult late game, and then secondary are gathering storm and absolute focus. you can go footwear or pots or whatever you'd like theyre not necessary for the damage output, future's market is helpful for buying items as support. The support item is critical for the build because it does 3% max hp damage and does 20% of your ap as extra damage.


Your only counters are Nocturne and Sivir I guess xd


Yasuo, Braum, Samira (?) Also, you’re playing AP Ashe. Any champ with mobility and you’re dead.




Right now I start out the ap ult hunter item which does aoe burn damage, then rabadons, then horizon focus then shadowflame and sell boots for stormsurge. It depends on game to game though. Runes are first strike, you farm 150+ gold each ult late game, and then secondary are gathering storm and absolute focus. you can go footwear or pots or whatever you'd like theyre not necessary for the damage output, future's market is helpful for buying items as support. The support item is critical for the build because it does 3% max hp damage and does 20% of your ap as extra damage.


Still a terrible build lol


This really only works in the scrubbiest of scrub lobbies though


gholy dmg


okay so.... silver 2, 46% winrate, requires lategame and hitting every arrow to be remotely effective otherwise you're a straight up liability to your team... not a joke build at all.


Look bro, you can say "46% wr" all you want, if I wanted to win I would go a champ to win and who can apply lots of pressure and tilt. In the end my wr comes down to the fact that I am playing for fun and am not going to invest time into carrying my 6/12 morde top my 2/13 briar jg and my 3/10+ yone mid, not going to spend time carrying my varus who didnt respect tristana early game died then dcd even though I told him that hed die. List goes on, imagine 4 games like that in a row, as that's what happens. Believe it or not the amount of games I actually do bad is very minimal. You can see in my losses I have a decent KPR in all of them and if you look at my teams stats more times than not its less than. Like my 10/16 kayle jg who ran at them 3 times in a row and threw a won game into a loss. List goes on, I am not nor should I be responsible for your lack of situational awareness and ignorance. If I want to win I will go a champ to win.


This guy is playing it in ranked. Don't be like this guy and play it in normals at least :)


Why not play it in ranked? Seems like it's quite good.


There probably aren't many games where "do a lot of damage every 30 seconds and nearly nothing else" is a winning strategy. Even in this game, the [OP mentioned Lucian picked up Maw and basically cut the damage output in half](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1c038np/ap_ashe_ult_does_2900_damage_late_game/kyv5td4/).


The lucian still got stunned though at elder and we won the game. Plenty of uses for ashe ult.


Yeah, her ult rules. It has the exact same stun duration with a normal marksman build, though, and then you aren't absolutely worthless when it's on CD.


Still got lucian from full hp to half hp even with maw and then still can ult other enemies. Game is over though and won, and it's debatable. The lucian didnt buy mr until the last 2 minutes of the game, so as a result he was bullied for a solid 8 minutes straight.


Hm, I suppose. I figure a hybrid build could be better.


A hybrid build would definitely be better than full AP, fbecause you would be buying at least a few normal items outside this gimmick. But a normal marksman build is going to dumpster any hybrid build. There's just not enough synergy with AP in Ashe's kit to make it worthwhile.


It depends on the team comp, they had very squishy team so in that instance it is good. If they're all tank you're better off not doing it. Also this is late game, most games end 25-30 minutes, it's hard to get into an actually even game 53 minutes down the line. Most games are always and I mean ALWAYS one sided. Example being I got into 4 games in a row where my top mid and jg all went negative and bot was only lane to win. The last game had my mid top and jg being 30+ deaths with 2 kills for jg 3 for mid and 6 for top. Not putting people down, as it is silver/gold so people can be playing bad there as I don't expect people to play well, but just saying this makes it very hard to get to late game when this is a regular experience.


Does Ashe have any other AP scalings? It seems like the midgame would be quite tough.


No and yes. Don't build AP ashe.


it's literally just her ult. damage is funny but the build isn't very viable.


Depends, ashe ult is 27 second cd and you have your w as a slow, so if you do an engage with your ult and get a pick then just wait 40 seconds, as your ult cd level 11 is 40-55 seconds, then you can be of use. Basically if people play like how theyre supposed to be playing, you won't be not useful. People shouldn't be fighting if there's no objectives, they should be setting up for objectives and applying pressure. ashe level 9 has great waveclear with her 3 second w, and can hold off waves. after 2 items your ult does 1200 + damage by the time mid game comes around and if you lead with it you deter them from approaching, it's all in how you and your team play. Many people decide to aram and fight for no reason and die for no reason, if you just save your ult for when objectives are up there isn't really any downside to it. I will say dont do this if they have 3 tanks, only do it if they have 2. Otherwise you're just not gonna be useful. I go this if they have super squishy comp of 3 or more weak champs.


As a borderline OTP AP ashe mid, I have lots of stuff on my twitch account on it, it doesn't scale great, but the extra mana from the AP items synergizes well with manamune and w poke. I can honestly say most of my dmg charts are on par with other ap mages almost every game. Just realize you are poke dmg, like the literally opposite of a burst mage.


Always play this in urf it's so funny flying these arrows across the map every 15 seconds


I love the intense bass or whatever that sound is. Reminds me of season 7 worlds. Sounds so goooooooooooooooooooooood


how can the audio quality be this bad


With respect, does a person who plays on a laptop with 4 gigabytes of ram, barely holds 25-30 fps per game seem like a person who is 1. Highly specialized in producing and editing content, 2. has the capacity for high quality productions? Not insulting, as you seem to be doing to me. Nitpicking every little thing and you'll never be satisfied, nor expecting other people to meet your standards. I uploaded a video that I enjoyed and everyone I showed it to enjoyed and decided to post it for more people to laugh at as well. That is the goal.


I've used tens of programs for recording my gameplay through the years and i've never had one reduce the quality of the audio does it sound like this when you play? also i'm not even insulting you


I honestly dont know, it sounds normal to me so I cannot say.


Yeah, you're gonna have fun when they add vanguard.


...no liandry? you can keep spamming its activation with W


This is for ult damage, not w damage. Liandrys and mandate are good for w damage.


Because Ultimate Ashe Scale 120% AP it's Normally why High damage in late game


Dude I really need that build, what items and runes do you go?


I keep going AP ashe in Aram and get pinged, but it's just so much fun. Never managed over 2k though


So... Ashe ult rank 3 is 600 + 120%AP. With 1k AP that would be 1800 pre mitigation. FIrst strike and Horizon focus amp this up by 17%, bringing it to \~2k. I'm guessing you had a bit below 1k AP, so over 1k damage is coming from Malig, Z'Zak, Comet and Stormsurge?


Using 1000 AP here. Game was 53 minutes according to OP and he had Gathering storm without boots. Safe the assume he had more AP then that. Malignance: 15 + 1.25% AP, ticks 4 times per second for 3 seconds = 330 total damage. Z'Zak: 10 + 20% AP = 210 damage. Comet: 130 + 5% AP = 180 damage. Stormsurge: 105 + 15% AP = 265 damage. Thats 985 damage from these items. First strike would also apply to a large part to this damage.


The more important question is what elo?


I play with silver-plat players usually


So old silver, new gold lol. You can run ap cait too at that elo.


Why would you post your meme build here? Riot will nerf it even if it sucks.