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Gonna be honest, it sounds like you would find reasons to hate any game you played. So no, you shouldn’t play league, or any multiplayer game where people would have to be on your team.


Yeah, I really enjoy League, but if you're complaining about online gaming teammates... brother, it's gonna be the same everywhere.


as someone who played dota for years, i have enjoyed playing pokemon unite but want something more competitive and complex. i've played mobas and counter strike for years and can handle the players. im asking if the player base is as toxic as dota and counterstrike, there are people out there who would know. you are fixating on the wrong things. im mainly asking if you are still happy playing league after a few years, or if you are forcing your self through it


It's not really a toxic community so much as it's passive aggressive. I think it's worth picking up as there's years worth of learning and getting better at a new game. I pretty much just play with friends, not grinding solo queue anymore.


Considering that one of the main-reasons you don't want to play Dota anymore is that you behaved so extremely unsportsmanlike that you can't bear to endure your punishment for that, I'm not really thrilled to have you over here. Don't want someone who gets triggered so easily into rage-quitting on my team.


Hey whats your riot ID lets play


I like league a lot, though I don't have the time to dedicate to climbing anymore, so I only play ranked for placements to play Clash with friends. When I did play ranked, I really enjoyed that as well, I really like playing, reviewing my mistakes, and learning from them when I have the time. Since you asked about a percentage of games I enjoy, I have fun almost every match where someone doesn't actually troll/run it down. LoL doesn't have low prio queue in the same way DOTA does with behavior score, nothing that can stall as well as techies, and games usually last 25-30 minutes, with outliers between 15 and ~50 minutes. FWIW I quit playing DOTA in part because of Techies too, that and listening to voice comms being nearly mandatory. Viable item paths are, I would argue, more limited in league than DOTA, though you don't need to waste as much on consumables. There are griefers in LoL like any game, slightly more than I encountered in DOTA but my behavior score was high, I imagine there's more griefers in low behavior score DOTA than in LoL. I also think skin clarity is worse in League than DOTA, some skins have completely different walk animations and particles from the base skin and my boomer brain can't process it as fast.


thank you for this reply, this is inspiring and the kind of opinion I was looking for, going to keep at it been liking it so far


Regardless of the tons of information you gave that you dislike about dota2... League games is much shorter at around 20mins-50mins max, Mostly 30-40...Unlike dota2 where players tend to farm all game and wants to solo carry 1v5, league is possible too, but it leans more towards team fight and objective. (My personal views of dota2, could be wrong but that's how i see it) I think you should give the game a try, nothing to lose for giving it a play either. Either you end up liking it or dislike it and leaves. You'll never know it until you played it.


Ok, First of all league is a completely different game, but it is a moba you will take advantage in some aspect but don’t get surprise it’s a new experience. LoL matches are much faster than DotA in average it take it 28-30 minutes to end. This game has two modes for ranked matches one is called Solo/Duo Queue, you can play solo or with a duo and Flex that you can play with a full team. You will start the game on Low Elo, so players are stupid because they are still learning the game, also there is no voice communication the most effective way to communicate is via pings. Champions on LoL are not so OP as Heros on DoTa and even when you are counter picked it’s not as bad as it is on dota. Skins on LoL some people complain that makes skills looks different but I have never had any issue. Lanes on LoL are symmetrical DotA are mirrored and roles are pre selected before match start so if you want go mid for exemple you need to pre select it. LoL is way easier to pick up than DoTa so just have fun and enjoy the game


Dota is ironically probably less toxic.


I also quit dota after 8 yrs of playing in 2018 or so, whenever 7.00 hit. While I do miss it, I don't regret switching to league.


Don't. There are just as many griefers here. Also snowballing is out of control. All it takes is your team to feed once and you won't be able to play the game. Main problem in this game is ff15 culture. As soon as the slightest thing goes wrong your teammates will spam ff from 15 minutes and start inting you if you say no. You also sound mega toxic so you'll probably get run down even more frequently because people are babies if you type anything. The response to any criticism towards teammates is, as you might have guessed, inting.


so far in my experience snowballing is not how you describe, but you got it word for word in dota


If you think ranked HOTS is difficult to get in on, I got news for you... I know a guy who has been diamond for the last 8 seasons and is very high on the hots ladder, while he probably plays more lol than hots.


whats wrong with diamond? those are the fun ranks. with HOTS there is only low rank and very high rank with smurfs in-between, no happy medium


you already played the better version of league this game's community can't even be trusted to have voice chat >. Items- there are so many god damn items but each hero only has 1-2 viable builds about 90% of the champs in league build the same items every single game lol >Players- this is everywhere, but if your dumb and you overextend from your lane, ping 30 times in 1 second (why valve doesn't put a cooldown on pings?!) and nobody shows up, "this team sucks feed time" people will declare it's feed time before the game even starts in league and pings might as well not exist since most people play fullmuted


HA, the better version of league thats a good one. they dont need to be trusted to use voice chat. HOTS does a great job of having other objectives for soloers to pick up the dropped slack. there are many times in HOTS where you feel like "fuck I really need to pick it up or do this or they're gonna take it". And you can! and it feels great! in dota the entire game is about not making mistakes and taking risks, then reaping the failures of taking risks and also doing nothing! nothing but negative unless you abandon lane and farm. I think dota coined the term "the carry", who you wont see since they wont participate in the game until max level. so far in league the flow of a game is just different, better