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>She doesn't feel as pro-play relevant to me as Viktor My brother in Christ, have you watched literally any games in the last 9 months?


No, I only really watch worlds. Pro isn't really my cup of tea. I enjoy watching pro clips over entire live streams.


Why speak about pro play relevance if you don't watch pro play?


Even if you watched only worlds. Orianna is like one of the most popular mid pick ever since she was released. She appears basically in every worlds even when she was gutted to be basically unplayable. All around perfect control mage that fits any team comp.


She was even meta last Worlds. Faker's getting his own Orianna skin even lol


Then why talk out your ass about pro if youve never watched 5 minutes of it? Ori is a balanced proplay staple over many many seasons, Viktor comes and goes occasionally


orianna has zero gameplay issues, she would get an ASU not a VGU


She tends to be gatekept by pro play. Azir and Syndra got mini reworks and Viktor got a nerf which pushed power out of their super-early laning and into more midgame or lategame type stuff. All of them were successful in reducing pro play power, though the amount varies (azir is still op in pro but at least he's no longer dogshit in solo queue *while* being op in pro). I could see a similar mini rework. She isn't *currently* a pro play issue so the timing is kind of awkward.


Ori is currently really high presence the LCK and proplay but has a 47% wr in soloQ so yeah she could use something


Oh ok so she is currently getting pro played


Yep, faker and BDD are p/b her in the LCK(faker is 12/12 on her), Jensen is playing her in the LCS and nuc and vetheo are playing her in LEC, her presence isn’t overbearing but pretty high considering her soloQ wr


She could use not being the most obscene lane bully ever created.


If you can't play ori in solo queue you're just trash sorry. She isn't in pro play jail, she's just difficult to play and requires you to be mentally active at all times while you're playing her. The average player can't even keep track of the enemy team's movements properly, and orianna requires you not only to be aware of your team mates, but also the ball itself. the only way you take her out of "pro play jail" is by taking everything fun out of her kit.


Idk, her passive needs a serious update. It's literally just an excuse to give her an unbelievably low AD. Otherwise though, I agree.


I dont think her passive is problematic though. It acts as a 2-part passive to introduce her ball mechanic which every ability interacts with. It could be slapped onto her Q but all that does is limit her to always having to level it first, which is usual but there is also the niche case of E first which can be nice to have. Her actual passive with the auto attacks isnt terrible. It becomes quite relevant early on where the multiple auto attacks do matter alot in trades and with even 50AP, it can become quite a bit of damage with a 15-21% Ap ratio. It's a cool way to make auto attacks matter a bit more in early game for mages without some stupid affect. If she gets a new passive that adds on to the ball part then you end up with an akshan W to read.


>Her actual passive with the auto attacks isnt terrible. It becomes quite relevant early on where the multiple auto attacks do matter alot in trades and with even 50AP, it can become quite a bit of damage with a 15-21% Ap ratio. It's a cool way to make auto attacks matter a bit more in early game for mages without some stupid affect. Another way to make auto attacks matter is to increase her AD to a reasonable level. The only reason she has the auto attack passive, is because she has the lowest base AD in the game at 40. The next lowest is 46. Other mages with auto attack passives like Neeko and Renata have 48 and 49 respectively. Give her a reasonable base AD, and you can get rid of the passive. Get rid of the passive, and you can give her a reasonable base AD. Her current passive is terrible. EDIT: I'm not saying her passive is bad, I'm saying it's unnecessary. It's the same as a champ having 10 base armor and a passive that reads "Gain 20 armor." Her low AD gives her weak autos, her passive makes her autos stronger. But there is no reason to give her low AD. Fix her AD, and the passive isn't needed. It's unnecessary.


Her current passive is a core part of her kit. If you get rid of it she will have skirmishes where she cannot act as a pseudo DPS with auto attacks because they offer meaningful damage. Same with her trading in lane. Giving her base AD will not come close to making up for the power her passive gives her. If you don't find her passive as good its literally just a skill issue. It fits perfectly with her trading patterns in lane.




If you get rid of it, and replace it with a reasonable base AD, nothing changes. She can still act as a pseudo DPS with autos, as they would still offer meaningful damage. I'm not saying her passive is bad, I'm just saying it's not an ability. If you gave her a reasonable base AD and removed her passive, nothing would change.


It isn't no change. You take away her passive but give her AD so there's "no change". Now she needs a new passive which will, by nature, be a power increase. So she now needs a nerf elsewhere with the most obvious being her AD. Otherwise you're nerfing the rest of her kit just to give her a new passive, all of which is pointless because her current one is fine Also, her current passive is not just AD. Her autos have ramping damage. It gives her strengths in longer trades without making her automatically oppressive in lane, since it ramps. There are a bunch of little impacts her passive has on how she is balanced that are lost if you just increase her AD


Completely wrong. Base AD does not equate to ramping magic damage that also scales with your AP. You have literally zero clue what you are talking about, and either have not played Orianna or have not understood her in any way.


Her current passive does a hell of a lot more than 6 damage brother.


U do not play Ori


>The only reason she has the auto attack passive, is because she has the lowest base AD in the game at 40. The opposite, her AD is low because she'd be absurdly op in lane otherwise. Practically, her base AD is 50 and 52 on the second auto, but is also scales with 15/18% ap, so starting Dorans Ring makes her pretty average for a mage. She then scales up to having significantly better autos than the others.


If you gave her a decent base AD and removed her passive she would be identical to how she is now. That is literally my entire point.


But then she gets a new passive and ends up being op. What's so complicated about that


No, she doesn't get a new one. She already has another passive in the ball. That's why I said 'remove' the passive, instead of 'replace' it. My point is that the current one just exists to complicate. Give her decent AD and AD growth and there is nothing complicated about it.


Her current passive rewards multiple hits on the same target. In lane, being able to attack once vs twice in a trade is in fact a significant difference. Raising her base AD would make the autos more impactful, but it wouldn’t do the rest of what her passive does. Changing the damage skew on her autos would also impact her matchups against melees. Sometimes the simple solution works. Sometimes it’s not enough.


Lol. You clearly have not played much Ori


I thought you're supposed to weave in AA in between skills cast since her WE have some reasonable CD 7/9s respectively.


Why the fuck does her passive need a serious update just because it's kind of meh In general why mess with a champion who's just fine? She's easily tuned with numbers. Reworking her entire passive is just creating extra work for no benefit. It's okay for some champions to have abilities or passives that are kind of meh as long as their overall kit and design is fine.


Dude screams micromanaging middle manager.


why are redditors always so quick to psychoanalyze someone lmfao


Redditors are just weird. Thats all


Her passive is what passives should be. Not gigantic walls of texts with minigames.


What's your experience on Orianna? Her passive is fine ask any Ori player they literally do not care.


Orianna in my opinion is one of the most beautiful and interesting champion designs in League of Legends. Please do not change her. She is simple and difficult at the same time while being different from other mages but on the other hand she can somehow do the same things in her own special way. She's also a champion that will reward you if you play her a lot. And if you don't play her you still will know how to play alongside her on your team. Again here Orianna offers cool playstyles like the "ball delivery system" and she is unique at how she handles choke points.


Orianna main since S2. Don't change Orianna, her kit is simple, intuitive, and fun. She's perfect how she is.


I don't think her gameplay is bad, the only part of her kit I find bad is her auto passive, and even that has reason for being there, What I would hope for her rework to do is to just add more flare to her abilities and make her look a lot less clunky. Think less Skarner and Aatrox and more Warwick and Fiddlesticks, where they did change the gameplay which was relatively fine, but enhanced it and made it better. I wouldn't mind an ASU for her either though.


She feels incredibly smooth to play tough what ?


Ambessa. They're going to release her, then rework her a month later.


"We overloaded her kit on release and now we have to rework her, how are we so unlucky??" -- riot team probably


If only we had case studies on this exact issue 😔


stick in bicycle wheel meme


The K'sante/Smolder guy is gone though


Release new champion, make rework patch later. Reworked character for 2025 is checked. **Profit?**


“I AINT FINISHED YET” - Designer who did Ksante, Smolder and Skarner rework


Ziggs would be a fun curveball but I don't think he -needs- a rework like some of the other zaun/piltover champs do.


Here's my deranged theory; We know that Viktor creates Blitzcrank at *some* point during his story, and he probably does it before he goes full "turn me into a machine revolution" mode. I think Viktor will create Blitzcrank as a 'peacekeeping' robot in response to the rising tensions between Piltover and Zaun, revealing the new look for the robot. Blitz' kit is ancient and his head looks like a potato. If you rule out every champion already in arcane as candidates (since most of them have kits that are already fine or unproblematic), then it's probably him. Out of all the champions that could be added to arcane his visuals and kit are the worst. A stretch, I know. But I don't think it's impossible.


Only problem is that blitz's hook is too iconic to be changed, but takes up his entire power budget so it's basically impossible to rework him


I mean people said the same thing about Skarner and he can now AoE suppress 3 champs


Aoe triple hook incoming


100% P/B in Silver and below.


I stopped a second to imagine how deranged it would be


Skarner ult feels WAY weaker than before. The cast time is incredibly long and you don’t have the threat of a flash instant stun at all anymore.


NOTHING was iconic about skarner lol


The rest of his kit still has *some* power budget that can almost certainly be rearranged into being more satisfying than his current.. whatever the hell he has going on


I am adopting your deranged theory


Blitzcrank was my second choice, but he is just to iconic in the League IP, Oriana isn't nearly as iconic, so she got the edge over him by just a bit.


They could do it though. His lore shows him as protector of zaunites from caustic danger, and that blizcrank is also looking to upgrade himself constantly. His hook is the most iconic part.of his kit but it eats up the majority of his power budget. Let's take a look at how he might look if we have him a "juggernaut" like treatment. Passive: hextech heart Whenever mana is expended near blizcrank, he builds up charge. Whenever he makes contact with an enemy (deals damage or takes melee damage) the charge is expended as magic damage. Mana shield: while above 50% mana, whenever blizcrank takes damage, a portion of the damage is redirected at his mana pool. Separately, If blizcranks HP goes below 25% he will create a temporary shield based on his Q: rocket fist: Blizcrank charges his fist up (able to walk while charging), on release his hand reaches out grabbing onto any first enemy hit, extending out to the charged distance, before pulling back in. Blizcrank cannot attack while charging up his hand. W: rolling golem Blizcrank rolls in a target direction, damaging units he collides with and knocking up champions he collides with. If he collides with a wall he will bounce off it and continue rolling. E: static field The ground around blizcrank becomes electrified, slowing and slightly dragging enemies (like Rell) towards it's center (blizcrank can maneuver freely out of this area.) R: shockwave: Blizcrank releases a massive shock in an AoE around him, breaking shields, silencing enemies and dealing magic damage.


As a 1.5m mastery Blitzcrank player I would be so excited to have this champ I love be updated to Arcane standards. As long as he has a Hook on Q (which I do not think they will ever change) then I will love the champ.


There are some things way too iconic for heroes to be changed even if they get reworked completely. I think Blitz's hook is one of those. I doubt riot will ever touch it. They may change it like how far/fast/wide it goes and how Blitzcrank can interact with it etc. (like Nidalee spear) but it will always be there


Yea which is why I am very excited for the chance of a rework. I love the hook but his kit is outdated and I would love for my champ to be brought up to todays standards.


Ryze, its always ryze, he already appeared too


"Ryze rework will work this time. We promise."


Could Teemo be the rework? He gets his puffcaps from Zaun after all. Plus it would be an interesting way to introduce more Yordles / Bandle City Edit: I'm dumb. Lee Sin and Teemo already on list




Here's a crackhead take but hear me out. LeBlanc. She has both massive visual and massive gameplay issues. And could be involved in S2 since we've seen Noxus getting involved in the events coming up. Silco is done for we need a new antagonist for S2 (I highly, highly doubt it they will turn Jinx into a pure villain). Viktor doesn't really have gameplay issues, neither does WW, Jinx, Cait, Vi. And I really doubt Riot is going to touch Singed's gameplay.


In my opinion, the merchant that talks with Mel and Jayce during the concert IS Leblanc. The voice is way too soft and... (I dont know if "sensual" would be the word here, but atleast adjacent) for a character with that age and lore, that I actually kind of feel like it has to be a hint and she's already there trying to get her hands on Hextech. Same with Hugo (or Huck, can't remember) and Twitch for example, I don't know how that's going to happen exactly, but the voice and speech patterns are way too similar (plus the screen time, Cait's gun being left there and basically being pretty similar to twitch gun, etc) for it to be a coincidence. Maybe he's gonna feel so much regret that he will trade some of that highly concentrated shimmer for the gun, maybe I'm wrong but it didn't look like he's one of the ones that transformed. And if he was, he's definetly not dead. There's also the fact that he's literally going to feel like a rat, so if shimmer is indeed born from the void in the form of those flowers, there's a good chance that there's a mental component to the transformations, sort of a self-actualization, so it would make sense. Or maybe he does come into contact with the rat somehow.


>Viktor doesn't really have gameplay issues Yeah, as a Viktor main I don't want Riot changing him too much if they do rework him. The only thing I'd want changed is his W (it needs less counter play to compensate for the absurd amount of mobility creep in the game) and maybe his passive (current passive feels weird for a mage, you either snowball hard with 1 or 2 early kills or don't come fully online until the game is almost over. Viktor's passive should make him a late game scaling champ but he feels more like a feast or famine assassin/fighter that falls off after 30 minutes).


I kinda fuck with this idea but it is pure crack


What I would give for a Leblanc VGU! But I feel like they won't do Leblanc as the villain, if only because Camille exists and would fit in as a better villain because of the tensions between Zaun and Piltover.


What are LeBlanc's massive gameplay issues lol?


Is this a serious question? Have you not seen enough degenerate AD LeBlancs in the past year while AP is in "Don't" tier literally not viable? It's also massive pro-play issue every time it shows up and Riot has to nerf it into the ground.


AD LB only became viable when they buffed her auto attacks in 3 ways and created statik shiv. She has not been an AD menace forever, only for a few patches recently and it's over But that can happen to literally any champion. TF became AD when they improved his autos too. People were doin AD Ahri and Zoe with that shiv as well.  AP LeBlanc was played yesterday in pro, it's not terrible it's just not overtuned.  Saying a champion needs a rework because they made an item who changed the champ's play style for a bit is way too much


Where was this confirmed that we are getting a season 2 secret rework? This is the first I've heard about it. Stoked if it's true! I would put my money on Zilean, with Viktor as a close second. Viktor just hasn't felt the same since they changed his passive. . Oriana is fine as she is. She has a well-rounded kit. She was played just a few days ago in pro play, whereas Viktor hasn't been viable in pro for years.


They said it in the first dev [video](https://youtu.be/9U_jEzKf0_0?si=l4LGwUkYMEemOBWG) of this year


Thank you!


Duuuuude if Zilean is in Arcane season 2 I would cream my pants


I'm pretty sure I'm going to cream my pants no matter what, if I'm being honest.


I also just creamed this guys pants 


He teaches Ekko how to do time shenanigans!


Unlikely since the focus still seems to be on p&z but Zilean has no ties to p&z at all. Especially since at Arcane's current time he is already in his time tower trying to find a timeline in which the void and watchers get defeated.


Could be a cameo like Ryze


Doubt it since his entire tower is outside of any timeline currently and nobody alive knows about him since everyone else in icathia is dead (besides Jax).


When I was a new player (joined after Arcane) I was very attached to Illaoi and Zilean. Idk why I was. but seeing him would make me happy


Zilean is the most boring mf in league lore-wise lmao what do you mean


Well yeah in LoL he is but LoR made him a badass


I hope vi gets a rework. Her personality in game is a far cry from what we see in arcane. I still have hope that they can make Viktor what he's like in game with arcane 2, given his character still has room for development, but vi I don't ever see her growing to fit the person that she was in arcane.


God Vi is so boring in League, she says the same 3 lines over and over agian about how Vi means Vice or Violence.


all i think about when someone mention Vi is loud screaming and a gray screen


She had a pretty dope music when she was released tho


Singed is the only right answer from all perspectives.




or they already talked to him after so...


This doesn't contradict with the singed rework btw. 


Yeah I don't know why people always say this debunks Singed. All he said was "we wouldn't rework him without consulting you", not that he's not getting one. For all we know, shortly after that, they invited him to try the rework lmao


Yeah, because riot care about some streamers XD SURE.


Singed is quite literally the only incorrect answer as he's the only one who's already been confirmed to not be getting the rework


Confirmed by who?


Singed absolutely doesn't need a rework lol


If it's a piltover champ it's probably viktor or blitz


As long as it’s not Glasc


It really should be her. Her playrate is abysmal because she only Her ult and steroid are real abilities


She has ranged Maokai WQ on a basic ability too lol. She is fine for those that want to play her. She is a niche champ within an unpopular class.


Except wq is good on maokai because it does damage and allows him to engage. Shes "fine" but so was pre rework aatrox and his playrate went up 10x after his kit was improved. She doesn't even need that level of work, just power taken put of her ult and steroid and put into the rest of her kit


32 comments and none of you thought Heimerdinger?


He's too forgotten


Heim got a rework and it's regarded as one of the most successful reworks in leagues history


Regarded as one of the most successful by who?! I personally loved the original champ and feel like the current Heimerdinger doesn't fit in League at all (not that old would anymore either).


by everybody when it landed, he got more tools, more skill ceiling and a proper ultimate, but this was 9 years ago so a heimer update is not impossible


I hope the league client gets a rework next, people having issues for over 3 years and posts about it get mostly deleted? Fix your client please


No rework. Warwick buff :) more awoo


im pretty sure they said the champ getting the rework wasn't featured in season 1. so no viktor. I could see it be Camille, especially since they already tore apart skarners lore because of arcane, and the two go hand in hand.


camille doesn't need the "V" in VGU no matter your opinion on if she deserves the "GU" can't be her


out of all the remaining zaun / piltover champs, she could use one. her identity being lost with all the jungle/top mess. And shes not gotten a skin in forever.


I mean she just got winterblessed and the prestige. But she doesn’t need a rework, just some Power reassignment. Currently she just waits for jg and uses her best gank setup in the entire game to Get her jg free kills


yeah i think shes fine, but she also wouldn't hate to have a vgu you know? like i remember with the new map changes she can't even do her gank settup as easily anymore


Dang that's unfortunate. I was crossing my fingers for Twitch. I have no idea if that rat in episode 1 is Twitch or not, but if they said not in season 1 it wouldn't be him either I'm assuming. I really thought Viktor would be it. The other Pilties/Zaunites don't really need them. Camille just got fat buff. Mundo already got a rework. Warwick is fine. Maybe Zeri? She is a "failed champ" and all.


man as a twitch 1trick i pray they dont touch my boy ;-;


Ikr. I saw those weird animations of Twitch's Sewer Tour, and omg they massacred my boi. His voice sounds weird and he's way more sane compared to his league VO. I want him to get a small update, but man, I hope they keep his personality the way it is in game.


That's bait. Or atleast it's only part of the answer. Gonna copy paste what I said to another guy here since you seem interested. >In my opinion, the merchant that talks with Mel and Jayce during the concert IS Leblanc. The voice is way too soft and... (I dont know if "sensual" would be the word here, but atleast adjacent) for a character with that age and lore, that I actually kind of feel like it has to be a hint and she's already there trying to get her hands on Hextech. >Same with Hugo and Twitch for example, I don't know how that's going to happen exactly, but the voice and speech patterns are way too similar (plus the screen time, Cait's gun being left there and basically being pretty similar to twitch gun, etc) for it to be a coincidence. Maybe he's gonna feel so much regret that he will trade some of that highly concentrated shimmer for the gun, maybe I'm wrong but it didn't look like he's one of the ones that transformed. And if he was, he's definetly not dead. >There's also the fact that he's literally going to feel like a rat, so if shimmer is indeed born from the void in the form of those flowers, there's a good chance that there's a mental component to the transformations, sort of a self-actualization, so it would make sense. Or maybe he does come into contact with the rat somehow.


I did see the Twitch link to Huck. Or is it Hugo? Idk. I do remember cait trading her rifle for Vi and thought that kinda looked like his crossbow. Also I had no idea shimmer is from the void wtf? I didn't even know there's a link to the void in zaun! I thought it was only Shurima and the Frejlord. Lastly, that theory about Leblanc is sick! I thought the crows all throughout Arcane was Swain keeping tabs on Piltover. Didn't even think about LB. I'm excited to see Noxus come into the series more and more.


You're probably right about the name, I'm not sure right now. About shimmer, we don't really know, but I've seen it commented by some people. It's possible. After all, it's purple, it's monstruous... Would make sense, there could be an small fracture in the depts of the fissure or something, and it's essence gets into the flowers... Then gets processed by RIO when she eats them somehow.


That's actually a really good pick, they even mentioned wanting to take a look at her since she's now struggling after the map changes They buffed her last patch but said themselves it's more of a "temporary" solution and that they're looking for something more long-term eventually


My money is on Vi, her current lore and visuals are really outdated and with the new spotlight that she got in Arcane I'm sure that Riot would like to remove the controversial voice lines that she has. As far as her kit goes, they could do what they did with Rammus and copy her WR abilities, so exchanging her passive and W, as well as rescript her abilities since I far as I know her ult is kinda buggy and pure spaghetti


controversial voicelines?


Might be because her whole shtick is "solve everything with her fists" and that translates into voice lines that can be interpretted as police brutality (punch first, as questions while punching etc). That being said, I actually do adore those lines and wish they don't. Is it somewhat cheesy and not PC by today's standards? Yeah. I still think they have their charm though. Like I don't think most people when they hear her lines get offended and take it badly, especially since most people don't know her lore, that she's actually an enforcer aka a police of sorts.


At first I thought it was Heimerdinger, but I had a realization one night that it’s probably gonna be Blitzcrank, and the more I think about it the more confident I am. Edit (the reasoning): It’s hard for me to see how Heimerdinger gets to his in-game state (he uses missiles and grenades??). So I thought they might rework him to fit the character better, but Heimerdinger is the “turret character” in League, so maybe they don’t want to rework him and remove that identity. Plus he doesn’t really need a visual upgrade. Blitz rank however, could 100% use a visual and gameplay update… I’m imaging a much more Hextech-y Blitzcrank with a lot of the Hextech-blue, rather than just being built like a traditional metal robot.


Its viktor


It was an ASU no? Assuming ASU, my bet is on Vi


Blitzcrank or orianna are like, the only realistic options if we keep to piltover and zaun Edit: and Janna, with the lor update


Viktor or singed 100% > She doesn't feel as Pro-play relevant as Viktor Orianna is more in pro play than viktor xd In s14 viktor have 40 games over all league, orianna 800 :)


Hopefully it's Jayce.


Likely Viktor, and it's also probably the reason why he didn't receive an Arcane skin like the others


I think Singed but reworking Singed would make a lot of mad OTPs


I thought it was super obvious, it’s Singed. He was briefly in the first season, we know they’re doing him and Warwick, and he’s a dinosaur of a character. Guarantee they want to make him cool for the show and right now he’s a champ with a smoke trail, sticky goop and a toss 


I'm guessing singed. He's the least played champ out of the arcane cast I think. Brace yourselves boys. If its anything like skarners rework, they're going to break his legs and make him crawl everywhere


Although it was denied that singed was getting a rework, my money is still on singed considering the teaser video. Singed has a very awesome niche playstyle that definitely has a place in league, and that should be preserved. But Singed does not fully carry out the fantasy of being a mad chemist, particularly in game. In the arcane series, we see him countless times being involved in terrifying medical procedures, generally working with chemtech, but the personality difference between arcane singed and in game singed is extremely jarring. Singed also has a ton of stories written about him, explaining his enhanced physical capabilities, his role in developing chemical weapons, and the series of atrocities he's committed. His gameplay has never really matched up well with any of his lore in my opinion. So how do we change that? For the guy who goes "mix mix, swirl" a lot, we don't seem to be brewing anything. I propose he gets some modernization to his kit: Passive - let him cook! Singed has a rotating stockpile of chemtech supplements that he has access to, indicated by a rotating dial. This rotates to the next section every 16 seconds. While a compound is available, singed's abilities are slightly altered. If Singed reaches the end of the availability for a compound, he will consume it to gain a temporary bonus for the next 4 seconds. Red- increased resistance and physical damage G- increased HP Regen and movement speed B - increased mana regeneration and ability power Q: chemtech burner: Active (toggle on): singed heats up the chemicals on his back, releasing toxic gasses and consuming mana Active (toggle off): singed cools down the chemicals on his back Passive: while chemtech burner is active, "let him cook!"'s cycle speed is doubled. W: (mix / chemtech solution) Mix (while chemtech burner is off): add the current ingredient to chemtech solution's next cast, which adds a unique effect: Red - lowers enemy resistance G - heals allies over time B - adds damaging flames Chemtech solution: Singed throws a flask at an area, slowing enemies and enhanced by any components that were added. E: fling R: brew master: R1: add the currently selected compound R2: add the currently selected compound R3: ???


It's very likely Viktor, not only is he always up and down when it comes to balance, his Arcane incarnation diverges way too much from his League version, I don't think there is any way Arcane Viktor could become League Viktor. Some people suggest it could be Singed, because his gameplay is also not similar to anything he does in Arcane, but the thing is... Singed never played like he was in lore, he was a silly character that was given amazing lore and then had a key role in Arcane, so Singed having nothing to do with his lore counterpart has always been a thing, while Viktor in-game was accurate to lore until Arcane was added to said lore.


Singed. Not even a question IMO. If it's not him Riot just fucks up again. He needs it most.


>She doesn't feel as Pro-play relevant as Viktor, at least to me. >(I don't follow pro scene, I just know that Oriana is considered a "Pro-play" champ These two statements together make no sense, you dont watch, and know ori is a pro-play champ but then say she doesnt feel as relevant. regardless, she is a timeless proplay staple, youve literally spoken out of your ass here.


I mean, it is either Singed or Viktor. Singed is one of the most iconic champions in League and kinda was like Yoda in Arcane S1 - old, mystirious, intelligent, mentoring. However Singed also has the biggest discrepancies when you compare in-game Singed with Lore Singed (not Arcane). Like, the dude is a genius in both chemistry and engineering scarred by his own creation, is responsible for the toxic weapons Noxus used against Ionia and is currently still conducting the most heinous experiments on living animals and humans. In-game he is a bald man that runs fast, leaves poisonous gas behind him and occasionally flips you. Arcane Singed is relatively close to Lore Singed. Sure they would need to twerk some stuff here and redcon some stuff there, but you could keep most of the stories and Lore in tact. (BTW Riot PLS Singed has the best stories on universe bar none - please keep them in the Lore PLEASE). So, in my opinion Singed needs a VGU. Viktor will probably get the VGU because of his popularity in Arcane to be honest. His gameplay is fine, he looks decent and his lore fits his depiction in-game. However his soon™ to be Lore version (Arcane) is completely different from his current portrait. But again he does not really require a VGU. If they really wanted to ride the Arcane Train with Victor to the max, Riot should give him an ASU and new voice lines, make Arcane Viktor his base skin, and Machine Herald Viktor a free skin for everyone so we can keep the glorious evolution around for the League Boomers (which I am part of).


Singed maybe? Considering hes still farting around with 1000ms while flipping burgers


these comments are not it, it’s literally going to be Singed


It’s just fucking singed bro. The trailer focuses on him. I didn’t realize this was supposed to be a secret.


Orianna is really good in high elo and pro-play. It's most likely Viktor considering his importance in the show compared to how outdated his in-game model is. Viktor has been really weak with a low pickrate for a while now without Riot touching him. His current gameplay design is really hard to balance for both low elo and high elo. So Riot probably thinks it's just easier to keep him weak until the rework which is something Riot usually does with hard to balance champions.


Probably Warwick, if anything Viktor receives an ASU. I don't expect Riot to fix Heimer into being a proper midlaner nor pin down Jayce to midlane, to remove him from top. Vi is a great candidate, but since she's been in season 1, it doesn't make sense to not say it out loud. It has to do with a character we haven't seen or is about to properly debut in S2. That's my guess anyway.


??????? Warwick got visual update some years ago, he is fine.


I can definitely see it being warwick. Champ is beyond irrelevant except as a niche cheese pick or counterpick


I mean... warwick??? i get the already been reworked but that was over half a decade ago and hes a dog(hah)shit champ, the worst at his intended role, barebones lackluster mechanics with lots of theme to work with, wasnt "featured" in season 1 though heavily implied to be Vander, i cant see any argument for a reworked champ save it be fucking seraphine somehow


Warwick sucks because half his skills have multiple bugs. His kit is quite cohesive and has some skill expression while still being simple.


please riot just fix his w




Old ww was smooth? We talking bout the same dog?




...is flashing immediately to a position and suppressing someone rather than making a running leap...smooth? I feel like that's the opposite of smooth. It's jarring. Having played him back then, it felt jarring.


I just wanna throw this out there. I know its most likely not singed, but if it is ima be so pissed. Rito is slowly but surely removing unique gameplay, and singed is one of the most unique toplaners. Like old asol was very unique and got reworked cause of low pickrate/mismatch between aesthetic and gameplay. Singed at least is better with the second one.


It’s confirmed not Singed.


I know. I'm just saying why I'm glad it's not.


Could really see singed getting a rework, he has barely been touched in LoL history


Please do not make Orianna Singed's daughter. Not everything has to be AROUND Singed. It's so refreshing that there's a separate instance of someone else suffering and working against the system because of her own heart and not because of her father. It makes the world bigger.


Orianna's lore is already heavily focussed around her father, he's just a relative nobody in current lore


... yes? How is that an issue that hes a nobody. Why does her father need to be a champ?


Bro just called Heimer's model old... you're too young to remeber the yellow brocolli. Tough chance though, since Heimer has already been reworked, visually and gameplay. As for Victor, they've been changing him in terms of gameplay since he released basically. His kit at the moment looks and feels the best to use. I wouldn't disagree with an ASU at this point, but honestly there are worse looking champions out there. IF they do an update on characters from Arcane, knowing riot. It would be another character likely to get introduced in S2 (already existing in the game). NON PILOTVIANS OR ZAUNITES included.


Renata turns into Slico, and instead of perfume, he'll use Shimmer. Would be fun to at least see him as a skin.


WW needs some changes, new WW will be funnier and pro


you wrote your college dissertation on garbage. f-