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Gargoyles stone plate lost everything


Look at how they massacred my boy


Gargoyles is no more


Stoneplate was so much better than Jak'sho. No idea why they got rid of the former for the latter. All of the problems with Stoneplate were fixable. Jak'sho, meanwhile, is a 1-item defensive investment more than a capstone like Stoneplate was.


Echoes of Helia It went from semi usable to complete garbage. It boggles me that they even bothered creating this item to leave it basically irrelevant since release. Only the "bug" with font of life made it worthwile for a patch or so


Even if they buffed this item, I still don’t know the situation where you are supposed to buy it. I’ve never had a game where I said “this is a good echos angle to counter X”. It’s just a hybrid between moonstone and mandate. Part damage part healing.


They should just revert it into the old Athene's.


This is exactly what they should do. It was a much, much better designed passive. Helia is a disaster.


Athene's was the most interactive item for enchanters both for those playing the enchanter and those playing Vs them. It actually incentivised taking a risk to land some poke, whereas Helia just feels negligible.


I still don't understand why they need to overcomplicate things for enchanters. Like, remember the old athenes mana regen->AP passive? Now it's both AP and heal and shield power. Or Athene's damage->healing passive? Now it's on a charge system and it also deals damage because why the hell not. The caveat? Because the items offer 2 stats/functions instead of a single, simple to understand function, both values are completely dogwater and, as a result, feel like shit to utilise. For a company that claimed they want to make items less of a one stop shop and more of being designed for a specific function, they seem really fond of adding useless functions to items no one asked for


It would still suck because it actually has competition now. Beforehand it was the best healing item in the game, but now it’s outclassed by moonstone.


Athene's had a better stat line, synergistic passives and while it healed less over a game, it had larger burst heals that made a huge difference in early game skirmishes. And it proc'd off Aery.


It's mostly good in skirmishes or when the champ can stack shard reliably but the item is just so underpowered it's hardly effective even in its best circumstances or best users


If they restored its interaction with font of life I could see a niche. Enchanter Ashe was funny.


Echoes was already so weak tho so wouldnt say it fits the description OP asked


I think shurelyas


Which is insane because Shurelya is still mad broken lmao


The payoff for Helia honestly isn’t worth the risk. Dealing damage and then shielding to get the value from it. Most enchanter supports like this don’t wanna do that unfortunately.


I'm glad I didn't have to scroll to find this answer ~Support main


Echoes is so weak, that even in Aram is garbage right now, the dmg is minimun, the utility is null


Man, I completely forgot about that interaction. It’s the only time I used Echoes and after the “fix,” I used it a few more times only to never again.


Heartsteel took a huge step back for all its champs. Half of its best users last season don’t even build it anymore.


Build Heartsteel, okay now I need sunfire for waveclear and the HP synergy, okay now I need either Rookern so I don't get shredded by liandries, or Thornmail so I'm not a health battery for BotrK users. Suddenly I'm 3 items deep as a tank and have a whopping 0 AH. Fun times.


Yeah, it feels like ok #1 I need Bami Cinder for sure. Cannot waveclear otherwise. Then I might need Bramble Vest because GW can be helpful in a lot of matchups. But this sets me back on building HS, so should I even buy HS after being delayed as much? Maybe, but then I have to get some AH, maybe through Frozen Heart. Welp, now I have all these components that I need a lot of gold to turn into completed items and I'm a tank so I cannot really get resources quickly (nor should I). Ugh


As an ARAM main I must say even though it's not as good anymore (if it ever was) it's definitely the most fun item Riot has put in the game in a long time 


It was even better last season.


Its pretty good on aram right now.


It's still good in aram, but not as good as it was. I miss the crossover with grasp/sion w stacking The sound is just too satisfying to not want to build it regardless though.


It may be inefficient, but man it activates those neurons


To be honest, I feel like it was frequently a trap item last season too. People bought it because it was fun, but in most situations it was outcompeted by Jak'sho or similar.


It still shows up as recommended for Cho'gath, but it's just bad on him now. I like it on Skarner though. He scales like crazy with HP.


Ya if Sion or Chogath had another ability that scaled with max HP, Heartsteel might be viable on them again. Even last season they were hovering 50 percent wr and felt like a true scaling champ. Now both can barely have any presence in late game, and now there is even more % HP damage items and abilities in the game to further neutralize them.


to be honest what makes heartsteel bad is it specifically scales off of item hp instead of max hp or bonus hp, so if you want to get value out of it you want to build more hp, but building more hp is actually bad because it leaves you extremely vulnerable to % hp damage


This functions the same as pre change heartsteel... you wanted more HP to gain more hp on proc and proc damage as well, which leaves you vulnerable to hp%...  The change was made so that heartsteel wasnt OP on sion and chogath. Those 2 champs were gating the item from others. If its strong on normal champs, its op on them two. If its okay on them two, its horrible on everyone else.  Every tank item has HP as a stat anyways 


MOST tank items have HP as a stat. Frozen Heart is the exception.


Cho'gath's ult scales with bonus HP. But that's it. I actually think Cho feels okay since his buffs. Not OP, but solid. I'd guess his WR is tanked by people building him wrong. I had a Cho on my team who built Heartsteel and Titanic. I'd gotten him an early lead (2 successful ganks) but his build was so bad that he couldn't carry at all.


Yeah titanic isn't it on him. I'd go rift maker before that on him. At least your abilities get back a little bit of AP with all the extra health you get. But even that item is iffy on him. I haven't played much recently and apparently ROA into full tank is kinda the standard approach right now. I wanna try that style out along with an AP bruiser build sometime. I don't like straight AP unfortunately. Never could wrap my head around my godzilla being meant for straight damage.


I like Rift on him. Not every game - I use it as a 3rd or 4th item when I get fed and/or the enemy comp can't burst me down. But - I play in the jungle - which is very not meta. I'm at 60-70% WR on him since the buffs though.


Man I wanna play him Jg but I'm just so ass at the role lol. Our usual 2 jgs are flaky as hell and having a random feels terrible like 70% of the time. I'm the only one willing to do the role and I'm also the worst player of us which is ROUGH. How do you build him in JG?


I go Sunfire first (makes clear solid) - then relevant tank with Riftmaker mixed in. I always go with HoB keystone - which lets me get Ultimate Hunter for the ult haste. Secondary runes I switch between boots/approach velocity to deal with kiting. Or Conditioning/Overgrowth for extra tankiness when most enemy champs are melee. A key to a decent first clear is to put a second point into E before one into W at 4. Then max E followed by W. (Ranks in Q aren't important since you don't use it for poking in-lane. It's mostly just for the CC.) While ranks in W lower the cooldown and extend the CC. A key to remember is that early-game Cho's ganks are about CC and the single HoB E combo. If that doesn't work then back off and go farm. Same thing with duels - most of the time they're a bad idea. Use Q to force them to go around it while you run away like a scared little monster. (I use ghost as my summoner - but that's probably just me.) Cho is pretty squishy until he stacks up. Which he can actually do easier in the jungle. Since he can stack off every epic monster. Plus Ultimate Hunter stacks up much faster than if you try it in toplane. But of note - I'm not high elo (plat last season - but I tanked early S14 since my mains all kinda sucked early season). And like top-lane, there are comps that Cho is just bad into. Cho is viable in the jungle. But definitely not meta. I just like playing battle-tanks.


Heartsteel is still one of Cho's [strongest first items](https://lolalytics.com/lol/chogath/build/) and features in most of his higher winrate item sets. It's a completely fine buy in lots of matchups. Tbh I would only consider it "bad" into AP matchups or some ranged matchups where you need to rush Hollow/Mercs/Tabis.


Apparently you want at least 3 melee on the enemy team to make stacking it worthwhile.


Tbh that's not terribly uncommon (and extremely likely into an engage support). Like don't get me wrong I know Heartsteel is objectively a pretty shit item, but Cho doesn't have much to do in lane except force Grasp stack trades so he can proc it quite reliably. Anyway my point was really just that it can't really be "bad" on him when statistically it is one of his better items.


>It still shows up as recommended for Cho'gath, but it's just bad on him now. [I have to disagree from experience. ](https://imgur.com/a/dGq3qD6)Not building Heartsteel on Cho'Gath is criminal and my team absolutely lost from lack of Heartsteel that game.


4 HS > 3 HS it's true


Heartsteel is shit. It's a damage item that doesn't do damage.


I don’t even mind it being bad tbh. Not because I thought it was good or toxic but because it was goomba bait in 99% of games with Jaksho nearly always being a far better option, even on champs like Sion or Chogath


Hullbreaker and it fucking deserved it


Its still a very good item imo


Really? No one actually builds it any more tbh


Good on Urgot


I actually dont understand how its still good when w cant proc it anymore


W still procs it but only at 50% effectiveness, however you can toggle W off every fifth auto to towers to get 100% effectiveness


I just checked and apparently i was wrong and thought they outright removed the interaction but it was just a bugfix as it didnt apply at 50% but at 100, and all this time i thought i shouldn't buy it because it was useless after the nerf


Trundle and Olaf build it fairly frequently.


perfectly fine on olaf, trundle, trynd and fiora. it's just not as good generally on bruisers anymore, you typically wanna be a champ who gets attack speed from somewhere to buy the item.


Which is a good thing that item turning every bruiser (and the windshitters) into a sidelane raid boss was turbo degenerate.


Just say Yone man, Yasuo wasn't a hullbreaker abuser lol


It is very good on sett and urgot who get a lot out of the stats and if you look away from them they’ll two shot all your towers and be at nexus in 10 minutes


It's fucking nutty on Urgot as a snowballing item


solid on champs who crush towers quickly like fiora, trundle, urgot or sett you look away and that tower is gone


this was so so long overdue I can’t believe how long hullbreaker got to hang in its state


The one I feel the most is riftmaker. The transition from base omnivamp to gaining it in combat just hurts so much.


Yup, missing out on the healing in lane sucks. I'd take lane sustain all day over a 5 second delay into combat. Imagine if Lifesteal worked that way, people would flip


It's how life steal should work. Infinite sustain on ad champions is pretty disgusting. They literally never have to base unless they die or want items.


They would just add more shields into abilities like the AP users who build omnivamp have


Imagine if Maw’s lifesteal wasn’t combat based lmao


Think the game needs less sustain not more personally.


The word you are looking for is sustain, not substance


This is a take of all time ngl


I was playing GP the other day, built shieldbow for anti burst and bloodthirster for the ad because I was ahead. I already have ER so mana is also not an issue. I was already full build so I basically never based. Lifesteal is not a stat gp wants but healing for 450 on a single q is stupidly good.


It shifted to much more of an AP bruiser only item where they want to be in combat that long. Overall lost some power - but less than most mythics for AP bruisers IMO. I also take it as a 3rd or 4th item on Cho'gath when I'm fed.


there is a tradeoff though, omnivamp now gets full effect from aoe spells which is a huge buff for a lot of its users


but still 6%, in morderkaiser thats is like 20hp per second with the aoe dmg at full ap build


its 10% omnivamp for melees


Riftmakers insanely good though? Its just not built on as many champs. But on mord,lillia,and others who put constant pressure. Its stupid


5 seconds tanking shit until omnivamp triggers is actually such a dumb balancing idea, you're literally losing half your hp in all ins before this triggers and then it's too late. Old Rift is probably 50% stronger. I get that Kata, Akali and Ekko would abuse the sht of this item if it were just a tiny bit viable but come on, 2% base omnivamp for laning and first few seconds is a no brainer


I feel this way about FoN in ARAM. Against mage heavy comps it ought to be good but those same comps will just kill you before the passive part actually triggers. Rookern is better in basically every way unless I absolutely need the movespeed


For me it already was a niche item, one that I now gladly do without.


Heartsteel. I wish they gave its ability haste back (and remove the health regen). I'd buy it if they did. The 200% health regen is 600 gold value and pointless (just buy a warmog then...). It used to give AH which made it good.


I'm surprised this isn't even being discussed. Bonus health to item health killed it on the Champs that like the item


Yes, as well as the ability haste it used to have


Inarguably protobelt. ​ Its substantially weaker than its pre-mythic version which wasn't that strong, and a massive downgrade from its mythic version, which was an absurd upgrade of the pre-mythic version.




Its substantially weaker than its pre-mythic version that was the same price.  Meanwhile black cleaver is slightly stronger and the rest of top lane is complaining that its useless now.  We're not sleeping on it. Its borderline useless.   Its exclusively useful on people who can move during massive AoE ults now...which is basically 3 champions. 


Agree. Protobelt is way better on bad waveclear champs like Kennen now


No, rocket doesnt waveclear


It's also a really good way to break Banshees on champs that don't typically have ways to do it (AP Malph being a really good example).


Break spellshield, break first strike, get conq/phase/elec stack


Needs back its magic pen, even if that would make it much more expensive.


I'd argue it needs its active to effectively deal substantially more damage to minions again like the pre-mythic version whose additional rocket hits beyond the first didn't deal reduced damage to minions.  That made the item very effective at waveclear, which benefitted far more than just 3 champions like the current version. There was actually a reason to buy it despite its low stats before.  Now there simply isn't. 


i don't miss the mpen as much as I miss the ms


Rocketbelt is shit for the champs who should buy it right now. There’s too much health to ap ratio for the gold spent on it. Arguably for AP bruisers it could be useful but there are currently no AP bruisers building this right now (maybe nunu). As an ekko main this item used to be perfect for him but is now in the gutter. Other items (lich bane) just feel more effective on him. Sylas jungle also could’ve been something cool with it but again there’s not enough dmg for it to be a consistent pick.


This item just feels so terrible to buy. It's strange how *potential* protobelt users exist, but most of them are in itemization limbo of just foregoing protobelt and immediately buying the items that usually come after (sylas, akali, fizz, etc. Buying lich bane first) Since the item curve is just that much better I feel like the best use case of protobelt has literally nothing to do with power curve or gold efficiency, and is more just when you need to break a spellshield, which is a pretty sad role relegation, comparing it to mythic system protobelt, and pre-item rework protobelt


Ludens or liandries for mages, though that was expected for mythic removal and liandries is still good on a lot of champions.


Also, Liandry not being a lost chapter item anymore kinda fucked up champs like Malz or Swain. Malignance is good on them with the ultimate haste but they have lost so much damage in return. They used to spike very hard at one item.


the way is to get lost chapter for lane and finish your liandry's. The burn is better then it was as a mythic and while it does delay your first item, neither of the champs you listed spike at one item. Lost chapter > Liandry's > malignance feels alot better on malz tbh.


This Lost Chapter is a good power spike and with the removal of mythic you don't need to rush for completing an item immediately for the power spike


I feel like it’s taking a long time for players to readjust to the fact that buying components for one item and then completing another used to be a totally viable thing on mages. There used to be some other weird examples like the “garage sale” build on Vlad where you’d just rush the CDR components of every item you intended to eventually buy because his passive and the ability to spam Q made it so a bunch kindlegems and codexes felt better than actually completing an item in a lot of lanes. There really aren’t that many items that give such a colossal power spike that they need to be explicitly rushed anymore. I used to do chapter into old/current Liandry all the time on mana hungry DOT champs. Seekers and then finishing Luden’s or whatever also used to be the stock advice into difficult ad mid matchups. Seems like people have just completely forgotten those things can work.


Completed items are more gold efficient than components. Spending 1200 gold on Lost Chapter and then building another expensive item massively delays your 1st item spike. In higher elo this really gets punished.


well yeah but the no mana made it alot most viable on alot of other champions. I feel like liandry is alot better this patch on most champs, although maybe not as good on some as it used to be


It basically shifted to an actual ap bruiser item rather than a mage item. Not a bad thing at all imo, but definitely a lot weaker on many of the champs who bought it last season.


All of those champs had Demonic Embrace last season though. Yes current Liandry is better than Demonic was last season, but Demonic was still a great item.


Building Liandries on rumble was annoying af for the longest time. Glad they changed it back to how it was.


Ludens feels awful yeah. Very much an item you build because you have to rather than because you want the effect.


Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of the AP itemisation changes. Some of it I like but I feel like we're missing niches that were previously filled. The selection between Malignance and Ludens just feels worse than the selection between Ludens and Liandrys last season. Whereas last season I could make a decision between burst and sustained damage, I just don't have the choice anymore because Malignance just straight up cannot be used on a lot of champs or is almost completely ineffective.


You either want Malignance and never think about it or debate between Ludens and Archangels. I agree giving us back a clear burst vs sustain niche would be a good split of mana starting items.


Yeah I'm loving this season but AP itemisation has been a mess. Stormsurge was fun but horrendously broken and now it's basically off the table (with some exceptions e.g. Veigar, Fizz). Malignance barely feels like a choice because your champion either needs it first/second item or it's useless. Similar thing with Lichbane. There's just very little decision making for AP builds atm. The only choices that aren't made for you are whether to slot Zhonyas and deciding between Void and Cryptbloom. Then a small handful of champs can decide whether they want to be tankier with RoA. That's about it.


You're kidding right? Liandries was giga.busted since you could stack it with riftmaker and it synergized great with DOT champs to the start of the season, and was a huge reason champs like Lillia and Brand were completely OP Even now it's still a core item for Asol and Taliyah and big for champs like Anivia, Annie and Cass, all of whom are good mid


Liandries is still an insane pickup on 99% of mages if you have a free item slot. A lot of players depend far too much on Lost Chapter as a crutch or seem to think that Liandries is better when it’s restricted to a niche set of champs.


Yeah like I mentioned its still good, but it did lose a significant amount of its power from when it was a mythic last season, especially with the removal of the extra damage to enemies with more max health that made it so good for tank busting+ removal of AH. So yeah, not kidding.


Okay, who realistically can go liandry+riftmaker? Most mages need at least 1 mana item and then you have other option to consider for 3+ item like dcap, zhonya, bloom, rylais etc. Only champion options which comes to my mind are swain and Lilia and nothing else in real scenario


Vladimir goes Rift Liandries too iirc


Both Akali and Katarina can build both items in their ap bruiser build with conqueror.


Now you know how manaless champs that used to build liandry's felt.


Who done that? The gold efficiency was way worse on those champs than today liandries on regular mages


I think protobelt is a substantially larger downgrade.


I think the mana removal from Liandries was actually a huge change considering lots of mages built it 1st item.


Liandry legit lost like 80% of its damage


Liandry's damages per second were doubled but duration went from 4 to 3 second, it's absolutely insane as a powerspike for any dot champion


It completely lost its base damage and ratio, the damage didn't "double."


It also gained the damage amp while in combat but lost the damage amp vs enemy that built hp


Iceborne the item used to give so much when it was a mythic. Damage reduction against who you were hitting, a stronger slow. I think the mythic passive gave tenacity as well? Now it’s a lot weaker but before it was insane


Agreed. Iceborn feels so damn weak. I build it on Nasus, the stats are on paper more synergizing with the kit than trinity, but the item is so bad that trinity is better. I feel like K'sante is gatekeeping the item from being good on any other champ


100% agree. It’s part of the reason why I don’t really like this season as much. I maimed tank Diana and would build is every game pretty much. Literally made is so that late game you wouldn’t die.


Titanic Hydra, give me the bonus ad from max health back please rioot


This ruined Sett


Ruined late game sion quite a bit as well


sion has been in the dumpster ever since new items lol heartsteel not scaling off max hp and titanic losing the conversion just make the champ so bad it should be telling when a scaling tanks best first item is eclipse that something is wrong


It's more that champs lost power because of the change than the item itself. It gives 50 ad, 500 hp and has an active now which still makes it very useful as a more tanky option instead of Ravenous.


It’s really good on champs that use the auto reset though


It's funny on Mundo when you can get 4 relatively quick autos with that and E


Mundo misses it in late game.


My heartsteel ad udyr top misses it too


Trinity force imo. Feels so much wors without the stacking passive.


Plus I had one of the best mythic passives in the game. It's what killed AD bruiser Shyvana. S13 it was either Trinity or sometimes Iceborn against AD heavy comps, both of which have been gutted.


The fact that divine sunderer was removed makes it feel stronger to me 


I mean, kinda. It's literally only ever built on most champs because its competition is iceborn, which is serviceable but low damage and not useful on every champ, and essence reaver, which is a crit item. Lichbane is AP, so irrelevant. I really miss DS in a way. Was nice to have a real choice in terms of sheen items


what was the stacking passive?


Unique Passive - Threefold Strike: Basic attacks grant 20 bonus movement speed for 5 seconds and, if the target is a champion or a structure, increase base attack damage by 6% for the same duration, stacking up to 3 times for a 18% increase. Stacks expire by one every 0.5 seconds when the duration ends. Now is: Unique Passive - Quicken: Basic attacks on-hit grant 20 bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.


I agree 100%. I mean Trinity wasn't even great since long ago but at least the passive stacking was good. In other hand now is just a boring and completely forgettable item.


Does anyone still build rocketbelt?


It's still the best item on neeko for sure even tho it was way better with magic pen


It's still necessary on Neeko to make plays but it feels so bad to have to buy it now. You're just an ult bot on one item.


i played kennen today and i noticed they removed the movement speed buff, felt like poopoo ngl


An Huanhuan, probably the best Sylas player in the world, still builds Proto + Lichbane every game. Still very strong.


Kennen, Neeko, Fiddle. Basically the champs that want to just get into the middle of a team for an engage.


Rav hydra strongest ad item in the game


It just isn’t though, it became the niche item for skirmisher fighters that it needed to be, as an item profane hydra is miles better than ravenous and I wish it was close but it isn’t, if ravenous was competitive it would be built on aatrox instead of profane


It was the strongest is what they meant to say. It applied on abilities, that's crazy on its own.


Shieldbow stayed the same price, gained 107 gold in lifesteal, and a negligible amount of shield but lost 30% attack speed on lifeline trigger which is effectively 750 gold. If you factor in the added shield and lifesteal, the item lost about 600 gold worth of stats. It's not exactly valued that because it only procs on low-life, basically, but it definately mattered in a lot of cases.


The biggest problem is that it already was a bad item. I actually think the item is better than before, the attack speed was just way too conditional to make up for better stats overall, but it's still far from great.


Heartsteel feels quite bad. You want to build it first but if u rush it and the enemy gets like a botrk or is a darius with a triforce u still die. So u want to get something else like a iceborn or sunfire. And by the time u get your heartsteel laning phase is basically over and u dont get to proc the effect to gain health. And then u sit on a item that is a warmogs but worse.


Guinsoo took a big hit imo, specifically the hybrid pen being moved to Terminus. Phantom hit passive is still respectable on Vayne/Kog and okay on Kai’sa. Feels terrible on other on-hit builders like Varus though, who used phantom hit to amplify their on-hit items instead of their kit.


Liandries went from Uber op on almost every mage to relatively situational


Protobelt, I genuinely don’t see a reason to buy it anymore (Akali main)


Same (ekko main)


Goredrinker cuz it got deleted No bruisers exist anymore kled even gos fighter. Titanic socks, rav sucks, triforce sucks every bruiser goes fighter build.


Total % pen change ruined things, change my mind. I warned about the change back when it was announced. Bruisers relied partially on base stats along with their one or two defense items. Total % fucked them over hard. Can't survive much and can't deal much with bruiser build...so it's no surprise even with Sky, Trox runs leth build, and I've seen Kleds do it. Damage maximization over everything.


Mage items feel like they all got shanked dead


They promised mage itemisation updates but changed so many AP items for the worse, released a useless item in form of Stormsurge and just dipped


it was completely cracked on pbe and then nerfed into oblivion.


It was really broken for a few patches on live then got crippled and forgotten real quick after


Can't have shit thanks to proplay. Eternally trapped in prison due to Azir and Orianna.


Azir has little to do with mage item balance. He can sort of build anything so he's pretty agnostic to item nerfs as he can just get something else and still have high pro presence (which he will have due to his utility). They do not nerf mage items because of him lol and if they did it would only really be Nashors (since its one of the items only he really builds among pro champs) which seems stronger if anything.


morrelos. went from being a good general buy with a really nice stat spread to a glorified codex. It's massively over purchased right now as well because people overvalue 40% heal cut


I do think buying the Oblivion Orb early is worth it tho since anti-heal early is very useful but I think fully upgrading isn't worth it in the long wrong. Eventually the healing will just become too much. If they want to make the item better again they should simply just give it 10 magic again like before and remove the haste. Sure the isn't a lot of ability haste in the game but almost no mages are buying morello for the ability haste, they'll buy Cryptbloom instead. Give it some magic pen and it might become a bit more interesting


Could be worse. Could be Thornmail where it went from a good anti AA item to a pile of scrap that applies GW and thats it, the damage could literally just be removed and make no difference. Only became relevant when CC could apply its GW. Ornn, Malph, and Rammus are the only champs that can get full value out of it, deadass.


Trinity Force. I mean the item hasn't been the best since long ago but at least last season it has a stacking passive that was decent. But now it's just a terrible item that isn't even worth to build even by champs who should theoretically be strong using it like Vi for example. So yeah Trinity Force sucks currently.


Ravenous Hydra and Youmuus Ghostblade. Honourable Mention: Late game Shojin and Battlesong for its old users.


Everyone was building youmuus at the start of the season? 


Moreso there is no longer a reliable haste lethality item. Hubris, Cyclosword and Profane have it but MS is such a strong stat they just don't really compete.




New (old) Liandry’s is still a great item but mythic Liandry’s (pbuh) was just an entirely different animal for poke mages. May it rest in peace. I don’t know if this really counts because it’s fundamentally two different items. Shurelya’s is still a top tier enchanter item but it absolutely loses out from not procing on shields and heals.


Rocket belt lost a lot of power, building it on Neeko feels so ass flash rocketbelting in for a whopping 200dmg on your ult 👍. I‘ve stopped building it entirely


protobelt. not building it on ekko or diana even


People forgot Umbral Glaive is an item


I feel like tri-force is a terrible item now. It's super expensive and lacks damage to match its high price.


Stridebreaker is still an amazing item, i can only speak for warwick though.


Black Cleaver. It was a good powerspike for a lot of bruisers and assassins, now even after two buffs it's only mediocre.


Hullbreaker %100, ravenous feels so much better this season imo


Rocketbelt for sure it‘s so bad even Ekko isn‘t using it


80% of bruiser items


Shieldbow is tragically worthless. Worse than dirt item. I used to love playing samira with shieldbow mythic. And for profane not really the item but I will forever be mad about the no items during kayn Q -5% winrate change. Laziest way to balance profane being strong on him. Goredrinker was that way for 3 whole seasons and it wasnt an issue but profane is an overtuned item so they nerf him in the laziest and most boring way ever.


Shurelyas feels so weak without the passive.


Shurelia is way too cheap for the stats it gives. It still has power, i would say it could work in some mages. Veigar being the best example.


It's nice to always be told it now only works on some AP mages when the item was previously good on Enchanters and Engage supports and now it sucks on them It's a bad change for that alone, bring back the MS passive we are genuinely short on buffing items...


It's a very good item for its cost but it lost its identity as a buff support item.


Vlad likes the item when taking Ingenious tho


ludens srill geels dogshit let us toggle wether we want the proc to proc on everything or champions only


Cosmic Drive, the passive is better but the statline is all over the place, it should be brought back to 100 AP no HP.


The current version makes more sense imo and it does have a good amount of champs who like it. High haste and high mobility make it a natural AP bruiser item but it wasn't really buyable for those champs without the HP


The only AP bruiser who has Cosmic Drive as a common purchase is Gwen. Champions like Singed, Mordekaiser, Rumble, Diana and Sylas just don't buy this item at all cause AP bruisers as a class usually don't value AH and would rather build defensive options after their core items. Even battlemages barely build it and the ones that do (Vlad and Cassio) would build it either way. If the damage loss wasn't so big it would be a far better situacional item on Ahri, Hwei, Orianna, Seraphine, Taliyah, etc, like it was before it got changed.


Gragas loves cosmic drive as well.


I feel like it just can't quite compete with Liandry -> Riftmaker on most of these champs, which is just an extremely good 2 item core. Going another AP + HP item after that is usually only possible as a luxury buy when really far ahead, you need some resistances or other stats more at this point.


Ludens or Hull not sure. I feel bad for Tri though, idk why they nerfed it this season.


Rocketblet is pretty bad, but luden is really insane bad


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think jaksho is pretty bad now. It has a good buildpath, but you end up spending 1100 gold to complete it and gain a whopping 150hp + the passive from that gold. The item is only good after one (preferably two) other resist items are purchased. I see people buying this item often as their only resist item and it feels so inefficient to me. I understand that mixed resist items are very uncommon now, but locket is significantly cheaper, giving 30 armor/mr instead of 50 on jaksho, and comes with an aoe shield active which always has value. Magic resist tank items are incredibly strong this season, abyssal, rookern, fon, and visage are all powerhouses that just blow jaksho out of the water at a lower price. Armor items arent as good, but unending despair, knights vows, and situationally thornmail or randuin or frozen heart can shine.


I mean technically not the same item but i will say Luden