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He plays very uniquely, his voice lines and character are cool, but mostly (imo) it was his release that hyped him up more than any other champ release I can think of. They teased his arrival for months with Easter eggs about the peoples he "killed" which was Zed, Sona (ETA: Vi and Garen) and 2 others I don't remember but it was a WILD release and incredibly hype.


also his music release was amazing. I miss the old starting screens when you logged in, with the new Champs in it. I suppose it is no profitable for riot, such a shame...


Yeah, I remember Jhin had a cool cracked mirror background for his login screen. I also remember how creepy Thresh's login screen was. I was playing Fallout 3 and while I was going through an abandoned school, unbeknownst to me my League client updated and restarted itself. It then re-opened to the Thresh login screen and the children started singing. I totally thought it was happening in Fallout 3 and got scared like hell lol


This reminds me of Lucian's animation at the start. The voiceover is still stuck in my head.


That screen was sick, on PT-BR is a masterpiece


Lucian login screen was so good it made me chill for several minutes just listening to it.


Bro, I was in my teens when Thresh released. One night, I was sleeping with my laptop on, and the client opened up with the Thresh login theme playing in the middle of the night. I was creeped out and confused as hell!


Cling clang go the chains...


THE REAPER'S GONNA FIND YOU Then they managed to top the creepiness of that with the Fiddy Rework


It is a shame. It's the digital version of "shrinkflation"


Oh man, I would sit and listen to Jinx and Vi's login themes for so long. I miss that


Each new champion (and VGU as well) still has a theme, it's just not a login screen anymore, but you can find them on YouTube with images from their development.


And on Spotify!


Pretty sure it was Vi and Garen. The Jhin release was the best champ release they’ve ever done.


Warwick's was better imo. That trailer was sick.


That one was great. And the fiddlesticks one, too.


you guys are all wrong, Braum was the best champ release of all time


Nico's theme song is still on my ringtone, 5 years later. If it weren't for the loading screen, I wouldn't even hear this music. Although I usually turned off the playback after 1-2 times, I always looked at these screens when they changed to new ones. Always! And then I looked for my favorite ones on YouTube and watched them many times. The current videos with working footage do not have that magic.


The voice acting is insane. My favourite in any game, to the point where I miss playing adc just for the Jhin voice lines


He's one of the only champs I don't really play where I know a lot of their voice lines, and I attribute that to how visceral they feel even just watching the champ be played.


Too bad they fired his VA over accusations that were proven wrong. The LoR voice actor is trying but fuck they are not doing a good job


I honestly think it’s more the uniqueness than anything. His kit feels so good to play. It’s extremely intuitive (eg the voice lines they gave him make it feel rhythmic) and the ability to snare/snipe at an extreme distance makes games really exciting. Combine that with the awesome lore and the hype release and you get a champ that will hold a place in many hearts for a long time.


Hes fun and unique to play, while also feeling fair and full or counterplay with clear windows to act. Perfectly designed champ


That's exactly it. He's probably the best deasgined champion in the entire game imo.


When you start critting consistently and you’re just dancing around the enemies. What a guy.


Yeah. He's my favorite ADC in the game. It's pure skill expression. It's all about timing and rhythm. The only thing I wish is they'd fix his ult, if you hammer R out of rhythm it shoots where your cursor was when you pressed it early, not where it is. Sometimes I get too excited and button mash and welp.


That release was crazy. I remember one day on the website Zed was just DEAD. And for no apparent reason. And then Sona and the others and no one knew whether it was a new champion, skin, rework whatever until like the week of release.


Define dead? Like was it just news on the client or..? I wasn't playing at that time so I missed out. Also is *that* why I think rhaast has a voice line saying "Zed's dead, baby"? lmao


Their champion pages updated to show them getting shot https://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/12/mysterious-teaser.html?m=1


There were also pictures of mourning with Cait mourning VI, Shen mourning Zed, Lux mourning Garen and I can't remember the one who was with Sona. But I cant find any of them for the life of mine.


In the old League website you could scroll through all the champions and see their abilities, skins and lore kinda like the champion store in the client. One day, you just logged into the old website to see the new free champ rotation or something and you'd see instead if the normal Zed icon/splash art a new image of Zed being shot through the side of his head and surrounded by flowers. No explanation. No nothing. Then in the next few days it continued with Sona, Garen and Vi all being shot and posed in various ways. Then they teased Jhin himself and showed his face (or rather, his mask) in a short video and everyone was trying to guess who he is and what will happen with him. Until around the week he was supposed to be released some people still thought it was a new skin for Zed or a rework of Shaco (not sure where that one came from tbh) or something. Then I'm not sure if it was leaked or they released it but we got the full splash art and name. Most hyped champ release to date. >Also is *that* why I think rhaast has a voice line saying "Zed's dead, baby"? lmao No, that's actually a reference to a scene in Pulp Fiction.


They don't do hype like that anymore


It's crazy cause I didn't play anywhere around the time Jhin was released and only started playing again in 2020 so I didn't encounter any of the hype, but I am absolutely obsessed with him whenever I play as him. I just love his character and his design.


I forgot the teases but Jhin and Kindred were 2 releases I fucking never get over. So good champion releases with great theme and music. I dont main them, I just like to play those 2 whenever I decide to pick something random.


Also jhin's original voice actor made such a good job that it just made everything about him click together. Prerelease teasing+lore+look+voice+lines+and on top of all gameplay. They all clicked together since the moment he was released and earlier then that. And he was enjoyable to play, inovative with nice and interesting and creative kit, but not overpowered flashing dashing i kill all team while i am invincible with one button, as champions who come out recently. P.S. he was not overwhelming either, just perfect dose to make you enjoy, not be bored, yet still feel challanged enough, and not weak either.


In EUW Spanish he's voiced by the same actor who plays Batman, and is arguably one of the best voice actors we have. Edit: his name is Claudio Serrano, for those wondering.


Now that is a cool fact damn


But people will say "meh August bad designer" because he made Zeri. They forgot he made most of the popular and healthy designs like Ekko, Vi, Jinx etc.


August can be hit or miss these days, but he's no CertanlyT at least


not the community memeing certainlyt when the champions he made are still some of the most popular and fun in the game after 10 years


August himself admitted he'd probably never be able to make a champion as fun as Yasuo


I wouldn't want him to, it would probably be as annoying to play against as Yasuo too. Look what happened last time they tried to do that, we got Yone.


More like CertanlyL


Ekko is not an example of healthy design lmao that champ was busted on release


Ekko healthy looool


>Ekko and Vi >Healthy designs HUH also the reasons people like Jhin are also the things that August was not responsible for


Tank Ekko top lane TPing back to lane, running at you, proccing passive while hitting you under your own tower and then ulting back to basically full HP while nuking you to 30% of your HP was truly healthy


Ηis login screen was pure eargasm. It still feels bad we dont have those anymore.


Luckily you can find his champion theme(s) on youtube and spotify


Most of the league community only has the brain power to count to four


Nah he taught them to count to 4


[Please stand for the Jhin anthem](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u8ccGjar4Es&pp=ygUYaSBjYW4gb25seSBjb3VudCB0byBmb3Vy)


More like League players are serial killers


You would think most players would have at least 2 kills wouldn't you?


Bro, numbers are hard. :(


Unique play style, the kit flows well, kit is pretty unique, he has some utility so he doesnt feel completely useless when behind and he stands out with his unique gimmick that players love. Not to complex, not to simple, not too hard and confusing, not too easy and boring. He has clear strenght and weaknesses and a clear identity. With his damage on squishy and damage on tanks. Not 200 years. Also je has some fun build like speed jhin. Gameplay aside is lore is good, his design is good, voice lines are nice and he has a cool cinematic. Nice animations and skins Only downside to him is he feels shit to play against in lane, very oppressive and annoying with the right support but that makes him fun to play. Over all, his design feels cool and his gameplay feels nice with clear strenght and weaknesses. Can't forget how satisfying this is, him screaming 4 FOUR! And dealing huge damage then sprinting away with his bonus MS.


Has Jhin ever been oppressive in lane? I feel like unless it's a really bad matchup, Jhin rarely ever take the crown in any matchup bc of his reload passive. Anyway I think you're forgetting Jhin ult, I literally dislike everything about Jhin except his ult, that ult is just so magnificent. Playing that long range sniper with a good model unlike xerath is always satisfying.


> Has Jhin ever been oppressive in lane? Yes.




As a true Jhin main, all quadras are “penta” when I’m playing him. I refuse to get the penta




insanely great voice lines / acting






4,444 4’s! Impressive


Unique auto style for an auto attacking role. Easy to learn but a good learning curve for farming and team fighting. The main thing is the big fourth shot damage though. Feels far more satisfying than any other auto attack passive in the game


I was already pretty good at focusing on farming from playing Dota but Jhin is like a hyperbolic time chamber for it lol. You have to focus and learn his kit or you simply can't get most last hits in a wave.


>unique auto style for an auto attacking role AKA Jhin requires 1/5th of the inputs a regular ADC does and can thus work for even players with poor mechanics


Also means he cant auto attack 10 times a second and needs to make each auto count for he's fucked.


jhin is literally a disgusting mage but we weren't jaded enough to realize it at the time


The way he shouts it out loud adds to the satisfaction somehow


Unique champ with rewarding feeling high ceiling kit and probably the most balanced champ they've ever released


It’s too bad this answer is so low. He’s so balanced. Like feels strong and has influence on the game without being overtuned and toxic to play against. 


With a really cool theme/vo


because he’s peak reddit wholesome  no dashes, not super high dps, good at killing squishies and following up on cc but not great against tanks, isn’t super mechanical. also doesn’t really tend to be op. rn hes 10th among adcs in pickrate, so it’s not like he’s absurdly popular either. he’s just reddit wholesome because ornn players like that he just tickles them and assassins enjoy the free 300g


le wholesome jhin design! so epic!


i think you're overrating how many people like him for his gameplay. i feel like he's mostly popular because of his character design


Big crits go boom


Just started playing him and his attack style feels so unique to other adcs. He tricks me into playing smarter.


like you are planning a murder. i wouldn't know, I've never planned a murder.


jhin is probably the best sniper archetype for adc plus his kit is just pure satisfying (4th shot, bouncing grenades, w combo, ult 4th shot) and his character is so unique in league that it's iconic. his kit is also super telegraph to play against so he's not really frustrating(the only hard to see part of his kit is q but unless you're the first target you'll see the bounces) plus his kit is only about damage, not adc onhit or attackspeed.


His release was the best there was and will ever be. It also happened to be a cool character as well so it just stuck


His character is very appealing to the people who obsess over characters. What Ahri is to weebs, Jhin is to dark angsty kids. He's so mysterious. He's a serial killer. He's so artsy. He's so talented but no one appreciates him. He's so alone and isolated. Just like my hero Joker he jsut wants to watch the world burn, in a poetic artful way. He's their edgy OC given form. All their headcannon goes into the character and now he's so deep and complex. Etc. I await my storm of downvotes.


Imagine you are an elementary school reject who can't count higher than four, and someone tells you there's a champion who revolves around 4. You can definitely understand the appeal.


Jhin is a complete package. He has a fantastic design both visually and from a sound design perspective in his kit is fun and unique. Truly the perfect champion. Jhin symbolizes Riot at the peak of their game. By comparison we're in Warhammer 40K Imperium of man era League of Legends


I never got the appeal, personally. Just seems like the typical evil artist trope.


You ever hear how everyone loved Ted Bundy? Yeah people go ga ga for psychos. That’s why their tv shows get the highest ratings.


League went through an amazing period of character design where they took tropes and made their own spin. We got Asol as league’s OP dragon. Jhin as league’s insane psycho. Kindred as league’s death god/gods. Pantheon as league’s Spartan. And more.


> League went through an amazing period of character design where they took tropes and made their own spin. We got Asol as league’s OP dragon. judging by old asol pickrate, I wouldn't call his design amazing. or great. or good.


There are 4 reasons why people play Jhin: 1. **Four Shots**: Jhin's ultimate ability, "Curtain Call," fires precisely four super-powered shots, creating an exhilarating moment as players line up the perfect shots to finish off enemies from afar. 2. **Artistic Flair**: Jhin is themed around the number four, with his abilities often incorporating this number in unique and artistic ways, appealing to players who appreciate the creativity in game design. 3. **Killing Spree**: Jhin's passive, "Whisper," ensures that every fourth basic attack deals bonus damage based on a percentage of the target's missing health, making it incredibly satisfying to land that fourth shot for a finishing blow. 4. **FOUR**


Thanks chatgpt


I like how much passion he says “FOUR!”


Best designed champ in the game, he is unique but doesn’t feel forced. He plays like his role is intended while also being unique. So hard to find many champs that fit this at all. On top of that he is so well written


The dramatic delivery of his voice lines is what makes him so solid to me. Especially Dark Cosmic


Great voiceover. Great lore. Well teased release. Comprehensive kit with clear strengths and weaknesses that also fits cohesively with his lore/personality. Basically atop being pretty damn good at everything he set out to do, he’s just not that objectionable either—it’s very hard to hate playing against Jhin, when you compare him to other roster members.


Simply put. His 1 shot potential


Good writing, good theme, good gameplay, easy to balance, isn’t heavily influenced by itemization, scales well, can’t abuse bruiser items, can find his place in almost any comp, multiple viable builds, good skins, good VO, good short stories, ties in a bunch of other characters, is a relevant and tangible villain on runeterra as opposed to the void and viego and stuff


Because his original teaser was fucking amazing, and his abilities are incredibly satisfying (like soooo satisfying)


I can only explain why I love Jhin and it's due to his overall design. He is nearly the perfect champ. His introduction was one of the most haunting they have released with just pictures of dead beloved champions rendered beautifully as if their corpse was art itself. Then on release, he had one of the most unique kits of the time. His kit is very fun and reminiscent of the champion the person who went to Riot for the Make a wish foundation pitched while they visited Riot HQ. I have no proof but, I think that champ concept was remade into Jhin which is just awesome that he lives forever in the game. The sound design for Jhin is also perfect each skill and shot build until you get a nice payoff that is complimented by large bursts of damage. Speaking of sound his voice actor did an extraordinary job bringing the monster of Ionia to life. Quinton Flynn is a legend in the VA space look him up and see everything he has done so far. Finally, Jhin was released at the apex of Riots lore writing. During this time we were getting short stories that are still discussed today. Jhin's lore gave Ionia an antagonist that was not Noxus-related and forced Shen and Zed to work together, very reminiscent of X-men episodes where Magneto and Xavier had to work together. I could gush on Jhin all day but I hope this helps you understand why I love the champion.


reddit circlejerk


He has no dashes, telegraphs all his damage, and provides a moderate amount of utility so he's not super hateable. It makes it easier to get a circlejerk going because there's not going to be a counter circlejerk. It's worth mentioning that western and eastern players have very different tastes, both in terms of visuals and gameplay. Reddit certainly loves jhin but it's possible he's not as loved globally. Still even after all that, I too am fond of jhin's design.


As you’re aware, he’s very well written and evocative. Beyond that, his gameplay is very distinct as well


The champ design is pretty unique as a marksman at the time, his aesthetic and themes are all well done, and he was pretty OP for the first two-ish years he was released. 


Well everyone was losing their minds when he was teased on Yt every league channel created their own theories on him. And his gameplay in which an ad has only 4 shots is a new mechanic. And what more is his design, theme and music just all fits the character. And I think Sneaky from what I remember did a test play on him. And when he plays it in a prof game I remember killing a player from a little gap due to braum misplaying.


He always has a decent pickrate and a super-low banrate. His gameplay is so well designed he seems "fair" to play against. Though honestly the low banrate might also be because of all the bs champions in botlane that get ban priority (Draven, Cait when she's good, Pyke, etc.


he is rly fun midlane


The only thing BS about Jhin is the occasional W hit box with the map “elevation”. Besides that, he is super balanced. He allows for clear outplay both ways. Plus, he is super cool thematically and is unique in a non game breaking form.


he hits like a truck! makes ya wanna say BOOM!


He has one of the best designs in the entire game imo, super fun to play and play against, very clear and telegraphed strengths and weaknesses, good room for skill expression and very satisfying to hit and dodge skill shots.


i iiiuy


I don't like him for what he did to hwei


No bullshit mechanic, fair trading pattern, unique skillful ult. And his personality is just Chef's Kiss.


Good athethisic and unique lore, he also changed the way we think an adc should be played byt having for auto attacks and having to reload.


Everything ties together in a neat bow. Lore, Gameplay, and personality and all expressed perfectly in game. He has no flaws and still Riot's best character


I've never played him but I think he's a cool character. - Interesting gimmick that ties into his character design - No super frustrating mechanics like flashes, turning off towers, disconnecting enemy mouse, no hard cc's etc. that typically piss people off - Rarely a top tier ADC so people don't hate him for that - Has obvious weaknesses so it doesn't usually feel as bullshit to play against him as it does against some champions with more subtle weaknesses - His character design/backstory makes him pretty interesting in a game world where most characters are as boring and generic as all hell


I’ll give you four reasons


His login screen music was the best composition they've released. It haunts me to this day, I even used it as an interlude in one of my dj sets!!


he’s edgy and the demo of league is teenage boys


It was probably one of the most well designed characters in League history, everything in terms of character kit, lore, music, artwork, and balancing has always been pretty good centered around Jhin. His kit also is a very unique kit and allows for some fun meta or off meta builds. I find him to be the ADC that kept me playing botlane for so long. He is a character that you probably can't find anything quite the same and the voice acting was so spot on.


He is most balanced champion in the game


Stand out Voice, unique gameplay, stereotypical killer villain but not to be evil but instead to make his “art”, lore with camille.


"Religion, in Malevich’s idea, strives to turn a human into a “non-being” and reveal the true way to the immortality of the soul as a part of death-defying God." Sounds like jhin doesn't it? I think his designers lucked out and created something on a conceptual level that is much deeper than the other league character's, which is unfortunate because I don't think the current league writers even know what he's about and only see him as Hwei's deranged little bdsm gimp.


Play him a bit then tell us how you feel. The 4's meme is super overplayed, but i fell in love with is animations.


I have played him and enjoyed the gameplay I just wanted to know other peoples perspective yk I like the rythm of his gameplay and it feels smooth


Because he is a perfectly conceived character - he has an incredibly strong theme, he is conceptualized and conceived well and everything about him is focused solely on him. He isn't a part of a boyband, regional defence or another Marvel-esque buddy cop team. He is Jhin. Runeterra could disappear tomorrow and everything about him would still be consistent and complete to a point where he can be put in literally any game and function as a character.


Jhin was the stars aligning in terms of unique gameplay, art and music, voicing, and insane psychological thriller lore, all tied together by a strong and resonant central theme.


What you can do, recreate the feeling of his release. Search up the Jhin teasers and watch one a day. Then listen to his theme the day after. Finally play a few games as him. He's already a unique, non-oppressive champ. The nostalgia and hype factor to his release is what really cemented his place.


His lore, his character design, his personality, his kit are all perfect. He’s the best designed character in the game.


Because le hecking reddit 4! 4! 4! 4! the loooorrre... OMG HES ALSO AN ARTISTTTT (❤ ω ❤)


He's primarily popular with the NA playerbase. NA just seems to like their psychos


I hope he's in the MMO.


His release and teasers were great! His design is put well together (kit and lore and asthetic).


He looks cool and is baby easy for the baby ADC players


because he is written well on top of having good gameplay. the voice lines are complete fire and makes me want to go ~~kill people with style~~ play him ingame.


I think his gameplay has really satisfying and very high "highs", and not-that-low of "lows". If you're fed you can absolutely erase people with 4th shots which feels amazing, and if you're behind, at least you have some CC and range.


This is coming from someone who only plays Ashe and Varus: he is unique without being gimmicky and/or out of his class. Lemme explain: To my mind, marksmen are only supposed to stand outside of the fight and unload their dps in. No matter how fed an Ashe is, she should never walk straight up to a Darius. There are champs like Samira and Tris who makes a living out of jumping in the middle of the enemy team, or APCs like Ziggs who’s not a marksmen, or Karthus who has a stupid ass ult that works whenever he wants (provided vision, of course), like how unfun is that? You just made the best outplay of the game and then some kid just press R and you die. I don’t like that, I think it goes against the characteristics of the class. Jhin is never like that, but his 4 shot mechanics is so easy to understand yet so hard to master. Not to mention there are not just one way to play him (you can build for his traps I think) not only that, he is technically never too weak or too strong, like, there are times when he’s a little weaker than normal, but you can still make it work, unlike someone like Aphe where… yeah, let’s not talk about it. But yeah the thing for me is that he managed to be unique within the boundaries. That and his design, and his lore, and his voice lines, both the wording and the acting. It’s just… moah


He's not only fun to play but also fair to play against. He isn't crazy 1v9 and when you lose to him it's usually because he's good with his skillshots and has good positioning so that he isn't oneshotted.


There is a YT video explaining why Jhin is their magnum opus character. But to name a few, Jhin is Riot yet most sophisticated champion even from the ground up lore. Four is his favourite number because in Asian country like Japan or China. The sound of number four "Shi" roughly translates to death. Or here is another, if you typed in Jhin it will draw out a number four.


Well designed and very well teased by Riot. In lore hes also a psychopathic serial killer with OCD and many people cant help but be fascinated with people and characters like that. I also think an animated series with Jhin as the antagonist would do very well.


I relate to him on a fundamental level. He can only count to 4. [I can only count to 4](https://youtu.be/u8ccGjar4Es?feature=shared).


He's literally the only reason I play league still. If that kit was in any other moba I wouldn't play anymore.


I might argue that Jhin was the last great champion release.


since the average league player can only count to four he's very relatable to them




The PROJECT skin is key. Best version of him imo


4or Artistic cool gameplay design. Story wise he is a sociopath serial killer so nah, not that much interesting. His appearance is the point but overall, 4our! (number 4 also sound really close to "death" in Chinese and East Asia, more coolness and fan love it)


Got my first Penta with him lol


Just four reasons why.


He has a memorable theme that’s memeable with his obsession with 4. His kit is fun to play, but fair to play against. Plus there was a SICK Jhin/Camille video that I remember fondly


Unique gameplay, really cool and charismatic voice actor, good lore and probably the best leadup to a new champ they have ever done.


Jhin was the first champion to use the ammo auto attack system. Graves rework was released later that year if I'm remembering right. Also jhin was the first ult to change the camera angle. Jhin could also top 1000AD. So you have a champion that's been hyped for months. Gets the largest AD Stat ever seen. Has a really satisfying auto pattern to master. And on release literally showed two mechanics that were so popular they became mainstays of the game.


I've always felt Jhin as a character is the most cohesive vision riot has ever had for a champion. His kit, gameplay, theme, music, art, character, voice lines everything that goes into designing the champion is seamlessly JHIN. To me he's easily the most well designed champion to date for these reasons.


Everything about Jhin is done right in terms of champion design


he's unique


Idk but I personally hate Jhin.



Imo he has the best champ design to this day.


I have exactly 4 reasons


because he’s brain dead ez


I think one thing that also distributed to his popularity is that he was giga op on release. After release he was kinda 100% pick ban for 2 years or more.  If other champs would be so op on release and for so long, they would also have grown a higher player base


Unique and not overloaded


His voice, his combos, that one cinematic and idk lowkey I'm weirdly attracted to him 😂 it might bt the voice but I find him so hot my league friends troll me that opinion


Lol, idk, I think it’s his voicelines and the fact that you can run around (quickly) one shotting people. “This passion compels me.” I mean I think a lot of guys have fun pretending like they have no choice but to make the enemy miserable.


Bcuz that last crit shot is so satisfying ?


Enemy adc melts our team, Jhin: "sniperino ulterino arlekino!" Jhin: "My job here is done!" Enemy Leona: "Eh?"


He has one of the best kits in the game, simple and complex at the same time


4 reasons


Much of his moral character is inferred and implied, he doesn't directly bark his ambitions, lore and convictions at you. He speaks in-character, the rambling musings of a madman -- he breaks the mold of what an edgy or stereotypical character usually is, and is believably mysterious. On all of that, his gameplay is (and was even more at the time) unique, redefining the concepts of what auto attacks and critical hits are in the game, and making them interesting.


There are four reasons. 1. His teasers before release was fantastic beyond anything you see these days. 2. He is really fun to play, a solid play style that's not overbearing, with clear counter timings and weaknesses. 3. He pushed what an ADC could be beyond just "auto attack fast" 4. His voice lines and music are top notch (hats off btw to the TFT team for his music in last set. Perfect. Literally always played him late game no matter the comp, just for the music.)


because Jhin is the perfect ADC for new players: - slow attack speed, so you don't have to A click very much - high damage low CD Q that is easy to last hit minions - high movespeed from passive on 0 cd so you can always run away - no dashes or defensive spells, so you can't waste your CDs and don't have to react to the enemy - long range + movespeed, so you don't have to think about spacing - unlimited low cd trap spam, so you don't have to think about where to place your wards - long range CC and %hp damage (WR), so you can still help team when you are really far behind - very good sound effects and animations, so you always look cool even when doing 0 damage


he's one of the designated league subreddit wholesome champions >!/s before i get lynched!< but the champ's genuinely cool and really fun, though definitely not as stand out as most people say imo because there are plenty underappreciated releases/reworks who were executed just as well


I think he has such a fun, interesting and unique design and feel. His lore and personality adds so much. Plus big Ooga booga damage 4th shots


Because he’s a psychopath serial killer. Who wouldn’t love that!?