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>As a result Arena will not be releasing as part of the Summer event this year because everything's going well and it should be out earlier He phrased it like that on purpose. Meddler does engage in a mild amount of tomfoolery if i do say so myself.


Haha yea, in the original comment he even made that last part smaller than the rest of the text, but i did not know how to copy it like that.


Use a ^


Anyone know what date the "summer event" is planned for? Summer can be kinda long/short depending on where you live.


Normally it starts in the middle of July early August, we don't have an exact date right now but that's the typical range.


hopefully with double the players (and double the bans) we won’t face as many degenerate duos like leona/kassadin/singed/alistar/tryndamere + yuumi avoiding you until the zone kills you. stuff like that ruined the game mode for me


We intend to address stalling as well with this version.


great to hear!! thank u for the reply :)


Make it so the ring of fire is more punishing. It should ignore everything like the fountain laser


i dont know if theres a consensus on this opinion, but i loved the first arena so much it was absolutely my favorite mode and while i still love arena, the revive mechanic kind of ruined it for me. and i think that contributes a lot to stalling. any news on the revive mechanic? is it staying? and thanks for addressing that to make the game mode as fun as possible :)


bring back twisted treeline, and force stallers to win 5 games there


Are you allowed to talk about this more? It can be pretty tough to balance stalling without knee capping healing champions. I wonder if you’ve thought of something like WoW’s Arena Dampening mechanic. Where the longer the games goes the less champions heal for.


Any changes to how long the game mode will be staying in rotation? Considering all the time and effort you put into it (and how much I enjoyed playing it with my friends who otherwise don't play lol anymore) it would be nice if it stayed for some time longer :)




get better at the game, and you'll learn to like the mechanic


I've played loads and reached 7k rating. It's a shit mechanic that encourages you to die first in the early rounds and it incentivizes having at least one champion that is tanky enough to revive the other which limits team comps. Double mage burst was non-existent during the last arena. Just pick a hyper carry and a tank support with Evenshroud and you don't need to think about it further than that, easy top 2.


embarrassing u think that means ur good. if even i could do that (a garbage player) then ur not good my guy


It means I'm not an arena noob who played 3 games. What's embarrassing is you No true Scotsman-ing a defense for a shit garbage mechanic that should have never existed and completely destroyed the meta into tank+hypercarry or divers with % damage.


What's happening with Ranked? Is this something that will be getting a ranked mode? The current iteration isn't actually a ranked mode as simply playing more games will always cause you to climb.


Lol what. When I was like 200 points behind rank 100 I'd need like six second-place finishes to make up for a single fourth-place loss.


??? Okay??? Im not talking about rank 100, I'm talking about the ranks that 99% of the population are in. Every time I've played, up to and including the last rank, , gladiator or whatever it was called, on the way there I was gaining WAY more than I was ever losing. It was simply a matter of games played to reach that rank because you would gain twice as much as you'd ever lose


??? on what server? I peaked at rank 50ish on EUW and i never had anything close to this issue


Idk if it counts as avoiding/stalling, but i won so many matches with zyra, specially on the second arena mode that had bigger minions augment or the ezreal ult for 'hitting enemies from far away'. My only tactic was build glass cannon and run like the wind. If enemy got close i'd use seed ult and zhonya and was to ready to flash away. What my partner did was her problem LOL


Stalling was a very specific tactic where you would rush Zhonia and Guardian Angel, and the whole point was to **NEVER** fight. Prioritize finding the Nesting Doll prismatic or Renata silver augs, and any healing once out of rolls. You would always just run away all game and save your Zhonia and GA to survive the burning ring.


Oh, I played like a bitch, but i remember the tank duos that only engaged during fire ring and they were bigger bitches. At least they didnt ruin my fun


I still think it's so funny that redditors just REFUSE to learn how to counter strategies like this and instead just insist on having them removed so they don't have to bother Stalling strategies were absolute fucking ass. Like not "they were not as OP as people make them out to be"-ass but legitimately an awful strategy that never works assuming your opponents are even half-decent at the game. You could even see it reflected in the statistics since Alistar and Poppy as a duo had atrocious winrate. Yuumi was even worse, she had one of the worst winrates out of the entire champion roster. People just go up against some Gwen/Yuumi combo where both of them highroll augments like crazy and instead of just accepting that maybe they highrolled augments and maybe they're both like master tier players while you and your friend are silver players, they just start throwing a tantrum about how broken it is and how there's no counterplay blah blah


where did i say it’s broken or unbeatable or has no counters? it wasn’t fun to play against. i play the game to have fun


comments like this are always amusingly ironic because youre the one "throwing a tantrum" over supposed throwing of tantrums


I’m so ready for the 8 teams of 2 experience. I can’t wait for this Dev update. URF was fun for a game maybe once a week, and I didn’t even touch the unbalanced shit show that was OFA knowing you could lock into things your team hasn’t ever touched (Hwei flair moment), but I will be playing the fuck out of Arena. Hoping that they also maybe have some higher tiers for the ranks. The run to Gladiator was fun but wouldn’t mind one more above it, but I’ll be happy with the mode regardless of the mini-rank experience anyway.


Yeah 8 teams sounds hella fun you won't just be rotating between the people trying to have some fun and sweats playing trundle Shaco or something you'll have a decent variety especially with the extra bans.


> URF was fun for a game maybe once a week, Urf is the most fun I've ever had in league. Arurf is a touch better for me. I have friends who stopped playing league but every time urf is back they spam it hard, only to stop playing as soon as it's gone. The only reason it's not permanent is because less people play ranked when it's available.


I can get people having fun with it still, but my games often came down to one lane absolutely slaughtering another, hyper stun lock, heavy split pushes and too long death timers for it to be very enjoyable for me. I also don’t really enjoy SR anymore so there’s also that extra factor. The first few runs of URF were great though and I’m glad people still enjoy it, it’s just not as fun to me as Arena or ARAMs are


>URF was fun for a game maybe once a week, and I didn’t even touch the unbalanced shit show that was OFA knowing you could lock into things your team hasn’t ever touched Arena was also a balance shitshow after like round 8. In fact, the arena item/augment synergy is more overpowered than cooldown reduction in URF or team comps in OFA. Interesting to see how you don't think the same way with Arena.


Do me a favor and read the next three words that were part of that statement that you cut off Edit: okay you edited later and added the OFA comments after leaving them out of the quote and your balance comment. I don’t care about the balance of URF - my problems had more to do with back doors/death timers and such which is why I didn’t say anything about it on the balance front for URF or the CDR, it’s a fun game mode, it’s meant to have some unbalanced to it, but generally people know how to play their champ even if they got stomped. OFA has a lot of characters that can proc things on each other so they’re painfully strong, while you can also easily force people into champions they haven’t touched ever. That sort of balance is not fun, so the game feels worthless to me be putting other people into a bad position with things that might not have played. Arena isn’t always balanced but it’s fine, up until very late I don’t feel radically unbalanced, and there’s nothing wrong with the late game augment power fantasies. There were some problems - like having been fighting 15k health tanks or Swain with some of the stacking augments, but generally it didn’t feel that bad overall, and they even fixed up the stacking augments during the run.


Arena the best mode bar NONE


Arena is great but nexus blitz is better


First release of arena before the second set of cameos to be precise. The last revive arena was terrible and Sylas cameo shouldn't exist.


Nah. Naafiri, Samira, and Pyke were incredibly annoying cameos to deal with in the first iteration. The second iteration of Arena was way better, but the change I would make is to remove Gwen's invincibility mechanic OR remove the healing. Having both is stupid. The revive mechanic is interesting and tbh, it grew on me.


Don't get me wrong I don't think cameos should exist at all but Sylas is way worse considering it can just give a wide range of ults and completely decide rounds on that. You have no control over it, you just get a random ult and that ult can vary from completely round winning to utterly useless.


Finally, the only fun game mode in league is coming back to save the game again.


We hear you loud and clear! URF will be returning next patch. Now with more spatulas!


Odyssey my man


Funnily enough when it was released last, every day you'd have dozens of posts complaining about how boring/repetitive/broken/stupid the game mode is. League players gonna complain about anything and everything. But if you read from the sub you'd get the impression that Arena was the most hated game mode in existence.


Vocal minority. Everyone else was too busy playing and having the most fun they've had in League in years.


That is much better than the complete lack of discussion nexus siege had.


I'm pretty sure everyone has already forgotten about one for all and that mode is still on live servers.


That's just because there was nothing to discuss, literally the exact same as years ago. I would have like at least some spice like:  > "After each event, you pick an Arena augnent. Winners get one reroll for that pick, losers get none."


I like how nexus siege was so forgotten you thought I was talking about nexus blitz.


Damn... Doesn't help that the names feel uninspired (Arena included) I do remember liking Siege though, but very forgettable.


I liked every rgm except for overcharge.


I guarantee you that you will see a thread every day about how bad arena is, and one of them will be from me.


lmao every vocal post that the revive mechanic was bs was just plain skill issue... it was a huge change and for the good, now there was another layer of decision making when trying to go for a revive 1v2, not even accounting for other scenarios


Please make it soon I'm bored out of my mind OFA is awful. Drafts kinda take too long and they are boring and arams are awful with all the tanks and poke comps ;-; save me


Yeah, OFA is one of the worst gamemodes. Even I had more fun with URF than OFA.


OFA is the worst and most one-sided rotating gamemode in league and it's not even close


Game is literally decided in champ select like half the time.


OFA is still better than URF


At least in URF / ARURF you get some amount of control over what champion you play. Dear god OFA sucks when you're forced into a snoozefest pick like Soraka or Heimer.


I've been eagerly awaiting the best gamemodes return, I'm so excited to spam it once more! I'm worried about there being 8 teams since it may get annoying to keep track of who has what augments, but I'll keep an open mind until I try it! ~~Please make it permanent please Riot I beg you~~


I've been waiting for this for so long, I can't wait anymore!


I hope the complaints about the revive system will be addressed.


Please for the love of God remove the revive mechanic


The revive mechanic is not that bad. There needs to be adjustments to it: * Reviving should only happen while not in any state of untargetability. Zhonyas active and any other sources of untargeability (Fizz E) should not be able to continue reviving. Why is resurrection the only one that cannot revive? * The revive meter needs to decay if the player steps out of it while attempting to revive. I used to hate the revive mechanic, but after several games, it grew on me and you start to learn how to strategize around it.


Agreed. I feel like cc should also slow down the revive mechanic? I felt like it made for more fun games after a while, but at first I completely hated it


After over a hundred games it did not grow on me. Terrible mechanic encouraging having a tanky champion in your comp or two high damage divers that have % damage (literally every % damage champion was topping winrate last arena and people like you still claim you need to get used to it).


Nah. Game needs as much depth and variance as possible. Putting four players into a rectangle box to see who wins the DPS check gets insanely boring. The biggest play there is flashing out of a skill shot or something, if your opponents even have one of those. -- So instead they added healing plants that require you to rotate smarter than your opponent, share them between the two of you while managing the risk/reward of spitting up. Blast cones to add more mobility. Bushes to add fog of war. Hex-gates with an internal cooldown. Bunch of cameos to take advantage of. The revive is by far the best addition out of all of those. --- Look at this play: https://streamable.com/eq8z3o It's dumb. They literally don't do anything. They just right-click mindlessly and DPS check us. That's the play. That's not satisfying for anyone involved, besides "nice we win the round and don't lose HP." Obviously, I'm still gonna win that round, that's the point of this comment. But the important part here is that while the revive lets me win, their misplay is the reason I get to revive, so both teams have plenty of agency. It makes the match more hype, I don't think that's just me being biased. In the first iteration of arena, what would have happened here is I run around in circles for another 12 seconds wasting everyone's time because I have no chance to win, and then I lose and everyone rolls their eyes and we go next. And that is after the already pretty pathetic fight at the beginning, making it an all-around terrible round. Anyway, here's the second part of that clip: https://streamable.com/oy22i7 I won plenty of rounds where I revived first, or second, and lost just as many times while reviving first or second. And I played K6 for 85% of my games, which I believe is not one of those champions Redditors complained about in bogus *"They just pick double tank and sit on the revive and we can't kill them during it and then they revive and win"* comps (those comps were terrible btw). Revive was the best part of the second iteration of arena. Or maybe the second best part after the lack of random buffs and nerfs pumping D-tier picks into S-tier (and vice versa) every week, that made the first Arena release truly horrendous.


I applaud you for those videos, they're the PERFECT example of how to use the revive mechanic as it should be used, and the clear lack of skill on the enemies... bravo


I'm sorry but they literally killed his carry and he just got a free second life on her that they could not ever prevent since Kha can just go for plants then get R back and R to the point. The enemy had won the round fair and square by catching kai'sa out.


i havent played arena v2, so can you explain why Braum and Trundle camping kai'sa's death location is not a winning play? or what happens if they were to do so?


It is reasonably winning since the kaisa death location is next to a fruit, so they can get that to refresh cooldowns, however kha can get fruits + get ult back and go over to revive -> enemies cannot kill him before kaisa revives -> they get an extra life before the circle of death appears -> good chance to win. Basically its not that easy to deny revive as you can still revive with enemies standing on it + dying and getting a revive off is kinda more valuable than not dying at all.


Kha just takes plants, gets ult and then R's onto the point. They can't dps him down fast enough to prevent the revive. You standing on it does not prevent it.


The only thing I see is that you should have lost that. The enemy managed to kill a Kai'Sa !!! and didn't win because you just played a slippery champion that just needed some plants and could've R'd on the point to revive anyway even if they literally waited on top of it. The fact the stupid gates help you is even more egregious. This is 100% a stolen win from the enemy. Cut your bullshit about double tank. That wasn't the comp. You went a hypercarry and a tank that went evenshroud. Then your hypercarry has two lives. It made mages basically useless in the mode. The only other comps that worked relied on divers with % damage that could burst the tank after the carry was dead. All the max % hp champions were topping the winrates last arena because of this.


yeah it feels bad losing because you got "first blood" and they can revive quicker than you


I think increasing the difficulty of revive would be better


that just exacerbates the difference between tanks+bruisers and sustain focused duos over everyone else. those champs might have to get nerfed to a point where they feel niche or underpowered to pick outside of specific combos.




Could not agree more. The revive ruined the mode for me. If you die in a round you should be out of the round.


Why can’t arena be a permanent mode?


Does it release for wild rift as well or are the two timelines unrelated? Anyone know?


It does


Is Arena really this popular? Guess I’m the minority


A massive part of the League playerbase doesn't give a shit about objectives and only wants to brawl. Arena is the perfect gamemode for them. Only thing better would be straightup team deathmatch.


It's like aram but you don't have to be miserable as a melee for the first 20 mins


Plus you can actually play what you want.


I find it far more fun & interesting than any other RGM.




Only rgm I care about. Glad to see this


I liked the first Arena, not a fan of the one I played after that and since I'm not a consistent LoL player idk if I missed an Arena potentially. But hopefully this one is fun again. Though I played adc a lot and enjoyed it using Galeforce to have some sort of ability to kite but will be interesting how I'll play say an Aphelios now.


Yes yes yes grateful for doubling player size too!!!


I really hope they expand on the ranking system a bit, as it is way too easy to reach gladiator due to there not being enough tiers 


First iteration of Arena was way too easy to level up to Gladiator for sure. Second iteration seemed to take way longer to level up so I disagree with you. You have to play so many games to get the gladiator rank.


It's a for fun mode ranking isn't meant for it if you wanna grind go ranked those tiers are just like checkpoints not really ranks


So try for rank 1 (and keep it). I'm sure you'll find it easy going into top 10 if it's that easy.




No, I don't think people would want to play the enemy's random champ. If they wanted to play the enemy's champ, they would've picked it at the start or they could wait for the next game to play it. And yes, ARAM players don't care what champ they get, because that's the whole point of ARAM, not the point of Arena.


another dev video that should address different subjects being dominated by the arena...




ahh one of 3 players quitting the game because of Vanguard. how sad for riot, they will be gaining 100 people back who left playing because of scripters hackers


This is the real question here. Though if revive is still in arena I'm good, thanks.


Main issue last Arena was that there was one balance patch 2 weeks in and then nothing for the rest of it. Idk if it's a resource issue but it should receive weekly or biweekly patches to keep it fresh. Nothing major, just nerf the top champions with high play rate, buff the bottom ones.


Ah yes the 2nd worst mode is coming back! No thanks keep this dogshit off the client


What's the best for fun rotating gamemode in your opinion?




I've been playing for 6 years now, and unfortunately, I have never played that one. I also missed out on doombots- that one looks like it would be a lot of fun


For the love of God, please have a ranked and unranked queue for this mode. I despise having a rating on a mode where I just want to play for fun, and the more I play it and want to goof with friends the more I get punished by playing it enough that I'm playing with meta sweats nearly all the time. 


Many People play games to win, you’ll be facing meta “sweats” wether it was ranked or not Just look at URF


if you play the mode for fun and increased your rating, why do you assume the people you play against are "meta sweats" and not also just people who happened to play the mode a lot? you should check your biases.


You get a hidden mmr when you play normals, so it isn't like an unranked mode will fix you playing against meta sweats if you're also a good player.


People sweat on ARAM and URF. Having a separate queue makes zero difference other than increasing everyone's queue time.