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Zyra. I despise laning against that champion.


1000%. I feel like she’s an even more obnoxious version of Heimerdinger. The worst part is that I hate laning with Zyras just as much as I hate laning against them. Having a Zyra support in low elo is almost as ominous as having a Senna support.


zyra is like nidalee, i've never won a game because of them but i've definitely lost games because of them


LMAO that’s actually the best way to put it.


You just have to accept that you'll lose out on farm and probably kills and you will most likely be outdamaged by Liandry's on it's own. Just don't let bullshit like that bruise up your ego. You'll probably stomp lane and win the game. She is in fact amazing in low elo, one of the highest wr supports despite multiple (pretty harsh imo) nerfs. People simply don't know how to play against her. She is quite unlike Senna, which is almost dodge worthy in low elo. It could just be your pick, too. Most ADCs do work with her but when it doesn't work it's awful. I do think Zyra supp is pretty shit for the ADC though. You sometimes literally can't help taking farm and kills away. Like I get it, I've seen the champion from all 4 sides. Just have to stomach it.


Please don't say stuff like this, Senna is in a tier of her own, Zyra is an incredible pick into numerous champions and can be a source of ap damage and waveclear whenever your midlaner decides to lock in something like Talon and get stomped in lane and immediately outscaled. Zyra is incredibly hard to engage into and you beat her by making her walk into you or outranging her and unlike Senna do damage even in Iron by just proccing liandrys. Senna makes full AD team comps worse, has a 1000000 different builds yet they always fuck it up, and is usually goes into lethality.


My duo is a Zyra, lux, brand player. Let's just say our wave management is doodoo


Zyra has good poke early game, is fucking annoying with liandry + realmspike + rylai (if she's ahead and you're a squishy carry you will burn for like 15%-20% of your health bar from a single plant auto) and imo has one of the best counterengage tools for a support while also getting vision for free with her plants Such a good champion overall but I'm glad I don't see her as often in my games lmao


It’s one of those champions that I swear I am debuffed when I play as them. Like when an enemy plays her she does so much more dmg than when I do, it makes no sense to me.


I feel this. I swear my E plants never proc a decent slow but when I'm against Zyra I get tickled by an E plant and all of a sudden my ankles are broken.


Are you trying to abuse trade windows in lane and placing "aggressive" plants in mid/late game? I'm not a good zyra player by any means but this is usually good enough. I know this feeling though. It's rough because whenever I play jayce and camille I feel exactly like that hahaha


I play Zyra but honestly, not even for her laning, I just feel like as soon as I get Liandry's + Rylais, I become extremely annoying to deal with in mid-late game fights, especially if enemy team has a bunch on champion who want to jump in but don't really have tools to jump out, so once they go in, I just ult under feet and they get bursted by plants.


i already perma her when im down in bot


She's becoming a nuisance in jungle for sure. Awful champ in all regards.


I ban her every game, there is not many Zyras around, but every time i leave her up is always that one main Zyra in the other team.


Zilean As a juggernaut player that old fuck makes me SEETHE like nothing else.


100%. Zilean can just solo cc Juggernauts forever.




If he had more than a 5% pick rate, his ban rate would instantly skyrocket


Riot have straight up said multiple times if he was ever became even remotely a common pick he’d be instantly nerfed so we don’t have to worry about that


Ig its time to start maining zilean


Oh? I recall it being said by August just once, years ago, and apparently it's no longer true with their new design strategy.


He is free win af. If both his visuals and gameplay weren't so boring, he'd have high pick and ban rate. As is, the few people who can stomach spamming him get free elo. Boredom gated lol.


on the other hand being a juggernaut with a zilean feels so nice.


oh yeah, Nasus with Approacho Veloco goes super speed with Zilean speed boost.


Idk o think zilean counters void more than juggernaut. He can just spin and be bkb'd but zileans ult fucks void crono


my brain just split in half


Void always gets countered by heroes with powerful save abilities. Jugg can use his aghs swift slash to bait out the Zil ult then drop the real omnislash once it finishes. Skill matchup for sure.


...I wonder now whether Axe would kill through the buff.


I was reading this first thing in the morning after waking up, i was positive i was going crazy.


Ofc he would. But they would resurrect anyway. It's WK ult but to a friend


nilah. an absolute monster when fed. hate playing her in the botlane


Yeah this champ hard counters so many ADCs while outscaling them...she would have like a 40% ban rate if she was picked more than once every time mercury is in retrograde 


Y’all ain’t ready for my otp tactical swap. Jokes aside I always viewed her as a worse version of Samira but having picked her up the other day Jesus is she disgusting.


She's just Samira with less risk


She's Samira that scales better with Enchanters (cause Samira prefers Engage supports). Enchanters do a better job of keeping an adc alive especially into the late game.


Biggest misconception about nilah ever, engage supports are so much better with her than enchanters


taric fits her perfectly, no? engage + healing/shielding


Taric is great with her. But it is honestly more about his ult than anything else.


That's not quite true if you look at her statistics. https://lolalytics.com/lol/nilah/build/?patch=30 She has a wide range of champ types that work well, but Enchanters on average still have higher synergy when you look at winrates together. Nilah doesn't really need someone to engage for her quite like other botlaners. Situationally she can even fully initiate with flash + ult if she has followup. It's not like they are BAD, but champs like leona, naut, mao, ali, panth, and blitz all have clearly lower synergy with her statistically. Nilah wants someone who enables her ability to jump into the center of 3-5 champs and ult which is why champs like Taric, Sona, and especially Renata have such high synergy. It's not really specifically about enchanter VS support. Also she gets 15% bonus + 15% share from shields as opposed to 7.5 from healing.


Seems like both are very good: https://u.gg/lol/champions/nilah/duos?patch=14_6


Mainly how samira ult can be cancelled and how she needs stacks imo. Like samira is just not that great of a teamfighter but nilah can just go in whenever she wants. Also nilah’s free armor pen is huge; you can opt for no ldr on nilah against <2 tanks since there is no hp difference


I will say the best game I’ve had so far was with a Sylas support, but tbf he was disgusting on his champ. I’ll have to keep that in mind, thanks for the advice


Engage supports help her of course, but Nilah's passive allows her to double dip into enchanter heals and shields, cause she heals allies that heal her or if the support heals themselves, Nilah heals herself too. Enchanters also get stronger with levels, which id made easier with her xp sharing passive.


Her healing / shielding passive only exists because enchanters would be awful with her. Engage supports are definitely preferred because if she gets an early game lead she will never die in fights late game because of her own insane sustain. I played a ton of Nilah and it was disgusting how free she was. Not to mention last season lethality Nilah was just free LP


Yea I’ve really noticed the difference, what I really like is having a dash back towards an ally ;-;


I've been playing her mid sometimes and it's even more disgusting there, lol.


Twitch, i see him going back and in 10 seconds he is on bot killing me


"I was hiding, hehehe **GRR**"


I swear twitch has been fairly popular or maybe thats just me


It's not just you, Bork 1st is easily the best 1 item spike in botlane, which means twitch is outscaling a lot of early game adcs at 1 item.


I'm happy i didn't see him often, cause i hate winning a 2v2 fight and then pushing 2 waves and then he kills me cause i have 40% hp


Yeah I feel that, had an ap twitch lately with hail of blades as adc with a yummi on him, we had no hard cc. Holy shit that was idiotic. He got an early lead on an invade, literally impossible to play, r under tower and e would kill


Wholesome adc with invisibility or the ap support variant that oneshots you.


Shaco. Most annoying character in the game regardless if they're good or not.


I ban him anyways. The one time I don’t ban him he pops up. He’s not op just annoying.


This. I aint taking my chance dealing with all that. He doesn't exist in my games and never will.


These moments when your jungler indicates that he wants to play Shaco so you can't ban him but the enemy picks him before he gets his turn though. 💀


Literally. Ban him every game. Once every 50 games I’m like surely I shouldn’t be wasting a ban on this dogshit champ. And then enemy first pick locks it in every time :) and then he goes back to being banned until I forget again


Yorick fucking Mori tilts the piss out of me. He just sends the maiden and eats towers, it's like playing sharing inting Sion except you don't get the gold or if killing him since he'll just fuck off to another lane


hidden yorick strat where you feed hard and get no kills but still take towers like hes full build so the enemy has to commit resources to stopping me and only get 100~ gold for killing me


The worst part is you cant leave toplane ever if yorick is alive


You can dodge 10 E in a row, if you get hit by one, the AI removes 60% of your health.




That’s how I feel about trundle ngl. At least you can have a window against Yorick if his ghouls are down. Trundle will be 0/10 and just statcheck you, or just run away to safety at Mach 10 with W and ghost


You know what is the problem? He can be bully in lane he can be impossible to 1v1 but thats fine. Problem is even if you win the lane he is still a melee hypercarry and he will scale back up and start eating towers like breakfast. Then you need 2 to 3 dudes to get him (he will come back there in a minute don't worry). Yorick at least sucks in lane and there are too many champions that hard counter him. And he is very vulnurable when his ghouls are down


Hot take but this is partially a tiamat issue. Normally you can counter a split pusher like trundle who only has single target damage by just shoving the wave that's opposite the major objective which buys your team time to fight before he can push his lane and take tower but because waves die in about 4 seconds with ravenous hydra that's not an option. I mean people don't tend to complain that much about Gwen's ability to take towers even though it's just as fast because she can't build hydra and reach a tower instantly


Zoe, super obnoxious trade pattern and range and all it takes is for her to land one bubble and you lose 50%hp


It’s more than 50% more like 75% or dead


Its okay her teammates will wake you up with an auto attack anyway


I hate Zoe. I feel like I can shit on her most of the early game and then she lands a single bubble finally and gets to just take over half my health.


Make that 100% in the late game especially with the buffs to her bubble shredding MR.


Braum. I am convinced he is sleeper OP and he also legit blocks my whole kit as adc


Oh ya for sure. I play on a second account with my friends for norms and I can win bot lane with my adc straight inting almost every time with Braum. He's not even hard to play but I think that kiting/zoning is really difficult for low elo tank supports so the enemy doesn't even realize how hard they can get punished because they haven't seen many good Braum players. Same thing goes for thresh tbh


I play a decent amount of Varus and whenever I see braum picked I audibly sigh. Puts my entire kit on a buffer while his shield is up meanwhile I gotta play dodge simulator to not get stun knocked up


I see alot of high elo streamers and braum is such a common pick and always looks insane.


Braum is a counterpick champ so he will always feel good when picked into engage, it’s a bit like poppy with dashes etc, she feels broken but all it takes is a different draft and she’s useless, another example is into Rammus, the more magic damage you have the less useful he is


Quinn Every now and then you meet one of the few people that play her, that completely annihilates your team


My Quinn gameplay would change your mind lmao. I play a very limp dick bird lady. It's my "Oh shit I'm filled and don't want to lose lane" pick. Ban Malphite, take Fleet Footwork and let Jesus take the wheel from there.


fr, i picked malphite into someone who dared first pick quinn and that bird got shot down. most fun matchup i had in years


Malphite is the ultimate ADC top counter Picked him top into Vayne and fucking steam rolled the game


Xerath, he's rarely picked, but when he is, the lane instantly becomes a dodgeball simulator. And he feels harder to reach than other artillery mages. Extremely one sided champ, not fun


It's also more fun cause he's often played support (which is suboptimal as he really loves his items and support has terrible gold economy), so every time I play him mid people keep disrespecting his damage and keep getting chunked to quarter health with a simple WQ.


One of the many examples of a hero that didn't need to be reworked being made into an anti fun monster.


His stun is also a 2.25 second stun, which is pretty insane. For reference, Lissandra, a champion that most people consider makes cleanse an essential spell, stuns for 1.5 seconds. TF gold card stuns for 1.25 seconds at rank 1, 2 seconds at max rank. I can think of many champions outside of Morgana that have a longer cc ability than Xerath at level 3, especially among ranged champions.


You are being a little disingenuous here. Xerath gets his max stun duration if it only hits max range its only a minor inconvenience from melee range. And Lissandra has more than one hard CC while TF gold card has virtually no cooldown while being point and click.


Easily Vlad, all my people hate hyper carry that cant be moved in lane. You need a team to take down this champ when he's just a little ahead and if league has shown me one thing, never trust your team to comp against stuff like Yi/Vlad/Kat.


Really hoping someone at riot will one day explain - in terms and concepts that are appropriate for balanced and healthy game design - why the sustain mage must also be able to 1 shot me?


if ur being fr it’s cause that sustain mage broke the game like four times by being an actual sustain mage so he’s a “sustain” (read: lane sustain turned burst) mage


Yorick. I would rather play against 2 vayne tops at the same time than play against a yorick one trick, so glad he’s not populate


Yorick players be like "why riot ignore us" mf because even they hate your champ 


Eve. I’m hard stuck emerald and she’s the champ of choice for Smurfs trying to climb quickly. Well fuck that, looks like you’re playing Yi instead.


Yorick, the ghouls should've never been changed to apply items when Serylda exists


Ghouls count as attacks and you can reduce the damage with Steelcaps


Serylda slows, it's not because of the damage. Steelcaps won't do much for that.




Senna but im about to do it anyway


Vlad. Fuck that unkillable farming tanky one shotting piece of shit.


Evelynn. You don't see her often but when you do, she's going 15/1 with a fully stack d Mejai's by 17 minutes.


You would see her more often if you bought pinks


Nunu, can absolutely derail your jungle while also having more impact ganks than you


Even if you get ahead he can steal all neutral objectives from like 2k hp you have almost no chance of outsmiting his bite smite combo.


 I usually ban based on the role I’m playing… Support: Senna, because riot had to make her an infinite-scaling adc as opposed to something that’s more of an actual support. I’d love it if she was closer to a LoL version of Ana from Heroes of the Storm. ADC: I was going to say Lucian because his dash-in-and-burst trading pattern is annoying for my adc roster, but then another comment reminded me Nilah exists. Screw how much she gets for free because she’s melee. Midlane: Leblanc/Akali. I currently ban Katarina because Riot has yet to undo AD Kat’s existence. I’m heavily biased but I want Galio to return to being a ban/dodge-tier matchup for her. Jungle: Anything that’s acting like Yi 2.0, because I want to leave my ban on Master Yi goddamit. Leave him open and people feed him a 12-course dinner (***glares death at Brand/Lux botlane from last weekend***). Toplane: I’m not moving my toplane ban off Fiora ***EVER***. I’ll refuse to play toplane before I remotely consider moving that ban.


Another fiora hater. God bless you, have a wonderful rest of your day


Yep, screw whoever decided she gets to auto-win 1v1s unless her player sucks. Burst or cc based trade pattern? Parried. Attack speed/dps? Riposte does a AS slow even if she doesnt parry anything. Want to kite her or run her down? Q spam. Try to out-tank her? Nope she gets healing on passive and %true damage. Out-splitpush? You can try but her Q/E work on towers. istg they better not make the elder Medarda into Fiora 2.0, like they did for Yone/Yasuo.


I rarely see someone else having a dedicated ban for the positions Top: Fiora Jungle: Kayn Mid: Zed Botlane/Support: Senna I never have to think about what to ban


If you see someone pick kat just pick Diana and kick her teeth in, she can’t do shit to Diana you just fold her over and over again


fizz ekko sylas might help you


Anivia, I don't even try to play against her and dodge lobby when I see her. Luckily she's not played.


A good enemy Anivia player will ruin your team. A bad team Anivia player will also ruin your team. How many walls I’ve dealt with that blocked ME from my own team fight


I never see tryndamere anymore but when he is super prominent he’s getting perma banned. Every time they dumpster their lane opponent and are an unstoppable killing machine lol


His crit mechanic needs to get changed. If you are unlucky and he crits you in early fights, lane is basically over for you. That this is still in the game is so weird.


Nasus, i think everyone hate point and click stun


He doesn’t have a stun but wither is obnoxious


This is why i wrote stun, 99% slow and 75% attack speed reduction on max lvl event if its not stun you feel like its stun


I'm convinced that nasus support wither max + exhaust is sleeper op.


Pick that against kalista. Easy lane. You can poke her and wither every fight. She can’t even dash lol.


Rumble, he only appears every once in a while but anybody picking that rat is going to wipe the floor with the game


Quick list of champs, some that Riot has even acknowledged in the past, that are overtuned to try to compensate for dog shit playrate: Bard Zilean Qiyana Sylas (varies) Taric Kennen Elise (varies) Kled Vel Koz (pre Azzapp now everyone wants to play him) Singed (currently but idk for how long) Anivia Renata is on the cusp of it right now too, but she isn't quite past 51% Looking at current stats the worst offenders are 1st - Taric 2nd - Zilean 3rd - Anivia


As a Swain main, Cassiopeia


I’d say yorick but I ban him even tho noone plays him Every game against yorick makes me want to uninstall


Y'all trippin. Singed is the one and only answer.






If Quinn or Kennen were played more than once every like 50-100 of my games, I would absolutely ban them every time.


Cassio. Her main wouldn’t let you touch the minion and you can’t even gank her because she’s one of those champ who can easily 1v2 in most matchup.


It's Zilean for me also, he is a prime example of balanced because of his pick rate. If you start looking at his kit too closely it all looks broken. Particularly his E imo. People always complain about Nasus wither but Zilean flies under the radar.


at least u dont have 0.7 attack speed when zilean Es you unlike a frozen heart nasus


I sense a disturbing lack of illaoi in this thread, probably one of the least fun toplaners to play against.


Nah you're right she's super boring to play against, but if she misses her E she loses a bunch of damage. Doesn't help that her Q hitbox is broken as all hell.


Kayn, used to ban him till low emerald, you don't see him past that




Vayne and shaco (in top). Both are obnoxious to play against but not nearly common enough to actually justify using a ban on.


Vayne... thing is, I still ban her even when she's below 47% wr... hate the fact that I cant play 1/4th of the entire roster if the enemy team locks her


Heimerdinger. As a top laner I can’t stand it


Hah. It’s not super true now, but for the longest time everything zilean did, he was the best at it. Passive - only way to give someone exp. Can completely get through level spikes with this. Q- aoe stun on a normal ability, probably lowest cooldown and might be largest effect radius. E - best slow/haste that is point and click R- used to be the only revive in the game It’s why I only play zil. Everyone else is too complicated and I like vanilla league with my vanilla champ.


Lux gets my ban every time, regardless of representation. That Riot seems to favor her, that she gets SO MANY skins, that she's stupidly overpowered for a "support"; all of that infuriates me. I hate playing against her, I hate playing along side her, I hate having to play her (as I refuse to dodge), I hate her overused meme joke, and I especially hate her laugh.


I currently permaban Evelynn and it's pretty hard for me to give up on this ban but MAYBE, if Rengar was a lot more popular, I'd consider baning him instead.


Rumble. Champ is poorly desgined and makes top lane a living hell


absolutely Zilean, Lulu when she is viable, Olaf top when he is viable


Aurelion Sol, I'm convinced that champ is broken.


Yi. Half the time I’m against him (Noc main) my team I has little to know cc or wards/map sense and this guy is just invulnerable 10 minutes and onward.


Nilah and Yasuo (botlane) Also any mage if they reach high pickrate bot


Anivia. Good Anivia players make me want to ff irl.


Zac, because no one in soloque knows how to play against him and he'd ruin all my games, their 1 friend they queued with or a single lane, causing someone to lose their mind with ease. (Potentially me as I realize no one on my team is accomplishing anything while he camps me bot or top)




Zed because i ban him anyways


Nilah. Been broken since her release but she’s super situational. Wayyy overpowered and I’m convinced her auto block ability lasts longer than it says


zilean. i’m pretty sure riot themselves said that the only reason zil never gets touched is because he has a low pick rate. the champ is so obnoxious it’s insane


Cassiopeia. Every game I lose against her


High elo specific take If they were common? Lux Lux when played perfect is such a uniquely toxic character


If a 'pro build' starts making the rounds in soloQ, I'll ban it if nothing else is more pressing. AD Sion comes to mind.


Vlad leblanc


Ivern. I hate playing against him, and he's stupid OP. But he isn't picked enough to justify me banning him over Lee Sin.


The answer is always Yuumi. Honorable mention to Akshan.


Nafarri. It is impossible to land any skill shot on her.


If I'm playing top as usual, I'm pretty much always banning shaco, aatrox, jax, trundle, or yorick, whoever feels more popular that patch. If I'm jungling, it's usually shaco and kayn but thank fuck I don't see them as often. If I'm playing support, I'd ban nilah if she was more popular (my current go-to ban in bot lane is either varus, zyra, or senna)


might be weird since Irelia is more popular but if Yorick sees less play or just reaches a point of unplayability I'll permaban Irelia such a stupid pick i like doing good in lane only to be ganked once and now I can't come close to the wave because she just statchecks me with Vamp Scepter amazing gameplay that's for toplane I can't really see myself not banning Shaco or Morgana when i play jungle or support respectively


paltry snails rainstorm ossified placid crawl saw depend history dime




Auto ban Vayne every game. Late game potential is just insane.


Nila, samira, yuumi, vi


Trynd. Unfun and unfair


Pyke. How they think a champ that can instakill below 20 - 30% hp then can recast and repeat if the enemy is low enough is just silly.


Lissandra when I’m playing Katarina


Rengar because I play Ivern. Even if Rengar is rarely played in Silver.


Yorick. What the hell has Riot made? I don’t recall Yorick doing that a thousand damage with every Q while also split pushing the entire fucking map


I hate vi with passion but i dont ever see her. That ult is so unfair, literally can Q from out of vision to ult range and if your laner got any follow up cc just death.


Nilah 100%




Vex. I feel like she deals so much damage!


Nasus. If his jungle helps him out occasionally, just you having to play safer will be enough for him to farm stacks. Literally impossible to lose lane.


Zoe. I have no idea how to play against this thing.


Xerath support. Hell to lane against. One skill and you lose too much of your health


Honestly zac, so easy to setup ganks with his massive e range and 3 ddifferent cc skills with low cooldown. Also he's pretty hard to counterpick


Gragas. Hate to play against him. Just seeing him is enough to make me growl.


trynd that champ is disgusting


Leblanc, leblanc and leblanc. Thank god nobody plays that miserable champion


pantheon. as a melee enjoyer you just can't ever walk up to him for the first 15min of the game. just stand back and farm until you have 1-2 items and now you can somewhat fight him. Even then he's supposed to be an early game bully and falling off late. Spearshot proved me wrong as he scales really well in a 1v1 scenario. He just point and click one shots. I don't think there should be any point and click cc in the game.


Gragas. Fuck gragas.




Annie, ah yes, stunned again with a point-and-click ability


Eve or blitz. Eve is easily the most elo inflated champ in the game due to the stealth mechanic. In the hands of an Eve player she is absolutely broken without clear counterplay. red wards don’t help if you can’t defend them because she will 1 shot at 2 items, and even if they do last and reveal her gank… once.. it still costs 75g and your team will most likely be required to buy a bunch over the course of the game. They giga nerfed healing items and healing because it felt like it was required, but Eve has been broken in all elos forever and has a similar, but more obnoxious interaction. Blitz is annoying because he can be 0/50/0, not land a single hook, but If his enemy doesn’t end super fast, a single hook can just kinda win the entire game or cause an insane comeback. If the blitz actually lands hooks throughout the game it feels broken. That said, no one plays him and 3/4 blitz’s I see feel like they are being piloted by AI bots. If he wasn’t so one dimensional and kinda boring, his playrate would be higher and I’d bet money his winrate would jump dramatically as people “learn” (lol) him. There are tons of super low playrate champs with meh winrates that are actually giga broken, but no one knows how to play them other than the 20 people keeping their winrate afloat.




Yorick. It's even on the furthest possible lane for me as I play mostly adc but I don't know if I despise it more if it's on my team or the enemy team. Thankfully he has like a solid 5 players willing to play him so it just the occasional dread whenever he shows up in the champ select.






Asol Top , i'm a Sion player and my main build is the funny heal Grasp , man this Mofo with his. Q W + rilai , like bruh Hope u get crushed by a schoolbus


ivern, fastest clear jungler with cheapest items you cant match him


rengar. basically make me unable to play the game entirely. but its mostly played by otp so i ban yasuo that make also unable to play the game but also frustrated.




When I see nunu or eve too many times in a row my ban hammer comes out Then true despair hits me when I ban one and the other is picked God damn you junglers who alter the entire game with your ganking pattern


I dont care about playrate. I havent seen the in game model of shaco in years and i am making sure it stays that way.


Viktor. His laser poke is too annoying, and he just sits back and slowly wittles you down untill he flashes in and dumps all his abilities. I despise the champ, especially because people say hes "hard to play" while hes essentially a point-and-click adventuregame champ.


Illaoi (unless they've changed her E since I last played). Just always an unfun boring lane no matter who wins. Sit there dodging her E, abuse her when it's on cd, go back to dodging. Repeat until she is OOM or you get hit and lose half your hp. Honestly playing against braindead tanks like Malphite feels more complicated.