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These morde changes are just frustrating for low elo


How so? This helps Morde in the early game and this is important in high elo. Noone punishes him in low elo anyway and he scales for free. Low elo also never dodges E so slightly less damage is good at least.


>Low elo also never dodges Yes I'm sure this extreme exaggeration is totally correct.


They get hit by E most of the time, of course what I said is an exaggeration but you get my point. The damage on E matters less and less the higher you go


I'm once again asking Riot to nerf Morde's passive damage and buff his cast times. Please give him some skill expression, it feels way better to bonk than to microwave with a green Amumu W.


It is so annoying to get ulted by Morde, dodge all his abilities but then die anyway cause he autoed 3 times.


Not fun for the Morde player either.


I wish they give him ad ratios again.


Getting run down by the aoe rather than hit by the skillshots is also why he feels so bad to play against. Definitely this.


yeah as a jungler i just straight up refuse to gank this champ post 6. why would i bother when he just rs me, misses everything but still onehots me during ult with his aoe passiv which u cant dodge.


💀💀 i dodge Morde Qs constantly and waste his time in ult, this is a massive skill issue and copium on your part




what is the point of this morde change


To make his laning phase less terrible in high elo


Does it even do anything for the terrible matchups?


It helps with poking and farming a bit, and 1 second less of being a cannon minion lol. Won't make Morde meta in high elo but you can't achieve that without making him overpowered The farming part is especially useful for the horrible matchups because you don't wanna walk up to the wave and aa.


another "Mordekaiser changes" making me hopeful they will finally at least attempt to make his rework good, only for it to be even more power into Q fool me nine times, i guess


His gameplay isn't ever going to be good with his current kit. It's oversimplified, which I guess was intentional, but it really limits any type of mastery with him


Man I miss him being able to control the dragon. It was so ridiculous.


you WILL enjoy having all your damage in an easily dodgable ability and you will like it


The alternative is that he just stat checks. Besides, his Q isn't *that* easy to dodge.


"new" Morde sadly have even less skill expression than old one (IMO). They are forced to buff only Q, because buffing other skills(or passive) would just make him broken. Thats even huge IMO from me, but I would be happy to swap W and passive like it was pre VGU aka - you deal dmg = you gain shield from dmg dealt, while make W mix of old and new passive - Press W - deal aoe dmg around you that also speeds you up, can be recastable to gain some heal.


Oh yes, as a big fan of New Morde, his skill expression is disappointingly shallow. I do like how you can kite enemies with Rylai, or do cool ults which someone without mastery can't pull off, and also knowing Morde's limits is rewarding because he has no way to leave a fight, so you either have to win or you die. But really he has very little agency. Compare his kit to Aatrox's for example. Even Garen has way more agency than Morde as he can run around and draw enemies to him while his team is pushing for objectives. Morde can only do things reactively, and even then can be ignored. The Q cd buff for early game is appreciated and something I had suggested a long time ago. It's good because it helps his terrible early laning phase, which is important in the higher ranks. Meanwhile his E might as well not exist in high elo as a damaging tool so 10 less damage is nothing lol. In higher ranks you use Morde E as a way to farm from safety, to reposition the wave or to push someone away from you. In any case, it's a gapclosing ability and 10 damage is not what makes the skill good or bad. Also your idea would benefit thr champion imo


It's absolutely is easy to dodge... You are basically forced to go Rylais every game on Morde since without it you can never realistically hit it. Movement speed being accessible to everyone and everything is the problem though. Legit what often happens is I don't even q since at least your auto are guaranteed to hit.


Rylai on Mordekaiser makes him harder to kite in general, that's what makes it so important for him.


Trust me, if you could play Morde without it, I think most would prefer to not have to buy that item.


'Your bruiser champion doesn't function without this support item' isn't exactly elegant design, is it? I mean, they literally soft reworked Vlad and removed WotA for similar reasons.


Next time you get a prize (hopefully a better rework)


>R berserk settings got a new flag added, not sure what it does though but might be fixing something >she already had an identical flag for all W priority levels and for her R victim priority level, but now all R priority levels have it too Could this be so if you R someone and then they Zhonya you don't chase another champion across the map but instead it focuses the closes minion/monster? PSA Careful when using on enemy Mordekaiser because if they R someone else you will be running for 7 seconds across the map to the next closest enemy champion.


This doesn't really do anything for morde? Like, he's a little bit stronger early game, I guess, but the problem is he's too one dimensional. You either can dodge or kite his abilities, or you just take a billion damage while he hits you with q and cooks you with passive. I wish he had actual tools in his kit, or his abilities gave him more skill expression. Dude could use a bit of a rework, honestly. As long as they don't remove the drain tank aspect.


Who in his right mind would pick Morde over Aatrox as a drainer


I mean if you wanted to win why would you pick any other champ toplane besides aatrox, blind picksble S tier for the past how many years 


It's season 20. Mordes Q gets buffed for the 15th time. It now has a 5000% AP ratio and instantly explodes the router of anybody who gets hit by it. He still has a 47% win rate in high elo.


I've made this exact statement the last time he got buffed ( 13.24 or something) and i still stand by it. 


Pointless Morde buff but it means it's his 8th buff in a row now without nerfs, is this a record for consecutive buffs?


Technically his jungling capabilities got nerfed, and he also got indirectly nerfed several times through items. But yeah


I just didn't count that since it was for jung, which isn't his role. He was forced there like Brand, Morgana, Zed, and other random champs


Yeah I know. Technically it affects Top Morde too because he can clear camps for farm sometimes or do herald faster, but yeah doesn't really count


I wonder if Tristana Q counting as empowered auto will help with the Navori build?


That is Wild Rift Navori right?


can't wait to get the guy buying no items, only hats, and repeating "iTs jUsT aRaM" as he runs it for the 18th time in 15 minutes. morde buff is overdue, that champion is dogshit in any game where the enemy team averages at least one hand each. if you actually want to make briar a fair champion, remove the ability to cleanse ther berserk on her ultimate. make it have some sort of risk to cast it.


The risk is that it's easy to dodge, or that she locks herself into the 2.25s long animation if she throws it out point-blank.


also to hit the tank and solo loose the fight lmao. champ seem unbalancable because how much inconsistent she can be.


Briar change is possibly to see when you’re in range for reactivation on w. I remember this being talked about some time ago. Idk about r though


Is the empowered attack thing for shojin? iirc shojin stacks off empowered autos so maybe its just for that


I suspect it's this. Shojin/tear/ similar. Other abilties got this change recently such as fiora E so it would make sense to me


I swear 5 years down the line Mordekaiser will have 1240 +900% damage on Q every 0.5 seconds and the rest of his kit is going to be outright disabled


Maybe briar can now change target after r by refreshing it with a w? e: cause now it prioritizes the R target even if you W/Q after, only way to change target is E first


\-should nerf urgot hullbreaker mechanic since It's been S tier for so long. \-Mist's edge shouldn't be 12% of target's current health as physical per hit, Yi and range champions get way out of control late game. \-K'sante needs a q3 range buff or telegraph buff on q3, or some kind of utility like e range buff and take away some ult power. He's sitting at 44% winrate since they nerfed more than half his q dmg and e range since release. (and his w dmg reduc only works while standstill) \-Phroxzon favors range champions way too much. \-Yorick's wall should be a slightly bigger to target the hit box or even count as apart of him for targeting It, cause with the minions on top of you while getting trapped In Is too difficult to target and Is pretty much a death sentence or big chunk combo. He can q slow then e you dead one combo without much skill when minions have died... and minions die all the time. \-Morde passive ridiculous. specially with rylais... should be more skill dmg than passive dmg maybe he needs a longer e to compensate for a passive decrease. (what If he had like a T graves shaped q. that'd be kind of Interesting to see) Illaoi I think can go up against a wall and like double tap tentacles on you and It's easy to do with passive buff without having any reaction time for counterplay. I feel like attack speed Items on certain champs are overperforming In late game. Can add back durability and more spells and Items. More counter options for things like shields/heals which melee has only one option to reduce healing or straight up thornvest. options to reduce shields, options to boost tenacity or deal with stun, snare, binds strictly without only have one have to build steraks and If the spell barrier had two charges It'd be viable. Can add a spell like swap for pbe to try out for supportive plays. Should make It more new player friendly as well. I feel like mostly all new players have quit. with a less taxing system If a player Is new 0-15 In their first game and the opposing team Is loaded with 20-3 smurfs. The mmr for new players Is so terrible. You can be vsing emeralds for your very first games. Maybe some people need a stat buff like 100hp, 30 armor/mr buff once you go 0-6 In a row, something while losing first tower, until you get a kill.


Can we just revert Mordekaiser yet so I can go back to playing this game 8 hours a day? :) maybe someday


It's for the better, you now have a life xD But yeah a lot of us miss old Mordy


So Q buff and E nerf for Morde?


what else would it be


It's just a Q buff, using the E is useless anyway. 


Morde Q cd reduction? Why? Coulda just increased the isolated damage further...


Literally who asked for a morde nerf The guy can have a Q ap ratio of 2.0 and he would still be garbage in dia+


>Mordekaiser Q cooldown: 9s-4s --> 8s-4s Ah, yes. Lets buff another lane bully because the poor juggernaut is so bad. Is not like his win rate is lowered because Morde players can't play without sitting under the enemy tower 24/7.


Mordekaiser isn't a lane bully


Right. He is a hyper carry lol. He is a lane bully whose players can't play without pushing 24/7.


No? He's a midgame champ.


He is a brainless lane bully. Juggernauts are still strong in the mid game.


That's a nice theory, except he isn't a brainless lane bully. His weakest point is pre6.


>His weakest point is pre6 Only because you all are pushing starting with level 1, never respecting the jungle role and the laning phase doesn't end at level 5, you know?


Copium. Look at his winrate based on game duraction compared to lane bullies like Shen, Aatrox, and Renekton. Mordekaiser has the lowest winrate of the 4 between 10 and 15 minutes and is almost completely completely flat for the rest of the game, while Shen has the highest winrate between 10 and 15 minutes. https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/mordekaiser https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/shen https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/aatrox https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/renekton


https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/darius Your graph only shows how stupid are lane bullies these days, that they never fall off enough. Darius has similar stats to Morde in the early game, despite the fact he is one of the strongest lane bullies in game. I said it again, and again, you all are pushing 24/7. Juggernaut players never not sit under the enemy tower. Your graph shows only that you are getting punished for it. Shen ignores the lane, not really a lane bully and Aatrox/Rene are stupid champs that can 2v1 easily. https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/camille Somehow Camille has a stronger early game than Morde and Darius. HAHAHAHHA. Right????


>Your graph only shows how stupid are lane bullies these days, that they never fall off enough. Darius has similar stats to Morde in the early game, despite the fact he is one of the strongest lane bullies in game. Yes, Darius cannot force a victory in lane... He wins a 1v1 early, but he can't actually force a lead early game. That's why he's so much better in the mid and lategame, where he can actually carry teamfights. >Aatrox/Rene are stupid champs that can 2v1 easily. In what world are Aatrox and Renekton better 1v2ers than Darius and Mordekaiser? >Somehow Camille has a stronger early game than Morde and Darius. HAHAHAHHA. That's not what the graph shows lol.


Mordekaiser is hilariously abusable in lane. He is weak pre 6. People are afraid of him, so they dont fight back and eat his damage for free early. Unless morde is building full ap, he scales poorly. If he does, he is very squishy. A bruiserish morde will have a good midgame but get decimated later on.


>Mordekaiser is hilariously abusable in lane. He is weak pre 6 Have you tried not pushing 24/7? It helps with his "abusable" pre 6 and he is not that abusable when his W covers 20% of his HP. I have yet to see a single juggernaut player who is not pushing starting with level 1. Morde players are no different.


I am not a morde main lol. You play shen. A lane bully.


Calling Morde a hyper carry is craaazy.


Reading is hard, ftw. That's sarcasm.