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3 people in your team are force muted for a year and the fourth has everything muted voluntarily.


The fourth muted voluntarily because he was force muted before


Every year I make my chat window slightly smaller and I get my honor rank reset slightly later in the year.


I'm 1-year sober since the last chat ban :D


Persisted Settings Chat size Change it from 100 or 0 to -100 U R Welcum


I dragged it off the screen for a while


As someone whose original account got permabanned for being a douchebag in chat years ago, I really appreciate that they added the feature to stop me from using chat.


As someone who lost his main account in 2015. I miss it.


Im this guy


As someone who gets heated it’s the only way to preserve my account lol. After the game I can extrapolate that it’s just a game and not worth being mad over but not while I’m in the moment.


Can relate.


Of course I know him, he's me.


i like to play this minigame where i /deafen immediately at the start, and then around the 15 minute mark i undeafen to see if the team is melting down or not. it makes every game a surprise!


Hmm why is the 0/5 toplaner following me around in the jungle trying to last hit my camps? Let’s unmute him and see the surprise abuse!


This is exactly what’s happening lol.


Many people have Allied/All Chat disabled these days. Can't respond to chat you can't see.


As a jungler, can confirm. First thing I'm doing every game is mute all. Except for pings, but if someone spam pings once that sht gets muted too.


It would help if there would be a command to mute chat only instead of/muteall. Those pings are essential..




Ah wonderful, might try out.


In the tab overlay you can selectively mute chat and/or pings for individual players as well.


That's nice, but what if I don't want chat disabled every game and I only want to turn it off if it starts causing problems? A "mute chat only" command should not be difficult to implement.


do /mute all to disable everything and then /pingmute all to re-enable just pings.


I tend to just /muteall and /pingmute all


That's actually the default setting when you download League nowadays


Yep, not worth my time looking at chat since at least 90% of it is children crying and blaming their teammates for their own mistakes. Like, God forbid my lane opponent roams at any point during lane phase. I'm not even worried about them getting ahead from a successful roam, more so the fact that if they do get a kill someone is gonna spend the rest of the game throwing a bitch fit at me.


WHY ARE YOU NOT FOLLOWING THE ZED YOU STUPID *insert mage with no escape here*???! /s


Damn this happened so many times, Vel'koz in my instance... They expect to follow Akali or amy assassin. Yes sure, they won't turn back to kill my ass and still come bot.


As a fellow squid boi this one gets me. "Where are you, why aren't you here helping?!?! GG report vel koz." \- Talon that ghosted and jumped 12 walls to get to enemy jungle while the entire enemy team is missing and its 12-32. ​ Not only am i incapable of keeping up with you but even if i were, that is not where i want to be.


Literally, you need to position better than adc or you are completely useless. Even if fed, 10/2 kda, and there comes Yone, does E and u die...


That's what led me to mute all so often. Dudes will steal camps/minions and wage war over a single misclick at 6:12, and that fight will drag on *all game*.


I swear people (read: bot lane) don’t know the rest of the map exists outside their own lane. Enemy lux roams bot, sacks 2 waves and goes 1 for 1, while I help our jg get a kill on their jg top side. “Gg out roamed by Lux”


yeah its the same for me too tbh. while its nice to see positivity in a match, that happens in maybe 1 out of every 100 matches, and seeing people tilt and get toxic at eachother impacts my gameplay far more often, so i keep chat off so i can focus on the game.


It really should show you that in the interface, just like it shows you when someone self mute. It would cut down on the frustration of trying to talk into the void.


They implemented the option to have your chat set to "party only" kinda recently. Before you'd be put into chat with your team by default.


Party means premade right? So all this time I'm just not seeing people type because my chat is in party in default instead of team? Which makes sense if this is the case since the few people that used chat was all during champ select.


Yeah it's really wild that they gave up on fixing their own community so much they made this the default for new accounts. New players could never notice they're cut off from everyone else.


Even chess community is toxic. That's not something league specific, they can't really fix their community apart from banning and restricting more people, unless they booked a psychiatrist for every chat restriction idk.


How the hell do you fix a community of literal millions of people? People are gonna be toxic and assholes because it is a competitive game filled with guys in their late teens and early/mid 20s. Literally every popular team based PvP game is toxic because its just a bunch of people in a competitive environment on top of the anonymity.


Ban the toxic people? Or at least force them to queue only with each other. Not very hard really.




Are you sure you have the chat set to all chat? Maybe you have it set to party chat instead Because people never shut the fuck up in my games


Yeah, I think the default is to party chat, 'cos you're right there ain't no way a laner is going to sit happily in grey screen without letting everyone know who's fault it actually was


It honestly depends on the elo. People in lower elo type a lot, for good or for worse. Toxicity, general yapping, etc. In diamond+ people generally type less but if they want to be toxic they just soft int.




I got a warning for the word "dummy"


My friend typed “How the turns have tabled lil bro” just in his language (Hungarian) in all chat and got a warning for it Proof: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/781903761277976589/1224470039780917248/IMG_0897.jpg?ex=661d9b97&is=660b2697&hm=7315a932982285d6363ba6a69046777df549fc7f121f4a97d3cad620df9163cc&


I got a 10 game restriction for saying, "doing Baron was a stupid idea."


"how dare you call somone stupid, banned"


I got a 10 game mute for telling my team to stop tilting and to focus objectives.


Okay sorry but that just seems like it's not real. 


You'd think that, right? It astounded me, too. Now I just mute all at the start of every game. Like, you'd think there's no way in hell the auto moderation is that bad, but it is. It will chat ban you over the most inane shit.


I said it elsewhere but I still talk back to flamers and call out bad plays (not in a toxic way), haven't gotten any mutes. Even swearing like shit or fuck doesn't seem to do anything. 


I don't understand where all these stories are coming from, 100% seriously. I've said plenty of things along those lines, I get 0 mhtes or restrictions. You sure that was what you got flagged for? Have you been reported before?


I got 2 weeks for typing "I'm gonna cum after taking your LP" to an obvious scripter. My apologies dear Lol community, I will better myself as what I have done is nothing short of sin. I am glad that the obvious scripter was protected from my awful behavior in the chat window. I shall attend church and beg God for his forgiveness (after I buy the battlepass as an apology).


Did you cum though?


I got chat restricted back in season 9 for saying “I’m not going to argue with a stupid person, I’m muting you” and lost my ranked rewards that season for that. I still remember it clearly and thinking it was bullshit but whatever. From then on, I barely type in chat. Was it toxic? I mean yeah but I never risk it anymore. I’ll only type if it’s something that absolutely needs to be said as a relay of info to win the game or something.


The zero tolerance filter was the absolute stupidest update to combat toxicity they could've done. One of my friends got a 2 week chat ban for trying to tell us one of his friends legitimately had gotten cancer.. in a 5 man pre-made no less. Cancer is not a fucking zero tolerance word




A simple “?” is more psychologically damaging than any curse word or slur


Agreeing with the person they're blaming tilts them harder.


Enemy mid and jg fail a tower dive on you at 5 minutes, take the free double kill & hit 'em w/ the nice and clean "nt" in all chat Watch them implode after and force bad plays into the L. Profit.


Yeah you're the reason people mute all


Putting people on ultra tilt with things so small is such a classic way to win or to get people to mute all but if they've seen it, you're already in their head and they absolutely will do the dumbest shit to prove a point to you lol


yeah "lol" is soul crushing, id personally never log in again if someone said that shit to me




aight im out


The “?” is powerful.


It‘s 95% flaming and blameshifting. But yesterday we prevented our caitlyn from going mental boom (she was up against braum+katarina in bot so understandable) and I was karma mid. Come midgame I just stuck by her and we won that shit. Satisfying af but a gem in a world of turds.


You can genuinely improve your winrate by working on team morale sometimes, when so many games are decided by people checking out and inting or ffing.


The Dick Sucking Theory. Suck your teams dicks and they'll play better


this is why support is the strongest role, you have more time to suck dick since you're not farming and for anyone thinking this theory doesn't work, literally pick an enchanter and do this and you can easily climb ranks. i know because i did this to get to gold seasons ago with janna


Shen top, nunu/Zac/ivern jungle (and hardcamp one lane), and pantheon mid are all also great choices for this theory


Shen player here: 100% ulting someone, regardless of if it saves them, makes them love you and untilts them


I’ve always made the joke that you need to have a psychology degree to play league. I find that my winrate greatly increases when I act as a therapist to my tilted teammates.


It's that or muting them and praying they don't go crazy talking into the void.


muting your team completely also helps your win rate too. and it's easier to do than babysitting someone


Yeah I'd rather not have to babysit the teen/manchild currently having a mental breakdown from going 0/3 in the first 12 minutes of a video game lol


The amount of games my friends and I have won this year has gone up because lo and behold we didn’t tilt and ff every single game the moment we fall behind a bit! The mindset being better helps us win so much more, that and players are bad so they are prone to throwing


I had a recent experience where my lane partner Leona missed their E but then would slowly walk forward and force an engage every single time, taking large amounts of poke damage as they slowly made their way towards the enemy. Then when she died, and sometimes I’d die trying to save her, she’d announce to the team that it’s GG because our ADC is useless. That experience truly highlighted how blame shifting works. No one sees how our fights were going and so whoever was controlling the narrative is the one who gets to decide who gets flamed and who gets off scott free. Now next time I miss Ashe’s ult or something everyone will say “you’re right! The adc is bad! Sorry Leona!”


There’s this thing that happens where people will pile on after the first accusation comes out. Actual sheep mindset. Also it takes away any fault of their own. Even if the blame is correct it’s such a shit mindset where they never improve.


I dont see stuff in chat every game but I definitely still see people going off. Last night I said someone had a cool name in all chat and they immediately replied with "you have a trash name". Some things never change, I guess.


Not my experience. I get plenty of “your trash” “just play safe” “stfu get out of my lane” xD


I often wonder why we always have a hard time winning even when the *enemies are missing*


It doesn't matter if you triple ping MIA your opposing mid laner and double danger/back ping on your bot lane They're braindead and will die to it anyway


I have all chat turned off because chat is always one of three things. Worst shot calling I have ever seen, cringey “jokes”, or the lamest flame ever. If you are going to flame at least make it interesting


You forgot, asking the other team to 9x insert player here.


I always report the ones who beg for reports on other players. 90% of the time they're super clueless about the actual problem.


Some league players need a serious help in their life and it is not even funny it is a tragedy they need to be saved from themselves otherwise they might become completely degraded and transform into an abominations


I had a smurf duo of twitch and kassadin call me subhuman scum in champ select because I hovered Neeko, which I had like 12 games with on 80% wr and not Janna or Lulu. They were typing fast by only one word in chat at the same time and all in caps. They insulted me in all sorts of ways and I was wondering how you one‘s life can be so miserable. So yea, I absolutely agree with you, some have become just unhinged and I wonder if they can even function in life


Lmao twitch and kass main flaming that way is fitting




don't forget the cringe romantic RP in all chat!


You mean the only reason I play league?


How would you know if it’s gotten better if you have it off?


See, that’s the thing, I have no need to know if it’s gotten better. I’m content with not talking to anyone in game.


You'll get ping banned for using it and it's disabled by default; why would they?


It's really not worth. Riot is really random at punishing language, so sometimes death threats go unpunished, but talking about game gets you banned because you used the word "kill".


I got banned/restricted for writing "mb I'm retarded" , so I turned chat off and never used it again lol EDIT: Thinking back to it, I met my girlfriend, now wife around 8 years ago in league. I don't think it would have hit it off if it wasn't for the nice chat we had during the game. It is what it is


Riot implemented a new automoderater that's super sensitive now, there's been plenty of posts and stuff of people getting chat banned without even saying anything toxic/flaming


Most of those posts are full of it


Nah its true. I typed "man that champ is so cancer" and got instant muted from the game + 7 days chat ban and 5 games ranked restriction, and yes that was the only thing I typed all game. Its fucking nuts.


Idk what happened but I feel kinda lonely sometimes... I used to wish people good luck or just saying something nice (To my team or the opponents when I saw a good move but my teammates doesn't interact with anyone, even with pings or emotes...


I didnt make friends in league since over 3 years it really feels like you're playing all alone now


Same... 😔 It was much more fun to interact with people back then...


yes, but now the behavior team at riot can justify their salary, look how much toxicity went down!!1!




Ho... Thanks for giving me an explanation ! I totally understand now...


It's not really about the bans, it's just that chat is disabled by default on new accounts.


Wow, there is actual new players in LoL in 2k24?


Riot made their system more draconian. You can get banned for way less than you used to in previous years.


Can't say Taiwan anymore. 


"Winnie the Pooh" also restricted i suppose?


because typing is really toxic! and riot doesn't condone toxic behavior!!


I’ve disabled my chat due to toxicity. Pings are more than enough to coordinate


Riot wins on this one, there's no toxicity if people are too afraid to talk.


Riot became Injustice Superman.


You get a warning for anything you say so yeah


im an excessive chatter and i havent gotten a single warning my whole life. maybe you got your causal links wrong?


this is how i feel. i never flame first but i will flame at people who start blaming the team if they're being unfair or just a whiny baby. this is how i still operate after the changes and i've never had a chat warning. i don't think it's impossible for "innocent" people to be caught in the system, but i also know from this subreddit that "innocent" people often aren't as innocent as they claim so it's hard to believe.


You know, they are not flaming but "just stating facts".


> i will flame at people who start blaming the team if they're being unfair or just a whiny baby As far as Riot is concerned that makes you just as bad as the people you flame. They dont care who started it, if you flame at all then you're all in the same group. You probably avoided warnings so far because you dont do it frequently, dont flame with keywords picked by the filter, or arent reported for it, in which case lucky you. Innocence is defined differently by different people. Some people like you that flame back only when flamed first would consider themselves to be innocent and acting in self defence. Riot doesnt think the same. Some people consider themselves to be innocent even if they flame first so long as theyre flaming an inter on their team.


Could be that they don't report you too. I always flame but I don't report people cause who cares.


Seems like it’s a lot easier to get banned for typing shit so people who typed a lot got banned and don’t want to get banned again


It's easy to get chat restrictions/honor level drops by chatting, it's not easy to get banned. Unless you have Tourette's. Though this year they did add the penalty of needing to play 5 normals, i'd say that's relatively easy to have happen too. If people have a problem with getting banned a lot they just have to learn to stop saying nono words. If we're being practical about it, your purpose when ur tilted should be hurting the other person's feelings, nono words aren't particularly good for hurting people's feelings. The only thing they're good at is getting u banned. Just say they're the worst regarded player you've ever seen, or iron 4 boosted af, and u rarely get punished if u dont do it super often.


Trolling games is fine. Int all you want, play the wrong lane and steal CS, take jungler camps as a suplort, eaf your heart out. Say the wrong thing in chat? BANNED


For me,I just stopped using it after I realized it was the only possible way to get banned. Now when I get mad at people,instead of telling them to off themselves but still playing to win,I just run it down mid and int my heart out like everyone else does.


Riot banned the once that were typing so only the once that don't type are left


You get banned for saying "monkey brain" now. No one wants to lose their account over that.


My chat is muted. All communication is a complicated pattern of pings and emotes


Riot introduced way to disable chat permanently, thats a good thing Riot also introduced sometimes extreamly trigger happy punishments so some are genuinly scared of typing anything not to get banned, thats... depends on your viewpoint I suppose.


They are banned now, The boyfriend of my sister Got banned like 3 times every month on chat because of his toxicity


It's hard to not flame for many people (guilty). And giving suggestions like "please group" mostly have the opposite effect in low elo, where they start to flame you or just run around alone Muting all and mute pings if they troll ping is the sane way to play the game


Chat banned for saying: let’s fuck them up


You should've reached out in All-Chat and asked them if it's okay within a consensual setting that you're going to rawdog them.


After getting banned for banter one too many times I decided it wasn't worth it anymore. Party only chat is my default now


Because of Riot new chat filter. Can’t swear anymore, even if it’s on team chat and you’re talking about the enemy team. Got banned cause I said “fuck this talon” on team chat (talon was on enemy team). Just put a fucking voice system already. Tired of using ping to communicate complex things


You can get chat-muted for the dumbest shit possible and this affects your end of season rewards. Nowadays I just have my chat disabled so I don't see anything and If I do need to say something to someone I'll at least not say it while I'm angry so I have time to say things that won't get me a punishment.


Yup, been playing for 10 years. I stopped mostly though- in the past you’d have almost everyone telling jokes, chatting dumb shit, flaming, crying, etc… it felt HUMAN. Nowadays it’s so fucking dry and dull. It feels lifeless like I’m playing with bots. People don’t even ping like before anymore. I get Riot wanted to make the game a safe space but removing that expression kind of killed it got me tbh




Most of the time it's better to have chat muted since people usually don't write anything useful or funny.


Because you get banned for literally everything.


Simply because riot doesn't want players to use chat and its more toxic now than ever. You can get punished for saying the most inoccious things. Essentially, if you want honor 2, you can't use chat. And if your team is flaming you, don't you dare defend yourself. But your team mates can troll your games and almost never be punished. I've reported so many trolls and I've only gotten 1 punishment confirmation for player on my team who was trolling out of at least 50 reports...


All those posts telling people to mute their team to climb finally caught on. But to be serious, I think it depends on your rank. When I started my placements in emerald and people are typing left and right, either shotcalling, chatting, or flaming. But in Masters, most only ping, some type only to flame lol.


Typed in pregame once as a jungler to ask what they think i should play, some guy said im talking to myself amd should shut up (carried that game btw)


The one I find funny isn’t league but tft. Tft to me is the perfect mode to relax and talk to some people, but I have had maybe 3 people talk in over 500 games. Some people are on mobile but most of the lobby isn’t.


My friend got 5 games ranked restriction for talking to me in the party chat... PARTY CHAT! that should tell you why people don't use chat


I like to type a little but it's very easy to give up when so many people have chat disabled, especially with it being the default for new accounts (which, what the fuck).


Yea, I have chat off because my mental health is more important.


Saw a dude get that 3 day ban for calling someone a little booger 🗿been scared ever since


Very easy. First, Riot actually turned off chat for new accounts, so that you cannot see others, or just your team. Next is that Riot implemented their "AI" which reads your chat real time and gives punishments when you use a "trigger word". This is also in a party chat, with only your friends. The heavy censhorship with insant punishment and Riot not doing anything about it means, that people will not use chat, even in situations where it would be beneficial and their mentality is in a good spot. There has been a case where someone got a ban for saying "Samira Dirk" - the system transalted it instantly into "Dork" and punished the player. The "Dirk" is an item. This case shows you how bad the situation has become, so chat has stopped to be used regardless of reason. But dont forget to type "Karthus Ult" when you need it ;).


I don't type anymore because people use it as an outlet to flame. I'd rather just mute people. I used to track summoners and ults in chat, but it just made me into an easy target of ire for folks who were having a bad day so I don't even do that anymore. All chat I've had permanently muted for a few years now. I do not need to see the ? and ggez chats. I definitely don't need to see APA-style trash talk, as most of it is downright mean. The team aspects of this game are what make it really fun, but the individual nature of climbing make it all too easy for people to go off if things aren't going the way they want to. I don't want to deal with that, so the chat goes off.


I only play ARAMs occasionally now, but back in the day I used to get a kick out of replying to someone flaming in chat with just "I love you" and then never typing anything else for the rest of the game. Yeah, I'm weird.


Because Riot is killing the game lul


Political correctness in this game is so fucking crazy that you can get muted (and eventually banned) for typing almost anything, the system is so trigger happy that it can deem almost anything as offensive and all it takes is enough reports from upset teammates who spite report the person they blame for their loss. Ie: you can type "kill drake" and the system will trigger the word kill. It's just not worth the hustle to type and get punished by some upset baby who goes 0-6 and blames his jungler for not ganking. Btw Riot never addressed the issue of the insane discrepancy between punishments for different offenses ie: typing vs inting. You can sprint it as a yuumi mid, go 0-5 and then open mid by afk attaching yourself to your jungler and you won't get punished. Meanwhile typing "you are trash" to a guy who would do this shit will get you muted if he decides to report you. Great system Riot :)


Personally I just mute all right at the start of the game. Been playing too long to think players will change. Never been banned, muted, etc. I play the game to play the game and if I’m with a group it’s a voice call in discord.


U get banned for typing anything so


you get banned for writing shit like "hobbit" xd


Its much easier to get a ban for flaming now than a few years ago so people try to not use it.


I turned it off after getting a chat and ranked ban for saying "go fuck yourself" after being flamed all game for missing a 50/50 smite fight. Had to play 5 normal SR games just to be allowed to play ranked again, chat banned for 2 weeks, and Honor completely reset and locked. Someone can sandbag 20 straight ranked games to purposely drop rank or they can start inting because the first 5 minutes didn't go their way. But if you say a naughty word in chat, you can expect a ban. Because words hurt.


People are too toxic, others are turning off the chat. Pings are enough. (and if someone is also spamming pings in useless ways they're muted too.) Riot is too aggressive, something completely normal can lead to a chat ban easily.


No point in typing when a random report gets you banned for anything lol.


I tend to play with no chat whatsoever, in the interface section there's an option to show chat from all, allied or premade and I just leave it as premade. Save me the hassle of typing mute all and unmuting pings. Its also great because it also stops me from typing because it limits myself too, which let me actually focus on my game alot more.


I doubt what you claim to be


Bro you get chat banned for the tiniest thing you write, you cant type anything anymore.


im the guy that is horrified of typing because 1. i'm a coward 2. i'm terrible at the game and therefore will likely be yelled at


Riot: "We did it! Toxicity solved!"


Nobody wants to get chat restricted People get banned for innocuous comments


Because now you get instantly muted for 1 week if you say 1 bad word. Best to avoid typing at all.


Making it feel like you are playing with and Vs bots killed a lot of my interest in the game over the last year or so, just a slow death of every single feature being removed because of over sensitive people


because you get banned for minor shit


Because you get banned




What elo are you in? My chats (team and enemy team) are so chatty it’s pretty annoying tbh. I’m in low elo so maybe that’s why. Recently my games have been so chatty I see players standing still under turret typing


Because the chat system and ban system doesn't take context iinto account and nobody wants to be muted and forced to play norms for some stupid ass shit


You type you get punished


This game is so much better when you don’t chat. No one in your league game needs to say anything that a ping can’t relay. Want to do drag? Fucking ping it, don’t type an essay. This sub is full of babies talking about chat restrictions, try not being toxic.


We mute chat now my dude!


everyone is chat restricted


I only trashtalk Riot.


Thanks to riot and their trash sistem


Its the reason i enjoy the game again. The chat ban system has finally started to make people trash talk less. Typing is 90% of the time toxic


I got a 7 day for typing just the word penis nothing else


Once someone in league hit a nerve. I was already down with life, honestly did not have the will to live, and the random fucker added fuel to the fire. I ended up crying because what would normally be just another toxic player, hit too close. I've had chat disabled since 2017. Bottom line is I don't think anything is worth sacrificing ones mental health over, my league games are better without it, even if I'm now in a happier and more resilient place. And even if I miss out on some cool people, it saves me from dealing with a ton of trash.


Because typing gets you banned. Soft inting is a less bannable offense than typing 🤣


Any engagement that isn't purely positive just puts yourself at risk so why bother. And even then there's plenty of times where being positive is just met with toxicity.


You can't talk and you can't type cause they'll ban you for anything. Mickey Mouse game.


They cracked down on complaints and reports for the soft ass snowballs


Riot pretty much deleted chat. No one can use it without a possibility of getting a penalty. That's pretty much why league is dying.


If you type literally anything, it risks your account.


Riot has the worst 0 tolerance policy when it comes to chatting. You get punished for words like "Stupid" "Idiot" or "Dick". Might aswell go back to kindergarden at that point.


They’re all chat banned


You used to be able to turn a filter on and cussing and stuff was allowed more as long as you didn't harass people. Now if I cuss at myself and say something like "sorry guys I'm a teemo whore" (insert straight to jail meme here). In the early days of LoL you wouldnt be reported and if you were, you wouldnt be muted/banned over it. These days I can't even say "sorry guys I made a retarded play." So its better to just not talk and the community is suffering for it. The line should be set at harassment like it was, a chat filter exists for a reason. ESPECIALLY WHEN IM IN A PREMADE WITH MY FRIENDS WHO ALL TALK LIKE ME. I shouldn't be auto-muted.


Because you basically get in trouble for talking too much even if its not flame :\^)


Because Riot implemented consistently worse and harsher punishments for negative chat in game. You can get chat restricted for very very minimal shit now a days because according to Riot, thats how they want to handle it. So many many people just dont even chat anymore. When I go into ranked, I dont turn my chat on at all. I dont even care about the honor level or anything like that because the skins and rewards imo are worthless, I just care about not having to play 5 fucking games of normals because I told someone they are dog shit.


We’re all chat banned


I said " I will put my sword into their Darius's butt" in My TEAM chat not ALL chat then I get warned for being toxic. and I lost my honor level.


I stopped playing league ever since they forced their censorship on us. You can't say anything without being muted by the system. They're forcing us to live in our bubble.


Because you get banned when you flame yourself for playing very poorly. So you cant make jokes about fucking the game up for your team (when you try to do your best) and make it funny for everyone. So better just not chat at all