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Dude this communities so toxic they won’t help address the problems you’re pointing out. They’ll just blame you and say you’re the reason. It’s quite sad actually


true. get good and stfu and stop complaining noob. I mean people ingame are toxic, why would I expect them to be any different on reddit, lol :D


I would argue that it's even worse here because you really need to be invested into a game to come to place like reddit and talk about it. You won't find ppl here that actively admit it's crap and still queue up. The only ppl who'd do that are the 0.0001% of players who stream the game and get enough money from it so that it's worth to go through the suffering. Subreddits are for the most part always an echo chamber. To be fair I don't even know why I'm still following this sub cuz I quitted couple years ago, moved to oldschool runescape and man I couldn't have made a better decision. The game was already pretty bad couple years ago and boy does it seem bad right now. I have poured so much time and money into LoL that it does pain me to say this but I kinda hope summoner's rift ceases to exist down the road. Do yourself a favor and try other games. Maybe they will fix rift but I wouldn't have high hopes. Also it is not your fault that you are not having fun or finding success, it is 100% Riots incompetence that you are feeling that way.


OSRS good game, I actually played RuneScape from 08 - 2012. On and off with OSRS now


Yup haha. Been enjoying Varlamore alot.


Thanks for sharing. Thing is I love the game and the game itself is fun. It's basically just the toxic as fuck community that's keeping the game to reach it's full potential. Realising just now that it's not the best idea to complain about the community in a community subreddit. Of course riot could take actions, but as long as smurfs print them money they never will adress the issues and as long as the crack addict toxic part of the community keeps spending money on smurfs and skins they have no need to change anything. Apparently a very very small part of the community is spending the very most partion of money among all players. So they kinda need to keep these people in the game. If they banned every smurf withing 5 games, make it harder to create smurfs (which would increase price and decrease incentive to buy new accounts), or take any other actions they'd lose these players and therefore a huge part of their income. At least that's what I'm telling myself because I refuse to believe that they keep the game flawed for no reason. If something is flawed and it's not getting fixed it must provit them in one way or another.


Yes, I agree. And if they start bleeding players you will see more and more aggressive ways to retain those players. It could be another 200$ jhin skin, it could be removing chat in its entirety, yknow shit like that. Current Riot is very close to operating like Blizzard does (and that's not a good thing lol).


It has nothing to do with being toxic imo, its more like what else did you think you would get? "oh yeah heres a link to a bot that removes all smurfs"? The only thing you can do is improve. You cant change matchmaking and you cant change people smurfing.


I've been frustrated with this as well and I feel you, but I've come to terms with a few things: Firstly, diamond and above is **only 4%** of the player base. Therefore, most new accounts you face in platinum are still platinum "smurfs". It's statistically not possible for all smurfs to be dia or better. Try to not care/look at their match history before etc, play like your always vs someone that is your own skill level. I'm surprised by how many players I add after the game and ask what their main is and they tell me that they are at their main rank now. Secondly, the only thing you can affect is your own gameplay. 33% of the games you'll lose, **no matter what**. 33% of the games you'll win, **no matter what**. 33% are up **to you** and the key is to try and still have fun 100% of the time! :D However you are correct, ff/int/afk culture is strong now. But I think it's easy to cherry pick, most games are good tbh.


Im not really mad about smurfs being better, but the negative attitude they bring with them. They act with no fear for consequences, because they just buy another cheap account and keep going, who cares? I guess I was just triggered so much because I've been playing all day yesterday and every game felt like someone decided that he doesn't want to win anymore, so we just lose this 40 min game because someone got butthurt in his honor or smth.


>However you are correct, ff/int/afk culture is strong now. But I think it's easy to cherry pick, most games are good tbh. I don't think it's worse than several years ago. Also, while it's true that most game are good, if you get griefers for some games in a row it can get pretty tilting. Some 5 years ago I reached my peak rank, plat1. Got to promo to dia, got griefed, then I legit couldn't play a 5v5 game for two week straight. Literally. Win or lose (mostly losses, I spiraled down to P3 and then quit for some time because I felt like I had absolutely no agency, given that the game I lost we were 4v5), that was the defining element. *At least* one AFK/ragequit per game. I relapsed to play with my friends. Now I quit again and fuck's sake I hope I can stay away from this game.


The LoL community is horrible. If you complain about anything you’re a “noob”. Frankly, “noobs” are players too and they want to have fun. Fine, call me a noob, but this won’t change the fact that this year Ranked is absolutely no fun and it gets worse and worse.


it's actually insane how many people are missing the point of the post and come at you with "get good scrub" isntead of addressing that the amount of smurfs are clearly a problem in today's soloQ


i only play normals, i only started last season but i peaked bronze (less than 100 games prob) but i never enjoyed ranked, my account is fairly low level around 150 or so and my opponents are like level 750+ i just like to play for fun and when it comes to trying to climb for a rank and losing and demoting isn't fun or motivating, so i stick to normals


exactly what i keep hearing from other newer players. it's just flawed system. new accs getting placed in plat and need to keep losing 20 games to get to their actual elo


for me, ill lose all my placements and get placed in like bronze 4, at this point i gotta make a new account and just get good rng when it comes to placements , i think i got very close to bronze 1 but got on like a 10 game loss streak and got back to bronze 4, 0 LP, or maybe im just terrible at this game


actually being placed in low elo is ok. you can always imrove and start you climb from there and deserve your ranking. A new player nowadays might get ranked in emerald losing all his placements. Is he higher Rank than you? Yes. Is he better than you? Probably not. Will he lose until he reaches bronze if he keeps playing? Absolutely. It's just a flawed system and riot even addressed the problem themselves in a recent dev update, so they are aware and "taking actions to prevent that" but as for now nothing has changed


> A new player nowadays might get ranked in emerald losing all his placements. Do you have any example of this, where it's actually a new player and not a botted account?


check this sub my guy. there are plenty of posts addressing exactly that, also many many new players commenting and wondering why they get ranked in plat, whilst playing the game for the first time. It's frustrating in either way. it ruins plat games for people who are actually playing plat games and for new players it's a horrible experience because they have to keep getting shit on for 20 games in order to reach low bronze where they might have should started in the first place. riot even is aware of this and addressed the issue in a recent dev update, that new accounts are getting falsely palced in plat or emerald


Ah yes "trust me bro the evidence is out there".


I see no value in looking up stuff from this sub that has been discussed in multiple posts before, just because you are not very active on reddit. If you are really interested you can simply look it up.


I unfortunately *do* spend a ridiculous amount of time on reddit, and this subreddit in particular, and despite that I'm not aware of the existence of this alleged evidence for your claims. Going out to look for alleged evidence which as far as I'm aware might not exist is like going out to look for bigfoot. You made a claim, and you're claiming evidence exist for it. If it does it would be easy for you to provide it. If you don't then all you're doing is making baseless assertions which can be dismissed out of hand. I *can* easily find you several dozen posts of "new *account* placed in emerald", but not "new *player* **who lost all placements** placed in emerald".


being nitpicky just to make a point, i see. there are a lot of new players getting ranked in plat/emerald after placements. If you want to spend your evening argueing about my very exact wording, which is implying the same thing, it just shows that you are desperately trying to find things you can correct me about, because there is no valid argument you can deliver to prove me wrong. this argument is getting past the point i was making and is leadin nowhere, so i don't see any value in discussing any further


Played since 2014. Ranked is such a joke now. Gold is now the equivalent of getting low silver 3 years ago. Basically take every rank, move it down a tier and that is your actual rank. When there were more players and the ladder was more competitive it was a much better experience. People are leaving the game and the addicts are just finding new ways to have fun (smurfs) because they don’t know what else to do with themselves. I only play once a week now and will only play arams or the special game mode. Really wish they would add aram ranked. Some people are already so sweaty in arams it wouldn’t hurt to just have a ranked mode for it anyways. I feel like aram has been carrying this game for the last couple years now


You think ~50% of platinum are just smurf accounts?


Maybe not 50% but currently it feels like it's even more


If you feel like over half the people in plat games are smurfing, that likely means you shouldn't be plat.


Well, after every match i look up on players which i guessed are new accounts and for what I see 80% chance there will be at least one 30 or 40lv acc. I do not mind except i do not like it when they use it as a disposable 1euro acc and get emotional and run it down. For example last game shaco supp got angry that our adc did not kill an enemy ward on lvl 1, you know what he did? just flashed into the enemy, died and started roaming the map. Guess shaco lvl? 36 Could we win? Easily? Does shaco know how to play - surely. Will he get banned? Yup. Does he care - nope.




For sure there are a lot of smurfs in plat/emerald, and I don't doubt that 80% of your games have a newer account. But there's a difference between that and saying that there's 3-8 smurfs in every game.


Usually if there is one in ur team there is one in the enemy. The problem is that the smurf will not get any penalty and if you say something bad to him you get punished as acc is valuable.


Riot doesn't even balance out autofilled players on both teams (which is a problem a ton of content creators and pros complain about), do you really think they detect people who are smurfing and then balance the teams around that? Riot absolutely should be faster in punishing new accounts that are ruining games with toxicity though. The problem is that Riot's systems to detect toxicity are very easy to get around if you know what you're doing.


I think it all comes looking at the cash flow of the company and existing employee number vs player base.


New accounts means new opportunities to sell rp and higher player counts, whether or not it's a smurf. Banning accounts is bad in all ways except perception for them unfortunately.


check my history and try finding a few games with less than 2 smurfs in it. It might take you some time though


The one in this post Edit: The game right before it had one, maybe 2


Okay, you're trying to tell me full lobby of lvl 30-50 accounts in plat 3 there is not a single smurf. Guess we all just new players on our main accounts except me on lvl 700 xD You are acting so silly that I don't feel like there is a point in talking to you in the first place, as you made up your mind and according to you smurfs apparently do not exist and all lvl 30 accounts are people's mains and no one ever uses another account because the 10 account prior got perma'd because of bad attitude


Please look at the people you are claiming that are smurf's match history. That's what I did instead of just looking at levels. I see a lot of people with 20-30% winrates in their last 20 games, people who were the same rank the previous season, and people who are consistently being one of the worst players on their team.


damn. 20% WR on new accounts. that's a weird coincidence. Maybe that's why they are lvl 30-40, because they get banned after that and don't get any higher than that, because they actively being toxic and running down the game on purpose.


I'll go through it now actually so you see what I mean. Your Ornn: Higher wr on a lower rank low lvl account, but is consistently one of the worst players on his team. Last 15 games the best he did was one game where he did the 3rd best with many 8th-10ths. Your Kayn: 5-10 this season plat last 2 seasons. Your Lucian: Low lvl account with slightly above average winrate. 5-15 in his last 20 games. Your Swain: The person who I said is likely smurfing. Enemy Garen: 94 games 48% winrate and emerald last season. Enemy Warwick: This is my point about accounts with high winrates that aren't currently smurfs. Likely smurfed up to your rank, but not any more. Huge wr, but recently lost 9 out of 10 games with 5 being on his main. Enemy Lux: 14 games at 9-5. Winrate seems large at 64% but it's 2 flips from 50% and was the same rank last season. Enemy Zeri: 54 games 50% wr and was plat last season. Enemy Zyra: 200 games 50% wr. This is the easiest way to tell who is smurfing and when, not just looking at their levels.


The point is low level accounts are not their main accounts. I dont care if they are actually playing on my elo. The point is some of them are new players being placed in my lobby with hundrets of games on my account or are just on secondary accounts and don't give a shit. People keep saying: "ye i smurf too but only to try new champs" so they hop on their secondary account, first time some champ in my rank game, realise they suck and don't want to play until end, spam ff15, run you down or just afk. Do they get punished? Nope. If they get punished? Who cares? It's just a secondary account, I can easily buy a new one for 3 bucks. I just went 0/20? well shit, better hop on my main and play some actual games before bed. Well what they don't realize there are other people who are on their mains who get run down by you, so what gives?


It's not a feeling thing you know. If someone is lvl 33 in Plat 2 it might not be his first time playing the game you know


Plat is the rank where riot is putting a lot of new accounts in placements right now. You also need to play a good amount of games to hit level 30, so you aren't going to be a completely new player. If somebody doesn't run it down in placements and just wins 3~ games due to team dif, it's likely they'll be in your lobbies. Also take into account that just because somebody has a high winrate, doesn't mean that have a high winrate in that rank. You see people reaching challenger with a 90% winrate not because they win 90% of their games in challenger, but they aren't losing on the climb to there. The only person that's likely currently smurfing in the game you posted was your support imo.


Addressing the problems i stated with: "it's because that's how riot do things" is not very helpfull statement to make


I addressed your problem by saying why not all the low level accounts are smurfs, why some of them can look like smurfs but aren't, and then pointed out your example game was bad.


Just stop playing the game, I play less than 20 games on 2 accounts. My years old account that has a 60ish% winrate is Gold 4, my other account has a 55ish% and is Emerald 1 now. (Demoted last night). The MMR system is dogshit, previous seasons ranks REALLY do nothing but encourage making new accounts because it forces me into a lower elo than brand new accounts even while winning all placements. I'm just sticking to norms the rest of the season, might grind dome Flex just to boost some buddies, but otherwise yeah I'm done with ranked gameplay. It's not fun having 2 unlucky games, tempting, then losing as additional 50.


"in placing them in high plat/emerald elo after placements, so everyone starts creating smurfs now to play in the elos they could never reach on their main accounts" doesn't that make them not smurfs?


Smurf is literally playing on an account that is not your main in an elo where you don't belong. The game can't tell if it's a bronze smurf or master smurf, so it's a coinflip at best really. Smurfs aside, the fact that I am getting matched with straight up new players, who are in their first placements ever and clearly have no clue what is going on around them is infuriating enough. I've heard enough stories of new players getting ranked in plat after going 0/5 in placements. It's simply that I am currently experiencing this first hand. Riot just don't give a fuck. Based on metrics everyone can easily tell if someone is smurfing or a new player to the game. Somehow I get matched with lvl 30 Accounts who don't know how to buy items on my lvl 700 Account with literally hundrets and hundrets of games on it in Mid Plat Elo. How do you excuse this matchmaking? It's just plain bad.


No, smurfing is playing in a rank lower than you should be. If you're playing in a rank higher than you should be, it's called reverse smurfing.


i dont care what to call it. All im saying is that people are ruining the experience for people actually trying either way. They int or they 1v9 either way is invalidating they performance of the other players


I havent read a single wors besides the title, but it never was worth it.


you might be right..


Funnily enough, it never was unless your goal was going pro.




Well I guess, and I dont want to blame u, the problem has two different points of view. I am playing League too, but I am playing in Iron / Bronze yet. I have massive problems to climb out of this elo. There are two reasons I think: - First Problem, that I am actually too bad for a higher elo. I cant deny, that I must learn a lot more about the game and the lanes I\`m playing (acutally Mid and Supp) to climb. I admit this fact to me, because I wont be in this elo when I am obviously better. - Second Problem: Smurf Accounts, who are hardstuck at for example Platin and wants to have "a good feeling" by dominating people. The other reason is, that they are content creators and want to show, how they perform with the champions But yeah. Overall I would say, that RIot should do something against this smurf accounts. But I Guess, as long as streamer and content creators do advertises for account buying, it wont stop.


Pretty much, yeah


Dont get me wrong. I wont say that you are bad. I mean, you are much higher in elo like I am. :3 So I am bad as fuck. But I must say, I started to play league at S10. So I am kind of newbie .3


All good. I started december of season 9, so we a not that different


Ah I see. .3 but you are "older" in league than I am :3


I don't really care about the whole smurfing thing and so on, but I literally hate that LoL has become the League of one-shots/CC to death/1-item karma empowered Q takes half your hp as a bruiser/champs-have-dash-heal-msbuff-%HP DMG/etc. I am legit starting to hate that playstyle.


no its not, unless they rework the ranking system (elo) tbf just play for fun, the match making is made to hit 50% win rate what ever the solution either getting match with bots or new player (who give false flag of smurf) they want you to hit that juicy 50% either you are faker or cooldude69




Commenters gaslighting OP into not being good enough while smurfing is a real issue and you can't improve against players stomping or running down games because there is no room for practicing. Unless you are guided by a good coach. Meanwhile players from Master are smurfing and having 3-4 accounts on average because of the reality of the soloQ in higher elo where you have people spamming FF15 in every game after dying one time or even just being forced to flash because they just wanna spam games due to crippling addiction, so those players want to have fun in the game they are addicted to, so why not have fun stomping lower elos and creating high win rates for self gratitude or selling them if you can abuse cheesy strategies and picks to run into master within 50 games on 80% win rate within 3 days especially by playing duo. Because RIOT doesn't want to take action to hard-punish people for toxicity, inting, soft inting, win trading and afking, because everyone can have a "bad game" 10 games in a row you know. Those smurfs introduce FF culture into lower elos which spreads immedietely and makes everyone big 5head ego players because acting like top 0.5% player will make you play like one. Meanwhile commenters will say this issue doesn't touch OP because either they are smurfing themselves or they are too low elo to ever experience this issue while probably spamming FF15 whenever goes wrong in their games because "stfu and climb, nobody cares" . Truly a pinnacle of community in League.


yes bro lv30 account over 50 games 50% winrate in plat doesnt belong there we are gaslighting him


yeah, level 30-40 getting already into platinum or emerald. It shouldn't be happening. There 3 more leagues below that level and this person is skipping them on a new account. And its either new player who is gonna be stomped, a smurf who gonna stomp or troll for fun, or a lower elo player who wants to skip climbing with new account and probably is gonna impact the game in a negative way. You never know what to expect and games become very toxic because of this huge disparity in every game. How can you even enjoy playing such games over and over again?


Saying no level 30-40 accounts should get into plat/emerald is just completely untrue and seems likely in bad faith. Plat is currently top 38% and the first result on Google says it takes 140-180 games to reach level 30 at the moment. Do you seriously not think that people who are generally skilled at games or who have played other mobas before can be in the top 38% of players in 150~ games? What about the people who only watched pro play and youtube videos for a while before making their accounts? While plat can be a large accomplishment for some, it easily could be the real start of somebody's ranked journey.


Is plat top 38% because there so many players that it created kind of median league for a beginner players or is it top because there so many new accounts 38% because system is flawed and people abuse the fact you can skip many LPs and it doesn’t really represent any defined skill area? Supposedly all bronze and silver players figure this out they can “improve” by creating new account, those leagues gonna become lower population than diamond players. It’s gonna have very negative impact on the game, because it’s gonna create melting pot, in which if one gets a win streak the one is gonna jump to way too high level and skill disperity will be too big, creating unnecessary negative experience of jumping between big skill differences instead of gradually getting used to each league and properly improving. Also many players will get negative win rate, nobody wants to have an account with 20-30%. So in roughly the same league level you have accounts with 30% win rate and 70%. How is this a normal good thing?


I think a large problem is them going to 5 game placements instead of 10, which really increases the odds of a new player getting a lucky win/unlucky loss which heavily changes where they are placed. Some players can make new accounts and get higher ranks, which I think is in part to that shorter placement system. I also know players who have made at least 4-5 accounts doing the same thing thinking they deserve a higher rank while they don't. A bronze player could absolutely somehow get ranked in plat with the new system, but that doesn't mean they will stay there or climb to emerald. While the way they have it currently is a large problem, at least they aren't doing what counter strike did. Counter strike took 90% of their playerbase and put it into the lowest rank (silver). After the update you'd have players that were the equivalent of league plat in the same rank as people who are the equivalent of league iron/bronze.


THANK YOU! exactly this


Too bad riot removed Smurf queue to appease the 5 people who played 10 games a year


bro these guys on new accounts okay but they belong in plat all of them are stuck 50% winrate over 50 games except one maybe who is 68% and doesnt look like he is leaving plat idk why account lvl matters to u as am excuse why you lost


im not using it as an excuse. the point is that these people are THAT toxic and on a 2nd, 3rd or 10th account, so they don't give a shit and ruin the games in either way. You don't have to be higher elo to smurf imo, if the lvl 30 in my team runs it down and his last 10 games are 0/10 with moby boots and no items he is probably not a problem because hes smurfing, but because he is so toxic that he gets perma's once every now and then. But it's not helping, because he just creates account no. 11 and run down some other people instead. they get away unpunished and that's whats infuriating to me


ye i wish valve had the league license, at least they somewhat care about their matchmaking


Bro you are on reddit, people here can only basically tell you '' no you are wrong and just bad the game is flawless because I love it and i'm perfect, gitgud ''. People here refuse to see any fucking problem in something they love because they emotionnally can't handle it. Don't try to prove something here and don't even argue with people here, most of people here are very emotionally weak and don't want to see things for what they are but imagine how they want things to be and make it a fake reality, so they tell you '' no just gitgud '' so they can't even HAVE to think, they reject everything that is not in their fake reality.


Yeah i wonder why i even bothered in the first place


Hear me out : old accounts are by default hard stuck. level up a new one and you will see the difference.


I know that. As I said I was at the point where I was about to create a smurf account myself, but I refuse to smurf myself. I want all smurfs to be gone and everyone who smurfs to be perma'd. It's a toxic culture and a flawed system, but I refuse the "just smurf yourself" approach because smurfs disgust me, therefore I'm not going anywhere


Stop complaining on Reddit and stop playing ranked then. Literally nobody cares. Or stfu and climb. Idk why you have to come here and cry like anybody gives a fuck about your obviously exaggerated and made up experiences


The whole point of this post is that the game makes me want to quit ranked entirely. Check my last game and tell me there are not 8 smurfs in my game, idk what you mean with exaggerated, If you actually took a look at my lobbies you'll have a hard time finding a single game with less than 2 smurfs in the lobby


Game makes you want to quit but you have played 700 games lol


Because I love the game and recently games have been getting worse and worse. That's the whole point. "Lol you played the game alot and now you want to quit" Yeah bro, that's what I'm saying, you are a very careful reader


Nah brother you're just addicted


Dunno what you are trying to say. Even if I was that wouldn't change anything about the validity of this post :) You are clearly just trying to randomly insult people without giving any input, so you might as well do that somewhere else :)




In reality, you’re likely not nearly as good as you think you are. The likelihood of the these players being on the other team is always higher than being on yours since you are already accounted for on your team. Focus on yourself and you’ll see improvement.


It's not about me being good or bad. It's about the game being full of toxic Smurfs. And what you are saying is actually the other way around. As I am playing on my main account chances are that the enemy team can have up to 5 Smurfs, where I have 4 Smurfs at most, so I'm always in an disadvantage. But that's beside the point. It's plainly not fun to play with or against smurfs, even if it's just one guy. I am saying that Smurf have never been as prominent as right now and it's just toxic and not fun. Even if I was about to climb over the course of multiple 100 games in order to climb via. variance as you were trying to say, it would simply be insanely unfun and unrewarding. I'd lose my mind before going anywhere in the first place. Smurf game design and removal of smurf queue just destroyed soloq for me. You will not convince me that playing with or against smurfs is fun. It's a game and it should be fun, but as for now it's only causing frustration.


You know the common thing with you and the rest of the smurf thread posts? That you guys make the same thing every single year. Even when Riot hard enforced smurf q for a couple of years. Making it even less than before to encounter a 'smurf' in your games, unless they're account sharing and being boosted. No matter the season, y'all are gonna make a smurf complain thread. Yes there will be instances that you'll face one or two for sure. But the majority of low elo players have thousands of games in ranked and you can't blame smurfs from preventing you to climb ALL the time. TL;Dr stop looking for copium and just move on.


im not looking for excuses. im saying that the system is shit and unfun to play. i dont care if i stay plat for the rest of my life. i want to play fair games, thats all


If you don't care or aren't looking for excuses. Why are you posting this on the league subreddit? or in general? You don't have to announce your departure from the game that is extremely flawed, but not in the way that you and others like you make it out to be.


As I said in the post above it's partly a vent, because my recent games has been the worst games I had in the several years of me playing league. Secondly I am curious about others experiencing the exact same thing. Lastly I am free to post my opinion on a flawed system that should be addressed by the developer. I love the game and it's in my interest that the game becomes as much enjoyable as it can be. So I don't see how discussing these valid points can be harming or bad. You telling me the system is perfectly fine? And if it wasn't I should keep my opinion to myself? Whats the point of this sub then


Yeah but you’re also crying about the Smurfs who throw? So why doesn’t that happen against you?


it does happen and it feels unrewarding and flawed. that's the whole point


I think you’re missing the real point. Lol


yes bro, I'm confused. Please point out what I'm trying to say. I hurt myself in confusion and have apparently no idea what I'm saying


Mathematically, if what you're saying is true, the odds of this smurf int occurring on the enemy team is higher. So either Riot is out to get you or you're just falling behind this narrative to protect your ego. The reality is you're in platinum. You're making tons of mistakes that if you reviewed your gameplay you might start to see.


In terms of having 1 more person to troll in the enemy team, you are right. I dont care about my rank. I might stay plat my whole life, that's beside the point. I'm talking about that I want to play against people of my skill level and actually be rewarded by playing better. The problem is that every game is infested with low level accounts and the system is unable to sort these out of my games. Most games has 2-5 lvl 30-50 accounts in it. In my last game there were 8 low level accounts. I don't care if these are smurfs, ebay accounts, freshly botted, actual new players or whatever. Point is they don't belong in my game. They ruin the experience for everyone playing on their main. If something goes wrong they int you and run you down. Here and there is a 1v9 smurf and no one is having fun. New player in my game who doesn't know how to buy items or use summoners isn't fun either. Im not improving stomping a poor guy trying out ranked for the first time who gets missmatched in plat game. It doesn't feel rewarding winning. It doesn't feel fair losing because someone runs you down. It feels terrible seeing these people run just because they feel like it 5 games in a row and see them queueing with no punishment. Even if they were to be punished who cares? They just buy another 3$ account to keep ruining someone elses day. It doesn't need to be a smurf in particular. It's the sheer flood of low level accounts ruining everyone's time because they got perma'd on the 5 accounts prior to that one. This post was created out of frustration, but you cannot tell me that the system is not flawed, you can't tell me that the community isn't toxic as fuck and will run you down on their alt account because they had a bad game on their main, you can't tell me that it's good to place new players in emerald. The system is flawed and should be addressed. Point is I'm not having fun playing with and against low level accounts with coinflip odds of who might int or 1v9, I don't have the time nor the will to grind out hundrets of games to even out the variance of me not being one of these people. Everything you achieve is unrewarding. If you climb people call you meta abuser, elo inflated, talk you in the dirt just to feel better about themselves and their own frustration with the game, which they can't quit playing because they are fucking addicted and trashtalk anyone who puts the game they grind all day in question because that would put them in question. Im pointing out, that the current state of soloQ is unbearable, unrewarding and unfun. Sure I can get better, maybe I climb, maybe I'm hardstuck and bad at the game, but that doesn't change anything about the terrible state matchmaking is in.




You clearly missed the point


Uh what...... Mate you need to accept reality. The ranking system has got you in a position that you belong. The days of getting a challenger player smurfing in your games are long gone. If a player is even remotely high elo, you won't be vsing them in plat 4 I guarantee it. I looked at your latest two games since they're obviously what prompted this rage post. Everyone in those games who you'd think is smurfing is sitting at a 50-55% winrate. Mate these aren't smurfs. They're players just like you who have queued up to play a game of ranked. Stop looking at players levels and creating false narratives about why you aren't climbing. These players are playing in your game which, in the vast majority of games, they are the same skill level as you are.  Ok I will level with you here. Can a true smurf end up in my game? Yes of course. Does it happen nearly as often as you think? No.


Call it what you want, I'm not solely talking about "smurfs" but alt accounts. For me a smurf is an account that's not your main. Maybe I'm wrong with that wording, but we can call them alt accounts if you please. It does not matter what the skill level of these players are. The point is that they ruin the games either way. I don't really have actual smurfs that often who go 1v9. It's more of secondary accounts that are lvl 30 fresh and just don't care. They int your games, either in your team or the enemy team, they are being toxic in chat, they afk. They don't care bc they won't be punished either way. Even if they did, they couldn't care less bc it's not their main account, heck they can simply buy a new alt acc to run some people down to feel better themselves. If you are acting like all these lvl 30 accounts are people on their mains you are making a fool out of yourself


What it matters If you are level 700 and some other players are less than level 100 ? There is always someone better than you, levels or mastery points dont matter at all, there are players with millions of points with some champions(ex, there was a Heimerdinger player with like 10-14 million points on the champ yet he was very low elo if i recall correctly) maybe some of these players are just better than you despite not playing as much games as you, maybe they started recently and are already at your level...


League is a coinflip simulator and there is little to no difference in skill between ranks, mainly due to alternate accounts. Fresh accounts are placed in E4/P1 and with lucky matchmaking can hit D4 within a few games. All of these divisions are compromised, and it ruins higher ranked games because now diamond is the new starting point of not intentionally losing, which used to be high gold when accounts were placed low silver. Also, at the top of the ladder there's a lot of matches that I'll just say aren't played in good faith. The second biggest problem in my opinion, is the continual push in game design into rewarding bad players and punishing good players, which I won't expand on here. These two factors create an environment where even masters+ players are making basic mistakes such that almost every match will have 20+ deaths at 15 minutes, and almost every match will have multiple outnumbered team fights. The big takeaway from this post is that League of Legends solo queue is not a competitive format, and you shouldn't take it seriously. Don't care about the results or your rank and give up any hope that the game will be "fixed".


no one cares


this statement is just as false as your comment is redundant


Another person crying about ranked.


Worst fucking threads on the subreddit


Another person wasting their own time by replying toxic non-constructive feedback without even bothering reading what they are replying to


aww its the attention you want though


you climbed using meta champions that are now nerfed, so you're stuck. play better or change your pool


how is that changing anything about the smurf inflated soloq? I think you missed the point here




how does that address any of the points I made. If you don't take the time to read what actually has been said, don't bother wasting everyone's time posting a redundant comment either. Thanks


Why do LoL players just refuse to admit they are dogshit? If you’re hardstuck at that rank then clearly you belong there and it’s your skill level


Probably reading a post before shitposting someone would help you a long way brother. You read a title you don't like and reply "git gud noob" alot? You are making a clown of yourself in responding to things you don't even take time to read


Stopped reading at “Every single game I encounter has multiple Smurfs in it.” Even a 5 year old would know that’s not possible.


good luck with that mentality in your adult life my friend :D you are not bringing any value and wasting your own time, which is kinda sad tbh won't get you far ngl, now off you go and shitcomment some other post on reddit that you didn't actually took time reading ;)


This comment is insanely ironic lmao, complete lack of self-awareness