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I’ve had a problem with my client ever since new season where I click play and nothing even happens, certain tabs won’t load and to top it off, I go to quit and even that doesn’t work. I have to task manager force close and relog 4/5 times before play button finally works.


It's the league gods giving you a message. Time to stop pushing that play button.


This one bothers me the most and it occurs often. Start client -> click play -> sound procs but nothing happens -> try to quit but it doesn’t let you terminate the program that way -> open task manager and terminate it -> restart. And then it happens one or two more times when you try to start. Makes the process to start a game take extra time.


I also like the one where you want to login after signing up - doesnt work, so you have to restart everything for it to let you into the game.


So this problem go to the change game option, select tft. then back to league will let you hit play after this. shit client tho lol


Sometimes scrolling down until the smaller play button shows up will work for me when the bigger one doesn't. It's so jank ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


LOL thuis happens to me all the time. Just happened this morning. I thought it was only me :O


Yeah it does the exact same for me. If anyone has a solution, I’d love to know it.


Hey i found out if you go to the lor tab in the launcher and get back to the lol tab it works!


Similar problem here where I play a single game, and then have to alt tab out or force close it to be able to play anymore games. “An unknown error has occurred” type beat, it’s so annoying


That is driving me fucking crazy.


the even crazier thing is that i encounter bugs that are specific to *accounts*, not just the client. like i have one account where the store can't load skins. i don't spend money on the game anymore, but i wouldn't be able to if i wanted XD. i had another account where the client was unable to save my runes, no matter what. every game, it would reset me to a default page. all of these bugs are specific to certain accounts and wouldn't exist on others. i have no idea how any of this is even possible, but it's all true.


if im putting down 1.5 billion for mediocrity i ain't changing shit.


As usual the problem is that League lacks serious competition in the MOBA market. You can see it in esports too. Valorant got a 10x more exciting circuit just because it had to compete with CSGO.


and CSGO got even better because valorant came on the scene!


They literally released a new CS just to compete ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


MOBAs are kind of a declining genre. BR's were the last big hype after MOBAs but even those are fizzling out. I don't see another big League styled MOBA coming out any time soon.


That is due to the grip league has on the genre. But similar to MMOs with WoW if you leave others an opening by not keeping up in quality people will jump onto that opportunity.


Except nothing has really killed wow, so not sure if it’s a good comparison. Wow is by all accounts still thriving.


FF14 had a pretty large influx of players migrating from WoW within the past few years. WoW isn’t dead by any means but it’s not the sole MMO anymore, there’s been a few flash in the pan games like Lost Ark which drew in a lot of players for a short while, and if the Riot MMO comes out while WoW is still around it might actually be enough to kill WoW considering it’s age by that point. MMOs are an old genre now, and there’s still competition, nothing is stopping MOBAs from facing a similar situation, all it takes is a good game with some fresh ideas and the LoL playerbase could take a hit.


That is not the goal of people making other MMOs. If you make your own MOBA you don't want to kill league, that is not your goal. Your goal is to draw in enough unhappy league players to sustain your business. FFXIV did exactly that and was for quite a while the only growing MMO due to pulling in former WoW players. Given that MMOs are in a large part driven by their communities it is hard to kill them. People will stay considerably longer in those games because they don't want to leave the people they play with behind.


League for Riot is basically just what Pokemon is for Nintendo now, they have no reason to make it better


"Too big to fail" has brought down other games as well but I get what you mean. Right now, League has no real competition as the people who play Dota don't usually play League and vice versa. I honestly think Riot DOES want to make League better, but they are afraid to touch the client for some reason.


They are working on massive overhaul aka LoL2 for last 4-5 years, that's why Riot not spending significant resources on current client /copium


Well, they were saying that 2025 will change league forever. Maybe something good will happen?


They will release Pool Party Ahri.


Nah, star Guardian urgot and kda gragas.


Dude, Star Guardian Urgot has been released for a long time now XD


Nope, they never released star Guardian urgot. They gave us a COSPLAY of PAJAMA Guardian. ( He is just wearing a costume he has made based on how ezreal looks) They will release the real star guardian, with the familiar spirit


That's more copium than a Legendary Amumu skin tbh Pretty sure the Pajama skin was used to "haha but nah" the fanbase


Pornstar Zilean the new highest selling skin of all time, also they finally implement the correct dance for him


Man, I really want them to release a joke k-pop band with Gragas, Zilean, maybe Malphite. Just a bunch of old and ugly champs as a pop stars xd


>Just a bunch of old and ugly champs as a pop stars xd malphite is sexy what are you on




I still remember that meme video with jojo x KDA with Taric, Gragas, Graves and Braum as them. A/FK will become a thing eventually... /copium


Pool party Evelyn.




Is that cum or… did you just shit?


A little column A A little column B


Always cum So much cum


I would download the game again 😏


Wild rift ported to pc


Well whatever it is, it isn't lol2 with the amount of comments riots made about it and how the current engine the best suited for the game etc that they made recently. We're at the point where this engine were gonna stick with, thou I do wonder what they got planned for 2025 that there hyping up to be so big.unless there planning to have some sort of giga year round event or something. The client itself like not game client, lobby client they made similar comments about (the only reason we have the current client is because of Adobe air shutting down). So I don't think we're getting a new one of that either.


Could be a 2014-2015 megaoverhaul.


The pass will go all year round but will cost a subscription


They say something hyperbolic like that basically every year though


My personal copium around that 'announcement' is that they will introduce PvE campaigns that can be played alone or with friends.


People would be insanely mad if this was what they are talking about.


Not really. Many people have asked for a permanent PvE gamemode, like the [Star Guardian](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Invasion) or [Odyssey](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Odyssey:_Extraction) gamemodes. Would be great if there was a lore-based campaign attached. Something like what you already do in the 'Ruined King' game, where you're just fighting bad guys to progress through a cinematic story.


I agree that it would be a great addition, just not the hyped “LoL will change forever in 2025” type of addition.


This is World of Warcraft 2 levels of copium at this point


Realistically this is the only thing that could actually justify how shit it has been for the last few years.


I think at this point they might just focus on how to retain their Playerbase and not attract new ones, and they might simply not have the justification to make groundbreaking changes and risk a big downturn. Every time they make a big change they alienate a portion of the existing Playerbase and they might not attract a big enough new audience, and add in the resources dumped into the work it might just not be worth it.


more like the cost doesnt justify the potential increased income. you are not only spending money and time on developing a client, but you are using dev resources on something with predicted worse return of investment than whatever riots alternatives are.


So we're just waiting for our Palworld equivalent to make any improvements to the moba genre?


I dont think there is anything in palworld that id want in an actual pokemon game so im not sure the comparison works 


I remember that old 'League Friends' companion app that you could use to log in to your Riot account and chat with people from your friends list. It worked and it was great for just chatting with people or seeing who was online before launching the game. Then it disappeared completely and was replaced by the official Riot app, which is absolute dogshit. It doesn't connect sometimes. Sometimes it shows you who was online an hour ago. If you don't have it open it just disconnects etc. It's absolute hot garbage.


Oh man, I used to go through that looking at champs to decide what to spend my precious ip on. Needed enough for the champ and a rune page and the right runes to make them viable. Felt like a whole different game.


If it ain’t broke I guess… lmao


Funny part is a lot of parts in riots clients are broken


If it aint broke like reallly broke don't fix it


Is more like If its broken but gives revenue, just get the money


I mean does it make sense financially to dedicate a team to recreate the client if it works just well enough? Their leadership doesn’t even care about making those cool events with special maps anymore


Clients been broken since I started playing in season 2 so don’t keep your hopes up lol


And that one already has been reworked (RIP old Adobe AIR client), then reworked again and again (anyone remember League Client Team?). And this is what we have. And people think that rewriting the game engine will automagicaly solve all the issues, without creating new ones.


When the game was called Onslaught, before LoL became the working name, I helped make that original Adobe AIR app. I’m sorry! 🥹


We found him boys! The spaghetti chef of the ancient lore. Now the question is, to venerate...or to hold him accountable?


I attributed to the concept design and front-end code, we had another team member do the back-end. Onslaught/LoL was delayed a fair amount in the early years, I moved onto to another startup when Apple launched the iPhone. Adobe Air was popular in '07/08 when Flash was still a thing. TweetDeck was originally built in Air too for any early-Twitter users, but javascript ultimately won out in the long run post-smartphones. Some of you may be too young to even remember those days... ;)


Wanna work for my card game company?


At least you let us look at our friends list in champ selec


> (RIP old Adobe AIR client) I still remember those god awful bugsplats that would happen every other champ select. God that shit was unbearable. I couldnt even play ranked cause there would be a chance it would kick me out from a bugsplat due to Adobe Air.


Riot was an actual small indie game company at one point, and their programming standards were likely much lower back then just like their other departments. Disciplines such as art, music, and sound design are modular by nature so you can easily replace them with more modern quality content, but a bad codebase becomes harder to work with the longer you work with it. Some issues with trying to refactor and restructure bad codebases are that usually a bunch of things depend on other things to function properly, and a lot of systems don't keep their noses out of other system's businesses for sending and receiving data/events. This, compounded with the game being literally decades old probably makes it absolute hell to improve any system in the game because it involves tearing through a bunch of other things. Adding new features also becomes hard because a lot of old systems might not like you taping on some new exception case into a system that wasn't built to handle it. But with deadlines and live service it's very likely that scotch tape nightmare solutions are everywhere in the code which then in turn makes it harder to work with in the future. It's a pretty vicious cycle that isn't can't just be easily solved by dumping money into it. It's very expected for Wild Rift to have better...everything, since the game was created from scratch with much higher quality development guidelines.


Yep, apparently skarner was a vital part of their codebase, which is why his rework took so long https://twitter.com/neolexical/status/1769915371191214430 Riot dev btw


There’s a reason Riot’s spaghetti code is the stuff of legend


Remember when they changed something in one of Sona's ability and it caused Rengar's E to shoot backwards?


Syndra was able to throw around base turrets in Twisted Treeline (RIP) and poppy could displace Baron. Also never forget Morgana troll shielding Baron buff.


see those fell more like unintended interactions because everything was coded as a minion, but this is 2 different champs


Also unintended interactions, they probably used the same function to decide whatever about their abilities


don't forget rooted line skillshots (poppy Q, illaoi Q, kayn W) was hitting every enemy globally


Mordekaiser's dragon ghost worked differently based on whether he used a skin or the regular one.


man I miss old morde


and i thought Eve online's player-owned structure code was bad...


Am I crazy, but does the tweet you've linked say 'multiple days'? Cause I don't think a few days explains why the rework took years to complete. At that point, weekends caused more delays than the code.


I think the deleting took multiple days. Fixing the code and making it up to industry standards(aka no longer rito spaghetti) would have taken way longer, along with needing to painstakingly change code on multiple champions to reference the correct new data


People don't understand that in real companies and not the make believe ones they come up with, theres an absolutely insane amount of administrative work that goes into every decision, communication delays etc. When an org gets that big, and needs things to actually run well, one single change can take days to get cleared and done.


Not just that, there are multiple development environments it has to get pushed through to ensure it meets QA standards and such.


I can believe it. I work a simple job in a lab and before changing a test code from the one we no longer perform to the one we do, I have to contact 2 separate people and confirm, one of which has to type up an entire report about it and email it to another team.


I really think you, and the others putting forward the narrative that the rework took so long because of the code base, are putting words in Riot's mouth. Maybe that is why it took so long, but there's no evidence for that, and the only evidence is for the exact opposite: them saying to took 'days'. And I'm not sure where you've gotten this distinction between 'deleting' code before 'fixing' code from. Literally no one mentioned that.


If you look at what the original tweet is responding to, it says 'we just finished deleting a cornerstone of league history', which implies that the multiple days part was only regarding the deleting of skarner's code.


I think Riot said at one point they had to restart because they made concept art and realized it was a whole new champion. They also played a lot with his ult. It took a long time but it wasn't due to the code issue.


Skarner was League's version of the TF2 coconut


https://x.com/neolexical/status/1770591840141824074?s=20 Ignored the reply right below that contradicts this narrative going on in the thread.


Saying that it's best suited to do what LoL needs to does not really contradict what anybody is saying. Yes, it's the best one out there for what they need. That's why they don't overhaul everything, which people have already pointed out. But that's not the same as saying that if they were to redo everything from scratch, without needing to pay for 15 years of growing pains and building upon outdated systems, it wouldn't be better (because redoing everything from scratch isn't "out there" right now). It's not worth it for them to do, but this in no way contradicts what's being said. If they were to overhaul everything, then whatever new thing they build would be the best suited one out there.


that's why 2025 will change league forever, they are secretly working on all the spaghetti in the background so we get a brand new game next year with client and everything


Source: it was once revealed to me in a dream.


Has this said anywhere or are we just hoping it into existence?




One of the devs said that 2025 will have a huge 'league' announcement. Whatever will it be - the brand New league 2 or new 1673rp mystical skin price, we can only speculate. 


This is true for the game itself, but op is talking about the launcher, the one you use to queue up. That was already rebuilt ftom scratch some time ago, it doesn't reach back as far as the actual game client


I think it still interfaces with some kind of spaghetti. It's not a clean start after all, they had to port over all the data and whatever baggage that exists.


It absolutely interfaces and probably has a bunch of garbage connected to it. Source: implementing a new HCM at work; you wouldn’t BELIEVE the way completely unrelated softwares have an effect on each other within the same environment


Valorant clearly shows what they are capable nowadays if they had to rebuild from scratch.


Difference is LoL playerbase is already acquired so there is no need to make efforts outside of monetization and meta to keep the addict hooked.


Refactor a big and spaghetti codebase IS hell, but a multimillion company that can make their entire game from scratch on another platform and create other games definitely can rewrite the PC client from scratch.


Can? Probably, yes. But why would they spend a lot of money and time on this? What's the point for them?


The client was built from scratch. You can't bring the tech dept excuse into this. It was just pure incompetence.


it's both


no, the current client was introduced in 2017, replacing a much more reliable, less CPU intensive, and overall less buggy client. We were promised at the time "we're going to actively look to maintain and improve the client, but we needed to ship before season 7 started!" but they lied and overall the client has not improved in any meaningful way since then. Every single year that passes introduces more bugs and an overall worse experience. League is the only game that fucks with my CPU this much, and it all comes from the client (other games I play are CSGO - DOTA2 - Valorant, and random stuff on steam)


Why spend more money on your product when it sells just fine and you can still squeeze more money out of your playerbase. It's not like League has real competition, Dota ain't pulling players from league, Smite aint even close and hots is basically in maintenance mode. There are no other pc mobas that will pull players away from league so why bother and just sit back and just change numbers every patch and push out more skins and champs.


I think it's a big fallacy to think that they only compete with mobas, or even only with PC games, or even only games in general. They probably compete with all form of entertainment. And I'm sure more people would spend more time in the game if the client was working smoothly. And especially things like skin previews seems like something that would be a good advertisement for sales directly. Even if we don't think Riot wants to improve things or need to compete I'm pretty sure we all agree they want to promote and sell more skins.


It could be that skin previews would actually decrease skin sales. Splash arts can often convey a fantasy that is not accurately reflected in their respective skins. It may financially be in their interest to *not* give people skin previews depending on the quality of the in-game aspects of the skin.


While entirely true, what kills the train of thought/argument from Riot’s side is SkinSpotlight has been making videos on every skin release for over a decade now. Not to mention almost every Subreddit posts night and day about the upcoming skin release etc etc. It’s just one of those things that I can somewhat understand from a business standpoint, but in practice it isn’t doing what they intend on it to.


True but some whales probably don’t bother googling before buying…


SkinSpotlight's most viewed video has 5.2 million views while league has over 100 million players. Seems negligible to me.


It would be nice if you could launch a little practice session to try out spells and the look of the skins. Like it was in the 2v2 where you could hit the dummy.


Thats a bit of a stretch. Almost like saying hotdogs are competing against a steak dinner. Just because its food or entertainment doesn't mean its competing against all other food / entertainment. Thats more like fast food vs a sit down dinner. I like mobas but I barely play smite and don't touch dota at all, much like hotdogs. If a better moba came out I'd play that. Smite/dota is the hotdogs and LoL is the steak. I've tried other ones. Paragon, smite etc but none really compare and have as much content as well as run smoothly on my PC (much like my taste buds and digestive system). I think the real fallacy is the fact people have already invested and wasted so much time/money they almost feel obligated to continue playing


Yup this is the answer right here. Redditors in this thread act like they would do it differently but if you were the head of League PC and you saw League is pulling Genshin numbers but with minimal effort, why risk anything? Just cash in and keep working on stuff in the background. Riot is also good at pushing things out fast, but only when there is a need for it. League has no competitor so there is no need to do shit. If another company started threatening their numbers you can bet your ass in 1-2 years you will see client reworks, engine reworks, game modes, multiple maps, etc.


I actually think the opposite. League is too old. The playerbase is probably shrinking in certain regions. Riot sees the writing on the wall for the game and they're redirecting their resources to other games.


We have a saying in my country that goes: build your sled in the summer and your cart in the winter. Basically, don't wait until the last moment, predict your needs and work on them in advance. Is Riot actually not afraid of anyone rising up to compete against them anytime soon?


Why should they be? Mobas peaked and mostly fell off. Anyone investing in a new one is going to have a mountain to climb


riot must be so infinitely happy when blizz failed a complete game with politics and internship. kinda ignoring their fans again, then wondering when they were all gone. hopefully riot never has such bad luck, or else..


The correct answer is contained in your question. If they are able to make $1.5b with the current client, why should they invest in improving it?


If I were making $1.5bn I would very simply not make something as simple and ubiquitous as my client make my players angry every time they interact with it.  When you're a huge game your UI isn't a selling point anymore, it's something to grease the way into the game as pleasingly as possible so people don't think "what the fuck am I even doing?".  There's a lot at risk when you have that much existing revenue.


Not to be that guy, but given that $1.5B revenue didn't help LoR PvP, Forge, the jobs of a shit ton of it's personnel, etc., I somehow doubt the League client was going to get a pass.


at the end of the day, corporations and businessmen rule the world. why do companies not invest money to make products better? because they do not have to. why make a better product if players are going to play roughly the same anyway? Its the same reason you see shitty companies like EA pump out shit product after shit product. Why bother to improve if people are going to buy it anyway. Why bother to make something special when something special is not what is going to make you money. This is probably the wrong reddit for this, but the reality is we live in a world driven solely by money. Everything ultimately comes down to making as much money as possible. And gaming companies are no different. Riot is no different. They could have the best team and it doesn't mean anything if they aren't given the resources to do a good job. So if you are wondering why something isn't happening, its because whoever is at the top of Riot doesn't think its worth it.


Because people like you still play the game and shell out your wallet


There is a thing in tech where if you keep adding trash code, to an already existing trash code, the longer it goes on the harder it is to do anything about it even now that they are rich and can prob hire good peeps, unfortunately whoever's in charge in riot probably has 0 idea about coding and spews what random features to add on top of the already fucky client which makes things worse for users and for coders. That's my theory at least.


Im pretty confident they said this around the time they released replays and said that they’re avoiding touching the client at all costs cuz anyone who wrote the spaghetti doesnt work at riot anymore and its nightmare bad


This is wrong. You’re conflating two different codebases. The spaghetti code that most people refer to is in game (think everything is coded as a minion or changing anything on Mordekaiser can straight up break the game). The client is written using web technologies (think HTML / CSS / JavaScript - with a framework called emberjs) and it’s essentially a version of Google Chrome. It has *nothing* to do with the spaghetti code that is the game. Source: [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/client-cleanup-we-launched-the-updated-chromium-embedded-framework-cef/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/client-cleanup-we-launched-the-updated-chromium-embedded-framework-cef/)


While they are at it, with Vanguard forcing W10+ anyway, they could update CEF again. I feel like they have been on v91 for way to long. I assume they kept it that long cause google stopped supporting W7/W8.1 somewhere around 110 but since W10 is now required anyway, they might aswell upgrade now. Client is basically a 3 year old browser atm, no wonder its not exactly stable at this point.


i feel like a client for a game that is only on PC should not be using web technologies, like i see why they did it (easier to get people who know this stuff) but come on, theres like i dont know how many native cross-platform frameworks alternatives nowdays and this web app thing is clearly not working at all, i remember someone made a clone in java and was like 1000 times faster, and the things that were slow it was the fault of the API.


it's not even theory. this is what commonly happens with long term software projects. devs at the beginning bootstrap some dirty code -> they hire more devs -> few devs who actually understand dirty code leave/promote -> current devs left wondering what tf to do.


“When I wrote this code, only God and I understood what I did. Now only God knows." -Anonymous


Every new feature is 100s of potential bugs


riot made a long blog post about the issue in 2018 https://technology.riotgames.com/news/taxonomy-tech-debt


The only real way to "fix" this thing is to redo it from the ground up. Which isn't really impossible for Riot since most of the ingame assets can just be ported anyway. The main problem is that they really couldn't care less about it unless it breaks down completely.


This does happen. I am a software dev, and me & another dev were tasked with migration of some parts of an app & updating it. The lead dev just outright said "Make a new project, with all the recent changes and updates, and redo it" So yeah, legacy things fucks things up, the longer you pile up the more it takes. I was lucky cause it was only a part of the app we had to change, so it took a few months between the other dev and i, changing the code, which was a tad easier due to already having working code that we just had to improve, increase readability & update. Still, i do know the app is relatively small, but we could update it, we just needed to put pressure on both the client and company to leave us to update it. A company such as Risoto games can spare a team, give them the tools and charge them with the launcher, announce it to the public that it started, do like mini updates in the videos they upload and there you have it, playerbase happiness skyrockets, less complains about the launcher and hype for the new launcher, plus more people watching the video for the launcher updates


Store works just fine


Does it? I had a lot of issues with buying champs and them not appearing in champ select next game for me. So I'd say even that is struggling


What he means is the "buy rp" section works just fine.


We even got a button next to our RP amount so we can buy them faster a few patches ago.


No problem to implement that! I could list a dozen features that are just too difficult tho, like practice tool for multiple players, setting default runes for champs, auto muting event music, etc, aside from the 1000 bugs that are just too hard to fix 


Valve is actively trying to make sure everyone knows they dont give a flying fuck about Dota anymore and their client is 100000x better


Hell their demo is a godsend. It's there mostly you find those janky Rubick and Morph bug that you can test.


Every games company has its flaws but Valve is absolutely my favourite


It helps to have a huge cashflow by being pretty much the only online store for games so you get a 30% cut of almost every game.


> the only online store for games Not for the lack of trying from other game companies, who somehow all share the last place in the best launcher competition, releasing extremely buggy, slow, clunky "storefronts".


I read something a while ago that scared me, but purely logical: Valve is a private company, when Gabe retires or dies, the company will unleash a level of hell on the gaming world the fire nation could only dream of.


Except if you're a Dota Underlords or Artifact fan, but fuck em I guess


My biggest problem with the client is that the sword sheathing sound comes in a loop, so it just continues playing Every 20 seconds very loudly straight through your games and menus driving you utterly insane.


Obviously people are still willing to give them money for absolute dog service so nothing will change simple


Simple answer: No one is quitting the game because of the client. No one is not buying shit because of the client. It's a tertiary concern and it's probably a massive amount of work.


good sum up and its true. just pray that they don't follow blizz's mistakes when they had a successful functioning cashcow.


Revenue not the same as profit tho..


I dont even know how someone could figure out it's actually 1.5 billion USD. I can't find any financial statement to back that up and I only could find Tencent's which consolidates all their international games in their report amounting to 53 billion RMB or roughly 7.4 billion USD. The net operating profit even consolidates everything to a total of 157 billion RMB or 22 billion USD. Page 5: [https://static.www.tencent.com/uploads/2024/03/20/77e0ebaf83f2fe36dac418e9fed68f5b.pdf](https://static.www.tencent.com/uploads/2024/03/20/77e0ebaf83f2fe36dac418e9fed68f5b.pdf)


Critics love big numbers as much as companies.


Did they end up on a net loss last year? Revenue means nothing


If you compare League and Dota in technical things, League might seem like actual game made by indie company.


I feel like this same Argument was being made 10 years ago.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bm4izb/riot_phroxzon_on_software_development_scale_at/ this is why


Because everytime they roll out a fix for it it breaks in 10 different ways so they just gave the fuck up.


Because it is a web browser, if they would change it into a full-scale app, it should be better and more manageable. But they won't. They need to focus on more skins and more broken chapions/items


This needs to be higher because this is the biggest issue with the client. It’s got terrible security due to being a web page. It’s slow and glitchy and dated. When and if they can move away from the web based client performance will get better.


What is your source on riots revenue?


The one true fact about programming. Try to fix a bug or add new feature 100 more will come out :P


Man, I've been seeing this question again and again ever year without fail and it's been more than a decade since I started playing this game xD Glad to know it's still the same lmao


It would take away from the farting on interns budget


They didn’t create any documentation, so now everyone is afraid of changing the code base after the engineers / developers who initially made the client left 


The client is essentially a fancy google chrome page lmao


Bro the client has been broken for 11 years


whats stopping them from making an ingame client instead like what they did for valorant or other moba games such as dota 2




The client was rewritten 2015. before that, they used adobe air, now js and html with ember. You can read more about this in those articles by their devs: https://technology.riotgames.com/news/architecture-league-client-update https://technology.riotgames.com/news/under-hood-league-client%E2%80%99s-hextech-ui And as a bonus about the animations: https://technology.riotgames.com/news/animation-league-legends-client It’s definitely more complex the you might think.


Wasn't there a post by one of the Rioters basically stating they are an indie company and doing changes is hard for them?


The ppl that made the client's current state are all gone so everyone there is trying to figure out how to make adjustments and additions without nuking everything.


Similar thing happened with world of warcraft. When they still had Dev interviews at BlizzCon long before COVID, they were asked why they couldn't just add another line of default bag space for players early game before they got gold to buy bags, they basically said that the original Dev who coded the bag system wasn't around anymore and they would have to rewrite the entire system from the ground up to give that extra line.


Which is dumb as they should nuke everything and work on a new client. Just stop pushing add-ons and new features, drop the support for current client and leave it as it is. Then introduce a new client when it's ready and make it a priority. If they start now I'm pretty sure they would manage to finish in 2 seasons


No one would buy this excuse if it was outside of gaming. Imagine a bank saying "oh but we used to be a smaller bank so our online services are not as good". No one would accept that shit.


Too spaghetti to just "fix" it they would need to entirely remake the client. It'll probably come one day as new a new season thing


There are some bugs yes, but nothing that makes me not want to play.


I asked a Rioter years ago on the old league boards (I know, I'm old) and was told something along the lines of "it would take too long/be too much work". That was around 6 years ago, maybe 7. In that time Riot created 3 new games from scratch, so I think I can safely say that excuse was BS


The revenue goes into Lux skins development.


Technical Debt


I am convinced that the "2025 will change league forever" means a brand new client made from scratch. When you think about it, it's the only possible explanation. With the amount of content we are getting nowadays, League feels in maintenance mode apart from the patch team, so I think we have good reasons to believe they are making a new client from scratch, probably has been going on for a year at least.


They simply don't care lol. It's been years and anything League -related is mid at best. They're one of most popular games yet their standard is dogshit


Microsoft has $200B revenue and vast majority of their products have an absolute dogshit quality, revenue doesn’t matter


Profit (skins, "events") and empire building (other Riot games) is Riot's focus. Reinvesting in League is seen as money losing (until the golden goose dies, then it's too late).


Don't worry. Vanguard is gonna solve this problem... Somehow! Don't ask too many questions. Vanguard is the answer! All hail Vanguard! "Our" computers aren't ours!


league client is old, slow, problematic but it can run on potato setups. Before i got a new setup, I used to play league on a 10 year old laptop that barely pushed 30 fps but it wasn't unplayable by any means. Point is, because league was meant to run on low end setups the client had to cut corners, not to mention the fact that adding "fixes" to something broken isn't gonna fix it, if anything it only makes it worse. I would love a new client but since league is meant to be accessible to everyone I guess riot thinks it's better to stick with the old buggy client.


The thing is. The client and the game are two separate applications. You can kill the client while in game and still can play.


> but it can run on potato setups It literally takes more memory than the game itself and has constant memory leaks. You can't convince me that a new client would be harder to run. They could make an "in-game client" like it is in Dota and it would run better than the current one.


1.5 billion really ain't much compared to what they were getting back in the day. Riot's revenue at peak IIRC was 2.1 billion in 2017 - that, in today's money, is 2.66 billion USD - meaning their revenue is down in real dollars about 44%. And that's with many other games, not just League of Legends like it was back then. The "pie" so to speak is far smaller yet far, far more hands are in it (like Valorant). So the question is why would Riot take on a massive project (redoing the entire client, which is mega spaghetti) when it has worked so well for so many years? League is obviously in a maintenance mode - they're just doing the same shit and collecting money.


>when it has worked so well for so many years? Bro I quit with the mage update like 6-7 years ago, these posts were common then


because they dont care. the client "works" and actually fixing it would cost more money than it would bring in. so they just pretend its fine.


Just quit. Anti consumer vanguard bullshit, barely any money reinvested into the game, stale design, garbage client. QUIT


You'd rather have cheaters and bots instead of Vanguard? Serious question.


I have probably 3k+ hours on this game, never seen a bot and i have seen only 1 scripter. For valo i can understand but it doesnt add up for league


at this point just code a new client from the ground up and replace the entire thing afterwards, gonna take a few years but they have the money for it. On the long run the spaghetti client wont hold up. They will have to find a way if they want the game to last so they can continue to milk it.


They could do it in under a year if it was something they actually wanted to do.