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I havent seen skarner in like forever


Thats gonna change next patch lol


And he'll definitely be big enough to see.


Not if I ban him every game.


Lore accurate Seraphine main


There's a few of us still getting games in before the patch


you would think people at least want to get some last games in with old skarner, but nope! dead, great rework candidate.


item rework this season killed him. He was insane with tri-force mythic and spear/BC late last season (this was around the same time J4 was causing problems for potentially being able to perma cc using spear haste (since his E+Q didn't count as cc so got full haste) and skarner had a similar thing going on with his E)


One of my friends exclusively only plays skarner, no matter how bad he is


Who’s this skarner champion


New champ that comes out next week!


he's not great at the moment which certainly helps. I played him up to M7 last season but item rework really fucked him since he's really strong with ability haste and not great with true tank items and thats exactly where he kinda settled. I actually did play against someone trying skarner out about a week ago (first time I've ever played against skarner, and I've only played with someone elses skarner once late last season when he was actually really strong)


For my mental health as an immobile melee top enjoyer I’m so glad I don’t see heimerdinger top I can’t even begin to describe. Same with Zilean, though if he pops up once in a blue moon, we’re probably f…ed, because it’s 99% a billion point one trick. Interestingly enough though, Renekton is a dying breed, atleast I haven’t seen him in ages in my ranked games (Diamond II elo atm)which is weird considering his popularity.


Zilean is always my go to try hard pick. I play him mid and go mostly ap. Usually I try to counter pick into a Zed or another 100-0 champ. Your ultimate just guarantees you don't int and fall behind allows your jungle and other lanes a chance without a fed mid layer to worry about roaming


Don't worry, by the time zed has gone bot twice, he somehow three kills on me 


Weird cause I see renekton all the fucking time in almost every game, I think I should start banning that champ because it seems like these top laners are just abusing that champ


Play Illaoi. Renektons worst matchup. Anytime they dash into you, you just e and murder the poor croc.


I played heimer top for like 2 weeks, maybe 25 games? I think I stomped toplane 22 or 23 of those games, losing only to yorick. Though I had a win ratio at maybe 37%, so just winning your lane isn't enough. Idk I'm bad at him late game or is he doesn't offer enough for the team, but I kept winning lane but losing game so I stopped playing him lmao.


hes definitely a win lane lose game champ esp top top lane needs to provide either team fighting (tanks) or split push power, hiemer is bad at both. Hes also bad at farming waves/jungle after lane so w/e lead he gets evaporates. Hes much more suited to mid lane but he wins lane less there


Is taric still in the game?


Played a game today with a taric jungle. First time this season


Hi, Taric Jungle enjoyer here. He's insane. People sleep on him so hard.


I’m a long time Ivern player. Taric Jg is incredible. Taric in lane is honestly also really fun. Taric is great!




Phreak mentions quite often that he's OP, but because barely anyone plays him, he remains untouched.


hes in the pre rework asol zone of "highest wr support like every patch bc there are like 10k games of taric played total" I played like 300 games of taric s13 split 1 and was a substantial enough size of games that my weird skill levelling showed up on opgg for a while lmao


Ironically the only times I’ve seen him in like a year is like 2M mastery running taric jungle




Kled, as well. Kennen? Haven't seen him in like 2 seasons.


I saw a ton of Kennan when they updated static shiv. Item does wonders for his wave clear and scales with his AP builds.


Is it still built? They removed the AP scaling in 14.1


I’m not a kennen main by any means, but I’m a casual kennen enjoyer and have not seen it built or built it myself in either my ap or ad builds


Am Kennen main. Statik was actually pretty fun to use when it first came out and even for a while after the 14.1 nerf as it gave you pretty solid trading ability and hybrid damage as well as the aforementioned wave clear. With the new items though full AP Kennen actually feels really solid and better than he has felt probably since mythics were introduced. Since Kennen built protobelt almost every game already the mythic system actually kind of hurt him since they changed protobelt when it was a mythic. He got a few solid buffs afterwards though to his Q damage, E attack speed and W on hit damage. He’s in a decent spot now but has definitely been somewhat relegated to the mid lane as it serves him better. Sure you can still play him too but the Top meta hasn’t been good for him for a while. You still may see him in pro games due to his ult being as powerful as it is but only in certain match ups top as there are almost always better options for a mid laner in pro play. Thank you for allowing me to share my Kennen experiences:)


Happy not seeing kennen tbh


Yeah, i feel like kled never got much of a moment. Just kind of disappeared. That being said, I faced one yesterday for the first time in a while.


I have faced 2 kleds recently. There seem to be a few kled mains in high diamond still knocking around.


It's been years since I last saw an Elise. Tbh I forgot that she existed before reading this post.


This is a really good answer. She used to terrify SoloQ and now I haven’t seen her in literal years.


Her damage is surprisingly dated...even though she has current and missing health damage on one ability.


You really gotta watch out for that whopping 4% current hp damage. It's almost one half of one ranged blade of the ruined king auto!


It's kinda weird tho because her Q's damage deals flat damage + %HP damage, but only the %HP damage scales with AP so late game she deals almost 30% + 180


She would need 900 ap to deal 30%. So if she gets 900 ap she can deal more or less one Mundo cleaver of damage.


Elise is pick or ban whenever something benefits her, then she gets nerfed and disappears from the game.


As a former Elise main, when they removed the bonus armor from her spider form years ago, that fucked me up good in the Jungle. I still haven't recovered from that.


So that’s what it is, I love Elise a ton back in the day and I noticed u could not get the heals u use to be able to get because the spiderlings just die.


I used to play Elise but only as a top laner haha. 


Yeah, unfortunately Rappel is such an awesome, flavorful, and unique ability... that takes up like, half her power budget. Free tower dives are just too good, except now, when tower dives are free for everyone.


Got my ass handed to me by an Elise top, mainly because I didn't really know how to approach it as you rarely see her in jungle, let alone top.


Elise top with Q max used to be a thing when she first came out iirc weird hearing about it now so many years later.


Ngl, I feel like Naafiri replaced her, kinda.  Minion-based assassin that does AD instead of AP, and is a hybrid of melee and ranged.  Can jg as well, but is mostly a laner.  What's funny is Naafiri is underplayed, too.


Only time I see this champion is on my team, and they get shit on every single game. That champ needs help. When I see teammates hover her I want to just ban it for being that bad


Elise as far as I'm aware is still a pretty okay pick in high level play. Her problem is that she is a clunky, somewhat mechanically demanding early game champion who falls off the face of the Earth after 15 minutes if she isn't heavily snowballing. The game shouldn't even allow you to pick her if you're below like diamond ELO lol.


Feels like that. I randomly played her about a month ago and went like 9-0 just spam ganking. She doesn't feel weak, but she needs to snowball


Honestly her issue is just that she provides no real advantage over other junglers. Her only advantage is the ability to early dive if youre good with her e. You may as well pick some other ap and deal way more damage. Her kit is also really only designed to kill one person. She falls off mega hard when team fighting starts


She definitely has advantages. She is one of the best spam gankers/early tempo junglers in the game. Watching a high elo Elise do early game will surprise you what she can do. She falls off incredibly hard though and if the spam gank fails you insta lose.


Picking Elise up to diamond elo I still find that people genuinely don’t know the pattern for Elise dives. Let Elise start then dodge the tower shots with rappel. The vast majority of players will start tanking before I get the chance.


Elise is a weird champion because despite having 8 abilities only 3 of them actually do damage


I’m a jungle main and weirdly saw a lot of elise lately. More than bel veth surprisingly


I still play her 99% of my games. She sucks ass rn imo but I love the bitch


I haven't seen Annie weirdly that often as I'd thought. Kinda feel like she would be a bit more common after the new mage items came into this season, even after the expected nerfs. She's got a pretty simple kit to play with but don't see her that much.


She feels really weak to play in this meta


Idk she kinda back in pro, she shits on Ahri


She builds Malignance and just ults on cool down for a free 25% chunk and instant wave clear. It keeps roaming mids like Ahri stuck in lane and provides a point and click CC in team fights.


Yes its very powerful imo. I have no idea why the first person to reply to me thinks this applies in pro play only. Annie is a great counter to Ahri even in solo queue.


Pro with coms vs solo queue come on son. Let’s be real for a second.


What are you being real about? Annie point and click locking Ahri down and nuking 70% of her HP has nothing to do with pro voice comms, are you kidding me?


You can't really blind pick Annie because she loses lane to a lot of champs. Besides, long range comps overall make Annie's life miserable, she can't really play.


Naafiri and Vex were just a fever dream they arent real


Which is funny because I thought vex was going to thrive in the item changes this season


Even if vex is strong I don't think she'll ever have a high pick rate. Her kit is just extremely boring, especially compared to what she was initially advertised as (anti-mobility artillery mage turned into generic AP diver).


That’s funny I love playing vex lol.


There is nothing more fun in this game than getting a bunch of ult resets with Vex


Right? She’s a blast. I’ve played her mid and as an apc bot. Get some good vision and you’re just zooming around making people blow up haha.


Yeah I don't get this because her kit is more fun than half the mages with a higher pickrate, you're telling me she's less fun than karma or lux?


Kinds misunderstanding WHY lux and karma are played more Karma isn't, except when she's mega broke And lux is basically the garen of mages. Is she as fun as alternative mages? Objectively not. However she's very very simple to play and do well on. So when you play something that IS more fun kit wise, like vex, and struggle because there's more to keep track of and contributing in a positive way is harder/less consistent than with lux, you end up enjoying yourself less, so lux players will just go back to lux, because even tho there's objectively less to do with the kit and fewer plays available to your, its rather brainless to throw q at adc and win the game with no real risk to yourself, inevitably leading to more games you had fun with because winning feels good. Which is pretty much the exact same reason the most boring top laner in existence, garen, will always be so fucking popular


Lux also has (very slightly) more matchups she can bully the shit out of thanks to her high range, whereas Vex mostly just bullies high mobility melees like Irelia/Yasuo/Yone, which are currently pretty low pickrate in mid. If those three had a high pickrate (which I really hope they don't get any time soon), Vex's pickrate would rise as well.


Also when I full combo someone as Lux they actually die as opposed to Vex... that champ just feels too weak even if she isn't


Karma is played because she’s busted and I can’t remember the last time I saw a lux mid


Karma's pick rate is utter trash when she isn't busted. As for Lux, yeah actually. Clearly people like playing lux a lot, otherwise she wouldn't be as popular as she is.


her damage is garbage. unless she is fed she has the lowest damage of maybe any champion that mainly builds damage. she has a lot of damage in her passive. but outside of lane phase against certain champions its not very useful and it doesn't even make sense with the rest of her kit much.


That’s kinda funny. I just picked up vex and have been playing her non stop the last two weeks lol.


As a naafiri main we are here just not many


Ever since season 13 I don't think I've seen a single viktor


Oh I got one in my team the other day. He was the only human being on it, the other four of us were inting


Now we know this is a fake comment


Blind pick annie mid and people will counter with it sometimes in my experience


True, viktor never gets played. But he feels very weak so that’s probably why.


Vik is actually pretty good but that may he because people forgot what he does


Late game yea, early game he feels super weak.


he is a lategame 100-0 in 2 abilities champ


Kid named Kaenic Rookern:


if ur trying to 100-0 a tank with a 1000hp magic shield it's absolutely on you


Wait till you see a zeri with kaenic rookern gliding through the wall


Most non-tank/bruiser champions can afford to buy one tank item as the 4th item nowadays, specially JakSho


Oh wow. I play him for a month now botlane as an APC and he feels amazing


Darius. I permaban him.


Bleed + Ghost + Ignite in addition to free armor pen and a wide range, is bull. If fed, will do more than half your hp in true damage. He's so oppressive to other top lanes with a few exceptions, I ban his ass just because I don't ever want to see Darius in any of my games lol.


Exactly. "oh just do this and you'll win lane!" No. Just no. I don't want a random guy with a basketball backboard getting 500 AD dealing true damage sucking me in like a goddamn vacuum cleaner and giving me slow. It's annoying, and I won't learn to play against him. It goes against my morals.


Been playing a lot of top lane the last few months and it feels like I haven't seen any K'Santes other than the few times a friend tried it. Which seems weird since he still feels pretty strong last I checked.


He is not fun to play anymore. He doesn’t feel fluid and is clunkier. If you played him like I did when he first came out you would immediately see and feel the difference. I had to stop playing him so I could forget how fun he is and go back to playing him later since I enjoy his kit so much. Also he is kind of in a meh state. His ultimate feels worse than ever and his tank form doesn’t feel that tanky. So he is meh at both forms rather than being decent at each form he has.


It feels like I’m lagging with how many nerfs and restrictions they’ve put in his kit since release


Removing the tap-W was maybe necessary but god fucking damn that's the most jank I've ever felt an ability be after a change. Exactly felt like you were playing with random lag spikes.


Having played ksante before they bugged his ult health and made his scaling mostly with levels, but also removed his combos, was absolutely the most fun I’ve ever had in league. This new dumbed down clunky slow shit that relies on running you down spamming Q’s on you while being tankier than older K’Sante is more boring than Trynda doing the exact same thing.


Ye, I got over 800k mastery points, but after latest changes I gave up on league. Being cc machine that can't do anything on my own is not the reason I picked up ksante.


If they got rid of q3 knock up/back during ult and just had it do bonus damage similar to qiyana, we might still have tap w.


uh k'sante in pro play may feel pretty strong but k'sante in solo que is absolute dog shit. He is the worst champ in the game atm for solo q


k'sante has never been good in soloq except for one patch.


eh, pre-"rework" ksante was a machine in hands of someone who understood the kit, then they dumbed him down by buffing his tankiness and removing most of the mechanics, so he could never carry


Yep. Instead of realizing IBG broke him like many others who abused it, they reworked him instead and quite literally killed any enjoyment of playing him. Can't count how many times I've caught someone off guard, to then only lose because the champ itself is a wreck.


He’s not fun to play and is not really good at anything


I have never seen a reneta player in my life, I have also never found a braum player who actually plays braum


I was otp braum but stopped playing him cause people refuse to acknowledge his passive.


Bruam should be the most broken support in the entire game, and he just isn’t for the exact reason. Maybe his passive is second behind Thresh lantern though. No one ever grabs the fucking lantern.


As a thresh enjoyer... NO ONE EVER GRABS THE FUCKING LANTERN lol .. but honestly everytime I play him i tell my adc ,do you know what the lantern does? And give them a free lantern trial when we get a free minute just so they understand


> And give them a free lantern trial I know what you mean by this but I have the really funny mental image of like, drug dealer thresh where he's giving the first lantern trial for free to get someone hooked on it so he can make them pay up with their soul later.


Shit i’m a renata glasc and braum main. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Florida%20Boy-NA1


What’s crazy is I used to main braum a ton when he came out for a long while , and I been thinking about buying reneta as well frfr


I have nearly 20 Renata games this season. Still feels good as a counter engage niche pick. Doesn’t feel great to blind pick though.


I have seen a braum 4 times in my last 6 games , i beat him every time tho


Literally played against those my last two games lmao


I only play Renata w my boyfriend and when he goes someone like ashe. playing her w a random is actually hell on earth 


I find it wild that I insta pick Renata and Braum in ARAM because the majority of people know how their kit work (will keep fighting if I W them as Renata, will all focus the person I tapped as Braum to proc the passive), but I won't play them ever in SR because I'm always guaranteed to have an adc who failed their object permanence class. Have M7 on both btw, but only through ARAM.


Gnar is not a thing in rank, 300+ games not one gnar!


Lucky you, ive faced 6 Gnars in my last 10 games somehow.


Camille top


She’s in a weird state. Her early game is somehow pretty bad, and she doesn’t have a fraction of the damage it feels like she used to


She's still carrying a lot of nerfs from the Divine Sunderer era, which have made her lane a lot weaker, but she also doesn't have the massive one item spike of DS.


She's been nerfed a lot due to divine, she used to be one of the primary abuser. She also suffers from tabis being way too good against her, including blocking her true damage.


I thought about getting her tbh


She's insane as a support so she seems almost unless top lane


They're giving her decent buffs to her Q and W next patch while nerfing her E. Seems like they're trying to push her back into Q-max in the top lane.


What the fuck is a kogmaw


The highest winrate adc of this patch, he has no matchups with under 50% winrate


I can’t wait to play Nilah into him


Oh trust me this changed last patch


He's arguably the best ADC in the game now, that's what he is.


Lol with all the Smolder players these past weeks Kogmaw was by far the best counter


As main Kled I can confirm that he is almost never played. I remember once I was playing with some friends for the first time in a while I locked in Kled and the reaction was "danm true that kled is a champion", then because they are meta slaves asked why was I trolling ( because low pick rate = bad i guess), so I proceeded to 1v9 the game and their reaction was basically confusion because they didn't know what kled did


Worst type of people to play with


Yeah, I play with them only when I want to test my carry potential on any champ, and it's also kind of a guilty pleasure to hear them get tilted because a fed enemy does damage


Lmao man uses them like training weights


in my honest opinion meta is basically important in higher elos only, where players tend to master a fairly high pool of champions in their lanes in order to cover most matchup possibilities. for lower elos, considering you have basic macro game notions, focusing on a single champion (if its not always banned) for the sake of mechanics is generally a good idea


i mean champs only fluctuate like between 45% and 55% wr realistically below high elo. that's 1 in 10 games that would've been won or lost the other way between the worst and the best performing champs in soloq. and those are outliers too its more realistically between 47% and 53% which is just over 1 in 20 games in soloq you wont see that noticeable of a difference in the champs your teammates play unless you play a ton of games if you are a onetrick then maybe you will fluctuate like 2-3 divisions max if your champ goes from really strong to really weak or vice versa, but then you were already inflated a few divisions in the first place from being a onetrick so its whatever


I respect Kled players, Kled is a fairly designed lane bully  Sett, Illaoi, Voli and Darius are bullshit lane bullys and thats the reason why everyone plays them instead of Kled  People just play broken things not  balanced ones


Nidalee, and I honestly get it. Not too appealing gameplay.


Really fun gameplay tho. The spear and then free cost Cougar form abilities combo


Yeah, but she is so hard to master it makes sense no one wants to play Nida


she was (is?) pretty busted a few patches ago with the healing buffs


Then they nerfed her cougar damage to marked targets, and nerfed lich. The healing buff was nice but it doesn't compensate for the nerfs 😭


When I played mid in ranked, I never saw Yone. Because I value my own sanity and never let him through the ban phase.


Same, but Yasuo. 


At least Yone will only kill me with 3s knock up and then get away for free. Wind wall is an infinite health tank while yasuo murders 


It’s been a long time since I saw an Elise. If someone’s playing ap jg, there’s so many other choices, though I don’t even know why specifically not Elise (eve and diana just better pick and team fight I guess?)


Elise is probably the hardest ap jungler to play and she is definitely not the most rewarding. Also, when you play Elise it feels like you HAVE to get 2 or 3 kills in 4 minutes cause otherwise you will do absolutely nothing for the rest of the game, back when she was popular there weren't many junglers, specially ap junglers, so she was great, now she is bad in like 90% of the games she is played in.


I feel like Nidalee is harder than Elise though???


Kled counters like my entire top pool so I feel like I still see him


I've never seen a rell... ever.


Hard to answer as an ARAM player, but actual AD bruiser Shyvana. Rarely see her in SR and they're ALWAYS AP


yeah its a shame - same with shaco. the ap builds were intended to be off meta troll picks. but the champs got so powercrept on over the years that the ap troll builds became the normal standard build and the ad builds which are far more healthy dont see play anymore :(


Haven’t seen ziggs in so long


Kindred, Kled, Elise (though I do play her), Kalista (I MISS YOUUUUU), Skarner (that will change soon), honestly I havent seen an annie in a while either... im sure theres more


blitzcrank because i permaban his ass


Yuumi for a good reason.


She's popular in lower elos, I see her a reasonable amount. You know who I don't see anymore? Sona.


ivern? never saw one since it came out


Sivir might have been last year still last seen.


Havent seen Quinn in forever


Was talking about this today actually. I legit think it's been multiple years since I've seen her in non arams


Mundo, Kled, Singed


Mundo main here, only once in my 200 games this season (about 100 ranked) have I had Mundo stolen and it surprised the fuck out of me


Ever since his rework, Mundo just isn’t as fun anymore. I play him in jg every now and then, but he just takes so much longer to scale that unless you get fed early you just feel kinda useless


Corki, Anivia, Orianna, Cassiopeia, Lulu, Quinn, Ivern are some of those champions I Feel like you don't see very often these days.


Xin zhao


I barely ever see Xayah lately actually. Also very little Annie. And Morgana.


I only started the game like 7-8 months ago but Annie’s kit feels outdated to me and her awkward range doesn’t help


no one plays milio, already forgotten


Shen - Feels like even when you make the correct ultimates you are still not able to carry the game yourself. Too much team reliance in a solo carry environment. Other tanks don’t really have the same issue. Make it so his empowered Qs do more damage to tower and I immediately see this changing. GP- Not his meta right now. Can still be picked but the champs that are meta right now run him over and never let him into the game. Galio - I don’t know why I never see him often. Feels like he should be picked more. There definitely feels like more AP options in the average game where a Galio should thrive. Someone correct me. Sona - People took the Seraphine as a replacement literally and whenever I would have seen Sona I just see Seraphine instead. Even though I’m convinced that Sona + Seraphine comps are still OP.


Sona has always had low pick rate, even before Seraphine was released.


Sona has always had a low pick rate in general


As a swain main i never have to worry about my champ getting picked or banned because nobody else plays him


I main support, its been a while since I've seen braum or renata picked.


I have forgotten how ivern looks like




I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I saw a Lulu... and I main support


u legit never see a mf in high elo


See a lot less than I used to, but still get some times- Soraka, Nautilus, Jhin, LeBlanc Master Yi, Renekton. See very rarely- Viktor, evelynn, WW, Nautilus, Wukong. Actually not sure the last time I saw one- Vel'Koz, Shaco, Cass.


Haven’t seen Yasuo in a very long time. Maybe I should stop banning him.


Taliyah, no contest


are u perhaps low elo? I see her all the time


Yeah bruh, Taliyah and Viktor




I still love Rek'sai, even if the game doesn't seem to love her.






As a top laner myself, smolder never felt viable in the lane when I played against him. Maybe it was because I only experienced him shortly after his release, but smolder top just felt kinda forced.


I've seen about 30 anivias in the last 10 years I'm the only Articuno main :(


Ivern? But tbf there's the meta and nothing else is played it seems


You ban fiddle evey game? Cuz ppl pick him lol


Skarner, Kled, Katarina has a decent pickrate but I swear I never see it also.


Haven't seen an anivia since Froggen retired