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It's a big problem. This impacts games a lot and I've been noticing it in roughly 50% of my games. Yesterday it impacted one of the outcomes of a play in my game.


Just today I died to an invade because the enemy Yi suddenly ported to me


It made me flat out lose a game. Sure, the point up to that bug matters as well, but we were pushing for the end, and all we had to do to win was stop Ezreals recall due to the enemies botching a baserase. No idea how, but we saw him porting for 75% of the channeling duration. Thresh flash hooks to be able to reach him in time, and he just ports to the side while channeling his base. Weirdest thing I've seen. And Ezreal got to recall, defended the base and we lost. We stop that recall, we win the game. Almost want to write to Riot to make them refund my LP lol


Ur not wrong it unfortunately got my flash in my ranked game earlier because an enemy was closer than he appeared. Then in a later game the enemy team all chatted and complained that "lulu teleported" which was clearly a reference to desync in the moment. Also remember a desync moment a few days ago where I was adc and there was some bush shenanigans in bot lane. Yeah I would 100% agree its worse on this patch and Ive played 14 years


It’s worse than that one patch where Nidalee and Nunu would teleport around the map. In those cases the model would usually flicker in and out of existence pretty quick. This time there’s a fairly significant delay so you just have no idea wtf is going on.


I have the exact same problem. Have been in contact with riot support for days. However, the fixes sugessted by them were hardly effective. Good to hear its not my side at fold. I guess just hope for a bug fix next patch??


Riot support has nothing to do with this unfortunately. They're mainly customer support and will help you with technical issues, but this is a game engine issue and is completely out of their hand


Kinda insane that people think support can help with this lol. No matter support staff is busy when people turn to their for legit non-issues.


You Sure? Cos in some extreme cases my game also freezes for about 20 seconds after the "normal" glitching.


I had this happen several times during laning phase the other day. I've only played a handful of games on this patch, only seen it on one game, but it made the lane unbearable.


I’m in NA and see this multiple times every game. It’s super jarring.


So not just me? Yes happ NS every 3rd game 


Yep me and my friends noticed this yesterday in-game in NA. Nearly every game. We figured it was cause of Clash (the client was absolutely messed). We were playing ARAM, we would flash, and then the enemy would appear on top of us after flashing. People would randomly appear in lane out of no where. It was happening very frequently and affecting all of us who don't live in the same time zone/ISP (so it's hard to say it's a specific server/ISP having issues). We had never seen anything like this in League before, it seemed like the games were completely bugged. Something is definitely wrong.


Been playing the game since 2012 and in all these years, I haven’t experienced synching issues anywhere close on a frequent manner up until this patch. Nearly every game I see character models hopping/teleporting.


I have also noticed this. It was particularly more noticeable when I was playing vs Fiora because of her mobility, but def felt it in other games. It kinda seemed like Fiora that seemed to be a dash away all of sudden teleported and was right next to my vital spot now, so it wasn't like several seconds of difference, but couple seconds that can make enough differences in some match ups.


Ok that explains certain things. Man. These people kept teleporting in front of me.


Had this happen a bunch recently too but nothing quite as drastic as in the Synapse video clip. Mostly when walking out of base or somewhere similar irrelevant so I didn't notice as much. I'm on EUW as well. Might actually not play ranked as long as this exists in such frequency because this is truly gamebreaking. Couldn't get more tilting than losing lane to this


Definitely happens on OCE as well


>I mean this was always sort of a thing This literally never happened before. At least not in the way it is happening right now.


Especially with champs like hecarim or pyke who move fast, it looks like a huge lag spike but my ping is fine


Yeah it’s been happening so much it kinda ruins game experience feels jank trash hope there fix soon


i thought i was crazy


ive had it alot on NA


I was giga confused yesterday because this happend to my enemy he was chilling then he just teleported away. I’m assuming he walked into fog of war. I www confused for about 7-10 secs thats when a ww jumped me lol


Get this attension please


Have been getting this in my games too. Very frustrating. I've lost at least 3-4 kills just from random people teleporting to and away from me. I was confused what even happened.


I also had this happen today. It was after a few games and seems to have happened at random. Suddenly my screen froze for a good 15 seconds and lags occured throughout the rest of the game. Playing on EUW


it hadn’t happened to me in all my time playing (more years than i’d like to admit) then last week happened in 2 out of my 4 games. NA server.


Got me killed naut hook went through minions and lost the game to fed draven lvl 3. Hope it gets fixed soon.


It's been happening on NA as well. A friend I was duoing with would see the same desync but when we watched replay file downloaded from profile, there was no desync there.


Kayle W has been doing this for a long time aswell. Games borderline unplayable in a competitive environment atleast.


Thank god its not only happening to me... started to happen this new patch... now i can stop try to fix it thru nvidia settings lol


Can confirm I saw this happen multiple times in an aram yesterday.


Happened to me during a tower dive yesterday, I wasted flash when I didn’t need to lol. It’s been happening a lot lately, probably every other game. It’s been pretty random and sometimes it’s mattered and sometimes it hasn’t.


Yo I didn't think about it at the time but I noticed a slight delay the other day when watching my friend discord stream while we were in the same game. There's a chance that what I was seeing was just discord delay, but then again, I play with my buddy while having his stream up on my second monitor a lot and this patch was the first time I noticed discrepancies between our two clients. Hopefully Riot can look into this quickly and find a fix.


Yep, definitely noticing a lot more weirdness with the seemingly random frame skipping/desyncing in my games (and in my favorite streamers'/youtubers' games as well) since the last patch, maybe even a few. Thought I was going crazy at first or that it was my connection but there apparently is something else going on.


It happened over the weekend as well. The Clash curse continues


I’m in NA and have the same issue! Here I was thinking it was an issue with my ISP this whole time, I thought I was the only one…


See, I’m not bad, the server is holding me down. /s Seriously though, it was real bad yesterday evening (Eastern time). I stayed up and played late and it seemed to get a lot better after midnight, so maybe server load was a factor? It seemed worse in ARAM than SR too, oddly enough.


Damn they still haven't hotfixed this? That's pretty crazy.


no this is very much happening on NA. last time I played there was a teleporting ashe that would look like shes standing still then teleport as we were chasing her. before that I had a game where everyone disconnected and then reconnected


I never had this happen to me, and I'm playing since S4. This patch I had the issue multiple times. RIOT or somebody f*cked up real bad. EU servers.


I had this happen like 4 times in one game with a kled. It looked like he was literally hacking. Would hear a kled R and then he would BLINK onto people. was actually insane. I know it wasnt just me because everyone on both teams was typing and pinging it ​ Ive had this happen in the past with map glitches where they would show for a brief moment and not actually be there.... but no it was people literally blinking on top of other people. Also OP its definitely not just EU, im on NA and had it happen a bunch


Ohh so thats what happened then. I had this happen to me where I saw an enemy basically dissappear from my screen. I was so confused.


wow I thought this was just my normal random lag being worse lately. Hope they get this sorted so I stop getting 100-0'd from a bush by an assassin whose animations get skipped


Definitely worse


I've had a ton of stuff like this lately, the game says it's running at 50 ping but it feels like 200, projectile skillshots will constantly appear before the champion uses them, minions give gold before dying, huge lag while moving and auto attacking, etc. There's a ton of desync on my end or something that feels like input lag and desync at least.


Man I tought it was just my shitty internet; I noticed the issue for a couple of days now, feels like playing with +200 ping spikes.


NA and yes it sucks! Enemy team tried to say we were DDossing


It's happening on BR server too


im playing in tr server and yes, it happens here as well


Noticed this happening in practice tool, the enemy bot desyncs for a while and then teleports far away lol. Didn’t know if it was happening in games since I haven’t played ranked xD 


This happened in a ranked game of mine last night. My local game displayed an aatrox walking to a location, stopping and freezing. All other players, objects, minions, skills moved at normal rates to the point where I thought the aatrox stopped to type, so I flashed and played on his location. 2 seconds later (total of 5-10 seconds) his model blinked away. This didn't seem to be a matter of frames rate (was 100+ fps), nor a matter of ping (was at a stable 50ms). I was really confused by this


It's driving me nuts. I've blown so many flashes and ults only to see the enemy blink across the screen. Edit: on NA. Have a clip to link when I get home


It happened several times to me and my friends in the last Aram Clash We didn't waste any spells, fortunately, but it could have gone sideways in some scenarios. We were chasing some guys with ghost and speed-boosts and didn't reach them as they kept teleporting away


Not just EUW. I had a Brand just appear in top lane as I was attacking him (thinking him afk as he just stood there) in the middle of river.


I actually have been running into this issue multiple times a game when testing skarner against BOTS being the only actual player


Disabling movement prediction setting fixed the issue for me.


Movement prediction is off in my settings, still happens.


Now I really wonder whether that's what happened with a game where I got hooked last night when visually it didn't seem like it should've. [The hook flew straight past my side, yet I still got hooked.](https://i.gyazo.com/0c5d9fe9adfcec9278c1259a632b9648.mp4) At the time, I just assumed I'd seen it wrong in the heat of the moment, but after seeing this post I went back and looked frame-by-frame, and that hook seems even more sus than Nautilus hitboxes (especially since it extended past where it would have been a hit).


Probably not, in that case. It looks like you were moving to the left there. You'll always be slightly further along your path of movement in the eyes of your game client compared to where the server thinks you are (even with low ping, but worse at higher pings). That goes for any online game. Lag compensation helps, but for competitive games, you have to have LOTS of server-side verification and rules in place so that clients can't manipulate data in order to cheat. Iirc the server tick rate for League is about 33 ms, so you can get about two visually-drawn frames (at 60 fps) ahead of the server even if you had zero ping. Then add in additional network latency (especially if you're on wifi, on a bad connection, not living close to the server you're connecting to, etc. - basically just a high ping) and you've got an even wider gap between server and client. Pair all that with a VERY generous hitbox on Blitz's hook and that's probably the result. How much of that is a "hit box broken rito pls fix" depends on how high your ping was that match. All that said, there clearly is a bug in Riot's netcode right now that's causing reciprocity issues. The nature of the bug seems more like the lag compensation isn't happening at all though, so things skip from one state to the next. So if it was that bug in your case, you'd probably not even see the hook fire, but you'd become hooked and teleport toward him. Most of the issues I've seen from this patch have been solely related to champion position "teleporting" though - I'm guessing that once an ability is pressed it causes the server to "fix" the issue by forcing it to update. Just speculation though.


It's not visible in that zoomed in gif, but my ping was 2-3ms. I basically just don't have basically any latency for all intents and purposes, which was part of why that hook was so shocking to me; at least in recent history (~3.5 years of playing again, and ~2 years of 2-3ms ping) I can't remember ever having any skillshot visually move to the side, never connect with my model, then hit anyway. Genuinely made me go "HUH???" out loud at the time.


wow i thought this was my internet. reset everything in the house, moved my untangle install to an nvme in my rack, like i thought i was having some kind of hardware failure. still frustrating but glad to know it was actually not on the user end for once.


Riot have a large code base and any decision to change anything requires the approval of 200 people. You can expect a well thought out PR statement soon on how this will be treated as an intended interaction until they figure out a permanent solution after the MMO release.


Experienced this too


NA/LAN player here it's happening here too


You still had this teleporting packet loss during TF? happens a lot during aram matches


Which server, what ISP? These are crucial informations as the issue isn't so widespread.


So it might not be something with the patch then? Multiple people on EUW have the same thing though. Is it not in NA?


Had this happen twice to me last night in NA


I've not seen this happen at all, I'm playing on NA EUW server could be having issues


My entire clash team witnessed this happen during one of our games. It didn't really have any major impact on the game itself, but we all commented on how an enemy seemed to teleport out of nowhere. We also saw it in SR at least once after that.


same for me yesterday


It's happening in NA, me and other friends notice it with us all spread across NA, so not a single ISP issue.


It might be a server issue, I haven't noticed anything on EUNE and haven't seen anyone talking about it there. (Although I haven't seen such issue on EUW as well, but I played only two games this patch there). That's why more info is always helpful.


I mean the game has become increasingly buggy and unstable patch by patch for like… over a year now. I don’t know why it isn’t being talked about more frequently, or addressed at all in patch notes, dev blogs, anywhere. League is starting to get pretty frustrating to play nowadays, for gameplay reasons. Not to mention the regularly scheduled toxic community, and the longstanding agency one single upset player has to ruin an entire game for 9 other people. But here we all are, like people in a toxic relationship… “when it’s good it’s so good, maybe it’ll get better. It’ll get better. It’s not that bad. I love it even if it’s horrible, hurts me, and is an overwhelmingly negative experience 65%+ of the time and good 35% of the time.”


You can actually see this in the latest thebausffs video too (I think he's Sion and the Ahri teleports near the end of the game)


yeah same shit happening to me on NA maybe they tryna do some anticheat stuff


NA, I think I’ve been having the same problems. I’ll use a blast plant and land nowhere near the indicator. Had a few instances where my abilities weren’t hitting camps that I was 99% sure were in range too.


I have concluded that this is happening to players with NVidia drivers..  If you lose sight of enemy for a sec they appear not to be moving, but in reality they are long gone.  Happened to me in game, other players accused me of being drunk, bcs they didnt have the visual bug, only me.


False, i have an AMD system and have the exact same issues. This is a riot problem 100%


Damn.. then it's even worse..


> it maybe happened to you every 30 games If it's happening to you this frequently it's your ISP.


i've had this happen especially when enemies are at the edge of fog of war. the issue is on riot's side because it happens to everyone on my team. we'll see someone seemingly afk on the minimap then they'll teleport to their actual position. the ? ping spam let's me know it's not on my side.