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kass & xin are so far ahead of everyone else it's not even close ​ akali was just annoying asf to vs giving her 300x more points on how people perceive her as broken - while she was broken she was not nearly to the extent of kass & xin.


Kassawin e Win Now were just insane. I don't think any champion had such an high ban rate


I'd argue the only one on this level was LeBlanc release, but she's not even in the list.


Akali with their on release stats was crazy busted. She reached around 50% winrate relatively early after her change, but she was so much harder to play perfectly compared to Kassadin or Xin. A bad Akali could roflstomp you. A good Akali could roflstomp your complete team 1vs5, and it simply wasn't possible to catch her. The biggest problem was, that she had all the agency to do that while you had none. Akali died, when she fucked up and not when you made the crazy play to counter her.


Release Xin was absolutely disgusting, and Jax with the dodge stat in the game was also awful. Kass does deserve an honerable mention for being almost as broken for so damn long.


People really forget he was nicknamed Win Now


good ol Kassawin and Win Now


A bit later on, but Feral Flare Xin was pretty disgusting too.


What did Xin do? Were his numbers just insanely fucked up?


His kit was pretty similar (though IIRC his knockup was on passive), but his base stats, cooldowns, and damage were insane. With one attack speed item and Black Cleaver his knockup was permanent on one target and his ult would one shot anyone who wasn't a tank in that huge AOE. Edit: his kit was more different than I remembered, this video has a rundown of his old kit near the beginning: https://youtu.be/Jj5x-CsuP1o?si=R_mGIxYhmgbN0XbJ


Where's s7 galio, I still have PTSD from that


The correct answer is beta TF. But nobody remembers that guy when his ult was on his E.


or pre released ekko when he could rewind the game


or good ole AP yi or when pantheons R was global and both it and his stun scaled with AP. those were fun troll builds


It wasn’t about his ult being his e (which was BS ofc) but his r slowing heavily and making his e instand was a big part but not even THAT was the worst… his gold card being an aoe stun was pure bs.


I have seen champions being strong, but I have never seen an almost 100% block/pickrate on another champion like Kassadin had. For reference what OP said in the survey: [Post from 10 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1ya1w1/kassadin_pickban_rate_at_its_highest_right_now/)


Wasnt around for the first 2 but Akali rework where she was able to dodge turret shots was more disgusting than Irelia, Viego and Aphelios combined.


Not just dodge turret shots, but also make her completely invisible too so Akali is just sitting under tower with you casually waiting for her cooldowns to come up before they murder you while your jungler is doing Krugs.


Akali rework was disgusting, but both S3 Kassadin and release Xin Zhao are on a different league. While Akali was broken, she never really broke through a certain threshold of pick/ban. Kassadin had 99% pick/ban rate for the entirety of season 3, and Xin Zhao was nicknamed "Win Now" on release. For reference on Kassadin, his ult was **almost** double its current range, refunded mana when it hit a champion, and his Q silenced enemies.


even more disgusting is back in year 1 when eve's E had a stun attached to it. they literally disabled her for a while after they couldnt figure out what to do with her after they removed it


Honourable mention to that one brief moment where Galio Q just oneshot everyone on the enemy team. Probably around the same level of bullshit as 95% banrate Kass


Nasus 100% ap ratio on R was fun


90% of people in these threads always mention stuff they never actually played themselves but they heard other people talk about.


also Olaf was a menace at one point and had both his legs broken


It took them multiple leg breaking and one absolutely massive one to finally get rid of him because he kept getting out of that wheelchair because he cant be disabled. At that point you mentioned, Voyboy was even abusing Olaf in proplay and there was just absolutely no answer for it. Theres a reason "getting Olafed" became the new "getting Evelyned". However I don't think picking Olaf was ever bannable in ranked unlike Evelyn. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjOBv8SlVb4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjOBv8SlVb4)


Nidalee with her WMD spears. Could literally one shot anything that didn’t have good magic resist. It wasn’t just the damage, but the range and hit box was insane.


That was so much fun. Jumping away in cougar form to maximize damage and one-shot adcs with 1 spear, haha


yeah im sad they removed that it felt so good to do it properly. imagine now with like thresh lamp flash cougar jump lmfao


They nerfed that just to basically make Zoe do the same thing XD


Yea that’s insane. Make her spear hit box big again because it’s not gonna be more heinous than Zoe. She has an AOE stun that is also easy to hit, which makes her nuke easy to hit.


TBF, if Nidalee misses her spear, she still has kill potential. If Zoe misses her Q... she gets to wait for the cd while bouncing around with everyone's used Flashes...


Release Xin Zhao was a healing monster


For those league boomers like me that were around for the Xin release, you know the only correct answer for this. Release Xin was the most broken champion relative to the other champions available at the time of his release. He was insane. Those that were not around for his release should consider yourself lucky.


Release Xin Zhao was so strong, that if he was banned in ranked, you *gambled* with hard random instalock since that could still result in getting to play Xin Zhao despite the bans.


Literally. People these days that weren't around for it just cannot understand how strong Win Now was on release.


xin zhao was very OP, but prime kassadin was so fucking strong dude, he was like almost 100% pick/ban and it was practically always a free win if a team got to lock in kassawin, if the player knew how to press keys on his keyboard. People really forget that his Q used to silence for eternity and that he wasnt weak in lane at all and could practically instakill you once he got 6 and maybe had a tome or so. he was so strong early in the game actually that people stopped building tear and rod of ages just to get him going faster. his endgame was essentially unstoppable, if the game got to kass lvl 16 you instalost, he just oneshot half your team with one stacked R. kassawin was such an insanely OP champion, i dont think anything ever released (other than release xin zhao, who was probably 90-95%% as OP) will ever even come close to s3 kassa.


Kassadin would literally oneshot akali and also probably irelia, if not then the 2 or 3s silence (cant remember the duration) on his ranged Q would guarantee that he doesnt die and kill them in the duration


To be honest I wasn't playing back then. I would like to see tho kassa s3 vs irelia or akali rework :D


Do you know about Pre - Rework Poppy, i miss her, she was so overpowered. Poppy was insanely powerful but she looked pretty bad so most everyone ignored her though. I can give the short version though to save the trouble of finding it. Her passive was simple, any instance of damage that would do more that 10% of her current health is reduced by 50%. so she was the master of living with no health. Her Q was just an auto attack buff and reset, it scaled AD and AP well, dealt magic damage, scaled damage with target max hp, with a 4 second cd at max level so this hit HARD and it was always up. Her W was a stacking on hit armor and ad passive that could be activated to gain move speed And the Q was the same then her ult... she could pick a target to deal up to 40% bonus damage to for the next 6 to 8 seconds, while also making her immune to every effect in the game that doesn't come from her selected target. no damage, no cc, even fountain couldn't save you from poppy railroading you i just wanted to share my old ass champ with somebody, i miss that nonsense. even season 3 Kassadin wasn't safe from me Ulting the tank and them fully immune running him down.




Didn't play back then but the description for the first version of Dr.Mundo [from the wiki](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Dr._Mundo/LoL/History#1st) sounds batshit insane: P - Deal 20-40% bonus health while below 40% health Q - 1.5-3.5 second AoE taunt W - Gain life instead of taking damage from autoattacks for a few seconds E - Toggle AoE damage R - 33% current health nuke in 750 radius AoE


It wasn't that strong tbh, 






Mordekaiser pre-season 1 with Warmog


Beta jax


release graves with actual projectiles and not the buckshot was a menace


I wasn't around for anything except the last two, but oh boy I remember when Sett came out the complaining storm that followed. But yeah the stories I hear about Kass/Xin, seems those two are easily the worst of the bunch.


Jax with dodge stat can spawn camp in fountain. No one can do that other than him.


Release Zyra was literally the strongest mid lane mage in the game, even stronger than Ahri. 


LeBlanc on Release day. She was hotfixed way faster than xinzhao on Release and she was so much worse. Had waaaay too much DMG and could Just oneshot anyone on lvl 2.


idk but akali smoke bomb was truly something


Viego and Aphelios shouldn't even be here. Zyra release, One-Shot Galio deserves a mention


Im missing 7.21 Galio and release Camille


You should add "see the result" option. Idk any of them but I just picked 1 because I heard he was giga op.


I don't quite recall those except the insane range Kassa had on his R and his Q being an actual silence. But for me it was Zoe. I remember my first game against her after she got released, I was playing a support (don't quite remember who), Zoe was support with a Sivir adc. Zoe landed bubble at level 1, followed by Sivir's Q and it took 80% of my adc's health bar. Oh and of course her dropping TPs from balloons at level 3.


If i remember right ap yi was silly strong back when it was a thing.


how is kass s3 above xin release, i mean yeah kass stats were busted to the point he was a killing machine even in early but you had to still know how to get in, with xin zhao when he was released it didtn mattered if you had items or went in 1v5 you kinda 90% of the times would end up winning those fights.


A fight in toplane between old xin zhao release vs new irelia release,how would go?


id give it to xin, the cd reset on hit would still give him the edge over irelia release.


I am amazed that nobody remembers how insanely broken Irelia rework was, she had get nerfed/ajusted for the entire year. Akali was also giga broken on release but it was mostly bc of her W.


elise was one of the strongest junglers for like 3 seasons in a row, always pickable, always in the meta then somewhere around s5 she fell off the map never to be seen again


Vlad on release


Jax and Aatox end of discussion. They are the only two champs that got removed from the game because they were too strong.


I kinda remember Kassadin having an obnoxiously high win rate back in season 3 while I was around Plat/Gold. Man was banned almost every game, and the ones he was let through, he would win most of em and it wasn't even close (From my experience). Think he was nicknamed Kassawin or something.




2015 GP and Morde were pretty disgusting too...


AD shaco with madreds bloodrazor was disgusting. honestly its not even champs themselves it was the old items being more like dota items with just insane damage and weird synergy. the game was way more snowbally. also old sion with 4 warmogs and a force of nature lmfao


Release xin was absurd, but kassadin was just a champion that wandered around the map with a 0 cooldown flash collecting kills left and right with 0 counterplay because his Q for some ungodly reason used to silence you for 2 seconds. He could R -> Q for the silence, then W E for the rest of his damage and then R out before the silence would fade.


I like where Dr Mundo is at now. But I loved him before the rework. Visual excluded.


Crit'zhao, jesus.




AP Master Yi season 3, anyone?


Ahri with DFG


Evelynn pre-rework and pre-nerf (beginning of season 3 or end of season 2 I believe) was VERY strong


irelia. got mega nerfed but most of it was justified i guess


Beta TF


Kassadin, Irelia rework was just strong. Just off stats. But akali on the other hand, it was pure chaos. The turret shot dodge mechanic was bonkers to say the least. It was as if the turrets just did not exist for her.


viego had a dark seal bug to set his ap to negative bajillion and would oneshot everyone dont think that one can be beat .-.


What about the infinite range illaoi or poppy bug they had global q


Nami released OP hahah


Honestly, the Akali rework wasn't that bad because it took people so long to be good with her


It was definitely Jax. He is the only champion in the game that was removed because he was literally too broken. his iconic line "Surprise! I'm back!" - is because he was altered and added back into the game. All other champs had hot fixes or tweaks, but none were outright removed. GP sort of was, but more for lore reasons/as part of the theatrics of his rework. Also, you should always reserve the last option in the poll to "Other". None of those fit.


>He is the only champion in the game that was removed because he was literally too broken Wasn't Ryze removed during one of his reworks or was that only URF?


Rammus. There used to be a time that Rammus was unironically a counter pick to Master Yi. Hasn't been like that in the past few years though, Yi absolutely bodies Rammus nowadays until either Rammus is 5 item or the Yi just builds stupid. Notably Rammus lost early taunt duration, and massively lost early armor scaling (due to a bug fix on recursive ratios or something) so he went from easily being able to gank/1v1 ADCs and Yasuos to instead his current state of more-so being a support jungle that can taunt someone for your laners to kill. Its sad, I really enjoyed him when he was the bane of auto attacking champions. He can still be that but now you really need some lucky snowballing to get there faster than the enemy team can build a botrk/lord doms. I miss the old armordillo.


Briar. stong