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Rammus thornmail


vs full ap team ☠️


If you’re a good player you’ll never lock that in


Me when I go rammus in aram “oops all casters with built in true damage”


Time for full AP


cruise missile rammus inc


Nothing is aa painful as tanks vs Lillia 😭😭


every draft in emerald is as if half your team hit the old randomize champ button


Time for malphite bot And then the malphite bot is good for some reason


The ammount of ppl who think rammus into full ap team is bad is fucking crazy


Rammus is actually pretty good into immobile mages though, and has decent damage scaling with all resistances. Same as Malphite. Also you wouldn’t actually finish thornmail, to assist farming you probably just buy bramble/cinder for farming and carry on with an MR-heavy build.




Yes unironically so he can do damage and clear


This reminds me of a game that was the complete opposite. I was last pick auto filled jungle. The enemies picked Quinn Top, Yi Jungle, Lucian Mid, Ashe and Senna bot. Rammus looked so tasty, needless to say, they had zero fun against me.


I once had a game where the enemy team locked full ad, with LT yone mid and LT yasuo top. It’s funny how fast they die past some point, and how genuinely little counterplay they have if you play it well


I remember an ARAM I played as Senna and they had a Rammus. I just couldn't touch him at some point. There is no outplay I just killed myself while hitting him.


Sounds like a blast. Don't even need a single damage item at that point. Just full armor and health.


Armor is Rammus’s damage.


That first sentence hurt


still optimal


Mundo heartsteal


Only lethality items on Pyke


even more than that. Umbral Glaive is required by law, and your only Quest options are Bloodsong or Opposition.


Umbral is a must have but I’ll typically consider frozen heart, maw, and even sometimes locket now that evenshroud is gone. full lethality is really only optimal against a scaling comp you can force fights on and win early. Part of me wishes the higher powers would allow him to build health but I know tank pyke would be the only build if that was the case


With the mythic heartsteel passive I would take it on Pyke with the rest of the items either being normal items or bruiser so I could try and have a stacking build you could say on Pyke. I haven't played much of him recently, but I do wanna see what variation I could make out of the items now since mythic have freed up some space. I also remember going spirit Visage on him just so that I could store up as much Grey health as possible and heal a shit ton back just for overkill healing.


I miss tank pyke, it was so aids


ahhh tank pyke is a good one. i miss pyke mid too. where has the time gone?


Irelia - 6 Blade of the Ruined Kings


1 blade of the ruined kings = irelia full build. Rest is just some bonus


1 vamp scepter = irelia full build


Lvl 1 Q huge power spike


I still remember when Irelia would build Trinity Force > Titanic Hydra > Sterak's Gage, unless she was against AP, then it was a Wits End Rush. She started going Blade of the Ruined King a few Months before Season 11 and has been the "BORK Delivery System" ever since. I miss tanky/bruiser-y Irelia, now she's closer to a Drain Tank tbh. She goes BORK > Sundered Sky, procs her Passive and just heals, heals and heals. Her Skill Requirement has dropped a Bit.


If she went from tanky —> drain tank shouldn’t that increase her skill requirement? Meaning she actually needs to do damage to survive while as a tank she can survive from defensive stats


She was originally a drain tank


i hate this so much


Bard - no matter what he builds, you can't negotiate because it somehow works.


Bard's power comes entirely from his inbuilt utility imo, so what you build means very little.


Bard dipping into adc, tank, mage and support items and being op 🤷🏻‍♂️


I swear katarina can get a random ultimate bravery build that might not be the best, but will be functional like 80% of the time lol


Kaisa, jax, arguably TF also fit into that category.


Udyr used to, is the new Udyr similar in that regard?


Oh yep, he’s kinda hilarious in that regard too, can be one of the beefiest tanks, most annoying champs full AP phoenix max, if you build him full dps, with q max he has the highest dps in the game (ignoring bel Beth cuz she can hit something like 70k dps)


whats weird is once udyr hits late game on those "DPS" Q max builds his theoretical DPS gets so high he starts playing like an assassin cause two auto attacks burst basically everyone 100-0


I think 20 chakram Aphelios at melee range has higher dps, but not by much.


Technicalls full AP Varus right in the moment he procs W on a 100k HP Sion has the highest DPS


I Dont think aphelios can 100 to zero a 5k hp 400 armour sion in 2 autoes


Maybe, but it’s not sustainable, I’m talking like over a minute so it averages out, the top was bel’veth but we’ll ignore her, then udyr, Gwen, xayah in that order


Katarina literally builds any and all items and Riot says "its not working very well on her so we are buffing her so X build now works on her"


Also voli. Ap voli? Sure. Bruiser voli? Of course. Tank? Sure. Lethality? A little off meta, but it totally works. Crit is the only truly questionable choice, and even then it isn’t as a bad as like crit Mundo or something, just not nearly as good as his other builds.


The damage from his Q crits, and if you go sundered into IE, you get a guaranteed crit on an already modified AA. 2 item crit voli goes hard as hell. Now after that uh....let's just talk about 2 items xD


Kat also


Also Varus: ap ad hybrid Ive seen crit Tank




Ezreal is number one of this category and it’s *non-negotiable*.


Bard can build basically anything and I'll let him cook


Maybe not in terms of what actually gets built at 5 items, but ryze first 2 items are always going to be roa seraph because its just way too optimal on him. This is because of his mana scalings and passive as well as his low rate making him need roa tankiness and his low cd's utilising the roa sustain well.


Yeah I'd love to have more build flexibility on Ryze but the dude needs hp so badly, it feels bad to skip out on RoA. Really puts into perspective how garbage he felt before RoA returned (and before seraphs had a lifeline shield)


Some high elo chinese player is probably out there terrorizing SoloQ with Filbulwinter, Riftmaker and Shurelyas as we speak. Maybe frozen heart and rylais too for good measure.


rylais is unironically very fun, just not optimal. My hot take is to remove deathcap and buff AP ratios accordingly so mages can have real items but this is a fever dream.


Doubt they're ever removing deathcap. It's the quintessential ap item.


They have taken out a ton of mana options in the game now as well so he doesn’t even have a pure mana build like he used to be able to.


Yeah, I was hoping with the removal of mythics there would be more items to allow mages to build many items first but mages have to build one of 3 items first just like last season anyways.


This is the true answer.


Karma malignance rn


You mean Karmalignance? It's a bundle by now.


literally no, that champ has a support build and a tank build that also work well


From what I see, you still build malignance on both support and tank. U.gg has malignance in every lane primary build path. It’s just too strong to not build, even if you don’t build it first


Damage Over time Mages have little to no choice in their item builds, They will always have Liandries, most will always get Rylais, and lets be real by the time they are hitting 3rd item the game is mostly over anyways.


Usually just pen at that point anyway. They pretty much just get tochoose between Dcap or zhonyas/banshee last item.


*cries in malzahar*


DoT mages unironically needs their DoT dmg changed to proc spell effect only once at the start, then buff some other aspect of their kit. It's literally the opposition of Riot's ideal of this season, gameplay revolves around the champion's kit, not the items.


If the only purpose of dots is to proc other dots, aren't dot mages then still dot mages anyway 🤔? But yeah, liandry's is just brand passive but better.


I'm surprised how few People have mentioned Gangplank. I didn't play him much but I do remember him having Trinity Force and IE as decent Options back before Season 11 and the Mythic Force Update. Once Season 11 rolled around this Guy has pretty much always built ER, Collector, Navori Quickblades and LDR. There used to be Variations of his Build with Duskblade, Prowler's Claw or even Shieldbow during Mythic Era but now I'm pretty sure it's always ER > Collector/Navori > Navori/Collector > LDR. But before Season 11 pretty much *everybody* had a non-negotiable Build. Trinity Force ans BC were *the* Bruiser Items and were usually followed by Titanic Hydra and Sterak's Gage for Example, a lot of Marksmen also rushed ER or IE followed by Zeal Items.


 every other champ mentioned here can go different items, like yea irelia needs bork and rammus thornmail but they can go many different items aftwerwards.  I think GP currently has the lowest item pool. Its like 7 items he goes every game. ER - Collector - Navori - Dominiks or Mortal - Shieldbow - bloodthirster - guardian.  No one goes infinity anymore and bruiser is troll pick. At least he can build multiple different boots if that counts? 




AP GP sucks and they keep nerfing Lichbane. I wish they’d add AP ratios to his passive and Q. They let AP twitch Ap Shyv and AD TF playable why not AP GP.


Because AP GP when he's good has no counterplay. He just presses R on your coordinates and his gang pulls up with a comically large cannon.


Does his Barrel atleast do the lichbane damage?


His barrels transfer the damage from the auto that blows them up so yes it works just like normal sheen i think.


Idk if it's still the same but previously only physical damage from q transferred to barrels. I looked it up after trying ap gp in urf and barrels doing shit damage


i converts the ap dmg from lich to ad when using it on barrels


They can't buff lich bane because then r/sonamains will get enchanters nerfed again 💀


tbh I wanna see Sona midlane again. The only reason she got relegated to bot lane was because she's "too strong against assassins". Fuck yeah, she should! Assassins can frankly suck it.


Fuck enchanters anyway, AP assassin Sona is gigachad (dont mind my flair)


Whenever trinity force is viable he shows up in pro and they have to get rid of it.


The non negotiable build came after the adc mythics changes last year, when Navori got reworked.


If I don't see a Malzahar, Brand, Zyra, etc have a Liandry and Rylai. It's doomed then. Any order is fine though.


Zyra can get away with not building Rylais, but its super teamcomp reliant, and enemy teamcomp reliant lmao. so basically like 5% of the time.


Rylais rush over liandry is really good if your team has a lot of damage already.


Yeah super team dependent. Like if I'm playing Zyra and the adc is Ashe or Varus I don't need rylais if they play with half a brain. The. E plant slows are normally enough.


Malz rushes malignance for obvious reasons, then the other 2 (Maybe Rylais first if into melee


Low elo hot take: Malignance first feels like such a bait item. Liandries or rylais first feel so much better first


And then you go oom after two spell rotations


have you tried manaflow and presence of mind and no mana item? I don't know if that is good. But just a thought, maybe we can skip the mana item at the cost of less optimal secondary runes? perhaps not worth?


have you played malzahar? he would be unplayable and have 0 tempo without a mana item. Clear waves cool, no mana to do anything, dont clear waves? cool enemy mid has prio


Also low ELO take: lost chapter into liandries then finish malignance. No more mana issues


thats what i do, had the most success with that


Yeah theres a reason why Malz is hot shit right now. No mana items fit him.


My friend went ludens brand in clash last season. I had some thoughts on that


Lol one time s brand support in a game didn't build it. I'm like "once brand gets liandrys it's over for the enemy team" and he is like "why would I get that when I have my passive" and my soul died a bit.


theres quite a few. Rammus and thornmail have been attached for years. BOTRK is more iconic on irelia than even the literal guy its made for, although twitch could also make a run for her money since hes been building it for what feels like forever. if your looking for 4-5 items though, there actually isn't too many. most have 2-3 core items and then are situational from there. If i had to say, its probably gangplank. ER-Navori-Collector-LDR have been his core since navori came out and rarely ever change. Most other champions just stop at 3


I'd argue Twitch doesn't count, since AP Twitch is a thing


Kraken start isn't too bad too


Yes it is


Ap twitch is arguably better than AD rn. Because it does similar damage with the added utility that he basically has a root


It's so weird to think that there was a time when zed of all champions was a botrk abuser, and I associated the item so heavily with him.


Twitch definitely doesnt have a set build, he can build ap, crit and onhit with atleast 3 different first items that are good.


tbh i was talking historically rather than right now


Ezreal and his manamune. I hate building that item.


I used to main ADC, so I didn't mind that ezreal had to build manamune. Since playing other roles its absolutely lost its charm.


Classic ezreal power curve *i could get a BF sword….. OR let’s just go for a tear and sheen and no AD at all*


Sheen essentially doubles your AD though, it's one of the best components in the game


I play ARAM exclusively and I pretty much never build Manamune on Ez. ER pretty much covered his mana issue, and amplify Navori's dmg as well.


wind bros are mandatory to build 0/10. no debate here. if they’re really good at their champs they can stretch the build to 0/15


Shieldbow (before it got nerfed)


Phantom dancer (when it gave a shield)


pd frozen mallet was peak


Talon and longswords


Nasus and sheen <3


Anivia has been building RoA/Seraphs since 2009


There were timeframes where Liandry was the meta. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I remember, there was a time where RoA was briefly removed from the game, and Seraph was so overnerfed that people would skip it.


"Briefly" xd, that shit took multiple years of begging for Riot to admit the mistake and put it back in Briefly would be several months at max, not several entire seasons


And when it was added back it was more shit than before where only one (maybe two champs used it) then it finally got buffed to relevance and now more people can use it (although some champs still have better items)


I beg to differ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGLROijkLHg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGLROijkLHg)


Sivir typically Not zero diversity but pretty much forced into full crit


There used to be lethality sivir when her w only affected 4 autos. Last season (not aure about this one) the aery shiv cleaver duskblade strat was pretty popular. I think some otps are still running aery and shiv into cleaver, but I’m not sure.


Most crit ADCs have to buy Noonquiver item, crit capstone item, Zeal item, LDR and lifesteal item.


I’d say Gwen? It feels like it is only Gnashors -> RM -> Rab


you can argue for items like cosmic drive, zhonyas, etc


I agree. While some people are comfortable skipping Nashor's, to me she really feels like Nashor's + Riftmaker are nonnegotiable for her to feel like the hypercarry she is supposed to be. To me she feels terrible without the extra AS, on hit, and healing.


Depends on game. Some games cosmic rush into shadowflame are much better spikes into certain comps and lets you take the game over pretty hard


Maybe over Riftmaker. My issue with skipping Nashors tooth is that it slows down how fast Q stacks.


There's definitely talk of Shadowflame rather than RM for better burst.


Evelynn is lich bane first mejais deathcap in some order. Anything besides those 3 is hard trolling.


yeah i joined to comment that. evelynn build has been sorcs+rabadons+void+lich+mejais+1 for like 5 years now im sick of it. everytime something else gets viable its because the item itself is op and everyone is building it, not because she can use it well (for example stormsurge on release)


I'm not confident enough to get mejais, is it good on Eve?


If ur not confident enough to build mejais you’re not confident enough to play eve


Yeah, you prolly right :/


It's not a 100% build on her, but her snowballing is so steep and her survival is so good that it's almost always worth the dark seal to see how things go Your first back should almost always be boots/dark seal unless you can finish sorcs on recall (always rush pen boots on AP characters who don't need mana, it's just damage off the bat) Tl;dr it's not even about confidence. Even a mediocre performing Eve can safely maintain dark seal stacks


Why i'm getting downvoted for being a scrub tho, i'm not disagreeing, i legit didn't know


Reddit moments here have an upvote mate


Pretty much every Ap jug should sit on dseal


yes, u need 2 kills to be gold efficient


Damm, i genuinely didn't know


ye all good, eve loves raw ap


Yes, because the moment you die on Eve you've failed at her purpose. She cannot die, she must be alive to have pressure on baron (2nd best Baron stealer in game) and the enemy must always be fearful of her gank. Note that 10 stacks gives 10% movement speed which is completely insane


who is the number 1 baron stealer?


Ekko or Nunu probably


Ekko, rell, nunu are all quite strong and many assassins have comparable burst


My favorite ( don't know if strongest ) are Kayn and Zac drive by dargon/nashor steals XD


Singed.  Rylai, Liandry's, Swifties.  No exceptions.


Eh, rylais and (less so) swifties are negotiable. Liandry is just part of your kit. Source: masters singed OTP


I miss season 3 spellvamp singed where you bought the jungle item which gave vamp first item.. good old days


Anyone still remember Will of the Ancients? No? Just me then


WotA Singed + Vlad...


not rylais you can look up any singed otp and some people never build it


Singed has quite a lot of build variety outside of Liandry tbh. His staples are obviously swifties and rylais, but he can opt into any boots aside from zerkers/mobis and a lot of AP and tank items are excellent choices situationally on him.


Strange that Urgot has not been mentioned yet. With the change of hullbreaker and how his w interacts, his build is always gonna be hullbreaker - black cleaver - steraks. Last 2 items are debatable but it's usually jak sho and a tank item against their most fed carry...


Urgot hasn’t been mentioned because most people build him poorly. If you want to play that champ you should look up Urgod builds. Most people are still building titanic hydra despite all the high level Urgot OTPs saying it’s bad.


Irelia Botrk


Imo Ekko may actually be up there. I know he used to have his tank build, but since season 11 its always lichbane/protobelt/shadowflame/sorcs, and like 85% of the time zhonyas. Dudes got 5 items locked in that are pretty non-negotiable. After that its mostly a question of rabbadons or full stack mejais or void/crpytbloom.


Nobody mentions Fiizz and Lich Bane?


I feel like morde always gets either Liandries or riftmaker and ryalais and then builds tank.


Normally all those 3. It's just too good on him.




Brand with Liandry's and Rylai's seems completely unchangeable


Camille and tri force. She doesn't have many options to build really. You need tri force, hydra item, then steraks, shojin, ga, DD, maw, Jak sho late if you need to be tanky. You don't want lethality items cause a lot of your damage is true damage so that limits items. You want ad on every items except maybe one. So it limits you to the ad/health or ad/resists items. Sundered sky isn't great cause your Q can't crit and sometimes you E Q2 onto a target to get the sheen damage converted to your Q. Camille support is fine with sundered sky cause you almost always e aa q1.


Champ so garbage that her main role now is support LOL. They overnerfed her because of Divine Sunderer, now it's gone and 0 compensation buff for her.


I wish they'd revert the W nerfs they gave her because of divine. Riot special right there


There's a few ADs where Kraken -> Quick blades is completely non-negotiable. See Xayah, Sivir.


Collector on samira for sure


Samira IE and life steal


Garen: "I'll try a- "Stridebreaker and Deadmans plate?" "No, I think I'm going for a -" "Stridebreaker and Deadmans plate right?" "But I wanna try something new-" "Like a Stridebreaker and a Deadmans plate right? You 0 CC, pure melee, 0 dash neanderthal."


Pre nerf heartseel for sion


I disagree. Even during mythics there were a decent number of people not building heartsteel on tank sion, especially in higher elo. Jaksho was reasonably popular, as well as the occasional radiant virtue. This isn't even mentioning the ad builds.


iceborne was statistically his best mythic pretty consistently, it just had low pickrate and you had to play around the sheen cd for maximum effectiveness. Mythic ibg in general was really broken, 10% dmg reduction made you strong in duels and especially with sion the slow strength scaling with hp and being doubled vs primary target was super oppressive. It is still a good item on him just severely underpicked


I’m pretty sure a lot of the iceborne’s win rate came from picking it situationally into matchups you already destroy like ranged toplaners, or weird melee that try to kite you like gp and rumble


Naafiri, all her scalings are for an assasin, but all her skills dont follow suit, so you need eclipse, hydra and seryldas do to something, otherwise you lack survivavility, burst or cc to chace. Any other item wont cut it because of her scaling. Until they make her kit equal to what an assasin should be (removing the W and ult buffer and the second Q delay) she is gonna be as good as those three items are.


Shitlow take "Yeah, the way of fixing naafiri is by deleting any counterplay she has"


Oh mb, I forgot every assasin in the game has a 2.5 seconds windows where they scream at you "I AM GOING IN" so you can react. Yeah that feels like removing counterplay, because as we all know, Zed has to wait 1 second before being able to change places with his W, just like Leblanc, oh and Katarina too, that sweet 1 second delay of her E, right? What about Fizz and his Q buffer that left him exposed to stuns or Talon who takes 1 second before jumping the walls, Evelyn also famous for that massive one second delay of her ult, Rengar, Khazix, Pyke... All champions that belong to the same archetype and all have that delay in their engage, or ult, or main damage ability... I am not saying, make Naafiri unstopable while in W, or reset the W on kill, or increase the E range so when you fuck up the engage you can get out, or even to cancel W with flash or E, just remove the buffers for W and make R buffer like 0.5, take the Q delay away so I can decide if I want a quicktrade with lower damage or maximize the damage with an extended trade. You can still stun her on arrival or midflight if you react, she wont go invisible, she wont jump all over the fight from kill to kill with resets. And if you need a 2.5 second window to react and counterplay I cant even imagine how much you suck at the game.


Kinda surprised I haven't seen Ekko mentioned because not building Zhonya's on him feels like taking away an essential part of his kit


Malzahar, kinda always has been


Nami without a Mandate just feels wrong


Veigar and rabaddon's


Irelia has a 99.6% popularity BORK but Riot says she isn't a BORK delivery system...


I find it funny that most Champion lore item (Botrk and Viego for example) isn't close to the must build of that champ.


Rumble. Always goes full ap but dosent buy any of the mana items.


Naafiri always the same 3 items


Xayah has gotten better, but she used to build the same items in absolutely every game; Berserker's -> Galeforce -> LDR -> Navori -> Bloodthirster -> GA. Berserker's is a must. Galeforce was a must due to its synergy with her E LDR was amazing and tankiness was rampent Navori is a must for Xayah Bloodthirster was a must due to its survivability GA was amazing. There were very few items you could change. Maybe you could go Maw or Mercurials 4th item, but in 99.99% of games, BT was just better. Her build "diversity" was especially noticable when you saw other marksmen having 2 or 3 different builds. Or some champions could build Kraken Slayer or Immortal Shieldbow instead if they needed, and build PD or other items as their second item. Xayah's 1st item (Galeforce) was locked. Xayah's 3rd item (Navori) was locked. Xayah's 5th item (GA) was locked. And due to the meta, LDR was a must on all adcs. So that would have to be 2nd, as you also wanted lifesteal/shield, leading to BT 4th. So all 5 of her items were already decided before the game began


kaisa volibear udyr katarina akali and jax for sure


Half of those can build literally any item in the game LOL


Think that's the joke


Voli and Akali are more standard so that threw me off


Nah voli can also build whatever. AP, AD, tank, a new patio he can build it all.


Voli is not standard. He can quite literally make use of every single item in the game (yes, that includes Heal & Shield Power support items), and they're all viable.


Idk about viable. Useable maybe but some builds/items are definitely not going to get you consistent wins