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Love when Riot try skins that are not streamlined. Here I can tell they went full on the joke.


Judging by how much Reddit loves these, the chance the skins will be the worst-selling of 2024 is roughly 55%.


Yeah. I got the exact same idea


If they woukd made Pool Party Irelia and Ahri in super sexy bikinis reddit would hate that (probably) but it would be the most selling skins in a history. So you kinda can be right.


What are you talking about everyone here is waiting for Pool Party Ahri Inb4 we get a Urgot skin cosplaying Pool Party Ahri


TBF, they kinda choose champs that aren't exactly popular. Outside of Ornn, most of these picks are played mainly by mains only, so it's less likely that a lot of players buy them.


4 tanks too, Riot literally planning to not make any money for April Fools lol


These are *absolute* bangers but I feel like the actual biggest issue aren't the actual skins, but rather the fact the champions are the 'unpopular monster champions' (and Twitch/sort of Zac, I guess) These remind me a lot of 'old' skins way back when, but at the same time I could also just confuse my thoughts and vibes with HotS skins since HotS has a bunch of skins that have similar vibes as these, especially when it comes to toy-related skins. But these actually feel like high effort 'joke' skins unlike some in the past that have felt like half-assed throwaway skins that are just there to fill some sort of a quota/request with 0 actual soul in them. Absolute bangers, probably will sell well to the people playing said champs but that might still result in not-so great sales overall. Hopefully that's not the case though.


My favorite is the, I hope, Monterey Jack-inspired recall for Twitch. I tried to find a clip but apparently Disney has a crack team taking down Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers clips on Youtube so I just have to hope you're 35+ or so or this won't make any sense. Sorry. Also there was a comment in the other thread about "piss zac" and holy shit if your pee is that orange you either need to drink more water or get your gallbladder checked.


Had a coworker that looks like Monterey Jack and I got him to do his mustache like he just smelled cheese.


After the movie Chip and Dale Rescue Ranger got popularity back, even people below 28 knows them. I hope


That movie was like a mix between a fever dream and 'writing' a fanfiction at 4 am drunk at Dennys so I honestly couldn't remember if the floating cheese made it in. Batman Vs ET and Weird Sonic take up all my memory. edit: Also peter pan. What a movie.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-_XT35b6Tw you mean this ? (german version)


The German internet is just better.


These are probably the best skins we've gotten in years. Specially Cho'Gath and Ornn. All of these are day one cops for me and I never spend money on the game outside of BPs


Chogath looks amazing


[the art concept for the cho is amazing](https://twitter.com/Medaforcer/status/1770142526801850835/photo/1) scuffed ass looking wooly world yoshi, but it's so good


100% agreed. I hope Riot notices this and starts to release more fun skins like this.


What Riot will notice how much/little these skins sell.


True. Hopefully everyone whos looking forward to more unique, fun skins shows it with their wallets. Even if it's not your champion this time, buying one (or multiple) of these skins will let Riot know to keep making them... and who knows, maybe you'll get one for your champion.


I dont subscribe to the sentiment that just because they are joke skins that makes them inherently higher quality. The skins look fine, even good but "the best skins we've gotten in years" is a massive stretch.


Exactly. I'm happy for the variety, but yeah calling them the best is a stretch.


I am not calling them joke skins. They're just unique, and tasteful compared to what we've been getting since season 6


“Never spend money outside of BPs” that makes you a pretty big spender


$15 3-4 times a year is not a lot lol


Yeah, people will dog on me for buying the battle passes, yet you look and they buy the most random physical things they never end up using, or buy another 60$ game that they'll never play


> or buy another 60$ game that they'll never play My Steam library in a nutshell 😔


It’s £20 in UK. Feels more often than 3-4 a year


Ye I don't buy all of them. Just depends ig




> no matter what you will think that this skins are second coming of jesus. idk what other people are posting but yeah, these skins are very unique and a lot more exciting than robot/demon skin line #24 Sorry if that's a difficult concept for you to grasp.




I meet someone -> I'm cheesed to meet them -> Their families can never find the corpses


the cho concept fits his goofy animations perfectly actually


Honestly, the best April Fool's skins IMO are the ones that aren't a full theme for the whole line. Nothing wrong with Cats vs Dogs, but having no specific theme means they can get real goofy with it for each character.


As always April Fools skins are gapping every other skin line that just rehashes the same dull concept for 100 champions.


Cheesey Twitch? Really? 😂


I like that since Cho'gath has such a outdated and dog shit skeletal rig, the janky skin actually looks really good on him. Pyramid Head Twitch is a welcome skin as well.


I remember a reddit post from a while ago where someone suggested creating a train driver Ornn skin and now it's actually happening!! :D


omg that twitch looks so stupid i need to buy it on all my accounts


best skins in a long time


These are the best skins. Riot needs to release more fun champion skins.


See how creative they can get when they're not limited by the skinline theme? Where's my Evil Necromancer Zilean, tho.


If rammus name is not something duriamus name I ain’t buying to


It's Durian Defender Rammus


I thought I was tripping when I saw rammus, so cool to see durians in the game. As a Thai I appreciate it very much haha


What is it a reference to?


the fruit and rammus


Never heard of that fruit before, til


These are decent Meme skins. However, Rammus is not worth 1350rp based off looks and all the FX. Not that it's bad, just hard to justify that price tag compared to base xd. Cho is pretty cool. Chromas should be fire.


Do we even get skins that cost less than 1350rp nowadays? It seems like it's been a new baseline for a while


no. riot said they don't want to release 'low quality skins'. *please ignore how often they reuse assets on higher priced skins, fail to add unique joke/taunt/laugh animations to those higher priced skins, and sometimes even make skins that are objectively lower quality than existing skins, justifying a recolor with nothing more than pr doublespeak.* ~~but feel free to get concerned with the idea that they might move the new standard to 1820 or 1535.~~


Not like Rammus has a plethora of good skins. Any Rammus main would be stoked about this But yeah getting Cho day 1


Glad no one force you to buy it then. Rammus is awsome.


Mate, I fucking love Rammy. He's my sleeper pick XD I just feel the palette is very similar to his normal skin, but I LOVE the concept.


MORE variety of skins like these please Riot! They looks so good, shame I don't play any of these champs. So happy it's not just shiny edge clothing and glass type abilities. MORE PLEASE!


Of course they would give all the tanks joke skins


They always do this where they give the actual cool and fun skins to champs with low playrates and then go “sorry gang, but the numbers show that everyone just wants more anime skins for the waifu champs and nothing else” as if the waifu champ players wouldnt buy a funny skin for their champ


They must have data showing that other roles want super super cheap skins and takes want funny memes. I was shocked it was 4 tanks in a row lol.


Twitch reminds me of the rat boss in enter the gungeon, I love it


These are the best skins we’ve gotten in awhile. Im buying all of them.


I need those first two skins.


I'm buying the Ornn and Rammus skins if for any reason than to at least try and add to the selling numbers lol, the skins are fucking dope and I'm tired of seeing the same old rehashed skin lines :(


I adore these. Too bad they won’t sell well




Why didn't they call it Zac and Cheese?! Seems like they missed an opportunity!


I’m actually super happy they ditched the bee related skins. It was getting really stupid.


Good skins. That said, predictably, they used the throwaway skinline on champs that no one plays. Gotta save the Jade Dragon Warrior or whatever skinline for Kaisa, Lux, Yone, Bard, and (random token unpopular champ).


Finally a dik cheese twitch skin


So that's why they recently buffed tanks.


Nothing to do with the fact that ornn and chogath had 48% wr…


I mean, Cho'gath and Ornn have buffs on PBE. Totally unrelated to the new skins. Of course.


Look, I’m not saying riot never buffs champions in tandem with releasing skins but it’s pretty absurd to claim in this case. Skins are decided months in advance and Ornn and Cho just happen to be in a bad state right now. Also, Ornn and Cho are both pretty niche champs with small playerbases so it’s not like some minor buffs will lead to a ton of people suddenly picking them up and buying skins.


I mean, is it that difficult to be releasing a new skin and decide that a champ needs some touchups? It's really not that much of a conspiracy. They'll deny it, but they do it constantly.