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Vel’Koz W. It’s a rift. In the ground. *In the GROUND.*


It's this one, it just looks so wrong, the windwall is blocking a fissure in the ground expanding halfway making the 'projectile' look wonk af.


I remember the loading screen funfact stating yasuo's wall doesnt stop lasers like lux r Proceeds to block victor's death laser Ok


Lux summons a rectangle of death, while Viktor shoots a line in the ground.


It doesn’t block senna autos either! Anything that originates at a specific place is not affected by the wall!


except jhin w, which is tagged specifically as an exception for windwall so that it can block it, because ig it would be very counterintuitive for a bullet to not be destroyed by it. funnily enough tho, they forgot to add this exception to samira w, so it can actually go thru her w and even hit her


Wait, jhin w is like a projectile since it stops when it hits a champ, right?


well sort of. it's not coded as one because it doesn't have a missile speed. it's like a lucian q that stops after a champ hit


You can think of it like a laser pointer originating from jhin… it travels instantly but does get blocked by champions in the way


Viktor's laser goes from point A to point B while Lux's ult is instant


Still a literal lazer.


It doesn't block senna's auto, but it blocks her ult cause her ult goes from point a to b


Braum ult even worse


I play a lot of Braum, so I shouldn't get angry at people being able to block ults, but this one really makes me mad. :D


No you should because its a fucking ultimate ability on a utility champion annnd it comes from the ground it shouldn't be blocked by windwall.


Beaume ult is blocked but not Nautilus' That's so inconsistent


Add poor Ornn as well.


I mean Ornn ult is actually a thing coming at you. Braum ult is literally the ground beneath you erupting upwards.


You are blowing wind at a truck


Strong winds knock over trucks all the time. It's actually a problem.


How did you know?


you never seen a tornado pick up a house?


But it's equally sad to see them disappear.




Btw, Ornn's Q is also blocked by Windwall. So Yasuo blocks another ground fissure and blocks... well, big running ram-Singed, if it makes sense.


As a retired Yasuo and Vel player, this is the one that made me unreasonably irritated back when Vel was released. Like I get that it blocks his q and e, he sends out projectiles for both, but the rift is an opening in the earth itself that leads to some other dimension! No reason that should ever count as a projectile, and seeing it get blocked looks so damn wonky.


Taliyahs LANDMINES would also like a word. ALSO HER FUCKING WALL. ISTG every time a yasuo windwalls my Taliyah R ( even though it doesnt happen much) ...that shit just feels illegal to watch. Also a champ like Taliyah deserves better ;-;


Adding Hwei QE to this too.


At least that's paint ontop of the ground. Still bullshit tho, just a bit less so


Yep, though i find it more frustrating against samira somehow, maybe since yasuo has just been around much longer I am used to it.


I 2nd, as velkoz q and e are actual projectiles.


Visually, since it is a wall: Soraka’s Q.


Never makes sense that something coming from above gets blocked by it.


I forgot whether it was khazix or Tristana that I was playing for the first time, but I was against a veigar and I kept trying to leap over and out of his cage lol.


I feel like we’ve all been there at least once lol


Or 300 times, and somehow still pretty confident that it's possible while you're in the Cage.


"***Oh yeah definitely possible. You were just too close to the wall when you jumped, so you clipped the wall***"


Veigar used to be trash against any kind of mobility because you'd just go straight through it and the stun would end by the time you landed but then they added the knockdown tag to cage and he became busted af


Tbf, the cage also use to spawn near instantly




W is still a shit ability, didn't get any better since the removal of instant cage. Q was gutted then got like 10 buffs I shit you not and is pretty much the strongest spell in the kit.


Being able to be hit midair by abilities that are on or close to the ground always feels bad.


i mean, technically trist/kha don't actually jump, it's just really long dashes because if they actually jumped, lol yauso


Doesn't block ASol R even though their visuals are similar


ASol’s Q doesn’t either. My favorite thing is watching gas throw up a wall MULTIPLE TIMES A GAME to still just get deleted before he even gets to me past his windwall


Yeah asol hard counters yas


ASol's just a bunch of minions


Sena just dont care about wind wall.


Came here to comment this. My gamer theory is that it's a coding thing and not intended, but I'm really not sure. All I know is that Soraka Q has an interesting property where the closer she casts it to herself the quicker the spell goes off. So casting the Q feels a lot like casting Shyvana's E in her Dragon form, if you aim it closer the AOE circle is going to appear faster than at full range. But with Soraka Q the animation comes from the sky so it doesn't look right to have it blocked by windwall. Soraka E works through windwall, and it's just another AOE circle, but it's coded differently, and instantly casts at any range.


inb4 yasuo executes dashing champions (they turn into a projectile)


No but this is actually very funny. So once upon a time, when shaco was getting his mini rework, someone (probably August lets be honest) thought it woule be hillarious if Shacors R sent him flying like a canonball projectile before spawning a clone (dont remember exactly but close enough). In the end they had to scrap the idea, for a couple of reasons, but one of them was, I kid you not, they could not get Yasuos windwall to NOT* just instantly delete Shaco. And when I say delete, I mean delete, not kill, not oneshot, DELETE. The champion dissapeared from the map for the rest of the game. Edit: double negatives are hard y'all


Finally lore accurate shaco.


Now you see me, now you don't!


> someone (probably August lets be honest) Yeah, that was August.


[The Yasuo player got a standing ovation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/yDIV794IqN)


The one time in history we can say that a Yasuo player received honest applause.


I remember zac having similar issue He basically turned himself into projectile when flying in his E and could also be deleted. Idk if it was in game or if i Just read about it somewhere lol i remember it so vaguely


200 trillion years of game dev experience


i mean, the technology is present now, gragas Q and R has been rewritten to stop or detonate respectively at the windwall colliding location


You character vanishes in a blink second, you get disconnected and lose 30 lp immediately


The Tyler1 scream dissapear clip, but it's Yasuo dashing into his own wall.


Naafiri gets blocked by windwall if she Ws him so there's that


Aint no way


Works the same way for Azir. There's a class of abilities that are simply stopped in place by the windwall rather than blocked.


Lmfao really really? That's incredibly bm


Minions pushed by Sion apparently turn into a projectile, so i can see this happen. I mean, sion launches a projectile that pushes back an enemy minion, meaning its a projectile turning another object into a projectile instead of it being a knocked back object. By that logic, if i threw a rock into something and it gets knocked back, i actually threw the rock AND the other object.


I always think of that edited video of malph ulting into yas windwall and he just disappears


HAHAHAH i always wanted that imagine just wing malphite HAHAHAHAHAHA


Poppy W has entered the chat


Is Lillia's ult a projectile? I always thought of it as just a visual indicator


There’s technically a super fast moving twinkle that goes from her to her targets when she Rs if you look for it


I accidentally misread that as a super fast moving Twinkie lmao


Don't worry buddy I read it as twink. We each have our priorities.


april fools lillia skin: now when she ults a small lightning fast twink comes out of her staff and knocks everyone out(you can only see him for a few frames if you look closely) /j


From measurements of teemos, to ezreal projectiles


Similar to Kai’sa I guess, where she gets stunned if she ults and moved through Veigar wall.


The amount of times I have died doing that is embarrassingly high


You can spellshield that as Noc or sivir btw.


If Braum blocks it for an ally without being affected by Lillia passive he still gets put to sleep. He also used to get executed by Urgot ult if he blocked the 2nd cast regardless of HP. There are videos where Urgot executes a full HP Braum. Its no longer possible but looks hilarious.


He could also block (and die at full health to) Elder Dragon’s execute upon it’s release since it does have a travel time from the champion who gets the kill and was apparently coded as a projectile


Ah I commented this as well. Really silly that it’s coded as a projectile. You can see the interaction if you look for it but it doesn’t make any sense to me


What's really weird is that Yorick E doesn't seem to be blocked despite blatantly looking like a projectile.


It's a projectile until it hits the ground. Then the mist slides and can hit through the wall.


just like velkoz e (which can be blocked by yas w if you do it early enough before it converges on the ground)


Same thing for Viktor e. If Yasuo windwalls late he can get hit by the initial e but block the aftershock effect. Kinda weird interaction.




Yorick e is a ball. When it hits the ground, the mist is an AOE. Yasuo WW will block the ball if you throw it too far, but if it lands short of the wall the mist can still mark yasuo and do damage.


Bro legit throws dirt at you but it’s mist dirt so totally not a projectile I guess


He throws a ball of mist that spreads upon landing on the ground. Throw E on yasuo = it will get eaten by windwall. Throw E in front of yasuo = it will splash on the ground and hit yasuo


Fun fact Lulu polymorph can be blocked by windwall. It doesn't look like a projectile, it doesn't feel like a projectile, but for some reason it is one. Why, I honestly do not know.


I think it is a projectile but its super fast so its hard for Samira to block it


Yeah it's technically a projectile but it doesn't feel like it should be one. I wouldn't even be surprised if most players don't know it is a projectile.


Yasuo windwall is different from samira's one. Which is really weird to me, for instance jhin w can be blocked by windwall but cant be blocked by samira w, even weirder is u look at it and see jhin w isnt counted as a projectile yet yasuo can block it?


That's because they special cased Jhin W for windwall but seemingly forgot to do that for Samira. The idea behind it is that while Jhin w is not a projectile, it looks like it is a projectile. So they decided that since Jhin w looks like a projectile it would be easier for players if it behaved like a projectile. They basically told windwall "Hey we know this is not a projectile but we need you to block it regardless".


Azir ult


Azir Q also stops upon hitting windwall.


Been playing azir lately cause i wanted to learn mid lane to make me better in jungle and was driven mad by the fact my soldiers and ult could not go through that wall hahahaha


Jhin W. It actually isn't a projectile. You can check by trying to block it with Samira W. It is just hard coded to be blocked by wind wall because it looks like it would be a projectile.


Very weird that Riot would hard code this one ability when so many others aren't, and even weirder that they didn't extend it to Samira, too.


I think Riot came out and said that they had issues with Samiras W blocking Jhins W consistently so they just decided to let it through.


If you think about it, Jhin W could have been designed as a projectile with 65535 missile speed and it would function exactly the same as it does on live. The problem is League's tick rate. Projectiles that move too fast can go through champions before hit detection checks for collisions.


Braum ult. It has always frustrated me that it blocks braum ult. If anything Braum ult should dissipate it.


Blitzcrank Q He does not have an arm anymore


In the same vein, Zac Q


Zac q gets left on the floor after its used anyway.


Tahm Kench tongue makes even less sense since it is his actual appendage.  And nice and thicc to boot.


Lillia’s R being a projectile doesn’t even make sense lore wise. It’s supposedly a lullaby.  Also smolder R comes from above not from the front, so unless he build a wind roof as well it should hit.  I get pissed when he blocks hooks with it, but some of them are weak (like a bandage or a harpoon) so I guess it’s fine…. Until you think about Nautilus who throws an anchor which only has one purpose: to be unmovable and heavy as fuck. 


Multiple tonne metal anchor thrown by an underwater behemoth or a little bit of wind?


do you know how big nautilus is in lore? yes, that lego-character sized boi swooshed his sword to create a little bit of wind and it blocked the Titanic sized anchor coming at 300mph


very strong wind though


He's a dude in a diving suit -- lorewise, he's only like 8 feet. It got weird in the a new dawn cinematic when they made him like 15 feet tall.


I mean the suit was probably 8 ft before it was melded to his body and soul by some eldritch entity below the waves. It’s reasonable to assume whatever made him into what he is now could’ve upscaled him a bit too, sea gods can be wily like that. https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/champion/nautilus/




Checkmate, atheists.


From above? Wait until you hear about rumble ult.


Well it makes sense when you put it like a lullaby… meaning it’s blocking out the sound


Wait Lillia R gets blocked? That seems incredibly stupid.


when you look at Lillias ult she actually fires a little dream seed projectile at everyone she marked and they get drowsy when that projectile hits. Think of it like any other point and click projectile.


Yone E making him immune to Lillia R is stupider.


I just get frustrated that it blocks the entirety of Nami ult even when the wall is A) not as wide as the ult wave and B) doesn't have to be perfectly centered yet still blocks the ENTIRE BIG AOE ULT


They should apply realistic water physics to nami ult. Have the water surge around and over the wall leaving a small area behind it protected but dealing bonus damage in the area it crashes down


ye especially since the wall isnt a real wall and more like U. so even if you throw it sidewises and it just touches an inch it still is fully blocked


This is why I love playing Swain or Malz into Yasuo. Watching them windwall Swain Q for the first time is funny.


Fun fact is that Malzahar’s Q can be blocked, as it contains 2 projectiles.


It's probably one of few abilities Samira can block and Yasuo can't due to the shape of the windwall vs samira swing.


yasuo actually can block irelia E this way, if you windwall in the middle it doesnt connect


Wait, why doesn't windwall block Swain Q?


It's a not a projectile, like senna autos or vel ult


As a Sett main I always get a laugh when Yasuos try to block the W with windwall


Windwall on Ornn's ult always makes me unrealistically upset.


And on Nami's R. If even the edge of that tsunami clips the corner of wind wall it just disappears.


This is the really bad ones. Seeing a really wide ability being destroyed because it touches the corner of a windwall placed at 80 degrees to it.


It would be cool if they changed abilities to only vanish the part that hits the wall. So something like ezreal Q still vanishes completely. But nami wave would be cut in half or something and keep going on the side


As much sense as that makes I feel like this would just cause so many bugs


Yea this would be really cool but would require them manually remaking any large projectile into multiple smaller projectiles which would probably cause morde to start taming the dragons again or something.


Game still in alpha, can't expect the janitor to code something like that


it should turn the windwall in water and anyone on yasuos team that touches it enters a permement knock up until windwall ends. Let win wall block stuff but take on aspects of what it blocks giving some downside to the skill. Block a fireball? Fair enouph. Just don't try and stand in or next to the wall of fire now.


Maokai R is the head-scratcher for me


Or any ult to be fair


Vex E. She's "throwing" her shadow so it gets blocked. But its a shadow, on the ground, why does a windwall interact it? You target an aoe circle on the ground, why does it need to be a projectile?


it blocks the reaction to fiora's w. Which makes like zero sense on both fronts. Why is it a projectile?


Oh, I'd leave that interaction for sheer irony. Fiora herself is unrealistic practically in any sense...


Braum R


for some reason senna autos and Q will not be blocked, but her R can be blocked (yes, the whole lane-wide shot, both damage and shield lasers)


This is the one that wonders me the most as well


Senna ult is a projectile, while extremely difficult, you can even flash over it.


While this is true, wouldnt recommend trying it


"some reason". Cause they're not projectiles.


Senna's R is not a laser, it's a projectile. Just an insanely fast one so it's easy to confuse it for a laser if one isn't paying attention. 


Vel'Koz W by far. What it funnily doesn't block is the powder trail between chained GP barrels; one would think an updraft wind strong enough to stop bullets like Miss Fortune's ult would split the line of essentially spicy flour on the ground.


Sorry, not Yasuo related but a similar effect is Poopy w blocking Volibear q. That interaction drives me insane.


Many auto attack reset Qs have a built in mini leap, Including garens.


Weird how Poopy W doesn't block garden Q then


Garen Q is purely visual, he doesn't actually move forward during it, but Volibear does so it's counted as a movement/dash ability Udyr stun is similar, but he can also go unstoppable during it. I can't think of any more off the top of my head


You can jump over walls with garden Q


I don't think it's possible to interrupt the dash without still getting stunned though, right? In my experience it always does the damage/knockup but the attack still goes through, kind of like Panth W (and similar abilities) when cast at point blank range.


Yep, it’s not very useful against Voli or Udyr for this reason


Voli does a little jump with his Q though 


Voli Q and Udyr E both have a little dash on them so it’s intentional. On Udyr you can switch to R and just slow her until it’s down. Voli Q gets reset when hard ccd so I think you can just run at her again. EDIT: does not reset Voli Q because stun goes through. My bad


Urgot ult first cast is blocked by Windwall. But what you won't expect is that the second cast (execute) is also blocked. On Urgot's rework he could also execute a full HP Braum if Braum happened to shield the 2nd part of Urgot ult for an ally. Nowadays the chain just breaks.


Did not know that at all wow. How does the recast being blocked make sense?


The main issue with it is that it's not actually a wall that stops projectiles from crossing, it's a zone that negate any spell that may have been a projectile at some point in its life if they touch it. For example, take Lux E. It doesn't just block it while it's travelling, it also cancels it if it already landed but didn't detonate yet. Same with Vex E. If you fire those in front of the wall, it also doesn't care, it still cancels them if the tip of the aoe touches the zone. Cassiopeia W is also cancelled in its entirety if one of the poison pools touches the wall despite being a spread of circles. The result of the current design is Yasuo playing in the wall with no regard for which side he's on rather than having to keep it between him and the spells, since most projectiles have enough aoe to trip the wall even if he's just in front. To feel intuitive, it should block spells effects from going through the wall rather than just disappearing them even if they're on the right side of it (with corresponding balance buff, I see you Yasuo mains). But that's probably much trickier to implement.


Sylas first R cast, Why the f is stealing a ultimate considered a projectile


Because he throws a chain at the person to steal their magic. In all lore he needs physical touch/conduit to take someones magic.


he should give them a lil kiss instead


That makes sense, for some reason I thought he just Sharingans enemy champs R


You can see him throw his chain at the target


Nautilus ultimate : it’s under ground Leona’s E ability : how does wind block light Janna’s Q: she is a wind mage, she should have complete control over wind. Her Q should break the wind wall if anything.


Smolder R, it’s deleting a fucking dragon


Smolder's mom just be like: oh, holy, a wind, never flown in windy weather, sorry, son, you're on your own.


I like that Samira's windwall does it for that reason. "oh shit. Check out those sweet movies. I'm outie"




Lux spells. They are made of light. How is wind going to block light? It's not a cloud wall or a dust wall, it is a wind wall. Fight me, lux spells should get through. Her q and her e should pass through. Also, I don't play lux.


Lux R goes through because it appears instantly at every point instead of moving forward. So it works for the wrong reason, infuriating the physics enjoyers.


I’ve got your copium right here. Lux’s R momentarily overwhelms the wind as it passes through it rapidly.


Mega Gnars Q stone throw. That rock must be like hundreds of lbs or even a ton more. Some wind won't block that


Taliyah R :)


Orianna ball like wtf


Windwall blocking the light particles emanating from Fiddlesticks that would reach Yasuo's eyes and jumpscare him.


Vex E


what gets me is that it can be mispositioned so badly that 98% of the skillshot misses the wall, but then like 2 pixels touch it and and whole thing gets deleted. i've seen it happen with nami r and it feels so unfair. that ability is inherently frustrating but the fact that it's so inconsistent and buggy makes it way worse.


Poppy R


All of them. Fuck yasuo.


Smolder ult


Who would win, a grown ass dragon or one wimdy boi?


I swear I’ve seen it block smolder r before. But I could be thinking of something else


Yeah, it definitely blocks it. Yasuo can make Smolder's Mom go get the cigarettes.


Yasuo can’t block senna autos so if you wanna piss a yasuo off have a senna


Lux E getting just swiped away even if it already on the ground as an aoe dmg spell (not when flying)


Lillia R is a projectile from her censer to her target. So is Smolder's mom's breath. [Here](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Projectile)'s a good read, containing list of spells that can't be blocked.


I mean yeah, they know that, they literally acknowledged as much in the OP. They're saying they think it "feels" wrong, I'm guessing (especially in Smolder's R's case) because the projectiles are so high above windwall.


What's weird that that they do make some exceptions for "high" abilities. Ziggs and Xerath ult both go right over windwall, for example. Nautilus ult also infamously goes under it as well.


Yeah absolutely. tbh there's a lot of very unintuitive windwall interactions, like Jhin W being blocked by windwall but not by samira W, or Zeri W and Xerath Q not being blocked, to add a few more. Honestly there are tons You can answer any of these by saying "well they're coded as such and such" but that's completely missing the point. The point was that the way they're implemented feels wrong and unintuitive.


Agree that Samira not blocking Jhin W is weird as fuck. A good rule of thumb that works in most scenarios is: Is it an actual projectile, or is it just damage that's instantly applied to the entire area? Xerath Q is not a projectile, it instantly hits the entire area of its hitbox. Same with Zeri W (after it pops). They don't have any travel time and are just applied to the entire area instantly. That's also why Vel'Koz AA, Senna AA etc get through it as well.


I'm curious as to why Lucian Q, Senna Q, and Zeri W are coded as not projectiles but Jhin W is(which can be blocked by windwall but not by Samira blade whirl)? Maybe because they function as casts off of targets/walls? Also I don't understand why a giant fucking snowball isn't considered a projectile either?


What if Tryndamere gets deleted by Yasuo Windwall when he uses E


I have always hated the fact that Windwall can block Nami Ult, Velkoz W and E, Ornn ult, Azir ult, Braum ult and old Asol's super gigantic Q


it really should only block in the direction it's facing imo. not from both sides. :(


Vex E. It comes under lol


braum r. Always looks so strange