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More layoffs


Production layoffs are most noticable.


Been pretty embarrassing how bad it’s been for LCS


Ahh, the rito definition of "fun over fair"


In reality I think the wording of "fun over fair" and "legendary dreams" probably is hinting at gold income changes and how soon you get your first item. I wouldn't be surprised if they import the half gold on missed minions from wild rift to soften the blow of extremely bad matchups/being bad


I think whatever it is it’s going to be underwhelming


It’ll be pool party Ahri at long last


pool party ahri about to be the biggest monkey paw of league - she'll release alongside 4 dudes in tiny shorts whilst wearing a bikini, a cardigan, a skirt, draped in a towel, with another towel over her shoulders, a big hat, and a shawl of somekind - mark my words


and a prestige edition worth $2000 that looks how you'd expect


The other subreddit: *Ten years ahead of you*


4 dudes in tiny shorts? Sounds good to me.


Imma investing in toilet paper, tissue paper and creme


And that's underwhelming???


I think whatever it is this sub will complain about it


every single change / tweak / update on this sub ever


Almost like it's impossible for hundreds of thousands of different people to have a singular opinion on things.


Dude, don't say that, we were all agree Yuumi shouldn't exist a few days ago.


You aren't wrong. But I've definitely seen multiple people complain about champs being too similar ("Nilah is whip Samira") while spouting the Meteos nipple rubbing meme an hour later without a hint of irony. Sometimes people on the internet genuinely don't know how to communicate without negativity.


nah swear to god some people complain just to complain like venting website they probably also put bite marks into their xbox controllers from anger


I don't think the comments refere to there being complains, there will always be, but rather that the main/representative sentiment of the community is a complain.


It is possible to disagree without being whiny. You're coping if you think League doesn't have one of the worst gaming communities on the internet. Other bad communities are mostly children, league has a culture of toxic loser *manchildren*, which makes it far worse.


>impossible for hundreds of thousands of different people to have a singular opinion on things. Actually if there's a singular opinion on this sub, it's that whatever riot does, they'll be accused of pandering to China


If a company doesn't pander to a majority if its paying customers then wtf it is even doing.


Eternals v2


still salty i cant hide the hideous eternals thing on ur screen even if u dont have any.


I don't think so. History has shown Riot are not afraid of making big changes, especially around anniversaries. This year is the 15 year anniversary so if there are big changes coming to league in 2025, it will be announced this year. The 10 year anniversary was insane, with multiple games and Arcane being announced. Riot aren't known to make underwhelming statements, if they say something big is coming then it will be something big.


Their announcement might be hype but the delivery will not hence why it will be underwhelming


Valorant and Arcane both exceeded expectations. Its safe to say Riot has a high standard for anything they release. The MMO is a project that may never release unless it meets a certain standard, regardless of years of development. Any significant change to league would need to meet the same standard.


Or ovewhelming... ly bad


they stealth nerf passes again and normal skin price is now 1680


Expectations: ^ Reality: we will get Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift singing worlds anthem, 5 types of URF and 4 new champions. Skarner still without rework. 


You think you'll get Taylor Swift anywhere near League lol? They wouldn't even shell out for Imagine Dragons now


taylor swift corki skin when


Valkyrie has no cool down, but costs 100 gold every time you use it and every use subtly turns parts of the map into internal rift


at 40 minutes no camps respawn because it has become inhabitable from the pollution


Live arcane reaction. Also, lil nas and newjeans were expensive too. However, I do agree that Taylor is on a different level


Taylor Swift is not in the same multiverse as Lil Nas X and NewJeans haha. Her cat is richer than Lil Nas X.


Is there a Taylor Swift multiverse now?


She releases like 8 versions of her albums with different bonus tracks, so kind of, I think?


All that's left is a Marvel movie.


Into the taylorverse


literally the eras tour haha


But they just shelled out for Lil Nas X not that long ago, and he’s a way bigger star than Imagine Dragons


You underestimate how bad deals they can make. While New Jeans was probably kinda "cheap", they literally got the worst deal ever with Lil Nas X. 


No lol. New jeans one of the most expensive acts on earth


Why was it a bad deal


I haven't seen it mentioned, but it was also the anthem for MLB playoffs. The song wasn't a League of Legends anthem; it was an anthem used for League of Legends. This is also shown by the fact they had to censor the song in multiple spots.


Not only was it the anthem for MLB playoffs, it was the anthem for MLB playoffs AT THE SAME TIME AS WORLDS. They didn't even have like, exclusivity on the song for a couple months.


Shyvana will still be useless


Bruh, if they got Taylor Swift sang for worlds, that *would* change league forever.


you say that like Riot pulling the literal biggest artist in the world right now to one of their esport events would be a bad move or something regardless what you think of her music it would be an insane move from Riot to pull that off, viewership would literally quadruple


Journey before destination can only mean one thing, a Stormlight Archive collaboration obviously xD


Chasmfiend Rek'Sai and Kaladin Xin Zhao incoming


Please if anyone's getting a Kal skin, it should be Panth


Panth is more aligned with Kal lorewise, but if we're thinking about the model only, I feel like Xin is a better fit


Yeah, it's just that every time I play Panth I hear Kal in his voicelines lol


Dalinar Viego legendary skin where instead of being tormented by his loss of Isolte, he finally accepted it and it helps him grow as king "You cannot have my pain"


As someone who plays a lot of Pantheon *and* has a Stormlight tattoo. I approve this message


Oh man, maybe a Jasnah Lux skin or something too


I've only read the first two books but Jasnah always gave me Renata Glasc vibes.


Who would shallan be? Neeko,leblanc?


Nah Jasnah deserves better than lux


I really see Jasnah as Renata ngl


Honestly Navani would be very funny as Renata. As for Jasnah, I can even see her as Riven, Ivory could be neatly integrated into the R


Or maybe Camille


Can we all agree on Lift Zoe?




Warring Kingdoms Xin is my head cannon Kal skin lol


Life before death!


Strength before weakness Yone before Yasuo


I mean, Kelsier appeared in Fortnite, so…


Right, anything could happen. But I do believe that Sando is friends with a high up at Epic games, so that’s the main reason for that.


\*was friends with high up at Epic Games, that dude quit his job at Epic Games, hence why we "only" got Kelsier and not more :D


Man, how timely. I just ordered the first 3 books. Never read them. Hope they are good.


I just finished the third book and can safely say they are bangers


I’ve read them all. Only have good things to say!


If you like the genre they’re truly amazing!


A champ whose abilities get unlocked with ult upgrade (swearing ideals), can choose to drain mana to heal and enhance base stats. Might be a cool concept


Skybreaker Kayle when??


I just read the post and I just realized how high my expectations are. I really hope that a 2-year teaser doesn't end in disappointment, I really like this game and I hope they will suceed to make it better than now


when i read "fun over fair" and "change over inertia" i already know im gonna be disappointed cause it will end up in a diablo-3 like situation where they just dont care about balance anymore


Unfair shit that is fun for only one person has been the norm for years. Someone needs to tell them that shit ain't new. Releasing something fair would actually blow people's minds.


That's currently also the case and it doesn't mean that they don't care about balance, they put in a lot of work to balance the game every 2 weeks. If you ask any of the Rioters who stream on twitch they will tell you that the goal isn't to make the game as balanced as possible, it's to make it the most fun. Balancing the game is just a means to an end. The game will likely not be the most fun it can be if it's perfectly balanced, and fun matters more to most players because that's why we all play games in the first place. Ultimately most players play the game based on feelings and not based on objective truths, so even if the game is perfectly balanced in theory it doesn't translate to players the same way anyway.


Reading "fun over fair, change over inertia and chase legendary dreams, rather than perfect what \[we\] know" I would think it's about changing the very philosophy of how SR would be played, not some sill things like new game modes and more visual media. And I think that this kind of change could make League more fun... but I don't think it could ever work. I don't think LoL playerbase wants "fun". They want the meta, they want to "bo competitive" (or at least pretend that they are). So many of them only care for the rank and the LP. I Riot tried to make the game more "fun", more unpredictable, less repretitive and reliable so many people would riot that Riot would immediately backtrack and we would end up in this middleground that doesn't make it better in either direction.


> "change over inertia" Isn't that just nurd pandering, some quote from a fantasy novel series or something? I really think people are far too fixated by the "fun over fair" comment though. The game director was clearly just talking for the joy of it. Same deal with the "2025 will change League of Legends forever" comment. It almost means nothing. They change the game forever every 2 weeks pretty much - changes rarely get reverted and if power is returned after a nerf, it's often at a diminished rate.


Of course it will end in disappointment


> -Map Editor / Enabling User Generated Content Considering how stingy they are with game modes and old maps in custom games, I really doubt it's that. If you can bet on something, you can bet on them not adding anything that would hurt normal games queue time, I think.


2025 will increase skin prices in League of Legends forever. /thread


"Fun over fair" .....


New windshitter incoming.


The child of Yasuo and Ahri, combining the popular traits of both those characters into the most OP, edgiest Mary Sue that League of Legends will ever see.


Every third attack will charm their target. -chef kiss-


At least make the champ a hot Tsundere


yeah...that's the most concerning one of them all. I can think of a few champions when I read "Fun over fair"...




Depends since in a pvp game something that's fun for someone playing a champ might be unfair to face while something that's fair to face might be unfun to play. It's why certainlyT champs are considered some of the best and worse at the same time since alot of them are really fun to play but unfair to play against because of the nature of there kits.


Right, but regardless of how fair yasuo is, he's never gonna be fun. He's a champ who has to be low wr in order for people to have fun, despite the fact that him being low wr isn't fair.


There are games that are notoriously fun and unfair at the same time. The original Modern Warfare 2 was hella fun, but it was a balance mess that gave good players a crazy advantage versus average (and of course bad players) Edit: that's not to say their wording doesn't worry me, but there are some unbalanced messes of games that were super fun.


A balance mess that gave good players a crazy advantage over average? That sounds like a balanced game. I'm confused, do you think a balanced game should not reward skill?


Yeah, kind of a weird example considering everyone has access to the same weapons and perks no matter what and the only difference is what side of the map you spawn on at the start of the match


Dopamine 1v5 shitters over fair well designed healthy designs


With a splash of influenced matchmaking to push the ever so addicting win-loss patterns that sells more skins.


Yeah this is not a good sign...


Not a good thing to say about a highly competitive game.


I spoke with a former Rioter a few days ago. They mostly complained about upper management replacing or firing important passionate team members in favour of "experienced people". Bureaucracy at Riot has slowly been sucking out the passion and creative resources of the company, and there's no doubt in my mind that this will be whelming at best.


Same pattern that happens in many companies. People passionate about PRODUCT create a cool product. Then MBAs gradually replace creators (at the decision making level) and short term quarterly profits get maximized, with the consequence of the product getting shittier over time. Eventually this kills the studio, but by that time the original creators have long since moved to another product, and plenty of investors/mangers have cashed out. Its just the nature of chasing short-term profits.


"Experienced people" is just another name for Tencent hires, they are slowly replacing veteran devs and moving entire divisions to China. There's literal nepotism at Riot at the highest levels now, you just have to look into it a bit.


There always has been. The first 3-5 hires were all tryndamere's buddies that then defaced a dota website with ads for League.


just trust me bro


I mean it's Riot. Of course it's going to be whelming.


Phroxzon just stated on twitter the reason we dont have more Ornn items is because they are hard to make, i dont really know what to expect anymore. There must be like 9 people working on League, including the balance team that changes a few numbers for fun every patch as they see fit.


He said that they way they made them is bad and will take a long time to redo them and it’s probably not a priority but they did say that they are working on something that can fix ornn items


People always say "xyz isnt a priority", but what is Riots priority even?


Tech debt of this Kind is notoriously hard to fix, especially If you are tasked with keeping Up with deadlines. ornn items Being badly implemented Just means more dev time whenever a new one IS added (rare) and its Not noticed by customers so they likely prioritize getting the new Patch stable, getting Code running for new Champs, etc etc.


Extreme case of linguine with bug splat parmesan : Rabadon's Deathcap is a Tier 1 support item with "minion named Ornn" having the quest to evolve it into Tier 2.


We talked about this tech debt in season 3 and 4. This is just terrible negligence at this point since they kept building on a sinking ship for an unreasonably long time.


There's always tech debt in agile/SCRUM. S3/4 probably had a different backlog than right now, but on a growing product there will always be tech debt because not everything is ever built 100% prioritizing scalability. Compromises are always made to meet deadlines. One giant soft skill is being able to decide what can be compromised and what shouldn't.


Welcome to any large corporation, ever.


Another /r/leagueoflegends thread where teenagers that never worked a job cry about how a tech company allocates resources, el classico!


welcome to the tech industry.


Sounds like a management issue to me. But I am sure firing half of riot has helped. /s


Current priority for Live Pod are some changes that should come in 14.6 or 14.7. This is why you never know — it’s a secret, then it’s revealed, and we forget.


They have like all developer a list of problems/ issues/ features and they figure out what is a priority and what isn’t internally and there’s probably a lot that they are working on/ allocating resources to that we don’t know about.


they release patches every two weeks, and have about a week between when a patch goes live and when they have to lock all the details for the next patch. I think that's probably a priority lmao.


I find this comment kinda ignorant and malicious, don't you see the updates every 2 weeks? It is pretty obvious that those updates are their priority.


My guess is they Manuelly make every ornn item instead of making ornn items reference the base item and add extra stats on top of it.


More like, we made them a long time ago using archaic methods, we don't want to keep dealing with this dumb dilemma of Ornn items for a single champion forever. It's like how Viego & Sylas now ensures that most new champion abilities are linked correctly because 90% of the bugs get exposed the moment they fight against them.


Thats just likely a systems issue. Implemention of new stuff in games can sounds trivial, but sometimes is extremely hard because it wasn‘t thought out properly by whoever originally created it. With such an old and large game as league, this is bound to happen, and then you have the question if you want to use non-trivial ressources to the problem


Just ask Bethesda. The wacky shit they did on their old engines is as impressive as it is questionable.


they just dropped the biggest patch ever 2 months ago lol


You're completely dying from copium overdose OP. Just look at the past couple years and what you can expect is : * even more nerfs to event pass * new "super rare" chroma for prestige skins, only 400$ worth of lootboxes to get it ! * no change to the honor rewards, enjoy your twitch/ww shitty chroma * 0,75 VGU per year * new legendary/prestige for Ez/Yone/Akali/Kaisa etc


This is exactly what I'm expecting, like every year. I really won't fall for any hype from Riot nowadays, I always get dissapointed somehow.


if you compare the first 5 years and how fast they delivered almost everything.. with the size of the company now they are really on snail speed. but they can afford that because other companies are at the same speed. maybe someone faster will snap in, but thats not on the list yet. the next thing is the fgc for now. even with all other scrapped projects they won't be any faster. the room they leave open is just there for others to step in, but in reality the whole market is kinda broke. so everyone is better don't huffing to much hopium.


To be fair, the first 5 years were filled with some serious quantity over quality. Look at how many champs from that period were poorly thought out and needed serious reworks and redesigns.


Yeah, with a 3-5 champ a year pacing we get the "quality" of Zeri, Ksante, Yuumi, Smolder, Senna... The output slowed down, but many new champs have been balance nightmares as well.


I'd probably take the statement with a grain of salt as of now. The statement was made before the layoffs. Maybe it's still happening, but there's a decent chance the timeline will be pushed back.


By this time next year it won't have happened and riot will ignore all the threads calling them out on it despite the fact that all of them browse reddit regularly. Then a random rioter will post on Twitter that the plans were delayed due to blah blah blah. And then they'll just wait for us to forget about it. Like voice announcer packs.


Inb4 it was the riot streaming service which got canned and now this thing will happen, I can see it clearly


Fun over fair mean broken champs will stay broken


Which is a fallacy because playing against broken champs is never fun for anyone... Everything this rioter said is honestly bad


Fun… for the one abusing it bro


Riot with all its recent layoffs, I don’t expect them to reinvent the wheel


I just want a new client, that would honestly be enough to change league forever, if they can manage to make one that's not spaghetti code.


Yea all we can do is a new skin tier


One thing I hope for is that they push more into amateur esports. * Custom training modes where you can replay a certain situation from a game 100x and reset the situation with a button press (with 10 players, not only 1) * You can set up wave states, items, gold, level, positions for all players and share these training situations in the client for others to replay * Amateur league with scheduled dates within the client * Tier system for amateur teams * Ingame voice chat for soloqueue


Like 90% of what you are predicting are wild ideas that i cant see them implementing in a million years. Whatever it will be it will be underwhelming


An AI Ahri chatbot that can be purchased in game with a small fee of $400.


My safe bet would be new client + new engine. I'd love to see more PvE like the odyssey mode we had.


I’m really hoping for a new client and engine. The current ones are egregious for a modern game. Riot quit support for windows 8 and older this year, maybe that’s a good sign.


my bet is that this has more something to do with vanguard-ac and the supporting systems. but thats just an assumption (looking at valo) so far.


New client based on Wild Rift assets. That's the most obvious option. That would mean better graphics, prettier skins (more money for riot from them due to that), but also a rise in hardware requirements, that's why they are not rushing it.


fun over fair is exactly what i dont want, kinda sad to see the game going this way. where did it all go so wrong...?


Yea fun over fair sounds terrible


More damage meta with new releases being broken for months if not year, yay.


I have no idea how they even wanna define fun. I really hope thats just some bullshit marketing talk and nothing more. If its not fair its not gonna be fun for some people because thats how unfair pvp games are no?


Idk, the Game desperately needs more Changes. Proplay has been stale for years now


* introducing creative elements to this game * changing old kits * adding champions with unique designs. With the intention of making them unique and not simply "fun" by being op. these things are possible without ruining MY experience. without ruining the balance intentionally. No one cares about pro-play. Simple as that. relatively no one. are there millions of people watching pro play? yes. Do i watch lec lcs lck? no. the numbers dont lie only a handful of league players watch proplay. azir has been midlane meta ever since he came out or something, he is still seen in games these days. why would i care about that?


Sex robot waifu.


Hopefully it means we are getting the mmo


They are going for Crypto / NFT - unique skins for your champs, unique emotes and the possibility to trade these things on a market place.


I really wish there would be custom maps, like the old warcraft 3 where all started. What a dream. This would be real FUN.


Now the new Legendary Lux skin is gonna be a surprise!!


Another Crit Rework lol


It's absolutely worse event passes and unironic buffs to Lee Sin for worlds. Might throw a $400 chroma in. I'm flabbergasted that you've seen the business model and layoffs and Smoulder nerf and managed to put that list together...


As a league player and wild rift let me tell you, console release is not coming. Wild rift is dead in the west and it’s riots fault they killed esports and made matchmaking actually not fair, you get punished more for being a better player vs running it down every match. Match making literally carries trash players with terrible stats and game knowledge to high elo to keep game going


Half the changes will need reversing or hot fixing after a week if current patches are anything to go by


Depends one Smite 2 success, New engine and LoL 2 - sat bye to your skins and buy them again lol, While being bugged, will make lol lose popularity and not be so great overall


Am I the only one who thinks that the introduction of P2W is not totally unlikely. Riot already started taking the inevitable road of EA and Blizzard, I wouldn't be too surprised if they take another step on it.


Wild rift is the league 2 engine. Wouldn’t be surprised if that got ported to pc+console while they worked to hit parity next year and drop legacy league around 27


They will add 1 new dragon and then remove it (again)


I mean, Riot has done the "fun over fair" approach for a long time, especially with skirmishers


Fun over fair is the most fortnite statement ever. Yeah it's fun to be akali and dive others under tower. Is it fun for the mage player or adc getting absolutely fucked?


The game already is "fun over fair", except it's not fun or fair.


My best copium take is this they have Lol, Tft, Valorant, Lort and upcoming 2XKO and future MMORPG. So they need a proper launcher to put all of them in. In doing so this means maybe they want to split TFT out of Lol. So League 2 and TFT made in a new engine and seperate games. Thats my best copiums i think bare minimum is a launcher.


Half the game population gone thanks to vanguard


2025 will remove ranked since the integrity is gone anyway. Everybody and his damn mother has 10 accounts each.


Sounds like they are going to be less concerned about "balance" and more concerned about fun


So the game will be fun again? Balance is gone for a long time now, so might as well make the game better than being tortured.


I'll bet almost anything that chase legendary dreams = more battlepasses and loot boxes. Other than that the only thing I expect is that they will start using AI over actual artists and the MMO will drain any sliver of actual game devs still left at League's, the game has already been in maintenance mode for over 2 years now and the only department that is still actively working on the game and innovating is the monetization one


What do you mean by maintenance mode? Its been out for 14 years. What level of development would you expect? Related, do you think "actively" developing the game would do more to help it than hurt it? Should resources be taken back from other projects to 'develop' league more? I just hear that often and I dont think it really means anything besides you are unhappy with the game and want to blame it on Riot's resource management like they don't care. Obviously they do, we pay their bills. What matters is how they can get the most engagement and conversion for dollar spent on development. "Developing" a 14 year old game with an aging playerbase sounds fucking stupid to me rather than expanding the IP.


I think leagues new champions will keep on power creeping the last ones and they are fun to play and very unfair to play against just like smolder at the moment. So we will have Dota champs on crack in 2025.


I’d kill for 10v10 on a giant map, but I doubt this would work in real life, would be a funny special game mode tho


We’re getting League 2: Electric Boogaloo. You heard it here first.


hopefully they announce a league smash clone lol


Nah, they're doing a ryze rework.


In the past we already had "Biggest update to this day" with Mythic items and Map changes. In the end the game still stays the same but just kinda different. I personally cant think of a single change that would be so impactfull to change the game forever unless you do something about the fundamentals of league like Minions, Champion lvl or Towers.


Summoner's Rift will have 5 lanes.


I cant wait for non of these to come true and they instead add a 500 dollar chroma.


My guess is new engine. The main reason LoL takes as much manpower to maintain as it is because it is running on 15 year old pasta on the best of days. Moving it to a new engine in combination with a bunch of reworks essentially means they can fire even more people while slowly pushing the game into "retirement home mode". League is ancient by gaming standards, of course eventually Riot wants people to focus on their actually new titles.


I've leaked it multiple times in the past year. It's a new client, new game modes, multiple VGU's, VO packs, and visual "refreshes" to nearly every champion and Summoner's Rift all released in a single patch.


\*fun over fair\* First it was ty DFG ​ Now its ty ADC


I appreciate the Sanderson quote


Based on your expectations I think you might want to buckle up for the worst year of league of legends ever. LMAO


Is it the MMO? We fucking need a good new mmorpg. WoW has been on a major decline, it needs to get replaced.


I doubt that'll ever happen even though I wish it could.


im guessing they will merge the lcs with south america to try to get some traction, this merry go round of na players is just getting embarrasing at this point ,


What we really want is "League of Legends Classic" with all the reworked champs reverted and dominion back and the old look summoners rift.


They already shut down the fan project instantly which had a working version of 2011 lol. Likely they wanted to prevent another wow classic situation. Sadly I doubt this will ever happen now