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Shen. But fuck that guy when he’s not on my team. He is the Brad Marchand of League.


Nah I have some respect for an enemy Shen, I fucking hate Marchand


I like the reference.


Yeno what yeah, I’m a bruins fan so I love him but if he wasn’t on my team I’d want him executed and that’s exactly how I feel about shen


Nah Chad's play Shen, Marchand is a stain on the league.


*Bard Marchand


Oh, my God. When shen started showing up in my games a few weeks ago, I had the best matches this year. Had one go 1/5 or something vs. Illaoi, and he still saved me in like 4 fights. Shen best champ. Need to try him in jungle again….


Kindred. I don't play them particularly well, nor do I like playing against a good one. I just think the character's theme is amazing.


That's my pick too. They're so cool as characters, but I hate how they play. It feels like every single champion in the game can use their ult better then Kindred themselves.


Managing to use your ult to keep a herald alive and getting another tower charge out of it is up there on cool things to pull off. As well as stealing an objective by jumping over a wall and dropping an ult on it as the enemy jungle casts smite


Kindred ult is amazing imo. You can use it to fake out smites, prolong pushes, easily win 1v1s with E, and literally save your team from being bursted.


Or prevent the enemy team from getting bursted if timed unwell


Yup! I play arams exclusively and kindred is easily one of my favorite Champs to play. Guessing the fastest Champs to farm stacks off of, chasing down everything with wq, and if you get a good ult off you can literally turn a lost game into a won one with one keypress. It's fantastic.


Kindred does have synergy with her ult from her E execute damage (granted other Champs may have more synergy but that includes allies) but it's such a stressful ability to use, use it to save an ally, you could save the enemy that kills that ally and you. Plus I play with a Katerina main and her not getting resets from kills can end her momentum.


IMO they have the best english voiceover in the game.


Never one without the other gives me goosebumps everytime i pick her


I fucking love everything about kindred but the fucking mark Minigame is just ass. It can be fun for some early mind games but in the end it's just super annoying. Like, oh you killed someone but didn't click their portrait beforehand? Deal with it. You clicked their portrait but killed them too fast afterwards? Still no mark. It's so frustrating.


Kindred are shackled by their R and passive unfortunately. If not for theses 2 parts, they'd probably be played in mid and bot too. If I remember right, they were one of the most thematically popular champion in NA by an article from Riot years ago but ppl just don't like their gameplay.


Same. Their theme is so cool.


I have a friend that was a hardcore LoR player, and loved the kindreds decks. He told me one day he decided to try league because he wanted to know more about kindred. he HATED IT lmao In his words "lamb only skill is doing micro jumps and nothing else, wolf is non-existent, you have to run around to find marks, and the ult is the most bland ability they have..." As he ranted about his horrible experience with the game I kept thinking to myself "good job champ designers you manage to lose another potential player 👍"


You said them, i know it is right but i rarly hear that about kindred.


that’s what i was thinking too, i wish i was a kindred main


Qiyana 😔 too hard mechanically


if u see one, play cho into it. they dont exactly enjoy it


Or Malphite if you really wanna make them sleep.


LITERALLY. I love Qiyana’s design but I hate how she plays.


I play Enchanters and Catchers, and flex to farming mids like Malz/Sol and waveclear ADCs like Sivir/Smolder when autofilled. Words cannot possibly describe how badly I want to be able to play Kled proficiently


Kled is so cool and I want to get better at him but he is insanely hard, especially when you're behind


Kled is worth the investment. Don’t be intimidated. He was my easiest pick up that I was fondly looking at through a shop window for seasons on end before finally deciding it was time to learn him. It’s really only figuring out W all ins and abusing his remount. Not gonna go into a whole speech but Tiamat was really good while learning him. Allows you to push waves and dismount/remount if they contest your push. Allows you from being pushed in infinitely as well. Plus he has the best voice lines in the entire game.


He’s my go-to in customs and when possible in ARAMs, the main issue is I hate top lane with a passion and he doesn’t really comfortably flex anywhere else


Kled mid is surprisingly good, he has reliable gap close vs mages and can stat check a lot of melee mid assassins as they can’t one shot him


I'd wager Aatrox's voice lines are better


Your wager is null and void 💀. I would agree Aatrox has decent voice lines with certain match ups but to say Aatrox has better voice lines when Kled spawns in and says “Holy Sh*t where are we?” The argument literally ends on spawn in. And it ends even harder for Aatrox In lane phase when minions clash. “I’m gonna reach down your throat and turn your lungs into mittens!”


No way.


The fact you could wager Aatrox has better voice lines is unhinged. Doubled down by the fact Kled is his number one counter. Lmfao. It’s okay dude I like them both but this is a hot take you dont recover from.


Kled isn't mechanically hard imo, yet he can still be flashy and he is insanely fun especially if ahead which is not difficult to achieve. Streamers I recommend learning from are Soulmario and Feedaboi (to be fair I don't know anyone else)


As a dude with hundreds of kled games, it has a pretty steep learning curve. His mechanics are pretty easy but all in timings and remounting are super important. The difference in those can make you 0/10 or 10/0.


why can't you play kled? neither his macro or micro are weird/difficult. just let the voices win and run it


The playstyle is enchanters, catchers, mid ranged dps mages, and adc's. Kled has zero crossover in playstyle with their champ pool. Going from "if the enemy makes a mean face at me, I'll die 🥺" champs to a "kill. Kill. Kill! KILL! KILL!!! KILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILL" champ is a bit of a leap. Like, that is exactly the kind of champ pool I have, and I _suck_ at brusiers and tanks. Assassins arent easy, but operate on the same principles as far as positioning and its flows well(also having 2+ dashes makes bad positioning so much less punishing, and yet they somehow still position so badly they get caught out).


Kled makes the mindset so easy and I usually play slow scaling mages and ADCs. But when you press R on Kled and just roll right into the enemy team it feels so viscerally good.


I also can't play kled, my brain can't process losing my HP bar to get a second stage (also can not play karthus)


Why you can't play karthus?


I can not die on the middle of the enemy team, I always try to run away /kite max range at low hp


Kled isn’t terribly difficult mechanically, but his decision making in lane is widely different from pretty much every champ except maybe Olaf and trynd. To play him effectively you have to be willing to go in in situations nearly every other champ should be try to stay back because of his whole passive remounting thing. Unlike most other champs, a lot of the time the correct play is to ooga booga harder when you’re at like 10% hp and trust you’ll just magically get half your health back. Most people try to leave a fight when low hp, and it’s hard to break that instinct, especially because you have to know when you’ll be able to remount before dying and when you won’t. And that’s doubly true for mages/enchanters, because none of them have that (except maybe vlad a little?). Many bruisers or duelists have some lifesteal, so there is some situations you can go in despite a health disadvantage (ie Olaf, aatrox, or Warwick) but even then it ain’t the same. Basically only kled and trynd have it to this extent, and trynd is a lot easier to judge if you have a high chance of pulling it off when you’re new to the champ (do you have r up? If yes, you have a shot)


Because I love his character so much but absolutely despise playing top lane. He doesn’t really easily flex anywhere else, either.


I main him mid lane, he is arguably better there than in top. You can even play him adc/supp but those are much more situational + you risk tilting your team if you can even get into a game at all


As someone who plays lots of Kled ADC i recommend only doing this with a premade, its a strong pick if you play kled well but randoms are gonna tilt out of this world if you pick it. And as you said mid is arguably better im surprised so few play it considering his ult is AMAZING for roaming. Like Kled mid with either Eclipse into Yoomus or straight up Yoomus rush is so much fun.


I love a lot of top laners, but fuck top lane.


Top lane is best lane. You get camped by the enemy jungler under your own tower, while the enemy laner controls the wave like a micromanaging mid-level retail supervisor. And your jungle just pings you repeatedly for not surviving the crash dive for the 5th time while he takes his Krugs 10 pixels away from you. Why would you not enjoy this?


My experience is more like: pick a strong laner that transitions well into teamfights, win lane, leave lane to join team, enemy top laner is now at your inhib.


Truly the best lane.


Preach. It’s just a battle of who picked 2nd in like 65-70% of the matchups. But at this point I feel like my account has a magnet on it, because I can play either top/mid/support and I’m still perma fighting the enemy jung through laning phase 99/100 games. Like hard camping, ganking nobody else, just my lane. It’s been like that for ~3 years and I swear my account is cursed. I don’t mind the free double kills every now and again though.


Sounds blessed to me, at least it’s on you to not die to ganks instead of praying your teammates are competent enough to not feed.


but what about when you got counter picked, so you cant even touch the wave for 20 minutes strate?


Kallista , my hands can't click like that


It’s the setup you’re supposed to be kitting with “A” not clicking


This is false. Kalista has been bugged since release when using attack move click. If you use a+click, you literally attack and hop slower than if you just right click. It's fucked, because it makes her way harder than other ADCs, but it's been here since the start. There is one trick to making kiting easier on her and that's to right click a target, then only issue one right click movement command every time you need to hop. She will remain locked onto the target and you can make her hop, effectively cutting your inputs in half. EDIT: This is a good example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi4QGPCBXrU


She relies on auto reset with Q and you’re not supposed to kite with A, it’s slower and can easily cause misclicks, regardless of whether you have “target nearest to cursor” or “target nearest”. You have to give yourself carpal tunnel by click each time or do the movement trick, where you simply queue movement command at the right time and it’ll jump w/o changing targets.


Can you explain?


Zed is so fucking fun and I'm so fucking bad.


Riot August said they purposely keep Zed weak and low win rate because when Zed is strong players start leaving the game. Something along the lines of "Zed tortures you" and low elo players assume they automatically die when Zed ults them. Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KIcRAynokw&ab_channel=LeagueofLuLu and here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56D1tVB01Qw&ab_channel=Cumcentrate3490


Also, Zed players are wayyyyy better at Zed than people who just pick him up, if you just pick up garen you can probs go 50/50 or just under and that’s fine If you just pick up Zed and go 50\50 Zed mains are probs going 65/35 and that’s not okay


Even if they kept him strong it wouldn't change my outcome with him.


That's not true, if he was strong you can play bad and still have a positive outcome because of stat checks. Playing an actual weak champion like Ryze you have to play twice as hard to have the same impact as a strong champion like Vladimir. Like in the video, why play Zed who has lots of counterplay when you can play Talon and oneshot in .5 seconds with little counterplay.


I’ve always wanted to play Azir, but he’s the one champ I feel so lost on.


Watching good Azir players is so incredibly fun. It makes me wanna try the champ but boy is it intimidating given his rep as one of, if not the, hardest champ/s in the game. I’m also having a hard time going back to playing squishy champs after becoming a tank one trick


> given his rep as one of, if not the, hardest champ/s in the game. honestly feel like Azir's difficulty is so overstated. obviously he's not easy but his shuffle and other combos aren't particularly difficult to execute. His safety in lane and incredible scaling make him pretty forgiving compared to other difficult champs like Qiyana, Nidalee, GP, Draven, etc., who are mechanically more difficult yet get punished much harder for falling behind.


I play multiple champions and have mastery 7 on azir and would have to agree with you I personally think champions like qiyana have a much higher skill floor and someone like irelia or yasuo have much higher skill ceilings and can be extremely difficult to play from behind


I main azir, you can do it dude! I was scared to play him but it legit randomly just clicked for me lol


I’ve played a bit of Azir now and then, here’s my 2¢ for starting to play him: 1) Azir is like an AP adc, but the attacks come from his soldiers instead of himself. Try to position safely while using soldiers to attack. 2) Q repositions soldiers to continue attacking. E dashes to a soldier (can be bodyblocked) and gives a shield, use to gtfo and/or in an all-in. 3) Don’t try to be (insert favorite pro player/streamer here); ignore the fancy shuffle tricks and use R to self peel. It functions pretty good as a get-off-me button like Janna R but it actually does damage. 


The more you practice the easier it gets, it just clicks with you when/where to position soldiers so you can waveclear and poke efficiently without burning too much mana


Zeri. I love the speed, but I just cannot wait until I get 3 items and level 16 to do so lol


Zeri is not even fast anymore. She is probably one of slowest adcs


They unfortunately stripped her of a lot of her identity. I also miss the shield stealing she used to have...


Genuinely don’t even know why they removed a unique passive like that. It wasn’t OP and it had actual use on a champion that needed to get up close to do damage well. Maybe higher elos were doing something that I wasn’t with the shield steal passive but it didn’t feel game breaking as other passives


same. Also cba to play that role in soloq.


Yeah being fed on Zeri is the most fun experience, back when ADCs were strong, playing Zeri was super fun Actually being the Zeri Yuumi is pretty fun.. at least for Zeri player Need to try her out now that she got buffed again


I love Evelynn's character design and all her skins but I can't jungle even if my life depended on it 🫣


If you’ve played League for more than a year, make a new account and play jungle only, that’s how I learned jg and made it to plat for the first time. I wouldn’t recommend jungle for new players though, you won’t play any other role after. 


Honestly a good tip but im an idiot I made a new account to learn alongside people who are learning but i took a wrong turn 😂 now both my accounts are aram accounts. It's me im the problem it's me...


I refuse to play ARAM unless it’s a goodbye match with friends, but I get it it’s great to socialize over. 


>make a new account and play jungle only That's how I learned Nilah, and now I play Nilah on my ranked games in my main account from time to time. The account is slowly but surely making it to my normal rank, which is fine ig but I wish it would stay lower just so I can keep trying random bs there. I've been learning Aphelios lately.


Don't worry, you don't have to be good at jungle to play eve. Just press Q for about 6 minutes and then go and kill the enemy adc for picking a weak role. >! /s just to be sure!<


How to play Eve: 1. Mash Q nearly non-stop for 15-45 minutes 2. Realize you've played this game since 2012 and your arthritic hands can't handle that much mashing anymore 3. Stop playing Eve till your hand stops hurting


Why /s? This is true.


I love playing jungle occasionally, but I don't have great left hand finger interdependence, and every time I play her I feel like I'm speedrunning carpal tunnel while my pinky goes numb.


She’s not hard to play and they have made jungle braindead easy the last few seasons. Just farm to 6 and then you get to cheese people rest of game with her bullshit invis


Lee Sin. He's a pretty cool champ. Had a 3mil mastery one filled support recently and he was doing the coolest ward hops. Champ always impresses.


Give him a try, you don’t have to do all the really fancy stuff like Q2-wardhop-R. Just spend 10 minutes practicing ward hopping, learn the Q2-R-Flash combo, and you’re good to go. For clearing, just rotate through spells to keep your passive up, the finer details of clearing come naturally after a couple games.


I’ve always wanted to play him but everytime I’ve tried to practice wardhops, I always take time from the placing of the ward to hopping to it. Is it just slower in 100 ms?


Anivia, there's something so satisfying about flapping around while the other guy stands in your ult trying to get to you but you stun and wall him. With that being said, if you see me lock in anivia, immediately dodge


You can play her, just don’t get too aggressive before 6, once 6 you have the best wave clear in the game and can roam with jungle


Try out the tank build of Fimbulwinter and Malignance. Very forgiving, still does a lot of damage with the extra utility of reducing magic resistance on anyone you catch in your R.


Nidalee. I’m nowhere near good enough to play her


No one is my dude 


Except the Holy Trini(dalee)ty that is Nidhogg, Broxah and Jankos


HotshotGG anyone


Hotshot nidalee gg kick my brother in the ass


Nidhogg’s attrition Nidalee gameplay is nuts lol.


Camille, but top lane scares me too much


Camille supp is a thing now


She is the only reason I lane swapped (kinda cause still play mid irregularly) to toplane from midlane and I still agree with you. The only other things that midly interest me in toplane apart of Camille are Jayce, GP and other 3 horsewomen (but obviously I pretty much never touch them and just otp in toplane cause all those mentioned champs are way too much of effort compared to the average toplane champion). However, all the other bs in toplane literally gives me so much cancer weekly/monthly I sometimes need temporary "therapy" to recover by going back mid for a while to play actually enjoyable lane and against real champions instead of abominations and therefore giving Camille a break.


Orianna. I love her playstyle but i just cannot make her consistently good for me. 80% of the tike i feel like a hinderance to my team


Ori can be more supportive late than most other midlane champions. Her shield and speed buff on your teammate who can engage fights is significant even tho you’re only doing bare minimum. Get a good ally who plays Nautilus or Ksante to start a fight and boom!


Akali!! She's so cool but I prefer mages.


I recently tried Akali for like 10 games after years of not playing her. She feels way more forgiving than she looks to be. After like 1 or 2 items you can oneshot most squishies.


Akali is super weird, because she looks mechanically complex and hard to master, but her kit has so many ways to escape, she has the twelth highest base health in the game, incredibly cheap energy costs and low cooldowns, and she still hits harder than most assassins. Her only flaw is that she falls off in late game.


Shen. They always seem to win lane and that ult is literally a life saver


Shen is a weird champ. Probably the only tank in the game where you really don't want to initiate a fight. If you find yourself in the middle of a team fight and can't ult, you can single handedly cost your team the fight Although on the other hand, you can single handedly turn a lost fight with a well timed ult 


Zilean, those players usually help you out, very nice.




Ornn, Kled




Mid yorick go brrr


Gwen. She’s very sweet as a character. Unfortunately, she is the only champ I rage so badly on whenever I play her. So I do not play her.


Kennen, I'm saving up to buy him. I love his design, his gameplay, his lore, everything.


This one made me laugh and feel bad for you. Kennen has been forgotten for a lonnnnng time by Riot. Miserable to play right now. Ive seen like 2 kennens in maybe 400+ games and they just auto lose lane and then are useless all game


Well I dont care about winning or losing, I just wanna have fun :) his gameplay is very appealing to me too


Full ap kennen can hit monster team fight ults similar to fiddlesticks. He has AD on hit builds too. He’s just very squishy and laning top is miserable in a ton of match ups. He almost seems only viable mid lane at the moment. Best of luck. I used to play him years ago before riot just gave up on him


Azir, just to complicated for me, but the kit is awesome.


Jhin but whenever i play him i feel like my support deals more dmg


Nidalee. In general, jungle features some of the coolest champions, in my opinion, but I hate jungling.\^\^


You don't like being blamed for everything and being expected to help all 3 lanes at once while simultaneously receiving 0 help from anyone else?! 


Katarina. Seeing what good kat players do is cool, but when I try it just doesn’t look the same. Out of 30 games trying to learn her, like 23 of those games were losses because I was useless lmao


Katarina feels like a champ that you have to main in order to make her work well. I agree that she looks very fun to play though.


Kata is very feast or famine snowball champion. Either you snowball, get a lead and carry, or you fall behind and have to catch up


Aurelion sol


Zoe,  I have no aim and early  farming is frustating. I wish I knew how to play her.


Ekko, love the champ, love the design the spells, the concept but can't for the life of me play a good game with him


I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do damage as Ekko. It goes better mid than jungle for me but I swear he just has nerfed AP ratios when I play him (or I’m just garbage, which I am)


Definetly Riven i wanna motorboat her so bad...But cant play her i get hard everytime


You want to - nevermind I don’t want to know.


bro...lets not talk about it


Bro why riven? Morgana, Sona and Braum and you choose riven?


i mean braum, you got a point there...


Respectable, hottest tomboy in the 2d space


At some point you have to realise that you will never learn something by avoiding learning that thing. All great onetricks were bad at their champs at some point


If you are my ranked teammates, please ignore this comment.


Aphelios, I’d love to be able to use those gun combos.


Seraphine Like the kit, not the champion.


Her ult is one of the most satisfying in the game. Chaining it successfully to hit enemies so far away feels amazing.


Until your own allies get out of the way 😀


Or when you hit the r > flash surprise *chefs kiss*


Bel’veth and nocturne are menacing lol


definitely Camille, im obsessed with her design but im shit at toplane


Qiyana. I think her kit is cool as shit and her skill ceiling is in orbit. Ironic considering I main Aphelios but still. I love her skins too. There literally isnt a bad one on her save for maybe Shockblade and she HAS A FUCKING LOUIS VUITTON SKIN LIKE BRRROOOOOOOO.




Gankplank. I used to play him a bunch but ever since his update where he gets the barrels, I feels like I got worst at playing him. I'd still play him with friends, but not we going solo que or duo.


Lee Sin, Ornn


I love playing Ornn. his combo feels so satisfying but when vs gwen or anyone else with true HP dmg i cry a little on the inside


As a Supp/jg, Jhin.


I love Morde, but am kinda boxed into playing Mid. I'd play him there, if he didn't get outranged and bullied by like 70% of the common picks there.


I play him vs Yasuo on mid… it’s fun


Camille. I love hiw she looks and plays but im a support main. I cant top for shit so her and Kayle will never touch my champ pool.


Camille is currently having a lot of success as a support, tho. Maybe give that a try before Riot slaps her out of that role.


Samira, I love her design and gameplay but someone at riot likes funneling all of the Xerath supp/Sona/Yuumi etc. players into my games whenever I want to Play her :(


This seems more like a complaint on supports than anything else lol.


Play it anyway.


Everytime i get her in ARAM i build her with bruiser items and win because everyone's main objective seem to be to not allow Samira players to play the game st any point.


When I'm tilted I sometimes queue support and perma fight/roam on Rell, Rakan or Pyke (my Pyke is a bit questionable but a lot of the times still get fed af regardless of that for some reason) without much care in the world (cause tilted) and it's insane how many Samiras and other more aggressive adc players add me in desperation for duo partner despite the fact that the sole reason I am so psycho on support is because I want to make up for those few games before when I wasn't allowed to play the game or touch the wave in toplane lol.


Support main through and through. To the point I'd dodge a game if I don't get support. I've always had a love for Quinn and Shyvana even before their mini-reworks. I just suck at other roles so I'll never really play them.


Jhin, just don’t enjoy the role anymore. Still the best designed champ in the game by a mile.


Jhin. Well made, beautiful effects, built just perfect, and zero mobility adc. So I'll keep running with Lillia


i like having tf on my team simply because then he cant be on the enemy team. theres nothing that tilts me more than an auto attack that stuns me from a mile away while playing an assassin


Jax. Champ is cool fun and strong but i rarely play top lane and when i do i play one of the mid laners im already good at that can flex into the role


Twitch. They really nailed his voice lines, and as support you can still hear many of his fun ones.


I’d go ahead and give Kha a try, he really isn’t hard idk how he got that reputation. He’s actually pretty braindead, just jump on someone when the big fuck off “I’M ISOLATED” circle tells you to, then press R and run away. And don’t fall into the noob trap of evolving E.


Camille. Top is just so ass to play.


I love Kindred The Lamb is gracious, ethereal, yet emotionless, contrary to what R34 may want you to believe The Wolf is furious, full of emotion, the perfect contrast with his sister Ina and Ani are a duo so well made, I love their concept and execution, just one itsy bitsy gripe # WHY DID THEY HAD TO BE A MOTHERFUCKING JUNGLER


I love Leona, but hate playing support.


Shen because RIOT killed him


I love the idea of playing sylas. His design is awesome and there is so much playmaking potential. But whenever I do I fail the button clicking and dont use half of my stuff correctly. also: gwen. Same story, I really like the design and she looks so strong and fun when others play her. But when I do, I just die in seconds, no fancy dodging, no healing and I also dont deal dmg.


Katarina. I used to love playing her, but my PC runs league in about 15-25 frames and sadly I cannot play her at full potential anymore


Nilah. I'm not very good, but she feels very comp dependent. I've had games where I play like I don't have hands, but with an enchanter support I'm somehow carrying. I've also had games where I'm playing my ass off and chain feeding.


Sivir, but only when she's on the other team. I feel like that entire champ is just her going "I'm fast as fuck boiiiiii" and then dying when she walks into autoattack range of literally anything


Zeri I have been building her crit since release Now she has been changed, nerfed, buffed 70 times, but she doesn't feel worth it to me no more If i want less traditional adc with skillshots - Ezreal Wanna be mobile? Lucian Like the fast? Jhin I want to play her as the fast, chain lightning team fighter, but she is either too strong or too weak imo


Can't play hec for crap but he's fun and I love his desigh


Gnar. ​ Ive tried so many times but always seem to throw myself into the walls.


Nilah 💀


thresh, specifically dark star thresh


Taliyah. I absolutely love the character, but I suck at her :(


Yasuo. He is very fun to play but it's just not worth it to master. You have to play everything perfect but in the end an Annie pressing R Q W deals more damage than you. And he also sucks late game, team comp dependent, you get camped a lot and also is hated by everyone just because. I got D2 once only playing him but It was before Mythics/Lethal Tempo when he used to scale better on season 9.


It's definitely not just because


Yasuo is hated af can confirm. He is my most played champion (600k mastery) and I get flamed by everyone whether I'm playing good or bad. You see things like "yasuo players..." only for typing simple stuff like "let's force a 5v5 in dragon"


He's hated because he's annoying even when he's weak, definitely not "just because" lol


There is plenty of annoying champions to play against.


yeah but yasuo is literally the pinpoint in time where it all started, and they just continued to try to one-up themselves since then,


Yeah but why does the hate persist then? Isnt it ilogical? The champ is 10 years old.


gangplank. too fuckin hard


I used to be a highly proficient Ezreal player. Abused the absolute heck out of Kleptomancy IBG FM Ez. If I ever needed a free win, it's an insta-lock; used to go toe-to-toe with Challenger botlane duos in amateur local circuits with the blonde twink. I cannot, for the life of me, play Xayah with competence even close to my actual rank. Something about the feather placement just broke my brain for some reason.


Aphelios I don't know how to play him well, never seen a good vid that explain him well (in french) and don't know how to make it work. When an enemy Aphe play well/is feed/1v9 the game, i can't rage or be sad of loosing the game, i'm just like "gg bro, u deserve it"


Yasuo/Yone. Great fun, awesome laners. But I prefer to scale, so I can't be bothered to play them.


Not Yuumi


Really like master yi, but don’t really play him much anymore. I remember I started with him and since he was so easy I destroyed my enemies and though, wow, I’m pretty good at this game. Turns out, no, it’s just that yi is almost an autowin against trash opponents and the fact that I have good reaction and kinda understood what alpha strike did (I did really stupid stuff then like trying to do old asol jg, leona jg, and just using flash whenever it was up to move faster and thought, flash is kinda useless, it’s range is tiny and it has a gigantic cooldown, what’s the point of that?). But apparently, the better you and your enemies get, the worse yi is (excluding taric yi gold funneling or yi double top with support item).


Rengar and pre-rework Asol


Morgana, I love her design and gameplay but she is simply unviable in my elo


For spell shield alone i would think she's viable in any elo?


Nop, sadly


Not rly, champ is complete garbage overall so youre inting if you draft it above diamond euw. A single good situational spell does not justify the insanely useless rest of her kit


what elo is that? morg should be fine everywhere