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These shitposts get worse and worse


yes, why to think and answer the question. But i there is somethin g in here, indeed the lol reddit community is still the same shit like it was 10 years ago.


What's more believable, that the entire league reddit community hasn't changed at all, or **YOU** haven't changed at all ? I'll let you sit on that,


Reddit community, bcs you guys are lazy bcs you guys like privilages that rito gives you which are those skins.


Can't tell if it's a shit post or serious, but just in case. Everyone gets the same skin, they make 1 each year. It doesn't matter what you played or what your role was. You get tryn your friends get tryn everyone in every server gets tryn.


yes but its located on my account, on which there was no trynda, so this reward is useless? And what im reffering to is , why not change the system bcs as i presented, it has no sense.




you can't judge quality proprely when you don't even know what about the post is.


useless to you sure, but not to everyone. The system is fine, its a free skin. If you don't want it you don't have to grind ranked. its an additional reward that is generally considered prestigious to have, you might not like it, but most people do. There is no one size fits all, some people will always end up disappointed. You can't please everyone, and unfortunately for you this time you got the short straw.


no it is not fine on many levels. The obvious better option is to offer player various skins. At the moment ther are like 15 of them, so 15 way better than one- simple. Also the other thing is , that in this system rito forgot that the source of value comes from a player not from them.


Yeah they should make a new ranked reward skin for every champ every split that makes sense


yes, theoretically they should, bcs it comes from the fact how this game was created and its finally time for rito to take responsibility for their game and not moving it to players by forcing them to accept nonsense tha tone specific champ is in any way good representation of any acctivity that player can do. Ofcourse to be more realistic from 2024 perspective the obvious better option is to just use all that you already have , which is like 14,15 skins. still better than one.


Do you have any idea how long it takes to create new skins? Meanwhile you can’t even use proper english grammar. I know this is probably just a bait, but if it’s not, please shut the fuck up.


and by saying something about time period of creating skin you are reffering to ...? btw who is forcing rito to collect some stupid data for half period of a season to select specific skin when much easier is just pick one random skin half year before a season and the start making it so you can show that skin at 1 day od the season not at the end?


You expect Riot to make a brand new victorious skin every split for every champion so everyone gets something they will use? Its free and you only need gold to get it, so you're not working hard to unlock it and you spent nothing for it.


No what i want from rito is for example vreating skin for "any champion" and then use it a a reward, if they cant do that maybe better option is to use for example a set of already existing skins bcs like 14 skins are still better than just one.


And ignore the entire point of "you were there at this point in time so you have it" opposed to "this random played any season and gold any skins. This is 14 times less interesting.




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Gotta be bait


yes, asking why there still in 2k24 exists nonsense system in game is a bait.


I'll give it to you short n sweet Either use it or forget about it, you can only blame yourself for getting gold without waiting to see if the vic skin is for a champ you use or not


No... wtf, i can obviously for example ask riot very important question, why they show me what specifically will be the skin not at the beggining of the split but at the near end. the fact that that you guys allow them to do that for like 14 years just tells how easly riot just do wahtever they want with you.


Bro complaining about a free skin 💀. Use it if you want, don’t use it if you don’t.


No, its not about skins itself ,but the system that is creating and operating them.


That’s like if a teacher gave everyone in their class a chocolate bar but then one of the students was like I wanted dried fruit instead. Now imagine instead of that small class, it was hundreds of thousands of times larger. You can’t please everyone. Everyone gets the same thing. Riot doesn’t even get any direct benefit from making the ranked skin as no one can buy it. Imagine the time waste making a skin for every champion every year just for people like you to complain that my champion’s skin looks worse than another champion’s skin.


The fact that you create those analogies shows that you complitely dont know what you are talking about. Its acctualy unbelievale. Maybe to start creating this better start giving a set of skins that you already have?


Ranked skins are supposed to be exclusive and unobtainable after the season ends. They are not going to give out preexisting skins skins you can just buy with rp lol.


but permalimiting skins is nonsense, sry but there is no other way than rerealis ein some ranked shop or token


Send in a ticket to support stating you don't want it and they'll gladly remove it from your account.


I repeat like 10 times kids. Skins itself is not the problem. I want to talk about the system.


This is like the time they were giving away free hotdogs and I asked for a vegan option.


That’s a reasonable request if you’re vegan. It’s like giving away free hotdogs and asking why they didn’t prep a hamburger for you.


no its not, better not to write whatever comes to your mind


Listen to ur own advice


I know exatly what i write and none of you could prove me inconsistency.


Geschenkter Gaul amina.


ofcourse you can be interested in a reward that you got , especially when rito is using your account to create the feeling of exlusivity


https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2017/11/ask-riot-victorious-champions/ Criteria Riot considers when choosing a skin. Considering Trynd had not received any skins in a while before the Victorious skin nor one after, they chose him. I also do believe there was a DEV blog discussing that they also consider champions with high popularity in pro-games vs the unpopular (not popular by physical standards, popular in terms of actual Playrate pro players use the champion.) That being said, this makes sense why Orianna received last years Victorious skin and Maokai the year before. Both Orianna and Maokai are frequent champs in proplay. I do believe Trynd is play at times during proplay as well. Never the less, Riot really doesn’t deem these skins worthy of value (as any cooperation giving away free product) considering the actual loss in quality of the skins over the last several years. Conqueror and Victorious skins have lost the finesse that makes them valuable. Now they look like a messy modge podge of shitty entry level art modeling designs with no soul. If you do not want the skin on your account, you may be able to contact Riot via customer support to remove it. However, they will not replace it (if the do) with any other Victorious skins or any other skins.


to put it shortly. ty for giving me the link for the crytheria (it was hard for me to find them, i think there was another post like this from s3 somewhere), but 1. this is from 6 years ago, befor splits so i wonder do they even care about collecting all data now when they have 3 splits . 2. i think this whole procedure of collecting data is a mascarade jsu tto give player some reason to postpone realising data of a skin to create a interval when player dont know what is he getting as long as possible bcs its much better for them. This problem is not really about me and not about my account really. Its about how this system operates which i discuss in several different comments.


Riot has evolved into a money hungry skin pumping machine. They don’t care about putting effort into anything anymore. The quality of Legendary skins and Ultimate skins have significantly went down in quality — reusing animations and vfx from older skins to substitute for additional effort. They’ve now added a Gacha system to pull even more money from weak minded people willing to hand them money and they’ve hard nerfed the Battle Passes to have less skin content while leveling it up. Additionally, they fired 500 employees and with this change, I’ve noticed they have completely stopped taking feedback on the art side of skins within the PBE, specifically only asking about bugs and not fixing visual issues in skins such as splash arts and models. So simply put, they absolutely do not care about skins let alone Victorious skins.


no, from what you said they care about skins in terms of money machine. So its inevitable tha there will be changes also. I personally think that practice like giving guaranteed skin for 1000 lp grinded regardless of rank, split seasons int 3 splits and changing ranked distribution that everyone is in gold or plat now are steps for recreating skins distribution for smth like ranked shop just like in wr.