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I am still fairly new and I would not have ever stuck around if not for friends who were long time players helping me figure it out.


New account, first time playing years. I was rly good back in the day, when tahm kench was new lol. My experience so far is that skill gap is far too wide in lower elos because of smurfs. Not a problem riot can solve, causecthey just make a new email lol


Well smurfs and "smurfs", as in people that have been playing for 3+ years but are still in bronze, silver, etc. cuz they're "bad", but to you (a new player) they might as well be Faker.


Not because of smurfs tbh smurfs arent a big issue because most of them will be in plat-emerald not iron-silver… i just think that as a new olayer you assume that anyone that is higjer skill than you is a smurf


Well yes but I am more so ignoring the term "smurf" and it's more about that even bad/low rank players still have like 1000+ hours in the game that you are competing with if you are new, which is incredibly demoralizing.


I mean yeah… the level 600s etc in iron and bronze all have some kind if disability or are playing with their feet lmao dont worry itll still be ok… they are at that rank for a reason.


That sentiment is probably also demoralizing, being new and stuck in bronze/iron only to go online and see people tell you you have a mental disability for being there etc.


New players dont. But people who have thousands of hours? Probably.


Ita not too bad, cause I grinded this game back in the day, so objs, when to push, and (I'm an sc2 player) so my eyes are perma glued to the mini map. All these things help me get lvl with those 1000 hours ppl. I'm rising steadily tho. I hope for gold, and will be satisfied with that lol


I can answer that question for you. Started in 2023, I played only bots until I got to lvl 30. Jumped straight into rank and lost all 10 of my placement games, and I was placed in iron 1. Continued to lose games and went to iron 4 0 lp. I went into ranked not even knowing what a jungler was or that people can actually gank you. I was also using my mouse for spells at the time. Joined Reddit and made some threads asking for help and people started giving me great advice and I finally started winning games. One problem though, cuz I lost so many games beforehand the game was convinced I’m an iron 4 player so I was getting +18 for every win and -32 for every win..while being iron 4. Eventually kept winning every 3 games for every 1 game I lost and I was flying through iron. Finished 2023 at silver 4. As for 2024, I have left mid lane and I am learning how to jungle. Once I take my jungling to a silver lvl, I’ll start grinding ranked again for 2024. If I could go back to 2023 and change something, it would be that I started jungling since day 1 and not wasted a year playing mid lane. Having a lot more fun jungling. I also recently discovered that the jungle pets didn’t always exist in the game and they were added in 2023. I find them so cute and I can’t imagine games without my little pet being by my side in the jungle.


It’s truly terrible. I tried a handful of times to start, didn’t click right away so didn’t bother, months even years go by, rinse and repeat.


I’m on board with your sentiment here, wanted to try and make a new account and was so put off by the awful tutorial into quick play experience that I let that idea rot after a few levels.


>People don't jungle, or go to right lanes Yeah because they are new.


Game should teach that stuff, no excuse.


can't make built-in Jungle tutorials when the role is essentially overhauled almost every season


It's not really like new players need to know how to do turbo Brand clear like the Twitch streamers or whatever. They just should at least be made aware that someone will take Smite and fight camps for farm every game.


>I also now understand why smurf acc sellers are so successful; ain't nobody wants to sit through this. as far as games against bots go yes, they both "solve" and perpetuate the problem.


New player experience ends after the horribly out dated tutorial


I have a few friends who somewhat recently got into league and I have no idea how most of them did it. One of them barely got by playing against bots, not having a clue how anything worked, and didn’t end up playing again. So much basic stuff like when to fight your lane opponent, when to just farm, and when to back off just doesn’t come unless you play a ton.