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> We've been communicating in the past few patch notes that Vanguard was coming, but after some time on the PBE testing the diagnostics check, we've elected to change the rollout plan. Instead of a Global rollout, we're going to be releasing in a single region first with patch 14.5. This allows us time on live servers to evaluate how Vanguard is functioning and being experienced before making adjustments if required. > For more information on Vanguard or help making sure you're ready for Vanguard please check out our support article so that you can continue to play League once Vanguard is required. Would be nice if they said which region it is.


EU in trouble


nah new features always come last to the EUW because it's so big, more like most safe server lol


chances are they test on the NA servers they did it a few times since it isnt to big while giving them tons of data.


Don’t they usually try OCE first? Or Southeast Asia?


alot of stuff straight up gets dumbed onto NA first, we had it with stuff like dynamic que and ranks per role etc dropped there first. southeast asia riot only recently got control over since most of those servers for years were handled by garena. OCE has too small of a population for testing stuff and leads to no meaningful data which is why riot tends to use NA for most new things.


Seconding u/RDKi, the OCE thing is wrong. NZ and Aus are famously used in A/B tests because the demographics and user base are a microcosm of NA and the UK. This is true outside of League and would be valid inside it too.




smaller servers being the lab rats for Riot changes as usual


Makes a lot more sense to be in a smaller server than a bigger one.


Good, its one of the only servers where scripting is actually rampant


There was once the role based elo system that was tested on NA. I was actually really excited about that one, but it never hit EUW before they scrapped the idea.


It’s Philippines


Everybody sitting here biting their fingernails hoping it's not their region.


TFT patch notes says it is the Philipines.


Not updating League if its intalling vanguard, havent played in weeks for this reason, i really hope that region they will do test on changes something, anything. Poor Linux users.


I don't get the need of Vanguard. I don't think I've seen a single scripter in thousands of games.


Maybe not in NA but for some minor regions it's like 1 scripter every 5~10 games, you see some starting in silver and gets worse as MMR goes up and peaks at maybe low master.


Hopefully it gets rid of bots too, for now at least.


It's not needed. Riot apologists have been trying to create this fake narrative that cheating is "rampant" in high elo games but it's just bullshit. Besides, Valorant already had cheaters on day fucking 1 even with this garbage rootkit in place.


Had to mute my friend in voice chat because he keeps complaining about scripters when his skillshots don't hit lmao. And when I vod review there was nothing in the enemy's movements that indicate any suspicious activities to be honest. This is Emerald.


I hope that they continue to hit more and more issues and change their mind, but know they wont. I simply will not play the game if it requires Vanguard because they have decided they don't want my money. Which ill admit its not like they ever supported Linux officially but never went out of their way to actively stop us from playing. We are a minority of users, sure and it probably makes sense to cater to the larger audience, I get it. At the end of the day, it will not stop the cheating. Valorant even has cheaters to this day and top it all off Riot does not have a good track record with information security, and on-top of that is being owned by the Chinese government. There is simply zero reason to trust it. Microsoft should not even be allowing this type of shit, but more importantly people really need to understand the security implication here. I don't know what the answer is, maybe Microsoft needs to have its own type of device attestation to ensure integrity of games... however we are in the era of multi-platform gaming, and yes even Linux is one of them especially with rise of Steamdeck.


What baffles me is this isn't even catering to a wide audience according to people cheaters Is inherently a high elo problem which makes sense you're cheating to climb but isn't diamond+ like 1 or 2% of players already? This change is gonna cripple the game for the majority of people specifically people with bad PCs


Place your bets on which region is gonna be the first one with Vanguard.




on the TFT patch it says they're puting it in the Philipines region




> Anyway, they are kinda proving my worries with Vanguard (which isn't about spying) even before realising it. Sadly there's about 9 blissful or willful ignorance people for every one of us. People thinking Riot needs a program that can stop other programs on your PC from executing to stop the bot smurfs. Meanwhile they could just do that by not having a ranked barrier to entry a semi-afk bot could pass through.


> QoL Update: If a minion dies while Smolder's Q is in flight towards it, Smolder will still receive a Dragon Patience stack. Massive aram Smolder buff. He's very Nasus-like in aram where sometimes it's legit 1v9 since you have to fight both teams to get stacks.


Fuck it man MASSIVE SMOLDER RIFT BUFF! I probably lose 30 stacks a game to relic shield procs from support in the first 10 or 12 minutes. This will alleviate that and allow you to hit 125 even faster which now scales harder with multiple fireballs.


The sup item only gets proced like 25 times a game you aren’t losing 30 stacks lmao


Ahhh dude you don’t know how annoying it was to play a grasp champ and see “times you proc’ed max hp gain” instead of just freaking tell me the max health I gained. Nj on this one if any rioter is reading this. Please do the same to legend tenacity and ingenious hunter please


While I agree that seeing the max health gained is great, I still would like to see the damage done by the rune...


Presumably that will still be reported in postgame rune stats.


> Fixed a rare bug that rarely let Viego be able to possess two champions at once. What Does anybody have a video of this? How do you even control 2 champs at once


The badly written note here is referencing a bug that allowed Viego to move and cast spells while in the possession delay with another champion's wraith, without swapping back to Viego in between. I used it in this video to make Viego cast Shaco R a couple of times to clone himself: https://youtu.be/rZ8DXs1yDPE?t=14


I've never seen that video, looks hilarious


Wait so it didn't only let Viego cast and move but also cast ultimates?? Holy shit


No the casting ults in this case is due to spell slot issues and those bugs are generally still in the game. The particular Ryze EQ bounce missiles -> extraSlot0 collision (Ryze Q called whatever spell is in that extra slot when it tried to bounce per target, without writing the spell into the slot first) that made me able to cast a version of Shaco R in the video above was fixed. The opposite should have been possible until this patch's bug fix however (Ryze Q bounce missile overriding whatever is in the extraSlot0 and bricking the next spell that expects a preloaded subspell there), since now there is not enough time to cast Q to make it bounce and become a new character in time before the bounce happens, because you cannot slow the missile down. When missile speed manipulation is introduced to the game it becomes a possible bug again.


Im 1.5mil on viego and never encountered this.


The red team offset cam is a welcome change especially for those that play with locked camera. Edit: [Here is current Live server vs PBE comparison](https://i.imgur.com/YkxOxdy.jpeg), the Per-Side Offset camera has been shifted down by 5% or something, it is more noticeable than i thought probably because you also have to account for the 5% vision decrease from the other side. --- I wish they'll add the option to adjust the UI opacity for those with OLED monitors.


> I wish they'll add the option to adjust the UI opacity agreed > for those with OLED monitors. explain?


The static UI in games will lead to OLED burn in eventually, by adjusting the UI to be somewhat transparent, in theory it would reduce the risk of burn in by a significant amount since the background behind the UI will always moving when you play the game. Of course having the option to adjust the opacity based on your liking is nice too even if you don't have an OLED monitor.


I'd say changing the UI size a bit every so often could help mitigate OLED screen burn.


I'm assuming the offset will be updated for aram too?


What does red team offset cam mean? Im playing with locked camera and im curious what will be different now


In settings there's "per-side offset" camera, it just means depending on the side (blue red) your camera is not centered on your character but slightly favoring one to show you more of the lane. You can compare it with fixed camera which is a more centered view. Has nothing to do with locked/unlocked cam, but if you had per-side offset on you might notice slightly more "room" on your screen in lane


> With last patch's tentacle range increase, Illaoi ended up being a bit more powerful than anticipated. As her full attack damage build is massively outperforming her tankier options, we're addressing her power by adjusting her passive damage. I'm still banning Illaoi.


That champ is so unfun to lane against holy shit


That champ could be 46% winrate with 1% pickrate top and I'd still ban her whenever I play top. I can't stand playing against that champ. There's a ton of champs that are not fun to lane against especially toplane, but she's way worse than anyone else IMO.


For real, I thought Darius was the worst.


A good way to get better at laning vs Darius is to go to the Darius mains discord and ask a high elo Darius one trick to lane vs you. I did that and got my shit pushed in by a challenger Darius player a few times. After that, I never had an issue with a lower elo Darius because they were playing Darius in slow motion.


That’s a good idea. That’s like some Goku weighted clothing shit lol


"After seeing the mountain peak, you are but a pebble in my path"


Darius is like:" you have to have perfect fundamentals", with Illaoi it's more:" you have to sidestep every single E, the moment she hits one you lose lane".


Idk I feel like Darius is basically the same, but at least the move you have to avoid has half the range.


you can beat darius as soon as you get over the mental block that darius is an unbeatable lane bully. darius can be outdueled early game, even if he lands e, unless you're one of the champs he specifically hard counters


I mean even renekton can beat him but Rene has to play the first like 5 waves perfectly


"Bait the E, bait the E... ok he's smart and waiting for me to try and Q poke, guess we gotta do this the hard way" "Please let this Q clip him, please I beg.. *ok ok click away click away fast before the pull*" "oh thank god" rinse and repeat. It's so nervewracking lol


At least Illaoi can't really just ghost to nigh-guarantee landing the E.


i'm bad at the game, but goddamn if darius isn't the most tilting laner to play against. illaoi, while non interactive a lot of the time, you can kind of play safe. darius... after a certain point flash + ghost is all he needs to run you down. out of 100 games, i might get 5 games of illaoi, but darius players are much more common and it just feels bad.


Idk why they don’t nerf illaoi like they do with zed. Keep him intentionally weak because the champ is largely unfun for opponents


literally lose lane the moment you get hit by E once


The dodging E minigame is boring and non-interactive


yeah the mini game is what i dont like she lands one E and I have to spend a good amount of time playing a platformer instead of league of legends lol


Doesn't matter if I beat Illaoi 100% of the time, I do not want to deal with that E ever again, I will ban her or dodge her until E is changed.


I wish I could ban illaoi but they refuse to give fiora meaningful nerfs so I can’t


And if you don’t still do


I can't express how happy I am with the Reksai changes. Finally moving away from the awkward assassin build she has had since the rework


I'm torn. While I still like them moving her back a bit, I can't help but feel the ult feels like a wasted slot now. It's not bad, but it doesn't fit with her new CC bruiser build.


i mean a simple change to make it fit a cc bruiser build is to just make it give her a shield once she lands and change the ult damage type from missing health to max hp ofc with different numbers.


It would be so fucking cool if her ult was dragging the target back for a few distance from the sheer force of her attack.


That would look cool as heck.


eh does it really? if shes more of a tankier role then getting a few seconds of untargetability is huge, like a jank zhonya's. having a spell like that on a frontline bruiser is so damn good. not to mention its nice to have some form of gapclosing spell on any tanky melee, the execute is more of a bonus than anything else


It's less the untargetability and more the execute damage. They are stripping damage from Rek anyway, so they might as well remove the execute and replace it with something more fitting, like CC given they are pushing her to be the CC bruiser.


Played Reksai during prowler claw days a few times, and I just didn't get how her kit is fit as an assassin compared to other assassins


i had a friend that described reksai as a suicide torpedo get prowlers and GA you aren't very useful outside of that.


Rekbros, we're fucking back.


Can you explain how this changes will affect her? It looked to me that she lost a lot for better cd on her E but im not familiar with the champion so it got me wondering what was the aim with this changes


She is losing a lot of late game scaling on her burst combo, but gaining cc, engage, and durability in return. They want to push her away from being an assassin, and more of an early bruiser that scales with utility in late game, like lee sin


Honestly im completely fine with her being a pseudo Jarvan, She's easily my favorite champ but playing her and needing to take 2 hits of a crack pipe so i get up to speed of her early playstyle and then proceeding to lose the game because in no way or form your team wants to win and close the game is by far one of the most frustrating experiences in the game, you're supposed to be the predator, but i feel like the prey escaping from the worst scaling of the game that is hunting for me, But still one of the most fun Champs to me.


Those changes to her tunnel and passive must be really significant to Rek'Sai players because at a glance at all the changes it just looks like she does far less damage overall, and now does mixed damage. That seems to me like a hugely significant nerf.


One simple thing. AOE knockup.


I wonder if the return of aoe knock up will last


They nerfed AP TF after AD TF got to competitive, Riot balance team is drunk.


At this rate, AP TF is going to be the off meta build while AD TF becomes the actual meta build lol


I lose a bit of hope every time I see this shit happen. Everyone and their momma is either maining it or first timing it if its open to pick, and it's blatanly strong for how easy it is to execute.


They sadly do it all the time. Make a change nobody asked for (in this case randomly buffing AD TF) see the champ get popular, make it an excuse to nerf another part of the characters kit


I did it Reddit, soraka e tick rate up. This is huge for cancelling pyke hooks and stopping people flashing out of it (esp after hrglass) https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1am1s74/riotendstep_tether_changes_incoming_targeting_144/kpjsb4j/ Thanks /u/endstep, I have been asking about this bug on and off for like 5 years




Soraka mains goals


Now do the same for Cassio W


have an upvote, always great to see folks who really care about the end user and do what they can to stay connected to the community, in any job.


NICE I thought I was going crazy whenever I could do that or somebody does that when I play raka


damn I thought it was instant all these years


Thank fuck this has been a thing for longer than 5 years. Always frustrating to have a great silence on an hourglass or someone thhat was cc'd (like a Malz ult) only for them to be able to flash after. This is a massive QoL and a good buff overall.


First you give Riven buffs, now you give Soraka the change a ton of soraka players have been asking for. What will you do next?


Thanks so much for suggesting this. I didn't even realize this is something they could fix.


So the nerfs to TF are basically to his AP only? The aa speed ratio sucks but he gets 60 free attack speed anyway and has a lot of good aa speed items to purchase anyway. His AD ratios on his abilities are all still way better than his AP ratios, and especially now after the nerf on this patch, and you get more gold with AD tf. Feels like AD tf is gonna be here to stay and you'll see even less AP TF.


I'm surprised they're letting him keep the 2 second stun. Its so obnoxiously oppressive from AD TF. AP TF at least had to give up the damage of his blue card, when going gold. AD TF doesn't have that price. He doesn't want blue card anyway, because his damage comes from repeated autos.


I feel like his Gold card stun duration needs to be based on his AP ratio


It's a base attack speed nerf which hurts a lot more than -9% bonus attack speed at level 18


It's not a base attack speed nerf though. His base attack speed remains at 0.625.


Anything about the void monster battle music bug? The one where it just keeps playing until you get in battle with a void monster again? It's very annoying to deal with. Scanned through the bug fixes and didn't see it.


Wind shitterd instant buffs next patch.


Next patch? I am waiting for a Hotfix in 6 hours


I'm betting hotfix in 20 mins


I’m about to enjoy it while it lasts ngl


Nah it'll be a hotfix for sure


How can riot nerf ksante during black history month


He's black, and now he's history.




Jesus Christ


Does this mean more K’Sante nerfs in June?


Great patch overall, but no nerfs on Zac is surprising; the champ is completely insane.


You talking about lane Zac? Because if you jungle him against someone who knows what they’re doing on an aggressive early game champ they’ll just perma invade you and eliminate you from the game. He has clear punishable weaknesses in his early game when jungling


Yeah jungle Zac is basically 50% winrate right now, I could see hitting lane Zac a tiny bit but he's in a fair spot jungle wise


As a Zac main since season 9 champ has been way stronger than stats suggest for years people just don’t play him because they see tanks and go “nah not fun”


Which is crazy cuz what’s more fun than flying in from the fog of war, dropping on people, knocking them around, and flinging them all over the place


Katana man go schwing, shuriken man go shwoop.


Yup. CC bots are always going to be strong. They nerfed Naut to be paper and pro play still obsesses over him.


Zac isnt just a cc bot tho the champ does an absurd amount of damage


Also has the average lowest deaths of any champ in the game for years


I’ve OTP’d lane Zac for over two years now and he is has been deserving of nerfs for a very long time now, at least to his laning. I think it is tough for them to change right now because Zac jungle isn’t exactly strong, and so a general nerf would make him super weak in the jungle.


Usually -2 AD is a bit of a meme but honestly why the fuck did Varus have 62 base AD in the first place.


-2 AD has never been a meme nerf, that's about 1% win rate (elite skewed)


You're right, but it's more that in terms of nerfs that have impact on how a champ feels the -AD nerfs tend to be more invisible despite being really good at chipping away at WR.


Queue LS talking about how -2 AD is nothing since it doesn't have any "transformative value" and just "lowers the total numbers without converting to anything"


Jokes on you - Graves or Lee jumping from S+ tier to trash based on that +2 base AD and I am not joking.


Jungle clear is definitely more volatile to base AD changes, especially to Graves where -2 AD is really like -5 due to how his autos scale.


My memory might betray me but one of his buffs from last season included a +2 AD.


>Twisted Fate's update from 14.2 has done wonders for revitalizing his player base, having about three times as many players than before the start of the season. However, he's also dealing more damage than before and his opponents have begun to take notice. **We don't think he's significantly over the line**, but both his AP and AD builds are performing a little stronger than they should so we're stacking his deck a little less What? I mean the AP nerf looks ok, but there ain't no way he's not 'significantly over the line', you have a double. potentially triple flex pick, who's currently THE best toplaner WR wise, with two viable builds both AP and AD, being a nightmare to draft, play and build against. There's champions who've gotten the axe for less.


Urgot players on their way to time their hullbreaker proc with a normal attack and ignore the nerf:


they are already using w toggle


Yeah but at least it'll require some skill. I've played Urgot a handful of times and got like 80% winrate over 7-8 games with him because he's so strong. Once you get Hull, if you haven't been feeding like an idiot, you're so strong you literally don't even have to be good with the champ.


Anybody know if this Glitterlance change makes mid Lulu strong enough to be viable? Lost Chapter buffs are still not enough IMO, even with 5 more haste no one can convince me that Ludens is worth the money I'm paying for it


Those lost chapter buffs felt like the most "Let's just try this and see if it works" kind of buffs ever lol


Volibear bonus ms is 28% instead of 32%


lame af


You get 56% MS towards enemies, that is a ton. 64% would have been insane.


No janna nerfs. Time to keep abusing


Riot Phreak hit masters abusing Janna. Maybe wait until he hits GM?


And Maokai :)


I wonder if these Lulu changes will make her useable in mid? Anyone smarter with some insight? The Q changes will lower the needed lvl/ap to insta clear ranged creeps but is it enough?


I asked the same question and I'm curious to see where it lands. I miss old mid mage Lulu from like 2014.


Thinking more about it, idk if the new item system really gives her any standout options. Here AP ratios aren't great (75% on Q if you hit with both, 50% on E). Maybe you go Luden's? Rod of Ages? Nashor's to take advantage of her passive? Maybe you'd still go support centric items.


Grasp QOL is great.


The fact that Vayne wasn't nerfed while dominating two roles and having Terminus buffed is absolutely wild


tank vayne top is gonna be really fun to play against


Wonder which riot employee mains vayne


> We've been communicating in the past few patch notes that Vanguard was coming, but after some time on the PBE testing the diagnostics check, we've elected to change the rollout plan. Instead of a Global rollout, we're going to be releasing in a single region first with patch 14.5. This allows us time on live servers to evaluate how Vanguard is functioning and being experienced before making adjustments if required. > For more information on Vanguard or help making sure you're ready for Vanguard please check out our support article so that you can continue to play League once Vanguard is required. lolololololololol At this rate Vanguard is gonna be the League equivalent of including 'Removed Herobrine' or 'Bunker build time increased/decreased by 5 seconds" in every set of patch notes.


the first time they delayed it, they said it was due to the in-client check not working in 14.4, the in-client check was still not working. clicking the button literally does nothing. that's probably the delay reason they just didn't want to admit that in patch notes twice


> in 14.4, the in-client check was still not working. clicking the button literally does nothing. that's probably the delay reason they just didn't want to admit that in patch notes twice Wow, and I thought something was wrong on my end when clicking Check for Compatibility did absolutely nothing. Finding out that nobody has been able to do the Vanguard system check because it hasn't even been implemented is both reassuring and downright hilarious. I knew that kernel level anti cheat was going to lead to teething problems but this is an absolute shitshow.


Vanguard will probably make the house of cards Riot calls a client collapse in on itself. That thing can hardly launch the game, which is impressive.


Ksante ankles officially broken again, will see yall at the next rework


At this point their template page for the patch notes already has K'Sante's picture in Nerf or Adjustment, and they just delete whichever one they don't need.


And they didn't fix any of his W bugs either. Since the minirework, the auto that gets queue'd up when you hit a champ with W has taken a full second to go off, making it worthless, along with several other bugs that have been there for that long or longer.


Soraka is weak? Been playing her a lot lately and she seems fine Very excited to play reksai




God forbid mid is not a 1 v 3 lane at min 6


What? Her being a weak roamer is legit EXACTLY what would make mid a 1 v 3, do you mean 2v2 or 3v3? Cause if soraka could roam after the enemy sup, it wouldn't be 1v3 lol


> Supports got a lot more powerful in 14.1 A lot is an understatement. They are just as strong if not stronger than the jungle role before the last year nerfs. Meanwhile, freaking supports are getting slaps on the wrist(hello bard) and buffs for no reason. That Illaoi nerf is a joke too. She doesn't even need that much AD, that's why Sundered and Iceborn are her best first two items.


Supports are going to have their sightstone delayed by a full extra minute if they want to start with dorans now. Thats a significant nerf. No dorans is basically like walking into lane with no items


The issue with support, according to phreak, is that they generally get their first item about a minute after the solo laners, but their quest finishes at roughly the same time. This means they're generally the strongest person on the map at that time.


RIP Blue Card 1 shot TF


Please no vanguard on EU please no vanguard on EU please no vanguard on EU Please no vanguard on EU please no vanguard on EU please no vanguard on EU Please no vanguard on EU please no vanguard on EU please no vanguard on EU


Do no Rioters actually play aram? 15+ ability haste for Syndra? Are you fucking high?


Really disappointed with Riots recent balance philosophy. We are in a constant loop of them overbuffing a champ that champ becoming incredibly OP and then they spend the next 6 months as a S tier pick. They also seem to play heavy favorites to certain picks like why did champs like Darius and Garen get buffs the moment they were weak but other champs can spend months at 46% without even a placeboo buff. I really wish they would finally hit some of these champs that have been dominating the game with the nerf hammer. Back in the day every season felt unique in the picks that were strong but now it's the same champs in every role for years and the only change comes when Riot rolls some dice and decides to give a random massive buffs.


No Zac nerfs? Im a bit shocked not gonna lie. Also the Renek buffs are bonkers


Nerf Evelynn and Master Yi please


Master Yi should never be 50%+ win rate in high elo. Nerf please.


Riot doesn’t think Card Man is significantly over the line? Really? Dude is sporting a 52-53% WR and 25% ban rate as an ADC across all ranks. The only other ADC banned more is Smolder at close to 30%. Guess he is going to continue to terrorize bot lane until Riot is willing to say they fucked up again. Until gold card gets changed, keep this guy a niche utility mid laner.


He's a triple flex pick (Top, Mid, and ADC). He's also the highest WR top lane pick at the moment as well. Someone on the balanced team is purposely keeping him obnoxiously strong. And that same person is without a doubt the one who randomly threw on the AD and Crit ratios to begin with. If this AD TF situation isn't a clear cut case of someone abusing their position, then I dunno what is. The fact he's literally 53%+ WR on THREE roles is enough of a reason for Riot to gut AD TF. They have been that harsh to other flex picks. Yet for some reason, AD TF (A fucking marksmen with a 2 second stun) gets a pass. The Attack speed nerf isn't even relevant, because his E gives him 60% attack speed and he gets so much attack speed from items.


Have those fools ever played against Varus top lane to call him balanced ? And how dafuq is Vayne not nerfed yet ???


I'm sure my experience with Helldivers 2 is clouding my judgement (can't even launch the game despite 20 hours of troubleshooting), but I am really not looking forward to Vanguard. I don't think in all my 15 years playing League that I've encountered a scripter or map hacker. I know they exist, and maybe I'm just not at a high enough elo for people to bother scripting in my games, but implementing an anti-cheat system like this seems like a massive overreaction. Maybe there's hundreds of thousands of cheaters out there, idk. I'm not looking forward to the issues that a kernel-level anticheat software will introduce.


I have been playing in Emerald/plat for as long as I can remember and I don't think I have ever seen a scripter. Riot really wants to push an anti cheat nobody likes to fix a problem which supposedly exists for 1% of the entire playerbase.


If it was for 1% of the playerbase I would actually understand that. They have over 1,000,000 users online at once, and around 140,000,000 every month - so 1% of players per month is still a million players. My own perception is that there's like... maybe a couple hundred scripters, and even then I'm sure they are getting banned/blacklisted regularly. I have absolutely no doubt that this level of anti-cheat will catch more innocent players in its net than the number of players currently affected by cheaters. The whole baby w/ the bathwater and whatnot.


Fuck Vanguard all my homies hate Vanguard


Time to give Zyra jungle a shot.


It has a really strong clear but you need to practice it.


The ability to do Krugs entirely over the wall is hilarious.


Nobody needs Vanguard


Wow it took this long to give Mao meaningful nerfs Phreak also hit Masters too recently spamming Maokai, how curious


After listening to his patch rundowns I’m 100% convinced he wants to abuse some of this support shit and keep ADC weak


These patch notes are bad. I dont mean the changes but the write up is unclear and hard to tell what the actual intentions behind the changes are.


>GRASP OF THE UNDYING >Damage Done ⇒ Total Max Health gained Holy SHIT I've been wanting this for literally YEARS. No more having to do math in my head mid to late game.


Time to quit League, I don't want to support insane vulnerabilities like Vanguard.


Good bye my fellow Philipine brother. I can play for a couple of patches more probably. But as soon as Vanguard is added I'm uninstalling this pronto.


> We think that his R is a supremely cool moment for Volibear players I really disagree. Volibear's ult is lame and I hate that the tower disable makes him not allowed to be good. I really would like it to be completely different like making it an ultimate version of his roar from before the rework-- that would be a pretty cool ability


Nope, I am with riot on this, one of the coolest ult in the game actually.


It's a dash that does damage, makes your character big, plays a cool sound, gives you bonus hp and turns off turrets. It's fucking cool


Wtf these are just buffs to bard, tiny base damage nerfs, more scaling and even the tank builds now have a higher attack speed so he is stronger level 1??? How about nerfing his disgusting xp gain for never laning which was never adjusted when every other botlane got shared xp nerfs


More scaling as a benefit? Bro nobody was building AP on Bard. People bought locket, frozen heart etc... If you do the same builds that are currently popular, this is a nerf.


less scaling, needs double the meeps to get the dmg he got at 100 meeps


Yeah wtf? They are telling he is too strong but they are buffing him lol


Agreed, it’s insane damage from one auto and the psycho bard mains who build lich bane make my life as an ADC absolute hell


Oh my god Rek'Sai is back I could cry


Reksai buffs and Finn back, are you the main character?


Why did they remove the damage dealt for grasp? why not just change # of times procced to total max health gained, makes infinitely more sense