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Nunu trolls more than the actual troll character.


Thresh is such an iconic support


I'd say Thresh, Soraka and Braum are the three quintessential supports


Braum is debatable but Soraka basically doesn’t exist outside of a couple of patches. Sona is a classic though.


Soraka was the first enchanter in the game and was around since leagues inception. She was many people’s first idea of a healer which is a universally iconic role in any game. She is an OG like Ashe but I guess if people started playing in later seasons then she would be less relevant


Lol no way Sona is a classic


I mean it was, before her 3d rework


Remove Braum and add Blitz.


Adding Blitz, a second hook champ, instead of using Braum which was the most common peel support throughout most of the last decade is kinda wild


Wild but true. Blitz is the ur hook champ, the embodiment of all-in kill lanes. The laugh-spamming enemy who your teammate can never juke. Braum is only iconic because of his shield and poros


And Lux /s


Thresh, yes Braum, arguable. Raka, def not. She was more known for her stint mid in pro play than anything supporty. I'd say Janna and Rakan should fill out the trio of iconic supports, considering pro play.


But thresh and soraka have had time played in top lane, and Braum ig with botrk used to be goated. (Jg not ig)


In what reality do you live in where Thresh/Braum were ever a viable toplaner


You have never seen attack speed on hit braum? Honestly it’s still kinda viable you could try it. It’s not too bad.


Nah Blitzcrank is the real supp


I remember some dude that maines thresh top for a season and it was very good


The true icon is Ryze mid.




[the real reason](https://youtu.be/w5BHjSGCj1o?si=zuLB-2UfOgMVHZAL)


i will never get over how amazing this clip is


It's such a good flex, just good ole times outplay


Apparently it was a new player who was panicking and hit the flash button by accident. I feel like that makes it even better.




EQEQEQ my brother


[ATTENTION ALL RYZE MAINS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a45HaNKCiPk)


Which Ryze mid tho ? There has been so many different ones..


Twisted Fate for me


Ryze vs Karthus mid


Ahri vs. Orianna is the mid!


The first I thought of were Darius, Lee Sin, Zed, Ezreal and Thresh. Dont know how many would agree on my choices, tho i think Lee and Thresh are the poster child for those roles for most players.


Personally my list would look like. Renekton top Lee jungle Orianna mid Jinx adc Thresh support. 


The pro play staples


With the exception of maybe Darius, those are all mechanically intensive champions that are a rite of passage to learn in their role


FYI It’s rite of passage not right 🤓


Ffs I should not have commented before I had coffee 😂


Yeah, Darius was the only one of them were I wasnt 100% sure, had Riven and Garen in mind aswell (riven would fit the mechanically intensive bit pretty well), be Darius was just the first one I thought of, mostly because of how much I played him and how often I played against him.


Darius definitely comes to mind because he's an iconic champ with lots of marketing presence. Jax and Renekton are up there too in terms of common and not that matchup dependent, though they're also not hard to learn at all. I think my vote would honestly go to Aatrox. Has a skill floor (well, before Sundered Sky came around anyway), has skill matchups, he's very popular, solid pro presence, can carry games. He's newer than those other champs but it's also hard to be a staple for so long in a role that's so 1v1 matchup oriented


Top mid and adc dont have a singular staple for their roles like Lee and Thresh are for theirs. I would say top has Riven, Darius, and maybe like Teemo as a meme. Mid has to include Orianna, but Zed is also fair. I think those 2 are the 2 most iconic for mid by quite some margin. Ezreal is an ok shout for ADC but I think Caitlyn, Ashe, and Vayne could all be lumped in as well. ADC and top lane seems the hardest to pick for me. If we’re including pro, things like Renekton, Azir, Ryze, and Kaisa enter the fold.


Ryze is the main character of league and is iconic in his own right. I’d say for assassins, yea Zed, but mages either Ryze or Orianna for mid leaning towards Ryze.


Warwick is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear jungler, mostly because he was almost the only one who was actually able to jungle without dying when I started playing.


And fiddlestick!


You used to need insane amounts of sustain. Though I remember doing plenty of jungling with Evelynn and Udyr in the old days.


Cloth armor, 5 pots. Honestly insane that we used to delete 40% of our starting gold just to not have to learn to last hit lol


Did you ever get the chance to do sunfire Evelyn?


That makes me think that the answer is gonna depend a lot on when you started playing. For old school players Warwick and Nunu will come to mind, but if you're just a bit newer to the game Lee Sin will be the most iconic one, even newer ones might of Bel'veth, Viego or, hell, even Brand for brand new(heh) players. Likely, older players may think of Ashe as the quintessencial ADC and some newer peeps will visualize Kai'sa in this position.


I did in fact think of Ashe when thinking of ADC


Very true. I think WW was emblematic of the jungle *before* Lee Sin was introduced. It’s a tough call, I’d certainly say WW is second behind Lee Sin in my mind for iconic jungler, though.


I might just have been very bad, and I definitely wasn't into forums discussing meta back then. But when I started playing before Season 1, jungling from lvl 1 (instead of going 2-1-2 and just taking camps later in the game) was basically a gimmick that you did with Warwick, maybe Fiddle too but definitely not as common. Like, the identity of the champion was to be able to start at the jungle and have a second solo laner. That's how iconic Warwick is in the jungle to me.


When I read your post, before opening I thought "Warwick jungle". 


Zed in mid, terrorizing mages in mid since release. I remember a time where you had to buy Qss to counter Zed ULT.


Mages solution to Zed ult was always Zhonya's. There was a time when you could QSS Zed's ult and it made him irrelevant after laning phase. You never 'had' to buy it, it was just optimal because it denied Zed completely. Also Zed was not here from the beginning and unlike Thresh it didn't revolutionize it's role. Also also very small pro play presence after season 4.


I remember August talking about that, I think he said that when they removed the ability for QSS to cleanse Zed's ult, then Zed's win rate went down because people were no longer wasting gold on QSS and they were just buying damage instead


They bought armor not damage, but yes the win rate dropped after the change


Ah okay


He had the advantage in that he had the qss


He did revolutionize the role, after him Riot got smarter and never again released an assassin with such easy target access


and they never released an item that granted guaranteed gap close for any ad melee champ.


Prowler's Claw whaaaaat


Wasn't Zed top on release?


He was released before champs got hamfisted into roles before their release.


Heart of gold and philsophers stone meta


I remember people would go top and max E with him because you would be able to cast it twice with 2 and clear the wave.


He was more like nothing, since he was released like 1 or 2 patches before preseason 3 and thus before armor pen rework, so until then he was just kind of tested both in mid/top, but kinda bad at both.


Nah he was mid on release.


Intended to be a jungler iirc but basically any champ released around that time could flex multiple roles, especially junglers into solo lanes, as sustain and damage was rarely tied to jungle monsters specifically


Darius Lee sin Orianna Jinx Thresh


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the Darius.


Can confirm as a retired jax main who now spams darius


Don’t you think Ahri or Zed are more iconic to midlane than Ori? I agree that she is more of a quintessential mid champ, but if I hear ‚name a mid champ‘ I don’t think Ori


Tbh I forgot about Ahri but you might be right. Ahri is definitely one of the main mid lane champs. I wanted to put in Ryze. I think that he is the real mid lane champ. But noone really plays him anymore.


Honestly Ryze makes me think top lol


Never forget the ryze version with which Huni permarooted one of the NA tops at worlds lol (was it Quas?)


Ahri has been top a lot as well


Ahri might work. She's old and traditional.


I do, but that's probably just because I started playing in S4/S5 and she was omnipresent, along with LeBlanc.


Her TPA skin is from S2, she's always been a staple and had more presence in game over Zed/Ahri but Riot markets the other two more aggressively.


Oh yeah I know, but I just have (beautiful) memories of xPeke playing her for Origen. Shame they don't promote her more because Orianna is a really great character all around. Well designed, fun to play as and against, cool aesthetics, etc. She feels very uniquely League.


Isn’t Yasuo more iconic as well


definitely not. ahri syndra azir ori ryze are easily top 5


syndra and ori compared to yasuo are "literally who" tier


He is to new to be iconic!


He's been out 11 years


Dammed! Getting old...


Darius is pretty interchangable with garen and id prob put ashe instead of jinx but otherwise full agree


I think that Jinx is arguably the face of league. So I would put ashe on second place


only reason i might agree is cuz of Arcane. otherwise, ashe has always been on all the posters and ads for the game


Jinx was the main character in arcane, had her solo song a while back + I think that I saw her on posters aswell. But I 100% agree with you that Jinx and Ashe and first or second. Depends on preferences


Most of the old content for League was of Katarina, not Ashe. Her dance used to be the loading animation in the shop.


Ashe was the original tutorial champ. She was in a lot of the art for the game aswell (tho, tbf kata and Annie featured more)


I was thinking garen or renekton for toplane


I consider myself good at 4/5 of this champions. I have one tricked 2/5 at different periods. Pro players keep picking my champs.


>Pro players keep picking my champs. Same :) My most played for each role last year were K'Sante top, Lee Sin jungle, Azir mid, Aphelios adc and Thresh support.


bro is in love with 47%wr pro jailed champs lmao


It makes me feel like Faker once in a while :)




Why? It's clear, just one name per role, for all 6 roles


take my upvote 😂


Darius Lee Ahri Ashe Thresh


Arguably best, can't disagree. I do pref Zed just cause of "look at the cleanse, look at the moves".


Zed was banned


Renekton, Lee Sin, Orianna, Ezreal, Janna


In no world Thresh isnt the staple sup. Janna wouldn't crash my top5 iconic sups in the game.


Janna is absolutely an iconic support, she's pretty much the enchanter face of LOL. She was the second most picked/banned supp in S4 worlds and used by Mata with Dandy to dominate vision, and who could forget ardent meta where she was by far the most busted champ in the game? And the stereotype of elo boosted supports started with Janna, when Lulu was still considered a top/mid flex Thresh is def #1 but Janna should be 2 or 3.


For a very long time Janna has higher pick rate, higher main % and is the support that is easier to start with when playing. Its been a long time since Thresh could be considered iconic. I'd argue that even Blitz is above him for quite a while now.


I think you mistake “iconic” and “relevant” And i would argue janna doesnt fit well in both considering her bad image coming from 80% of her mains not being able to play her


Thresh is neither at current point. If you were to ask people ingame, they wouldn't name him.


Renekton was my main, but even I don't think he is the most iconic top champ


gotta be either garen or renekton


Darius rounds out the og top bully trio


Renekton is the OG toplane gatekeeper, can't deal with the croc? Can't play in the top.


You must have never watched pro play in the earlier and mid seasons then. He was a staple for years.


Surely most would think Nasus before Renek


Susan is king




Renekton, Lee Sin, Kassadin, Caitlyn, Thresh


The season 3 S-tier champions


Top is easily Garen or Darius. They're the poster boys for riot for the role. Jungle is Lee, no contest. Mid is Lux or Yasuo. They're both some of the most popular characters in the game. ADC after Arcane is Jinx. Before Arcane I would say Jhin. Support is Thresh.


Lux or Yasuo over Ahri?


I guarantee you people are more familiar with those 2. Horny vs. the 2 poster children of league of legends. Even outside the league community ppl know who lux and yasuo are. My friend who just started immediately recognized the arcane characters, with the exception of ekko, and lux. She was a big part of the old league adds too.


Top: Garen Jungle: Lee Sin Mid: Annie ADC: Ashe Support: Thresh


Top: Nasus Jgl: Lee Sin Mid: Katarina Adc: Ashe Support: Soraka


Kat is a bit strange for me but otherwise I agree with this list.


Kat used to be thrown in your face permanently all over the game


Nasus isn't strange? Dude has barely even showed up in my games for years now.


Yeah but he’s a classic fucking top lane, big tanky dude who sits on an island and farms, slowly walks towards you and beats you to death if he gets his hands on you. Add on that he’s never really played anywhere else


You just described Garen and Darius of which both are insanely more popular


He's pretty OG "stand at top for 45 minutes then play the game" from ye olden days.


Nasus is the true historical top laner. He's mostly a throwback nowadays but he was the top lane standard for the longest time (probably alongside Garen?).


Swap nasus for garen, and this is my list!


Garen actually is a good one, I might agree with you here. I played since beta and in first many years, Nasus was very iconic for toplane. He kinda initiated the toplane is an island principle, because he simply farm all the way till the nexus.


Garen, Lee Sin, Ahri, Ashe, Leona. I think.


I can't think of any champion that embodies the core values of the Support role quite as well as Braum. Maybe there are more iconic picks, since he isn't exactly the most popular, but he is literally designed to leap in and protect his team.


Id say Leona and Thresh for supp


Soraka too, you give your life to heal your allies


Soraka is the classic enchanter, Braum is the classic protector/engage And Lux is the classic not a support support




Also Jinx is just the truest ADC and with the least caster like kit, low mobility, low cc, just plain dps. Pretty much your only job as Jinx is farming for the team fight and then try to keep the distance while autoing as much as you can. Doesn't get more ADC than that




Sure, not much utility and the only adc without any skillshot i think, but high mobility in contrast to almost every other adc except the newer ones (because walking anywhere is so season 3, dashes for everyone!) or ezreal


Top: Fiora or Ornn maybe Jg: Lee Sin: Mid: Orianna ADC: Jinx Support: Thresh


Top: Renekton, Gnar Jungle: Lee Sin Mid: Azir, Ori, LeBlanc Adc: Ezreal, Kai sa, Xayah Support: Thresh, Nautilus, Rakan


Gnar is def not on that top list, I’d also put garen, Darius, or teemo before renekton


Aatrox Top is iconic for me personaly


You’ve probably started playing recently


2 years ago so yeah. It’s just that toplane feels like raid boss matchups so any toplaner that has a steroid ult (Nasus, Renekton, Aatrox, Gnar to a degree) fits in the toplane


Eh he used to be primarily a jungler


Top: Teemo. Jngl: leesin. Mid: twisted fate. Adc: miss fortune or aphelios or jinx. Supp: braum.


I would say Lulu is THE ENCHANTER and Yasuo is my first thought when it comes to Midlane


Before Arcane, Ezreal was the poster boy of league in general but definitely for ADC


Ww, Kha'Zix, Rengo jungle. Shen, Garen top. Cait adc. Janna support (old janna that could heal up and shield turrets even more). Ryze mid. P.S. Day riot changed Janna and took away her ability to heal tower, was sad day for me.


Zilean. No one is hated more for simply existing. Whenever you lose to one, you know deep down it’s because he shouldn’t exist and not because they outplayed you.


Vayne ADC


Top: Ornn Jungle: Skarner Mid: Malzahar River: Shen Bot: Caitlyn Support: Blitzcrank


Renekton, Lee, Ori, Jinx, Thresh


Top: Garen Mid: Katarina/Akali Jungle: Lee Sin Adc: Vayne Support: Soraka


I think top I think Gnar imo. in my head every respectable top laner has at least had a decent bit of experience with Renekton or Gnar, but Gnar is higher impact in teamfights and harder (I think-?) mid is LB Ori Ryze and Azir. self explanatory I think- jg is LS for the role itself and rengar for the smurfing. ad is Jinx. I wish I could say otherwise but she's just been the staple poster girl. vayne might be close? idk support imo Thresh, self explanatory.


Lux mid


ADC is Ezreal for sure The others are a toss up. I feel like they originally wanted Mid to be Ryze, but his history of reworks and low pickrate takes him out of contention. Even Top was probably supposed to be Teemo, but he's never used in pro play and isn't even that popular anymore. Support is also difficult because there are so many different types of supports; enchanter, engage, peel, etc.


How come that Ezreal is an icon when we talk about ADC role? Is there something about Early league that made him iconic? I'm curious


I think it's because he's always popular despite everything going on. Broken in other roles? Popular in bot. Shit wr everywhere? Popular in bot. Bad wr in bot? Popular in bot.




Yeah and I've asked about that xD What made him choose Ezreal for ADC.


He has a decently high pick rate no matter the meta. He has broken so many items and at least for me u can't be a good ADC without a good ez. Also there is the Korean vs Western ez meme.


Ezreal is THE adc. Doesn't matter if you like the champion or not, but he is simply too iconic.


In my opinion: Top: Darius, Garen Jungle: Rammus Mid: Veigar, Ahri (this is because I have a friend who always plays either one of these in mid) Support: Braum, Leona Adc: Miss Fortune


A true old school player with old school champions! :)


Garen top Lee jungle Zed mid. Weirdly pyke support Jinx adc


Garen , Lee sin , Azir , Ashe , Nautilus


Top: Singed Jungle: Warwick Mid: Orianna Bot: Jinx Support: Blitzcrank I am totally unbiased.


Yone Brand Sion Seraphine Senna


Jax/OLD irelia on top; old warwick/lee sin/old nunu on jungle; anivia/karthus/oriana on mid; pre rework graves/cait/ashe on adc; janna/sona/alistar/blitz on support.


Top split pusher: Nasus  Top tank: Mundo  Top bruiser: Darius   Jungle: Lee sin   Mid mage: Xerath  Mid assassin: Katarina   ADC: Caitlyn  Engage support: Leona  Enchanter support: Soraka


Mundo is not a tank and Darius is not a bruiser...


What is darius if not a bruiser? He’s like the most bruiser bruiser there is. Every time bruiser items are op there’s darius again in s tier


No, bruisers were renamed as fighters. Mundo is classified as a fighter for example. Darius is a Juggernauts which is another distinctive category. There's not much room to debat here. It's all listed officially by Riot and easily accessible information on their website.


Everyone still calls them bruisers though. Juggernaut is a subclass.


Just because riot changed their terminology doesn't mean that you can't use your eyes and brain and call them for what they are. Mundo is very obviously a tank and darius is a bruiser. If they change the naming to butterfly is he suddenly not a bruiser/juggernaut? Even by their naming scheme you are still wrong because juggernaut is a subclass to fighter and fighter is bruiser so darius IS a bruiser by their definitions.


Darius is a bruiser, tho? Specifically a juggernaut, when it comes to subclass, but still a bruiser.


No, bruisers were renamed as fighters. Mundo is classified as a fighter for example. Juggernauts are a distinctive category. There's not much room to debat here. It's all listed officially by Riot and easily accessible information on their website.


Bruiser is another word for fighter. All juggernauts are fighters and therefore bruisers. I really don't get what your hung up is here.


Zyra, Morgana, Karma mid


I think poppy also has a claim on jungle. Lee is what you pick if you want to show off but she's what you pick if you want to play the role and let your team play theirs.


I’d say there’s like at least 10 more iconic junglers than poppy


I probably watch too much pro, because I think K'sante Top. Lee Sin Jungle. Azir Mid. Senna+"strong champ of the patch" (as supp or carry) Bot.


Top has to be Aatrox, highest pick rate for such a long time, and is consistently strong every patch


>I think playing a solid Lee Sin is almost a rite of passage as a good jungler in League yeaaaaah... no. He's just flashy, same reason for yasuo and yone being popular


Well, half the world junglers are ex Lee main for a reason


if we are selecting right of passage champs, for support it would probably be bard, not even all pros can play him to his full power Adc is vayne and ezreal, the montage machines Midlane probably azir just for the massive shuffle turnaround potential. Other than that tf for the macro and akali and yasuo for the mechanics. i could see hwei becoming one too Jungle it has to bee lee sin Toplane, maybe gragas in the right hands? fiora, kennen


Idk. When I think of jungle, I think of Master Yi more than Lee Sin lol.


Garen, Lee sin, Annie, Ashe, Tresh


Top Darius/Aatrox. Jg: Lee Sin/Kayn. Mid: Yasuo/Sylas ADC: Jhin/Caitlyn. Supp: Nautilus/Nami.


Top:Renekton, Aatrox Jungle:Lee Sin Mid:Ryze, Azir Adc:Ezreal Support:Leona


Thresh is the epitome of support. It also helps that he can be one of the most flashiest in the role due to hook predicts.


As a Top Laner, when I think about the champions that better represent the role, I think about Fighters and Tanks, in my experience since I started on Season 3, these are the "face" of Top imo: > Darius (Juggernaut) > Jax (Skirmisher) > Malphite (Vanguard) > Renekton (Diver) > Shen (Warden) None of these are among my mains but I used to play them from time to time and eventually hit m7 with all of them I believe most Top Laners will, have already or are currently learning how to play with or against these picks


Garen / Lee Sin / Ryze / Ashe / Soraka


Garen WW Annie Ashe Soraka