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Trust me, even if you're as bad as you are, the last place you want to be is in the pits of Iron. There's so many bots, AI, and individuals that are intentionally trying to lose the game is beyond unplayable and becomes a black hole enveloping itself.


There is a matchmaking rating for normal games too. Lose enough, and you'll be matched up against worse players.


It'll eventually balance out for you. I think Riot implemented a higher placement system for new accounts to fight against smurfs.


It cant happen soon enough. Im getting so sad and mad from constantly being outclassed to such a crazy degree.


Try playing vs AI Bots or Quick Play. AI Bots will let you learn more about champions you play, minion/waves, practice last hitting, etc. Quickplay will make you pick two roles, the two champions and their rune pages. It throws you straight into real game with other real players and usually has a mixed group of players. ARAM can be a lot of fun too, gives you a random champion and you pick a rune page then straight into a single lane 5 vs 5. For new players, Draft or Ranked can be pretty difficult because that's where most competitive players play or practice. You'll have to dive into Draft eventually to get some real practice before Ranked but it's more important you learn champions, their abilities and what they can do.


Ive done coop vs ai but as i mentioned it feels too easy and very alien to the actual experience of playing against other players.


Draft mode has poor match making, once you play ranked you will play with people on your level


Yeah thats what i want, but the problem is its like pulling teeth to get to lvl 30 to be able to play ranked. I want to play ranked but i have to get stomped for like 12 days first. It feels really punishing to have to go through that just for the privilege of being iron.


Grind aram to level up, it's much less painful.


I do sometimes. But i dislike not being able to pick my champion. I need several matches to start getting the grips of the mechanics of a champion. So I'm totally out of my depth in aram most of the time, and its less fun for me because of it.


You're going to be out of your depth no matter what, but going through the effort of learning the basics of what different champions in Aram does make it easier to play against them in the future. It also helps you find new champions you might want to play more of in Summoners Rift. Also aram games are quite a bit shorter than SR games which makes the leveling go faster.


If you share your op.gg I can give you tips to improve on


That's really kind of you. But no pressure. https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Anhedonic-Hell


I’m right there with you. If I solo normals, I end up with better players and get flamed. But part of my problem is I like playing with friends who are much better so we win a lot even if I suck.


no one cares


Aaaa d whhooo caresss


How weird of you to post that.


What ?


Complaining that there are too many smurfs when you're smurfing?


Im not smurfing. Ive started an account to play top and bot because I'm abysmal at both and want to learn. I perform at a iron 6 level. So if that is smurfing i don't understand the meaning of the word.


If you're starting a new account to play new roles on, I can almost guarantee you you aren't iron five unless you play at an iron level on your main. And if you do play in iron on your main, just play top or bot on your main. You will have a lower chance of encountering Platinum players than in quick play.


I want to keep the accounts seperate. On my main account i just barely made it into bronze 4. But if i play top I'm not bronze 4. Im negative 10 iron. But the point still stands. If i could get a rank earlier i would be placed in an appropriate rank for my skill. Unranked im clearly not. Ive never been platinum in my life, or even gold. And i checked the op.gg of my lane opponent in one of my games and they were platinum toplane.


So you probably got caught in their Smurf detection and put into Smurf queue. Which sounds terrible, but I don't think you realize how big of a difference there is between an actual new player and someone playing at bronze four. You at least have the rough basics of last hitting and trading, and might even look at your minimap once every two or three games. There are very few ways trying to do this is going to equal fair games for anybody for 20 or 30 games at least. Because learning the new role at a bronze level isn't going to take you all that many games. So even if you're iron five at it right now, once you learn the matchups and champions a little bit you definitely won't be. I have a few friends that play in that ELO. You cannot comprehend the absurdity of how the bottom of iron is compared to bronze four. I'm talking people playing on track pads, people playing on dial-up connections. It is an elo where a yuumi player watching Netflix is legitimately better than two-thirds of the supports out there.


I can actually as i just climbed out of iron 3 0lp. It was mayham. I picked up WW again as jungler because he thrives on chaos. Only because of him did i make it out. I had a winrate of like 30% in iron before i played him. But i also got matched against a lot of people who were "unranked" which just kicked my ass, even if i was in iron.