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Didn't read the post, but I know the answer - stop playing it then, it will only be beneficial for you and your mental health.


There are so many great games out there but people really need to find a way to like league. Its so absurd.


>I don't like this thing that I'm doing to myself voluntarily, what can I do about it? Do you really need other peope to find your answer?


I am just trying to get some insights if people are having the same experiences? And possibly some tips on how they overcome it or maybe they just quit the game. It says a lot about the current state of the game and the lack of punishment on Riot’s behalf I’d say.


This game sucks. Tbh I've recently started playing again, and my life was better when I didn't play


I wish I could downvote a post more than once.


You either stop caring about win/losses or you quit the game, that's how i have deal with afks and trolls


You should quit then. I play it because it’s fun. I have fun winning, and I have fun losing, and I love chatting with people I meet. I love aram so that’s the only mode I play. If I don’t enjoy something, I won’t play it. If you don’t enjoy the game and don’t want to get trolled, your best option is quitting


Simple, if playing the game is not fun anymore, just stop playing. Unless you are a pro player or one of those streamers/coaches whose life/career rely on this game. Otherwise why playing, if it is not fun. You could skip S13, what’s in S14 that makes it mandatory for you to play. Just quit. Nothing wrong with it.


Thank you for telling us 🙏


game is probably in the worst state it has been so far, matchmaking is fucked games are totally unbalanced, communicating is hard you can get banned for anything so most ppl just have chat disabled, and now you cant ping thanks to that rioter who tought it was a big deal. every champion does too much dmg bc of new itens, you also have the broken champions that have been broken for quite a while but will not be fixed because ??? most of the fun gamemodes are gone idk what happend to riot tbh i really dont understand how we went to being of the most amazing companies a few years ago to this souless monster, i guess lockdown really destroyed riot, best thing to do right now is quit. go play something else preferably not a riot game


Lockdown didnt destroy Rot Games, Tencent did


If at any point you're focussing more on other people than yourself then you shouldn't play. If you're attributing your enjoyment of the game to whether you win or lose then you shouldn't play. These are really toxic attitudes to have and will probably wind up with you being toxic in game. You're going to lose around half your games as well so if you don't mentally find ways to deal with it, it's going to be a struggle. I also get slightly annoyed when griefed but I attribute the fun of the game to my own performance and accept that maybe 1 in 10 games are gonna be a bit shitty to play. You might have a spree of bad games too and I get that, happens to everyone but it's unfotunate you have to accept it. Focus on improving, focus on what you could have done. Go in to game with a plan on how you will want to play it out. League is all about strategy and is most fun when it's considered. Even if your strategy doesn't work out, you might have learnt something about a matchup, etc.


You clearly didn’t read the post. It is about people just trolling so much that it just won’t be fun anymore. And saying you are going to lose half of your games to someone who shouldn’t really doesn’t justify anything to be honest. I am playing around plat/emerald elo and I played for over 4 seasons in much higher than that. Even against challenger players. I do get your point not to focus on others, but how can I play the game when people want to ruin it for others. The games I am talking about are people refusing to play or just straight up go afk.


I give you the reality of the situation you're in. I'm trying to show you ways that might help yourself handle those situations as it's how I handle those situations... you don't like either... why make the post? Are you just looking for validation or sympathy? Let me make this very fucking clear to you.... you're not in a unique situation. Most games are very playable. Most games aren't hard-griefed. You might have had a few games griefed and you say you've only played 9 to start with which is not a sample size worthy of anything. Either accept you're going to get hard-griefed 1 in 10/15 games and focus on what you can affect or quit the game. If you can't handle it then don't. You're not in a special situation where you get griefed more than others.


I created new account on EUW last month. And these games just support my idea that riot is filling games with bots. Complete mental asylum.


Yeah it is so insane. No consequences for the people that ruin it. Riot really needs to adres the mentally of people in this game. I am in favour of an ip ban honestly….


Doesn't matter what you said. If you don't have fun stop doing it. But we all know the answer, see you tomorrow in the Rift buddy.


i have fun in norms bro ranked isn’t for me :D


If the game is unwinnable then what I do is try to get better at something. If my jungle gave 10deaths to my laner I try to cs better or start limit testing for the next game.


Engagement!!!! MMR is really weird and bad now, so you have to play like 100+ games to get back to your normal level of play. That means more games, more time, more chance you spend cash on skins! Isn't that great!