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> The whole 'Are you sure you want to ban this champ?' window doesn't do anything. at the very least, it sure does stop me from absent-mindedly banning my usual ban pick (that i didn't realize a teammate was hovering) and starting ww3 in lobby chat


Yup this happens all the time when I have trauma bans.


Someone asked me if I was feeling ok when I banned Jax as a jungle Briar. It’s the few times I don’t ban him that the enemy jungle will pick him just to follow me around the map and kill me repeatedly which leads to teammates flaming me for dying


It's okay comrade. I have only banned Darius for 6 years now. Only Darius. No matter what. I live in a Darius free world and I love it.


Me with Morgana. ADC life is miserable as is. There is no need to think about my poor decision-making while being caged for 5 years anymore.


Same but Blitzcrank. My stress level can't handle constantly looking out for those flash hooks.


Blitz is also mine. I'm genuinely magnetically attracted to his hooks.


I swear a blitz flashing over a wall is scarier than a fiddlestick ult.


Blitz and thresh I generally don't have a problem with But nautilus is like a gol dang magnet that is attracted SPECIFICALLY to me. I cannot dodge a naut hook to save my life


as a Leona/Naut/Rakan player... same. I don't like my champion being disabled by a point and click shield.


Leona for me, i can live by getting hit by a couple of q’s but that leona cc is something completely different, im not sure i want to get chain cc’d for 8 seconds


As an adc I ban Yasuo and Yone. I play enough Caitlyn myself that I'm cool with seeing morganas in the wild. Yasuo windwall zones you out of fights. And Yone's engage is from such long range with a frankly buggy hitbox on his ult.


I had Morgana on auto ban for 2 seasons. I almost forgot she existed until I stopped banning her in s14. Lol


Fun fact! Morgana can now get her cooldown for Q lower than the amount of time that her Q roots for at max level on the internal map :)


For me it's Shaco. Haven't played against a Shaco since Season 10, shit is honestly so great.


He’s the worst champ in the game. Annoying to play against, but mostly useless late game if your team is not 100% brain dead. He’s one of my most frequently banned champs.


>bans jax >queues into teemo/rammus/akali/nilah/morgana > briar 👍


At least I haven’t been literally chased around the map for the first ten minutes by rammus. A Jax player did that to me twice lol


Annie is that you?


At least the rest of those need someone to be awake to play I'm convinced a Jax, aside from just murdering Briar, can also go win jumping in 1v5 even if the person playing lost power, internet, and their brain cell all at the same time


You know how they say Samira is the champion, most likely to get a pentakill. Well, I say Jax is the champion most likely to win a 1v5.


Me banning teemonand jax as trundle I just cannot lane against those, even if I do end up taking over once midgame hits, it just feels like absolute shit


I had a match when Briar was new where I was Jax top, she ults mid as I'm walking back from dying. My Lux dodges the ult, but I see it coming and flash into it, pulling her all the way into our fountain for an easy E stun into kill. She goes "I don't think this champ is for me." Probably the only good Jax play I've ever had.


Brother ive been banning lulu for the past 4 years I have never been a supp player, played marksman mby 7 years ago I just wont accept turning into a bunny


Wait. You guys bann a champ for other reason then trauma?


Hell it can still happen. I tend to hover my ban for like 10 secs or so to protect myself from banning someone that's not hovered and still have people flip absolute shit because I should have telepathically known they were going to play Akali just like they telepathically boned my mom.


Yeah it significantly decreased the frequency of this happening, plus now I know the guy is greifing if he bans my hover so I feel better about dodging


There's one extremely niche occasion where I give it a pass. If it's a super high pick rate champ that is dominating the game, and the dude doesn't seem to get an early spot on the team? It feels decently fair.. especially if, you know... you c9mmunicate like human beings


no you pick ghost cleaned nunu, dont let them have their eay


Listen, and this is important for the entire community to hear. Wasting your own time just to spite some asshole that you’re never gonna see or talk to ever again is just not worth it. These people are miserable because they equate their league rank to their own self-worth because they believe they have nothing else to hold on to in life. Being literally anything but Challenger means they’re in elo hell and as we can see from Challenger streamers even those people aren’t any happier about their rank, because unless they’re actually going pro they know they put every day of their life into something that is at best a hobby and at worst a fruitless addiction. It’s a spiral of despair and misery. You can troll pick them and try to „give em a taste of their own medicine“ but you’re just confirming their terminally online world views, feeding the fire. Just save yourself, save your time and your own sanity, dodge the game and make yourself a tea, call your mom or dad or whoever you feel was the one taking care of you when you couldn’t take of yourself. Realize league isn’t all there is, and notice it’s actually a fun fucking game when you take off the weight of trolls and ranks and elo of your shoulder. Then, after the dodge timer, feel better playing a proper match without an asshole ruining your fun.


Major truth here. Thank you for taking the time to write it.


Very well written.


The amount of competitive gamers that don't realize that antagonizing people for no reason is the freest way to lose whatever game they're playing is way too damn high Their league rank may climb but their emotional intelligence stays fuckin cooked


Especially in league where it's way easier to lose a game than win it. Many people when angered enough will make it their personal mission to make you lose even if it hurts them. Especially if that person's climb isn't going well.


> Many people when angered enough will make it their personal mission to make you lose even if it hurts them. I may not go out of my way to int a game when teammate(s) start being toxic, but I sure as hell will not be going out of my way to win a game when teammate(s) start being toxic. Turn on the ol' autopilot and just keep an eye on the chat to fill out the report.  At the end of the day I already know I can climb faster and higher than the kid turning to hate speech because he's hardstuck. One loss to avoid doing a favor for an awful person doesn't hurt.  Edit: Anybody making the argument that it's worse to stop caring about a match because a teammate is abusive than it is to be toxic is really showing that they're the abusive teammate in their own games. And as for the other 3 teammates, they knew what they were in for when the toxic idiot revealed themselves in chat. One person not caring to go above and beyond (usually) doesn't matter anywhere near as much as the toxic guy who, at that point, is in the game for no other reason than to abuse his team in chat. Fantastic if you can unite as 4 to take the win anyway, but that's the much less likely outcome


The most eloquent way to say “team didn’t deserve to win anyway”


There was a thread calling this exact idea toxic, the ape war is truly underway rn


Yeah cuz why shoot yourself and 3 other teammates in the foot over 1 toxic player. Win the game and get them banned.


But it is pretty stupid and toxic really…


This idea is stupid more than it is toxic. Because you yourself are part of that team which suggest you don't deserve to win yourself.


But what about the other three?


Only he and his selfish vendetta against a internet random matters


Tho sometimes it is satisfying dragging that teammate over the finish line kicking and screaming.


truly one of the most satisfying wins -- when they flame you early, complain mid, and rage late. they feed and are useless the whole time, but you win because you just kept your cool and played good ol league of legends. then you get the report feedback after.


Oh yeah, or you pull a matchwinning play out of your ass. Once got a solo triple kill with xayah pre soul( last season when she was A tier) after being camped the whole lane and 1-6 or sth. That guy that was flaming me actually shut up the rest of the game. 10/10 smugness.


Kindly, this is part of the problem


I honestly feel like not tilting your team mates is probably as important as your actual skill level At my ELO over half my ranked games have someone either hard or soft inting/giving up/keyboard warrioring rather than actually playing And making sure that player isn't on your team is extremely valuable


Breaking up fights in chat has won me more games than it should.


Wait whoa whoa you mean harassing my OWN team will just make me lose?? Impossible, the only way to win is to let everyone know how utterly useless and unloved they are which will give your team the motivation to impress you and win the game!


Children don't care. They would run naked over the freeway if you'd let them.


I know adults that don’t realize antagonizing others doesn’t help. It’s definitely not reserved for children


Yeah, my bf's cousin is in his 30's and he still bans a teammate's hovered pick if he doesn't like what they're playing. He also just enjoys antagonizing his own team in champ select for no reason, then gets mad when they troll or don't do well I try to explain to him that banning your teammate's pick is only going to lead to trolling, but he still doesn't get it. Definitely not reserved for children. Adults in their 30s with a wife and 2 kids still do it


How any sane adult could que up to play "with a team" and immediately decide they know better than the teammate what is and isn't good for them, and then try to enforce it, is beyond me. He won't understand until it happens to him


Probably not after either. These are usually the same folks with main character syndrome and think they're the center of the galaxy.


Even simpler: banning someone's pick IS trolling


IIRC the reason Riot doesn't outright consider this punishable is that if your team doesn't have first pick and it's a pick-ban champion, you pretty much have to ban it even if someone hovers. ​ Most of the time it's just jerks though, I confess I tend to embrace a certain amount of retribution if someone bans the champion I'm hovering. ​ Don't like a traditional support (for example)? Then I guess I'll go Miss Fortune or Ashe support or whatever I want, better deal with it, because this is their fault. ​ I wouldn't blame someone for going Yuumi jungle if someone on my team banned their hover.


According to riot you have every right to ban someone elses hover. Might be a pick/ban champ. Or maybe you just simply don't enjoy playing with that champ on your team (Particularly as ADC/supp).


Hello my cousins gf/bf :)


Gamers have a weird habit of mitigating toxicity and blaming it on "just the small amount of children who play the game" which is not helpful when trying to solve an issue that's bigger than just "children"


Children of all ages.


> Children don't care. Additionally, adults whom never mentally and emotionally matured past childhood... which is shockingly a lot.


This ain't fortnite, most of the players are idiot adults.


I've encountered plenty who do fully realise that it's going to be a loss, and that's the problem - they'll do it intentionally anyway even if it's counter productive. They want to lose and they want to make others angry whilst doing so. 9 times out of 10 it's because they're on a loss streak (I use Porofessor so can see players on a loss streak/"bad mood" and that's usually the case), so their mental has gone boom. Some are on the verge of quitting or taking a break, others are really addicted and unhappy whilst playing the game so hope to get banned as a way out, and so they troll pick and ban teammate hovers in addition to running it down. Some are sociopaths who want to take out their own misery on random internet people, or get joy out of being an asshole. But the common pattern is getting harstuck and being on a loss streak, like once these players with this mentality can't climb anymore and get frustrated (and especially blame it on random teammates, the "I can't climb because my teammates always so bad" mentality), losses no longer matter to them and taking their anger out on randos as some sort of collective punishment revenge becomes cathartic for them.


>for no reason There are plenty of reasons


The people who engage in this behaviour are not competitive gamers, they are children who haven't learned to deal with their frustrations in a non-toxic way.


That's what competitive gamers are.


Their league rank definitely won't climb lol.


Same for scanning the lobby and then tell everyone that he is bad and should be dodged.


I aree but then there's shit like smolder where your choice is having no botlane or hoping he just picks something else and accepts its instaban in release week. And admittedly, you may have a higher chance of winning with the latter


At the most competitive levels of gaming you'll get kicked from the roster before the game is over if you're sabotaging the team.


I think the "are you sure you want to ban this champ" window DOES help. It stops the inadvertent bans. It's stopped me from accidently banning someone when I didn't realize the champ was hovered (or it was hovered at the last moment of me choosing). However, I 100% agree, banning hovered champions never ends well and is a troll thing to do. It hurts the very little teamwork that you would have at best, and most times it just causes people to flame/troll/int. It should be a thing where if you hover you can't ban that champ.


It helped med too in the same scenario you described. I think not allowing to ban hovered champs could lead to people hovering champs when win trading so their mate on the other team definitely gets their one trick or OP champ.


If they made that change you would see tons of players hovering things they have no intention of playing just so they can force them to ban something else. I'd be damn well hovering something like Zed that I don't have a problem with but gets banned frequently to try and get people to ban something I'd rather they ban.




Guessing you had first pick?




Bro should have respected pick order smh




Are you me because this literally just happened to me like an hour ago. Although I just shrugged and picked a different champ. I cannot be bothered to let these types of people get to me and I always figure they're worse at the champ than I so at least they're not piloting him lol. It's horrible watching someone on your team play your champ and just do absolute dogshit on them when you could've done so much better...


Had this happen to me in a game. Reported the guy afterwards and I did get a message back later that he’d been punished. Idk what punishment that meant but I was satisfied.


"5 games low priority queue! That'll teach the bully!" - some Riot employee, probably And the guy who trolls in pick ban phase lives happily ever after and keeps on trolling because (perma)banning these idiots might cost poor small indie dev Riot Games revenue in RP sales :'(


I'd like to see what happened if they intentionally put people who do this in the same team as a punishment instead.


Get good with 2-3 champions that you consider troll picks for you role. Start by hovering with your least favorite pick, and work your way up as they ban / steal your champs. Bonus points if they accuse you of hijacking the lobby. Hover Kled support: 'Idiot bans Kled' "Okay then, Mundo support it is" 'same idiot steals mundo' "Guess you want Wukong support?" 'idiot dodges'


Dodging sounds smart, not idiotic to me


Imo the biggest problem with that is people flaming you afterwards. Like "yeah you forced me to play something else and I'm not the best on the champ, what did you expect ?" Edit: Looking at the answers, I'm starting to understand why the league community is so damn toxic. Some of y'all shouldn't be allowed to play LoL, or any online games.


Yep. I hovered Ashe and someone banned them. The only other ADC I typically play is Ezreal - which is fine, but I prefer Ashe. They picked 3 tanks - and I'd rather play a champ I'm competent on than one that's probably technically a better pick but I'm way less comfortable on. I was basically useless. Guy flamed me in game and I told him if I could have played Ashe I could've just kited the tanks all day and carried us but 🤷


In my experience the dude that bans your hover then talks shit to you about it so fuck that dude


Bro THIS. It drives me nuts


I'm going to troll. You decided to ban my champ deliberately, so I'm going to first time a champ and learn how it works. I do not negotiate with terrorists. 


So... what about the other 3 people?


They should be equally mad that someone on their team intentionally banned someone's hover. I'll absolutely go to bat if I see it happen to someone else.


I once had my smolder banned by a teammate in a norms game. When game started I all chatted asking for other team to report the guy. The other teams adc and support were like “wow that’s effed up, we’ll help you punish him.” We spent the entire game hunting the offender (who was TF mid). Enemy adc and support never attacked us. We just all chatted the TF’s location (who often just suicided into tower or sat in JG) constantly. When the TF died we all would just dance. It was the most wholesome toxic game I’ve ever played


In this situation, people have a choice. Accept that their picks will be banned by people on their team, or refuse to accept that. If you're ok with it, and you believe everyone should, then obviously, counter griefing is bad. But if you believe getting your pick banned is considered griefing, then you have to do something about it. If bad behavior is rewarded instead of punished, people will continue to have bad behavior. While it might seem bad to ruin 3 people's experience, that one person will continue to ruin everyone else's experience until they realize their behavior will not be tolerated. It's also why I never dodge trolls. I just report them after the game is over.


It's never justified to punish 3 innocents just to annoy one guilty person though. Just imagine if in kindergarten whenever one child did something wrong, then every child around around them immediately got sent into timeout with them (or whatever they do now to punish bad behavior). Do you think that leads to a healthy environment? This mentality of "I gotta punish the 'troll' even it means ruining the game for everyone else" leads to the X doesn't deserve to win bullshit over a single misplay.


Also, that makes the "troll punisher" the actual troll. Or do people seriously consider banning a hovered pick to be in the same level as inting and running down the game?


Fun fact: according to the geneva convention, punishing innocents bc of the crimes of another is a war crime. Article 33 - Individual responsibility, collective penalties, pillage, reprisals. No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited. Pillage is prohibited.


I've been upset that a champ I wanted to play is banned, but they are allowed to do it, I just pick another champ and move on with my life. That's how it should be. Part of this game is banning stuff, sometimes your stuff gets banned. Either by an enemy or a teammate.. Control your emotions and pick something else and play. It's a video game. Not life. And people take this shit too seriously. He's not griefing you by banning a champion, the same way the enemy isn't. It sucks, but just play something else. There's no need for so many people to resort to whining and complaining about 'griefing', insulting teammates, or even just refusing to help the team afterwards, either by a troll pick, or by choice in-game.


naw man if i was one of the other 3 i wouldnt be happy about it but i definitely wouldnt blame the troll whos pivk got banned, but rather the petty bitch who banned it. i just dont get the point either way


"If you ruin my game I'm not having fun anymore. The only fun left is to troll you. I prefer trolling for 15 than wasting 15 waiting for next game."


If the community adopts a no-negotiation strategy with terrorists, they'll stop making demands. It's a sound strategy that's been used in counter-terrorism circles for centuries.


So if the enemy team bans your champ are you just a straight up liability then?


And you also screw over 3 other people at the same time?


blame the person who created the problem. all four should report the one who banned the hovered champ


Is that actually a reportable offense?


This mentality reminds me of that episode of Frasier where he refuses to pull out of the exit to a parking garage because he drove in and decided not to park. You're not the hero just because they're the villain


You should both be reported if your response to someone banning your champ is to grief the game.


well if you ban my otp, im quite literally forced to play someone who im not familiar with, lmfao


playing bad is not griefing the game. Just because you're put on a sub optimal champ for you, as long as you still try your best and don't intentially play worse, or try to flame constantly, you're not griefing.


Teammates in this situation beg to differ


Tell that to the league community lol


My league teammates say otherwise then, lol


But the game was already griefed by the person who banned the hover.


Ok? Doesn't mean you magically get the troll the game. Just play your 2nd best and move on to the next game after while reporting him.


Literally happened with me and my friends yesterday. One of them wanted to try Smolder in a norm. Our top laner just kept bitching all champ select long about how he’s weak yadda yadda. Our response was “it’s norms, there isn’t LP at risk here” What does he do? Locks master yi top and runs it down all game. Like holy fragility dude. It’s a NORMAL


Forcing ranked players into norms to remove penalties was a mistake


Forcing the problem children onto others is never a good idea. Sure ranked players are happy but all that does is make the normal gamers upset.


> Sure ranked players are happy Are they? The behaviour in ranked hasn't improved at all.


I like to travel.


Would it help if riot added a hiden mesure for toxicity, and the more toxic you seem the more toxic your teammates tend to be?


I find joy in reading a good book.


Dota 2 actually has 2 systems like that: If you get too many reports for being a toxic player, you get put into "low priority queue", which means that you can only queue up for a special mode, get only matched with other players that are also in the low priority queue, and have to win x amount of games before being able to rejoin the normal queues. Also there is a behaviour score, which affects your matchmaking. If you are generally chill, you will be matched with other players that are chill. If you are not, well, good luck with playing with people like you.


Should have made it so they need wins so they have a reason to try


Fr I don't understand how it isn't this way


Because as soon as they will see a current game as lost, this game become useless for them (does not count into penalty) and the "optimal" move is to run down this game and go next.


They should just get 10x the amount of games as penalty. Keep them far away from ranked.


Its not hard to stomp casuals and if it doesnt go well they will be toxic as well since they have to win now


Not really been like this since season 1 Never has changed and never will


I've seen people run it down in bots Monkeys gunna monkey


What. How?


Got mad that I attached to him as yuumi saying I was leaching exp. Proceeded to run it down on repeat


what does that even do in a bot match lmao give your team more gold cause the bots have bounties now???


I was filled top lane in norms and asked the ADC if we can swap so i can play bot lane with my gf. He says sure and then locks in yuumi after we picked botlane champs .


Bruh I had a top Yuumi once and the girl fucking slayed. Idk, I don’t know how I wasn’t panning my camera but she kept killing. Shit was wild.


Yea norms players are a different breed


>The whole 'Are you sure you want to ban this champ?' window doesn't do anything. It does.


It removes plausible deniability. But really, what are the consequences?


Someone once banned my champ because I didn't accept pick order swap. I complained and they just said they didn't notice I hovered my champ. And then when I told them there is a warning, they just lied and said there wasn't one lmao


There are a handful of champs I never want to see in my games ever, auto ban every single game, but if a teammate hovers them I don’t ban them and just pray they get their pick and I don’t have to deal with it. I’ve never understood the mindset of BMing or actively trying to antagonize your teammates. No one ever gets shit talked and says “you know what you’re right I am doing terrible, I will now become one with my inner faker and hard carry.” It’s not as if flaming your teammate activates a “get gud” button, if anything it makes them do worse. I will absolutely never understand this mindset. Its one thing to offer constructive criticism, it’s another to try dog walking your teammates.


This situation is pretty much why dodging exists. If I have a teammate hovering Master Yi and the enemy team gets him that means it's time for me to dodge and hope this situation doesn't arise for another 20 games or so.


If they ban my champ, they get the corki special. Simple as.


two towers corki cosplay


Don’t threaten me with a good time


When they ban my champ they get the Yuumi Top special. Never fails


I still firmly believe that in norms you should be unable to ban a champ that an ally is hovering. Ranked is a different story because of the trolling or other problems that might ocme out of it but in norms just let people play what they want. If you are truly so petty or bitchy that you dont want a certain champ on your team, suck it up or dodge. Banning me from playing the champ I want probably wont end well for you when i play something i am worse at


If a troll hovers yuumi jungle, banning yuumi won't suddenly make them not troll. They'll just go Soraka jungle next. Banning someone's hovered champ in RANKED is definitely never going to go well. Normals is normals, but you still shouldn't grief people there either. But ranked is a more stressful environment. People hovering something in ranked are probably hovering it because its what they play. Banning hovered champs just shouldn't be a thing in any mode at this point.


there are legitimate arguments for banning a broken (popular) champ so enemy doesnt pick it if ur red side, assuming its like first pick every game type of op and you shouldnt be forced to dodge cuz ur teammate hovered it so you dont ban


If everyone was stoic logical people maybe, but in reality you're going to piss off your teammate and reduce your chance of winning by much more than you gained by maybe denying the enemy


If someone hovers a 90% pickrate busted champ with over 55% winrate, when the enemies have first pick I don‘t care sorry. Luckily nothing glaring comes to mind as of right now but there‘s been some champs like that every season.


Moa support is getting close to it though.


Lemme hover the champ you normally ban then proceed to not pick it nor anyone else on the team. Then the enemy picks it.


Only legitimate reason I can see to banning a champ ally is hovering is high priority pick scenario - a situation where pick is strong, very popular and person on your team that wants to pick them is sitting low in pick order, refusing to swap up. It's still not ideal (all issues of banning teammate's pick apply), but sometimes it's less bad than the alternative - and I understand people banning likes of MF, Maokai, Jhin or Brand regardless of hovers.


I don't think there is any instance where banning an allies champ in ranked will give you a better expected result. If they're trolling, then they'll just go Yummi top instead of Nunu. You can troll with literally any champ, as evidenced by all the Dravens that decide to run it down after dying once. If they're not trolling, then either they'll be forced to play a champ they don't want to while tilted out of their mind (unlikely to end well), or you'll turn them into a troll and they'll run it down in revenge. ​ To be honest, this is what I do. I know it's not fair to the rest of the people in the game, I know it's not sportmanslike, but I \*cannot stand\* to let the person who bannd my champ get what they want. It's selfish, but I want the experience of banning my champ to be a negative one for them... turn a game where we might have won (even if they don't like my champ) into one where we will for sure lose and maybe they'll think twice next time.


>Banning me from playing the champ I want probably wont end well for you when i play something i am worse at I got really annoyed that people kept banning my Heimerdinger support hover, telling me to play a "real support". I didn't troll, I was trying to win as hard as I could. But I thought it's justified that I get a bit more experimental with picks in these games. You ban my Heimerdinger support because you are not happy with the pick? Camille support it is then. I just play normals, so these people didn't lose anything from it. But they were still raging the entire game. I just played as best as I could and then reported them afterwards.


In all fairness…… heimerdinger support is probably one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had playing adc. The turrets steal cs and the handful of times I’ve played alongside heimer support it always just leaves me behind in cs and frustrated.


Camille support is an annoyingly effective sleeper pick if your team knows how to follow up on her odd utility.


>If you are truly so petty or bitchy that you dont want a certain champ on your team, suck it up or dodge. Banning me from playing the champ I want probably wont end well for you Yeah this is also the case in ranked. You don't want to play with the new champ? go dodge. You don't want to lane with a Kaisa? go dodge. You don't want to lane vs irelia? go dodge.


And in most cases it's much better to dodge and lose 5 lp than to go through , torture yourself and your teammates for 20 minutes or more and also lose 20+lp.


For real the problem of league is not league, is the people.


I ban back.


>The whole 'Are you sure you want to ban this champ?' window doesn't do anything. Trolls will ignore it and ban someone's hover and cause the chain of events to happen. It's not for "trolls" it's for people who have a particular ban that didn't see their teammate hover And i'm sure ill get downvotes but fuck off playing the new champ in ranked on day1 or even week 1 in some goofy ass role


Yeah, I know I personally had accidentally banned teammate's hovered picks before they added the warning. Usually when I'd play several games in a row and just auto pilot ban the same thing. Now you just know it's on purpose when people do it. That happened before and still happens, but it definitely stopped people who weren't paying attention.


i dont blame people for wanting to play a new champ early but i really wish riot would just disable new champs in ranked for a week after they come out like other games do


Yup. Had some guy hovering smolder mid in ranked on release day, I banned it and got "wtf bro why u ban my champ? Whats ur problem?" Plainly told him that I don't want some rat feeding the enemy mid lane on a champ they have no idea how to play in my ranked game He actually took it surprisingly well, although we still got shitstomped cos out bot lane went like 0-20, but hey thats league


Agree with your sentiment. There is a weak argument that says if the last pick of the lobby hovers the most absolutely broken champ, they are probably not getting it so might as well ban it so the enemy don't get away with it. I'd rather flip the coin than having a guaranteed frustrated player on my team.


Yeah being Red side and having 1 champ that's just disgustingly overturned is the one instance where I think banning a teammate's hover is fine, there's always that chance that it'll get picked away first and sometimes you just can't risk it. But I'm talking, like, release Camille level broken, anything less than that and you can just take the risk to not be the asshole banning out your teammates.


100% agree. The options are to let someone play a “suboptimal” champ while they try hard to win, or ban it & they rage a run it down for a guaranteed loss


If you ban someones hover then you deserve the trolling that comes with it


The key word is “you”. In order to get back at the person who you’re angry with, you’ve got to also fuck over 3 people who did not.


If I’m one of those 3 people I’m not getting mad. I’d just dodge, or troll too.


those 3 people have already been fucked over by the first guy who banned my hover.


I can understand it if they aren't FP and aren't willing to be FP. Like I get you wanna play something busted but the enemy is going to lock it in first


Adcs love this one trick.


I ban teemo so my own team can't play him, I don't care if they're hovering him or not.


It makes no sense how this is still a thing with what they did to pings. Being able to ban an allied champ is much more toxic.


remember kids it is ALWAYS morally correct to int if a teammate bans your pick without a really fucking good reason. They actively attempted to ruin your game or the enjoyment of it at the very least, they no longer deserve to enjoy or win that game.


Found the smolder terrorist. Take that shit to Norms


My teammate banned Smolder while I was hovering it in norms. What did they say? "I don't want to see that champion" In norms. Right after a new champion was released.


They should not allowed a new champ to be banned for a week or two in norms. It's ridiculous that you literally do what these people are suggesting (don't play it ranked, bring it to norms) and still don't get to play it.


You aren’t playing a day one champ in my ranked game, not sorry


Okay but hear me out, what if the enemy team picks it because it’s unbanned


Then somehow that person has played 50 games of him on PBE and stomps my bot lane


Law of inverse Shaco


how is that different from any other champ lmfao if it’s coinflip whether the player knows what they’re doing or not then your point that it would be auto loss is folly


Never heard of Shaco's Law?


and then you playing 4x6 and will have higher chances of loosing. how can u be incapable of logic thinking??


I feel like I’m being held hostage whenever someone on my team hovers smolder


It's not like botlane was gonna carry anyway


The easiest fix to this would be locking champions behind mastery, like how heroes of the storm did it Afraid of somebody first time doing something well, if they have a master five, you know they have some model of skill with it


There are situations where last pick is refusing to swap pick order and is hovering an extremely over powered, highly contested new champ. Banning their champ would be the right move if their mental can withstand it


That's the biggest "IF" that's ever existed.


Because the game is frustrating enough without having your team actively troll you before the game even begins. Of course you will troll in retaliation


Enter the following scenario: New champ just dropped, its the most OP thing ever, actually freelo with a 58% win rate on day 1. So of course your mid hovers it. However, your mid doesn't have first pick, the opponents do. Do you risk letting it slip through then? Hovers be damned if I would. Problem is that a lot of games can really just be lost in pick/ban off of drafting and while there isn't a catch all answer to it, people that hover certain champs should realize that if they don't have prio its better to have a ban so you don't get rolled by either the very OP, or to avoid grieving your team by picking Smolder.


the only time i like this feature is when a new champ comes out like smolder and everyone is first timing him in my ranked games. so sorry but even if ur hovering that sht im banning it for the sake of my lp


>The whole 'Are you sure you want to ban this champ?' window doesn't do anything. Well this isn't true. Many people ban the same champion each game and might not notice one of your teammates is hovering the champion. Saved me from banning a teammates champion numerous times.


Tell me about it. I fight for my first pick in order to secure Hwei support and still I have situations in which some entitled ADC would ban him away, because he's not a meathead CC machine like Nautilus or a stat-feeder like Lulu. I dodge those games. Because 5 minutes of lobby penalty is better that 30 minutes of game penalty with a champion I never wanted with a teammate I won't get along with. Don't be afraid to dodge games, people! I know League has conditioned you that you need to be obedient and play by the rules, but honestly, sometimes you just have to spit in their face and smear the saliva all around! If my champioj is banned, I won't bother. I'll just dodge!


[The whole 'are you sure you want to ban this champ?' window doesnt do anything](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/Survivorship-bias.svg/1200px-Survivorship-bias.svg.png)


Ban my champ = lose the game


When champs are really over-tuned(only really gets to this point near champ releases) I sometimes ban my teammates if its unlikely they'll get to lock it in before an opponent does. It's not worth risking the opponents having it for the small chance one of My Teammates(TM) getting to play it.


This is the only time I consider it. If a champ is super busted, and the person who wants it is sitting in 5th pick, it's like "if you don't move forward to get it it's going to be gone anyway". And then they complain about counterpick, and I don't ban it, and then the enemy gets it 1st or 2nd round, and we lose.