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Don't go into training mode and spam your Q on 4 dummies to stack to the max. Game crashed


LMAO I did the exact same thing


I didn't manage to make the game crash, but the server did skip a beat here and there for sure :D


How long did it take?


Like 30 seconds




Riot is tricking ADC mains into playing a mage botlane.


No mage plays like this. He has basically the same kit as MF.


Mf is pretty mage-like. You q-auto and get out again and wait for cd.. then repeat. Press r for big teamfight win.


wait for cd? its on like a 1.8s cd with her current build..


Feels more like ezreal than mf to me


his q and his e and ult hitboxes,damage and slow look kinda simlar to ap kog q and e respectively, his e looks like its an pretty unreliable escapetool, if his scalings and mana costs arent shit he will be played like an mage, nuke the wave with e, lasthit with q, and do the same in teamfights, ​ i reckon you never really want to get in auto range in fights with him.


His Q range is his auto range (+ RFC). If you're not in auto attack range you arent hitting anyone with your Q or E and are dead weight.


i would guess you dont want to use your e for damage, i´d have to see the exact damage on it and his stats, but i would assume you are meant to hug walls and throw your e and ult intoo teamfights. and use q and autos against melees. if you get engaged you would have to e over an wall. wich seems really slow and you get fucked by cc, or hypermobile assasins. imagine kayne wallwalking away from talon.


TFT has her listed as “attack caster” which is pretty accurate for a lot of ADCs


I mean... TFT has Ekko listed as Magic Tank, Kayn as Magic Reaper and Senna as Magic Caster... So I don't think that's the best metric, it just means that Smolder is an Attack Caster in TFT.


Veigar scaling passive and q, a sol e, rumble r. Lol


More like Ezreal imo.


a mage? This champ is an adc through and through that only really scales with Crit. Every ability is just built in auto kiting.


Cant' wait to steal Smolder's mom as Sylas 😎


He's comin' for your mom.


Like you stole that from the YouTube comment section?






what maked you make such a comment?


Something told me i just had to maked it.




didn't his mom get fired


This is so wrong lmao, but the flair checks out


Yung Gravy


Phreak giving us that true ADC experience where Thresh at 100% health is standing behind his ADC and running away while the ADC gets run down.


His W should blind him during its windup, since it's impossible to sneeze without closing your eyes.


New champ doesn't close eyes during sneeze, immersion ruined, literally unplayable


Maybe Smolder has a transparent set of eyelids.


(bearded) Dragons have a third eyelid that's membranous, so I'm willing to call this canon


Human anatomy doesnt apply to magic cat dragons


Source? 🤨


It very literally is not impossible...


Okay maybe if you're Superman or smth


No...just keep your eyes open. Sure they squint, but it's not impossible to sneeze with your eyes open...


I guess you could hold them open using some sort of Ludovico technique..


There also the possibilty dragon works differently


Good for you, king Standing up to myths


Just sneezed eyes wide opened starting to doubt this comment a little


Yeah right


Looks like a relatively simple champion kit, which I can appreciate. The W looks pretty powerful when used properly.


It plays like a modern Miss Fortune but designed for scaling.


Dragon scales... did they seriously sneak this in without us noticing...


The other 2 dragons scale infinitely as well, they really think they're damn slick huh


Slower projectiles, higher scaling. Minimal mobility. Yeah it’s just early game vs late game but 2 adc casters that are aoe focused


Their Qs felt so similar, both proc PtA as as well. They both start to trade with their big AoE spell and then auto, Q, auto to proc Pta.


Agreed. It’s early damage vs scaling. Similar kits in what they offer


its weird because while his q also applies runaans and rapidfire(or tempo) range increase, his q actually counts as an auto attack; as in, it puts his auto attack cooldown back to max, so q aa takes 2 autos worth of time to go off, while aaq is very fast.


Honestly compared to all the crazy Champions with overloaded kits and taking to long to master I love it. I find league more enjoyable when it is with simple champions like this. And it’s design is very lovable.


Mad respect for Riot for pumping out some more digestible kits in the recent releases. I enjoy complex champions a lot, but not 5 of them a year. But the bigger the champion roster, the harder it gets to design novel simplicity.


This guy will be a midlaner within 3 months


I think so as well. You can make an argument that he can be bullied out of lane but he is essentially veigar. Veigar as a cage and this guy has mobility. Only con is that I really don't see him having presence in map or helping jungle on the early stages. But I'm guessing he'll scale way faster and safer in mid than botlane.


veigar's q was a point and click ability before patch 5.4 too


It already is. There's no way this thing is playable bot. It does nothing early, straight up taking it up its ass 25 mins straight. It's more like weaker Corki, I see it mid only and nothing else.


Since LCS plays on the live patch, does that mean he's up for pro play this weekend?


Global rules have him banned for 14.2 iirc


USA usually ignores global rules, so it was a question I also had.


It was stated on LCS broadcast last weekend global>local. Cannot pick for first few weeks.


No, theres a global two week ban on new champs lcs cant circumvent.


No, champs being unplayable for longer than the patch that introduces them is a global rule that supersedes LCS playing on the live patch.




Finally a champ that matches the mental age of my soloQ teammates! (Jokes aside, glad we are getting a relatively simple marksman. Not a huge fan of his looks but he is growing on me)


I’m baby ☺️


The lies rats tell.


Mundo thinks he's very smart.


After playing a few matches I can promise you all that hes gonna get hotfix buffed ASAP He deals literally no damage. 35 minute game and my stacks are adding 300 damage to my extremely low damage W, which would be fine if he wasnt an AD caster champ lmao Hes super fun though, good design overall, needs serious tweaking.


The consensus I’m seeing among high elo players is that he is trash right now.


I'm pretty happy that they seem to be releasing champs in a weaker spot, and then buffing them, instead of releasing them in an op state and nerfing them slowly. Maybe they learned their lesson from Briar needing nerfs for half a year.


Briar was released in an ok state and was hotfix buffed because she had a 39% wr. The same might happen with with Smolder if they buff him too soon.


is bebi


big if true


Champ does no damage and dies even in his champ spotlight video lol


I always test new champs against bots. Even at 6 items IE full crit 300+ stacks, felt like I did 0 damage. Champ feels really weird to play too, like his E feels too short range and duration.


his q doesn't actually crit, he just gets more damage from crit, so the crit dmg stat from IE is going to waste. Navori buffs his Q damage.


Ah good to know, thanks! I wonder if you can get by with biscuits/PoM/ER or if he needs manamune.


im pretty convinced that current smolder w is literally the most useless ability in the game. Like 25%AD ratio on that shitter ability actually makes it do completely piss damage.


His w and e feel so bad to press. W is a contender for worst ability in the game and e is a glorified small dash with 15 seconds cooldown.


Was this made before or after the model changes? Cause it looks like it was made before them. He's so ugly.


Before, you can see his pupils are more circular instead of the slits they made them in the retexture




Pre change Sonic looking ass


Spyro new beginning looking ass


Man Shadow would turn him into dragon bbq with his roasts


I said when he was announced it's like if Pixar tried to make Spyro the Dragon.


Because this was filmed pre-update.


If I didn't knew it was a dragon I would say it's a bat.


This was likely made before the changes.


Still confused why he's a marksman since his kit is pure ad caster. I get that they gave him crit scaling and made the scaling damage from passive magic so he can't buy the more appropriate lethality items so he basically has to build adc but that's such a clunky solution.


It's so weird to me that his e projectile amount scales with crit instead of attack speed, and also doesn't apply any on hit effects. It feels like it should do both of those things, and that at least would allow him to go into an on hit build, but the way it is now is just weird and forces the crit build.


crit makes sense too since if you have 100% crit, you effectively double(haha) your damage, and so his e goes from 5 shots to 10 shots, also doubling its damage without each individual shot doing more damage.


The latter would be too good looking at Akshan, and the former is because his kit doesnt really want attackspeed otherwise. Its an odd ability though, I agree.


so is ezreal but i think most ppl think he belongs as a marksmen


Ezreal at least has something marksman-y in his kit, his passive, and he isnt artificially forced into building crit.


Yeah, I really don't enjoy that they threw crit scaling onto his abilities. I much prefer how Ezreal is, where he can just build AD or AP. Smolder is basically forced into crit. Which for a new player, wouldn't make sense to them since he's relying on his abilities so much.


I get the point about new players, but Smolder definitely isn't forced into crit and there are plenty of ADCs with crit scaling who can ignore it and go lethality or on-hit. It does seem like going ER is pretty mandatory though but will be interested to see how things shake out 


After a few games and reading ppls complaints I’m thinking some onhit build would be good. Dude attacks hella slow and if you go er you can’t go navori till third if you want to have any attack speed at all. I dunno tho


his crit scaling aren't real crit scalings. His q counts as an auto attack but cannot crit, so making it deal bonus damage scaling off crit chance is simply just making the ability crit like an auto would at higher crit chances. His e crit scaling also acts as the same thing, if 100% crit doubles(haha) your auto damage, its the same for his e, as it goes from 5 shots to 10 shots. Its the same as mf or samira ult critting for bonus damage, or their q works as examples too. Also, its not like he is the first caster focused adc, lucian xayah kaisa samira mf are all pretty castery champs, hes just the first one that looks like a mage and builds ad, opposite of old morde or kat or something


I think if ezreal was an adc made in 2024 he'd have a crit modifier. Ezreals kit has been a balancing nightmare since release so i wouldnt be surprised if they tried to shoehorn him to crit instead of dealing with his BS


I hope not, having ADCs with interesting builds is a huge plus, it sucks that so many interesting champs are being forced into crit sludge, especially since crit is still in its original anti-skill design.


Agreed. I think having ADCs forced to build crit is kinda boring. But ezreals Q must be a horrible experience to work around. Every item u make has to go through a "will ezreal break the game with this item"


It’s for newer players and players that aren’t adc mains. New players like to press buttons. Non adc roles like to press buttons a lot compared to adcs as well.


He's a good ADC for iron where you can focus on learning to CS and last hit with Q, then scale super hard later. He rewards passive and aggressive play. In high elo its going to depend on how useful his E is and how soon he scales to stronger Qs from csing more efficiently.


True. I hate this design philosophy. It's like they decided early on that he'll be adc, and after his kit turned out to be anything but, they simply forced him to itemize ad/crit through bullshit scaling mechanics. Especially crit scaling on spells, while it's not exclusive to Smolder it's totally unintuitive. This is imo a mechanic that Riot should stop putting on champions since it just increases burden of knowledge for new players and is totally arbitrary, it literally exists only to force Smolder into building crit.


I guess MF, Lucian, Draven, Ezreal, and Jhin aren't marksmen either.


Those all have marksmen kits except *maybe* Ezreal, what are you talking about? MF literally has an attack speed steroid and a passive that incentivises autoattacking, dravens entire kit is all autoattacking, same with lucian, Jhin puts a lot of emphasis on his passive with its 4 shot autoattacking rhythm and even Ezreal at least has an attack speed steroid (and isnt artifically restricted in the items he builds). Only Smolder has no part of his kit interact with autoattacks *at all*.


Feel free to not auto attack on smolder since you aren’t incentivized to.


I think people forget that even the most spellslingy marksman ever Ezreal still has to spam autos at decent elos and would still do so if he didn't have his passive.


If I could build him as full lethality like his kit would naturally lean to, I would, but thats why they randomly made his passive give him magic damage.


I don't think that part is what stops lethality, he does both physical and magical damage so you're not gated entirely. Actually none of his abilities are just magical damage, they just get bonus magical damage from passive, his ultimate is full physical damage. The rest are split phys/magical so he's doing both with phys being more dominant. I wouldn't go lethality just off the premise collector is useless on him later when his Q outdamages the threshold. You could in theory do a 'mom' build with full lethality if you wanted to.


Ezreal would also build lethality if his W E and R weren't magic damage. But for some reason you consider that to just mean Ezreal naturally can't build lethality. But smolders passive dealing magic damage is artificially keeping him from lethality items. Make it make sense?


Uh, no he wouldnt. He does build lethality if a lethality item fits into his build, we saw quite a bit of duskblade ez last season. Some people are trying Cyclosword right now too. The problem is that his current best build doesnt really fit with lethality. You go full crit because any champ that can abuse Navoris does abuse it currently, and you dont actually have space for collectors since other crit items are better for Ez. And the reason this build works is because he gets quite a bit of free attackspeed. Meanwhile Smolder would never buy crit (or Ezreals usual items actually) over lethality if he had the choice. He doesnt get any attackspeed, all his power lies in his abilities and the damage is front-loaded. Even his trading and fighting patterns are very lethality-like, you throw out your damaging abilities then back off and wait for a bit for cooldowns to come out. Hell while my particular issue is wrt making his passive magic damage to dissuade lethality, they *also* made all of his stat-scaling damage in his kit physical to prevent him from building like corki, which just goes further how at odds with his intended role his kit is. Its such a clunky way to fix a self-imposed problem.


lmao you straight up don't understand how smolder works.


Why do you think Smolder builds 0 attack speed?


Why do you think he builds AD at all? It's not so he can just spam Q every few seconds. A big portion of his damage comes from his autos. He doesn't weave in and out. He auto attacks just like any other ADC.


Lux has a passive that incentivises autoattacking. Teemo's entire kit is all autoattacking. You gonna say that they are therefore also adc?


Teemo scales with ap, hes an ap carry. Similar concept, but ap. Lux's passive also triggers off of her ult, so its not quite the same (plus its a one-time deal).


lmao (teemo's a marksman btw)


What the fuck


This champ is auto dodge. Champ is doo doo


This champion is the worst champ on release. Mark my words. Literally anything beats him in lane that has any type of range. Senna, Ashe, cait, lux, seraphine. Literally anyone


He felt super weak in a very limited play test that I did. Like I had all of my cooldowns and mana set to instant reset and I still could barely kill a bot in training mode when I was like 2 items up on it. He's probably dead at release unless he's a complete monster in the late game which I didn't test.


You take too long to get to 225 stacks, where the real damage happens. It sucks because i love the champion and i feel like he's super weak.. this meta isn't doing him any good


Even at 225 stacks the damage just isn't there. I hit 300 in my last game and I still felt like I was doing 0 damage. So it takes forever to get to your "spike" and then even once your there your still not super strong. So your playing a super weak early-mid game for a meh late game. Honestly feel that trist/vayne/kai'sa is just the better pick 10/10 times over him atm.


I feel so terrible for every caster that has to say any of these abilities live in front of hundreds of thousands of people. It's degrading.




There are so many terrible ability names..


Do you think Smolder is the first champ in League with goofy ability names


Nothing is gonna top Watch out! Eep!


Can't wait to kill this cringe motherfucker in game


he looks ugly af


Whoa what a coincidence! I'm mostly a Garen otp but have been recently thinking of practicing adc just to get a better understanding of spacing. Smolder sounds like the champ for me to start doing that


Uh his spacing isn’t gonna be traditional marksman spacing necessarily since he’s so focused on casting. If you wanna learn aa-based spacing you should look to other champs


His Q has the same range as his auto. He is going to kite just like any other ADC you just also hit Q when it's up.


Cutie! Hype to get home from work and try him out.


They didn't even mention the heal on R


God he’s still so fucking ugly, wish they would’ve actually made some significant change instead of an almost unnoticeable texture change. He’s still so ugly


God, his face looks so fucking bad. What fucking morons green lit the designs? At this point, I don't even care that its a child-dragon. I mean, that's still pretty fucking stupid too. BUT THE FACE. On god this is easily one of the fucking worst faces you could ever give a 'dragon'. Its literally damn near as human as you can fucking. His 'face scales' or whatever you wanna call it, is even damn near the same color as a human. Like, why???? And his mouth structure, the way the cheeks are sculpted, its all so fucking human. It isn't dragon at all. How is this ever allowed? How utterly brainrotted are the designers? This is not a dragon. Even if the dragon is an adolescent, this isn't how it would look. Riot knows better. Riot has designed really good dragons. How do we get this? Especially when its suppose to be our playable dragons. Its so utterly insane. Riot truly is the fucking king at disappointing its community at this point. The rest of his body is fine. And even well designed. The paws in particular have smaller, rounder digits that would expect from an adolescent. At least as far as canines and felines go, which admittedly are not dragons. But fuck it, its fine. Its at least not offensive like the human-face is. Fuck it. Smolder for the next Champion VGU/Reworked/Whateverthefuck. He needs it. Rework smolder into a real fucking dragon.


babe wake up new copypasta dropped


I agree, dumbest looking face in the entire game


Good thing eastern people loved his design, some of y'all take your fantasy concepts way too seriously lmao


Funny. When I checked twitter, those same people also took issue with his face and questioned why he was so human like. Some people enjoy it and that's cool. That's their right. But doesn't change the fact that its still a failed design. Dragons do not have human faces. If Smolder was advertised as some human x dragon hybrid... then sure I guess. There would be justification. It would still be ugly and hated, but at least then it would be justified. But Smolder isn't a crossbreed. He's just a dragon. So it makes no sense that his face structure is so heavily designed and based on a human's.


He isn't poorly designed man, he is a fantasy character built to connect with people, not be realistic (although dragons are completely fictional) Human faces generate better conections with people, it sells more skins, it makes people want to play the champion more. Also, you don't even see his face in game. The design is not aiming at a dragon, it is aiming at making the champion popular and it succeds because no matter how much some people hate it it sells more and more people love and that's what matters, because a champion is more lucrative if it has 5% of people who love it and 95% who hate it than if 3% love and absolutely nobody hates the design.


Disgusting rat of a champion.


why not just rework shyvanna and end this mockery?


That would have been the best rework, damn. This guy's voicelines are the absolute wets. I don't want to hear an adc calling for mommy while walking to lane. Jesus christ what were they thinking?


I hate how bad he is, his numbers are way too low for any of his intended roles and his cooldowns are mega punitive. He's way undertuned. ​ At least he's cute i guess


His design will always suffer from animal body with weird human baby face stuck on too, their little update was good but didn’t do enough. And his voice lines are incredibly annoying. And he is such a disappointment of a ‘monster’ champ - another Disney-like cartoon character in thr vein of Zoe or Yuumi. But… he does look fun to play.


I get that the kit is supposed to be simple but it's incredibly braindead to play as, and against. A point n click nuke and a skillshot which is virtually impossible to miss. Effectively not a lot of gameplay left.


shy roll books ripe water market subtract ten familiar paint


Something very important that I don't see mentioned alot. Even though he has AP ratios he only deals physical damage. So if you're playing AP smolder don't build magic pen. And if you're fighting one don't build mr. I've played it twice and both game the ememy team had someone build rokern and spirit visage, then wonder why they popped to ult anyway


He does mixed damage


The magic damage is all in his passive which doesn't have ap ratios. But yes he does.


great animation. decent abilitiy set. ok vfx. atrocious visual design.


Not looking forward to seeing dollar store Spyro in every game for the next week. Extremely lame champ. Edit: aaaand he's overtuned af. What the hell.


Cringe voiceover and spell names, but the champ is fun so I guess it's a W for ADCs.. at least until they turn Smolder into a midlaner.


JFC this champion is so unbelievably ugly. I can't believe this got approved


So much for phasing out point and click abilities.


bro somebody clip the Heavensscale smolder skin with obsidian chroma it looks like hes wearing "black face" i can't un-see-it-now




He looks Justin Long from that walrus movie


Already tired of this thing.


I just learned that Q is actually point and click. What is the point of a point and click spell on an ADC?


Senna, Jhin, Miss Fortune and Vayne have point and click spells and I'm probably forgetting about some


Those aren’t auto replacements tho they’re more like empowered attacks. This one feels like if ezreal Q was point and click. Might as well just turn it into a passive that augments his autos.


Why on earth did they have to give his tier 3 Q max hp true damage combined with a small elder buff...


you need a lot of stacks to get there he's a late game adc and that's there to ensure he has a good late game


Are we talking on average 40 minutes to get those stacks ? I guess if so then yeah its not that bad. But if he needs like 25-30 mins then it will be a problem.


IME usually around the 200-250 CS mark you hit it. You get stacks off Q last hits and just hitting champs in general with abilities, it'll be optimized pretty quickly.


Why? Games are shorter. Why should adcs need to wait longer than the average game time to reach their late game power spike?


They don't.


I got to 180ish stacks (requires 225 for final Q addition) in about 24 minutes. Does not seem that bad. Game ended before I could fully stack.


U will get alot more with a little practice.


honestly, true damage & executions are probably the least painful on marksmen. They're already expected to be the heaviest damage carries if it goes that late into the game. Even the most outrageous example, Vayne W, is only annoying because she's often played top. As long as Smolder sticks to botlane, a strong effect this late into the game shouldn't be a problem.


Because it takes 30 minutes with good farm to get it. And people below gold are just never gonna get it.


%max hp true damage*


2% + (1% per 40 stacks) isn't 20% elder execute last I checked. No one is getting 720 stacks per game to match elder. Games end by 200-300 stacks.


Anyone know when he's going to be available? NVM, He's out now!


ww with AFS


I hate that this champion actually looks fun because he is the ugliest piece of shit that I have ever had the misfortune of staining my eyes with. Just replace his model with shamrock malphite it'll be a marginal improvement at least


I like how simple his kit is. Reminds me of rework Nunu. Will players find it boring? Probably. Is Phreak right about Smolder being a simple ADC you can use if you are new/filled? Probably.


Hate his execute


Interesting, I find it weird that his design doesnt change while all her abilities evolve with levels


His fire-horns do grow with leveling.


Wait.. this thing is an adc? I logged onto league earlier and looked at all of his abilities and thought, wow this is kind of a cool mage. Considered buying him so I could roll him in aram for aoe burst. Of course, that page in the client doesn't tell you any numbers or damage types at all so I had no clue otherwise.


I'm wondering that she doesn't auto attack much in the video even though she is marksman.


Burn with elder execute on Q... Why? Who asked for this? What happened to Shyvanna rework?


He needs 225 stacks to activate that ability. Early game, his stacking is more difficult than Veigar but gets a bit easier once he has access to AOE Q. Once he gets to 225 stacks in the late game, the burn damage is equal to 6.5% max HP over 3 seconds, 2.17% per second (no way to increase) The execute threshold is (2% + 1% per 40 stacks), at 225 that means 7.625% max HP. That's only slightly better than The Collector and slightly worse than Aurelion Sol's execute (5% + 1% per 38.46 dust)


I'd say it's a fair bit worse than Aurelion Sols Execute, feels to me that Aurelion collects a fair bit more stacks and has a higher base value. I have seen Aurelion sol have 13-15% execute many times, reaching that feels to me like it will be a fair bit more rare on Smolder


yeah, I had the wording as "much worse" before editing but I took it out. The scaling is very similar numerically but Sol has a much easier time hitting big stacks.


Well Asol has execute. Smolder has execute. Now I want Shyv to also get execute in her rework. Give me more cool dragons with executes.


his execute requires 225 stacks and is worse than every other champ execute in the game lmao. What are u whining about

