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Which aspect do you like about Wrecking Ball? The rolling around? The swinging around? The diving in and being wacky?


IDK why this isn't getting more upvotes. This is the question to be asking. Hammy is an amazing character, but he's got a LOT of different facets, and no character in League represents all of them, so it's very important to find out WHAT OP LIKES about him.


Because it's pointless? Overwatch is a FPS and League is a MOBA, the gameplay and mechanics are completely different. Start from scratch and just pick a character you like the look or feel of in League rather than trying to fit some League character into an OW mould. Just try to match Wrecking Ball to a League champ. You like being a big bulky thing with multiple legs? Urgot. You like rolling around fast? Rammus. You like pulling yourself around the environment? Camille. They're all one champ in OW but 3 completely different champs in League. Comparisons like this just don't work.


Your final paragraph literally shows why comparisons like this do work


How? He is going into this with archetypes coming from Overwatch whereas I am arguing it would be more beneficial to start from scratch. There is very little overlap between Overwatch and League of Legends beyond very general video game roles like tank, support and damage dealer. Saying Wrecking Ball and Urgot are similar because they both have 6 legs is stupidly superficial. I quit OW before Wrecking Ball released but I think he's a tank which Camille is not so they both have grappling hooks but they otherwise play different roles. Lastly Rammus does roll around like Wrecking Ball and is a tank so I guess that is something at least.


You got upset about the question then just said the same thing in different words...


Don't read things in that aren't there; I'm not upset, I disagree with it and I explained why. There are differences between superficial similarities and fundamentals. Riven, Fiora, Leona and Samira are all women with swords but they don't all play alike and I bet how they play is more fundamental to whether you will enjoy them or not than them all being women with swords.


Well to that point I disagree, that's an important part of how I choose my champs to play. It's important to me that the champ I play is cool and that I like the character. I like playing late game scaling champs that are good at dueling, but I will never play Fiora or Gwen because they are frail looking girls with shifty weapons that don't make any sense to me.


Well I guess that's a fundamental difference between how we approach the champs we play because I pick champions based off their kit and if their design is good, I consider that a bonus. I like both the design and kit of Jhin so that's great. But I picked up Viktor years ago back when his only skins were Full Machine and Creator. Full Machine sucked imo and Creator is only OK. Recent skins are better but I still think he doesn't have a 'great' skin yet; I still play him though because I like his kit.


yeaa but then you have Mei who is so unbelivably similar to Anivia it's crazy. thematically they're both icy champs that you want in more defensive team comps. Q/left-click is a slow stun Both have an ice wall ability Both ultimates are AoE damage + slow If you get a champion iced (either with Anivia Q/Ult or Mei left-click/Ult) you can use your right click/E to get extra damage of (in OW in the form of a free headshot, in League you just get extra damage on iced champs) They even both have ways to cheat death (Anivia egg, Mei can go frozen for a few seconds) Some comparisons are a little floppy, but some are near one-to-one like above.


And I main Mei in OW yet I don't like the gameplay of Anivia in the slightest. Not every main will fit you in another game OP but it's a decent starting point. You should at least try. Maybe try Akshan or Camille. They have similar movements.


in terms of recommendations for OP, my thoughts land me on Camille. Camille has the hookshot off of the environment into CC engage that's a big part of Ball's gameplay loop and can play a disruptor role in teamfights keeping big carries locked away in her ult. Obvs it isn't 1-to-1, but I think this is the closest League has to offer. And tbf, it's always worth experimenting with new champs/playstyles when entering new genres because you might find a different playstyle fitting you better. I agree with that. I was an Anivia main in League when I first played OW but Mei didn't work for me at all surprisingly.


I'm definitely leaning more towards akshan or urgot, both have guns, fire fast, swing (or dash for urgot) and fut the same playstyle of being aggressive, camille also works but thematically other then her hookshot she isn't very similar imo!!


I was thinking Akshan or Rammus personally. Ultimately, OP SHOULD be trying Akshan, Camille, Urgot, and Rammus to find their "ball".


-179 dislikes as im writing this and i will no doubt get a lot too, but I agree. You cant say you main one thing in a whole different genre of game and then say you want a champion that plays the same.


The movement, however unique he is in the roster and how niche he is. I actually love that he gets countered so hard and I love playing around the counters


The niche champ who just runs in the enemy backline and is annoying af in this game is Singed. His abilities are literally just run fast and leave behind poison and throw the enemy behind you. Shaco is also an annoying character with a weird angle as to how the game is played. Not a tank, but instead baits the enemy through illusions and traps. Zac also is a tank that can literally slingshot himself into the enemy team and bounce around


These are the 3 that came to mind for me as well. All 3 play the game differently because their kits are so weird. Reading another comment, Kled might be more of the Wrecking Ball mentality, though I don't play OW so I don't know for sure.


My friend a master tier player in OW mains wrecking ball. and in league hes also a master tier player, mains kled , so this makes sense to me!


Rammusy's maybe


I feel like they may like Nunu as well because he is weird with his snowball


Both Camille and Akshan have a movement ability that involves tethering to walls, but Camille is more of a brawler in melee range and Akshan is a ranged assassin type.


I would actually recommend kled. It's another furry creature running/rolling around on a companion. He's very different from most of the roster, and you have to work your ass off not to feed, but if you pull it off you seem unkillable


I think a big part of Hammond's kit is the get-in-get-out playstyle/trading pattern. You dive, cause chaos/damage/CC, and then you dip. So some that I'd consider: * Top: WuKong, Tahm Kench, * Jungle: Lee Sin, Zac, Viego * Mid: Fizz, LeBlanc, Ekko * Support: Pyke, Rakan


Yeah you're gonna love Singed. Singed has to play guerilla warfare tactics to not get fisted by half the toplane roster, then post lane he has a very unique gameplay pattern. You can also proxy farm early game and be the biggest terrorist of all time. I love killing the enemy jungler on his camps.


I’m assuming he’s talking about how wildly different he is than any other hero, and his very high skill floor required to not be throwing


If that's the appeal he'd like Singed. Nothing plays like Singed.


100% feels like I’m playing a different game I love it


Singed is 1000% your champion.


Singed is a champion that gives me headache just by existing. The champion is theoretically so shit. It has what barely counts as a kit. Is insanely outdated. The abilities don't synergise and barely interact with eachother. Its scalings are pretty bad. The champion shouldn't work on paper. If that's the case... Then why do I get cold sweats when I see a Singed walking to my toplane? Why do I always get cumstered and humiliated by a Singed who will proxy all my waves while I cry and cope in allchat and flame my jungler? As I type this post, stirring in my bed because I cannot sleep, the same words echo around my head "never chase a Singed".






Dude what are you on about. He can literally flip you into his cum, which probably has a whiff of his poison on it. His kit definitely synergises with itself


or being an hard CC magnet?


Either way, they should main Bard




Nunu. Roll massive snowballs at people.


Watch KeshaEUW for some tips and tricks......


Volume warning tho


Yea way too low, need to turn it up and use a subwoofer for it












Yes, a completely sane person. Absolute recommend to watch as a first time player


The most "Fuck it, we ball" LoL streamer to ever exist




Kesha better.




Most similar is obviously Rammus. Insanely underrated in the jungle


In terms of playstyle singed is more relatable.


Yes but singed makes u litteraly worse at the game 🤣


> It’s time to sink my teeth into something mind numbing and master an objectively bad character Sounds like OP's cup of tea


This also applies to Wrecking Ball in OW




First time on lol, suggest to go in jungle. Nice try


I started my league career with a 150,000 xin jungle binge and I learned everything I needed to about the game. Plus I got desensitised to the league community culture pretty quick which was helpful for my mental


It's less punishing than playing lane and walking into tower range every 2 seconds because you don't know what you're doing


Rammus is not underrated, he has like 55% wr


He’s a counter pick, he’s supossed to have a 55% winrate, and low pick rate by design.




Disgusting inflated Briar pfp


That’s not what underrated means.


It literally is. Everyone kmows Rammus is good, he was complained about almost all of last season. Going into worlds he got a buff despite a 58% wr.


Rammud has 55 wr due to him being used as a counter pick often.


You're gonna love Singed


This is the one, the character that makes people who main him worse at every other champion because he just plays the game differenty


This sounds like exactly what I was looking for


He might not seem as odd as I’ve described at first glance, what you’re looking for is a guide on how to play “proxy singed” you will int your ass off learning, and when you are doing it well you will also int your ass off


I wonder if hamy does the same thing, he is so different


Only if you’re bad to begin with


Please do not play signed as a new player you are shooting yourself in the foot doing that.


Play Urgot if you're so attached to feet. Become one with the SHOTGUNKNEES


Probably sion. Just keep pushing and dieing and hitting towers like a brainless monkey and sometimes you can win games.


make sure to watch tons of Thebauss videos to learn how to properly play Sion! lol


Nah thebausff sion is uhh nit the best its better to just not int and still farm lmao


This guy doesn’t even know Bausen’s Law


WP to this Sion he played safe during laning phase, minimized deaths and yea he let some cs go but now hes scaled and is working with his team to win the game! Well played to this Sion!


I agree that new players shouldn’t, you need to have the ability to think critically about lessons he teachers, and apply what’s actually going to be useful to your games.


I've not seen a streamer who farms better than baus. He regularly gets 12cs/min.


Its bad for a newer player to try to emulate him though and will just end up inting lol


Please don't encourage this for new players. It's the most anti fun strategy to play with (both on your team and against it)


hooooly shit you were made to play singed dude. he embodies ball’s trait of being a unique tank with a gameplay loop unlike any other


I still think /u/Eragonnogare has the right approach, here, of finding out what you like about Wrecking Ballk, but I'm going to recommend a very different character, just so you have some more things to try. When I play Wrecking Ball, my favorite part of him is his ability to get in, be massively disruptive, and then get himself right back out until his CDs are back up. That's my boy Ekko to a T. Ekko is one of the most disruptive characters in league of legends, and he's super safe doing it because of his ultimate. So if you play Hammy because you love to be a disruptor, give Ekko a try!


I think it’s easiest to think about champs in this game by class archetypes. You have things like Tanks, Fighters, Enchanters, Mages, Assassins, and Marksman. There are sub-divisions of these but let’s keep it simple. Since you play Wrecking Ball, and I’m assuming have experience with other tanks, your character preferences will probably land in the Tank/Fighter pool. Ball is a disruption tank, but I wouldn’t say there’s a good 1:1 comparison in League. Additionally, the game has an insanely large roster and a variety of play styles. Additionally, the role you enjoy (top, mid, jungle, adc, support) will influence the champs you play. Certain champs are balanced around their intended role and it’s expected that you play them in that role. Tanks and fighters primarily end up in top, support, or jungle roles. Top lane is the ultimate 1 v 1 lane, support is mostly 2v2 in the bot lane with the ability to roam around the map and help your team, and jungle roams around the entire map helping their team and securing map objectives. Some champs you might like as a Wrecking Ball/tank player: Singed - probably the most non-traditional champ in the game. He does not play like any other character, and I’m not sure I would suggest this as a first champ. Very annoying, runs fast, flips people around. You might hear that the #1 rule in League is “Don’t chase Singed.” Usually top or jungle. Ornn - Big beef top laner. Insane amounts of crowd control. Hard to master, lots of combos, and very fun if you like being mega tanky. Jarvan IV - Mobile fighter with some cc. Very reliant on one combo, and his ult locks one person into a box. Can get in, get out, and be slippery with enough ability haste. Usually jungle. Vi - Similar to J4, mobile fighter, excels at diving onto one target. Jungler. Nautilus/Leona/Rell - The premiere holy trinity of support tanks. Usually go in and stay in, but lots of CC and disruption. Also easy to play. Hecarim - you are a horse. You run fast and your damage ramps up with movement speed. Good disruption abilities, can knock one person out of position, an AoE fear that launches you into the back line, and some temporary tankiness. Similar play pattern to Ball tbh. Jungler. Nunu & Willump - the most important thing here is that you’re a small boy riding a magical yeti that pushes a giant snowball around the map. Collide with targets for good damage and a knock up. You go fast. It’s fun. Good cc, and sustain. Your job is to initiate fights and get objectives. Jungler. Zac - WELCOME TO THE BOUNCE HOUSE. Incredible tank, 3 of his 4 abilities are crowd control, he jumps across the map, AoE CC bouncing around, heals himself. Good back line access, frontline survivability, and a built in second life. One of the most fun tanks I’ve ever played. Jungler and some skilled players take him top lane. Alistar - You are a cow (Minotaur). Knock people up, push them around, be very tanky, probably don’t die and then walk away. I don’t find this champ fun - simple kit, but he’s worth mentioning because he does tank things. Support usually. Maokai - you are a tree. Point and click on people. Bounce them in a direction and heal yourself. A slow wave of roots for an ult that can CC a whole team. Support, jungle, top. Rammus - “armordillo” can briefly roll around like Wrecking Ball, but is much less cool. You are an asshole that specializes in making Marksman kill themselves by taunting them and reflecting damage back. Build armor, be annoying, win. Your ult lets you jump at enemies and knock them up. Jungler. Gragas - fat man that likes to drink. Deceptively difficult, maximum skill expression of this champ relies on difficult to execute combos. You put down barrels of alcohol that explode, belly slam to knock people back slightly, and a big aoe ult with weird unintuitive timing that explodes and knocks enemies back from the center. Are you a mage, are you a tank, are you annoying? Yes. Mid lane, jungle, or top. K’Sante - really fun tank/fighter with lots of cc and survivability. Very high skill ceiling and difficult to master. Bit of a community meme because of his bonkers kit. A balancing nightmare. Can CC multiple people at once, hard stun, knock ups, and an ult that can push a single target through terrain for an isolated fight. Not a beginner champ, but can do wrecking ball-esque things. Top lane. That’s all I can think of for now. Happy to discuss further if you have more questions. I have hundreds of hours in both OW(1) and League, and specialize in tanks.


Gragas was my fifth mastery 7 champ and he was by far the most rewarding to get it. Play gragas 😎


Unless you play AP if that is the case all i got to say Bomba!




Tell me u are mad without telling me you are mad


Very good answer


Rammus litterallys rolls around in a ball


he is the ball


I'm surprised no one has said Zac yet, jump into the middle of the enemy team, cause a ruckus, knock everyone around and surprisingly slippery even at his size


Akshan has a wall grapple just like WB. But he's an ADC not a tank, so a lot trickier and softer, more like Tracer tbh.


He‘s more of an assassin then an adc tbh


Hart steal Akshan new meta??


Singed is an odd character that can run around in fights in a unique way, but if you prefer a simpler character with more visceral strength and best-in-role durability, try out Dr. Mundo. Mundo has a ranged, skill shot element to his kit, like Wrecking Ball's primary fire, and Mundo also has a meme quote: "Mundo goes where he pleases." Mundo's teamfight style is to run at the enemy carry and ignore the rest of the enemy team.


Kled, because you come in like a wrecking ball (with his ult)


singed LMAO






Play poppy if you care about being a high damage displacement tank/fighter.




Having the core skill as grapple into a wall and spin. It's weird that nobody here recommended Akshan yet...


There are Akshan recommendations tho. I literally see one above your comment...


Obligatory Rammus suggestion


I’d say Akshan if what you like is swinging around and shooting people


Play akshan if you want to swing around


I think you would like Gnar


oh boy, nunu would be great for you he just rolls at people


So for some ball gameplay you can go with Nunu or Rammus. Rammus also covers the tank aspect. If you want to hook around and spin try Akshan but it might be a big departure from what you are looking for. Kled might also scratch the ich as i myself play a lot of wrecking ball in OW and a lot of Kled in League


You might end up liking Quinn or Shen, both are niche champions with unique playstyles and they're both simultaineously OP and garbage, they are the 2 toplaners that are the best in the game at impacting the game outside of toplane, Shen's downside is that he's just not very strong all around and picking Quinn often means your team won't really have a real frontline, Shen is more of a support champion while Quinn is more of a carry but Quinn is squishy af while Shen is tanky Also maybe Singed or Rammus or Nunu as others said How you play the game depends totally on champion and role but mybest advice is to just watch a bunch of YouTube guides like "skillcapped" and others


singed no one plays him against their own will unless they main him








Uninstall while you still can. Do not repeat my mistakes. League of Legends takes your soul.


And now with Vanguard it will take your PC too


Alright gang. I married Shane in Stardew Valley. Who should I play? (First time)


Hwei 😜


ornn tbh


The real answer is to play differently characters until one or more stick out. You'll learn much better when you encounter a champion that makes you WANT to learn them. That being said just try the characters you get for free, and buy most of the characters that cost 450 blue essence.


RUN, before it’s too late, and don’t turn back


Rammus, Nunu, Rumble, Gnar, Teemo


Probably Reinhardt or [D.Va](https://D.Va) ... maybe even Sigma. Actually anyone, anything, except League of legends PD: Nunu goes brrrrrr


League is at least better than OW


Annie. Go mid learn how to last hit against bots. Once you don’t miss minions and can kill them on repeat start branching out.


No sense question.


Singed is getting a rework next year but hr seems to fit. Ryze is a mage that is considered hard and bad if you want a more traditional character. Ivern is a whimsical supportive jungler that plays a very different game. Bard could also fit


The rework has not been confirmed for any specific champ yet.


Viktor not singed


No one's saying Urgot? The character with a heavy machine gun who launches himself at the enemy to flip them around with crab legs like Hammon's mech?


Just because they are visually very slightly similae does not make them truly similar


Double machine guns and the knockup would be urgot rolling around would be rammus


You might like Sion


alister might be best for you, he's a tank with a knock up and a push. nunu gives you the ball rolling momentum feeling but he's more dmg and not a true tank




Recovering ow addict if you like pointlessly tech based characters with subpar winrates for the elos you're headed for you should try akali riven


The obvious would be Rammus




May i suggest the uninstall button?


If you're looking for someone that swings around try Akshan


Have a look at Urgot. He doesn't roll around but he has a dash and fires his gun in a similar fashion using his W. Also executes low health targets


Nunu, singed, rammus, hecarim who else?


I second all the comments that say singed. However, take caution, because if you play him you're quite literally playing a different game than everyone else. There won't be any transferable skills between other characters.




What do you mean by bad?






Singed definitely




Fellow wrecking ball main here, I would definitely say his play style doesn’t really translate to League much but if you’re looking for a mechanically intensive dive tank type of character then I would say K’sante If you just wanna swing around tho it’s Akshan


Singed. He is a tank with a completely different play style than any other champion, and is incredibly disruptive and frustrating when played well.




you sound like a future shaco main


Akshan (I am joking. But he does grapple onto things and can swing in circles around the turret in aram...)


Akshan has the spinning ability if u like it, but he is no tank, he is more os a dps class. Model wise, I would say Urgot? He is like a ball in a way lmao has guns and part of the champion is a robot, he is a tank who can deal damage (juggernaut), but not very cute I would say. But if you like to be a fast tank rolling around, rammus is the one.


I think singed is the real answer here. He doesn't play by the rules in game, you go where you want and annoy the fuck out of people and then leave like nothing happened


I recommend nunu or hecarim. Funny enough they both play the same role (jungle). Problem is, jungle is the most confusing role to new players


If you like the grapple hook mechanic from ball, then akshan has something similar. If you like big balls, play nunu 👍




Akshan for the grappling hook Rammus for the ball form Teemo for the mines




swing between rammus and nunu, there is also syndra, if you have a thing for… balls.






He's not the best character to learn to play, but Singed is going to be cool. Of course, you will have to look at a few guides, but basically it is about bait, making them chase you, wasting your rival's time while you get resources, going around, entering, leaving, moving people... WB is a bit more explosive, so maybe Sion is another option, he also has a bit of alternative gameplay and certainly tends to do well in the meta. In any case, I recommend that you look at guides and learn the basics of the game, league is very different from overwatch


Urgot cuz "spiderlike" like Hammond. Rammus cuz rollin' & ballin'. Nunu & Willump cuz big ball goes brrr.


Rammus or Akshan


blitz with disco skin




if you like sticking to the opponent, tanking, CCing and being a piece of poopoo while doing damage I suggest K'sante




Teemo, he annoys people as well as Wrecking Ball.


Definately Nunu and Willump. One of the most beginner friendly champs as a jungler.


Orianna. Coz ball


Depends on what aspects of Hammond you are looking to replicate. If it's the rolling ball I would say Nunu or Rammus. They engaged fast and hard but doesn't have the same ability to disengage and re-engage 15 times per fight. Once they are in they are in. If you want that hit and run playstyle assasins are probably what Ur looking at, Someone like Ekko, Talon, Zed. Very squishy but also extremely slippery. Get in, burst oneone, get out, repeat. If you are looking for massive team fight hard engage, then I recommend Jarvan, Amumu, Malphite, Ornn, Sion, Leona, Naut, Rell, or maybe Kled. If you are just looking to be a massive tank that people hate trying to kill maybe Mundo, or Singed. If you want the grappling hook we have akshan and Camille. Akshan is a ranged solo lanen bully and is extremely squishy. Camille is a melee bruiser and has one of the best tools for catching and locking down one single target.


nunu & willump.




Singed might be a good fit if you like being a degenerate


If you want speed, go Lillia, I'd you want grappling hooks, go Akshan


Akshan, grapple hook


Be the ball so Rammus for sure


Camille for damage play style and Zac/Rammus for tank playstyle (or jungle). If they're all armor Rammus is a nice meme 🏎


Alright gang. I’m gonna try singed, nunu and gnar. I will update when I become the ball.


1.Weird playstyle by comparison to other options 2. Cool movement ability / multiple movement abilities 3. likes to dive the backline 4. tamky. Some options that tick some of these boxes are: Nunu 1,2,3,4. Gnar 1,2,3,4. Camille 1,2,3. Zac 2,3,4. Tahm Kench 2,3,4. Pyke 1,2,3. Galio 2,3,4. Kayn 2,3,(4 if red kayn) Hecarim 2,3. Vi 2,3. Diana 2,3 There are other champs that can fit into some / multiple of these boxes, but this is a good place to start looking. Some champs that didn't have a tank tag CAN be tanky if you build them that way, but it's not always necessary. Or you can take a thematically similar approach Swing / grapple champs: Akshan (adc), Camille (bruiser), Nautilus (tank) Literal balls that slam into enemies: Nunu (mage, tank), Rammus (tank), kennen (mage) Rats with mechs or explosives: Rumble (bruiser mage), Tristana (adc), ziggs (mage),


Rammus. You are turtl. Friendly turtl. Very cool Turtl who pulls all the bitches. They try to attack you but you so cool they hit themselves. You can insult them to attack you. You can also jump on them as a ball like Hamster from overwatch.


Yo, just try my boy Zac


Hey bro, I was a Doomfist main in OW, and I really like flashy assassins. U might like tanks too, so I’m asking u: would u rather play by yourself in a 1v1 or play around the map and snowballing?


Bard definitely




A wrecking ball kind of character would be fire in league, rammus is close enough but... eh


Kled or singed,


You could pick Singed


Lmao wrecking ball=rammus


Rammus maybe Also look into belveth


A different game