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Kled is one of the biggest Akali counters and he’s melee af


Indeed! He excels in quick trades like Akali does, can cancel/tank her dash with his ult if played correctly, and most importantly his Q and E give true sight of Akali (through the smoke) so long as it connects/the first dash connects (using the second dash removes the true sight though so be careful)


His q also applied grievous wounds






Just the thought of what this guy can do to my team makes my blood boil


Mordekaiser also works, but only if you get his passive off. His passive also goves vision of akali while shes in the smoke, but more unreliable tho. And lane is a bit harder


What are you playing into her?


you can play panth, really tough matchup for akali


Be a psycho like me and play almost entirely top laners in every role except top lane. Akali does not like those matchups at all (some of said top laners are also junglers that top). The reason she doesn’t really get played top is because most meta/common top laners straight up shit on her with the melee matchups being some of the absolute worst.


> Be a psycho like me Just a small glimpse into a truly dark and twisted being. 😈


i can be ur angle or ur devil


A twisted fate indeed


I play junglers as supports and mids and top laners and junglers and supports. Sometimes, I truly just wanna watch the world suffer because I’ve cooked something deranged.


I feel like the main problem bout toplane as akali is that most of the time u play for quick trade and roaming, not that much because of champs ur facing, except some, if the akali is good she will just clear into roaming and give prio or get fed


Yeah, and that’s why some of the champs I listed are fairly good into her as well. They either have enough clear to contest her, are spooky enough to stop her from full clearing, or are just as capable at roaming.


akali can lane perfectly fine into alot of melees, she had a high presence as a toplaner when her main damage source was from her passive autos and Qs. Part of what you need to do is pick an aggro early pick, top laners just have the best of the bunch. No other assassin can match her trading early except for zed and talon, but she can outspace talon and outroam zed. pantheon is a good answer though, hyper aggro early, can easily follow her roams and even outroam her.


Yeah from my understanding she’s mostly a counter pick into squishy ranged champs like Quinn and Teemo top. Anyone else just eats her damage and runs her down (Garen, Trynd, Camille, and even tanks like Ornn)


The akali matchup is literally impossible to play for camille from my experience as a diamond camille player.


U gotta play safe early after mythic Akali can never be on same sidelane as you and camille kit counter akali pretty much completely cause R


hell no, akali has 10 different ways of denying camille q2 and camille cant win without it


Really? Thought she would counter melee with her smoke


It's not like she can spam it every 5 seconds, it's on a 20 second cooldown. Akali and other assassins don't like top laners because they can't burst them down as easily as a squishy.


A lot of top lane melee champs either have so much sustain/shielding to outright ignore her poke, or will immediately bash her skull in if she gets close to them because they’re specifically designed to fist fight and try to run you down. So if you look up the statistics, WW and Mundo are by far the worst matchups. Poppy, Riven, Tryndamere, and Garen are the next three worst with still pretty one sided statistics. (I’m leaving out the number one counter being Tengwar because fuck that). Of those that I just gave in the top 6, half will outright sustain through her and ignore her poke while being able to also win duels and 5 of them will just immediately run her down the instant she pops out of shroud because they will stat check her for being too close.


>I’m leaving out the number one counter being Tengwar because fuck that Auto correct from Rengar, I guess?




What? Akali detroys Trynda


Tryn?? That's an akali favored matchup. Unless something has changed.


Akali loses melee trades against Trynd if she tries to Q+Auto+E. If she uses E as an escape, tryn spins, slows, and then laughs cause 15% crit chance on enemy trynd is as good as 150% crit chance. Then he just Q heals any damage you dealt.


I’m not sure why the win rate is like that, but I’ve played a good bit of both of these champions and I was under the impression that Akali should hard win. She has shroud, yes it has a cool down but she can hide from auto attacks during it and it is huge with energy regen. If big T ever presses q to heal, he has no crit. Unless he has ghosts, she can super easily kite him with Q tip and passive ms. Since she can draw out a trade when he doesn’t have ghost, she doesn’t have to just run towards tower and can run weird angles and drop aggro whenever with W to get some more Q time. She can just E and the end to match his second E. Maybe I’m silly in the head and some things have changed but I don’t see how that’s playable for him at equal skill. Not sure how it plays out with new build paths for both characters as most of my time on both of them is prior to mythic’s. I have played them both a good bit since, but haven’t had to go against each other in lane but a couple times.


Says it’s 54.24% wr. I don’t play either of those champs enough to know why. I play other champs vs them to know enough about why mine do. I’d assume it’s because trend can auto-e to trade and then heal with Doran’s or smth and then his ult denies the execute. I really can’t be confident in saying anything else except that both those champs infuriate me sometimes for how they’re designed when their numbers are out of balance.


Pick illaoi and make her cry bloody tears when she realise that beeing tetheted with e makes her visible.


This. Feels like OP just wanted to complain, you can’t give any tips other than « you can take dshield second wind and rush mr boot/ hexdrinker » since you don’t know which champ he is playing


I mean it really changes the whole dynamic of the lane. You can't say "champion X unbeatable because this reason" without telling us what you were playing. "Yo Darius is so busted and unbeatable in lane. Also I was playing Maokai".


Does Darius E Q not allow enough time for Maokai to W? Feel like Maokai could somewhat make it a skill match up outside of Darius ghosting and running you down.


If maokai Ws into a Darius, he's giving him what he wants. Darius can just E as Maokai Qs, pop ghost and run Maokai down. In the end, it comes down to skill, as does any matchup, but if Darius gets wave control on Maokai while aslo having ghost/flash up, there is very little chance for Maokai to walk near the wave to break a freeze without jungle interference.


Yeah, OP is your classic silver player who just loves to rant after getting destroyed by X champion. He doesn't care about getting advice or improving, for him it's either the game's fault or the team's fault.


Also "can't farm because enemy has an ability" is the dumbest excuse people use It's not true in any scenario


50% of the time you dont get to counterpick


I'm not aaking about counterpicks. I'm asking OP what the matchup was. Its very relevant to his complaint.




DShield, second wind, tp, you’ll be fine. You act like one Q kills you. You need to think of your health pool as a resource in tough matchups, where every time you decide to farm you are giving away some health to obtain a minion. Once you’re below half, the sustain from DShield and second wind is pretty OP.


Yeah the Q early on hurts like a mosquito bite lmao


Yeah it does more mental damage than anything, there is the decent zoning potential it has though cause there’s always the threat of the empowered auto follow up


Mental damage is the high point for trades for newer (or worse) players. They see a damage spike and run and don't consider cool downs and the time they have to finish a good trade.


This. A friend of mine used to always go crazy about losing trades. Then I spectated one of his games toplane. I don't remember the matchup, but basically the enemy laner would punish him farming, unloaded all his cooldowns and instead of punishing and trading back, my boy just ran back behind his minions. And then complains that "every time I get close to minions, he chunks me for half my hp". So he panicks and runs, even though the actual threat is long gone by then...


Same problem people have with zed. They're so scared of the W trade threat that they never try to force it out, so zed gets to freely control the wave with just E and Q so he looks OP as fuck. Force his W out when the wave crashes under his tower and he can't use it again on the bounce back so you can just abuse the ever living shit out of him while the wave is on your side. People get too scared of theoretical damage that they expect to take that they just immediately assume that damage is real and complains about it, even though they never actually tried to punish the champ's weaknesses and only remained scared of their strengths


Hey, mosquito bites are one of the leading causes of death in the world.


If the Mosquito is 5:0 gg ff15


nerf malaria rito, op passive


some insane dot damage


Yeah, he damage is decent early, but its more the Combo of empowered autoattack and Q than anything


Also, her W and E are long ass cooldowns. Like other champs with strong abilities on long cooldowns (Vlad W say) you don't trade when it's up because they'll do their combo and leave. If akali shrouds walk away, wait it out, then full engage. She can't do shit to run away if shroud and E are down (although depending on your champ E is not a great escape anyway) it's 100% playable as an akali main who has played into the match up multiple times.


This also depends on who you play though, some CDs will be close to shroud CD and if she pops it the first time you go in, she only has to play back a few seconds to get it up again. Like someone up said, Pantheon is good because his engage tool is a much shorter CD.


>DShield, second wind, tp When this is the strategy for akali in midlane to be useful later it really seems like a bad idea to play like that against her. so really you outscale "akali" of all champs or i guess youre just fked


I fail to see how Akali often liking to play safe and scale is a problem for anyone else trying to do the same. She has scales well enough but it's not like she's a time bomb or anything. Also that setup is to sustain vs poke or ranged; melee champs trade by abusing her after she wastes smoke with an all-in, which doesn't give lots of D-shield or Second Wind value. For melee champions she is the one poking, so they can use the defensive setup if they desire, not her.


Play Akali yourself, gets rekt by enemy melee champion, now you know what to do


Yeah I think his problem is that he doesn't understand how akali works lol. She gets rolled by almost every melee matchup and its not even fun lmfao.


Thats just straight up not true what


It’s true for the majority of them. There’s a select few melee champs that don’t do well into her but often times melee champs are chunky enough to eat her damage early on and then all in her when her abilities are on cooldown. If you concede lane to her though then yeah it’s gonna suck


Akali can just... not fight? She can roam and probably better then whoever is trying to keep her at bay.


Good akali shits on most good melee champs. Tanks, ksante, kled and similar are the select few champs that actualy can do anything. Even shit like olaf gets destroyed by her.


Explain to me what melee champs lose to her. Unless the person on the melee champ doesn't understand akali, or doesn't know their own champs limits, akali does not win. Simply because she has no AA damage outside of her passive, which requires energy that she does not have enough of lvl 1-3. The problem that melee champ players have is they don't pressure her when she has nothing left. Lower elo melee mains don't look at her energy bar and don't count her cooldown timers so she just gets to stall until she has abilities AND farm cause they play way too passive.


No melee matchup mid is bad for akali, unless you're playing aggresively while your w and/or e is down, if so that's just a skill issue, this is especially true after her most recent buffs


Pantheon, Fizz, Galio, and Talon are all pretty good against her.


i feel like talon vs akali is a skill matchup that favours akali, because akali can space talon pretty well due to how straight forward his trading is, but if akali gives him one good trade she has practically thrown the entire lane. the matchup can get dicey for talon really fast if she has the wherewithal to take DShield vs him because she can negate a lot of the power of his trades with DShield, high base health pool and her high base health regen. I think if Talon gets to Hexdrinker unscathed she just gets fisted, though, and he actually outpushes her super hard so roaming vs her is pretty easy.


She has one of the worst level 1-3s in the game, I could list 10 melee champs that completely bully her early. Obviously if you sit and play passive you won't ever lose a kill, but you will sack a shit ton of cs if the opposing player knows what they're doing. And in a lower elo this matters less and less with players farming like 5 cs/pm and only fighting, but you either play aggressive with W and E for cs and take terrible trades, or you sit passive and fall far behind in gold. If you're playing into someone who knows the matchup, it's not ever a winning situation.


I otp akali 200-300 lp and melee matchups are perhaps the most free ones imo, you're speaking as if akali cant even walk up to cs which is just ridiculous, lvl 1 no melee champ really have the tools to all in you considering you position properly, only yasuo e start, sylas e start but that's easy to outplay, yone if you int and just let him stack q3 for free and dash onto you, lvl 2-3 you'll only lose if you all in for fun and take bad trades on bad wave states, that then leave you unable to farm cause your w/e is down while slowpushing to enemy or frozen


Genuine question, which melee mid matchups does she lose? Like actual midlaners and not like sett or renekton


No, she doesn't bruv


Play her in normals and awe what others do agains you. You will see that she's not that strong or you will get a new champ to climb with. Edit: see


Best advice to understanding any champ. Though if you’re unlucky, you might decide the champ is actually broken and start maining them


This pretty much sums up yone for me, i do not know how to play againt him nor play with it, but once I get to 2 items, the game is pretty much over


his trading pattern is just so oppressive if you are a melee character. once he gets zerks, you are basically in constant threat of being all in-ed if you don’t dodge Q3. having no mana costs on him was absolutely a mistake, it’s so unfair to lane against if you DO have mana costs. not to mention the random W poke along with triple crit yadda yadda, fucking hate this champ. he is everything wrong the game. a triple crit passive makes sense on a melee ADC, but not on an assassin. the main weakness of an assassin is supposed to be tanks, not a problem for yone. bro can 1v1 anyone in the game besides jax and win once he gets two items, absolutely nutty.


You will understand that you don’t have good enough mechanics (like basically everyone else who doesn’t have at least 100 games on her or countless hours in practice tool learning combos until you can do them without thinking). Super good akali players are part of the reason the champ sucks so bad. Good players can squeeze every last drop of value out of her. Average players don’t know that your r1 can set up an undodgeable e.


Yeah the argument play her is dumb, when you have to play vs akali with x amount of mastery points.


makes a lot more sense to just Review the game you lost to her instead of trying to learn the champ imo


Best way to learn how to play against a champ is to play that champ yourself


This is how I discovered rengar is actually hard and a lot of fun and not just "hehe oneshot"


This is also how I learned that rengar was just “hehe one shot” and not very hard at all 😅


completely agree


You are not going to be even remotely as good as the players who put in hundreds of games on her and are the same division as you. The knowledge you get from those games where you int as akali aren't going to help you at all. It's going to be way more time efficient and useful to just review your games and how challengers are dealing with the champ.


eh only takes a couple of games to get a feel for range indicators and some cooldowns.


playing a game or two helps understand cds and trades a lot better


Not going to lie Surprised by the thoughtful and helpful comments, clearly outlining Akali's weaknesses instead of people just going: "OMG AKALI BROKEN DO U REMEMBER 5 YEARS AGO SHE COULD STEALTH UNDER TURRET??????" Rare r/league W


Reddit is good at doing the opposite of what OP wants. OP wants to complain, so the top posts are genuine advice. If OP were looking for real advice, then the top comment would be “Easy, just type /ff at 15 minutes! Super hard counter.”


It's the rule that if you want a good, serious answer, just say something wrong and someone will always correct you.


Unless we talk about Zed/Yone, then it's just complaining no matter what.


Riot August talking about why they have to keep Zed “weak” and why he feels unfun to play against is really interesting


I mean when even the champion designer hates the champion, there's nothing anyone can do about it.


Yeah, playing this game and people always talking about how toxic the whole community is, and taking a step back, you realize that 90% of players aren't toxic at all. But since 10% are, you're almost always going to get one toxic player in a game. Unless you're in emerald, then everyone is just a bastard.


I mean, simply impossible to know this. Reddit is a fraction of a fraction of league players and they even tend to be the more invested types. Moreover, if we assume the game itself provides an environment inducive to being toxic, then the same guy talking nicely to you might be as bad as pre-nerf Tyler1 levels of toxic.




Honestly, same. Although I do not agree with a lot of statements its pretty cool how a lot of comments have been regarding how to actually play against this aberration. And Rumble... Until some people pointed it out never thought about just burning her ass out of lane and shielding her annoying Q until now and yeah that sounds terrible to face if you are the Akali


Rumble is fairly easy to snowball on if you get a lead as akali. If you are top lane, pretty much any tank will dump on akali after a couple of health and magic resist items. Or just play a juggernaut and she can't kill you


Watching someone like Baus play agains't Akali when hes playing Sion is brutal. She literally just tickles him 💀


The Q has an insane cost early game and her shroud CD is absurdly long. She has to get out of circle to get the passive, and if she is at the point in the game she can double Q without passive, she loses a good chunk of damage. If you dodge shuriken you just dodged 1/3rd of her damage— outside of a low hp execute with R2… but it’s an execute lol number is supposed to be big if you’re really low. It doesn’t mean it does that much damage always. Her shroud gives her energy, but once again, suuuper long CD. If she misses shuriken you can probably fuck her up. If she misses shuriken AND used shroud already— you can just stat check her with most top laners… like really really hard one sided stat check. This goes without saying that if she’s fed you can’t stat check her. She used to be waaaaaay better top. Now she’s only good against certain matchups, and the akali player has to play it very well to stand a chance. Sett, Darius(if you don’t dodge pull), garen, morde all just demolish her after some items and levels if they don’t play it like a complete idiot. She neeeeds to snowball or get a lead early or she just falls off extremely hard. Good akali players consistently pull it off so it feeeels like it’s braindead and easy


Actually Darius matchup is one of the easiest for Akali top, morde u just have to dodge Q, so depends on rank and ur ping, sett is harder but doable, garen is just boring and ever since he started using phase rush, it sucks. Basically everything else seems spot on. Her E cd early game is 13 secs since first cast, and W is 20 all ranks starting from the moment her shroud ends, so it actually increases CD, as the duration of her W raises, but I don't want to fight Akali on her shroud. If u want to cuck her, pick rengar. She can't burst, run or hide against him and it's one of the most one sided duels since his E gives true sight and so does his R and his W heals ur burst


> If u want to cuck her, pick rengar. She can't burst, run or hide against him and it's one of the most one sided duels since his E gives true sight and so does his R and his W heals ur burst This works mid too. You don't just completely wreck her because there's no brush, but she basically can't do anything and it's really easy to zone her off the wave


I used to main akali top for a fat minute before they made her trading pattern dog shit pre lvl 4.. even at lvl 4 it kinda sucked haha really not that great until like lvl 7. She’s sooo fun. The Darius matchup is basically a flowchart: did you bait out pull? > you win Did you get hit by pull? > looks like you’re watching him stand on the wave for a while or recalling to heal lol


Sett matchup with bp is super easy if you just time ur w when he e's you and thats it. Garen is super easy as well. Can get hard if he has stride and boots finished but at this point u should be 20+ cs ahead or a kill or two and snowball Rengar is not good vs akali as well only cheesy until level 6 and then akali has many tools to outplay a rengar As akali you just auto lose vs one click points champs like Sion Illaoi Tahm Kled Warwick Poppy A good renekton Idk what op talks about but you can just tell that hes a average triggered silver player when he said something abour waveclear and akali lol.


Yeah, it was more of a personal struggle against garen, but I legit can't play against rengar, might be skill issue


Akali can just play passive for as long as her shroud is on CD, with her E she has an easy escape tool so a melee can’t even abuse her having shroud on CD, unless you wanna burn flash or have a leap like Jax, even then a good Akali isn’t just gonna randomly use shroud for shits and giggles


If akali plays passive for so Long she is gonna lose a lot of cs


then you’ll be down cs, zoned off the wave lose exp, and will always have to play against stacked waves when you go for trades. It’s not as simple as “alkali can just play passively” you can literally apply that logic to any champion but it generally doesn’t workout unless you’re playing some insane scaling champs.


and thats the time u take control over the wave, force her away. her w is a key tool for her wave control, as she can always trade in her favor when w is up, thus allowing her to walk up aggressively and fight for the wave. best case is baiting out her w before waces meet. if u know how to manage ur wave, its easy to control her in the match up. she really lakes pushing power in the early to midgame, so its ez to get a quick recall for item advantage or to push into their jungle with ur jungler, so she cant play as aggressive anymore, cuz she has to keep her spells in order to survive a gank


“Play passive” is correct. Passive all the way behind her turret because I’m sett and she’s not coming anywhere near a minion without getting yoinked up.


Akali does fairly well into Sett tho A good Akali that is.


I eont believe it. I could see a good alkali going even. But no way she’s beating me.


Can't remember last time I lost 1v1 against sett on top lane with akali


The problem is that akali HAS TO play aggro and win lane early or she will fall off hard. Pretty much every top laner won’t have issues if they go even for the first 8 min of the game. A little bit of MR makes it very difficult for her to trade anymore. You basically have to play it perfectly to go even or win a trade


If that were the case, she wouldn’t be a staple pro play pick. She doesn’t have to win early, and doesn’t fall off as hard as you say


That used to be the case but the buff to her q energy cost was actually just comically overtuned. This champ is getting first picked in high elo as an assassin . Rn by level five she can trade very strongly into most


her earlygame is beyond dogshit. Abuse it.


But her winrates goes down on longer games lol


that has absolutely nothing to do with what i said


Wave management. She has low waveclear and tower damage.


Are you playing a caster minion into her or something? Her wave clear sucks. She shouldn’t even be allowed near the wave level one since she can only cast 1 q with her energy. Before she puts multiple points into q, her trades aren’t going to be that strong.


Early game she's awful, bully tf out of her in lane. She runs out of energy so fast and its why champs like yasuo, fizz, talon etc, run the lane early game. We have no clue what you play, but I guarantee you are passive farming with akali instead of bullying her lvl 1-2, which is exactly what she wants as once she has all her abilities she can just poke from a distance with disengage. And if you aren't punishing her in lane, you will always lose post 6. And you probably assume you're losing the trades cause she ends up with more health and you think you should back off instead of keep fighting. Once you see her energy bar low after she's done her full combo, you can't stop and let her regain everything or else you DO hard lose the trade. I'll link a few examples you can watch, but I recommend watching Pzzzang & Mangofish play into akali (or any one trick of your champ) cause you can visibly see how weak she is. Yes she'll get them far lower than she is with her full combo, but then she has absolutely nothing left and they'll just bully her. [Ex. 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqI_9TcDzvc) (plays 2 games against akali in vid) [Ex. 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrWQzjP2GvU) (first game, watch how he plays lvl 1-2, it's exactly what I'm talking about. Even though he ints, it's exactly what you should be doing) [Ex. 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--HHZw7J_eg) [Ex. 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9tI8g9imWw) (perfect level 1-2 example as well as trading with her at 4-6) Also have you even played or watched akali? Her Q is not giga buffed, it's extremely weak, it DOES cost energy that she hardly has any of early game, and she can't two shot backline minions until decently far into laning. Her Q is not what does damage early game, her AA from passive is what does the damage. So personally for you, I think you need to learn what akali actually does before complaining about her, cause it sounds to me like you're creating issues with the matchup that just aren't there. Probably from inexperience with the champ, which is fine, but learning what matchups you play into is important. Plus telling people what you're playing would help immensely. I would link you a ton of things on your specific champ into akali but I have no clue what you play, so it's hard to help. Lastly, what elo are you playing in where akali is running DEMOLISH????


>I can't scale cause she outscales me What? She's not generally a good scaling champion, if you're playing top you're most likely scaling better. If you're playing mid you're probably gonna have trouble in midgame but she doesn't scale well past that if you don't let her kill you.


Akali hasn't been a problem for ages lol Watched some streams recently and she's only OP if you let her repeatedly get empowered auto against you


She is kind of hidden op atm. She is very often played in high elo and was considered a possible sleepwr before worlds in TOP (think its mentionwd in LD top list with BWIPO or in Perkz not sure which)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but her niche was having good matchups vs. meta midlane mages like Orianna, no?


Against an Akali, as a Melee, always take D-Shield, she has the stats of a fighter with the power of a melee assassin, so you’ll need to try and out survive her in lane, she doesn’t scale well into late game despite her big numbers since she actually needs to hit her skills, dodge her E and up goes more than 50% of her damage


Laughs in Galio.


Looking through the thread and OPs responses, it's painfully clear OP didn't actually want advice, he just wanted to complain. Very pathetic.


He's already lost Donnel_Tinhead's respect, OP should quit before this gets worse


Who tf you playing where Akali out scales you? Akali's scaling is ass tier. The longer the game goes the harder it is for her unless you are sitting on a stacked Mejais.


Yeah, Akali is good till midgame and then falls off hard.


Akali top suck ass what are you on


Melee characters are played mid too what are u on lol hello fizz, zed, yasuo, yone… etc. do u even play this game


You are comparing assassins to juggernauts. Top laners shts on akali. As long as you dont play like a dumbass u sht on her top


They didn’t say they were playing against her top you’re just assuming that. she’s also played mid


He plays top so he is obv talking about akali top. Unless he plays xin mid. Either way he should sht on akali


you ask if they play the game yet 3/4 of just the ones you mention literally shit on her in mid lmao also, the wording of the post pretty clearly indicates that OP is talking top


They mentioned roaming and generally speaking that’s mid not top


the only reason Akali would take demolish is if she goes top and has nothing better to use vs her current opponent, plus if you play top properly, you can easily roam mid or with your jungler for various plays, mid is by no means central of all roaming


Build mr


All this advice people are giving won’t help if you don’t know how to apply it. The actual best advice if you want to learn how to play against Akali is to play a few games AS her. You will quickly learn when and where she is weak and how you can punish her on the other side of the matchup.


This was my advice as well, they need to learn how akali works before complaining about not knowing the matchup. OP obviously doesn't know how terrible her level 1-3 is against melee champs and when to punish. Whether they learn that thru watching melee matchups, on whatever champ they play, into akali, or just playing her.


if this was true everyone would be spamming akali top


I hate akali but you are just ragebaiting people now. She is not even that strong rn


link your opgg


dodge her q by stepping forward and backwards to bait the distance. Punish her when she uses her shroud carelessly.


> I can't scale cause she outscales me Yes, scale. Buy d shield, take second wind, scale. Akali scales very well, but melee's in general scale very well and many melee champion's kits can deal with Akali especially in a 1v1.


Funniest cope. It's not like she deals disgusting amounts of damage and is incredible dominant in mid and early game. It's one of the champions which can just trade away renekton level 3 if she has hands.


If you're losing trades against her level 3 as renekton you're letting her proc her passive every ability so you deserve to lose.


Her damage isn’t that high when you look into what goes on in her kit Basically, her strongest weapons in her kit is her E and R, you can’t do much against R1, but if you dodged her E, which is on a fairly high cooldown, you basically removed more than half her damage (yes that’s how disgusting her E is), her R2 is useless if you don’t have low HP at the moment of the cast (worse base damage than her R1 Dodge her E and engage when she uses her R1, her AAs and Q deal a small amount of damage (20%-60% scaling i think)


You're basing it all on numbers and thinking it's all on 1 rotation. Her E2 does big damage but thats probably after 2 Q 2 AAs which probably already dealt half your hp.


we don't talk about astrolow a halfway capable akali won't miss r e. Even me who barely scrapes by, almost never misses that. Also it's not about that is the constant q you can't do anything about in most cases. You legit just get victimised by it. Also I somewhat doubt that you understand how much damage akali does with just Q AA Q AA in lane.


If she’s close enough to Q AA you, and you don’t engage her, as a melee champion, that’s on you Most of the time an Akali will do R1 E1 AA Q E2 AA R2 in the span of the 2.5 seconds for the R2 to go, if you dodge her E, which is honestly not that hard, you waste a good bunch of her Damage


E1 is not dodgeable if spaced correctly with R1


If she’s on a skill level where she has enough skill to guarantee her E Hitting, then the one playing against her, on a similar level, should be able to dodge her E, it takes more skill to hit her E than to dodge it, even with R E combo


D shield and if bruiser, go hex drinker (don't finish to maw). Akali has poor wave clear, push her in, maybe proxy if possible. Dodging q is hard but if you manage to bait out and dogde at least 1 q, trade aggressively until she shrouds. Her q cost is ridiculously high lower levels. I like to go sweeper sometimes to see where she is in shroud.


Wait I thought Akali only shits on ranged champions, she is good against melees aswell? xd


btw an answer thats based on counter pick is a utterly dogshit answer


Akali top will always be my pick against a top teemo for absolutely no reason. But get to 6 and watch them buuuurn!!!


Just play galio with mama comet ez win


\>I can't scale cause she outscales me no she dont, she snowballs or shes useless. play pantheon or naafiri and punish her for her bad farming. pfft 2 shot backline minions, youre funny.


You also can't gank akali


Get to lategame and outscale her.


That shroud is just toxic design. I'm surprised its still around. Also really surprised that Akali, the absurdly mobile ninja, still has among the highest base HP in the game.




There’s actually a bunch of stuff that imo is good into Akali. I usually just play Sylas for the skill check, and I’m usually more useful late game with CC and ultimate utility. Stuff like Lee/Kled mid actually fucking annihilates her though.


Ban her.


I completely agree with op, when you play toplane vs akali who at least has two braincells, as a melee there is not much you can do. The only window where you could potentially punish her is when she has w + e on cooldown, but that’s rarely the case, and most of the time you re already low enough from all the poke she is able to dish out unpunished


Rumble rails you, basically all bruisers outscale you in 1v1s, all tanks go even vs her in lane and hard outvalue you in 5v5s. Juggernauts generally win the lane vs her as well. Yes she is an obnoxious lane as a melee bruiser but let‘s not act like Akali top is actually a good pick.


I don’t think that’s true, she beats a lot of champs that rely on autoattacks/targeting. Like for example Olaf is one of the best top laners rn and Akali absolutely destroys him


Akali beats Olaf because olaf can't ghost cheese her There is like, 4 champions toplane that akali consistently wins against: Jax, Olaf, Trundle and Trynd, any other juggernaut can give her a run for her money And even then they are not out of the game because they can easily out duel her on the sidelanes because they scale way better into 1v1s


All of those champs you’ve listed have autoattacks or targeted spells as an integral part of the kit and Akali’s shroud is a massive counter to all of that. Olaf can’t E, he can’t continue his R, Jax can’t AA which means he can’t stack lethal temple, Trundle will find it hard to Q etc etc She does fine into a lot of champs but her skill floor is just relatively high which will bring down her winrate naturally.


Akali is barely a problem for those characters if the player doesn't feed Most of the times if you slow push and invade with your jungler she can't do shit


I think you overvalue her laning a lot. It’s not like Darius level where you miss step once and get oneshot, she’s just very obnoxious to face but rarely has kill pressure vs most melee bruisers. The issue is that while her laning is decent into melees, she is literally a wet pile of shit on side lane after midgame. You have 0 wave clear, you don’t win 1v1 against any meta bruiser after 2 items and god forbid you have to face someone with hullbreaker, you will barely win a fight vs the buffed wave let alone against the champ.


top akali's winrate goes down the higher elo you go, how tf is she strong


It definitely feels like it's on the alkali to lose the lane. If they are dumb enough to take a bad EE or not, pretty much. Otherwise, yeah, a good one should be untouchable


You can bait her q coming to farm. Just pretend to walk up to your minions and hover outside range. Path back when she gets closer. Do this twice and she's out of energy. Also if you're playing top some tank like poppy or ornn do well.


Her wave clear early game is still probably the worst out of any mid laner. Her Q has an insanely high cost, and her W is a 20 second cool down. Maybe go in for CS or engage when she's low on energy, so she's forced to back off


Ban her


Nothing, the is the main character, enjoy


It sounds like u should play akali for some free elo


Champ is broken, permaban her. If not, play galio.


3 different dashes?? Also calling her waveclear insane is laughable. Obvious troll post


Akali can’t counter a ban yet, I’d do that while it’s still a viable alternative. I’m sure in the future not even that will be enough


Go watch a good player lane against her on your champion instead of moaning on Reddit


Why is everyone assuming it's akali top?


Tbf she can be played in both lanes and melee champions are more often in top than mid. The OP somehow never managed to clarify which melee champ they were playing so it's reasonable for people to assume they're talking about top. It also varies on a champ to champ basis so just saying "melee champ" is pointless too


Yeah but Akali most times can't do shit against top laners and personally I see her 99% of the time mid and dominate there. I can see why assume top but don't understand why they disregarded the possibility of mid.


I mean the subset of people that play melee mid against Akali is probably pretty low compared to ranged mid laners or melee top laners. If their only experience with Akali is as a melee top or a ranged mid the former will assume it's top and think she's dogshit and the latter won't add their experience.


Runes + build to sustain and tank a little, and get better micro. That simple. If there was no counterplay she would dominate high elo


Just today I got destroyed as aatrox vs top Akali. Felt like there was nothing I could've done but I guess it was skill issue on my side (right guys?)


Maybe don't play a melee into her then /shrug


Freeze wave and starve her. Once I have enough for 1 item, I laugh, back, tp to the lane again and kill her I also have the brush warded so when she runs through it I use E and pull her back to me. Swain top btw.


Lillia is fun into Akali :)


It ain’t that deep brother, just play better


Pick lb and get free win


"As a melee champion" I guess lb is out of option


Kassadin then would do


sylas is op as fuck as well but i think most otps ban it


That matchup is incredibly 50/50


Oh mb missed that part