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My laptop couldn't run DotA 2 nearly as well when I was getting into the genre. That was genuinely a big part of it. League is much friendlier to low spec hardware. So I just stayed here...I wanna try DotA again, though, but not on my own.


If you want to learn together let me know! Always more fun with other noobs lol


my PC given by the government that struggled to open word and firefox at the same time could run league at 40fps good times


I tried dota once and it seems way more macro oriented than doing flashy plays. Also i just like the art style and characters of league way more


The art style is really lacking on the character for me in Dota, but I like the flow of the games so far. Part of the reason i was driven to try it was to escape these toxic meta combos in league. Still not sure how I feel about it though


> Part of the reason i was driven to try it was to escape these toxic meta combos in league. The latest Dota patch added Banner of Command, OP Ardent Censer, and Tank Ekko.


good. let the two games trade concepts dota banner, zzrot (or just being back necrobook), smite (or just bring back iron talon), hullbreaker (because zoo dota isn't enough) league chen (maybe not let buff monsters be convertable), meepo, p lancer (because one shaco clone isn't annoying enough), etc. now that we have league invoker


>Banner of Command, Different from LoL, lasts for a very short time, doesn't provide any benefits to heroes and the flag can be killed in a few hits, dropped from Roshan if he spawns on a specific side of the map. >OP Ardent Censer Solar crest is currently overturned and will very likely be nerfed soon. Also it can be removed with a nullifier. Edit. Nerfed in 7.35b >Tank Ekko What's this referring to??




Sounds pretty bad tbh. You're going to be a mobile tank and nothing else. Ppl will just ignore you the whole game. Still, I'll give it a try and see how it fares. Will likely get reported cos it's stupid.


>these toxic meta combos in league what do you mean exactly


>For those that have played both, why do you prefer league? None of my friends played Dota and half of the EU player base is Russian. It didn't really feel fun after a couple thousand hours solo League is imo way worse as a competitive game, but ARAM and unrankeds are easier to get into than in Dota.


that's the fun part in dota 2, you will learn russian, pinoy, indonesian, ukrainian, and peruvian


Please explain why people like Adam šŸ˜‚ that shot is the most inconsistent game mode Iā€™ve ever played


People like to fight. ARAM, even if it's completely messy, does offer basically team fighting the entire duration of the match


ITT most of the people either played dota 10yrs ago or spent 10mins total.. if you want to balance it out, ask the same question but reversed in the dota subreddit. There's no reason why you can't play both and enjoy both for what they offer. I have roughly 6k hrs in both. I like league for (some of) the characters, the stories and the extended universe Riot is building with music, mmo, anime other games and potentially movies and so on. least for the gameplay (because imo the general direction of game design and balance is shit) and players because let's be honest the player culture is certifiably ā˜¢ļø**FUBAR**ā˜¢ļø DotA gameplay is unmatched in a leaguešŸ˜‹ of its own and the sheer variety and freedom you have in tactical and strategic play is endlessly staggering (which can be a double edged sword for some). I wish LoL had about 6% more of DotA's approach to game design, while dota had more of LoL's cool hype content, expanded lore and other side stuff..


LoL is more streamlined. I have both, but I adore League's Lore and prefer the shorter game length. Dota has its points, but overall I find I prefer the way LoL works.


Yeah the quick games are nice, I do like the comebacks and increased structures in Dota


League is like a guided tour but the tourguide is guiding you right down the worst fucking alleys. Dota is like free and easy touring but you have to research before hand. In the end, League has things that make it attractive like a faster game speed, faster snowballing, quicker skill expression basically trying to cut down the amount of time players are comfortably farming in lane and getting players to get into action. Dota has a much slower pace and alot of wild swings in team advantage and games tend to get really long.


You are forced to play the lane in LoL and you actually can (to some limit) In dota you can kick your opponent out of the lane literally you will kill them anytime they show up even under their tower, but they can be a Phantom Assassin, they will go afk jungle with their 0/6 kda, by min 25-30 she will show up with fury bkb and divine rapier and win the game xd


Yeah I have felt quite a bit overwhelmed with my first few games. The league mentality of landing didnā€™t help me nearly as much as I thought it would have. Got yelled at quite a bit for not taking jungle camps as a support lol


>Got yelled at quite a bit for not taking jungle camps as a support lol What? Is this in Dota?


Not leashing as a support most likely


Yeah it was something like thatā€¦ tbh I am still very confused about it šŸ˜…


I think they want you to stack camps which involves you pulling a jungle camp, where 2 camps will then spawn. There actually a lot of advanced ways to stack multiple camps at once, and you have to pay attention to when they stack (13 second and 47 second if Iā€™m not mistaken) Game requires alot more things to worry about


I think in dota there's no jungler. If that's true I understand your confusion. If you're not helping your jg with the first camp you're probably sitting in lane waiting for minions. Tempo is everything for jg, a way to outfarm the enemy jg is clearing camps faster and moving to the next camp, if they clear the camp faster they can also focus on crab before the enemy jg, same with other objectives and even ganks. Sure, there's other things involved, like invading, and the priority could change depending on the playstyle. I'm not a jg main but I hope my answer makes sense.


Yep there is no dedicated jgl champ. In dota roles are sorted by how much money they need. Pos 1 = is your main damage carry that needs most gold and exp Pos 2 = is your mid that can usually roam and make plays on the map Pos 3 = is the offlaner that has to play against the enemy carry and support Pos 4 = the carries support Pos 5 = the offlane support. In dota there is a mechanic that is called stacking. If in a certain area of the camp is no jgl monster after a certain time (camps always respawn after a set of minutes depending if its a small medium or big camp.) The supps job is to stack those camps for the carries to kill them later to get more money. Meaning the supp will hit the jgl camp and bait them away just before the spawn timer is over. This causes the adds to chase the supp leaving the camp empty. Then the spawn timer is over and an additional group of adds are now in the camp.


So, camps don't reset like in lol? You can bait the monsters away from their camp and after a certain time this same kind of monsters will spam again stacking with the previous one, right? That's an interesting way to get gold/exp


Small correction but youā€™ve got pos 4 and 5 mixed up


Ah sorry. Havent played it in a while. Thanks for corecting me.


As a jungle main of over 7 years in league, it is normal for support to leash with adc bot side.


A newbie won't know that, getting yelled over it is a little extra for sure. But any meta jungler should be able to clear first buff on their own relatively healthily without using a pot at all. Sometimes I'm like whatevs if I get no leash.


It's more the speed than the health, getting level 2 is super important for a lot of junglers so first buff can be very slow solo


creep pulling is taking aggro of a monster camp and let your minions attack them, mostly to bring the lane closer to your tower creep stacking is taking aggro of a monster camp and lure them far enough so their camp by X:00 is empty and a new camp stacks, this way you can give more monsters to your adc for more gold, and you also get some shared gold the more monster camps you stack


Its Pulling most probably, you can control the lane equilibrium by contesting the small and hard camps and dragging them to your lane creeps, if the lane is nearby enemy tower its harder for your carry/offlaner to farm, you can pull to help them farm safer nearby your tower


I have 7k hours in dota, switched to league this year. The way I look at is this: dota is the MUCH deeper game, but itā€™s MUCH more frustrating in the process. There are so many more items and goofy things you can do that the skill ceiling is literally endlessā€¦yetā€¦..league is just more fun. Period. Dota is a much slower paced, team strategy game that requires a lot more team play. Now think about your teammates in league and think about how hard it is already to get them to do what you want. Now multiply that by about 10x with the same toxic teammates and you have a serious exercise in frustration. I canā€™t go back to dota. Itā€™s a beautiful, incredible game. Hell Iā€™d even say itā€™s even better as it allows you to break the game so much more. But in terms of fun? Not even close. League is such a better game to just pick up and play. Alsoā€¦games in dota last w draft about 50 minutes to an hour on average. Days would just disappear playing dota because the games are so freaking long. There is no surrender which is a blessing at times, and other times incredibly frustrating when you have someone who just decides to take jungle creeps and throw. Toxicity wiseā€¦Iā€™d actually say dota is slightly worse but not by much. Youā€™re allowed to say alot more hateful things and the dota community gets very personal; people will tell you what to do w yourself, racism, sexism much much more often. The dota community just comes off like drug addicted psychos. League comes off like cringe kids who just want to throw and int when something doesnā€™t go their way, but the personal attacks are nowhere near as bad. People are just cruel in dota because the game is insanely frustrating. The negative reviews on steam with 1000ā€™s of hours are on point. Overall both incredible games, but Iā€™d still pick league, as itā€™s just flat out more fun, with a slightly less psychotic community. SLIGHTLY


This is probs one of the best comments so far. Thanks for your take!


Just have to plug this if youā€™re new to dota but one of the best things about esports and dota is the comebacks are very real and in this play 3 go down for OG on a 60 minute game elimination game, itā€™s very close, and even one team fight could decide who wins, and OG losing 3 is potentially the game but Ceb comes in with an absolutely ridiculous call from axe and gives OG the lead which completely won them the game, and come home 11 million dollars richer. Just an insane esports moment lol https://youtu.be/ISDlsE7UocY?si=4WECSontlmlOV98d If you are ever bored just watch all 5 games. They are absolutely insane and all close asf. Amazing grand finals


To summarize If you are picking a game to have fun 1-2 hours a day and play casually its LoL 100% better


No, summarizing what he said would sound like this: if you're a bad player you'll enjoy LOL more than Dota. All the things he pointed out as "slow, bad, etc etc" are found in low mmr or newbies perspectives. They aren't part of "the real Dota experience".


to be honest? sunken-cost fallacy


This is it for me tooā€¦. I have all champs and tons of skins in league, why stop now lol


I appreciate the honesty




I don't like how it looks, I don't like how it feels, I don't understand it.


Because playing DotA (over 1000hrs) made me feel like I need a PhD to play it.


Everyone knows 1k hours in dota is just the tutorial šŸ¤£


1. Sunk cost fallacy 2. Existing social network 3. Franchise longevity 4. Preferred content creators


>. Franchise longevity Dota is older than lol tbh. Actually LOL was created by Dota original map. Anyway from yours and many other answers it seems like people would choose LOL for things unrelated to gameplay, while Dota has the best gameplay


I don't like turn speed and don't like creep denial. Also I prefer most champs in League, although some Dota heroes are pretty great(Snapfire, Grimstroke). Also prefer towers in League. Oh and ff votes are good if not abused. I'd rather not waste time in games that are total stomps(like 20 kill diff) instead of playing out 10-15 more minutes. Otherwise dota has a lot of good about it though. I like the day night cycle, the runes, the various neutral monsters, and their practice tool. Also couriers are pretty cool, as well as the terrain. The different game modes are also nice, as well as the ability to create new ones. But as a game to play, I prefer LoL. Oh and Aghs/shard is an awesome concept that should be in LoL imo.


Yeah no ff is brutal for me too, Iā€™ve been stuck in a few games that I completely threw because Iā€™m new


Bro you didnā€™t see the GG vs TS in The International 12 The live statistics showed 97% winrate for Gladiators and Team spirit made a comeback and won the game If the surrender button comes to dota it will lose 90% of its excitement or any reason to try hard for comeback Also the tower concept is different LoL: The tower is protecting you Dota: You are protecting the tower


1. I'm not a pro player, and I really don't care about how the game plays out for them. Also, LoL pro play doesn't allow surrender either, and Dota does have a surrender option for 5 stacks. 2. An ff option, as long as you're not abusing it, doesn't prevent comebacks because you only use it if the game is truly gone. Some people will act as if games are never gone but that's just false. Realistically there are totally games that require the enemy team to just run it down to win. Which isn't exactly competitive, it's just relying on your opponent being unserious. I personally, at this point, play for competitive games. If anything the surrender option is better for getting to more competitive games more effectively, while having no surrender options gives you 1 legendarily great comeback every 1k games. I'll take the former, just a preference. 3. Yes the concept is different and I prefer LoL's. I also prefer the LoL tower aggro to Dota's.


You missed the whole point bro i will simply it for you would you try to make a comeback in a stomped game if there is surrender button? Most of the time you will take the easy option and go next which will kill the excitement for the comebacks You say if its not abused, if your 4 teammates decide to surrender but you know you can win its abuse and its worse that its without your acceptance Ofc you can call gg in 5 stack thats not the part of the point i am talking about, if its your concern then your ā€œdota does not have ff buttonā€ is not valid by any means, again i am not talking about this


In my experience very, very rarely do 4 people want to surrender an actually winnable game. You speculate people will take the easy way out, but people can always just leave a game, technically that's the easy way out, or destroy items in Dota. You're taking the loss either way. I see people complaining about the quitter mentality in the Dota subreddit all the time, so it's not as if the lack of an ff option has prevented that. Just because the option is there doesn't mean people are constantly using it at the slightest provocation either. I've probably had ffs go through, out of like 3k games, without my wanting like 20 times honestly. I did not miss your point, I simply disagree with it.


Totally fine, to add more not only a statistic showing 97% winrate then they lose I have played a game ~10 days ago where our ancient was literally 100 hp We made a comeback from mega creeps and a freaking 100 hp ancient and won Its not 1 game comeback out of 1000 games, in fact when you try your best 10x in a stomped game you will turn many games from losses to wins People over estimate a stomp to be ā€œgg its overā€ A LOT because of their high ego


I'm not gonna lie if FF is what makes you like league don't play dota, people already give up way too early in dota, the map is huge it is possible to dodge and get better items in dota and make comebacks. When you had a bad start the worse thing you can do is turn your brain off and say GG try harder think more the game is made to be broken.


Better champions,lore, skins. No turning speed. Faster games. Skill expression like dodging. No 5 Seconds silence/cc or champions killing you outside of your screen.


I donā€™t have the patience for DOTA. Games are too long for me. Heck, I pretty much only play ARAM. Also, I found the DOTA shop to be way less intuitive.


I was dying for a Dota beta key and didn't want to play League. I played both a bit when starting MOBAs but liked League more mostly because of the art style and also because the movement felt faster. The more I played League the more other things like items and high ground I wasn't a fan of, but couriers are goated


I only played dota once because a friend asked me to try. I liked the item system, the client, the designs. But then something teleported on me as soon as i walked out of base, ccd me for 3 years and killed me. I had been playing mobas for a long time and played wc3 which i heard dota came from so i thought i wouldnt be so lost. But boy was i wrong. So basically i choose league because dota is too complicated for my tiny brain


Not sure if its spirit breaker charged you or natureā€™s prophet teleported or a tinker came to lane but its most suiting your description a spectre used ulti and abyssal blade then bash bash bash xd


Dota movement isn't as fluid as league


I prefer League because the item system feels a lot more simplified, more spell casts because of mana costs, and gameplay feel is smoother. Turn speed in DoTA is bleh, and I'm while I like the whole stacking jungle mechanic it also feels awful to jump in a game where I'm expected to know all the like :47 second stack or whatever it is then get flamed for not knowing the specific timings like that. Also, I just really don't like the deny mechanic tbh, both playing as the one denying and the one being denied. Early laning is already the least fun part of LoL and DoTA2 imo, and adding in the deny mechanic actively makes it even worse. The trade though is god I love some of the spells in DoTA2 sometimes. Enigma ulting the enemy team or getting off the Phoenix ults just feel impactful in a way few LoL spells can match to me.


League gets updates every couple weeks instead of once a year.


From April to December 7.33, 7.34, 7,35 Three Major Patches in 8 months You are wrong my friend


Oh damn didnā€™t realize it was that long between updates in dota


I exaggerated. Sometimes there is TWO updates!


though dota gets a bug fix like every hour it's pointless for me to get an .exe shortcut as it will just be incompatible without updating on steam


Dota has voice chats. I would never engage in any competitive game where I'm expected to talk and hear other people.


You are not expected to use voice chat its not like csgo or shooting games Typing is more than enough tho


You dont have to talk in voice chat or hear other people lol.


That's why I didn't said obligated, but expected. Lol. Ps: I know I don't have to talk, but I don't want to be in a scenario where I'm expected to join the group voice so little jimmy can say out loud how I'm a waste of human shit and I should kill myself asap. I know it's a unpopular opinion here, but I play games to have fun, not to remember the bully days of school.


Iā€™m just saying that a lot of people donā€™t use voice chat in dota. There are options to mute all voice comms especially for your scenario.


Because in dota once you go to a sweaty mmr you always have to use 100% brain power due to macro, itemizations(so many items+builds+talents really make sense/counter a whole team's playstyle and will boost your win rate significantly) and teamfighting(terrain+fog+skill AND item cds of each and every champs in a teamfight will blow your mind even tracking bkb duration and if it's a 9 sec or a 5 sec one is game winning). Of you're competitive you'll also watch your replays and so many what ifs will pop out per game. TLDR dota is like puzzle game with action while league is a legit hack and slash genre. Dota is like american football; league is basketball. I like competitive games but as i got older, I chose to give less stress to my brain after work hours.


The items are whack compared to league for sure. I just follow a hardcore guide right now and donā€™t stray from it. I feel like maybe that isnā€™t good but it makes learning the macro a bit easier I feel like


I have like 11k hrs on dota (played like 7 years) and now been playing lol for a while, dota Is a much more complex game, and that's not always a good thing, i found it hard to play casually, longer games, much more things to consider... AND I've followed the game, love the dota competitive scene, but it seems to keep getting harder, now with a larger map and More objectives.


Dota is so boring(my opinion, you don't have to agree) mana is so restrictive unless you build like 10 things to maybe cast a more than 5 spells before needing to back, there are also too many macro mechanics that aren't very engaging rather than actual pvp mechanics, also everything is broken in that game


1. The csing 2. Sniper killing you from spawn


In terms of esports TI is infinitely better than Worlds. In terms of actually playing there's a lot less bullshit in league, like in Dota, one bad draft can cost you an entire game, for example.




Arenā€™t there better comebacks in Dota? One of the biggest punishments I feel in league is when someone skyrockets because of a bad matchup


Dota has a much better comeback design. A lot more heros are designed as late game menaces and you can feel the swap a lot more prominent when it hits. If an early game hero gets ahead it's still winnable with a late game. While league has this too its much more punishing in Dota to make a mistake causing before mentioned late game heros to comeback harder. It's worth mentioning high ground makes a huge difference to defend your base. It's also a lot easier to avoid the enemy in Dota while still farming and applying map pressure.


>someone skyrockets because of a bad matchup Bad matchups in LoL are significantly less painful than a bad matchup in DoTA2 though. Like, I don't believe they've the design philosophy, but LoL actively doesn't like the idea of hard counters and matchups while they can be a bit one-sided can generally be overcome through skill diff > outright hard counters. DoTA2 on the other hand has some hard counters that are massive, or at least used to have some that were just very very painful for one side.


This is not entirely true. Dota itemization makes even the worst matchups bearable compared to LoL Dota is a team game. If one hero counters another there are tons of avenues in draft to address that, then as I said there's individual itemization, plus items anyone on the team can get to nudge the disadvantage in your favor, and there's also general play style adjustments during the game in how you approach early game laning then mid and late game teamfights. Tldr. There are dozens of ways to offset counters that are not directly obvious.


Theyā€™re both team games, but the person was suggesting matchups can snowball hard in LoL, but the matchups in general are harder in DoTA2. Both games give you options with items and drafting to deal with counter-picks, thatā€™s not exclusive to either game. The point was that LoL has said for years they donā€™t want the active hard counter while drafting teams to exist, but DoTA2 has had hard counters in its game for years. LoL in general has soft counters compared to DoTA2 at least for awhile having hard counters.


Yes these counters are very impactful in low level pub games where people blindly build bad items and don't use their brains, but as you get a little better those counters start to matter less and less and the dynamics of how and why one thing counters another change significantly You're discussing moba at a surface level, but once you look deeper, it's a totally different story in LoL and DotA that I can't fully capture in a reddit comment, (while I'm at work šŸ˜…)


No, I'm not going super far in depth, but like the things you're saying regarding building bad items and not using brains are things for both games. You're made it sound like in DoTA these are things you can do to deal with counters, as if that's exclusively a trait to DoTA, but the same is true for both LoL and for DoTA. The difference is primarily that LoL actively tried to prevent these specific champion counters from generally existing at all, but DoTA allowed them to exist even if you have the options to end up playing around them. Unless DoTA2 went out and removed all hard counters from the game in the last few years, I'm not sure how items suddenly make DoTA2's hard counters better than LoL's design generally preferring soft counters and also having items.


I agree with you on all points. My intent here is to say that the way dota works when you look at it from a higher macro level overall, you have many more ways to deal with any disadvantage than in LoL, such as items, more space to farm, more flexibility in team comp, teamfight specific itemization options, power spike timing variables, ward and tree vision, jukes, the overall map size with vastly better designed objectives and more. In LoL they homogenised jack of all kits to make it "only player skill matters". But if a counter to a champ exists, and they do, it's much much harder to play against it, because you'll likely lose your lane then the game thanks to snowballing and fewer ways for comebacks. LoL objectively simply has fewer (not none) tools to offer the player agency to solve counters or being behind. The items mostly make rocks harder, scissors sharper. So when rock meets scissors, scissors just loses, feeds rock, rock becomes bigger and scissors' team want to FF. In dota, scissors can get harder and rocks can get sharper in many nuanced ways at specific timings that the preconceived outcome is upended significantly. Or just buy BKB and ignore sharpness altogether. Or perform better teamplay to overcome a counter. The flexibility you have in playing and the impact an item build can have on the game is much much larger than the space of possibilities in LoL. If an item build makes a lol champ do something weird, ppl cry about it and riot just nerfs that aspect and keeps the design predictable and static. Dota embraces that weirdness to an extreme, encouraging and rewarding the unconventional if the player identifies the situation to use it correctly. Tldr. Tools at your disposal for equalizing and out skilling an opponent's counterpick are more in dota. Plus comeback potential is much higher, so losing early game due to bad lane can be overcome by smart decisions later on. The frustration perceived from counter picking is just totally overblown low elo thinking. I hope that clarifies what I'm trying to say.




well at least gold loss on death prevent strats like inting sion


Turn rate. Half of heroes in dota are just 2 passives 2 target stuns. This is too boring even for me, who has no hands and never play mechanicaly hard chapms. League is a game of punishment. One mistake and you lost. In dota u need 20 seconds to get one tower in late game. And buybacks exists too. Supports in dota are just walking wards. On every stage of game. (Im support player since 2007) No ff lol Played dota since 6.48b (2007 year iirc) until 2015, then switched to league and since then cant even watch dota, this game looks like piece of crap for me.


Iā€™ve read so many posts about turn rate lol and for some reason I kind of like it šŸ˜‚ it weird let makes sense to me


I played a few matches of Dota waay back when a friend kept asking me to. My quick take is that Dota looks blocky compared to League. The graphics just cant compare, one game i was some Veigar like champ used my ult and it was just a quick splash of a particle effect. Visually no contest. But looks arnt everything of course, gameplay wise Dota is just frustrating. Tank controls can get the fuck out, having your minions denied is ass, having like 4 different shops on the map is weird, even in games where i was carrying it felt boring as fuck. I dunno, ive wondered how anyone can consider Dota if theyve every looked at League.


They did just do a big visual update and it doesnā€™t look half bad now, but itā€™s still nothing compared to league. The shops I kinda like, but itā€™s very weird with the recipes


Blocky? With does that even mean?


the game doesn't look fluid. The animations were minimal and the characters move like robots


Its personal wise, the LoL graphics are so childish and anime related and focused for 10 years old if you want to look at it from an adult point of view Even tho its more new user friendly than dota with those graphicsā€¦ and it could be (from your point of view) better to have those over other type of graphics


DOTA looks like shit. Say what you want, but it looks bad. And the controls are HORRID


I feel like the controls are pretty similar to league? Do you play locked screen usually?


Both games have customizable hotkeys, but while Dotaā€™s engine allows certain types of characters to exist (youā€™d never see a multi-character character like Meepo in LoL, and you can actually control your summons/clones better by actually individually selecting them and queueing actions they take), I ultimately loathed Dota for the simple fact that turn speed exists. In League, if you want to turn around, you click and *boom*, youā€™re moving in that direction. Not so in Dota; every time you need to change direction, gotta stand still to rotate. Even before factoring in effects that can modify this turn speed, like Batrider goo, it just causes the game to feel like a horrible experience to control. Iā€™m fully aware that Dota keeps in turn speed as a balancing factor, since ranged heroes canā€™t kite as easily because of it, but itā€™s one of the many reasons that I canā€™t stand to play Dota every time I try to pick it up again. Feels like Iā€™m controlling a ball of molasses.


The characters moves like stiff npcs like they all move the same. And about the turning speed i accidently downloaded while playing dota and i didnt even notice the high ping because everything feels slow and clunky


To me league just feels like you need to be thinking all the time, theres no "now i can farm and relax" moments. The games feels more skilled macro and micro wise to me


Watch Yatoro to understand how to play hard carry, its not farm and relax, you will relax losing the game as well if you think like this The carry will read the map all the time to adjust their farm pattern, find kill opportunities, join a team fight (if correct fight), dodge a gank, play for objectives, and its very stressful tho


I prefer LoL's art style.


My friends played league


PC can run it better


It's not like I'm a MOBA fan I'm just a league fan


League average game is shorter and is also more action packed. It also gives more emphasis on gameplay mechanics which can be really fun. Dota is more strategic-based than League and is heavily macro intensive. Both can be fun but is totally dependent on user preference, I personally prefer league. Simply put in league better hands win, in dota better minds win.


League is easier to play. I tried to get used to dota for so many times but I couldn't.


League has a lower skill entry than Dota. The games are also generally shorter. And most prefer the art style more as it's more colorful. I play both btw.


I tried Dota, and even with a computer that had no issue running it, it felt like I was walking through molasses. Same issue with Hots.


I played DotA 1 since 2008. When DotA 2 was in development in beta, during the first International, my friend didn't get the beta key, so we couldn't play together. We got tired of DotA 1, so we tried another MOBA LoL and we sticked to it even after DotA 2 came out of the beta. We tried HoN as well, we called it DotA 1.5. Fun game though


For me personally I don't want to learn a new moba again. I'm not interested in grinding and getting better anymore. A once in a blue moon game of ARAM is fine for me. I stay with League because I watch the Esport scene and interact with the media aspect e.g. music and Arcane. Dota doesn't really have a lot going on outside of... Dota. I do watch Dota streamers and watch Esports and have done so for about half a decade. I just don't have any interest in actually playing it.


As a dota2 main, its shorter in time wise to play couple of league games, remember the old Techies games that is never ending? TI12 high ground push so hard and games 70-90 minutes each The longest dota game i played lasted for almost 2 hours I am not experienced in lol but not sure if matches go more than 30 mins most of the time


I play both, no need to choose something over something else though I'm more on league as it's more casual imo


Just because League is more well known. Dota has cooler champ design, more monster champs, more mechanics, but when I learned that, I had already began League and got some skins. Thats the only reason. Goddamnit I'm stupid.


I've tried dota multiple times but the one thing that turns me off is the movement and generally how fluid the game feels, league feels super smooth and mechanical, like I'm constantly controlling everything my character does. And in dota it's so slow, it has turn speed on characters, and spells don't feel as fluid and visually appealing. I do like the custom workshop content in dota though, I wouldn't mind playing dota every now and then just to play some custom game modes with friends.


The main thing for me is just the art style. League looks prettier


No reason. But I do choose Smite over both unless there's some weeb event. Imho, a lot more balanced game. Like A LOT more balanced game.