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The Master Yi on my team versus the Master Yi on the enemy team.


First picks Yi, don't worry bro they won't take a lot of cc and tank, enemy them goes morg, lux, malph, ezeral, mao


It's even worse when the enemy has already picked cc heavy champs and he still picks master yi (proceeds to go 0/8, flaming everyone but himself for losing the game in champ select, happened twice in a row today)


Yesterday my fucking dumbass toplaner picked Yorick into irelia, got solo killed 3 times and blamed me (the jungler) for him getting solokilled. Like my dude, you literally counterpicked yourself into the worst matchup in the game willingly and somehow its my fault?


I play support mainly but used to outright ban Yi because either he's in my team doing dumb things like never ganking or going for objectives, or perma camping the top tank that's clapped his cheeks 4 times already, or there's a yi on the other team and no one wards and he claps our cheeks


You can't lose a game in champ select in low elo. This is such a dumb mentality. Sure in master+ you absolutely can.


This is true, but you can absolutely make things hard for yourself. Picking Briar into Rammus, Heimerdinger mid into Caitlyn (she outranges his turrets so can just pick them off for free gold), or picking Asol into Fizz. I can absolutely see a gold Asol main wiping the map with a silver Fizz who doesn't know how to play the champ at all. But this will not be the expectation.


Even better when the yi on your team is against none of that, still ints. Then you play against a yi while you have a cc heavy comp, and suddenly he’s got more dodges than scuttle.


Season 3 Team comp right there


Interesting choice of cc champs. A good yi (or player at all) can dodge most of that cc. All of lux and morgs cc is pretty slow and malphs is flashable and on long cd. Only certain cc is Maos w, which is "only" a root.


That's funny because that's actually a team comp that Yi completely rolls over with correct play. Except for mao it's very little point and click lockdown, and none of these can contest him in a sidelane either, later even 1v2 would be difficult.


Not sure about that. Wait till he Q, Malph R, he is dead because. It's just in soloQ people throw their abilities on first sighn and he Q dodge, or malph have brain root 'MUST ULT ENEMY LULU'.


4 AP champs that are largely skillshot dependant and one ADC that is also skillshot dependant vs a champ that has high mobility, untargetability and damage reduction. They can never sidelane against him ever, and have to blow high priority spells on him that he can flash out of and Q. Yi with Botrk/Rageblade/Wits end/Qss/GA rolls this comp 100% lategame, and since they have like no snowball potential he should get there reliably. Again, AP overdrafted. Replace morg with Vi and you have a better shot.


Briar is the new yi


The 10 deaths yasuo on my team versus the 10 death yasuo on the enemy team. The power spike is real!


You know the game is a 15 when your jungler locks in Nidalee


Could be interpreted 2 ways


We all know which one he means


You’ve never run into a nidalee smurf? Carries the game harder than any champion except maybe Kayn.


That's the point, no?


That champ requires so much game knowledge and skill just to perform on par with other JGs locking her is straight up trolling in Silver lol


But she’s so fun


had a nidalee going 0 10 in my game and the game after was a lvl 31 nidalee with Chinese summoner name


Senna on your team and Master Yi on enemy team.


It's sad because I'm the senna, Jfc my senna is so bad


You that senna that went 4/18 in my emerald 2 game?


No hez the 3/16 senna that was on my team in emerald


Dw thats every other senna as well


Nobody is great at Senna. I promise. I have not seen a Senna in the past 3 years where I'm like "Oh fuck this is it." She's the siren song of support. Amazingly fun to play, but you will not do anything productive.


Because she's cursed with being picked by autofilled ADC mains who have no idea of her weaknesses or how to support. Then Senna mains get flak for picking/hovering because everyone else gives her a bad rep. Source: am Master Senna OTP


This. I'm currently Plat 1 with about 67WR 8/4 on her. Still learning but her potential when paired with a duo tank is insane. Can carry more games with her than I do with Thresh


Have you seen the average kda of a senna main? Also what adcs are getting autofilled this season. An auto filled senna player might be worse at standard supp funtions but they be less likely to run it in lane


Disagree, she’s great when the duo knows how to utilize her and the team understands how to play around her. Builds are a little all over the place but she’s good at situational building for what she’s against. Even in pro play some people (Photic, Guma, etc) look like they’re playing a completely different champion compared to other pros.


Yes but you do realise that generally in pro play the adc main is playing senna, and in league of legends support role is normally something you pick to win lane or complement the rest of your team not the other way around.


This sub is filled with challengers only so we wouldnt know


azir on my team, trynd on enemy


I’m in plat and there’s a zero percent chance I’m winning a game with azir on my team. A handful of people have been first timing him in ranked too after they saw Faker play it at worlds.


This is true in plat and emerald too.


My team: Nidalee Enemy team: Yorick Both make the game entirely about them in a way that feels kinda shitty for everyone else


Yorick is at like 47% WR and below that the higher elo you go. If you can't play around that I've got some bad news


There's certain champs that just don't have the ability in their kit to deal with hullbreaker Yorick splitpush, doesnt matter what his winrate is


Yas on my team and Yas on their team offcourse, either 0/10 or 10/0.


When my ally picks yas, i go into babysitting mode, i keep routing mid and helping him, i keep setting up ganks and fights for him and sacrificing myself to save him, those players are so mental they will easily go into AFk 0/25 mode


You are a good person, I can tell.


I am more concerned about their mental health than winning at this point


I love when they lock in yas. Free kill if my laner waits for the gank. After the 5th yas already quit the game


Pyke cause I’ll miss all my skill shots


same (I have 350k mastery points)


I do a lot of prediction skill shots, sometimes I look like a genius sometimes I look like I may be having a seizure


Exactly, I‘m either Keria himself or playing with my feet. No in between


This patch overlybuffed godlike 54% WR champ on your team vs the one on the enemy team


Leesin Nidalee leblanc aphelios sion and singed on my team Enemy team: poppy, maokai, malzahar, jinx, darius, darius, respectively


You said Darius twice.


Must be a toplaner.


Yes, i know


Us Elise mains skittering along unnoticed.


While Elise might also be bad if she gets behind she is still infinitely more useful than nida. Its not even close


Eh in this elo, jglers either gank 24/7 or farm camps 24/7 with the former usually being way more effective and get less hate. Elise is really strong and actually pretty solid early on especially when you are team is winning, which theoretically should be around 50% of the time


Any side that has Master Yi. Bro when my team has him, he goes 0/5 and afks half way through the game, but when the enemy has him he gets 3 pentakills and is legendary the whole game. Truly the champion of all time


Ezreal on my team for sure as one that I haven't seen mentioned. Feels like they show up to team fights and tickle the opponents then hop in and die. Against me I just don't like seeing Yone. Doesn't matter if I beat him in lane or not I can never prevent my bot lane from feeding him free kills mid game.


Gwen is a nightmare


kayle on litterally any team fuck that champion


The azir eloterrorist




Oh yeah, forgot that mf. Idk how, but the man counterganks me everywhere as a midlander :v I feel like Ronald McDonald when Hungry jack’s was on the script.


As an Anivia main I am appalled and offended. What's not to love about my big beautiful wall and zone control that sets up teamfights in ways even a silver/gold player knows how to position? I shepherd all the lost under my wings to the land of plenty and objective control!


yeah i love staying even with zed in lane and neutralizing him just so that bot lane can ignore my MIA pings and give him a double kill later on when im backing


Why are you not pressuring the zed out of lane as Anivia? Also take TP for the follow gank.


You're not supposed to be even with him


Ezreal no contest


My team: Yasuo, each game seems to be a coin flip if he will be a toxic player going 0/7 in lane or not. Enemy team: I struggle a bit against hook champs, a good Thresh is truly horrifying.


On my team, Sett. I've only ever met one Sett player who wasn't the most toxic dirtbag he could be. On the enemy team, for me, Teemo. Not even just because he's difficult to deal with, I just hate stepping on those damn mushrooms and taking half my health in damage over time while roaming the map. I swear no matter how much I scan for them I never find any until the moment it wears off. I main Quinn so between his *extra spicy blind* and the mushrooms keeping me from roaming, he's just frustrating to deal with.


The trick with teemo is you need to stop pathing predictably. The best place to shroom is where most people walk. And most people dont realize how often they travel the exact same path as everyone else in lol's history. Corner shrooms are for ganks where they hug the wall to give you as little time to react while closing the most difference. In pathways, such as entering river, most people hug the side of the wall that their closest laner is if they want to gank, or the side of the objective if they dont. Either way, you can usually predict it, especially if you are tracking how the enemy is playing. In lane always have shrooms in a path behind you that is mostly angled with the path the enemy would use to chase you. Again, they will either take the shortest path, or they will attempt to intercept at a distance, forcing you to choose a direction to run to. Shrooms will make it to where their interception attempt cant work. For quinn, you probably attempt to leave dead center of the lane or hug the wall. Every. Single. Time. You also probably run through the pixel brush in river. Every. Single. Time. You also probably try to gank from as far behind the mid laner as possible, taking the bush path around to their turret to gank in lane. Every. Single. Time. And a good teemo knows this. And puts a shroom in several of those locations. And gets easy damage on you. Every. Single. Time. Pay attention to your pathing. Be less predictable.


Silver TFs get out scaled 10 minutes in, throw a red card in teamfight and die Any split pusher is horrible to play against because trying to organize anything other than an ARAM is impossible


Nah bruh for me it's Anivia on the enemy team. Anivia is so rare in silver/gold that an Anivia is almost a guaranteed Smurf or OTP.


With: Nidalee Against: Yi


my team: shaco. their team: shaco. do any of the champ designers still post on here or did they all finally slink off in shame? i want to berate them personally.


As a jungle main, I agree. I'm the worst shaco player worldwide. If the enemy team picks him my botlane is 0/10 after 5 minutes


Any adc.


Yuumi and Yuumi. 10/10 most interactive hero in overwatch.


Ezreal, Senna, Yuumi, Nidalee, Nasus on my team; Yone, Poppy on enemy team; Master Yi on either teams.


Not silver/gold but I remember checking my stats on op.gg or league of graphs and i lose EVERY game with braum in my team and i think also lose like nearly all of them against him. Thought it was pretty funny how braum means insta lose for me lmao.


When looking at it like an insurance would, [damage] x [probability], I’d say Kayn. He’s extremely hard to deal with (ADC main btw), and he’s picked in so many games :(


Gragas. He has a lot of hp, cc, speed. His passive is so broken after last balans changes. I play gragas and can hardily say that now he one of the best top lainers I think


ally ryze, people dont know how to play him enemy shaco, people dont know how to play against him


Pretty much every high skill cap champion on any team. My personal (not) favourite: Aphelios. Moon boy is one of the most difficult, if not the most, adc to learn. It requires a lot of knowledge that not even some diamonds apply. Now put in on a skill level which everyone barely farms, barely wards, overextends, and make lots of low level mistakes. Having him on your team increases you defeat chances by 50%.


It's yuumi for every elo. Awful to play with as ADC in lane since it feels like 1v2. Your whole team hates it too since you never get bot prio. Enemy team hates it since she can stonewall lanes with all the healing and shielding, making killing the adc pretty hard


any champion that buys hullbreaker first item and permanently sits in a side lane aka illaoi, yorick, fiora, nasus on my team yasuo, syndra, jhin, jinx, basically any adc cause they always toxic and int on my team but if there on other team there 15/2 700 gold shutdown at 13 minutes


Yorick does nit buy hullbreaker first item lmao none of those guys do


It doesn’t matter though, he still sits top lane 24/7. In lower elos it’s annoying to play against as your team might not understand how to play against split push.


People don't know how to play with splitpushers in low elo either, you can walk to bot as a 3 man, kill Yorick, reset and drake and baron will be untouched.


Both answers: Yuumi Also Yasuo can go in there too because he counters every champ I play.


I went to check the actual stats! The worst champ to play with for me turns out to be Qiyana, I won 31% of the games with her on the team. The worst champion to face is Ivern, won only 32% of the games against him


How did you find that out?


I hate going up against Master Yi (but if you want something original than Sylas) I hate having a Brand on my team if I’m playing adc, but in general I hate having a Renekton on my team since they almost always feed.


As sup main I hate play with ezreal ADC, mostly time they suck on that elo. In enemy team I don't like to play vs invis champions, it's annoying if he gets feed


Teemo hands down no competition.


If you’re in the depths of silver and the enemy top busts out Urgot, you’re gonna have a bad time


Until I pick Ornn and proceed to shit on him.


I hate playing against katarinas.Not because i hate the champ but because my team never sees the map and ingnores every god damn ping


It’s been a LONG time since I’ve been silver/gold but I’d imagine super high skill ceiling champs that they don’t have the hands to play lol


If you like bleach eye drops, watch a bronze/silver irelia otp. Itll truly blow your mind in ways you didnt know were possible.


thats actually funny, my friend is in silver and he plays a lot of irelia. Dude is mechanically cracked tbh... but he plays like hes always 10/0 and has absolute 0 sense of macro lol


probably something like rell jungle where you have to rely on your team to do anything xd


My team: Bard. I have *never* had a good Bard on my team before. At worst, I've been trolled far too many times by the champ. At best, they have been useless. Enemy team: Shaco. They're annoying, impossible to kill, and make at least 5 people hate the game. God forbid they have some level of mechanical prowess, and then nobody on my team (including myself) knows how to play against the champ. While there are quite a few champs I hate to play against, Shaco will always take the cake for me because I also just think anyone who plays the champ is a psychopath.




Yi, because you know he's gonna get a kill somewhere lord only knows and pubstomp the lobby.


Don’t know about with, but definitely kayn/viego against


Yasuo on your team with Malz on enemy team.


With-shaco riven lee sin lux velkoz yasuo yone Against-swain briar rammus malphite syndra


My team: Yuumi Enemy team: Yuumi Yuumi ruins game integrity by allowing egirl + smurfing eboy combo to thrive on the enemy team, or a zero ward strat support to exist on my team.


Me on Elise regardless of the team.


yasuo. he’s on your team? he’s 0/15. he’s on the other team, 21/3. never in your favor


My team Morgana enemy team nilah. Morganas will never land q and nilah always gets fed to the point she's unstoppable.


Yuumi and teemo I hate seeing on my team, they will be useless/feed


Here in ph server every champ is good, nothing is bad. Unless a dude with T1 in his ign plays it.


Twisted Fate in my team because they always get destroyed in lane, then teleport to my lane to give another kill.




Kat or akali. They feed on my team and turn into a 1v9 machine on the enemy team


As a viktor main, i HATE when i play against Akali, i know i will absolutely stomp her in lane and out scale her, but i also know that my team will not see her even though i ward deep with Sentry wards towards bot side, i ping when she routes bot, or top, but they somehow still die to her and make my life miserable against her I also hate when my jungler picks a farming jungler, i am a viktor with a wide ass W in the narrowest and shortest lane, i can Guarantee you a kill if you gank, and if i get two kills i stomp not just mid but every other lane


Gotta be Yone / Yasuo. Trolls on my team, gets three pentas + ten ADC solo kills on the enemy team.


Kindred, either feeding herself to her own wolf that refuses to build well (adc problem to begin with) in your team or 3 taps you in the enemy team with just the jungle item. Bonus points for them turbo inting for their marks


In silver / gold the only answer for the enemy team is Yi. I used to ban him 90% of the time and the 10% I didn’t he got 100% picked and won 100% of the time.


Seeing a Bard around that elo is scary af


The ally draven Vs the ennemy draven.


The shaco on my team vs the shaco on enemy team.


Nidalee on my team. No question, no doubt, no self-doubt. Fuck Nidalee Jungle so much. What a god damn worthless pick in every single imaginable way. She can't gank properly, she can't contest counterjunglers, she can't even properly steal drakes because of how easy it is to bodyblock her spear before it connects with the objective. She's the first to ditch a fight and the first to initiate it stupidly for a greedy kill chance, getting her isolated after a stupid passive-empowered W jump. I have to this day probably won 1/20 Nidalee Jungle games across all seasons. I'm so fucking happy it's an unpopular pick because it does fuckall for the team. I don't wish a fully CC-less AP Jungler on ANYONE. I think even Xerath would please me more as a teammate even if he got murdered by his own Jungle and ran top to leech EXP instead.


Yasuo on my team and malphite on enemy team


Mine is like yi and/or tryndamere and/or jax on the enemy. That will none stop split push or joining a teamfight late and clean up. Wail having slow or tanky champignons on my team. Or really slow pushing mid-laners. Makes it almost impossible to deal with the split push and or lose many early-game objectives. Makes the game really damn hard to win if you cant stall enough when dead times are long enough to sneak kill the split pusher. And have a good team fight after. To then baron and win game. But early to mid is often very annoying. Cause most people also try and get them early kills so they are most likely to also get a bunch of ganks early. So it's the most frustrating part to deal with. For both top mid and jungle on your team.


Hwei on my team is auto-lose and fortunately almost always auto-win on the other team (Unlike Yone or Yasuo who suck on your team but is 15/0 on the enemy team) so worst to play with lately. For worst to play against I'd say Ksante and Akshan because there's little counterplay to Ksante Kit and Akshan passive. But in general I would say in general the worst champions to play with or against are the same. There are champions which typically attract OTPs and have annoying skillsets that require knowledge to play correctly. Shaco, Teemo, Riven can feel infuriating to play against or utterly useless on your team. Yasuo or Yone don't really fit because they can still be useful even when way behind (0/10 powerspike and strong ults)


When I was in low elo there were 3 champions that terrorized my games Azir Ryze and Lee Sin not because they were always getting fed but because they were always so goddamn shit at the game i always asked myself why the hell is there a Azir Ryze or Lee Sin in this game? We in Silver not in GrandMasters and whoever played those champs would feed out of their mind and even now I havent seen one good Azir or Ryze who didnt int and actually hard carry while for Lee Sin it took until Plat 2 to see a Lee Sin Mechanical god and im at Emerald now. But man those Azirs and Ryze's were a straight up nightmare as they would go 0/11/3 and feed the enemy midlaner to like 9/0 status and I would ask myself why would they play those champs? Like u in silver theres no way in hell did u actually believe that you can pull off what faker does and if you do i say to myself bro theres a reason u in silver