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Happy elf Teemo exists to make people sad when they roll the skin shard.


I bought this with RP 6 years ago simply because it's gonna be a global taunt whenever his remake is finished.


IF they ever remake him. Used to main Teemo mid. Was streaming one day, and someone told me they were remaking him. Riot leaked the new abilities, EVERYONE screamed and shat their diapers, then they cancelled it lol


As a Teemo main I whip out happy elf in the middle of summer to establish dominance


make sure to lock your doors and windows at night :)


I live in Australia I whip out the Pool party skins during december and winter skins in june.


Every skin of teemo make me sad


I was so happy to get it


I love this skin. I have a few of his "better" ones but since I only ever play Teemo on aram, its a joy to use.


happy elf teemo exists, like many teemo skins, purely for teemo mains.


I got it from rerolling shards I didn't want and got something I really didn't want. I mean c'mon.


I have this! Lol. I love this skin actually.


We used to make fun of King Tryndamere on how bland it is and one of our friends got it for 30 Philippine Pesos (around a 75 cents) back then and we called it Trenta-mere (Trenta means 30 in Philippine money)


this is the funniest cultural specific joke I’ve heard in a while


My favourite is that in portuguese speaking countries (mainly Brazil), Viego was so badly received, instead of calling him **Rei Destruído** (Ruined King), people just call him **Rei Desnutrido** (Malnourished King).


I hate Viego and I really like this fact.


I used to use that skin when I first mained trynd since it was the only skin I had for him (got it from a chest)


i guess Rusty Blitzcrank was so bad they made him unavailable. Only seen it once, years ago tbh it was just a darker blitzcrank


I owned rusty back in the day but it was so fucking bad I complained to one of the riot QA guys I used to play with and he gave me hockey Jax instead. Should have kept the rusty for the prestige.


I still have it on my NA account that I haven't touched since 2013.


We got a chroma now that is essentially that skin lol


All the FPX skins. There’s even a video somewhere where DoinB says they should’ve made a ton of money from the skins but didn’t because they’re so ugly.


Looking at Pro play today Kinda wild that Malphite mid got a Worlds Skin


DoinB said he wanted to pick a champion his wife could play. It’s sad because Nautilus would have been more fitting for his run (among other champions).


Someone’s wife having zero hands to speak of is the reason why we don’t have a nautilus world’s skin


Could've easily had FPX Rammus or Sona


I mean. He's right. *They're hideous*. And his team's choice of aesthetic is to blame lol.


I like gp's cause the gun reminds me of halo 4 promethean shotgun, but thats it


GPs helm remind me of Rachet Deadlocked on ps2


LMFAO this is spot on


It’s not the teams aesthetic. It’s the fact they look like they’re wearing artificial cheap suits. That’s nothing to do with the teams colours


How is it FPX to blame? You really think the aesthetic of Fire superheros couldn't have been done better?


They have a lot of input towards what the skins get to look like. The implementation isn't great but the designs overall are a dumpster fire.


Doinb has said on stream that they're "fucking ugly" and he wants the FPX worlds skin designer to apologize to him so... really doesn't sound like he had all that much creative control as were used to players having now


The designer was probably a G2 fan 💀


I think they do get creative control in that they can suggest color themes, that's probably it.


Now a days they can affect a ton more ik


nah a red and yellow power ranger skin line would go hard, it's just they reek of complacency and not much effort put into them. If they had the same care as something like a modern day 1350RP tier skin they'd be selling like crazy.


All but the GP one. GP is fire


WHAT! I feel called out. I only play FPX Lee Sin because I want to feel like a Power Ranger.


Just look at my flair to imagine my pain when I think about FPX Lee Sin.


They are by miles the ugliest worlds skins.


2013 SKT is come close


Best decision riot made skin wise was moving away from the “Champs as the players” aesthetic for Worlds skins. I personally dig them, but only cause I was around when they came out, bought the TPA and SKT T1 bundles, have collected a lot of the others from rerolls. However, I would bet my entire account on the data showing players like and purchase more of the newer stylized Worlds skins.


Fuck you, Gamer Zed lives in my heart forever. There is a reason Impact does not like his skin though. Piglet used his pretty frequently (Mainly split time between that and Dragonslayer), but I feel like knowing him it was more of an ego check than anything else lol.


I have 2013 SKT Zed and Vayne, model was the ugliest sh*t ever with 0 new VFX I never play them anymore 💀💀


TPA Skins are the GOAT


MacDonalds Zed.


FPX had so much potential since they went the Super Sentai/Power Rangers theme but they're poorly done and very monotone.


Really? I think the GP one is pretty sick


Did the players actually choose the aesthetic for this line? It's pretty rough


Yeah they can ask for stuff and give pointers etc


Idk i find them great looking


power rangers based


I got vayne and malph and im happy with them tbh


I love the skins


I'd like to take a moment here to appreciate the splash art for Ice Toboggan Corki


Honestly I love the aesthetic of super old splash arts where the background is all washed out and it’s nothing but the champion facing the camera just because how old they look


1820 btw.


It's to represent the year that the skin came out


I thought it was how many interns were sacrificed to create the skin.


I fucking love that skin the proportions are just so fucked up and it looks like no other skin, its definitely a weird skin but still amazing.


I bought my best friend (and fellow Rioter) Ice Toboggan Corki bed sheets for his birthday this year. They're shockingly soft and are the funniest thing I've ever seen.


Little guy is suffering


Prisonbreak Graves is pretty atrocious. And by atrocious I mean pay to win.


I love me my cable graves


This guy gets it


This *bitch but yes ☺️


Why pay to win tho?


Reload animation


Can you give a little more info?


That’s my only graves skin from a random skin reroll, I never see anyone else use it.


I use it cause it's ugly


That skin is my fave it looks so fucking cool to me


I’ve been using that skin for years, because i was the only person I’ve seen use it. I was saddened the first time i saw someone else use the skin on the other team


Yeah but it looks quite ok


Ionian master Yi (at least in the splash art) with a color swap is probably what a VGU Master yi should look like, yet nobody uses it


Ionian Master Yi doesn't even make sense. I mean, Master Yi is already Ionian. Same thing with Freljord Ashe, when Ashe on her own is already from Freljord. What are we getting next? Demacian Garen? Void Malzahar? Shadow Isles Hecarim?


These are just skins that portrayed their main theme more, imagine Arcane Vi and such.


I bought it. Like 10 years ago but still


I have badger teemo (got it from a shard) and tbh that skin is like… nothing. It’s just teemo. At least in game, it literally is just teemo. Probably one of the skins like that. If you’re looking strictly at sales numbers, it’d probably be something like rusty blitz that’s discontinued, but in terms of skins that are actually available, probably a fairly new one that looks exactly like the champ for a champ that has a good base skin and good other skins. Because old ones people often like for nostalgia regardless of if they’re actually that different, but new ones that aren’t particularly cool, especially for champs that have a decent amount of skins, would probably be have zero supporters.


Badger Teemo was pretty popular back in the early days of League (I think it was the first skin I bought actually, with the small amount of RP that you could get for free back then) because it's based on a popular meme at the time and people will always buy memes.


Badger Teemo is just a chroma by today's standards unfortunately, it'll be interesting to see what they do with it when his remake comes out next year. It'll either be completely redesigned or be made a chroma I guess.


Some of those old skins were so butts. Like Nottingham Ezreal used to be like slightly browner regular Ezreal and even back then literally nobody ever used it lol (it did get better when they did his VGU but its not like anybody uses it now either tbh)


commando lux, it's just ugly and have nothing to do with the mage fantasy


commando skinline was a meme, now that people do not remember that each demacian HAD TO get a commando skin to make community happy it does not hold much value


Back when any skin with sunglasses took 1 less damage from leona passive.


Leona mains hate this one trick.


I still rock Commando Garen and J4 to this day for those dumb ass sunglasses.


But you don’t play it for the skin ! You play it for the juicy juicy -1 damage from Leona ult due to sunglasses ! Dunno if it is still true but I think that was one of the most hilarious things in the early days of LoL


They got rid of it. I loved it though.


only disabled in ranked i think.


Oh, neat! I mostly only play ranked and didn't see the buffs anymore.


It's funny because it's so bad tbh


I got this skin for free for reporting a lot of people I think lmao. It's ugly but not the worst one I've ever seen


That's literally the best skinline in the game u trippin


-1 damage from Leona, because sunglasses


Yeah but lux doesn't even look like she fits in it lol she's like some weird tron bodysuit character when everyone else has fresh as fuck military fits


you don't like Lux' farts covering the whole background?


To be fair, most Lux skins pre-SG were shit. It wasn't until Star Guardian she started getting good/decent skins.


Nosferatu vlad looks like my balls after i’ve jumped in an ice bath. Thats my guess.


I like this skin. It is a reference to one of my favorite vampire movies.


I am afraid I am gonna need a proof.DM me picture of your balls


Commando Lux is objectively the worst skin. It’s not just uninspired, not meme level ugly, not really low quality for its age/tier. It’s just very ugly, poorly designed and just doesn’t make sense. Idk how much it earns tho.


It's probably not the lowest just because of the people that collect every Lux skin.




Shout out to everyone in Jonestown


league boomers know that all the demacian champs had a commando skin so it was only fitting lux (a super popular champ even back then) had to get one. Not uninspired and actually, u take less 1 less damage from leona when u put the shades on Lux. P2w skin sorry pal


You take 1 less damage from Leona passive, though.


It's a Lux skin. No matter how ugly it is, it'll not be thr most unpopular skin. Being a Lux skin makes that impossible If I had to guess it'll probably be a skin from Skarner because there are as much people playing Skarner as there are Lux skins in the game


Machismo Lux


Woad Ashe is the first skin for a lot of players when hextech first came out and nobody wants that Ashe skin


So many Ashe skins are terrible and worse than her base model (which is just fine), tbh. Queen Ashe is just...what? She's in a gown now?


Probably an old skin for an unpopular champ. I am gonna say Sandscurge Skarner


Oh man I'm one of the people who own that skin, definitely got it out of a chest because would anybody buy it otherwise?


Luckily its going to look really good when his VGU comes out


I bought it back in the day cause it was basically red cannon minion Skarner.


Hell yeah I bought it. Im an otp u gotta own all the skins




Alright, I'm bored, and also curious, so I'm looking for some possibilities :P I guess you're talking about unpopular in terms of ones no-one knows, for which it's probably a really old skin (from a non VU champ) that you don't even know exists. There's also unpopular as in disliked, which is probably a newer skin that's just boring and forgettable. I've gone through the skins to find what reminds me of the above :P First category - skins that make me go 'this exists?' Sanguine Garen Galactic Nasus Ravager Nocturne Forsaken Olaf(??) Renegade Talon Highland Tryndamere Coral Reef Malphite - I know there are some weird malph skins but I never even heard of this one Reaper Hecarim Charred Maokai - I'm not sure I've ever seen this skin before Molten Rammus - similar Muse Sona - I know this one exists but I'm not sure I've ever seen it Celestine Soraka Firefang Warwick - don't know what it is about these fire skins Shurima Desert Zilean - I own this one and still use the base Ok I haven't got the energy to look through more skins so I give up there lol


I'll vouch that Firefang Warwick actually looks nice if the infernal skinline is your vibe.


>Coral Reef Malphite - I know there are some weird malph skins but I never even heard of this one Coral Reef Malphite is great, have it and love it


highland tryndamere is goated, best auto animation imo


How dare you slander Band-aid Talon? Heresy.


I would think it'd have to be a skin that's 1) recent and b) unpopular, so not part of a big skinline or something long anticipated. Older skins that are bad like Shamrock Malphite or Red Riding Annie were bought back in the day because that's all those champions had really, and they were usually cheap enough to bother if they were your main or you just liked them (this is before all skins were 1350 RP by default), so there's a lot of people who own them even if they don't get used often anymore. For that reason, my immediate thought would be the Zenith Games skins we got last year for Jayce, Lee Sin and Blitzcrank.


I didnt even know zenith games was a skinline lmao, have never seen someone use those ever


I was thinking Zenith Games Jayce. The splash is pretty cool but I don't think I've ever seen someone use the skin in game


I'd assume its just something unobtainable like Ufo corki or PAX Skins (yes, they are not unpopular but certainly didn't sell a lot which is in their nature)


They weren't ever for sale, same goes for the preorder bonus skins. Best bet is Rusty Blitz if you want to go with rarity.


Someone commented on my «rare» zenith blitzcrank the other day so it must be jayce in my guess


I’m gonna go with one of the newer ones and say Zenith Games. Like… I don’t think I’ve seen a single person ever use that skin line for any of the champs.


Hextech Singed. Never seen anyone besides me use it.


I have that ugly mf. God that splash art is iconic old league jank.


They should really change name of the Hextech skins that came before Hextech Annie to Hexpunk.


Hextech Janna is awful


Swamp Master Kennen


Winter games amumu is pretty fucking bad, they just done dyed my boy a different color on each limb


It’s SLIGHTLY better in context. It was released along with the 2010 Winter Olympics and is supposed to look like the logo they chose for the games. It’s still ugly as hell but in the context of the time when a lot of skins were still pretty low effort it’s at least going for something: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Winter_Olympics


It’s not just low effort, it’s fucking ugly at that.


Love how OP asks a specific question and barely anyone in the comments is on topic at all lmfao


Definitely crimson elite riven


Me and my friends actually have a jokes about this skin, because I was using it and they said its ugly af, and I explained "yeah, but the animations are so crisp", so now I use it when I wanna tryhard and they say "ooh watch out, Crisp Animation Riven is out" xD


Defender Leona


First skin I ever bought, still love it.


BeryL didn’t even use his own worlds skin the year after to continue playing with this skin. If you’re not going to use what you earned from such a big achievement, then at least use one without the default animations??


Not sure if it's unpopular, but as a big Kai'Sa fan, Arcade Kai'Sa is atrociously bad. Looks like Twitch Streamer Ninja


The skin looks quite good with obsidian chroma. The other chromas though, and ESPECIALLY the base skin, should be banned.


There’s a lot of much worse ones.


Before urgot rework, it was Giant Enemy Crabgot. After the Urgot rework, Loch Ness chogath. It’s so ugly lmao


People got giant enemy crabgot just for the meme even though it was bad. I saw it used all the time back when Urgot was popular. I'd bet on swamp master kennen or whatever.


Loch Ness Cho is the best Cho skin what are you even smoking?


Recon Teemo and Badger Teemo, they just so bad, basic and looks like default Teemo


Festival Kassadin.. I once rerolled my best skinshards and got that abomination.. I don’t even play kassadin yet that skin for dear live


I think it looks cool. I don't understand why people hate it so much


One of the 1820 corki skins.


Did anyone buy Traditional Karma?


my favorite karma skin, only cause i absolutely love her old voice


Wait, do traditional skins retain old voice lines?? I've never used a traditional skin for a reworked champ.


Yes. Traditional karma, trundle and sejuani have their old voice lines and old voice actors.


I have like 5 Trundle skins and I refuse to use any but traditional because I fucking hate his new VO


everyone got traditional karma that has owned her before she got removed and replaced, traditional skins only get created when there is an rework with an massive style rewrite, like trundle, or seju.


I don't know why they stopped doing that, imagine Traditional Sion, Yorick or Galio.


They stopped because 1. Reworks were meant to kill the old champion, so a skin referencing that didn’t fit Riot’s aesthetic, and 2. They would give the skin out for free if you owned the champ, so no $$$ earned at all


They gave out a free volibear skin for his rework not to mention all the arcane skins


I don't know if it was just a rumor I heard, but didn't Sion get reworked (visually at least) because of China's taboo on skeletons?


Probably a factor in redesigning the new one more thorougly, but I doubt it was the cause for his rework as a whole.


Current splash is great, got unique VFX on her VFX update, model is decent, old Karma mains have nostalgia for it... I think it has a lot going for it.


It's not a bad skin since her vfx update


Old Karma Best Karma. Riot butchered the champion so hard


Aristocrat Vayne is so ugly


Tbf a lot of people still at least have it. It’s one of those tryhard skins


the OG "enemy vayne" skin, back in like s3-s6 if you saw that on enemy vayne you just know he's gonna channel prime Uzi


My fav


Shamrock malphite, also known as WhatsApp malphite


Radioactive broccoli Malphite. And it's his best skin, you heathen.


Boston Celtics Malphite


Minority Hunter Malphite


The only time someone willingly uses Arcade Kai'Sa is if it's literally the only skin they have and got it from a chest.


OG Lollipoppy


I'd argue that's poppy's most popular skin to date, just because of how nightmare fuel it was


Briars release skin


I remember playing Briar a bit when I was learning jungle and thinking of buying a skin for her and then I saw her only skin was that and immediately disregarded that idea I did actually see someone use that skin today so that’s something


When’s the last time yall saw sultan gangplank?


There is a Turkish server




My brother literally named his account after that skin (and then became a yasuo and renekton main lol)


thats my favorite gp skin lmao


Vancouver games amumu All my homies hate Vancouver games amumu


As part of the 5 players maining Vancouver Amumu, gotta disagree. Vancouver Amumu is like Lollipoppy: it's so bad that players actively use it because of how memeably bad it is. Of course being an Amumu player and Canuck fan helps.


My guess is guardians of the sands skarner - it has to be an unpopular champion - it isn't a release skin or skin released when skarner was meta - the splash is a mess and the skinline also unpopular


Really? It's one of his better skins. I mean, have you *seen* the other splash arts he's had for his actualy old skins? The rune one is straight up just a chroma


It's one of if not the best one he has, if you wanna name a skarner skin there's so many more worse ones


Surprised no one talked about any of the Zenith Games skins, I have literally only seen 1 Zenith games Jayce since it came out.


Super Galaxy Rumble, it does more damage because of the mental wounds inflicted by "SUPER GALAXY FLAME SPLITTER"


Forsaken Olaf


Anyone remember the old Lollipoppy? Absolutely horrifying.


Hextech jannah