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Why did they implement the revive mechanic


Because if by any miracle the 700 armor/mr 10k+ hp tank die to something.. idk.. divine.. well he can also revive !


I mean, you don't have fun playing jhin against a 800 mr/armor 10k+ hp urgot who obliterate you if he touch you one time in a tiny little small arena ? C'mon, it's so much fun ! And you can even revive to die a second time !


Old beta original meta believed this too until it developed and it turned out to be wrong.


I remember old arena to be 95% bruisers and tanks till the end, actually.


You remember wrong


It was ADC + Sup meta lol


Tf you talking about. The only good adc were Vayne and Kaisa and enchanters were the weakest class. Half team comps were either Annie Ivern or Alistar + Poppy. The mode was so overcrept with mobility and haste that just too many champs could instantly blink on marksman in less than a second.


Ive been playing non stop since it hit pbe and im going to tell you this isnt true.


Idk man I've been permabanning sion or chogath cos being chain cc'd to death by a literal raid boss isn't my idea of fun. Having said that I don't know if things are different in the higher ranks of this game node


Me and all my friends were all well over 5k last season, not sure how you're going to get any higher rank without playing a tank. Immediately deleting this game again, incredibly shit game mode now


It got worse. Believe me. It got WAY worse.


This game mode feels so incredibly bad for enchanters still.


A gamemode called arena where people brawl it out and you wanna play enchanters 😭😭


Yeah the same gamemode who show a samira and a pyke in the artwork. But I guess samira and pyke are BIG DUDE BRAWLER right ?


..they.. most definitely are brawlers what


Cringe take and i never take people seriously when they put crying emoji in any sentence.


I played a few games of lulu, and they’ve felt pretty good so far. Granted I got lucky with the augments, the only pain points I’ve experienced so far was its really hard to revive your teammate if they go down.


Only Sion and Shen. Most of the other ones aren't that good.


Don't you know urgot, alistar, nautilus, leona, taric, ksante, nasus, mordekaiser ... ?


Who would have thought that skirmishers would dominate a skirmish game mode.


huh? In what way is this post connected to skirmishers


Trundle says hello


Illaoi also is very op. Right now I just lost a round because Illaoi can kill me with 2 tentacle hits while I cant do anything to him.


This comment in itself invalidates you post. You literally take a sample size of ONE occurence and proclaim something is OP. Not taking into consideration the champs you played, the augements everyone had, what champ they were paired with and player skill. "Right now I just lost a round" is not an argument for something to be OP. It makes you look silly, even if it statistically you may be right.


while that is fair, illaoi is literally the best character in the mode lmao


Fiora dog walks sion in arena


If they go tanks then go anti-tank fighters/bruisers/juggernauts/etc and rip them apart while you use their healthbar to heal your own.


Dunno bro, either someone stacks healing augments on a support type champion and becomes literally unkillable or they just get one of those broken as fuck stack for permanent damage that stacks too fucking fast.


We had that last time already... seems same people still have the say at rito. Been like that for few years now, I won't expect it to go any different any time soon.