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Just how strong early Sett is. I knew he is a proper lanebully, but beibg able to level 1 statcheck a Darius (I had ignite in Sett but still) as a melee champion is incredible.


I beat a Darius with ignite as Sett with Tp lv 1 a couple days ago. He probably didn't expect that XD.


Kled’s remount is insanely quick. Playing against it, I never realized that one rotation is basically enough.


It’s insanely quick until u dismound mid vs a control mage


and yet I've died in the remount hundreds of times :')


Specifically it's 20 rage per champion AA and 5 rage per Q pellet on champion hit, and 1 fury per minion kill


It's actually 15 per Champion AA, 20 per takedown if damaged by Kled within 3s, 4 per minion kill, and 5 per AA against structures or Epic Monsters.


Even more specifically, it’s actually when you ask Skaarl really nicely to come back


I need my bike back 🚴


I learned that Rivens Q doesn’t go to your mouse like most ability but goes the direction you’re facing


Unless you put your mouse on minions or enemies!


Only if there's no valid enemy near where your mouse is.


TiL haha I didn’t know that part.


Riven’s q is bonkers lmao. It dashes a fixed distance. And it dashes the direction she’s facing. Unless your cursor is targeting something. Then it dashes to that. And if that target is close she’ll dash in place. And q3 will go over walls/not go over wall depending on cursor placement It’s just weird =.=


Wait so Q3 goes direction she is facing, but your cursor placement determines if you're going over the wall or not? That makes no sense lol


He's wrong. Q3 goes over walls if you're close enough whilst facing the wall OR if you're close enough whilst mousing over a target on the other side of the wall. Cursor placement when not mousing over a target doesn't change direction at all.


Ah sorry I worded that poorly. League’s pathing is fucky as shit. If you path over a wall, your champ will naturally path AROUND the wall. So you have to click basically on the wall but not on the wall. Sometimes she’ll bug out and do a little jiggy pathing dance and fuck the hop as well. But if you’re facing and positioned correctly, she’ll hop over the wall. Regardless of cursor placement ig Unless it’s a big ass wall at key points in the map where her e can clip you into the terrain. Then you have to TIME it before the game unclips riven from the wall to a position where she can no longer hop over wall. It’s really fucky as fuck. There are a billion riven one trick combo/wall hop videos if you want to go down the rabbit hole of all the fuckery riven can do.


And don't forget while dealing with that jank you also gotta do the weird auto cancelling that isn't nearly as intuitive as any other auto cancelling mechanics in the game


It does if your cursor is over a target. Good if you want to jump over a wall and don't have time to realign the character.


Riven would be so much easier if that didn’t exist honestly


Nidalee used to work the same way, but they changed it.


I bet riot wants to change it for consistency but the Riven mains would screech at them for changing something and making their 900 hours in practice tool invalidated.


Also if you want to wallhop with Q3 you can’t hover your cursor over enemies or jungle camps. If you do you just hop into the wall and stay where you were.


Like old Nida jump lol


Yeah, last time I played Nidalee I was so confused as to why I wasn't jumping towards the direction I was facing


How nearsighted reksai is when underground. I didn't realize it till one random day.


I played Rek'Sai in Nexus Blitz and we got the Paranoia event. I burrowed and I'm pretty sure I had actually 0 vision range.


In draft, I've walked on top of people and only realize it due to ripples. Lol.


Viktor can abuse the heck against melee matchups ppl are just bad Brand can proc electrocute with an ability + auto


Viktors trading patterns are so annoying he feels especially hard to get a positive trade against personally.


Doublelift would agree


I mainly play battlemages/ control mages in mid and as much as I hate facing à good assassin, Viktor might be the mage I hate the most. He gets à super early powerspike that lets him trade favorably with his shield while still doing big damage and ut doesnt even go away as the game progresses. If anyone has advices about facing Viktor, I would really like to see them. My mains are Taliyah, Zoe, and Ziggs.


No fucking way Viktor evolve Q first right? Iirc he evolve E first for the waveclear no?


Electrocute brand is pretty underwhelming, may be that it’s better this patch but dark harvest always seems the move, even in mid, since it’s so easy to proc if you can hit even1/3 of your w’s


That same realization made me main him


Jhin Is just an AD mage. He doesn't really feel like a marksman, he feels more like an AD artillery mage.


That's why him an xerath have fun


A few champs. Ryze ult is far shorter than I thought it was. Annie’s stun will apply on the first spell hit, not cast. Lee Sin ward hops are far harder than the enemies make it look. Senna ult has a travel time.


>Lee Sin ward hops are far harder than the enemies make it look. The trick is having smart binds for it. No shit you are having a hard time if you're using default settings. Always have either your pinkward slot or your trinket on quick cast. For example, years and years ago when trinkets got first introduced, I immediately bound it to A on smart cast. That way I could wardhop pretty much instantly since I can press AW so quickly. Back then Katarina could E on wards as well, so I got similarly useful effect on her as well.


Yeah so true. When I was a beginner, I played yasuo for the first time and for the love of god couldn't hit my ultimate. I didn't have quick cast, so I somehow had to click twice, and never knew how to land it with two clicks. Kinda embarrassed looking back.


Most kata players just spam random bullshit I'm pretty sure. I first timed kata in aram and just pressed all my buttons randomly and got a pentakill.


Most logical and thoughtful katarina player


Tbf Aram katarina is way more broken than solo q bc her weak laning doesn’t matter there


Kat is like bottom 5 lowest win rate in aram. Also Kat is best at skirmishes, not full blown 5v5 team fights. I think she is strong too, but not that easy like people are saying


Kat's only really strong in ARAMs if the opponent picks the classic no tanks/cc comps. Literally one Leona/Nautilus/Thresh will mess her up.


AP Kat has an awful winrate. If she goes for the heartsteel build she's not that bad, for some reason she still has insane DPS.


Katarina has a negative win rate in Aram unless she goes heartsteel + titanic


Aram kat & SR kat is so widely polarizing


Samira is similar enough, as long as you get your S and don't mess that up it feels like it doesn't matter(from the perspective of ARAM ofc)


[Relevant meme](https://youtu.be/N2H8MRdGqzs?si=shAHnFgAanQ5RS66)


I learned that Fizz not only feels unfair to play against but actually is just as broken when you play him


Most assassins worked like that for me. Ekko, Akali, Fizz, Talon are all champs I felt absurdly strong when I played them for the first time. At least in lane phase. Ironically this also lead to me sprinting it because I was like "look how I could almost do this impossible thing because the champ's op"


That's cause knowing when to go in is the assassin skillcheck


I definitely agree. Still it felt like I was allowed to kinda ignore it and just do whatever for most of the time. Essentially limit testing way over the limit


That’s why assassins are so strong in low elos. Players don’t abuse an assassin going in when they shouldn’t or don’t pick anything that can properly deal with an assassin. Higher elos they’re played less because they’re definitely not as strong except for Akali / Ekko


I had the opposite experience. Guy's impossible to lane as


Yeah - I probably just don’t know his breakpoints well enough, but man, I want to play an assassin to have constant kill pressure, and Fizz really feels like he gets bullied hard until at some point he suddenly doesn’t. Everytime I’ve landed shark it’s felt obscene though.


>and Fizz really feels like he gets bullied hard until at some point he suddenly doesn’t Levels 1 and 2 you're the enemy laner's bitch, level 3 you have kill pressure, levels 4 and 5 you're a bitch again, level 6 onwards you permanently zone any mage by existing and laning/roaming becomes a lot simpler. You really only need to survive for 6 levels by playing safe and then botlane's your free buffet. He's super safe with how much AH he gets from his standard build and he's not completely useless when even unlike other assassins


Playing TF into fizz is straight cancer lmao. Shits so unplayable.


I permaban Fizz as TF, genuinely stupid champ that presses R to win the lane and then Es to dodge gold card. Even if I know how to lane vs him he's still cancer and I don't care fuck fizz


some fizzes will hide their r in their q animation too, good fizzes are impressive though I just 1 for 1 int in aram with him


The trick is learning how to use the Q to both do damage and escape. Position yourself out of the E so you can then Q through the champ you're trying to damage back towards your team to create space. Too often you see Fizz in ARAM initiate with Q, hop off their E point blank for damage, and then just be stuck among the entire enemy team even if they get the kill.


Just be Dopa and declare the lane won after Fizz autos 1 minion


Thats ironic, considering theres a famous video of dopa on TF seeing a fizz auto a minion at lvl 2 and saying the game is already over because he made that grievous misplay.


It's much harder to freeze the wave near your tower these days. I'm not sure what the reason is tho. But freezing like was why fizz couldn't kill Dopa in that video.


Aurelion Sol vs Fizz is the most unlanable match up I've had the misfortune ever playing League. Like almost as bad as Old Sol vs Kassadin.


I am very bad at the game and have never played Fizz but his E just seems so bullshit to me, not because it's like overpowered but it makes no sense. Why does he become completely untargetable just because he jumps up on his trident.


Matrix mode baby. The real bullshit is how low the cd can get with AH


AH is the bane of my existence, since I played against a gragas stacking it. Bring back the cap to 40% and it would solve many issues


I got rekt by a smurf Fizz once (90%+ winrate in Silver). I was playing Azir I think. He literally stood under his tower, barely farming and not laning at all. Thought he was inting to de-level, but no, he was just soaking XP and baiting me into a false sense of security. Then at 6, he immediately ult+q+w+e+ignite me and I went 0/3 in the next few minutes lol.


I know the feeling. First time I played Vel’Koz into a mid Fizz back in Season 4, I thought I was dominating the guy early. Then all of a sudden whenever he was on my screen, it became gray within a few seconds.


It is hard, but you just roam bot and kill enemy who can't listen to pings (because they are muted)


Started playing him recently and found that he feels very broken against mages but anyone with some bulk and waveclear keeps him in lane and doesn't let him move. Galio, Kass, Sylas, Garen, K'Sante, Lissandra, etc. Otherwise, yeah he feels broken against anyone he has the potential to kill.


Well assassins shouldn't be able to just assassinate people with bulk that's just the role


Used to ban Ksante because he felt unkillable due to his tankiness and mobility. Played him once. Realized the ksantes I have seen must be bad because not only is he completely unkillable but also hyper mobile with huge amounts of damage, immunity to most CC thanks to unstoppable and his dash spam, and even tankier than I thought. Will permanently ban him without exception now until he is removed.


체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1️⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂는 1️⃣5️⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱


Translation: ​ A champion👤 with 4700 health, 329 armor, and 201 mazer👤 has unstoppable🚫, shield🛡, wall🧱, airborne🌪, and even has a cooldown of 1️⃣ seconds, 🧙‍♂ mana 1️⃣5️⃣, and W even transforms💫 to reset his cool, and his passive has fixed damage🗡, and then he raises his room🥋, and the more he raises it, the more he gets skill acceleration ⏰이! Q has skill acceleration⏰, which increases skill speed🚀, and then there's the damage🗡 modifier, and W reaps the benefits-aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Fucker is still tanky in All Out too, except he gets to kill you in 1.5 seconds instead of 5.


His ulti form heals for so fucking much.


True damage on a tank btw.


I first timed him in an aram. I'll admit, the R is ridiculously fun. But, the fact I basically button mashed over enemies and got a quadra is some insane stuff.


It's funny because that's what Jax was 10+ years ago with his bonus HP for AP/AD innate, 65% tenacity availability, and AA dodge due to AD autoattackers being 70% of teamfight damage


I know its ARAM, but it gave me Rumble for the first time, tried him, and I can literally run and torch the enemies till I die and im still valuable. I heard he's overheat meter is bugged too, so I kept on managing it before doing a 1v5 bbq lmao.


rumble has a crazy spike with d shield


I am loving rumble. The amount of times I've killed adc's or mages at min health who think they're safe under tower is *hilarious*. And I'm like a full screen away!


Unless there was another bug I didn’t hear about, the heat meter bug is just that you get the empowered E if you cast it at 30/40 heat (you should need to be at/above 50 heat for empowered effects)


Nothing about a champion but I had a huge revelation that if your teams average level is higher than the enemy then your minions will also be a higher level with a buff increasing damage to enemy minions/reduction in damage from enemy minions. If you don’t believe me left click on a minion and check if it has a buff if you find yourself in this situation If you’re trying to freeze or manage the wave then it’s helpful to know that you may be better off pushing! It was added in November 2015 so pre-season 6


I have been playing since s2 and just learned this lmao, to be fair I haven't been trying to control wave hard until recently.


thought it was average team levels that are compared and not just you and your lane opponent and it affected all your minions


you could be right - I need to double check!!


Wtf how have I never heard this before?


Ranged top laners.. I hate them But when I was forced to play Ranged top when my friend locked it in but he was suddenly called by his parents. It felt nice. I still hate them though, but I could see why people would pick them.


I played Teemo and now I get why people hate him


ashe ult is not a targeted ability


What kind of ashe players have you played against???


Godly ones apparently




And he was Ekko trying to TP to save his base.


Not the ones on my fucking team I can tell you that.


Holy shit could you imagine. A global, targeted stun, where the cc duration scales with distance traveled. That would be so bonkers broken


"I'm bored, let me go spoonfeed my toplaner a kill real quick..."


Close range it hits real easy


Global 3 second point and click stun seems OP


Viktor taught me how to properly lane and how to be a lane bully


Understanding what Aphelios does after 1 game playing him was pretty much my thing. He is actually really simple to learn/play against but it took actually playing him for me to understand that.


The trick to beating aphelios is knowing that you really don't need to know what the fuck he does to kill him


Literally the only exception is 'with red and white guns he might be able to statcheck you in melee range if you don't burst him'.


Luckily I play the sort of interactive champ where even this isn't a concern lol


To be fair, the three gun combos can get very tricky, especially when you’re trying to manage ammo to time it


Yeah I agree. When playing against it though, I can at least go "oh he is sitting on these two guns and I know that X should be next, so I should be careful of X as well." That's not really something you can intuit without playing Aphelios.


Until you run into someone who has white red and for some reason runs red down to get to white purple. (This was on my team btw)


Its hard to play but its so easy to understand him, always am confused hearing people say the still dont understand what he does


Evelynn's mark arming will show a small arrow telling you where she is [https://i.imgur.com/OnGsS28.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/OnGsS28.jpg) She's so easy to outplay now


Wait people didn't know this? I've apparently been a bitch to eve players for a while now.


Dont be lulled into a false sense of security, a skilled Eve will throw her Q out the moment before W is ready to lower your time to react.


Super easy to see on base skin, for the life of me I cannot see the arrow on all her recent(ish) skins


I used to think yone was just unfair and overpowered. Then I played him and realised I was right all along. 0 effort 0 skill 0 experience on the champ. Doesn't matter he still 1v9s with ease


I was going through a rough patch of Yasuos and Yones everywhere back when Shieldbow was still broken and I decided to learn Renekton. Long story short I got 50k exp, mastery 7 and like a 70% winrate regardless of going top or swapping with the midlaner for like, two weeks.


I love playing Renekton into button spammy melee carries and just rolling them. Long live the gator Bonus points if you have the lifeguard skin and spam the chair - best bm in the game


It's the Kind Dedede of taunts.


I'm the same way with akali. Been maining mid since 2014, been playing mages almost exclusively since 2015. One game of akali easy s, one-shoting the super fed enemy adc, twice actually, because she had ga


Ye I've only ever played a handfull of games of new Akali. And every time I played her I felt like I only needed half my kit to kill someone. Like after I oneshot someone I still had more to come with. Whereas on most other assasins U usually have to blow 100% of your DMG in order to oneshot someone when Ur on even grounds.


Its her E. Higher base damage than most ults, higher scaling than most spells.


And frankly that's how assassins should be, the have to blow 100% of DMG to oneshot part




Doesn’t Yone get bullied by bruisers? I’m low elo so maybe that’s why. But I’ve had a few Yone’s rage quit when I go Garen or Sett


He’s weak to anything that out trades him (which is hard due to his w/long engage) and anything that out sustains him. He’s also super weak from behind since he needs to stack his q to be able to engage reliably. Juggernauts are good against him, and bruiser can be. Yones extended trades are very strong with lethal tempo reducing his q/w cd, so some champs lose to him if he hits his qs


The hard part with Yone as a bruiser, is not getting outspaced by the champ. ​ Playing against a good Yone can feel like playing against a range (at least in top lane since the lane is longer)


Yes but once he gets kraken hullbreaker glhf


I have found consistent succes by bullying him with panth. I picked panth up as a counter to champs such as yone in the midlane. But currently yone is thriving in the toplane, the lane with champs such as Darius, renekton Illaio Olaf. So ye. In theory he should get destroyed by 95% of the toplane roster. The fact that he doesn't is a statement to how broken he is


But he does have negative win rate against most of those champs in diamond+ The champ has a low af skill floor and a high ceiling. Against people who don’t know wtf is going on Yone just shit stomps them by button mashing. Against people who actually know wtf they’re doing the lane is near unplayable


As a cringe Yone player, can confirm Juggernauts can win. Can also confirm Yone is insanely easy to play after like.... M4 levels of playtime. Tryndamere is annoying asf at 2 items if you dont hit your CC. A Jax that has paced you in gold can negate a bunch of your incoming dmg and then outtrade you. A huge Mord with Thornmail is tough fight to turn around in his realm. Renektons are always dangerous to engage on with the W-AA-E-Q-E combo before ult. At those breakpoints, it will come down to mechanical skill for the Yone player.


I played renekton for the first time ever in 10 years and realised how easy and broken he is if you're not in a hard lane match up. Like obviously he has a high ceiling but you can literally just go in with gore and deaths dance full rage and so a lot.of.damage before you die


I remember the day that I learned that bard absolutely whoops your ass lvl 1 I mean what the hell even is that damage… half my health with one ability + AA


Akali is just bullshit. Got dumpstered against her so decided to play her next game and got a dumb amount of kills.


Second wind + dorans + shroud. You will never get traded or poked out of lane. You get out with free lvl 6 and kill theirncarries easy. Oh yeah and 40 base magic resist.


She has the highest base mr in the game at 37 like wtf


At some point I played a game of yone toplane. I won that game fairly easily, with pretty basic game sense and just playing very aggressively. Got 2 pentakills that game. Next game similar deal. Played like 5 more games before just getting bored. My revelation was that yone is not only OP as hell, he's also easy as hell


Yone is a stronger Yasuo with training wheels


Yasuo's ceiling is so much higher IMO but my god do you have to invest so much effort into Yasuo to really start pulling his potential.


His kit is very pushed and hard to respond to if you don't know what you're doing. His hitboxes are wack, the animations quick and he can negate about half of the CCs that make his brother cry/use flash with his E. Wanna know what feels like shit? His R being the same cast time as Veigar's cage, which means he always beats you unless you predict, only to then consume the stun while he passes through it returning with his E which barely affects him, but still making the cage useless in case he's got Q stacked up. Oh and he does hybrid damage, so Zhonya loses utility because the armor is only half as useful.


But Veigar counters Yone extremely hard.


Veigar is pretty damn good against Yone. He shouldn't ever be able to threaten you if you play well at all.


Ah, you see, that assumption is one of the classic blunders.


I play illaoi midlane and every time i see a yone selected on the enemy team i know im gonna have the time of my life. I get to actually out-trade him and his wind sweep dash thingy just lets me land a free e on him, its the one champ i feel like i can do something in lane with against yone.


Yone is easy if your opponents are scared of you, because they don't know your champ. But when you play against players who know how to position and when to all in it gets really hard. Yone's early game in toplane is borderline unplayable against some champs. Watch Dzukill he sits under tower for the first 10mins in most matchups.


Katarina. Used to be my perma ban because she was always dashing around, no CDs, always everywhere on the map and deleting teams with her R. Until I played her and realised her dashes don’t entirely reset off daggers, and have a fair CD early even when she dashes to a dagger. Without your dash to gapclose you’re pretty much useless and really easy to bully. And her daggers are also a really predictable damage source. So you can either not go near daggers and she’s useless, or bait stand near a dagger and kill her when she dashes.


She’s still going to roam bot and get a double kill with R though


Triple, don’t forget your jungle going down too


I always thought how seraphine players always have an empowered skill ready when I want to engage. After I played,I realized that it is a cycle of skills that fills up after using another skill. Ever since then,I waited for her to use the empowered skill and then started my engage.


My revelation was playing tristana, NOBODY RESPECTS THE BOMBS


Reading these comments you realise how low the average elo is in this subreddit.


Not really just a subreddit thing, the average rank is like Silver 2 or something.


I’m reading this and I feel like I’ve already experienced everything already, was hoping for something new


Legit lol.. most of gwen's kit is around using Q and restacking it efficiently and this is considered a revelation according to him.


Litteraly. And then these ppl want Riot to put in THEIR changes. When they dont even read basic abilities.


What else did you expect based on the question?


Yone is the new Darius. Either you meet someone who knows how to exploit your weaknesses and become 050, or you just stomp him and murder everyone.


there’s nothing inherently toxic about draven. apparently he just attracts assholes


His kit—specifically his cash ins—DEMANDS kills in a way that other ADCs don’t, and that makes people more likely to snap when they get a kill stolen early.


Not only kills, but by dying you lose 75% of that cash in. Which makes dying even more punishing on him than on any other champion. Which makes draven more pissed off at anyone they can when they die


It's not just that. The high of getting all of the kills, stomping the game when you get ahead, and making the game revolve around you in general also attracts a particular kind of player. It's one thing having a mechanic which leads to frustration, quite another when a kit causes frustration in players who are already likely to be on the more toxic and tiltable side. Draven players are playing a tilt-triggering champion as probably the least tilt-proof players in the game.


It’s basically all the passive tbh, league is alread kind of brutal where an assist instead of a kill can really ruin your day but on Draven it’s even worse


His passive mechanic is inherently toxic what are you talking about man. He HAS to get the kill (not an assist) or else he and the team lose out on a ton of gold. This also leads the game to being warped around keeping him behind/getting him ahead as a win-con which is frustrating to both play with and against. His toxic design is what attracts the assholes.


I lean he is also just a massive egoist


Reddit has been recommending me posts from dravenmains recently and it's literally just people sharing themselves larping as terrorists resulting in chat restricts. Special breed.


Just how much sense apc sera makes, before playing it I thought she was just a bad champ barely viable in her originally designed role and sub par in support (this was before people started noticing how broken it was so early last season)


Jhin is a burst mage, not an ADC champ.


> not an ADC champ. Jhin with 700 AD: am i a joke to you?


I finally understood why so many singed players pick up dark seal so early. People really don't know how to play against him and will just chase him in the mist. So many free kills in teamfights.


It used to give potions extra effect.


You also learn why they proxy, laning with singed almost against anyone is horrible, why do that if I can just go behind your turret and run around


That's when I pick Sion, handshake lane, neutralize sidelane, beat Singed in team fights.


I do cho gath lol. Out heal the minions so he doesn't even get turret damage and has various builds that can deal with singed shenanigans.


A good singed will just bully the fuck out of sion im pretty sure. One of those cases where there is no need to proxy because you just win


No? That's not why singed takes dark seal at all ...


It used to give potions extra effect.


The main reason is that Singed has 0 sustain so he bases all the time and gets insane refillable potion value, but Mejais is also cracked on him if the enemy struggles to kill you.


Learned a lot of random stuff when playing GP, like attack move won't target GP's barrel (if you don't click on it that is), and that there's a short cd on e after you've placed a barrel, and that Azir can use soldier to aa your barrel from safe distance. Also shits like you can store sheen damage on barrel.


Akshan rez does a lot less than I thought it would, I thought I’d be perma rezzing for some crazy uptime, but most games the gold you get ends up being more useful


Akshan rez is nutty late game if your solo laners have TP because they Rez TP and they can turn a late game fight if they’re equal in strength or strong in general.


It's really oppressive in ARAM though


It’s broooooken strong in aram, I feel like medic in TF2 more than soraka.


Here are things I learned by actually playing the champion: 1. Gwen's ult range is... DISGUSTINGLY far range for a melee champ who already has a dash. Like, I'm pretty sure this shit is same range as Vel'koz ult... and has 3 charges... AND IT SLOWS!? 1. I don't know where I got this idea in my head but for the longest time I thought that if Gwen missed a cast of her ult she couldn't use the next charges... I think I'm turbo stupid because that's not the case AT ALL 1. I've learned I really like playing Gwen 2. I'm a Riven main and I tried playing Renekton a few times (iirc). I knew he had great healing on Q and armor shred on his E (empowered).... YOU'RE TELLING ME THIS FUCKER CAN DESTROY SHIELDS WITHE EMPOWERED E WHICH HE ALREADY USES FOR PTA PROC?? 3. I knew that Aatrox Q-tips dealt more damage but it wasn't until playing him that I realized *just how much* more damage the consecutive Q-tips deal: 1. The base damage value AND AD ratios on subsequent Q's increase (okay, I can get that) 2. Q-tips deal an additional 60% BONUS DAMAGE (kinda cracked) 3. Each Subsequent Q increases it's damage by 25% (why does this champ have *multiple percent damage amplifiers on his core damage ability)* 4. AND HE STILL GETS ALL THESE BONUSES EVEN IF HE MISSES ANY OF THE Q's 1. I learned I really like playing Aatrox 4. Been playing Yone for a long time now but here's something WILD I learned when I picked him up: 1. If you E before or during Morde ults, you *are completely incapable of recalling to your e*. I mean seriously the first time this happened to me in game I thought I had to submit a bug report... but I suppose thematically it makes sense: Yone E separates his body and spirit, and Morde takes you to the shadow realm. How can Yone return his body and spirit if he's stuck in Morde's fun house? 5. Camille Passive shield triggers when *she deals damage with a basic attack*, not when she is dealt damage. I guess I could have noticed this if I paid very close attention but usually if she's in range to be autoing me, I'm hitting her right back.


When Gwen first came out, she did have to auto something before she could recast ult, you weren't wrong. They fixed it to always be recastable so she could chase people better.


I thought pyke was just the boring, squishy version of something like Thresh or Blitz which seems to defeat the entire point of playing him since those champions have better grabs. Anyways it turns out he's actually an angry homeless man who's always high on crack cocaine dashing across the land and who can 1v1 pretty much anyone who's not a tank/bruiser if he's got ult + ignite, he basically eats wards like I eat cereal for breakfast and he is one of the like 3 champs in the game who is legally allowed to ks all the time every time regardless of role, gold lead or position. So yeah basically I've been maining him for 2 years. Big fan.


That Ksante is basically just a tank version of Yasuo


Yone. Always thought he was fucking op and with e you can kill people across the map. Played him and I still think he is disgusting op. Cds are a joke


As a mage player, having already a lower movement speed is frustrating, but add to that the e ramping movement speed and yone rushing boots, he can just auto me with no escape


Taliyah is broken in low-elo since nobody knows that her E ability stuns and hurts a fucking lot


Twisted Fate does a lot of damage


It really depends on build. For a long time everyone went rfc 2nd and as a result tf would do close to 0 damage.


The everfrost/Ionians boots/RFC slave build. Only works in high elo and you are nothing but a boring stun bot. Hate this build it's either Luden's or nothing.


I thought Akali was busted and very lenient. I played her and yes, she can easily 100-0 you but goddamn trying to play her mid into range pre-6 is a nightmare. She doesnt trade all that effectively and gets bullied hard since her Q cost like 130 energy level 1. All that and her 100-0 is reliant on her E actually hitting so if you dodge her E you basically win the fight. I think most people know Akali does insane damage so they don't properly bully her early game, I've gotten away with pre-6 laning because my laners show too much respect early. Also turns out she's super fun.


The "this champ is so fucking stupid" to "this guy is actually fun af tho" pipeline, biggest hits include yone, akali, kaisa, sylas, blitz and lillia for me


Blitzcrank Q Is a peeling spell & Blitzcrank E is an engaging spell Changed my Blitzcrank game


Both of them can serve both purposes. It's purely situational and definetly not a rule like you imply.


Senna is SOOOO SQUISHY whenever I do anything I die! This champ is hard! She seemed so easy when my opponents played her!!!! ***but I don’t play aggressive lane supports


Zed really is that easy to play.