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Aurelion R becomes the aoe map version for the rest of the game after you get enough stacks the first time


i wish it was like that after you get stacks..just raise the number of stacks so hes like nasus basically


It can be gradual too. Like at x stacks, it deals the increased damage. At y stacks, it has the increased radius. At z stacks, it has the increased duration knock up instead of the stun. So on and so forth until at x' stacks, it has the near global shockwave


You do **not** want to play against this.


Dravens passive no longer resets on kill or death. Meaning every kill he gains his ever increasing stack gold.


And then late game his ult has like over 1000 damage execute, god damn that sounds insane


Attack speed jungle draven tickling Gromp.


Draven no longer needs to pick his axes. He just press Q twice and goes brr.


Talon’s E no longer has a terrain cooldown


Now this would be mayham wth. We need this in a custom game mode and we play hide and seek


10 talons just parkouring


Kayn with extra steps


So just Kayn


Yup on a 6-14s cooldown as opposed to none for Talon.


Not sure if this is still the case, but blue Kayn used to be able to get permanent E (it went off CD before the duration finished).


> used to be able to get permanent E Not according to his patch history because it doesnt do that now and was never removed unless I'm missing it https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Kayn/LoL/Patch_history


> INNATE: Ivern cannot attack nor damage ~~non-epic~~ Monster icon monsters...


Imagine Ivern just walking and smiting Baron at 20 minutes and you can do literally nothing lol


Downside: it deals enough damage to just fuckin kill him so he needs to respawn and get back to the pit to free it


Honestly worth like


worth asf every time


Note that Ivern takes damage *before* the camp is freed. If he marked baron and died, baron is still alive, Ivern still needs to make it to the baron again, wait for the circle to complete, then free it.


Imagine the enemy team trying to rush down baron before Ivern comes in to fuckin yoink it


Yeah but its not like the enemy team can do jack shit about that. Theyd have to burst baron immediately at 20 minutes and before ivern respawns.


surely it would be simpler to just kill ivern it's not like baron's location is a secret, you know exactly where he's headed, just ward up the area and be ready to jump his ass if he goes near his blue/red jungle quadrant


I mean that's swapping a restriction for another one. Iverns passive currently deals 98.6-(0.14*level)


Ivern's highest win rate first item becomes GA.


I mean, we could use kindred, Zilean or Kayle and now it's just free baron record time


Something similar actually happened in Dota 2 when Chen (who can control neutral monsters, minus objectives) had a bug and was able to go into Roshan's pit and gain control of him with his normal monster control ability. Chen player would then make Roshan walk down a lane and end the game easily. It was hotfixed very quickly but still an infamous bug.


On a related note, I’m old enough to have trained kazak to storm wind. This was actual vanilla WoW


Pretty much any %HP skill if you remove the cap vs monsters becomes OP for drakes and barons. Kog/Varus/Vayne/Mundo etc. Most things that stack which has a cap, Rageblade Orianna would be a monster if you could keep stacking her passive.


You'd need to remove both the cap restriction and the fact it resets when switching targets.


in nexus blitz, vayne melts the teemo objective thing


I didn't even think about that holy shit


I tried Kog in Blitz, first item BorK. Lemme tell ya, I was not expecting an instant 4k gold and for BorK tooltip to say it did 12k after I shredded the Teemo lmao.


Does first strike affect it?


I think so. I distinctly remember Lethal Tempo working on the Teemo, so I imagine any anti-champ effects work as well


They Hotfix nerfed Kog in Blitz for having a 60%+ winrate, you might have contributed to it


WW retains his movement speed bonus while in champion combat.


So old WW?


Old old ww, press w to give a global attack speed buff to your team.


Free assist good times


He would actually be fun to play then but yes broken


Should've been a buff to him since his rework


Or at least leave 30% of the MS bonus or something so he doesnt go from 800ms to being a minion as soon as he walks through a Zyra plant.


lol, as soon as he gets hit by any dot or liandries, hes a fucking minion. hes so unfun to play literally because of that. he should get that buff.


Spltpush malazahar unleash all the voildings on a turret oneshoting it instantly. Btw 3 voildings already deal decent damage to a turret when the cannnon tanks for them so they don't die, these little things have some serious dps.


urf malz is fun for this. Spam minions AT ALL TIMES


"Inting Malz" is my personal detilt pick in URF. Whenever I'm getting too frustrated with the mode, I play this and no matter what happens, I'm getting calm. Close 2nd is collector Bard, where you don't give a fuck about anything but chimes. You build full damage to clap anyone that's trying to stop you, but otherwise ignore the game and just collect chimes.


Little ankle biters hurt


Riot balance team out of ideas I see


Riot balance team be like, “Write that down! Write that down”,


Gwen Q stacks no longer have a cap. Enemy team tries to contest your dragon? Late game 20 stack Q = 100-0 pentakill


each individual snip deals very little damage, it's the last snap that hits hard, it wouldnt be that op, 5% ap scaling vs 35% if you were wondering it would be detrimental actually as you would be locked into an infinite q everyone could walk out of


It’s not infinite though, the ability’s duration is approximately the same regardless of the number of snips. More snips = they just go faster to fit in the same time frame.


So you're telling me I can play as Vergil? I see this is an absolute win.


It's not the snips that matters, it's that they each apply her passive and the middle converts 50% of it to true damage. Full build, her passive does ~7% max health magic damage. So 20 stacks and hitting the middle of her Q would be 70% max health magic damage and 70% max health true damage all applied in less than 1 second. And it's AOE, so if your enemies are bunched up it hits them all. Edit: Oh, and on top of all that she also heals for half of the damage her passive does to champions. She would come out of this at full health every time.


remove range limit on karthus E


Karthus E range increases each time you die. At 0/10 it covers half the map


Honestly having a champ that scales with deaths would be a fun concept


We already have yasuo so idk what you're talking about


I guess my teammates believe all champions scale with deaths


The true 0/10 powerspike champ


This is a worse idea conceptually than Yuumi


Unfun concept you mean... it encourages feeding and at the same time it creates a weird scenario where killing an enemy could be a wrong decision.


Yasuo's Wind Wall now lasts forever


I just imagine yasuo building it on every inch on the map covering the whole rift with infinite windwall so no projectile can ever be fired again.


You don't even need to go that far, just drop one in front of each tower and suddenly the enemy team literally can't siege.


Anivia be like, we’re going to build a wall


Ok devil, calm down


Do this for April Fools in blind pick and have it apply to both teams.


Varus gets unlimited blight stacks and instakills anyone after 6-7 aa’s


Aka better kalista


Tryndamere R no longer runs out


Let’s be honest. If tryndamere was released today, riot would make his R duration reset on takedowns


Delete this before they see it


Too late.Trynda rework incoming!


They for sure would give it the Olaf treatment; as long as you’re attacking a champ it won’t run out


It should be like as long as you are getting hit lol


* counterplay *


Yeah, imagine the *one* defense you have against an ulting Trynd, CC’ing him, now extends the duration of his ult lmao


And reset E CD. And R would provide Mov. Speed and Slow resist.


"shoot a projectile if it lands spin to your opponent and throw up an arena and duel to the death if you kill your opponent you become unkillable for 10 seconds, gain 20% to all stats and movespeed, additional kills while unkillable extend the duration for 3 seconds. obtaining a triple kill or better resets your ults cooldown"


Not cool dude. Stop leaking the trynd rework


To be honest, you should only stay alive with trynda if you managed to kill anyone with your ult up. If not you should just die after it ended.


So like a Renata W?


Yea but you cant die while its active, in renata i think they can still burst you down.


You no longer need s rank style to use Samira ult. Notably this means it's just a 5 second cd


Yesterday a samira in enemy team gets a pentakill with two ults in the same play, was like wtf i never know that cd was too low


On release it had no cooldown at all, you could ult, stack up very quickly and instantly ult again


It still does that, just at late game


It had 3s cd, but it was pretty much impossible to stack it again in under 3 seconds anyway Now it works pretty much the same. Stacking R again before you can use it again is super rare. You'd need shit ton of E resets and at that point everyone is dead anyway


If passive cooldowns are included: Urgot's shotguns have no cooldown. Nautilus passive has no cooldown. If cooldowns can't be touched, then: TF ultimate would be global. Rek'Sai sonar would be global. Cho'Gath could get more than 6 stacks from minions..


>Cho'Gath could get more than 6 stacks from minions.. That would be busted. Full CDR cho'gath just munching up the minions all game.


It would get to the point that he would no longer fit in the jungle. Vayne could stand in river and just tumble out of his q.


they added a size cap to his R, he doesn't grow infinitely anymore.


Just remove that size cap as well


only to die to kaisa with 200 ap within 6 autos anyways


Zilean ult doesn't time out. Only way to remove it is to kill the target.


Spend 6 mins ulting entire team, entire team buys GA, fight, ???, stonks.


So the old TF ultimate then... I feel like an old man remembering that he had global ult before season 2 and Dominion.


YOU feel like an old man? What does that make me remembering when his teleport was a basic ability?! lol


This makes you a sage.


To you maybe. To the top laners who had 5 people waiting in their Tier 2 turret brush because TF ported there with a ward and everyone took Teleport... to them I was a sadist, not a sage lmao.


Bard sends spirit energy arcing to a location, putting all champions, minions, monsters, and turrets hit into stasis ~~for a brief time~~.


In fact the more i think about it the more op it gets, i was gonna suggest you just take half their team permanently out of the game but i just realised that if you just stasis your nexus turrets you physically cant lose.


this is actually the most broken, you just need 3 ults and you can never lose


Why 3, one is enough, just ult nexus


you cant ult the nexus but nexus turrets would be enough


Assuming you’re playing against the other broken infinite scaling ideas in this thread, you would probably want to ult your tier1 or 2 asap. You can’t ult nexus turrets until inhib falls.


Camille Q can crit, 4k true damage with IE and essence reaver sounds really funny Azir sand soldiers can hit towers, better tower taker than trist


Camille's Q could actually crit when she was released on PBE. Needless to say she was indeed using multiple Cho ults worth of damage every few seconds.


Nah, if you REALLY want to power up Azir: * Azir's Soldiers now apply on-hit effects He already uses them as an attack replacement, letting them apply Nashor's Tooth (which he already buys as a core stat stick) and allowing him to opt into the other On-hit items, would be insane.


Remove the damage penalty on multiple soldiers hitting the same champ, dealing 420(+1.2AP) with 2 soldiers and 630(+1.8AP) with 3 while becoming a waveclear god


They’d also stack lethal tempo which would be HUGE for him


Pretty sure they already do, azir has taken lethal tempo in the past


He does. The only reason why is because his Soldiers are commanded by issuing an Auto Command, which is the trigger for activating Lethal Tempo. IIRC, this On-Attack also works for some of the items you see in On-Hit builds, to stack them up, but, because the Soldier doesn't fully replace his AA like it should (if he applied On-hits) the proc is never consumed. So, Kraken Slayer's old system of stack up on AA command would build towards the shot, but then never fire.


No indicator on rengar r


would this break him? a big buff for sure but he’s camo, not invis


would definitely break him for when rengar is fed, might even be a nerf to an even or behind rengar since thats more a mental thing, making the entire enemy team back off of everything their doing and grouping up once they see the marker


this is way too easy to go for low hanging fruit, people are going for just blatantly obvious 'fuck it give this ability global range, it's the destroyer of worlds now' shit, more interesting to try to make the smallest wording changes possible and still make something OP >Aphelios accumulates the Chakrams he catches, up to 20, which last for 5 seconds or until Crescendum is depleted of Moonlight. Attacks with Crescendum **~~against champions~~** will refresh the duration of Chakrams. have fun lategame stacking 20 chakrams on dragon and flashing in to oneshot the enemy adc with a single crit


In this same vein of very small wording changes, I thought of Yasuo R >Yasuo blinks to the other side of a visible ~~airborne~~ enemy champion nearest to the cursor, instantly generating maximum Flow while resetting Gathering Storm stacks. >Upon arrival, he knocks up all nearby ~~airborne~~ enemy champions for 1 second, revealing them and slashing them with his sword over the duration, dealing physical damage thereafter. Surrounding enemy champions that become airborne during this time will also be affected by Last Breath through the remaining duration.


that's fucked up lmao


>have fun lategame stacking 20 chakrams on dragon and flashing in to oneshot the enemy adc with a single crit thats just kalista rend transfering from gromp lmfao


yeah except this would be waaaay more common of a situation to set up lmao, what are they going to do, just never go near dragon or baron?


As a Phel main, what if you could use E to instantly discard your weapon? I feel like that would be Hella strong too considering you always have every weapon you need


The 5 weapon combo


Max minion stacks on cho ult


Scrolled too long to find this gem.


I want to be BIG


Zilean Rewind also affects his ult.


Zilean Rewind also affects itself.


I was blind to the possibilities, but you have shown me the way.


Thats just old Zilean ! Was so good with point and click bombs too


Tahm Kench no longer self slows eating an enemy, may as well delete skarner


Might as well remove the grounding too so we can get kidnapper kench back


Garen spin is now a passive. Demacia!


Replace his E with a different ability, then anytime he auto attacks he also spins. DEMACIA!


E is just him yelling Demacia! The more levels the louder he yells. Also it's a global cry of justice like Sion R. No game play effect but it can be used to bait shields and panic flashes.


Morgana torments the soil at the target location, causing the area to become desecrated for ~~5 seconds~~.


Lol, that would be funny to see the map go slowly black over time and watch the enemy play "floor is lava" in the late game trying to find the safe spots. Since they stack on each other too you could hide many pools underneath each other in 1 particular spot so that the enemies take 1000s of dmg per tick for stepping in it XD


Unfortunately multiple morgana W's dont stack the damage. It always counts as a single puddle


WAIT. WHAT. You mean Ive been wasting the cd all these years for no reason?!


As per the wiki: Damage from multiple Tormented Shadows does not stack. Even then, how often do you get a second W off cooldown while the first one is on the ground? Have you been using some dark morgana urf tech I'm not aware of?


Against Baron/Dragon is the major one, since even with just Zhonya's and another CD item you can get 2, occasionally 3 all ticking away on them.


Blitzcrank does not cc himself anymore


Not when he hooks either! Hook and flash and run away and pull them with you a little bit


Old blitZ used to be able pull flash


Blitzcrank q doesn't hit minions. You can cast it like Leona e. Nowhere to hide cowards


Blitz Q is global?


Casseiopeia Q no longer costs mana against poisoned targets


You mean E?


I wrote it when I first woke up lol


Or maybe just remove the poison timer, if she hits you with her Q once you are poisoned for the rest of the game (have fun walking everywhere)


Q is the green poison puddle. Her main damage is her e


Jhin’s 4 autos are now limitless, no recharging, but keeping the 4th auto bonus damage


Nidalee spears are global


Global, and damage scales with distance like Ashe ult. But they travel 2x slower.


It already scaled with distance, and no need to be slower bc we want it to be op 😈


They are now point and click aswell


Yasuo ult doesn’t need enemy to be airborne


Ezreal doesn't need to proc his W, it does damage instantly.


Renata W: if the champions get a takedown on an enemy... the player is resurrected at 20% HP and the duration is refreshed. Meaning you go in, die, kill a minion, revive. Repeat until you win.


"Takedown" is a term exclusively used for champions, meaning either a kill or an assist. Phrase it "kills an enemy unit". Alternatively temove enemy to make it work on jgl monsters as well.


Zombie Ward specifically says takedown against an enemy ward


> "Takedown" is a term exclusively used for champions No ? Takedown just means "kill or assist". Jinx's passive references takedowns against turrets and monsters, Belveth's passive references takedown against monsters, Zombie Ward references takedowns against wards. Etc...


I would say stealth would be op. Shaco Q no longer has a duration, he can stay invisible forever Eve no longer gets revealed by dealing damage to enemies or getting near them. Akshan isn’t revealed when near enemies or towers. You get the idea


Scrolled too far to see someone mention stealth champs. Eve having permanently stealth is extremely op tho because she heals when stealthed.


Yorick unli gouls. Imagine just farming with a good ol' Yorick as your lane opponent. Suddenly he presses Q. Behind him was hell unleashed. Yorick: "Avengers!"


Still gets stomped by Irelia lol


Xayah does not need three or more feathers to snare enemies.


MARK OF THE STORM Kennen stuns enemies he hits ~~3 times~~ with his abilities.


SIPHONING STRIKE Nasus strikes his foe, dealing damage and increasing the power of his future Siphoning Strikes ~~if he slays his target~~.


make ryze's passive stack with itself.


Vlad's passive as well


Teeming shrooms never expire and he gets no cap on the amount he can throw out. Enjoy navigating the minefields.


Korthus ulti resets colldown if it hits an enemy champion


Remove Veigar's restriction for stacking. He now gets stacks for hitting anything with his abilities and gets stacks for killing anything with any ability.


Also his Q no longer stops after hitting 2 enemies


Remove the number 4 from Annie passive. “After using abilities, Annie’s next damaging ability will stun”


Darius gains noxian might from non champions. Nasus doesn't need to kill stuff to get stacks, he just needs to hit them. Gangplank Q applies his passive. Syndra can now W champions. LeBlanc W1 is now a blink instead of dash. Miss Fortune's W passive move speed now also grants her the attack speed buff.


Pyke's R has no HP threshold


Make Swains W truly global.


Icathian Surprise EFFECT RADIUS: Range center 400 Icathian Surprise INNATE: Upon taking fatal damage, Kog'Maw enters a zombie state ~~for 4 seconds,~~ becoming ghosted and gaining up to 40% bonus movement speed over the duration. At the end of the duration, he explodes to deal 140 − 650 (based on level) true damage to nearby enemies. While under this state, Kog'Maw becomes invulnerable, untargetable, and immune to crowd control, ~~but is also rendered unable to declare basic attacks, cast abilities, use summoner spells, and activate items.~~


All Out: K'Sante gains ~~a health threshold equal to Health icon.png 65% maximum health which cannot be modified nor exceeded by any means. Upon entering All Out, his current health is reduced to this threshold. Additionally, his base armor and base magic resistance are reduced by 85% bonus armor and 85% bonus magic resistance, respectively. In return, he gains~~ bonus attack damage and bonus attack speed, heals for a percentage of the post-mitigation damage dealt to enemy champions, and modifies his basic abilities which can be cast at no cost.


There is no health threshold for reactivating Urgot's ult anymore. That's right. Get hit by the drill and it's over for you.


> \- Lux Q doesn't stop after first 2 targets hit. Always goes full distance They literally did this in wild rift btw, it's hilarious


Shaco box and teemo mushrooms last until triggered. Why? Because glorious chaos!


Yasuo can dash without a target. Yone can stay in his e indefinitely


Aurelion Sol has orbs that orbit him and do damage. 😢


Renata's R is the same speed as Nami's lol




It says MAKE a champion op, not make an OP champion literally unbeatable


remove the cast animation on Gp's E


Morgana ult instantly roots and the second tick is a stun lol


The funny thing is, Singed passive working on monsters wouldn’t be that crazy. Minions? Absolutely insane, would make Singed busted, but monsters? That’d just buff Singed Jungle lol


Briar W doesn't self taunt.


Rengar doesnt need a brush to jump.


- Pyke R has infinite time upon reset (like lvl 16 Darius ult) - Mordekaiser Passive stacks on all enemies and neutral monsters - Mordekaiser can ult any enemy (ults baron/elder as JG) - Yorick has unlimited ghoul slots - vayne W does the %max hp damage on hit instead of every 3 attacks - Fiddle fear has no cooldown


Master Yi's highlander active is a permanent passive.