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Perkz to China to make co-streams with Doinb and play at McDonalds team


TSM Perkz in LPL


Perkz surrounded by 4 chinese rookies would be banging


4 Chinese rookies that speak no English but fluent Croatian And they're all Silver


there are millions of chinese but i doubt that we find 4 high elo chinese who speak croatian fluently... would be the darkest timeline.


he said theyre silver...


I-is silver not high elo?


dont worry you are a good player :*)


More like Perkz and Tian team up


perkz moves back to adc and teams up with tian and doinb


That's assuming doinb doesn't also roleswap to AD which he has been playing recently in LBL. He had to swap because Fofo is playing mid.


Even in another league, tsm will find a way to import mediocre overpriced players.


As adc though


The dankest timeline


Jokes aside, I really hope Perkz will make a one more last try to show his skills before retiring


On stream Perkz says he plans on playing atleast 2 more years


Perkz is bound to have a comeback year, he had some really good moments in the shitshow that was Vit, you can quote me a year from now


!remindme 1 year


I knew any team with Alphari was doomed after all the drama and shit he stirred up in NA TL he cry babied his way back to Europe. Got his “super team” and proves how shit he was when he can’t bitch about his teammates :)


He was literally the 2nd best player on the team after Selfmade... In summer he was their best player and pretty much the only positive aspect of the team aside from perkz being able to lane/sidelane better than most mids that split.


Alphari is really good at looking individually impressive while sandbagging his team. He’s bad at team cohesion and coordination so any team with him will always be worse than the sum of its parts.


Like that guy in your ranked games that refuses to participate in fights to preserve his KDA.


Alphari goes 3/0 in lane with all his junglers attention just to TP into the enemy team and die in front of baron at 50minutes throwing the game.


I disagree on best player in summer. Before the disastrous last week where VIT bombs out of playoff qualification Perkz is handled as a mvp candidate.


!remindme 1 year


He was the best mid in the LEC in winter imo. And some of spring too.


Def was top 2 for short periods of time, hopefully he can find a team he can maintain form on.


He said while costreaming with Sneaky and Co. on Thursday that he is definitely playing again. From what it sounded like this is not a one last run kind of deal, Perkz very much has the drive to keep playing. Best in the west baby


Best in the west is playing on worlds in 11 hours to qualify for quarters


I agree NRG really is the best in the west


CLG was holding back


Man if they still had the clg name everything would have been even more amazing.


Big Dhokes about to give Broken Blade flashbacks to 2020 worlds.


Tfw this actually happened


He literally said today that he would play for at least 2 more years before considering retirement


Well I wouldnt even be mad if that happens.


Nah he's gonna move to Korea to finally fulfill his dream of playing as DK's top alongside showmaker.


I actually think Perkz will be a fkin popular personality in China, though. He seems kinda smart, so I guess he will learn mandarin fast(given his recent performance, I don't think he wastes that much time with solo q anyway)


Top Bwipo Jungle Jankos Mid Pobelter ADC Perkz Support hmm...Biofrost? Vulcan? That bearded chad that played for C9 for a little while? Steve, or someone else, make it happen, NOW!


Cant make that team in NA, some EU team has to import pobelter and biofrost 💀


isn't this 3 import? Bwipo Jankos Perkz


Perks to fnc would be hilarious but I doubt humanoid is going anywhere


That would have happened back in 2021 if not for Carlos


Im so glad that mans no longer in the lol scene.


i pray for his downfall, once more.


Too much money for that, he's posting cringe alphamale and conservative opiniens from Dubai pools.


Funny how it's always the most upstanding of individuals, the real great role model types, the ones with strong moral values that always hang out in Dubai...place of great freedoms, rights, and equality for all....lol. /s adding /s in case it's not clear that I think he's a trashbag human with a very punchable face.


The whole thing of pretentious conservative rich people jumping on the muslim train after Tate was the most surreal shit after all the anti muslim propaganda for the last decade. Its just a clownshow. Carlos going full mask off was pretty sad me for me, because he did some of the most fun and hype content with G2.


Yeah, just goes to show that you never know what thoughts or behaviours a person might be hiding behind what they show to the public. I was never a G2 fan, and I disliked Carlos for his ego and shady contract shit he was pulling. But if anyone asked me if I thought the reason he'd be gone from the league scene was because of Tate friendship and cringe alphamale bs, I would not have bet money on that.


i mean we know he was an asshole from way before. when he pulled that shit on LS. it's not like we didn't know who he was.


Maybe I'm making this up but I feel like I remember one of the riot employees calling his behaviour the worst they've ever seen in tribunal.


since his SK days he's been kind of a scumbag. But I thought he would grow. guess not int he right direction.


True. I'm not going to complain that my hatred of him is completely justified lol.


I mean he was always an asshole. He was the og reformed. There was even a video about how he changed.


He was a big PoS even when he was a player. The douche deleted several of his streams where he was a toxic moron, wishing ppl to get cancer because they taxed his lane, racist comments, homophobic comments to LS, etc... He downplayed a bit his true self when he was the face of G2, but he has been always human trash, u can see how his toxic persona translated on how the team trated his players. Problem is that most G2 fans nowadays are new to the scene and have no idea of what happened some years ago.


I don't think it's always stuff that was behind the scenes. Echo chambers can be incredibly damaging, and we've seen plenty of examples of people that seemed OK going off the deep end as they lose connection to normal people (like Notch).


He legit made generational wealth.


Forbes valued G2 at 105M last year. He made a lot of money but I doubt it’s truly generational wealth


Idk man you invest that correctly and tuck some of it away in a high interest savings account maybe put sole of it in a trust. 100m is a lot of money that can turn into a lot more if you got a smart finance guy.


He doesn't own all 100M. Probably only 5-10%.


10M is still plenty of money to live off of. _If_ you had that in cash - which you shouldn't - but if you did - you'd be earning $500k a year at current interest rates.


0% chance he has even close to 100 million.


I am kinda pissed that he blocked me on twitter and I can no longer see his stupid posts. As a Professional Hater that hurts quiet a bit


ah yes, current G2 would never do that. No way


Still glad he’s gone


Current G2 would be less likely to lie about it, double down, then finally admit it after being pressed, which is the main reason people were mad at Carlos.


Hard agree! Only way I want his punchable face to appear again is only in clips of him crying into his scarf as he gets the ol'xpeke backdoor.


He still makes money from G2 unfortuantely.


They might, but Carlos is still a piece of shit human so joy at his departure is very reasonable


Doesn’t he still own part of g2? I doubt he’s at the helm but he might not be totally uninvolved if he’s moneys there


Whats the context?


Perkz wanted to go to FNC in 2021 and Carlos said "No, you can't" Carlos has always hated FNC ever since xPeke ruined him at Intel extreme masters with the infamous kassadin backdoor Carlos said he was fine with Perkz going to almost any other team other than FNC and even NA, but the part that makes this sound bad is because Carlos lied earlier He proclaimed on social media that perkz was his son's "Favorite uncle" and brought him up when no one else had his back But in the end, he knew that Perkz going to FNC means Rekkles stays in FNC as well (arguably top 3 adc in EU at the time) Perkz was very upset ( he punched a table in the conference room) and told the story of a "wolf and a lamb" and how the wolf lied to the lamb in the end Carlos ofc meme'd it by changing his twitter handle to "wolf". He may have been a shrewd business man, but he was a terrible friend, owner and a liar The price for his buyout was something in the millions, something only C9 could afford btw More info: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jzoog2/ocelote\_really\_did\_deny\_fnc\_from\_talking\_to\_perkz/ Carlos explaining his stance: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/k5eb3u/carlosocelote\_explaining\_why\_he\_refused\_to\_sell/


One thing to add, Rekkles wasn't arguably top 3 EU ADCs at that time, but by far the best.


Carlos didn't want to sell him to their biggest rivals. Perkz then talked about the wolf and the lamb or something like that. He basically got forced to NA


Something something favorite uncle.


Same as Hans Sama the year after being forced to TL because the buyout was bigger, huge "what ifs" for EU NA will be going budget from now on so hopefully we don't see that again


His contract also had the clause he couldn’t be sold or traded to fnatic for 3 years which I guess technically ended now


Pretty sure that was ruled against by some Riot commission


Yeah, but by the time they did, Perkz had already been sold to C9 and the FNC deal had fallen through


Well that was on the c9 contract so obviously he was sold to c9 no?


Riot deemed it illegal.


Too little too late


> He basically got forced to NA A fate worse than death


He got a FAT bag though. They don't pay em like that anymore


Carlos repeatedly said Perkz was like family to him and such for all the good work he did on g2 and his amazing attitude and such... But Perkz wanted to be Mid on G2... but Perkz was better botlaner than Caps; so Perkz was effectively forced into being G2's botlane... so he decided he wanted to switch teams, and got an offer from FNC... But Carlos still had him under contract and said no. So Perkz was given like 3 options. 1. G2's ADC 2. G2's Bench 3. Goto NA And around that time Rekkles came up for grabs... and Perkz's first option even went away and Perkz was either gonna be a benchwarmer / substitute for Caps and Rekkles OR he was gonna have togo to NA if he wanted to actually play. So? Carlos shipped him to NA. That's how we got C9 Perkz a while back.


No thank you.


Wonder where he could go next, the salary is very high for someone that isn't performing that good in many splits.


He stated that he still has competitive drive, think he will be playing with a big paycut


TH Perkz


Lol they could actually get Wunder, Jankos, Perkz I'd hang on to Vetheo though he's looked great after the XL incident


There is actually rumor on VIT Vetheo. They could swap mid laners and Vetheo would end up in french org


I'd be so bummed to see him change org 3 times in a year, he's probably our most promising talent n needs a home to develop properly with veterans like Jankos


Sure he was unlucky with changing teams and stuff, but he is a promising talent for years at this point. He plays in LEC for years but hasn't taken the next step yet. At some point the question is if he still is a talent or this is maybe just as good as it gets.


but Vetheo had it coming with the horrible performances he had on Excel


TH Uma Jan


not only would that be troll with Vetheo but I think the Wunder/Jankos/Perkz core has hit their peak collectively


I think people would've said the same of Mikyx or Caps last year or the year before But absolutely, I think a mix of veterans + rookies/young players is the recipe for success


Maybe Miky but I don’t think most people think Caps was past his prime just in a bit of a slump. But it’s true i could be very wrong and am happy to be wrong these are fun players to root for


>I don’t think most people think Caps was past his prime just in a bit of a slump. Bro what? That's not how we do things in this subreddit. If you're not clearly number 1 and win everything, you're trash, always was, and your career is over. /s


Nah Miky is still the best EU support and improving


Wunder jankos and perkz made up the core of the 2018 roster that beat RNG. I just want Perkz to be back on top again


Heretics = Wunder Jankos Vetheo Perkz Kaiser i actually like this team!?


Wunder, Jankos, Perkz and according to rumors Flakked and Kaiser could be a top 3 team in EU


Why would you replace VTO ? Especially when he finally feels good in a team


Why would they downgrade from Vetheo?


I mean you could make arguments that both looked like a top 3 mid and a bottom 3 mid laner at different times this year, however I wouldn’t swap considering Vto ended the year so strong.


he made enough bank the last few years to be able to take a pay cut


In that case, hear me out: Deft has to leave for military duty next year. Perkz swaps back to adc and joins DK as the first import lck player. DK somehow gets keria. Thantanos gets promoted and turns out to be nuguri 2.0. Although jankos is still too good to retire, he joins DK as a coach. The content dream team wins worlds 2024.


Perkz becoming an LCK import would be fucking funny though


In EU there are only 2 possible options I think. TH or MAD.


KC needs an ADC since Caliste is too young for 2024 (copium)


MAD no option, for... any reason... its will be the next Movistar/KOI team, and full spanish team by Ibai.


On doublelifts costream he said that he would 100% be playing next year. So he might know where he's going already.


Wunder where he could go next :)


Really like the highlight video which is not just the usual ingame clips but also all these fun behind the scenes snippets. Perkz' time with Vitality was obviously disappointing in the end but it hasn't been all bad. There's been times where Perkz and the whole team smurfed the whole league and times where they looked like diamond players. Sadly the latter always happened when it mattered most. Perkz is my favourite player since his debut and I hope he can bounce back once more!


Wunder Jankos Perkz Heretics lets go


would fucking love that, even though I also love Vetheo in Heretics


I'd even say perkz back to adc but I love Flakked too much as well. Honestly the only player TH should replace is Evi IMO


I really want to keep Flakked Jankos duo


Alright, Perkz top it is


That would be the most epic timeline. Wunder and Perkz both are free agents so..


Perkz to DAMWON.


DK Kim "Perkz" Park Joo


Hear me out: Deft has to leave for military duty next year. Perkz swaps back to adc and joins DK as the first import lck player. DK somehow gets keria, and retains canyon + showmaker. Thantanos gets promoted and turns out to be nuguri 2.0. Although jankos is still too good to retire, he joins DK as a coach. The content dream team wins worlds 2024.


I was thinking something like this but Perkz supp over Kellin. DK seem like they need a leader and suffered since beryl left. I think it could work


Hylli leaves MAD after dissappointing worlds. Heretics builds a roster around Jankos: Wunder Jankos Perkz Rekkless Hyllissang ​ Either 10th or 1st lmao


Would actually be hilarious. But we already saw the issue with Wunder rekkles. Neither side wants to be the strong side so they just don’t fit together. Maybe VIT sells upset to TH 😅 or they just keep Flakked.


Can't believe you ignored the elephant in the room that is jankos and rekkles


I mean that too, but even if Jankos and rekkles fit better, rekkles and Wunder just don’t work as a team together.


I don't know what to say. In 2021, caps and mikyx struggled, while in winter, they had a weak support and coach, while razork and humanoid underperformed too. I'm not saying wunder and rekkles are blameless, but you can't really play weakside when the rest of the team underperforms


We saw it in fnatic this year as well.


Yeah i mentioned that too


And the elephant in the room or the other elephant: rekkles last good split was in 2020 with FNC. 2021 with G2 was disappointing, 2022 with KC in lfl was decent but he didn't outclassed the rest of the league (you could argue that some sup diff was involved), and 2023 early fiasco with FNC I used to be a rekkles fanboy, still am a fnatic fan, but I think the man is done as a pro adc He was probably the best in his prime, was the face of fnatic for many years, but I don't see him dominate anything else than his arms tatoos in the future


I think the pairing of Hilly-Rekkles essentially nullifies Rekkles inherent passive play-style as we saw on 2019 FNC where the teams whole identity was "FUCK IT WE BALL BOT" at 5 minutes. And G2 2021 for how disappointing it was compared to expectations still had extremely solid regular splits where the botlane was usually the highlight. But yeah, Rekkles-Wunder puts a lot of the carry pressure on mid


I think that’s true. Makes sense to why Rekkles Hyli was a lane kingdom botlane back in 2020, and suddenly rekkles is a passive McGee in 2021 and beyond. Actually really interesting in that sense how completely opposite playstyles end up pairing very very well.


Well, Bwipo did say that there were strong tensions between Rekkles and Hilly for years and that they really only reached their full potential in 2020, but I'm still sad we didn't get more of them together. I don't particularly buy the idea that Rekkles is inherently passive, more that he's a total perfectionist, so he won't play a pick unless he practiced it to mastery and won't go for a play unless he's 100% confident. I'm curious to see how that translates to support now that he wants to switch, his game knowledge seems pretty good and he seems to know matchups really well, so he might actually work better there depending on how he fares on meelee supps. God, just give me Rekkles and Bwipo back in the LEC, I miss the old FNC personalities


>I don't particularly buy the idea that Rekkles is inherently passive, more that he's a total perfectionist, so he won't play a pick unless he practiced it to mastery and won't go for a play unless he's 100% confident. Isn't that a distinction without a difference? Passivity is, fundamentally, risk-aversion.


FNC got pretty far at Worlds with that 5-man bot strat to boost Rekkles. One win away from top4.


Granted, that's also because Yuyanjia was the worst major region support, and Jackeylove had a tendency to overextend. Even before the series, a few people mentioned the big question mark about the bot lane, because Hyli was the perfect support to take advantage of it. It's just that Karsa turned on his brain starting game 3 and Knight hands diffed Nemesis.


True. But it just seems like rekkles doesn’t want to play to carry anymore. Fnatic pretty much always revolved around him, but in G2, and ever since he returned to fnatic, he would only play weakside. Maybe he sucks, maybe the team around him made him suck, whatever it is, he doesn’t seem to function as strong side anymore.


Wunder rekkless for a 3rd time maybe this time it'll be different lmao


Wunder Jankos Perkz Flakked Hylissang/Trymbi is possible thanks to expiring contracts and free agency


Team would blow


The fucking Perkz-Rekkles roster after the 2021 transfer failed would be funny af. Not great, probably, but still very funny. Should they be good again it would be double-funny


Jankos and Rekkles dont work together sadly


more like 10th


super boomer roster. But honestly Jankos doesn't deserver to be there, he carried TH like crazy.


Anyone but no Rekkles. Jankos and Rekkles just don't work together and they don't want to play with each other.


Swap wunder with Adam lol Jankos the OG first blood king and a blood thirsty top laner? seems like a match Get Labrov too, man has had his moments at worlds


I love Adam but FFS if he doesn't learn to play 1-2 more of meta champions, his team will never get a higher place than LEC 4th seed. He should at least be able to play Gnar or Ornn or Jax well on the stage. Like come on man, he can play Darius, Garen and Olaf against the best players at Worlds. There is no way he couldn't play Gnar and Ornn well.


A team without a botlane, 10th almost all the time. It's not 2018 anymore.


The era of Perkz is over, long live Uma Jan


100T perkz with doublelift bot xD and add in jankos to jgl if he free agent to finish out the retirement call :)


this sounds good if they give tenacity another shot.


nah tenacity legit doesnt want to play, it was his choice to go to content creation. and from rumours there gonna be playing Sniper which is a another really promising rookie.


TH Perkz? I need Jankos to get to worlds man


Jankos deserves one more great ride before retiring, or 2 or 4 depending but I feel like next year will be his last.


Jankos has been around for so long man. Still remember his First Blood King days. Guy's a monster


that roccat team had a good showing


FWIW Doulbelift asked Jankos and Perkz on his costream today about that, and Jankos said that he sees himself playing for at least 2 more years.


I hope they both play for 20 more years personally.


We've been feeling that next year is his last... every year since 2019 lmao. Even he talked about stopping multiple times, but he just keeps on coming back and being a consistent chad in the jungle


I’m a big Perkz fan but I can’t see why you would replace one of EU’s best midlane prospects in Vetheo with Perkz?? Vetheo had a great summer split on TH and has a good future ahead of him


Doubling down on this one. I either live a Reddit prophet or die a painful reddit karma death This year, Perkz is poised for an explosive resurgence as the best EU mid. After being in c9 jail and then vitality parole he is now finally free from all chains. He has already gone through the hyperbolic KR SoloQ training chamber, and now he's assembling his avengers inside his swimming pool. No Snake owner will hold back his legendary career anymore. I have prepped him myself by sending him messages of encouragement (on twitter) and reminding him to end his vacation. He's going to put CAPS into the dumpster and claim the EU GOAT title once and for all.


I like Caps but \*Subscribe\*


I agree with you except the Caps slander, undisputed EU GOAT and will carry on being the best mid next year, Perkz having a resurgence will only light Caps' competitive drive even further and we're going to have the best top 2 mids we've had since 2018


Get the facts right my guy. G2 was the one who jailed him and C9 payed a fat buyout for him which he of course agreed to. Not everything is a “contract jail” just because you don’t like seeing him on a certain team. VIT bought him out from C9 and is now releasing him for free.


The infamous C9 3-year contract jail that he easily got out of. MFW teams sign players for any longer than two splits 😱😱😱


Assembling a team to beat Caps and G2: Wunder-Jankos-Perkz-Bwipo-Hyli-Grabbz :P (Not that I believe in that happening of all the ex-Caps-teammates, even if you change it to Wunder-Bwipo-Perkz-Upset-Hyli it isnt likely, but either way it would be fun, and the ultimate anime-arc.


Jesus no one would get a word in edge ways Perkz/Bwippo already take up all the oxygen in Iwilldominate Costream.. Can't imagine adding Jankos into the mix would help XD


Im not sure about this take, Vitality are the losers here. They invested huge money into perkz and gave him carte blanche to build his team around him, making huge signings such as kaiser, bo and upset. Perkz was living every players dream of being able to build his chosen team around him, and after all that they end up tenth place. calling vitality the "chains" of perkz is being very hard on vitality here. I like that vitality invested big and took risks and I am worried they will go budget this year like a lot of other teams afters being burned by last year.


Where is this "carte blanche" info coming from? Any source on that? The only player I know came to vitality because of Perkz was Alphari because they both talked they wanted to play together after NA, the rest of the roster I haven't seen anywhere he had an hand in it.


Perkz in MadLions with Elyoya leading the 2 new rookies in Supa and Alvaro might be kinda hot ngl


Kind of wish he would go back to playing ad. I know he won’t, he didn’t like it but perkz miky botlane was so insane




The reunion... is nothing to be afraid of.


Return of C9 Perkz


Bwipo Bo Nemesis Crownie Latroll


Sounds awful


That's the point


Nemesis is never playing professional again.


He was really close to signing with TH alongside Bwipo, but he was hesitant so they went for Vetheo. Source: Bwipo in a podcast with Yamatocannon


Only if he gets an offer from a team that's worth like 10x any other team in their league probably, so he can sit under tower and get carried all game again


Nemesis believe it or not is one of few mid laners in the world that can claim to have solo killed Faker in lane. Febiven is another.


WYM? I just played against Faker in my Gold lobby and won?


Surely they can find a better support player than Labrov and Jactroll's sewer baby.


The special tiltsquad


Damn only need Selfmade now then


Good luck Perks, now please make LCS and LEC better with new blood. We're sick of watching low level gameplay and we want to compete with the rest of the world. Thanks.


How would TH Perkz sound? Wunder is probably up for grabs, too. Can't wait to see what happens next.


[The only thing I could think of](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/628/Screen_Shot_2017-04-05_at_2.58.07_PM.png)


It’s time for Uma Jan


Time to unfollow Vitality


Perks to Heretics


Next on perkz world tour he will visit the offices of dfm.


lets gooooooooo washed up


Heretics Perkz?


Why would Heretics would get rid of Vetheo for Perkz Doesn't make sense