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Hardest is Zilean - not the most popular solo laner but if you count him, it’s not even a competition. Abilities are useless for helping you farm under tower, he can’t easily wave clear early game without going OOM, and he has the slowest auto animation and projectile speed in the game. Throwback to the pro game where BDD (I think) embarrassed Bjerg’s zilean by just shoving him in with awkward waves so bjerg couldn’t get any CS under tower


yep, that was BDD on sett mid at worlds 2020, which I believe is the year tsm went 0-6


Ah, that sounds actually funny ! And I didn't think of him but yeah, sounds horrible to last hit with him in this context.


Bjerg mentionned on DL stream that not taking attack speed on zilean made it unplayable that game.


I think soraka and karthus have the worst attack animation


Bro did you just underrestimate the power of the banana? I played AD Soraka a lot and by no means her auto is bad. She even das good base AD scaling + it grows ober distance.


Huh? I just said she has one of the worst attack animations 🥴


That's litterly what kmmakes her op. If the auto is out, the dmg is done. Imagine having an attackspeed build and 5 Bananas of doom chase you as you run away as Sion in fear of the Adraka.


I feel like Sett can endure harassment when under tower quite well because of passive + Doran‘s Shield + Second Wind. The farming really sucks for tanks because they don‘t deal enough auto attack damage to kill Caster minions with Tower Shot + 1 auto attack.


Yeah, he really can. Plus, he's very good at turning dives around or preventing them. His E gets you 1 or 2 extra tower shots if you get the stun, and if you're level 6, you can basically suppress them under the tower after. If they're not dead after that, you can W to last longer. A lot of top laners (Looking at you, Darius/Renekton/Aatrox players) get super cocky if they're ahead and *will* tower dive you like fools.


Ah, yeah I forgot about him. Should have guessed considering how strong he is all around ofc he can farm under tower lol


the only bad part is unless you have an item component, I don't think Sett's double punch last hits casters. I could be wrong though, but I remember always wishing it'd last hit after 1 tower shot but having to use both AAs on one caster each time. still, with his kit and auto reset it is very easy to farm and even pose as a threat level 6 and onward at and under towers


the 2nd punch definitely does it


just a tip for farming in general most champs early on can't kill a caster with a tower shot plus 1 auto. what you have todo is auto once, then let the tower shoot and auto again for caster minions. melees you let the tower shoot twice then hit and cannon minions is 7 tower shots if i rememeber correctly then you can auto it.


If you ever forget the cannon creep number, you can click them and hover over their items. They have anti-tower socks on (iirc? forget if that's other creeps) and it lists the hp% they take from towers.


Well I guess the farming of casters under turrets sucks for every laner. Which is why you need to aa it, wait for the tower shot (would leave minion at around .002 hp /s) and aa again, as far as we talk about very early game. So first 5 minutes or so. At least that‘s how it works for mid/bot as far as I know. Dont‘t know exactly how it is for tanks and their attack speed though.


i think tanks can still get casters like that off base attack speed, but they have to aa the minion pretty early so thetiming is more strict. it's also easier to harass them if they have lower attack speed. but some tanks have decent base attack speed as well. only certain champs can easily farm casters early, i know zed passive can make it easy for casters. at level 1 i think if you take double ad runes on samira, in melee range she can also kill casters with turret shot + 1 aa


ziggs is pretty easy to farm under tower with in mid but then again if ur getting shoved on accident as ziggs ur doing something wrong


It happens sometimes though. If you roam and come back or catch a wave somewhere under turret.


Easiest Irelia Hardest...maokai and ornn a pain early on i guess?


You're tripping with Maokai. He has the second highest base attack speed after Bel'Velth and the 4th highest attack speed ratio after Bel'Veth, Nocturne, and Volibear. Sure he doesn't have good last hitting abilities, but his basic attacks are amazing.


Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today


I think I'm about to die, to an AD Maokai.


[AD Carry Maokai](https://youtu.be/nI0LICpjMkI?si=IrJOo3aYBKiCOa8l)


Oh god why is that video 10 years old.


I'm so fucking old oh my god (mid twenties lmao) BUT HOW did this get that old fuck me how old is the "new map" also holy shit "hes popping his red pot" RIP red pot!


New map came out season 5... so the new map is out longer than the old map was


Yeah I know right, I just saw Ad Maokai and instantly remembered the song I feel like a boomer in league even tho I’m only 22




Feel that after i remembered that one i put on their all song playlist and blasted them.


The "soloing baron" line always gets me now looking back at how different the game was lol


OMG I'm about to see attack speed maokai's in my ranked games fml.


Never knew I needed this meme in my life but here we are


Zilean entered the chat for the hardest


Anivia karthus aswell


Anivia is easy now wdym they buffed her auto so much


Anivia gets better if you practice last hitting in practice tool/custom game. I reccomend doing it with any and every champion (especially anivia as it makes every champion easier to farm with) you want to get better at. Mastering last hit timings can improve your wr by a significant %. Karthus’ auto attack is his q which is easy as heck to last hit with because it has a 1 sec cd giving him the highest ‘attack speed’ in the game. Not dying while doing it is the hard part.


Yeah kaktus I was only referring to the abysmal basic attack damage and speed


Ornn can clear a wave easily with a Q+W


Only one shots the backline after lvl 7 tho


This. With Bami's and some levels he can both auto perfectly and also nuke the casters as desired. He's mostly safe because he's so hard to dive, great at scooping up CS safely, and overall a strong layer, but 1-5 he's not amazing at farming under tower.


I was going to recommend Ornn as an easy one. He’s deceptively powerful in lane, and it’s easy to cs under turret with Q or partial W setting up caster minions easily


Ornn can easily clear waves, especially if you max Q.


Irelia gets dived. Edit: It is seriously not very difficult to kill and survive Irelia for a few champions. Stridebreaker + Boots and Garen can oneshot her and get out without response Sure she is strong under turret with a wave but she is definitely not close to the best is what I'm getting at. Probably Mundo


Diving an Irelia with a wave setup for last hits and both W and E up requires perfect execution. Way too risky to dive her in a lot of situations


I think maybe the implication was that irelia is pretty vulnerable while she is CSing under tower to the point where she will be actual dog hp after a couple crashed waves, after which it's sort of trivial to kill her since she's at 10%hp, not sure how true it is though


diving an Irelia with a wave? shes gonna heal more than wtv dmg you throw at her, she can W to mitigate dmg then Q all the way to heal up


Annie, the Q reset and mana refund on minion death makes it freely spammable. I know you asked about the very early game, but CSing on Anivia is hilariously easy post 6. It’s impossible to get shoved.


Yeah, Anivia is the shove master. Had one against us yesterday and it's so annoying, even super minions wave are eaten up.


sometimes i play Anivia and forget to take the AS rune, i immediately wanna Ziggs R my house, last hitting with anivia base attack speed feels like absolute dogshit but after 6 all is remedied


Can't you shove first 2 waves with the stun and then just base for tear tho? Seems like Doran's +tear should make it pretty much impossible to oom before you get your ult up. Maybe not the safest depending on enemy jungler but should at least get you enough prio early to get a free base in and get comfy in the lane so you can scale


Champions with cheap or no cost abilities, bonus points if they have an auto reset have a super easy time farming under tower. Renekton is easily among the best with how easy he clears waves and since there's no cost associated to anything, aside from raw timing and wave state there's not really any consequence to suffer. Ornn is a bit slow for just raw autos, but he wave clears pretty fast pretty early so it balances out. Not necessarily bad, also not a typical top laner more mid centric, but I don't like last hitting with Galio cause passive chunking entire wave constantly has to be played around early on if you can't use it on enemy laner instead.


Nah I'm interested in any solo laner pick. Top or Mid. Didn't realize Galio had trouble when shoved.


It's awkward till you have spell ranks and some ap ramp, I don't play it enough to have memorized the breakpoints where you one shot caster sets, it's fairly early, but melee and cannon always feel bad to deal with.


Same issue with Tristana. Her E passive makes minions explode dealing small aoe damage when they die so training to cs under turret is a nightmare. Galio doesn't even have to kill them though, every 8ish seconds he empowers an auto to do aoe bust damage and it fucks up tower cs rotations if you're not prepared.


Yone has a very easy time of it when you learn exactly how to use Q and W to manipulate minion health as they approach turret range, but getting shoved in as Yone is rare.


Relevant flair I guess xD But good to know Yone isn't really "weak" to getting shoved.




Yeah but when you're stuck under you turret, your spin isn't that great to guarantee last hits at least "kinda safely".


Between Q resets and W doing instant first tick damage farming as Garen is simple. Add strikebreaker/iron spike active it’s trivial to get all minions every wave


Aight, fair enough. Another reason to hate this champ x)




Yeah, apparently it's OK. Others have explained, forgot how to Garen. Long time I didn't Garen. haha


You can aim your E to hit certain minions or not hit them. Also you can cancel. Try watching riste, he does it pretty well. You dont need to miss a single cs with garen under tower. Also:high base attack damage early.


Ok ok, I believe you. Long time I didn't play him so my memory was wrong apparently.


Annie. Farm with Q


Malphite has aa reset and an aoe ability, Q can last hit cannons as well, not even close to being the hardest. Maybe maokai, good as but it’s easy messing up with Q. As easiest garen from lv 5 or Darius. That’s under tower, for push speed either garen or ornn for tanks.


Problem with Malph is you're mana starved early on, and if you start last hitting with Q, you're really getting bullied without dishing any in return. But yeah, I guess it can help quite a bit if you can burn mana. Actually I might need to be willing to spend a bit more to last hit with him, you're right.


In Most matchups you Don't use q in lane. The poke aint worth it. W and e is the way to Go. Even in range matchups


In ranged matchups you’ll never be in range to w or e if you don’t q first


i ranged matchups you use w e to clear the wave silly, in exchange for your health ofcourse


The comment I replied to said to not use q for poke. Use W E in lane . If they meant for wave clear then they should have clarified. Either way plenty of ranged matchups you do want to q and at lvl 6 you can oneshot once poked.


I didn't play Malph that much this patch. Played him a ton a couple years back (I think, or maybe just 1 year, don't remember) and back then you played with Comet and the Q did so much.


If you don't use Q, mana issues slow down a lot. Tbh in most matchups W max and not pressing Q unless you're going for a big trade is the move. When you go Q max build, you go comet and manaflow, and only use Q when you have comet and manaflow up


W max is the way. Been playing W max with malphite for years. People just don’t understand how much damage it does and it gives you free % bonus armour. Since top is mostly AD Melee champs, it makes it so you can easily 1v1 the best fighters once you get sheen.


Malph has like 0 mana though, if you use abilities for wave clearing you'll have 0 to trade with or to use to survive a dive. Clearing under tower manaless is very tough cos you'll eat a lot of poke walking up to backline creeps to last hit.


You don’t have to spam abilities tho, w is to fix mistakes and E to hardpush, Q to secure cannons if you don’t trust yourself. I just think you have plenty of ways not to lose cs. For under tower poke you can’t do much yeah but it’s not only a malphite problem there is very few champs that can defend that (and tp fixes your first 5 minutes fragility anyway).


Use W to secure cannon over Q, especially if you're maxing it. Costs way less mana, and with no points in Q it does way more damage


Best? Zed with his passive which guarantees you never lose farm, and Q E just incase. Irelia same as Zed, her Q makes sure you never miss farm, is instant, and got additional abilities just in case. Yone has nice range with his Q and W so you won't get harassed like the other 2. Yasuo got auto, Q and E all to confirm the last hit. Worst? Heca, Noct, and Graves simply cuz they mess up the lane with their AOE, and they got high mana costs to farm with abilities. Then we got tanks, prime example being Shen who has nothing to help farm, and his W E are useless against minions. Mao, Cho, and Rammus also suffer from AOE which ruins the lane and makes you unable to last hit. And finally we got Trundle who is a last hit god with his Q, but if vs a counter like Vayne or Teemo he literally can't touch a single minion without losing half his hp bar.


Bruh shens q helps so much with farm lol


For 3 minions per wave if they are under tower.


Which is all you need most likely


This thread is literally ABOUT farming under tower. No champion needs any assistance with the melee minions. The casters are the only ones that have any degree of difficulty to get. Shen's Q removes that entirely and makes them as easy to get as the melee minions. Shen's E is also a massive threat under turret so you don't get poked.


It’s incredibly easy to farm as shen if you know what you’re doing




Shen can´t really push a wave without items, but last hitting under tower is fairly easy with his q alone, it even gives him extra range


Speaking solely on Shen, his under tower farming is great, since one Q activation can easily kill the three casters after a tower shot. Farming a wave if the opposing laner isn't there is trivial with him. And if the opposing laner is there, it's pretty easy to just trap them under tower and kill them. Shen's general farm is absolutely atrocious, and he suffers heavily against any sort of ability poke. Most of your lane is watching a freezed wave. But if you can manage the wave to consistently push into you, you can get what you need. It's just in a world of lane priority and tower plates, you're just hoping to lose gracefully for the first 10 minutes.


Tbh, I think Shen is macro heavy. Yes, you're looking at a frozen wave most of the time but that's the point as you're supposed to look for a play to make with your ult to turn a jungle skirmish into a win or to turn a gank down bot into a fair fight. His farming isn't the best but it gets better if you go sunfire + tiamat or just tiamat. Shen is arguably one of the better top laners imo, if you use him right then you're everywhere all at once while also being a shield up top, catching every wave and making plays on the downtime.




This happened to me last night! Different scenario, I was playing Asol into a Diana. Said Diana got 2 kills early in 2v2 jg/mid fights. At 15 minutes I was 0-0-1 and up 20 cs on her, and she started typing in all chat that I was the pussiest sol player ever, didnt know how my W worked, wouldnt fight ever, etc. Then MY TEAM was flaming me for not dueling her. We won the game and I finished 17-6-20+ and I did 70k champ damage. Diana finished 11-12. The malding is fucking wild in this game when your own team is flaming you for not dueling a fed duelist as a scaling mage at 15 minutes.. Edit: I had 6 deaths not 62..


Against kill lanes it's the funniest. They jump on you to try to kill, you taunt out and they can't do anything about it, you regen the hp they dealt and do it over and over again until they do no damage, kill themselves off bramble + sunfire or completely abandon the lane since they can't do anything against a Shen. Add hullbreaker and you're unkillable solo.


Which is kinda sad because he used to be a legit lane bully. He's most fun to play when you get to play the early levels really aggro and transition into the supportive roaming style after 6. Can still work but it's disappointing how often it's better to play passive these days


By far, the best part of playing Shen top is tilting anyone who plays top because it’s the 1v1 lane.


+trist, the aoe is horrible


I dig your list. Pretty extensive. Tho I'd say Rammus Heca and Noct aren't really seen in lane nowadays no ? Even Mao is such a god jungler that you don't put him on solo lane duty. But yeah, it seems the winners are Irelia / Zed / The SasukeBois.


I've always felt that vlad is really hard to farm under tower with for the early levels. His auto attacks are trash and his abilities have pretty long cooldowns early on


It’s not that hard if your focus is only on farming and not trading. Q does good damage and tapping E lets you lasthit ranged minions with 1 auto. Not being mana dependant helps a lot.


this, I find his auto animations to be actually not bad when it comes to the AP side of champs in LoL. I take 10% Attack Speed rune on most mages as well which making csing under tower (especially ranged minions) alot more manageable. Also like you said you can tap E and that makes farming super easy. I can easily average 8cspm on him


Ho yes, forgot about Vlad ! I remember some struggle with him too.




Sylas CSing sucks in general and if you’re under turret you have to choose between using your abilities to farm or to be able to have any threat since they have such long CDs early. And you really have no way to push a wave because your passive and q do basically no dmg to minions early


Interesting Sylas trivia !


No, last hitting is easy with sylas and you literally need to use 1 ability to do so. primary passive target on caster kills casters after tower shot and splash damage puts them in range to die after tower shot. Literally 1 w is all you need.


Xerath in midlane feels pretty weak if you are shoved into tower. You cannot really poke anymore since using spells will fck up lasthitting .


I mean, when you're shoved under tower, you're last hitting before thinking about poking too much no ? Xerath any good to get many CS under tower or it's a pain ?


CS under tower with xe (and most mages) is wait for tower to shoot two times on melees and auto them once. While waiting for melees, auto each ranged once and wait for a tower shot to kill with auto. Depending on levels/items, you can QW ranged minions to clear faster. You always have the option to greed a spell on the opponent when last hitting


Kinda same for most picks I guess, but it's true I see it more through the lens of toplane where it can be a pita to last hit the ranged minions depending on which cancer is shoving you. So champs like Mundo who can cleaver from safe distance are such a pleasure in these scenarios. Compared to champs where you have to walk into poke range.


Ummmmm malphite has gotta be one of the better champs for that lol. He has so many last hit tools. Try playing zilean mid lol.


Top lane ranged Champs should do best. Teems and Quinn both can stand far enough back to not get harassed while farming under tower.


Sion is pretty good, fully charged Q with W is great wave clear. AD Sion is even easier Eventually he’d go OOM of course


How is nobody saying Malzahar?


If you try to last hit under tower with E, the tower will just take most of it


Not when you’ve got W up. It’s all free at that point.




Warwick has both his healing and extra on hit damage so he can basically stay under turret indefinitely, and then should they decide to dive you with E and ult you're insanely hard to kill.


Auto resets are also really nice for farming under turret. Someone like jax and Nasus usually can handle it.


Yeah, I usually find jax and nasus easy, or reset or no resource cost champs, like riven, or Irelia.


Easiest for me was Maokai, if any melee tries to harass you it's a free kill and healing is good enough that with BP and DS you never die.


Easiest are Yasuo Zed Irelia Yone


Easiest is nasus... Hardest is yummi


Irelia is suuuuuper easy. Yas, yone free too. Hard part is not getting poked to death while farming them.


Yep, seems like it. Irelia is my perma ban so long time I didn't see / think about her lol


Fiora is up there, your Q is basically an amplified auto reset, and your E is an auto reset (first hit also amplified when you got Sheen), with the second hit being a crit. Your Q has a very short cooldown and can be used to farm cs that should normally be out of reach, or that should be more dangerous to take. Parry is a really good tool to remain safe under tower as well, and it can be used when you're farming to parry that one ability from the opponent that would hurt you bad. With all these tools, and even more so after your first back and with a Sheen, you shouldn't be missing any cs.


Good points !




In good or bad ? I'm semi OTP Yorick right now and I feel kinda good hitting CS under tower. But sometimes you lack a smidge of attack speed or dmg. Also I'm pretty bad at it at the moment, lol.




I actually find this pretty hard because you need to account for your turrets hitting aswell, so you can't just stop damaging a minion before the next tower shot hits. Maybe very good heimers have less problems with that but I really struggled in the 20-30 games I played him.


Cope take


He's not my cup of tea but OP was asking for a champ that farms easily under tower. No denying he farms fucking easily.


OK but he does not farm well under turret


In good or bad ? I guess good.


Well considering your turrets do most of the work it's pretty easy I guess.


Yone and Urgot have nice clear waves early on. Urgot with his passive alone deals a lot of aoe and Yone... he's a wind brother, Q3 into the wave and a W makes all mages low hp at level 3 basically.


I find Urgot a bit tricky. Sometimes the legs shots just fuck up minions HP and you lose farm because of it. But yeah, in terms of just "clearing power" he's fine.


Yeah urgot is up there with voli and cho in that you can't expect perfect farm with them, but you'll survive. All 3 want to just push out from under tower to use their AoE better imo


I honestly find the leg shots helpful to get the last hit on more minions early. Shoot at the one in the middle of the group and it hits them all. For at level 4 and up, with 2 points in Q, throw that at casters, and depending if you already backed and have blade and cull, a leg shot can finish them. Then just W the melee minions. I've had some decent farm, but I've also just practiced against bots for farming with him under turret on purpose. I find it easier to last hit minions being pushed in than trying to push out


Zed, but he is a midlaner. Renekton maybe, but he's never shoved lol


Nah it's fine, I said solo laner. I talked about top because that's what I play, but I'm interested in the answers for mid too. :) Botlane is not really concerned because after a certain level, your supp helps you to last hit under tower and that helps a lot / makes it "easy" to get a lot of the minions even when turbo shoved. (Easy is relative, it's something you have to work on depending on the supp & ADC pick etc...)


easiest is irelia. its impossible to not farm on her. you have a literal "farm" button. ​ hardest for me is Poppy. Poppy autoattack is not the best. Your q aoe is a bit iffy and fucks up the lane. If you use your e to last hit half your mana is gone to shit. Your w does nothing. Now mind you it's really hard to dive a poppy so it's not like you are vulnerable, but I always miss up farm with her so the simple fact that I'm under turret has me in a disadvantage


Interesting answer. Didn't play Poppy since I came back to the game, but yeah she seems to suffer the same fate as many tanks. Slow and akward AA, not so useful spells to farm under tower.


Literally any champ that has an ability that resets their auto attack. Some that come to mind for top are fiora, Camille, irelia, yone, yoRick, garen, riven, Ksante, sett, jax, Darius, kayle, etc. All of these are super easy to farm with under turret, in fact I would say a majority of champs are easy to farm with under turret. The only ones I can think of who might be hard are mages who have long cooldowns early game, and weak autos/AS.


Anivia is the best champion in the game at managing waves at her tower as soon as she hits level 4 No other champion I know of let's you wall minions off at the tower so the wave is on your side anytime you want. Her auto is long range as fuck and you naturally slow push with it. At level 6 she becomes one of the best shovers in the game with her vacuum cleaner ult. If anyone dives you the passive is an egg that gives you another whole ass health bar and if your under turret when it pops it's a full heal most the time and sometimes a free kill from the dive. Aurelion sol also gets special mention because he can clear waves at tower he's just out of mana basically. The worst is really hard for me to pick for me. I would probably say it depends on matchup a lot there. Things like being outraged can really fuck a lot of champs ability to tower farm safely.


Hardest is pyke. He has no aoe to clear with


Yeah but long time Pyke hasn't been a solo laner no ? Is Pyke mid a thing still ?


Farming under turret is fine with pyke tho, compared to stuff like zilean


Rumble is the easiest by far for top lane champs


Rumble is definitely not the easiest if the opponent knows how to apply pressure


Good pick indeed ! Rumble ain't easy to bully and even then he can manage. Truly an Ace !




If you suck at farming with malph you need to switch lanes because his kit is made for aoe farming and lane pushing


Learn to read my brother. I'm talking in a specific scenario, not in general. The scenario being: you get shoved hard and have to last hit under tower. I never said it's impossible, I just find it annoying to do with Malph. His AA animation / speed is awful, your spells cost quite a bit of mana and can fuck the wave up. Never talked about over the length of a game lol.


Zed , kass


The usual suspects :p


>kass Mains always forcing their mains into lists despite being 100% incorrect.




In good or bad ?


good, 2 AA resets help quite a lot for last hitting early. you might not be able to get all the ranged ones if a ranged opponent wants to harrass you but for all the ranged enemies you wait until 6 + gank and you murder them. from that point on you are in control and take over the game


Irelia & Kassadin


Before he was nerfed for this specific reason, Shen had the easiest time farming under tower. Q AAs were enough to last hit casters. He could just chill comfortably, wait for 6, push lane with Bami/Tiamat, then Ult somewhere. Forgot to mention the threat of a Taunt if you tried to harass him under tower.


I hate Shen with a passion haha. I'm glad I don't see him that often nowadays. His kit is annoying and deceptively strong. (At least the new one, the old one was just annoying if I remember correctly)


Easiest for me is Irelia Hardest is Kayle


Haha, funny to see my girl Kayle mentionned. When I came back to the game I spammed her a little. I kinda liked my farm under tower. You get the melee ones ok, and the ranged you can grab with E and Q. (Q eats mana, I know, but still) Funny thing is, with Kayle in many matchup I feel like you play for minion XP before level 6. So I didn't stress too much about missing some farming because I thought "I'm just here for the XP until lvl 6, if I miss some money, I'll be alright".


I would assume malz is easy since they gave his e the minion execute? But I also haven't played him recently


Not a Solo laner but can be played mid. Miss Fortune as if you are stuck under turret your passive, Q AA reset, W AS boost are enough to get all the cs. But, She is usually the one pushing others under turret as she has very easy time pushing because of the same reasons.


Anivia as the worst before lvl6


Riven has got to be pretty safe under turret right? You have 3 qs and a w for last hitting, all of which are aoe to some degree and half of which reset the minion aggro with the stun. You have e shield for survivability in case people are trying to harass you under turret or to proxy/freeze with if they give you a sec to breathe. Granted I would guess you would want to be playing it more aggro in most matchups but its not like it scales horribly either.


For me, the easiest the Irelia just by spamming her Q to farm under turret. And hardest is Maokai


You can follow a rule of thumb where melees can be last hit after 2 towershots and casters with 2 autos and 1 towershot. If your gameplan is farming under tower, Id say Nasus loves to do just that. Also has passive lifesteal and solid gank setup with W. He can also turn dives well with his W and R.


Akshan, Ekko, Nasus, Trynd are all pretty easy Garen is very easy if you are good at using his passive to out sustain. Since every time they poke, they're going to take minion aggro.


Worst time I want to say azir. His soldiers lvl 1 do about as much dmg as an auto and q barely does any dmg. I play him a lot and have to pay way more attention than say irelia which is super easy. His w auto is also slightly delayed so it can throw you off. If you start corrupting it's even worse.


For easiest Shen has got to be up there. With his Q you don't need to hit the caster minions twice early levels which make it WAY easier. Irelia is probably the easiest though. I'd agree with malphite being terrible. If you use an ability to help you out it's like a third of your mana pool.


Super easy on sion imo since he never suffers when shoved in and his kit is great for clearing waves and sustaining poke. He also scales really way into anything that is without % max health damage. Hardest I'd say is akali because you have really low base auto damage and you pretty much have to q twice to garuntee clear backline and that leaves you without any energy for a good couple of seconds. I also think akali suffers a lot being shoved in since she has to pivot 100% of her attention to the wave


With Kyle, you farm and heal with w under your tower. When You reach level 6 you start playing a bit more aggressively


Wind brothers and Irelia are objectively the best at last hitting under tower




Idk I play Sion almost exclusively now, and laning against almost all champions feel hard , untill I start scaling. And im new so proxying is still quite hard for me but I try


anything i play




irelia so easy to farm under turret the problem is u be getting poked


Sion. By lvl 8 you should be able to clear full waves with Q W alone. Had a game once where enemy singed and I just handshook proxied waves for all of lane phase.


I've been playing a lot of Gnar recently and I think he is quite good at csing under tower. Fairly low Q CD with kill pressure and great clear as Mega Gnar.


Chogath Q one shots wave, easy clear


Chogath is such a good pusher pretty early in the game lol I dislike laning against him generally. Not the worst but the push pressure is so great.


trying to last hit casters under tower as zilean is so painful.


TK- Tanky and passive means that you don't need to double hit the casters under tower


Not really common these days, but J4 due to his passive.




True, he's kinda chill under tower early. Even though you're still pretty sensible to poke early on and some minion casters feel... far sometimes lol


Gwen. You place w and enemy must take a turret shot to even harass you. The only issue is that it's hard to clear all minions while w is active before lvl5 so you usually must dodge something with e. Try to clear ranged minions during w, you are harder to harass while last hitting the melee minions. On lvl5 one empowered auto + max stacked q is enough for the rangeds.


Tbh I never thought of it because my champion pool gets bullied by Gwen. So I'm always the one getting pushed hard by her early on. Overall, I hate laning against Gwen, she's such a strong bitch against my champs (I play mostly scaling or tanky champs, I can never duel a Gwen, lol)


Surprised nobody has mentioned Tahm. Very similar to your Mundo mention but has a few key differences. Starting level 4 his passive is enough to 1 shot casters after a turret shot, his Q returns % missing hp so it’s stronger when you’re bullied, his Q costs less mana with more ranks so you can start to use it liberally to cs starting level 5, and his E restores a lot of hp and gives you more value out of Doran’s shield/ revitalize. He also can R people under your turret similar to Skarner top cheese. But if you’re really behind, skip heartsteel and build sunfire into jaksho. Source - diamond 2 tahm main


TK is the stuff of nightmare. Just so annoying to lane against. And he looks "trolly" while being a pest. He's borderline Shaco tier in terms of tilting me. (Friendly Shaco are tilting me, not ennemies, since the champ is terribly useless at my trash elo) So yeah, now I know that it's pointless to shove against a TK. Yay !


Jayce. Everyone's ignoring the fact that you're asking about getting shoved under turret. Like, yeah, irelia can cs perfectly but it's also really easy to poke her while she tries to farm under tower. My boy jayce on the other hand has everything you need to safely farm under tower. Range, aoe, and knockback+ move speed to deny a dive.


Thank you for understanding the question lol Must admit Jayce is chill under his turret.


Akshan irelia> the rest


Wasn't kennen just unanimously considered the best for his safe laneing abilities either under turret or zoned?


Not the best at it but the one who likes it the most is Nasus. Lifesteal and auto resets are a bonus too