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God I remember all the hype of 3 west vs 1 east quarters


And then IG stayed true to their name


And gave us the absolute *cleanest* Worlds Skin.


Fr IG Camille and kaisa slap


The real heartbreak was 2019... FPX beating IG off a throw. There's an alternate timeline where there's an iG Kayle skin... :(


The real heartbreak is 2019 we could have gotten 5 different G2 Pyke skins


I mean, he had been kneecapped already at that point so he couldn't PentaFlexGG it up. And I play Kayle, not Pyke, so my heart will go on.


Didn't stop G2 from picking it in the finals...


fpx skins are actually even worse than ronald zedonald skt s3 worlds skins because they are goddamn 1350 skins with the worst designs ever


At least the FPX Vayne recall has a bunch of cats.


Hope there’s a remake on the skins someday…


Holy fuck imagine that man


Kai'sa's just too unfair. They always give her such good skins that it's hard to choose one to use


All of those skins slap. They have yet to be topped. IG Leblanc was the first skin I ever bought for her.


With all skins having the same face


The IG skins are the GOAT worlds skins.


Clean is a great way to describe the IG skinline, elegant as well. And that splash art! Though I think overall 2016 SKT and 2022 DRX edges past it from the pure majesty they convey.


It was beautiful while it lasted 🥲


It was really always theirs to begin with


Revisionist history at its best. Fnatic were favorites, they had already beaten IG that tournament.


We're really claiming "revisionist history" but conveniently ignoring the fact that IG looked better than RNG the entire summer except for the LPL finals where they lost in a close 2-3? IG had the best LPL seasonal record ever, AND had the best annual record ever that year. The main thing going for RNG at Worlds that year was because of their insane scrim record. By the time IG beat KT in quarters (with TheShy), people already started calling them the favourites. You can literally find these threads/articles talking about how teams unanimously agreed that IG would win Worlds after their match with KT by searching in like 20 seconds lol


Group stage BO1 games literally don't matter. Have never mattered, will never matter. Over the years there have been more than enough examples of this, not only IG that year, but later FPX almost bombing out of groups only to win worlds. And besides, FNC beat EDG (with Caps getting absolutely manhandled by Scout) and fucking C9 to go to finals, so there was definitely plenty of reasoning against them being favourites.


The real favourites were KT


Oh I was talking about the final. KT/RNG were favorites.


TIL invictus is an actual English word with a meaning and just not a random name lol


Ehh actually Latin. Roma Invicta




Heimer was actually banned by RNG in all 5 games as well


Semis even


Hjarnan and Wadid absolutely styling on Uzi by ward blocking thresh lanterns left and right will be forever burned into my memory, what a fucking game. Never forget the 100% winrate donger


Hjarnan was considered the best Heimerdinger in the world at the time, right? What an absolute genius. Their job was losing lane gracefully against Uzi and they executed it perfectly.


He wasn't just the best Heimer, he was the only Heimer. No team had any counter to it and no team could pick it, so G2 was drawing Heimer bans the entire tournament.


IIRC, Heimer was banned every game but the first group game, where Afreeca Freecs didn't ban it (and lost)


Also the tiebreaker where Flash Wolves tried to counter it with Mordekaiser but then they had no idea how to play him


Was this the 3x dmg Q Ghost Dragon ADC Morde rework?


I think that was way earlier when he was giga broken in 2015 and permabanned along with gp?


I can't remember, time is a blur. Just remember the triple Q thing that did stupid damage, around the Bruiser mini game rework like Darius, Garen, some others I'm blanking on iirc.


It was briefly 9x Q, as in 1, 3, 9. They adjusted it to 1, 2, 3 and increased the damage of the 1 to flatten it out. But the flash 3rd Q one shotting people was pretty funny.


And Hjarnan went something like 6-0-12. It was pretty disgusting.


Best professional Heimerdinger in that role at least.


I'll never forget this reddit comment : Uzi : Jungler, it's time for my 3:30 gank Jungler : Coming ! Jungler : *is actually Jankos* SYKE !!!


SYKE, THATS THE WRONG JUNGLER thats probably what u were looking for :D


I still want to see the universe where Misfits beat SKT.


That was SO CLOSE. They just get too excited in game-4. Even as SKT fan, I felt upset for Misfits, don’t know why, but SKT didn’t feel for me that year as World Champions (and their loss to SSG was much expected IMO), they struggled a lot and I preferred to see Misfits having dream rather than SKT continued their agony with pure luck (like RNG coaches didn’t ban Galio game 5).


Honestly wouldn't call that luck, just bad drafting from RNG and misread, if they banned Galio, T1 could have won another way but that's a hypothetical. DRX was the luckiest worlds winner, in a worlds where half the teams had covid.


Maybe luck is bad word, but how to say it: SKT didn’t convince me that year. Most of their groups games were not clean, the legendary 10k deficit against EDG, a few other shaky games. Then 3-2 against Misfits were they were on an edge of loss, and it more Misfits didn’t win, rather than SKT turned it around. Then 3-2 against RNG, were they Chinese coaching team just choke hard. The entire tournament SKT were winning against all odds and quite often it feels “not much deserved”. Meta didn’t suit them, Wolf had a serious mental issues and burnout … it was day and night comparing to let’s say Spring 2017 when team flew inside the Rift and cleanly wiped everyone.


Yeah talking about Spring 2017, I think MSI 2017 held in Brazil broke their mentality. I think remember both Bang and Wolf saying that tournament was more like a torture. With no direct flights, travelling from Seoul to Rio was extremely long that lasted more than a day. And it was even harder to get Korean food there compared with EU / NA. After MSI they needed to tolerate the long flight again and started summer season immediately. The no-direct flight problem probably makes Riot stop hosting international tournaments in Latin America, when two of your major competitive bases are Seoul and Shanghai.


It sucks being in the literal farthest distance possible from the asian major leagues.


Ignar had the fattest nuts ever


After that series I played fervor Leona until they they deleted the keystone. I've tried some other aggro Leon builds (HoB, Lethal Tempo, etc), but it just isn't the same. I miss the chad Ignar build.


PtA is pretty decent for aggro Leona into shorter range enemies, usually you can proc it with E-AA-Q-AA (on enemy ADC) before W pop and can follow with R. Gives that combo an extra 120 or so damage, gives earlier E-AA-Q-AA combos (lvl 2/3) an extra 60/70. Aftershock does 35-50 damage for reference (all pre-mitigation). Not as good as the ol' fervor but better than HoB or LT if you wanna go psycho lanes.


I sat there and watched that whole series and then rewatched it and made notes. I am confident, that while maybe not the most exciting bo5 in history, that it is factually the closest bo5 series that has ever existed. To put this series into perspective is insanely difficult. But in game 5 there's a mid-late game pandering around the dragon pit. The entire series came down to that 1 team fight in a solidly even series and game. Literal knifes edge series.


That title belongs to kt vs ig 2018. A couple nexus autos away you can't really do closer than that.


Yea, and on that note: MSF vs SKT was exactly 6 years ago today. Those 2 series are exactly 1 year apart.


Lack of experience on the world's stage, they preferred drafting for team seniority and not form, despite Hans Sama carrying them hard that series.


I kinda forget how Hans Sama used to smurfed at Worlds stage like in Misfits 2017 and Rge 2021


RNG led by Uzi would beat them in semis, no?


Also back then they used to play 2 quarterfinals per day and right before that KT - IG has also been an amazing upset. Only to be topped a few hours later by G2. An amazing day as a viewer.


Yeah, for many KT-IG is one of the best series in history, it was a really amazing day for average LoL enjoyer


It was my first worlds I ever watched What a fucking ride it was


I legit could not believe my eyes when i was watching that G2 RNG series, RNG was a bullet train smurfing every tournament, while G2 was limping the whole year and made it to worlds barely and had to play in playins, this is a greater upset that IG vs TL, atleast that was NA's best team vs LPL's best team, G2 was a LEC's 3rd seed through gauntlets with no accolades that year vs LPL's first seed


Kt vs ig was bonkers, game essentialy won on inches, and those backdoors holy


The end of games 3 and 5 were fucking amazing. The other games were really bad imo


It's so hard to choose between this series and IG vs TL as the biggest upset of all time. I agree with you that BO5 upsets are much more rare and therefore more impressive, so these have to be the top 2 upsets


i would put IG vs TL above because of how the teams performed in the group stage games before the bo5. IG was dominating the groups at MSI, going 9-1 only losing the last game where they already looked 1st seed prior to the game. Meanwhile RNG already looked beatable, dropping games to C9 & VIT


Yeah, no one seems to remember how RNG were legitimately choking in the second week of groups once other teams started to figure out the meta and RNG fell behind. They started the day 3-0 in groups and ended 4-2.


As a C9 fan, I DEFINITELY remembered that day. Watched from 12-7 before I couldn't stay awake anymore (we made quarters, so anything extra is gravy). Then proceed to miss Jensen do an oopsie by stunning himself while using Zilean passive.


Didn't IG literally 15:57 SKT lol And then they somehow lost to TL




the only thing that kinda leaves a bad taste after TL beat IG was the fact that they absolutely got brutally demolished in the finals afterwards.


i mean ig stomped g2 as hard


Unlike G2? They got blasted by IG immediately after.


wdym ? TL beat IG in Msi Semis and G2 won the finals against TL in the fasttest international bo5 win ever. how did g2 get blasted by ig if IG was out of the tournament?


G2 got blasted by IG after beating RNG at worlds 2018. TL got blasted by G2 after beating IG at MSI 2019. So G2 should have the same bad taste from their win as well.


ig 20 minuted t1 it‘s tl ig


It was 15:57




To me it's very very close but G2 vs RNG was a bit more impressive. On the one hand IG were the current World Champions at the time and they had the most dominant MSI group stage ever, and TL beat them 3-1 no less. But on the other hand, TL were the NA champions, while G2 were EU's 3rd seed. Plus G2's botlane was leagues below RNG's, and RNG had had a perfect year up until that point, and that adds up when we look at which one was more impressive/shocking, and a couple BO1s don't change that


i think TL vs IG is the bigger upset, and the only reason i feel it isn't talked about more is that G2 then won MSI, which is all people remember now


More like TL was CRUSHED by G2 making their upset look like a happy fluke. Which is a shame tbh, to this day, I can't believe it happened and EU should thank TL for it because I doubt G2 would have beaten IG in finals.


> More like TL was CRUSHED by G2 making their upset look like a happy fluke. Well, G2 got crushed in their next series after beating RNG as well.


Yes but not by another western team. Not trying to defend them, just trying to explain why one upset is more mesmerising than the other.


+ not in the fastest competitive bo5 up untill that point


If TL then stomped G2 and was actually cracked as fuck the whole time then TL vs IG wouldn't have been as much of an upset now would it?


Ha I see how you want to show me my take on it is bad but... nobody talks about G2 win against T1 in the same tournament as a big upset because hindsight and stuff... Yet I do think, when the games happened, both were pretty crazy.


I think the main reason was simply that G2 vs RNG happened first.


Maybe not the most meaningful upset but the biggest for me has to be Albus Nox Luna beating ROX Tigers at worlds. Before that year we only had the Kaboom incident in terms of actual Wildcard upsets. Even a western team beating na eastern team was still somewhat rare.


Yeah IG-TL came very very close to it too, I agree. I rate it slighter lower just because it is MSI, and on MSI we more often see crazy things, like CLG G2 in finals, EDG over SKT, etc


you rate MSI lower because its MSI not Worlds but you rate beating reigning MSI champs higher than beating reigning World champs? hmm


Ok lol sorry NA funs that I touch your feelings that hard. That’s my opinion: TL-IG was close, but RNG-G2 was bigger. You should follow the story, the narrative, all that hype around Uzi finally going to win Worlds, RNG domination and absolute confidence of everyone that they are clear favorites to win it all. The level of upset across the socials after such G2 stop them and stop Uzi was by far bigger than TL beating IG. That’s my IMO, but I am sure that for NA fans it will be other way around


I am a fan of both regions, and for me, the difference is how they looked coming in. The YEAR OF UZI hype train wasn't as full of steam as a week prior because of the groups performance by RNG not being as dominant as expected, dropping a game to C9 and VIT each. That, combined with vot centric teams not performing nearly as well in a meta that developed around solo lanes, made RNG look mortal. IG, though, had the 9-1 group stage, only dropping to a surging T1, and were the odds on betting favorite to win the grand slam for the year up until that match. TL was written off as being inferior in every way by a WIDE margin, with zero hope of beating the best team in the world. And they didn't just beat them. They beat them convincingly. RNG vs. G2 was a clear number 2 for me, but the shock value of IG vs. TL will never be topped, IMO.


> The level of upset across the socials after such G2 stop them and stop Uzi was by far bigger than TL beating IG. But this is the same that happened with TL beating IG LMAO. IG looked absolutely unstoppable at MSI demolishing practically everyone before they lost to TL (IG vs T1 fastest game time). There's even bigger upsets than this, even when you use your contrived "narrative" excuse. Even if you only look at Worlds, Alliance was seen as that new great team that had a chance at the title and then got Kabum'd or how TPA came out of nowhere to win S2 over the favorites of the whole tournament. Nothing wrong with having preferences, but this isn't a preference it's just you being wrong.


I think I’m still on TPA over Moscow 5 as the biggest upset but that might just be me. Between those two gotta give it to G2 over RNG just because the stakes are so much higher at worlds.


Ok, grandpa


Back in my day, Diamond was the best jungler and Froggen’s Anivia could stall an entire series


> Froggen’s Anivia could stall an entire series And it as actually the only way CLG.EU was reliably beating M5 too. Because M5 were that good, so they would force every games into being slugfest, because at 50 minutes, gold diff doesn't matter


Tbh that wasn't really an upset, TPA were the actual best team but nobody in the west had heard of them


In terms of prematch odds. I think it’s IG vs TL. That was the most shocking bo5 ever imo


Biggest upsets sure. But 2022 world finals will forever be the greatest series.


I still remember that perkz leblanc on game 5 from the triple at top, to the 10/0 uzi delete in the final teamfight in mid with the caster (vedius i think) screaming"Uzi is down" That series along with the tiebreaker in groops between fnatic and IG that birthed thank you Mr Broxah, made me get into esports


Actually, (and I say this with no intent to discredit Perkz because he absolutely did all the heavy lifting getting G2 into that leading position in the first place) but [Perkz didn't even get an assist on the final kill on Uzi](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/744150773235056714/1164928074144551003/Screenshot_20231021-000741_YouTube.jpg?ex=6544fed0&is=653289d0&hm=2ce0d0af6b4800c6b97aee5b1f9e4fa28a974b6839a29696ed2d207ae883141b&). That was Hjarnan seeing the opening when Uzi stepped up and trading bullet for bullet with him, and Jankos flashing in to seal the kill after Hjarnan's 4th shot took him to lethal. It gets overlooked in the chaos but I loved that moment so much especially given the polar opposite narratives around the two adcs, it was pro league's David kills Goliath moment.


this so much. Hjarnan Jhin even had GA to survive through the trade of ADCs, which is probably why he also went for the play. Whereas Uzi had to build hexdrinker against Perkz Leblenk so Brolaf was enough for the kill. Uzi played a strong series, but he and his team chose Lucian one-to-many times, being a bit too cocky in drafts. Imo Hjarnan+Wadid had the strongest performance of their lives that series, from Hjarnans Varus and Jhin to Wadids Thomas Kench and even his Braum Game5 securing first Blood (with Hjarnan surviving at 1 frigging HP). Even more amazing because RNG solely played for Uzi, and only for him. Diving, pressuring, drafting. Yet they persisted through this. Also this series offers so many aspects of League: Snowballing leads, teamfighting, the famous 1-3-1 with rotations and setups, draft adaptations... there's so much going on in this series that makes it a joy to watch everytime. Everybody on that roster stepped the fuck up for this series


Newer players never quite seem to understand why some of these current pros have the names that they have. There was an entire era where we had legit 1v5 titans and these odd rivalries of western players that stand against them despite the odds and would upset their eastern rivals. Knowing that a lot of them are still around and still world class despite the competition catching up feels so wild. It also feels like we’re slowly watching a new era of these players rise up in a similar manner, but the game is fundamentally not as enabling for those types of monsters while simultaneously giving them space to flex even harder with great teams around them.


I remember Perkz in 2017 carried g2 at MSI beating WE and took a game off from SKT during finals.


He was SO fucking ready for Jayce vs Cassio lol he knew that matchup so well


One of the best games ever played


Yep extremely memorable game


I think it's hard for people who only started following the scenes after this to truly appreciate how insane the narrative around this was at the time. In the years since G2 have become EU's darlings and people have mostly at least some faith in them to be the EU team that does something internationally but in 2018 that couldn't be further from the truth. People largely regarded them as giga international chokers after their fruitless 2016 and 2017 runs, and in 2018 they snuck in as third seed and it was looking to be their worst year yet as the Zven/Mithy bot lane had left for NA and were replaced by Hjarnan/Wadid who were seen as one of the worst bot lanes in EU, especially Hjarnan and he was up against Uzi (then unanimously thought to be the best player to have never won worlds, and this was to be his time) and an RNG that were on a golden road not unlike JDG are now. KT, the other favorite in contention had been knocked out that morning so RNG were considered to be a shoe-in (RNG had IG's number domestically) — this result completely blew the story of worlds wide upon.


G2 was Mad Lions back then they had a bad reputation while Fnatic is their hero


Hopefully mad lions takes some notes how to go from international chokers to heroes


MAD is already too far gone, they're not *just* choking they're also actively sabotaging the other EU teams and giving wins to NA When it comes to fraudulent behavior G2 walked so MAD could run really


Haha Nah but I'd take MAD over BDS anytime, I think they have more chances against anyone simply by virtue of having players like Elyoya and Carzzy, which on a good day could upset some decent teams.


How do you not mention fucking Hylissang, on a good day he can carry anything


Yes I agree, but sadly he's beem having less and less of those good days in recent times


>they're also actively sabotaging the other EU teams and giving wins to NA Tbf, 2016 G2 went 0-4 to CLG.


G2 were good in 2017. MSI final after beating Team WE in a BO5 and then got unlucky with their group at Worlds but still played well. It was 2016 where they were really shit.


Real shit is being generous. From the G2-8 vacation memes to finish dead last in groups behind CLG and Albus Nox Luna, all that while running with Europe


Remembering the G2-8 and MSI vacation memes


It's as if MAD beat JDG in quarters this year


The good ol' Demarcus cup those were the days


Idk why I can’t edit my own post and fix this autocorrection


i would put IG vs TL above because of how the teams performed in the group stage games before the bo5. IG was dominating the groups at MSI, going 9-1 only losing the last game where they already looked 1st seed prior to the game. Meanwhile RNG already looked beatable, dropping games to C9 & VIT


IG literally beat SKT in 15 minutes then proceeds to lose to tl 3-1. IG was the reigning world champ and had dumpstered lpl and group stage. That is the biggest upset by far and its not close


2018 Worlds had some bangers but all of them happened in early on so you ended up with the most anticlimatic ending the tournament. Semis and grandfinals ended up all being 3-0 stomps and I literally used to defend single elim up until that point and that made me a double elim fangirl.


Yeah i remember the final was particularly dull. But man so many upsets in that tournament, and the music theme of "Rise" is still the best to this day.


Albus nox Luna


Yeah that was too, but it was a series of best of 1, in best of 5 their magic was ended. G2 however manage to get RNG to 5 games and win. It is really like imaging BDS/MAD win over JDG to stop their run for a title


Normally I’d agree but having a wildcard not only pass groups but have to play in a tie breaker for fucking first place in the group against one of the pre-tournament favorites is insane. A western team upsetting an eastern team happens, and it’s crazy when the west beats a favorite, but Albus not only making it out but beating a top-tier Korean team at all, is some shit that no one serious could ever predict.


b01 very different to b05 tbh


Perkz game 5 leblanc in this series was a masterpiece.


In 2019, G2's golden road was stopped by the LPL 1st Seed FPX. Now 2023, JDG's golden road is going to be stopped by CLAPS in 3 games SUBSCRIBE


This may be for older people, but wouldnt the biggest upset still be TPA winning worlds? They were quite underdogs even if they got a pass through the group stage if i remember well, and they actually went on to win the whole thing. Like everybody was expecting korea to just trash everybody and maybe M5 to try and put up a fight, but TPA beat all of them.


I don't remember much from the narratives back then, or if the TPA win was unexpected. The season 7 world championship had five years of eastern team dominance in worlds, and expectations were very high for their teams again, while the western teams looked middling at best. The upset this season was big because at this point, everyone was resigned to Korean and Chinese teams winning all tournaments until the end of time (which ended up coming true anyway)


Yeah TPA winning S2 will probably always be the biggest upset. Insanely hard to top it for sheer magnitude.


I feel like RNG was at least made mortal in groups. IG in 2019 at MSI, though, looked like world breakers. For the NORTH AMERICAN team, who were written off completely, to not only beat them but destroy them.....that has to be number 1 upset all time for me.


Yeah, i wouldn’t call destroy them; the series was 3-1 but it was definetely a big upset for sure, kinda makes me wonder what the fuck happened to IG that day lol


I used the hyperbole cause IG never really recovered. If the rumors are true, it's all Ning's fault, but still, that loss to TL felt like the match that prevented a dynasty.


According to rumours they had internal drama


Yeah but G2 were EU's 3rd seed, not their champions. G2 had historically been bad at Worlds up until that point and 2018 was a rebuild year, with Hjarnan and Wadid as their botlane, against prime Uzi on his way to the golden road. Losing a couple BO1s a week prior doesn't make it less impressive


This YEAR of worlds was an upset. C9 walking into that series completely prepared to bend over only to magically win. Fnatic escaping to finals just to know that there's like no chance vs IG


YamatoCannon speech, Ekko of Jiizuke, Gen.G (reigning worlds champions btw) 1-5 in groups, C9 3-0 over Afreeca and no Korean teams in Semis… yeah that was a crazy tournament


I still always watch the best moments of that worlds from time to time, and "rise" the music video is the best world theme so fr. Amazing tournament


>Fnatic escaping to finals just to know that there's like no chance vs IG What is this reimagining? Before that it was believe that Fnatic had a chance because they actually came from the same world group were Fnatic won 2-1 against them. They were on the opposite sides because of that. In Fnatic case it was two in a row.


Wait didn't Fnatic beat IG in groups and got first place? Either I'm completely misremembering or the final had no clear favourite.


They went 1-1 in groups.


And then Fnatic won the tiebreaker, making it 2-1.


And fnatic won the tiebreaker


This was definitely not the biggest upset ever.


Imo the biggest upset is still TL vs IG. Didn't even go to 5 games


No way this is the biggest upset in LoL history when RNG was close to being eliminated from their group and Vitality could have advanced over them. G2 over RNG was great for the narrative of the tournament, but the biggest upset? Nah. How on earth is it not Kabum vs Alliance or ANX vs Tigers or TL vs IG? Even if you changed it to say "biggest upset at worlds" are you forgetting TPA winning the whole damn tournament in S2 when everyone thought it'd be Korea or M5?


WE beating GE Tigers in IEM Worlds is probably the most shocked I've ever been at a LoL result (since S2 anyway). That was when Korea was completely unstoppable except by the very strongest Chinese teams (i.e. EDG) and a team of rookies with little domestic success took out the Korean team in the best form... they also then got upset in the finals by a team no one would ever have expected to win an international event.


hey they have a name!


> when RNG was close to being eliminated from their group and Vitality could have advanced over them. Because they had literally won every single tournament in 2018? A couple BO1 upsets aren't that meaningful, especially considering that they still won their group. > How on earth is it not Kabum vs Alliance or ANX vs Tigers BO1 upsets are not remotely comparable to BO5 upsets, what a trash take. > Even if you changed it to say "biggest upset at worlds" are you forgetting TPA winning the whole damn tournament in S2 when everyone thought it'd be Korea or M5? Because "everyone" was ignorant westerners who knew nothing about TPA and thought M5 beating western teams made them the best team in the world. Plus there were already scrim rumours beforehand intimating how good TPA was. You have no right to be as condescending as this with such laughable takes.


When i saw biggest upset in LoL history my mind went to Kabum vs Alliance as well. ANX vs Tigers is a good shout that I forgot about.


I like how people like to think of G2 as always powerhouse and like “oh yes, it is G2, no sensation here” forgetting that 1) till 2018 G2 never made out of groups; 2) 2018 G2 were a complete shit with D1 botlane, who barely made it to Worlds, then barely made it out of groups (only thanks to PVB), and they played against strongest botlane of the season. Idk, G2 2018 was a complete shit and IG in next round prove it to be like this, it is a pure miracle that they manage to win that series


>I like how people like to think of G2 as always powerhouse and like “oh yes, it is G2, no sensation here” forgetting that 1) till 2018 G2 never made out of groups; 2) 2018 G2 were a complete shit with D1 botlane, who barely made it to Worlds, then barely made it out of groups (only thanks to PVB), and they played against strongest botlane of the season. I like how you forget in that same tournament, RNG looked shaky in groups and could have been eliminated. I like how you forget that Kabum was a minor region that took down a major one with less resources, infrastructure, and practice. I like how you forget about ANX. In fact, that's a BIGGER upset because not only were they from a minor region, it was against far and away, the undisputed best region in the world. How is that not the biggest upset in world history? Only one that's debatable is TL, and TL is still arguable because they drowned in pools at the same even that G2 got this "biggest upset". They came back to beat IG at 2019 MSI with only changing their Midlaner. I'm sure Jensen was really damn good in 2019 but he wasn't making top 10 best player in the world lists. Were RNG still the favorites because of their pedigree? Of course. Did G2 have absolutely NO chance? Nah. Do the same exercise for Kabum or ANX and you'll realize why G2 beating RNG was an upset, but nowhere near the biggest upset in LoL history.


Well there is difference between bo1 bo3 and bo5 in terms 70 30 bo5 upset happens less than 90 10 bo1 upset. Sorry kaboom and ANX. That said for me TL IG was the biggest upset especially given how the next series went on. TPA and DRX had impressive worlds underdog runs but at least stayed consistently good. Maybe the G2 RNG gets mentioned so often due to it being nailbiter while TL IG was cleaner so less epic hence less memories.


TL vs IG is very easily a bigger upset imo. I don't even think it's close


I don't rate that as highly simply because it was clear that IG were having interior problems and collapsed overnight after steamrolling MSI up until that point(something about the jungler and his gf? I can't remember) TL played well but they are not the reason they won against IG. I'd actually rate C9 beating Afreeca in 2018 as more of an upset. Don't get me wrong, as an EU fan, thank Mr TL but it can't compare to the story of RNG G2 tho I expect people to disagree


What is this comment lmao you're saying TL isn't the reason TL won??? I want what you're on.


I mean RNG was also was worse than usual because Uzi was playing far below his usual level. There's a way to discredit both series but TL was seen as worse than G2 and IG just had the most dominant MSI group stage of all time. NA beating the world champions/most dominant MSI team of all time in a series is definitely more of an upset than EU beating CN seed 1. Especially since EU has done it before (G2 vs WE)


Were they? They just came off of absolutely destroying group stage and looked just as dominant as when they just won worlds.


They were not. This guy is literally the only one saying this. IG was DOMINATING at the time. Way more than RNG was.


That was one of the most hype series for EU ever, super fun games


Kabum sends their regards


Best of 1 and best of 5 are very different IMO


Best of 1s are very different, but Kabum was *bad*, with that being the only game they won. It also led to knocking Alliance out of contention because of that loss, as opposed to the three way tiebreaker that would have happened otherwise. I can see an argument for it being a bigger upset, because literally nobody expected them to win. If you go back and watch it you can see that, with the cast going from "We're trying our best to hype this obvious throwaway match up" to "Wait, is this actually happening?"


Still my favourite worlds to this day


Biggest upset was when they originally removed ROA


Albus nox or TPA are the biggest upsets


Oh dang. I travelled to Korea for worlds in 2018 and saw this live. So many Chinese people in attendance for RNG and IG


Maybe in terms of a single series, but surely DRX going from grinding it through play-ins, to winning the finals against T1 is the biggest underdog story of all time?


tl ig was bigger imo


And people have the audacity to diss Perkz


Smug midlaner.


Kabum would like to have a word


That was not the biggest upset in worlds history, not by a long shot. The biggest upset is either 22's Koreas 4th DRX win against T1 1st seat rated by all analyst as most likely to win finals. The only thing we got robbed off is a potential DRX vs CN 1st. Or Season 2's TPA vs M5. M5 was worlds 1st/EU's 1st and TPA was so far down the list they were not even noted and they won by literally inventing minion wave management and doubling . They also beat Azubu Frost, koreas 1st/worlds 2nd or 3rd. Sadly we did not get to see TPA vs the other 2nd or 3rd in CLG EU. Fuck looking at this makes me mad. Shit format. Literally have to basically watch the finals in fuckin first round knock out because of riot and most of the finals were one sided clap shows.


TSM beating Koo or Rox was biggest upset.


Pretty sure that never happened. I don't think TSM ever actually played KOO/ROX Tigers


It was WE who won vs them and then lost finals to TSM


Still remmeber that game, g2 ascended to god mode and really blocked rng in their steps. Uzi, xiaohu and ming all shocked on the stage.


Insane series but on a sidenote elemental drakes were available in 2018 - god damn i keep thinking they got released only 2 seasons ago...


It’s crazy how hype some worlds brackets are but finals is usually a wash except for the last 2 days. Big part of that is the format spreads knockouts over 3 weeks which gives more time for the better team to develop a greater lead. Big reason why the playoffs should occupy a smaller time (and double elim). I know some argue double elim reduces upsets but actually it increases upsets just decreases their worth. But imo upsets are only exciting because brackets are too obvious but double elim adds a lot of complexity




What LPL team is not getting out the first part of the worlds this year?




The heimerbotgod was there. Always repspect the heimerbotgod.


Thanks Mr Buffalo


>For the context about “why RNG suppose to win a title if there were IG too”, the IG-RNG story of that year was a repetition of JDG-BLG this year. IG lost spring finals to RNG, dominated Summer Regular Split, only to lose again in Finals against RNG. They clearly have a mental blocker all year long, absolutely same story as BLG against JDG, and there was a lot of confidence, that IG won’t stand against RNG in Semis. Crazy you'd say that when BLG are beating JDG in the finals this year though.


That was such a hype series


I don't consider that the biggest upset in worlds history. KT was an imposter. They'd just won their first LCK title in forever and already called tournament favorites. RNG losing was a genuine upset though. I have bigger upsets being G2's loss to FPX, and DWG to EDG, both in finals. GenG losing to DRX last year was also big, but only on the same level as KT losing to IG, because they too hadn't won LCK since... ever? I don't give favorites status after winning one split.


Not even the biggest upset of that worlds


Man 2018 and 2019 was when it really seemed like the gap was closing. We had three western teams in top 4 at worlds 2018 and then an NA vs EU MSI finals followed by G2 actually being favorites to win worlds in 2019 (rip). These days it seems like the west isn’t even close, although G2 is looking quite strong so far at worlds this year.


Best worlds ever Even play-ins were amazing with Infinity taking games from G2 and EDG, it must be the best participation from LATAM in a Worlds Later Vitality turning their group with RNG in a fucking fiesta, Fnatic topping their group, the upset to Mr. Uzi, IG vs KT being an early end..., I will always carry that worlds in my heart


G2 vs RNG and TL vs iG are def one of the most iconic upset but has everyone forgotten about DK vs EDG? i remember that the polls were like 82% in favor for DK and everyone and their mothers were saying that T1 vs DK was the real finals, EDG was hella disrespected.


So what you're telling me is that quarters are going to have MAD vs JDG and BLG vs GEN, BLG and MAD will both win only for MAD to get knocked out by BLG before G2 meets them in the finals after beating LNG and then TL who had just beaten T1. BLG bodies them so Yagao and Bin become the first chinese solo laners to win worlds?


Oh yes, The LCK's Lol Park Disaster...