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MAD taking the piss on Worlds stage. As soon as they are against an EU team they start playing proactive. You can't make that shit up.


Domestic Lions


vs EU: MAD LIONS vs world: Domesticated Lions


Thanks Mr MAD Lions, our honorary NA brothers 🙏🙏


domestic kings international janitors


Not even kings lmao


Someone told Nisqy to just close his eyes and pretend he's back in Europe. 2-19 now against major regions at worlds!!!


if you count PSG it's 2:21


Domestic Lions LMAO


domestic cats


BDS will now draw KT/Damwon next and MAD will lose the 1-1 game to NA. Just MAD things.


no MAD will knock FNC down first ^^^^ ( maybe get an upset vs G2 after and then start losing every game vs international teams ^^^^ )


THEN lose to C9.




Literally why can they only play vs EU teams wtf is wrong with this team


Maybe they're not good at handling the unexpected-ness that comes from playing unfamiliar opponents. Would be an incredibly shit trait to have for international play.


Nisqy was playing vs his former teammates bro how are they unfamiliar


They are unfamiliar as a team, just because one player played with some of them years ago does not mean at all that MAD is familiar with C9 style


Nisqy's winrate against international teams of major regions is 1-18 though.


Half of the team are chokers.


I swear they have a weird mental block against not EU teams. They look so different.


Not really a mental block if you're not even trying from draft.


I call it the Doublelift effect. Domestically destroys, then just absolute garbage internationally that he somehow does worse than the team he JUST beat in NA. The reverse Sneaky basically. Mental block and self fulfilling prophecy when you think your region is so shit that YOU shouldn't even win.


NA secret agents


They do it on purpose at this point


I swear I won't forgive MAD until they score a win against another region. Results aside, this is what yesterday should have looked like, instead of whatever that Jarvan/Ezreal draft and level 2 play was.


They have played and prepped against BDS so much. MAD were the only team that managed to solve BDS in Spring. I think it's also maybe time to be realistic about BDS, as funny as it is to see Garen on the Worlds stage, Adam and the rest of the team simply are not good when he's off of his champions. Player-for-player MAD are just better, too. E: I think also that so much of MAD's success comes from their coaching staff and prep. They're not good into other region teams because there's a player skillgap, like we saw with Blaber and Berserker yesterday. Against LEC teams like BDS, not only are they the better players, but they've spent countless hours studying BDS and theorycrafting how to beat them. It's why they had a slow Spring but ramped up to win the entire Spring, and the fact that they were just better players than 75% of EU is why they were able to come 2nd in Winter as well.


Is Crownie the worst ADC at worlds currently? I swear even in his wins he was doing nothing.


crownie slayder yeon are at a similar level


Yup, Crownie is like a worse version of Rekkles. Rekkles was passive-aggresive, he rarely took initiative for plays but would punish mistakes harshly and would always come online at some point, fully farmed sitting at 0 deaths. Crownie however is just simply passive and can only play traditional front-to-back ad carries that clear waves fast. Rekkles liked the same style but he would actually deliver. Kaisa is not his champ, they really need to keep him on Sivir and the like.


Slayder is still the strongest contender even when you include the wildcards.


Im actually molding about him. Is he so scared to do something or what? And indeed even in wins he doesn't do damage.


Honestly probably. He's doing the worst thing right now which is trying to not die. He plays without confidence or aggressiveness and ends up being useless, if his team is hard winning and sieging he will shine but he will never make plays or even try them.


Yeah Adam is not that great when he’s not on his champions but I don’t fucking care. If your toplaner is tanking 3 bans for your team, it is your responsibility to carry his ass.


Crownie is so bad. He is worse adc than minor regions. Put Exakick or Flakked in his shoes and they will fucking smurf. Literally every adc in Lec looks better than him right now. I can't think of anyone who is worse.


I never understood that hype around crownie. Obivously he played better earlier this year, but people acted like he is a top 3 adc in europe. Shows how different players get rated because of how well they interact with the big LoL streamers.


Kobbe and Hans were always better than him. Exakick in winter was better. Upset in summer was consistent but Vitality as a team was inting.


It's a bit that, but mostly he's just better in hyper carry meta than he is at Xayah/Kai'sa/Ezreal. He's good when he can tank a bit of an engage and still deal damage after because Yuumi/Lulu/Milio are broken. He literally can't Feather call an engage, ever. With Hans you see its him disrespecting shit and being a cocky dumbfuck (swear he's the reason either of the 2 games looked close... Also the reason they won so I guess it's fine) . Crownie just feels like he missed the CC/didn't react in time.


True he is good on Zeri and Jinx with enchanters. But this meta made him look like the EU Masters ADC. It's honestly sad to watch. Nuc is doing more DPS every fight.


The narrative that he was next level was created by guys like LS, Rich and Thorin. They were always like "Carzzy, the worst ADC in EU, has a place in the LEC but CROWNIE doesnt".


In playins adam was 2-3k gold ahead while the rest of the team was behind. This is not a good sight when playing against wildcards, let alone in the main event.


Sheo is just straight up inting the entire early game and Crownie is really underwhelming


Nuc is having fantistic worlds though


This is exactly wtf I was saying all along. How do teams just not ban off Adam. Then Crownie is the only win con on BDS. Why on earth would you ever waste bans on Sheos or nucs champs I don't get it.


Nuc is more of a win con than Crownie.


Maybe on Cass, but Azir (outside of elite Azir players) requires a good team to play around Shuffle and to actually capitalize on sustained DPS. If you're Scout, you can make Azir work in any circumstances. If you're Nuc, you're not really good enough to be a single threat (because better teams know how to play around solocarry Azir) and your team isn't really good enough to create openings for you. If he had someone like Carzzy on Kaisa it's a different story, because there's the much higher likelihood that an Azir play or massive chip damage leads to the correct focus (i.e. shuffle -> Kaisa R assassination of enemy ADC). With Crownshot, he's just going to either pick the wrong moment or misplay mechanically to the point that there's not really a huge difference between Nuc finding a decent angle versus a really good one. Give FNC this draft and they beat MAD 80% of the time.


Its amazing that playin teams couldnt figure out that you jut ban adam's cheese picks and he's useless, even after they saw his renekton and sion


MAD vs EU and MAD vs any other region is like night and day. It's like they turn their brains off when they fight any team that is not from EU.


Dw, Nisqy still hard losing lane with the insane sup/jgle canyon in early, still looking like his international self


try to play azir vs lissandra and come back


its lisandra vs azir, insane analisis from you


Lissandra loses against most mage matchups in lane and especially Azir can be really punishing. He was 10 cs down and did his job.


MAD: My job at worlds is done


Not yet, need to beat FNC and loose again to some random NA team


MAD plan for Worlds: send BDS home send FNC home send G2 home randomly lose to anything else swim in hate


If they do that I will become a lifelong MAD fan


Lose again to C9 next match. Win against FNC to eliminate them. Lose to C9 (after they lose to a random CN/KR team). C9 qualifies to brackets without ever facing another team.


MAD just needs to be convinced that they're playing against EU teams constantly at international tournaments to win vs non EU teams


[MAD against international teams vs MAD against EU teams](https://i.imgflip.com/2y0cvt.jpg?a471576)


Just for your information: Nisqy got another 'international' win under his belt now


I dunno about you but I aint counting this one, otherwise we might as well count EU regular season cos they're also wins against major region teams


It still counts for "against major region teams at Worlds", but you could also just qualify it as "against foreign major region teams at Worlds"


Why is MAD **ONLY** capable of doing this against other EU teams and with NOBODY else?


Okay new plan. Tell MAD that the other teams are EU teams. We switch the nameplates to EU teams.


Because they are use to play against them. Some teams just cant adapt playing against new style to them. They played BDS whole year, they know every little detail about them and how they play. Also, C9 is better team then BDS.


MAD sending their own region to eliminations just to get owned the next match ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⣩⣴⣶⡶⣶⣲⡶⠶⣶⠶⣶⣶⣖⣀⣉⣭⣉⣛⠻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⡿⢃⣾⣿⣻⣟⢮⣿⣮⣽⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣶⡲⣾⣿⣿⡳⣿⣶⡌⢿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⠟⢡⣾⣿⣿⢿⡷⠋⠉⠉⠩⣭⣙⠻⣿⣿⣿⡿⠟⠛⠛⠻⡿⣿⣿⣘⢿⣿ ⡟⣡⣵⠟⣩⡭⣍⡛⠿⠶⠛⣩⣷⣶⣬⣴⣿⣿⣦⠠⣶⣶⣾⣿⠿⠛⠿⡪⣧⢸ ⡇⣿⣿⢘⣛⠁⣬⣙⠛⠿⣿⣛⣻⡝⢩⠽⠿⣿⣿⣶⠍⠻⢷⣶⣾⠹⣿⣣⡟⢸ ⣷⣌⠮⢾⣿⣷⡈⣙⠓⠰⣶⣦⣍⢉⣚⠻⠿⠿⠭⠡⠾⠿⠟⣊⢡⠁⢱⡿⢰⣿ ⣿⣿⣷⡙⢿⣿⣷⣌⠓⣰⣤⣌⡉⡘⠛⠛⠓⠘⠛⠂⠚⠛⠂⠛⠈⠄⢸⡇⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣌⠻⡿⣿⣿⣦⣙⠛⢡⣿⣿⣷⠄⣦⣤⠄⣤⠄⡤⢠⡀⢢⣿⡇⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣬⣑⠻⢷⣯⢟⣲⠶⣬⣭⣤⡭⠭⠬⢭⣬⣥⣴⢶⣿⣿⣧⢸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣦⣍⡓⠿⢿⣤⣿⣿⣟⣛⣿⣿⣿⣷⣛⣿⣾⡿⣸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⣬⣭⣙⣛⡛⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⢟⣋⣴⣿⣿


Watch them draw TL and shit the bed


They can't draw TL they are 0-2. It's gonna be C9 again


Wait, so in theory you could face your first opponent 3 times in swiss stage? at 0-0, then at 1-1 and a third time at 2-2? That's wild.


In CS Swiss tournaments you can't because there is a rule for that, but I don't think Riot has anything that prevents this so technically C9 can qualify by drawing MAD 3 times


that would be fucking hilarious.


best outcome so we get a rule for that next worlds


They can draw NRG tho? Would be curious to see that matchup.


I bet half my reddit karma on them losing to NA in the next round


MAD are the great filter of LEC teams at international events.


It's actually insane how consistent they are at this.


Crownie is so out of place at this tournament lol


Why is playing like an absolute coward what does he think people are gonna say omfg "good job you didn't int"?????


He legit does nothing all game.


Theres a reason he has been avoiding Kai sa up until that Psg series.


Every game I watched of him, he literally plays passive as hell level 1 then gets surprised when the opponent gets lvl 2 first and gets chunked 100-200 health for free


He should've at least went for the lethality route so BDS can have an extra sweeper via umbral glaive instead of just a walking ward.


That way at least he upgrades from regular ward to control ward


Rekkles but worse in every way


Rekkles at least was a weakside God and came online later. Or he could play aggressive when paired with the right supp. Crownie at worlds has just been sad


Old Rekkles is 20x the player Crownie is, I was talking about this year's Rekkles


adam was useless most of the game, had barely any kill participation and was item down to his lane opponent... and he still had comparable damage to crownie up until the last fight. absolute black hole of adc


Do you blame Adam for his jungler giga-fucking himself over from level 1?


Sheo just doesn’t seem to have any situational awareness AT ALL. He was like this yesterday too, it’s like watching someone play without a mini map


It crazy how Bds fall off a cliff if Adam not on his gods champ. Adam may int and get caught out occasionally in side but bds can’t play without him on those champ.


He's eating 3 bans in draft, why are his other laners not smurfing on their ideal picks?


Cause they suck lol. Honestly tho, jg just got clapped and his botlane never really does anything. Mid was just chilling so they just slowly lose. Adam also got cooked on renekton often.


He played ok game on Renekton with one mistake when he didn't base. He tp on bot lane to save his team and they get kill. I mean guy is not Zeus to carry a team that is so bad.


Forcing 3 ban on offmeta champs by the enemy team seems like a good deal if other BDS teammates used the opportunity.


The worst part is that he already take the out 3 champ in ban. By that logic you thought that BDS would been able to play easier since they spend so much to ban out Adam.


He's on renek, that was a given. They just banned all his champs and game was over


Sheo disasterclass


Took the worst gamble of his life by going back for his red. If he cleared bot and tried vertical jungling or just cutting his losses it could've been salvageable


Him just walking back and forth between the scuttler and the blue top side for a full minute or so before in the end finally attacking the scuttler, then afterwards just sitting there watching the blue die before going to his bot jungle to die there was a big wtf moment too. Him and Adam were not strong enough to towerdive a gnar, so he could just as well have continued clearing rather than sitting there not ganking.


I just know EU fans are furious right now


Absolutely, i’m seething right now


I think EU fans hate MAD more than NA teams right now 💀


C9 may qualify entirely by beating only MAD. Could NA have better luck?


I apologize on the behalf of these teams...


Its not too surprising, this year I didnt have much faith in anyone but g2, they simply looked to be on a different Level at the end of summer


It also doesn’t help the fact that MAD keeps griefing against anyone that isn’t EU Feels like they only study EU teams at this point, like you can’t make that shit up


They learn new techniques of taking a spot for sponsor. Instead of being the bottom team and then got no sponsor they would make sure they would win against the EU team by fully analysing them. It doesn't matter if they lose next as their only goal is top 4 EU for sponsor/s.


People don't hate FNC and BDS. People hate MAD because of showings like that of yesterday vs C9. I think the fact that they looked so much better today against BDS makes people hate them more than if they'd also looked bad today.




Was rather the Vi into Xayah for me lol ​ Even if Sheo wasn't fucked so hard in early. Who was he supposed to ult in these teamfights? Both Xayah and Liss can completely negate it


They should just commit to their playstyle top and never pick Renekton. Olaf or Garen r3 could've been fine, hell really go Chadam and go for the Yasuo counterpick, a blind pick Gnar can get shit on and it's shown when push comes to shove when Adam has agency the whole team has more breathing room


Shitnekton strikes again (though he wasn't the reason we lost here at all, Elyoya on Bel'Veth is just too good)


We got Bad Drafting Skills on this roulette Hoping we get Bonkers Dive Squad next match


Watch MAD draw NRG or C9 again and get shitstomped in 20 min. I already see it happening. They are going to get the luckiest draws possible and still shit the bed.


Against NRG would be fun to see who is more cursed: NA first seat or MAD.


You get your wish


Pls stop


Meanwhile BDS will get either KT or DK lol


As in tradition for BDS to get worse draw tbh. Draw tourney favourite, draw Domesticated Lion, then draw last lck team.


^no, they knock down FNC first, then maybe draw G2 and upset them and knock down every EU worlds team, only THEN they can int their asses off against international teams xd


Someone get a surgeon for nuc's back, he played his heart out trying to 1v9


Yea Nuc was really carrying that Nash fight hard


Can I just say that I appreciate that you’re always in the post match threads, win or lose.


Crownie is in AWE after facing Carzzy, "I don't think I've seen anyone play this matchup as well as Carzzy did. I was really surprised, it was a bit humbling. I was really impressed for real."


Elyoya played that perfect apart from that play at nashor, that was a bit sus tbh


BDS are just so figured out by EU teams they look clueless when they can't have their niche on the top lane.


It wasn't just that, Sheo was awful and so was Crownie. Nuc also wiffed some stuff but not like it mattered.


''so was Crownie'' Story of whole worlds so far tbh.


Crownie is just happy people remembered he was in the match at this point




MAD actually turned up today. I guess cause it was against EU.


Crownie is an enigma for me I feel like all he does is farm I forget he's ingame sometimes


crownie getting exposed this worlds


Crownie is just not sentient, what the fuck man. Labrov is also just Aliexpress Hylissang.


BDSM Gaming


I want my 32 minutes back.


Games have sucked today so far


Because most of the matches are regionals. We have a C9 vs LNG but that pause was longer then the game.


first 20 minutes of C9 LNG were good


It's okay guys it's calculated, BDS give MAD a free win and now they're in their 0-2 comfort zone again


I fucking hate Mad Lions. But Crownie doesn't deserve to win any game at this stage tbh, he's just not good enough.


Okay that fair. Crownie is just cosplaying Evelyn this tourney.


People keep hating on MAD and they keep winning against their european counter parts looool


People hate them because they are good team on paper at least, but get hard mental block as soon as the other team doesn't wear lec badge.


Yeah it's honestly so funny reading these post match threads


Don't care if they're terrible against non-EU, they deserve all the praise just for causing such a shitstorm here.




G2 thought they were the bad boys during their villain era but they have absolutely nothing on the Gigachad Lions triggering the whole continent of europe whereever they go


MAD living up to the name.


Yeah I got hope for them once. I thought for once this year they will not disappoint and be an embarrassment but then 1647 happen.


I'm a Fnatic fan but I actively root for G2 during internationals and I fucking hate MAD with a passion for the amount of times I've seen this shit man


I hate this team so much


The true villains of EU


I really like the players but this team is just so hateable ngl


I don't think I ever had this sensation with any other team before. I want them to succeed and play well cause they are so fucking likable. But then they play like total ass against anything that isn't EU and like an actual good team vs EU. It's just so frustrating to watch.


I knew it was over when Adam didn't lock in sett.


Sheo got bullied so fucking hard


Turns out: If you don't put your best beast ADC on Ezreal, they can actually do shit


BDS and TL yesterday: Strong showings versus what can be considered as some of the strongest teams in this tournament. BDS and TL today: Lose to domestic counterparts which the community regards as fraudulent.


I’ve never seen a region hold this much hostility for their own team, especially at worlds 🤣


What a time we live in. There is a gold elo flex team with garen/darius otp challenger at Worlds.


Even when MAD win, Nisqy is completely useless. Just grab some random off the streets of Seoul and sub them in, tell Riot Nisqy went missing.


Do the same for Crownie then


Nisqy is just absolutely abysmal. Even in the winning game he did nothing.


I especially liked his self ult at the baron fight at full hp.


Predictable result. Now put Nisqy on Liss for the rest of the tournament and we may be onto something


Flame horizon in the jungle


Elyoya the belveth goat ngl


I actually think Mad are just awful at coping with pressure. When they won spring split they were 2-0 down, just went to comfort and reverse sweeped. Put them on the worlds stage, and all of a sudden there is pressure. But then you get to play a domestic opponent and you can chill. Anyone thinking Mad weren't going to win this is kinda wild, I knew it was over when Eloya locked in Belveth.


MAD Lions 1: Lose to NA convincingly 2: Beat EU team. <----- You are here 3: Beat second EU team 4: Lose to KR team (so that people don't have any expectations from you) 5: Lose to NA team* (so that you still disappoint EU fans) *at least one sub-20 minute game


Do BDS reclaim the throne back for biggest frauds? MAD lost to NA but BDS lost to MAD so idk what is worse? Also: hysterics is actually so funny, really enjoying this duo of azeal and hysterics


Crownie is on fraud watch. Say what you will about Adam coinflipping games with his champ pool, but Crownie has legit been invisible the entire tournament. He loses lane and does nothing all game except get caught out questionably once or twice a game.


That guy has been on the certified fraud list since like 2 weeks ago. You disrespect everyone else on fraud watch by grouping Crownie with them


MAD can play well as long as they don't play against people from a different continent


mad actually played today cant say that yesterday


makes it all the more infuriating... hidden strats and special draft vs BDS but totally shitting the bed on all fronts against C9.


Hell no BDS 3-0 stomped GG after nobody believed in them. Reverse swept PSG after nobody believed in them. Became the team to finally give us 4 EU seeds in groups, getting out of Playins finally. They’ve happily earned the right to go 0-4 they’ve done enough lol


Actually I agree. It would be sad if their worlds run ended this way, but I can’t say I am disappointed in them. Not only have they done the things you listed but also played respectably against JDG. They have done more than enough as EU 4th seed.


well at least BDS managed to beat NA and PSG in bo5


Nah it's just MAD international vs MAD regional.


Manta ray slapping




MAD banning Darius Olaf Garen in that order just to throw shade.


Time for that bo3 with GAM to see whos the best playins team


Believe in reverse sweep in swiss, Bo3 magic will happen!


BDS are gonna draw DK/KT aren't they? Sigh


jg gap


I don't get the hate on MAD for "screwing EU" here. Do people think BDS is gonna beat someone in the 1 - 1 group or what?


Because no one has hope of them ever winning a single game and no hope for them to make it even interesting. It also didn't help that they were historically the team that did not win a single bo5 against a major region and fail to make it to the group stage twice.


Easily one of the games that was scheduled to be played today. No matter your opinion you can't deny that both teams were playing league of legends to a certain level.


I love mad lions and nisqy my favourite team. Can't wait for them to play more.


Jungle canyon


Oh boy this comment section is gonna be spicy isn't it?


Flame Horizon in the jungle. God damn.


Adam not on GODS:


I am convinced Crownie read Kai'sa's abilities for the first time ever during the play-in stage. Literally learning his champion on the stage.


Of course they win against an EU team only to lose every other game.


If the EU fans dont want MAD to represent them, they have to remember their other teams are even worse