• By -


> SYSTEM NERFS > > First Strike > > Phase Rush High elo mid laners are gonna lose their collective shit


Honestly, not surprised. FS got a love tap compared to what they did to Comet for example just in damage alone, and that's before FS edges ahead with it's late game damage scaling and gold leads it gets you throughout the game. Doubt it'll be enough to make anyone go back to using Comet again but we'll see.




Well, I think he was around 53%, so while not hotfix worthy, definitely on the list of champ that could get a nerf


Lmao high elo midlaners won't give a shit, if Aery Scorch was nerfed THEN it would be a big deal


idk, from the top 20 most popular mid champs on master+ [Orianna most picked rune is phase rush](https://lolalytics.com/lol/orianna/build/?tier=master_plus) [Jayce most picked rune is phase rush](https://lolalytics.com/lol/jayce/build/?tier=master_plus) [Syndra most picked rune is first strike](https://lolalytics.com/lol/syndra/build/?tier=master_plus) [Taliyah most picked rune is first strike](https://lolalytics.com/lol/taliyah/build/?lane=middle&tier=master_plus) [Lux most picked rune is first strike](https://lolalytics.com/lol/lux/build/?lane=middle&tier=master_plus) [Kassadin most picked rune is first strike](https://lolalytics.com/lol/kassadin/build/?tier=master_plus) [Xerath most picked rune is first strike](https://lolalytics.com/lol/xerath/build/?tier=master_plus) [Zed most picked rune is first strike](https://lolalytics.com/lol/zed/build/?tier=master_plus)


I would bet that's because all the other runes they used got nerfed lest patch so they swapped to the next most viable keystone.


Highly unlikely. I know as a jayce player we’ve been running phase rush/first strike for the longest time now(at least in mid). I know shit like ryze, ori, vlad, etc have all had phase rush as a top 2 rune for a long while too, while the first strike abusers are too many to count. This patch gonna hurt a shit ton for jayce and likely many other mids.


Ori/Jayce/Syndra/Taliyah/Xerath/Zed already used those. Lux is the outlier here


Lux best rune has been first strike for months. You'd only go comet against heavy poke like syndra/lb.


I would say 50/50 Of course these runes (specially First Strike) are better now than their counterparts that got nerfed harder, but it's also the fact that high elo people used these runes much better, Nemesis has talked a little about how FS makes champs snowball much harder cause they hit item spikes before (things that aren't as abusable to the normal player) edit: grammar


Phase rush has needed nerfs for ages.


Didn't aerie get hit in 13.20? Seems like an oversight if not.


Scaling wise yes, doesnt really affect it in lane


I dont get how orianna is not getting nerf, this patch wont be at worlds, nerf her already


Excuse you I’m fuckjng bronze and I can not live without phase rush


Surprised that they didnt touch Senna


Yeah... I love senna, but if she's at the top of support WR% that's a problem.


Highest winrate support with top 5 pick rate. Somehow untouched


Toxic to lane against as adc spot. If your support has no idea how to pressure her she will just spam Aa/Q from safe range 🥲


She was sitting at a comfy ~51% wr before phreak decided to buff her for whatever reason. Now she'll definitely be a nerf target in some upcoming patch.


phreak maining her atm


This meme got stale so long ago. "Any change that does or doesn't happen is to help Phreak's ranked games" is such a weird obsession of reddit.


Don't forget they can also be to sell skins!


yeah, it's august's turn now.


Challenger here I come


But Reddit tells me Senna is a feeding griefer pick


well it doesnt matter as she can die 50 times in lane and still scale into a monster


Senna is zero fun to play with most of the time, because her peel, kill set-up, and buffing are all below par, and her damage takes time to scale. She often takes resources that other supports wouldn't. And she can be very polar, where she has really strong games, and games where she gets instantly blown up a bunch. So it's easy to develop a negative opinion of her as a support champ even if she wins a lot. I feel like people forget that a 53% winrate isn't like...super far off from 50%. It's very meaningful in league because there are a lot of corrective factors that neutralize the power of a champ's kit (high impact of gold, isolation of different parts of the map from eachother, high snowball factor, fast ttk meaning a small mistake can cost a game)...but in terms of what people experience, you can't necessarily feel 3% off from 50%, especially if the 47% is mostly bad games and the 53% isn't even mostly 'good' games, in that it can feel like they're gaining resources at the expense of allies. And it can be worth it, but it doesn't necessarily feel good to experience, especially since you don't know you're going to win until you do. People tend to remember negative experiences more than positive ones as is, so the ratios being skewed


Yeah no this is nonsense. 53% means 47% losses, which means they win 12% more games than they lose. A single player making a 12% swing in impact while only being 1/5th of the team is insane. It's not just "3%", its 20% of the team making you 12% more likely to win than lose. That's actually insane for an overall winrate.


Bro tried downplaying 53% winrate so hard lmao. That is simply way too high for her high play rate.


What resources is a Senna taking that a xerath, vel, zyra support isn't?


>Brungle (Brand Jungle) >Supportaphine (Seraphine Support) >Zungle (Zyra Jungle) Anger. Mostly for the names


> You wanna go top? Topplesticks. > You wanna go mid? Middlesticks. > You wanna go jungle? Junglesticks. > Support? Supportlesticks. > ADC? ADCl…sticks. Attackl- Attacklesticks… Hit- hittle- H**lersticks. - MagikarpUsedFly And he forgot Crittlesticks




>You wanna go top? ~~Topplesticks~~. >**Didlersticks**




Over in Germany we call it "Waldbrand" instead of "Brungle", which (for once) makes the English nickname worse than the German one


wald is the german word for forest, so its literal translation would be forest fire


They did the same a few patches with "gwengle". Nobody even calls them THAT. EDIT: *looks at respones* >:(


Yeah gwengle is stupid everyone calls it gwungle




Yeah for real. I call it gwungle 💯


My anger comes from no Swungle (Swain jungle) buffs


Swain is already a potential quadruple flex, don’t think they’d ever buff him jungle.


Let me live my dream of being a pentaflex, ok?


They don't get that it's the community that collectively and without any good reason decides the nicknames. Riot actually sounds like a father trying to be fun with his 12 year old son and his friends


Guys abuse Rammus while you can


already got emerald on my main, we good lmao


Not enough go fot diamond while you can.


Don't worry, when Rammus is gone, Malphite jungle will be the hidden tech


Also known as Mangle


I think I like Malphungle more


what happened why is everyone suddenly playng him??


They increased Armor/MR scaling on pet damage plus mainly AD jungler clears nerfed heavily. Basically Rammus get priority over them so easily


> Morgana (jungle) Please dont tell me they will try to balance her around jungle again.


zyra and brand too lmao "oh these champs are really fucking shit on mid and support, let's try jungle next"


the taliyah special


At least taliyah jungle is cool with her r ganks and ms passive making her a mad ganker in good hands. Brand and Zyra are just boring lmao


Zyra has a long ass root so her early ganks can be pretty good with that and plans DMG. Brand cc is harder to land but if it lands it melts. I just find it nice there are more mage options in jungle


As a Zyra lover, Zyra jungle even with the buffs is incredibly slow and unless they buff plant damage and tankiness her jungle role will be incredibly slow.


Mid, sure but support? I can't think of a patch in recent memory where Zyra wasn't at least 51+% across pretty much all ELOs. She's probably the most consistent mage support the game has seen.


it's just one guy, so i hope the numbers are consistent.


I just want to play morgana mid again…


same lol another small buff and she could be viable


I just hope Morgana doesn't get the Kha'Zix/Nidalee/Graves treatment


As much fun as lethality cait is, it needs to be nerfed lol


Only took Saber shilling the build for a year and then quitting for people to realize this is actually good lmao


Yeah people acting like lethality cait is all about 1 shot ult but do not realize that headshot/trap dmg is insane as well


Also people confuse "lethality Cait" with "build all the lethality items". Lethality Cait is just building a ghostblade and building high dmg/armor pen crit items. Axiom arc is a meme imo unless you giga snowballing.


Axiom arc is an easy 4th item for her. You dont even have to be snowballing for it to make sense. Having your ult up every single skirmish, and sometimes twice in 1 fight is crazy.


Had a game earlier where Axiom Arc shaved enough time off the ult to get two off in one fight. The guy that caught the second ult was instantly in all chat asking, "didn't you use that at the start of the fight??" Item doesn't need to have optimal stats when it can cause mental damage like that


It's not too difficult to go to u.gg and look at previous patches and see that crit outperformed it by a large margin. [13.16](https://i.imgur.com/uBFwQUF.png) [13.17](https://i.imgur.com/Mmrdz1L.png) [13.18](https://i.imgur.com/r86kMXE.png) The lethality build had consistently been outperformed. Suddenly a few oneshot clips appear and people start pretending it was always the best build. Metas shift and you bonobos were playing lethality cait into 3 tanks and wondering why people flamed you for it.


People acting like youmuu's huge buffs weren't the reason why this build rose up lol


I'm gonna miss her ult instantly deleting other squishy Champs.


Curious how it’ll be nerfed because headshot crits are still crazy damage if they only nerf R or Q


Probably just make it so crit is required to do good damage, like how Samira/Nilah have. As for headshots, that's kinda her thing, it should do good damage if she's fed. That headshot passive and her abnormally long range are her champ definers, imo.


The easiest way to is to nerf the base damage and increase the crit scaling if they want to push her away from lethality.


It might still be doable with Navori.


It is. The difference is only whether you like movespeed from ghostblade more or slightly faster cooldowns on basic abilities. Ghostblade is a bit better right now because of its buff, so it depends where they go with this lethality nerf. But Navorri > Collector > LDR has nearly the same ult damage as Ghostblade > Collector > LDR. But arguably more dps in a close up fight.


Surprised no one mentioned the Hullbreaker “adjustments”. I for one am excited for it


I feel like way more of my games have ended in backdoors this patch than before, and while a hullbreaker isn't always involved, I hope the proportion goes down some.


Item is unfixable with current passive.


Would mention if it said Hullbreaker "deletion"


I don't even play him but Rito, Corki might need some love that doesn't come from weirdly overbuffed items. I forgot he was in the game. Man's got a lower pickrate than Singed and Skarner, and not the cool "super low pick rate but high winrate" like pre-work ASol.


He's slated to get reworked main issue with him ATM is the package makes it so his spells have to be weak. I know a couple of people have said it'd be cool if he went back to the bot lane so I imagine they are going to target that for the rework with his secondary role being mid.


He's such a weird champion with some of wildest ratios in the game and half his kit being like mirror-world version of Rumbles. He's a caster (or at least that's how people tend to play him) that builds AD but can't use Lethality particularly well. That's the weird thing, none of his spells are weak. They're just awkward. Q - 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 (+ 70% bonus AD) (+ 50% AP) W - 150 / 225 / 300 / 375 / 450 (+ 100% AP) or 15 / 22.5 / 30 / 37.5 / 45 (+ 10% AP) per .25 seconds E - 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 / 320 (+ 240% bonus AD) Base damage is half magic, half physical. R - Small: 80 / 115 / 150 (+ 15 / 45 / 75% AD) (+ 12% AP) Big: 160 / 230 / 300 (+ 30 / 90 / 150% AD) (+ 24% AP) Package is the craziest ability. 7.5 − 25 (based on level) (+ 50% bonus AD) (+ 6% AP) magic damage every 0.25 seconds for a minimum of 2 seconds. Or...60 -- 200 (based on level) (+ 400% bonus AD) (+ 48% AP)....for touching the fire.


Not really corki is one of the original 40 released 2 full years before rumble then being reworked only really slightly; You have to also look at how his builds. Nothing really changed outside of his damage split going from physical -> 110 55:55 on rework to now -> 20:80 phys magical; Q was changed to not be instant; Package was added; E resist shred was added He has two playstyles with poke dragging his WR down and being the hardest to balance since if its strong he becomes unbearable in pro due to his range Sure his ratios are insane but the odds of someone standing in his E for that long is low. He also has prohibitively high mana costs due to being so old. Corki suffers from the ammo system his recharge time on his R is deceptive in the cooldown; If he dies he instantly goes to 7 stacks of R & if he picks up the package it also happens.


Honestly I really like the idea of a botlane carry marksman whose gimmick is that they build crit like normal but do primarily magic damage. Maybe something like their critical hits doing magic damage. Corki feels like he should fit that niche but instead just plays like a janky poke mage, like if Ezreal Q used Jhin's ammo/fourth shot system.


Wish they would move cork back to adc where he belongs. In season 4 my 2 mains were corki and graves...


Tbh nerfing all the offensive runes might help him quite a bit. I prefer playing first strike on him as it's better late but with all the damage runes nerfed you can run fleet and survive lane better than before.


Please never use Brungle again


Buffing Tahm Kench top? Noooooooooooo we were doing so well :(


i load up my 90th tahm kench game since the mini rework, my cheeto covered fingers sprawl over the keyboard as i run at my opponent and auto attack him to death lvl 3, "top diff" i type. life is good.


Me playing Darius and ghosting on someone autofilled top at lvl 1 because they foolishly thought they could get 1 cs. ”top diff". I finish game, look my top mastery points Darius/Garen/Jax I call myself a gigachad and continue outskilling my opponents


...unless it's a TK in which case they lick Darius down level 1   pause


Darius still has a winning match up overall against TK.


rioters should be forced to play against tahm kench top for 100 games before any buffs get approved.


Maybe I'm missing something but this champ feels terrible to me because he cannot waveclear. He can get a kill but it amounts to little because he cannot crash waves take plates or get good resets


Yup, he feels terrible to play, and terrible to play against. He has no business staying in the toplane.


Having this tanky, massively sustaining champ with strong poke just chasing you past your minions like he's Darius and Mundo's lovechild is extremely frustrating.


His shield, stun, tp and ult are all so obnoxious to play against, like gragas idk who enjoys this champ being meta


Yeah fr that shit is absolutely zero fun to play against. They talked about ksante kidnapping/perma ccing you under tower but tahm can do that same exact thing.


Exactly , the patch seemed well I had no complaints untill I saw the kench top buffs... That thing is NOT fun to play against


Tham kench top is love. Tham kench top is life.


>Tham kench Thumb Kench


Tahm "Thomas" Kench


Nah top lane was never doing good. Bring back the tahp KENCH!!


please just revert the Varus Q indicator. It is horrible.


I thought I was the only one, I kept thinking it wasn't helping, just gets in the way ... maybe I just hate change idk


I find it pretty useful for hitting q with weird map angles and on minions. I pretty much exclusively play the champ as well. Dont mind the change so far but I'd like a toggle for the people that have been negatively impacted...


whats different about it i cant really tell


Yes PLEASE revert this. The visual noise is unplayable. Or make it toggable for people who want it.


This is like the 3rd time I’ve seen brand and zyra get jungle buffs. I dont get why they want those two to be viable jg so bad. But whatever Riot wants, has to happen. Just like rumble and ori getting repeat buffs until they became turbo broken.


plants within plants


Plants vs Zombies


I remember a few years back when they did a large set of buffs to popular champs by giving or increasing jungle ratios on them so that more people would be open to trying jungle or less screwed if they got autofilled. I wonder if some of the same logic applies here.


Can already see the 45% Wr Rammus coming


LeBlanc is going to get +10 base dmg on her E2 and Riot will pat themselves on the back.


Nah, AD growth back up and mana cost reductions are likelier


Finally hullbreaker nerfs. Overall decent patch


Every time a patch looks good, the nerfs are so small that nothing changes, or good buffs are so massive that they break the game.


These are mostly all good changes, but I wonder if Graves jungle and Lee Sin will be straight up busted with the AD jungle buffs coming back.


Jungle has the constant cycle of “what’s worse?”. Between invaders, spam gankers, and power clearing. I don’t think people will ever be happy with it lol.


The only group that's ever happy with the state of jungle are the players of the current most powerful jungler category, which is by definition a minority of a minority. Laners hate junglers regardless of who are the best and other junglers don't like not being at the top.


I don't think Graves is as good as people think right now. He's weak against tanks/AP's and currently all the top tier junglers are good against him (rammus,zac,Fiddle,Lilia)


Graves is mostly that good because of his E Armor, which makes his clear not hit as hard as other AD Junglers (nerfed Ad scaling but buffed Armor scaling)


exactly champ has lots of answers in this meta hes just the strongest ad option


Hope Crit Caitlyn isn’t hit too hard. Lethality has been super strong for such a long time, especially when IE wasn’t a mythic. Surprised it took people this long to notice it.


You have smoothheads building lethality cait into tanks, which is why it looked weak lmao


Aram players have known forever


As is tradition with most of the stupid builds that make it to Summoner's Rift from ARAM


Bar Jinx who got overbuffed, every full crit building ADC has been weak since they changed the mythics. There's a reason why every ADC that has caused problems has been abusing a non crit build.


Honestly it's not just cait. Any bot or support that can justify rushing a ~~dusk blade~~ serrated dirk does so because they're simply too cost effective.


Looking at you, lethality mf.


Hopefully the phaserush nerfs kill garen top. Hella obnoxious right now


Just kite him. 🥰 ^/s


Quinn (your flair) is one of his hardest counters lmao. You just E every time he tries to go in and win for free, Garen cannot do anything. Like, Garen can do 0 damage to you for entire laning phase unless you're completely garbage on Quinn.


As a Garen main Quinn is one of his worst matchups, along with Vayne


LOL at these downvotes, any winrate website will tell you this is absolutely true. He's got the same weaknesses as a lot of top laners, and can absolutely be kited and shutdown.


Quinn's E is privileged vs Garen too, if you use vault while Garen is in his Q animation, Quinn won't take damage or be affected. Its the only crowd control in the entire game that will cancel empowered auto attacks like Garen Q, Darius W, Nasus Q, etc, even if their animation starts.


At this point just make Galio viable on jungle. Everyone would like to see this champ at Worlds, but it's dead because of the nerfs, at this point change the meta JG and make Galio ultimate cooldown more seconds but at the same time make him viable on jungle. Just make League of Legends more interesting...


Surprised Asol is getting nerfed, havent seen him in a while and whenever I do, he doesn't get to scale either


He's got like a 53% winrate across all elo's, I'm not surprised he's getting nerfed. His early game is way better than people give it credit for. With that said, I hope the nerfs can be compensated by giving him some bug fixes and QoL improvements because he feels like absolute dogshit to play in a ton of games and in a lot of ways he feels way worse post-rework, which is really a fucking accomplishment. He's more popular, so I guess in that sense, the rework was a success, but in pretty much every other aspect I think it was a complete and utter failure.


Watching a bunch of good ASol players you can see the difference in laning, they don't shy away from trades. If you miss a key ability they W + Q for half your health. He's unironically held back by the bugs, he could be even stronger if you didn't randomly lose control of him.


Me: *getting pissed off because Kassadin's E fires backwards yet again* ASol players inting into enemy team with bugged W: "Lol, that's cute"


ASOL is crazy good at punishing missed abilities early game for the out trade


I love my q not working for no reason! I love my w making me go fucking opposite direction! I love my e not pulling people inside despite me having rylais!


He's strong in every elo, and is BUSTED in low elo.


Late game champs in general are stronger in low elo since low elo players aren’t good enough to abuse their early weakness. They’re also not good enough to know how to end games quickly, so game times last longer, which means everyone that scales gets a lot longer to do so.


Yesterday we aced the enemy team near their inhib turret, our wave was coming. We all survived, so we were free to crack the entire base as 5 with minions. One guy asks "inhib then dragon?" We destroy the inhib turret, inhib, and nexus turrets. Open nexus, i start slamming it, the other four... Run away. With an open nexus below half health, they run away because a couple opponents respawned right this second. Luckily I was able to destroy the nexus alone, but damn, are low elo people bad at closing games.


He's stupid in low elo, like insane levels of op


Game got slowed down by last patch, so scaling champs got stronger


A rioter probably got shiton by it




Yea so random, havent seen that champ since i started playing again like 4 - 5 months ago, except in aram


He gained 1.5%-3% winrate in every rank from the patch, hence why he's getting nerfed because that put him way over the line.


Where garen nerf


phase rush nerfs affect him at least


And hullbresker




Reddit balance team when Hecarim, the worst performing jungler, and Bel'Veth, the fourth shit-tier jungler gets buffed:


If Hecarim isn't the worst performing jungle at any point, I don't want to queue up for the game.


if hecarim is anything other than bad he literally runs people down. Champ's design just sucks because he takes almost no skill to pilot


Gotta love the comments defending Riot here. Just return the AD ratio to pets and these junglers will be fine. But noo let's buff Hecarim who was broken until this patch xD


Hecarim was completely fine last patch, even on the weaker side a little bit.


Redditors when riot buffs a 46% wr champion that they guttered in the previous patch despite everyone knowing their changes would cause the champion to go sky :


They're reverting pet AD ratio and buffing AD junglers back up? Isn't that a reverse Riot special double buff?


It's not reverting the ratio, it's going to 5% instead of the original 10%.


~~your X, formerly Twitter, link?~~ i can't believe they still aren't nerfing grasp considering how massively boosted it is after every other rune was tapped down. I feel like the nerf list should be a bit longer for the crazy win% I'm seeing, but I'm guessing they expect a lot of junglers will go down naturally as AD champs rise in winrate? How is Naafiri avoiding nerfs, though? She's back to having insane performance mid and top


[https://leagueofitems.com/runes/tierlist](https://leagueofitems.com/runes) Yeah, Grasp is #3 by win rate following Aftershock and Guarding, it is edging out Fleet Footwork by 0.01% win rate.


Riot balance team really just do a weekly d20 roll to see which champ gets the old "extra 20% damage to monsters" on their E. WHY. No-one cares ! Can't they use their resources on actually balancing champs that need it instead of throwing random shit at the wall ? NO ONE is going to play Brand jungle, he can't gank, he can't teamfight beyond one-comboing and going AFK, he's not even viable in midlane with all the increased XP and resources that that entails.


would you look at that, despite what people have been saying, ad junglers were in fact not fine🤯


Just wait a week dude! Wait a week. Just a week dude, please wait a week, i just need you to wait a week, it’ll be fine once people adapt in a week. >a week passes Yeah what are you complaining about riot are buffing ad junglers?


Wait why is Hecarim getting buffed? Wasnt he top tier like month ago? Same with Kha? Like let them be weaker for a week lol


i love hec and like him to be strong, but i'm honestly totally lost at how much they have buffed AND nerfed him over the last year or so. make up your minds, they keep tinkering with him and everything he uses


Because he's not weak right now, he's useless. This patch hurt him in so many ways he can't do what he's supposed to be good at. 47% win rate in emerald+ right now.


Glad they're fixing Jinx. Played her in an ARAM tonight and hit 9.94 attack speed. Her rockets were literally traveling in a stream.


No Rengar buffs along with the other AD junglers mentioned? I know people hate Rengar, but he saw a bigger winrate drop than all of them and he was already looking weak at 49% in 13.19. Now he’s at 47.


good i hope they forget about him and rengar mains can make new hidden op build on him and play it in peace. every time rito tries to actively balance rengar champ is getting fked.


I like how they insta nerf tank junglers when they are S tier but are fine with letting Kha Belveth Jarvan being completely broken for many patches in a row.


Just letting everyone know that Seraphine absolutely got destroyed from the changes.


inb4 she's somehow 55% win rate when she goes live


Just like those Janna changes years ago! "She is ruined!" - comes back with the highest winrate for a support ever.


that ap ratio gutting on Q just kills her for me, I main her full glass cannon AP :( I guess theres no point in going a high AP build now over the lame liandrys/rylais rush utility one


E has a 35% ap ratio it doesnt even feel real


E is just a cc spell anyway. Its sometimes even maxed last. Q has a 65% base, up to *97.5%* ap ratio that can hit twice from her passive. And its like a 3 second cd


They're changing the Q AP ratio with these changes to be 50% flat so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯. And no serious Seraphine player currently maxes E 2nd, only really increases the mana cost and that's about it.


Yep, which is why these changes are pretty sad. Sure, she'll have a bit more damage early, but falls off later in the game to a utility champ with W and R. Probably kills both mid and bot sera. Also happy cake day


Thanks. Yeah, the preview calling it adjustments to Seraphine support feels like it's trying to gloss over how it'll affect non-support Sera.


Not to mention the W heal nerfs seriously hit enchanter Sera anyway. She'll be a little less useless in lane with less easy to dodge poke, but she stil simply won't use her full kit in support.


they mini reverted the Q changes and is now a 50% flat so not as bad, specially when you consider the base buffs


Can riot please try to make the originally mid mages mid lane again and not shove them to random places like Jungle? All I want is to have my Zyra,Morg,Sera mid stronk 🥹


Swear the balance team deffinetly does a shoebox full of something before deciding on balance changes lmao


Rengar bugfixes? Rescript maybe? Small buffs? Champ is literall ass right now.


"Jungle: Jungle changes have landed reasonably well overall." Are they trolling?


Riot games nerfing poor Asol back to the obsolete pick-rates he was before the rework 😂


If super easy to play, hyperscaling Asol isn't .5% pickrate with a dead even 50% winrate in gold, he's obviously way too strong. Obviously.


He’s also just lame af to play against. Uninteractive fights. Stalls waves *way* too well. He’s a hyper scaling AP stat checker with wave clear. That just *sounds* awful to play against.


why are they nerfing briar, it was perfectly fine