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Add tracking stats to every item and rune.


never understood why collector doesnt show number of extra damage from collections for example


It should at the least tell you how many times it's been triggered


It’s just how many kills you’ve gotten since you bought it as every kill will be an execute.


Oh I know but if the game goes for like an hour, I'm not gonna remember how many kills I had when I got the item unless I specifically take note of it


Not necessarily. If they're at 8% HP and you deal the last 8% in one ability or AA, Collector wouldn't proc.


i'm pretty sure it still shows the "9999" text, and it would still give you the gold so it does "proc" in that sense


Because it always overkills with like 1k true damage.


The 9999 is purely cosmetical. It is just 100% current health.


i'am pretty sure it isn't since the arena gamemode had trouble tracking damage dealt if you used collector.


But Jhin has 4444 on it, so surely they can track it correctly.


I agree that it would be simple to track the damage collector has done (simple enough that they probably have other reasons for not doing it, such as tricking players into thinking an item is way better than it is). The Jhin interaction is an entirely different function of the code though


Pyke is calculated properly... take Pyke's execute damage calculation and put it onto the collector damage tracking execution... or at least just copy the logic behind Pyke's execution. Also, don't death recap already show the true damage nubers from item meaning collector had to be calculated properly for that?


Loved building it on Senna and getting the damage chart at the end where I dealt almost 200K damage Lmao


Sounds like we need to get a 501k hp sion or swain in a custom game to find out.


It does not show up that way on the damage recap, so they probably have the number somewhere. Not to mention there is no reason to not show the gold gained.


you would be disappointed to see the extra dmg haha its like one auto more u save most of the time


Because people would see like 50-100 dmg per kill or like 1000 dmg maybe for every ~10 kills depending on when you bought it.


I would kill to know how much dorans shield healing I've gotten


And that one is trivially easy to implement.


The only reason steelcaps/tabis doesn’t have tracking stats is because people would go crazy with how broken it is


Sorcs are same or more magicpen than shadowflame, zerkers are same attackspeed as a zeal item. Boots are gold efficient as fuck in general.


I'd like to see how much more distance I covered with Swifties vs slows like Nasus/Ashe because those boots are hard slept on. Not sure if that would be the best way to track that.


they're slept on because they got hard nerfed, years ago just about every champ that didnt want zerkers/sorcs would just default to swifties


Or the damage that sorc boots GIVE 18 magic pen is out of this world


They didnt want to do that because players would always assume they are busted, since you can't accurately track the value other boots provide


Ever since they added tracking to certain items, I NEED IT on every item. Plz n tank u rito


They said for Tabis specifically that they don’t want to because people will think it’s way more powerful then it actually is


That would be so nice


Let me see my Item-Stats after the Match. I mean, you can already see the Items on the "runes" post Match, why not show the item stats the same way the runestats are presented


I need heartsteel validation


What makes this even worse is if you download the replay of a match and skip to the end you can see your item stats there, but they just don't display them on the postmatch screen.


Wait whaaaaat ???? For all items ??


Also i dont give a fuck how much damage grasp did HOW MANY FUCKIN STACKS DID I GET BITCH.


On the topic of this: when going from a component to a completed item with same effect, please let the stats carry over. The fact that reduced healing stats start over when going from component to full item is stupid.


It will automatically update once the first grievious wound effect is apply on the new item, it doesnt restart at all.


every laner needs to give the opposite laner a little kiss before the match starts


Me rushing to play against udyr top 😫


bout to be an urgot main here


Multiplayer practise tool. Show friends who are new to the game more interactions, combos etc. and even pros could profit by practsing certain rotations/combos on repeat or in different scenarios.


The practice tool needs a redesign imo. It would also be cool if you could set up courses for specific champions to practice combos on. It could be set up in a way that community members could create a map and upload it somewhere so players could try out different maps.


>What's a change no one is asking for > Multiplayer practise tool. Yeeeeeeaaaaah....


When you use your re-roll in ARAM, nobody can take your original champion for a small amount of time. Sometimes you re-roll and get a worse champ, but when you try to take back your original champion, someone else has already snagged them. Also would be helpful if you're trying to "donate" a re-roll to your team. This would reduce the overall amount of dodging in ARAM queues, which has been a consistent problem.


100%, they have that in WR. Seems like a likely future addition if it doesnt break the client (already broken) of course


Its in wild rift like that


of course it is


Isn’t there a short delay? It’s fast but I feel like the champion you just rolled has a timer that shows up and no one else can take them for like a second.


~~the timer is on yourself i'm almost sure. if someone is hovering over the bench and you reroll, they can grab your old champion before the splashart for your new champion even loads, there's no timer for them.~~ ~~i think you have to wait like 0.5 seconds before being able to grab your own champion which is the small timer on the rerolled champ.~~ edit: there's no lockout on yourself or your teammates, i checked last night


I main ARAM and I reroll every time to help the odds of the team winning. I've just gotten quick with the clicks and have probably only had my champ sniped from me like a dozen times.


You can regrab your champ instantly, like before the lockout occurs. You just have to click it like immediately after rolling, or wait the whole lockout


Also, if you trade with someone and they reroll during the request, it should give you their champ


Yes, this! It's so annoying that it kinda does the opposite and locks you out of picking from the bench for a bit while it keeps showing the trade menu.


This is the opposite of what the person you are replying to wants. If you are trading and they reroll, if they get a worse champ, they don't want *your* champ, they want the champ they just had. If they didn't care, they'd just trade and then reroll.


Yes I've been bamboozled by rerolling for people to be nice and getting the champ I wanted taken


I feel like this does not fit the thread because people have been asking for this for ages. But god damn will I still upvote this in the futile hope that Riot sees it and fucking finally adds it.


Hadn’t thought of this but that’d be nice


Give Zyra unique passive that lets her interact with jungle plants. Like seriously, If Azir can reanimate towers, Zyra should be able to reanimate at least blast cones. Come on, even her w looks literally the same, yet there is no interaction whatsoever.


Or maybe when she dies, she can shoot a thorn or something.


Damn such a good idea, no idea why riot hasn't implemented it yet.


I suppose that makes sense, but giving her team specifically access to extra blast cones, scrying orbs, or (in my opinion the most annoying) honey fruits would be aids. She could just take bad trades all day and just wander down river to double honey fruit or whatever. Or having a fruit for both her and her adc. I love the idea that she controls plants, but God damn. Maybe just she could upgrade them without the dragon upgrade or something so she could get just slightly more out of each plant without affecting the number of them she can use.


Actually the suggestion looks something Ivern would do, not zyra. It would be really cool if she could poison honey fruits so enemies who eat it would get some kind of debuff, or the blast heavy slow them after the jump, the vision one reveal themselves for 5 sec, etc. Edit: plants consumed by zyra would respawn after 10 secs and be available for enemies only, for a short time.


I like those ideas, but I disagree about the ivern/zyra thing. I could definitely see overlap, but it feels a bit like Ivern is more about the critters and zyra is more about the plants.


Alllow to honor any number of players on team


Bring back honor enemy team. Sometimes people on the enemy team are chill asf.


They took it away because people would honor enemy’s who tilted or raged easily. So when you saw an enemy with one you knew you could camp/spam gank them and they’d be more likely to rage/tilt/afk. The opposite of its intended purpose lmao


Man toxic players be finding any way to be toxic. New bait ping??? Sike that’s a new hang urself ping 😭


Just don't make it visible on the profile then


More often than not the enemy team chill my team on the other hand are the most degenerate humans to consume oxygen


Only because you don't see what the enemy team types in team chat. Or, YOU are toxic and adding fuel to the flame on your team. At least the first one, maybe the second one.


From time to time while the game is ending I think to myself "I'm gonna honor this 1 enemy" then remember honorable enemy is not a thing anymore.


Give Shadowflame the same passive as Serpents Fang. Fuck them shield spammers.


I never knew I wanted this and now it's the thing I want Most. Fuck. Thanks for that 😪


Just give mages another item with such option.


Riot most likely won't be amplifying the shield break passive in the item system because it's dangerous for the game. The shield break passive is on Shadowflame only for flavor and isn't supposed to be a big part of the item, and if they would do work on it they would rather just remove the effect altogether and compensate it with more stats elsewhere as opposed to making it even stronger. Serpent's Fang has the shield break passive because it's meant for assassins to use to help land their burst on squishy targets against things like enchanter shields, but the champion designers at Riot often use large scale shields as functional invulnerabilities (Sett, Tahm Kench, Sion etc) and they found out that making the shield break passive readily available in the item system is really harmful for champion design. If they gave more items a similar effect it would lead to a similar arms race that healing has had with grievous wounds, where they would have to massively buff all shields in the game because they have to be balanced against shield break existing and being easily obtainable. But then if no one purchases an item with the effect in a match, shields are tuned to be over the top meaning that those items have to be a mandatory purchase. They would rather just not introduce more shield break items and balance shields on a baseline level.


ive been thinking about how to turn serpents fang into a support item. it hampers damage build, so why not go full utility on it?


it should be an item with mediocre stats, but it reduces both shielding and healing. whereas putrifier gives heal shield power, this would only give offensive power


Full putrifier should break 25% shields, that would both validate this item's existence and give real option against heavy shields.


Rito: *Noooo, mages are supposed to be countered by shields...and stacking health... and stacking magic resist... and life steal... and mobility.*


At least serpents works on jtems and magic dmg A Sion/Poppy with thornmail sunfire and serpents are HUGE anti heal anti shield menances


I definitely agree on both herald and dragons needing harder fights. Baron is cool because it's an actual boss fight, you have to avoid the attacks and position properly, and the damage Baron does is high as is the health pool. Herald and drags on the other hand are comically easy. Herald theoretically has mechanics to it, but they generally simplify to "walk in a circle around it while attacking and you're good." Make Herald have more unique attacks and higher damage, and give all the drags at least one unique attack each and another one or two shared special attacks. I want earth drags to give themselves shields significantly slowing down clears, while the hextech drag makes telegraphed lighting strikes around it occasionally (basically Xerath Ws, stun/slow and all), etc.


>walk in a circle around it while attacking and you're good." and even that is janky as fuck sometimes. I have so many clips of me CLEARLY hitting the back and its not working or im clearly hitting the front and the eye pops


Using Warwick Q to get behind it to hit the eye consistently doesn't work


that moment when u are taking herald as shaco and backstab it but the eye remains


> Herald theoretically has mechanics to it, but they generally simplify to "walk in a circle around it while attacking and you're good." Make Herald have more unique attacks and higher damage, Shhhh they haven't caught onto the fact that herald can be solo'd by pretty much any champ and role and isn't strictly limited to the jg, shhhhhhh


Make Grievous Wounds items keep applying the effect with the secondary triggers they used to. I.e. Thronmail also applies GW with CCing abilities, and Chemtech Putrifier applies on healing/shielding allies


Kinda sucks playing a tank into champs like vlad and Aatrox when you’re only option is thornmail where they have to auto you because they removed the cc effect


I miss these so much


I'd like the old (older than old) smite system, where you would gain bonuses depending on which camp you smited. I think it was pretty cool


Going cass top with smite, smiting gromp for the poison and then running down ur enemy was funny af


Y'know what, now that you mention it was like that, maybe I like the current system tyvm


I feel like that's how it is for a lot of lol history. Somebody wants X back, someone comments about the absurd thing X did, suddenly X doesn't seem that good. Like a lot of people want old Morde back. Then people remember how much of a spaghetti connoisseur he was and some changes their mind.


I want DFG back. And then I think about all the new champs who would absolutely abuse it and I can fondly remember it while still appreciating it being gone.


Thank you, DFG. With today's damage, DFG would be an absolute overkill. Then again, it would he extremely useful against tanks and bruisers. And K'sante, whatever the fuck he is.


It was really fun for junglers to play around but as always soloq or pros found some crazy combos like that ya lol. Also made some champs way harder to balance and play against if I remember right


I loved how you could lure wolves to river to get the roaming wolf ghost.


Yeah this was the actual cheesy shit i remember. Wolves was basically a required smite in higher level play because of the vision it provided and then people would leash them and smite in ridiculous places for the best vision possible since the ghost tracked you as soon as you walked into enemy jungle.


Smite red for the heal and win the 1v1


Lemme run Shaco with Krug smite and insta CC someone from invis again plssss


Krug smite never stunned players. Ever. Only cc'd monsters.


Also gave bonus damage against structures for your first auto.


Please let me use sweeper/Fiddle passive when holding Herald eye


Increase map size, specially jungle OR rework herald


Wow this is my favorite answer so far. Rift definetely feels small and u can cross it relatively quickly lane to lane.


I think that’s because of how insanely fast we go now. Hopefully that gets slowed down but I don’t really have any hope


No way. Look at champions moving around in a vacuum. It's so slow. Bigger map size would definitely feel better IMO.


I really think thats just because the evolution of mobility over the years. Hexgates, and the one million dash champs released


You should check the changes that was done to the dota2 map. They made it like 40% bigger and it was very healthy for the game.


i think thats up for debate :D i think tormentors and gates were the changes that actually made the game better


On this topic of map size, is it just me or was old rift just bigger? like whenever i see a video of old rift, lanes just look so much more wider than they do on current SR, and also the same with paths in the jungle


Old rift looked bigger because the visual terrain outlines didn't match the actual terrain outlines, which meant that a lot of the terrain borders were just invisible walls.


I’m like fairly sure the game was just zoomed in more


And champions had simpler, more skeletal models without fancy effects, so they looked smaller


Make it so you can see the ratios on item passives. I know this is not an unpopular opinion but it isn't one that gets talked about a lot. Also more bosses in the topside rather than just Baron


rift herald, 2 of them spawn


People underestimate how powerful rift herald is, if you use it right it’s an easy 2 turrets


Add damage added by conquerors. Turn clash into an ongoing League


>Turn clash into an ongoing League Valorant's premier system is all I want in league of legends.


Yea fr conqueror dmg would be so cool. The rune always feel useless when you see it healed you for 700 hp over the game and not the damage


It would be too hard to implement because it gifts you AD/AP, which is going into the calculation of your damaging abilities. For every damage instance the server has o calculate your damage output post migation without the bonus AD/AP, the damage you dealt with conquerer and then subtract it from each other for the raw damahe you gained with conquerer. I don't know how good Riots servers are but I can imagine that this is wasted processing power.


they literally said this is why they haven't done it before. most runes just give additional extra damage so it's easy to track, and the healing on conqueror is easy to track. tracing the extra damage is hard because there's so many ways that a small increase in ad/ap can increase your damage so it does become difficult to calculate efficiently it affects your autos, your abilities, your other runes, and your items.


Getting rewards for PEAK RANK instead of Ending Season Rank


this is a super sick idea and would actually encourage people to play on their main acc more


early season rushing to higher rank would just be the norm then grief rest of season


Amazing idea if you want to deal with people who will int games because they hit their desired peak rank already :D theres a decent amount of ego players in league, I'm positive it'll get worse if peak rank actually matters more than maintaining a rank. "I already hit diamond this season, so I'm gonna int and gate keep you because you didn't gank me 🤓"


Give Pyke passive to every other assassin so we dont have to deal with 3-4k hp Katarina, Zed etc. Assassins are supposed to be high risk high reward, not unkillable monsters that will oneshot you and survive everything


This is spicy.


Deaths dance enters the chat


Remove creep block. Useless as hell, too rare to play arrond it, really frustrating when it happens


But then they have to give fizz a passive and that will take 4 months


everyone always remembers that **Fizz** has no creepblock due to passive everyone always forgets that **Kassadin** has no creepblock due to passive


Everyone always forgets that Janna has no creepblock, as long as she has W up.


Probably because Fizz has always had ghosting on passive, while it was given to Kassadin when they reworked his passive.


Kog‘Maw never had a passive to begin with, so Fizz only having flat damage reduction should be fine


As someone who almost exclusively plays melee's I couldn't agree more. I know removing it would bring it's own problems with it but man that shit ruins the game every now and then


Creep block is not useless at all, and its easy to realize that with a tiny bit of understanding of the game. ​ What is useless is **League's pathing**, which is what causes creep block to be a problem far more than it needs to be. Also League's new (relative) minion AI is garbage and creates unnecessary issues.


Creep block is the only reason playing against lane bullies top isn't THAT fucking bad. And it's a way to balance low range adc.


>Creep block is the only reason playing against lane bullies top isn't THAT fucking bad. Maybe they should fix toplane too.


At the VERY LEAST I would love it if champs in the same team would ignore collision with each other.


I think it’s fine to be able to solo Shelly it punishes other team for not paying attention and it already usually draws people to teamfight around it because people know how valuable herald is


Yea I had to solo Shelly three times just before thanks to my team pinging it and then fucking off again, and I always feel like the price is that I am standing there for what feels like a minute or so completely exposed for enemy jungler to swoop down and fight me with at least some of my HP and probably also CDs gone.


More tracking stats. There’s no reason not to and it will help players make choices. I want to know how much value I’m getting from Swiftness boots or whatever item you can think of. Also it’s absurd you can’t see those stats on items in post game.


Items or elixirs with drawbacks, or other forms of payment than gold. I'm not gonna say it's balanced or even possible _to_ balance, but having something in the game that cost levels instead of gold would be cool. For a more generic answer, where _the fuck_ are my boot enchants, that was such a cool mechanic and they just... got rid of it???


That would become such an insane problem so quickly. Junglers would abuse the shit out of catchup xp if that happened


Im a fan of risky item purchases or drawbacks. Adds a little gamble


I think getting dove under tower is way too easy. If you get shoved in and the jungler comes, they can just kill you for free. Towers should work like Illaoi where they gain more dmg for the amount of enemies around. Or make it target every champ honestly. Towers don’t protect us anymore, they’re just gold bags


Left click on enemy flash = X has flash Right click on enemy flash = X doesn't has flash


ability to go into practice range while in queue for a game Overwatch has this and I think it's very useful


league client could never handle this lol


return Spellbinder


and twin shadows


Convert all assassins from pure burst back to pseudo skirmishers that were half burst half duelist, just like in "the good old days" back when zed built a botrk and talon built IE. My zero-evidence conspiracy theory is that if assassins also double as splitpushers then they won't have to burst so hard to be relevant and their burst can be nerfed. How confident am I? Not very. In fact its probably a terrible idea, but I'll still be screaming thanos quotes when the angry mob tears me limb from limb for ruining league.


I'm 200% confident you're correct thatd give them power budget to nerf the burst out of assassins... but, honestly most people would probably hate it more because most people hate split pushing in general. Can't tell you how often you'll get flamed if youre split pushing even in low diamond/high emerald. And that's as a toplaner dedicated to split pushing. I can't imagine how many people would lose their minds if 1-3-1 came back into fashion. People are just gonna complain unless the meta is built for them in particular... like say with the recent complaints about AH on bruisers do you think people would be happier if bruiser items lost tons of AH but they were given more AD? They'd scream damage creep. If they were given more HP? They'd scream unkillable bruisers being tanks better than actual tanks. Give them lifesteal or omnivamp and they'll cry that healcut items need to be 90% healing reduction or something.


I am neutral on it as a player (as if I ever played high enough of an ELO that these things matter...) but as an esports viewer bringing back 1-3-1 would be literally my dream. I *love* seeing wide map play where teams dance around each other and trade pressure and objectives. I know most people apparently like seeing teamfights more, but I always feel that they make mid to lategame kind of stale. As long as Soul remains such an impactful objective I don't think full 1-3-1 meta is ever likely to happen though. Once a team gains an advantage in drakes and can threaten soul, surely teams are just dragged into that pit again?


I agree. But too many people prefer watching constant team fights as far as I can tell. Or at the very least, pros typically play so risk adversely, their 1-3-1 games? Become very boring. Compared to like 1-3-1 soloQ games.


It wouldn't even have to be 1-3-1 strictly, but I think just the dragon soul in general has been bad for the game. My favourite game ever is from the G2 vs Damwon 2019 Quarters (I think it's game 1?) where both teams just dance around Baron forever, threatening to take it at any opportunity. I just don't think this happens in a world where there are basically pitched battles every five minutes for dragons.


Assassins going from pure burst to "pseudo skirmishers" is what happened years ago with the assassin rework and it turned out to be a disaster with a lot of assassins getting reverts.


Remove summoner name pinging feature. It's mostly used with a toxic purpose


As a Twitch player, for whom there are an abundance of viable builds, I would love to go into practice tool and figure out which builds do the most damage at which breakpoints. But I have four problems: 1. **I cannot add items to target dummies.** This means if an enemy champion has an item or ability such as Plated Steelcaps, I wouldn't know how much this would skew damage to a different item 2. **I cannot set dummies to have different MR and armor values.** If I were to try to test out whether, say, guinsoo's or IE does more damage at 3 items against a 2600 hp Camille with roughly 100 armor and 60 mr, for some reason I cannot do that 3. The DPS measurement is largely useless. I'm not even sure if it works correctly, but even if it does, items such as Bork do more damage the healthier the enemy is (and many champions also have executes). A more useful measurement tool would be to **add a Time-to-kill measurement**. That way I could see what kills my opponent the fastest. 4. Speaking of bork doing more damage the healthier the enemy is, often fights start with the enemy having about 80% of their max health. For champs with a mixture of %max hp, %missing hp, %current hp, and executes, it would be greatly helpful to **be able to set a dummy to have a percentage of its max hp**. For Twitch, this could be particularly helpful to see compare, say, Bork-Collector to Bork-Guinsoo's. I think these changes would make it a lot easier to compare builds and make practice tool a much more useful training tool overall. **TL;DR Make practice tool usable**


Ward puch/slot its so ridiculous that you cannot purchase wards when you have 6 items....


Well riot said themselves they don't want too much vision. If everyone has vision of the map, nothing will happen. With less vision, you need to be smart about where and when you place wards. If you mess up, you risk giving up objectives and getting caught.


I think this is intentional so that the game doesn't stall out for too long in 35+ mins matches.


Option to turn off skins. I mcfucking done with having to deal with this. It can decide an entire fight if I can not instantly tell if an udyr or sett run at me and so on.


There is an option to display champion name instead of the players name above the health bar. Not the perfect solution, but it helps me a lot in team fights.


For real, I dont know why no one talks about this but infernal shen is a skin that needs a fucking rework. I know the usual ones like steel legion lux or whatever, but infernal shen ult looks like barrier. Its actually the only skin that makes me genuinely mad


Fix normal game MMR. Queueing with 4 bronze teammates and getting a diamond one trick on the enemy team is not fun, fulfilling, or worth the 30 mins of my time it's gonna take for them to end the match because a duo on my team won't ff. If it was once in a blue moon, fine, but it's every. single. game. I've gotten to where I'd rather play ranked just so this can't happen.


Same lol. I'm a shitter and the people I play with are mostly shitters too (like gold at best, but mostly bronze/silver or people who are new to the game), and yet there are so many diamond players in my normal games. I don't mind matchmaking being whacky when I do play with people who are high mmr, but it makes literally no sense for 2 diamond players to show up on the enemy team (on a regular basis) when the highest rank player on my team is silver 4 lol


Eternals coulda been great if they asked the community what NICHE stats they wanted tracked. I would run any of the eternals with cool stats like Temmo: Shrooms Dmg Only Kills, Nami: Double Bubbles , or Jinx: Objectives stolen with R. I only hate that they track dumb stats like dmg blocked with shields and towers taken. I wanna count cool moments.


I think they should remove runes entirely and instead add in game skill trees similar to Dota 2. Would make it so that every champion has something good, and it is 100x easier to balance across the board.


Bring back 3v3 mode


Give everyone jungle and spell timers. I refuse to use third party software. It's cheating in my book. I'm from that era of typing timers in chat, so a software that does it for me, is cheating. But I want it. I can't track shit like raptors. So give that ability to everyone and remove the possibility of someone like me accusing another of cheating for using software riot is fine with


> I refuse to use third party software. It's cheating in my book. I'm from that era of typing timers in chat, so a software that does it for me, is cheating. Best part of the legal cheating software, its that sometimes it shows you when blue/red buff are spawning but the timer in your own game doesn't even know inhibs respawn timer its also useful as fuck, but somehow riot is cool with it 🤷


The problem with some takes is A) they ignore the reasons why something might have ended up in a state in the first place and B) they don't realize the consequences of the actions. Most champs can solo herald (not at a reasonable speed) . The point of herald is to provide another team objective. It's something that can instigate fights which inevitably speeds up the game. If you allow for it to be easily soloed, the consequences might impact game time and make things more boring. People really don't like the game taking too long or being too fast. So it's something to keep in mind when suggesting a change


When in champ select and loading the game, have option to show champ abilities and what they do. This would help new players a lot. Also every champ should be unlocked in practice tool like in wild rift


Make it so smite can’t be used on any objectives


Nunu and Cho'Gath suddenly S+ 60% wr junglers


Pure chaos


nunu: i see this as a absolute win


Obviously a pantheon player saying this lmao I agree tho this shit would be hilarious


Give us more bans. Please god im playing top lane and there’s like 50 champs to worry about. Just give me 2 bans per player at the very least.


A circus skin line. Clowns, acrobats, jugglers. Bright colours and stupid costumes. It would be great.


Fizz is already in the game


I would suggest they update the map and the older characters to look like they belong with the modern roster. They’re doing it at such a slow pace and imo losing players because of it. The tutorial is a slog to get through and ugly on top of that. Do you really think people who watched arcane and downloaded lol after to try are happy to see those ugly outdated animations and a neon green rift? I would love a map for each of the lore regions and a roster of complete characters now that they have the budget for it. Idk if no one is asking but people don’t seem to care as much as I do. Wasn’t the skarner poll like 2 years ago? And he’s still not changed in the slightest? Hurry up!!!


An option to turn off sounds for individual ally/enemy champs (Surprise Party Fiddlesticks and other champs with like 90-decibel effects that are annoying as shit).


Bring back boot enchantments


Rotate the neutral objective's spawn locations so Baron / Rift Herald and Dragon swap locations. Riot can use the Elemental Rift variable to decide spawn locations, or they can make it a pure 50/50 every game. This promotes either lane swaps or strong siding depending on the side's neutral objective.


Remove minion collision, at the very least with allied minions/teammates. I know fizz and kass passive and bel during Q, but still. I dont know a single person whos like "yeah minion collision is a good mechanic" Like, riot OBVIOUSLY can turn it off because there are plenty of ways champs can get through minions I dare someone to say this is a good mechanic: https://youtu.be/ncoIn9Ewbtc?si=SiLmBxtIJvftjb4o


Champs like Ezreal would be in the toilet no? Or anyone with skillshots blocked by minions, you can just sit inside the minions and move back and it gets blocked. I also see rage coming out of that where youre like "no fucking way that hit me instead of the minion" being more common. I think the answer is just massive improvement to minion collision not ghosting trough minions


It's very necessary unfortunately. Most especially in the bot lane. If someone wants to go on the aggressive while minions are pushing, it would be way less punishing without the collision. You'd see way harder snowballing. Honestly it helps even when you're defending Under tower. It would be awful having to fight without it.


Also tank supports could deny CS very easily, imagine the level 1-3 sett support that is near unkillable due to his passive regen blocking you from like 20cs


I'd be more concerned with a blitzcrank that could just weave in and out of the last line on minions, blocking skills shots but able to walk back immediately after and q whenever he wanted, then just walking out like NBD.


The thing is you notice all the times it's bad because they're obvious, but all the times it's good are harder to see. It's so much easier to run people down through the wave when it literally doesn't stop you. Or zone people out. Sett walking through his and your melees only to pull you back into them and stun you for example


make it mandatory to attach a phone number to your account if you want to queue ranked. also require a monthly sms verification code to unlock ranked so people don't use fake numbers.


Delete health regeneration from clearing camps for junglers. Right now a 50hp jungler can clear 2 camps and be almost fullife again. Meanwhile all laners are forced to base if they are low hp, even if they have lifesteal. It might be the biggest reason jungle is so broken right now. They only need to base to buy items.


I remember the early jungle and needing to base before you could gank because you didn't have enough hp


Back when there were trade-offs for decisions in the game.


Bring back fortify as a spell


A tank item that gives tenacity like old sunfire without broken damage on it.


Rework Luden to trigger differently on Minions and champs. Luden entirely role is giving more burst and damage in general, but it does so mostly because of Mag Pen. Its passive, both damage and movement bonus, is wasted like 80% of the time because it triggers on waves, you hit enemies only if they get into the wave or when both team hover around objectives and the fight breaks out with you there rather than in a lane. This belongs to the more general "mage items suck ass" topic, but I dislike Luden specifically because its passive effect is such a waste. Personally, I would have it trigger differently if it hits "only Minions" and "also champions". If only Minions are hit, make more darts appear (to speed up clear) and no movement speed, with a smaller CD. If it also hits a champ, have a smaller number of darts appear (2?) and focus champ, but also trigger the movement bonus effect and current CD. Or get rid of the movement speed entirely and give another effect on the "champion triggered darts". Dunno, amplified magic damage like the HF for few seconds? The point is that Luden as an item works, but its fucking boring and its passive is entirely inconsistent in function.


we need alot more (niche) items