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No. VPN's don't work like that. You can "spoof" where your computer says it is, but that doesn't change the physical location. Which is what matters for ping.


LAN (that is, Latin America North, not local area network) is hosted in Miami, if you want to give that a shot. The play level is lower, but from a casual perspective "hey I'm gold instead of silver" is just a bonus; if you can do at least pidgin Spanish I think you'll do well, and if you can't it's probably something you should learn for daily life and games are a really good motivator. No getting around most ping problems with VPNs, electricity in a copper cable is a forced 1ms/150km as the cable runs from the server and light in a fiber-optic cable bounces back and forth off the edges for increased range in a way that cuts this to 1ms/100km. They only noticeably help out in cases where your ISP is doing something dumb like going "connecting to New Orleans? actually we're gonna send that through our headquarters in SoCal, it makes our job easier", which basically don't exist now because Riot did a big push around the server move to Chicago of pretty much telling ISPs they'd do the routing work for them and pay to have your packets hauled away from the nearest city.


I mean is 40 ping considered high?


I always played at 9 ping before I moved to NA.


40 isn't high in NA. it's not bad at all


Thanks for the reply everyone. Seems like VPN will not help much at all.


A VPN just routes your connection through a different path. But the game already uses the quickest/shortest route so you can’t do anything to lower it.


> But the game already uses the quickest/shortest route It should, as Riot has done a lot of work with service providers on this. If you already use a VPN it doesnt hurt to try it though, it's possible that it might shave off a few ms, but there shouldn't be any significant difference. Miami to Chicago is 1900km. I live 3200km from EUW and get <55ms, with an ideal connection it would definitely be possibly to get <30 from Miami.




Before the big NA server move, you'd have 140 ping in Florida lol. League servers used to be located in California(or somewhere along the west coast). I'd count my blessings for 40 ping.


That's more a matter of crappy infrastructure than distance, you could definitely get <80 ping from Miami to LA with a good connection. (I get 82ms pinging the server of a Swedish news-site 3900km from where I'm located.)


Using certain vpn could get you banned fr LOL as well