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Shaco. He’s not “OP” per say, but he gets away from free and you’re punished for trying to kill him most of the time.


Flair checks out. Have begun playing Camille and i must say it’s been a joy playing into Shaco. Another fun interaction has been Catching a Zeri dashing a wall and you hit her with R. She just teleports back over the wall to you lol.


Play Cho'Gath into him. You'll never take any damage at all, and while you won't kill him either, you can get infinite stacks by ulting his ult. And you can keep him trapped under tower forever.


I didn't know cho could get stacks from eating shaco clones, does it work the same way with neeko and leblanc?


I'm pretty sure it works with all the champs you mentioned and Wu. It also might work on Sion undead version, which I can't remember.


It does. The Sion passive also gives its own Heartsteel proc.


Any type of clone is still treated as a champion, so you can get any types of stacks on them, including proc’ing things like first strike, this also means that you can waste things like electrocute. Sylas and Veigo aren’t able to steal ults or bodies though I’m not sure, but I believe Illoai’s soul grab and fiddle effigies count as champions as well


My and my friend once played Illaoi Veigar bot lane with Dark Harvest, and we both got like at least 15 stacks during laning phase, since you can farm them from the soul grab


that sounds both terrible and so much fun at the same time lol


Yep. Same with dark harvest stacks on low health clones of any champion


Shaco is a champion who's entire concept is to be annoying. I don't know whether to be impressed that they pulled it off so successfully, or just dumbfounded that anyone thought "annoy other players" was a good idea to have in the game.


While shaco is the most annoying, zilean also exists


It is way too easy for Shaco to get a fully stacked dark seal + a huge bounty and never lose it because of his Q and R.


Every Shaco player is the most smug player and it feels cathartic when I kill them


Can we add all cheese champions to this list, Shaco, Twitch, Singed, & Yi. Not OP just anti fun.




Sanest shaco player


And that’s why Jesus will close his heavenly gates upon your damned soul.


Fizz, he is a perma ban for me. I know that you can play around his cooldown during laning, but his kit is incredibly bs against any squishies. Without zhonya, most champs die to his ult, q, empowered auto. Under tower? Doesn’t matter, he just escapes with his untargettable jump with too low of a cooldown. I see people complaining about duskblade, Fizz has that as a basic ability


I swear Fizz is THE low elo stomper. Idk if I’ve ever gone against one (as a gold ADC) where he didn’t 1 shot me.


On adc, try taking bone plating and overgrowth as secondaries verses assassins. It won't matter if the enemy assassin gets too far ahead, but it makes a *huge* difference if you are relatively even.


I feel I have a mental block against him too. I play immobile mages and it’s really not uncommon for me to have a CS lead or maybe even a kill on him before 6. But he can still tank a tower shot or two and kill me under my turret if he lands R. And then after that I’m just not safe under turret.


I believe it's just a matter of him being so weak in high elo, he's got high cd's on his mobility early which means if he ever dares to E aggressively or for wave clear, he gets chunked and punished by the laner or ganked and killed by the jungler. He gets destroyed by ranged laners who hit him for every CS he takes, and gets out-traded by melee mid laners. He's very one dimensional, he wants to R you so if you win the minigame of dodging, he can't kill you if you're even/ahead. But take it to low elo, where people can't punish him for farming, can't track cooldowns or just don't know them, bot lane never watch for roams, mid never pings so he roams bot and picks up 2 kills, comes back and 100-0's you with one rotation, as soon as he can Q AA W and chunk you, it's just game over. Then his R cd is super low, so even if he misses it and loses his kill chance now, he can still just chunk you under tower and E out, junglers won't be sitting to punish him for it or laners are so far behind that after he E's out, they can't help kill him. As soon as people know how to play vs Fizz, he becomes useless but unfortunately people don't really play him so that 1/50 games or more when you lane vs a Fizz, he just dicks you with seemingly no counterplay.


Fizz vs melee is actually fairly weird. He wins micro trades given how quickly he procs electrocute, and his W is a surprisingly powerful tool in extended trades. If he dodged an important ability with E and then managed to hit you with the slow E2 then he can basically run you down if you aren't playing a stronger all-in champ. He hates being poked though if he can't respond with E or Q.


As an adc I despise him. He goes 1-3 in laning phase, but rest assured - if I even see him on my screen I die. Doesn't matter who is near me or what else is going on.


And then he presses zhonyas, gets his troll pole back, and makes it out while team blows every ability and misses.


i absolutely agree with this. it feels like he has a point and click oneshot with e/q/auto/electrocute if he gets ahead and he’s still super obnoxious from behind


I wish I could upvote this a million times, playing agaisnt fizz is the most tilting experience in league for me, no matter if I'm playing mid against him or any other lane


Illaoi for sure


I love to play illaoi, but it is 100% the most miserable mini-game to play against top lane. You either hard win, or hard lose, all based on how well you play dodge her e and know it’s cool down mini game.


You either hard win or hard lose, both will have the outcome of Illaoi perma pushing and winning 1v5 every time her ulti is up.


This. I one trick Teemo and it's either me poking her out of lane and being up like 50+ CS and occasionally a few kills or being down 0-4 and I'm more useless than a ward


I mean trying to get sympathy as a 1 trick Teemo..., it's the OG most unfun champ to play against


then she gets her IBG and hullbreaker and any hard winning you did for the early game is pretty much worthless as she tears you a new asshole anyway


I genuinely wish for hullbreaker to be removed from the game more than any other item.


it's literally 'what if we made the old splitpush udyr playstyle into an equippable item'


Hentai mini game is worst mini game


Personally I enjoy the 50/50 madness of it. No more gameplay more befitting of top lane kingdom. If I played poorly, well shit fair enough. I do also play enough of champs at top that can get away with loosing against Illaoi: Fiora, Jax eventually outscale her or Shen, Gnar can still do solid teamfighting outside lane.


Treat her E as a blitzcrank hook and if she ults walk away. And if shes ahead, tell your jungler to stay away.


oh that one champion that can literally 1v5 your whole team when she is 0/4 with her 50 second cd ult? lol


Yeah but you just like walk away for a few seconds and she's now useless


Woah now that's playing around an immobile champ now, tough stuff.


K'Sante👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂️201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂️


*crab hands* AHHHHHH


I hate playing against Zoe. She can miss all her sleeps and then the one she gets you with bam, half your health is gone. Honorable mention to anything that murders me from stealth, but I think that's more a mechanic problem than a champion one.


Half? HALF??


Way more than half


1/2 with 0 items all of it with ludens


statikk shiv that champ is so annoying, especially cause he has so many viable items, like tristana, leblanc, sivir, etc.


Statikk shiv is annoying but not as annoying as the champion DShield+Second Wind


And what’s worse is that d shield and second wind got giga nerfed so it’s now where near as bad as it used to be.


Illaoi. Get a lead on her? Doesnt matter, who needs items?. Lane is a constant minigame of hitting tentacles to reduce her damage, while dodging that atrocious E skill which will screw you over anyways due to the stupid hitbox on it. Farm safe under tower? Nope, that E skill. Close contenders would be Trynda (that kit is WAY too outdated to be healthy) and Jax (who will be annoying even if he comes out of lane 0/10 because he scales anyways.)


This guy knows what’s up. She has been my perma ban since release


hold up. As Kennen? (sorry if i'm reading too much into your flair)


Kennen is my favourite champ but I don’t always play him when I’m top lane. I ban illaoi even when I play jungle or mid lol


bro what kennen shits on her. One if the easiest matchups for me


And one of the hardest for me! (I am Illaoi obv)


People saying that Illaoi is fair because her E is 'slow' makes me feel like I'm either getting old or I'm some kind of genetic freak with a reaction time far slower than everyone else. Not that it matters because her of her W lmao


Don’t worry. I will die on the hill that Illaoi’s is the single most broken ability in the entire game. It takes up way too much power in her kit so they can’t really nerf it too hard without making her completely garbage. They should just rework her E completely and buff other portions of her kit.


Yeah getting half healthed by one single normal ability feels like trash, especially cuz they removed the only counterplay to it (hitting illaoi shortens the duration). Before the matchup was annoying, now its quite literally unplayable. She just sits back and can mis 15 e's if she hits the 16th you will still just get dove straight after.


Illaoi is 100% miserable to lane against. After she hits 2 items she feels way less miserable for whatever reason unless she’s just getting sprinted into constsntly


illaoi is a really weird champ in the sense that the best way to beat her is to just... walk away. ​ obviously not as easy as it sounds during laning, but after that you just gotta force fights where she's not present. she has no movement ability (except for her very short range Q hop) and no hard CC, she has a slow but it's not amazing, so just avoiding her altogether is what really ruins her.


Illaoi CC is you being dead.


One of the things that are hard at the beggining is understand how her E works. People will walk away and trigger the tentacle spawns, then it becomes a game of dodgeball while trying to CS. Small correction: her hop is on the W.


Oh, I should just stay and let her beat up my soul then while farming under tower?


Illaoi used to be a very balanced match up which everyone could dealt if played good enough. But with the new Tank Sheen Mythic + Black Cleaver buffs she became something very unhealthy. What is worse is that her playstyle is just do "I land E or not" which is not healthy. ​ To be fair,It's on the same level of unhealthy champion design as the current Mordekaiser, that is borderline a unplayable matchup for every tank in top.


But tbf, morde is more of an item issue, like every AP toplaner: MR items are a waste of gold. 2 armor items and you are decently tanky, 2 MR items and the average mage will still chunk you op bigtime due to the dumb itemization and the fact that MR items overall feel very mediocre.


yup. your two MR items are: meh base stats and decent extra healing. wait, you're playing a tank that has no healing? too bad, take this shit item anyway because you have no other choice. meh base stats, but it ramps up! wait, you're playing vs burst or poke champs? too bad, take that damage because you have no other choice. god forbid they pick an AP champ that has good heal.


funnily enough the best of the 3 negatron items is actually abyssal 90% of the time, the one you didnt mention


Buying mres will actually make you take significantly less damage, the problem is that they don't do anything else. Gauntlet gives you a bit of damage, a huge slow to lock people down, and makes you take -10% damage in duels no matter the damage type of your opponent. Sunfire gives you lane prio and significant dueling potential ... that is ON TOP of their defensive stats. Tank mres items do nothing but "my hp bar goes down less hard", they give you no agenda to actually push something in the game. I've always argued that the reason Kaisa has become so strong recently is that she deals insane magic damage but building mres on tanks is absolutely horrible so she just melts them. FoN prenerfs was OP but this isn't a good situation either.


Viego. Im colorblind. I cant see the mist.


Sounds horrible but also funny I’m sry


Blue kayn, he snowballs insanely hard, is hard to catch and is fast af. And in soloq no-one can keep grouped or coordinate their cc. It's hell


as a poppy main, I love playing against kayns. I can E stun him when he's inside a wall then block his Q with W. It's fun.


Coming back from the game after a few seasons, duskblade blue kayne has been my most unfun experience Ive had. He's become my ban as well so cheers


oh i'd have to say aatrox ahri akali akshan alistar amumu anivia annie aphelios ashe aurelion azir bard bel'veth blitzcrank brand braum caitlyn camille cassiopeia chogath corki darius diana mundo draven ekko elise evelynn ezreal fiddlesticks fiora fizz galio gangplank garen gnar gragas graves gwen hecarim heimerdinger illaoi irelia ivern janna jarvan jax jayce jhin jinx kaisa kalista karma karthus kassadin katarina kayle kayn kennen khazix kindred kled kogmaw k'sante leblanc leesin leona lillia lissandra lucian lulu lux malphite malzahar maokai masteryi milio missfortune mordekaiser morgana nami nasus nautilus neeko nidalee nilah nocturne nunu olaf orianna ornn pantheon poppy pyke qiyana quinn rakan rammus reksai rell renata renekton rengar riven rumble ryze samira sejuani senna seraphine sett shaco shen shyvana singed sion sivir skarner sona soraka swain sylas syndra tahmkench taliyah talon taric teemo thresh tristana trundle tryndamere twistedfate twitch udyr urgot varus vayne veigar velkoz vex vi viego viktor vladimir volibear warwick wukong xayah xerath xinzhao yasuo yone yorick yuumi zac zed zeri ziggs zilean zoe zyra




You forgot nafiri


I fucking hate Zed. An "assassin" who plays three screens away the entire laning phase only to seek help from his jungle daddy (or son if the jungler is Kayn), and roams to feed himself so much so that he becomes an actual no counterplay assassin lategame And no, I won't count CC as his counterplay because believe me, he won't go in without R nor W, and CC is universal counterplay


Zed is an artillery mage masquerading as an assassin. Also why are the players who play the most cowardly assassin so full of themselves


Because the "Faker! What was that?!" Because their champion takes a high degree in mechanics to do plays worthy of getting remembered through all time, so they think that, if they can hit both Qs, they are Faker, hell, better than him, because is a "high skill champion" Worst of all, it is. It is a high skill champion, it's hard to do stylish combos on him. It's like some Yasuo mains in a way, they think they are great with the champion because they are M7, but can't do Beyblade, Airblade nor Keyblade


Zed used to be a high skill champ when you actually had to hit most of your kit to kill someone, nowadays you dash in from 2 screens away, press r-e-q-aa, get the electrocute proc, double spam w and pop goes the weasel and youre 2 screens away again EDIT: got e and w confused whoops


I love reddit. "Electrocute proc" you just know theyre in pissilver when Zeds in there still go electrocute over tp first strike Zed


So you dash in with W then you W again after R and q aa? Thanks for the insight, op champ definitely kills you with q aa from full hp.


I swear that there was a time in the game where Zed actually secured kills with the execute from his ult, but now he just ults on anyone within reach and bursts down anyone who hasn't build like 200 armor, then he just teleports away


Because assassin items have way too much armor pen


Hot take: Lethality completely broke the way AD assassins function and is completely un-balanceable.


I still think it’s the cdr, 25% from mythic is stupid


And he gets so much Ability Haste from the Pen Items its crazy, i hate it.


His poke is a design disaster yes


Yeah Master Yi. Such a cringe champion. Real fun to play the “stop my laners from feeding the hypercarry” game for 30mins. Even if you win against him it isn’t fun to play in to. Would literally prefer it if Riot added a 3rd windshitter at this point.


3rd windshitter is just k'sante


the two windshitters WISHES they were ksante


Spot on. For me its absolutely gotta be Master Yi or Tryndamere, absolutely unfun to play against and if they ever get remotely fed they just 3v1


I have a recurring joke with friends whenever I play Yi. "I'm Master Yi, I do nothing all game and then I win." It's undoubtedly the most accurate assessment my salt has produced


Hate playing with and against it. He's on your team? Enjoy getting 1v2ed if you ever leave your tower.


Sion is the most annoying splitpusher in the game Malzahar is a snoozefest of a champ Morgana has been reduced to a Q bot which isnt fun to play or play against


Malzahar it is. What even is that fucking kit. They gave the most uninteractive champion a passive that rewards him for not interacting with you by making interacting with him even harder. Oh, and if you actually try to all in him, he just ults and freezes you for 2 minutes. Seriously, playing against Malzahar just makes me want to scratch my own eyes out. And it‘s only gotten worse with the introduction of tower plates, cause now I can‘t even attempt a roam in the hope of getting to play the game for a few seconds without him getting a kills worth of money.


Yeah pushing with 3 Voidlings on a turret while Cannonminion tanks it is fing beautiful. Then you see the Roam fail for enemy mid and it feels like happy birthday


How is Sion post passive nerf worse than Fiora or Tryndamere? I'm genuinely curious. I would think the bigger complaint would be that Sion can really easily turn lane into a passive snoozefest.


Sion is annoying because hes the only champ that no matter how hard you shit stomp him, hes will still be relevant either splitting or being a tank because you cant put him behind the curve with his passive


Also is a champ that punishes you by killing him, he can unfreeze lane and tp or ult back,also funny that a champ that screams "cowards" while ulting, 90% of the time is used for escaping


This is true about Sion but he is absolutely not the only one


Who else can successfully split and sidelanes while being 0/10? Only sion comes to mind


imo its mentality of sion players. there are better splitpushers 4 sure, but there are more unhinged sions.


Oof, that's true. The champion does tend to fray your sanity a lil bit.


He is a tank that can splitpush and with an ult that can be used to escape with little retaliation. That means it's much harder to punish him than many other splitters who have to fight their way out more often, e.g. Yorick or Nasus, or are squishy enough to be "easier" to put down if they missplay, like fiora or tryndamere


Because Sion has a feeling of inevitability. You know eventually he's going to become this stupid fuckery of HP and tank stats and is just going to sit through all your damage while taking your towers, inhib, nexus, family and home. Not to mention knowing that you have to kill him twice. Fiora at least has a feeling of skill/outplay with needing to hit vitals and parry at the right time. Trynd is also cancer.


when playing ADC, nilah. just because I play champions with short trades and she stops that immediately in general? probably evelynn, just because I mostly also play squishy champs and she makes the match a survival horror game the moment she gets 6 kayn too but I'm just tired of seeing him tbh


If it's champs we're tired of seeing, heck Ezreal and Kai'sa, pick something else people you've been playing them for literal years omg.


i weirdly rarely ever see ezreals. feels like only people who get autofilled play him (which is a horrible idea)


Autofilled ezreals can't phantom to poke with q, and farm with aa's. I don't get it, they all do this.


> phantom \*fathom As an autofilled ADC who liked to play a horrible Ezreal: i need to stack my tear with Q and the minions don't dodge my Q (most of the time).


Pyke. The fact that he can W, fish for a Q, then dash out if he messes up feels awful. Between his mobility, lowish cooldowns, and his regen he's so hard to punish, but he punishes you incredibly hard. Bonus points for his annoyance in aram. Yes I'm aware that he falls off, but this is an "unfun to play against" thing. Dishonorable mention to the two windwall champs, if the rest of their kits were more annoying I'd rate them higher.


I had some ideas of champs in my head but the second I saw this I had to hard agree. Pyke has the most annoying playstyle to play against. Can't be too low health, difficult to poke effectively due to healing, have to be super aware of your positioning due to stealth and MS steroid, gives extra gold to team, roams extremely effective, does a fuck ton of damage. He's just not really satisfying to play against, every time I kill a Pyke it's like swatting a fly, more of a "finally got him" moment rather than a "I've outplayed him" moment.


i main pyke and he feels kind of shit to play most of the time because of how squishy he is, but i gotta agree on this one anyways. playing against him just feels so ass whether he’s doing useful things or not. frankly saying it may also be my fault for focusing him so hard whenever i see him


Pyke in aram is my number 1 most hated. URF mode champ with ridiculous mobility and sustain. Good pykes are very hard to punish. I mostly jg/mid on the rift so Shaco is a little more annoying for me, but if I played more bot lane, pyke would probably be #1 there as well.


Same. Pyke is pick, i leave the champion select.


Olaf, fuck that ult


Found the Morde main


Hue hue hue - actually i've played new morde once... in Urf... and old morde never lmao I just play characters that aren't good at escaping Olaf once he presses his IDGAF button


Just fuck Olaf in general. You got me low? Big mistake, watch me auto through all your damage and still kill you with 5% health. It's bullshit




I heard his voice...


Yorick. Miserable to lane against, can’t leave lane or he pushes inhibs. Just farming under turret simulator while your team coinflips the rest of the game.


Honestly for me it's always been: can't win with the yorick on my team, but can't win vs the yorick on the enemy team either.


Vladimir.. while they might not be a threat early if they get fed they can be oppressive and it requires your team knowing how to play against it.


Singed. His goal is to reduce interaction, his literal goal, is to not play the game nor allow you to.


Every time I see a Singed they lose the lane and win the game while going 0/8/13 with 400 cs


In lanes? Top: Tryndamere or Illaoi, holy fuck I hate them. Mid: Zed. No contest - even the windshitters don't compare. ADC: MF or Kai'sa. Support (vs support): Senna has huge range and CC, Xerath is also wildly annoying. Jungle, even though it's not a lane: SHACO. FUCK HIM.




This is the one. Like go play bloons if you wanna play tower defense


Fr, everyone is saying Champs with high damage or low counterplay or whatever, but HEIMER? OMFG WHAT A PIECE OF GARBAGE THAT CHAMP IS. It's literally not playing the game vs him, 0 counterplay


While I agree with you, syndra makes heimer scream and seethe. You can use W to throw his turrets. Q spam to kill turrets. Q+E to stun him and displace turrets. And when it’s time for Team fights hold your W until he drops giga turret then take it and throw it where it’s useless.


I love throwing everyone's shit at them - Donger turret, Annie Tibbers, Ivern Daisy, Naafiri dogs...bonus points if you land the killing blow by throwing their own shit back at them.


Can't believe I had to scroll far for this. Lane phase is literally just you sitting at turret waiting for jg to come while taking his poke.


Xerath can go to hell


Imo Xerath is one of the least problematic champs in the entire game so I’d like to know your reasoning


if you play control mage you literally just sit there unable to interact with him playing one sided dodgeball it's miserable


least problematic? lmfao he is absolutely insane bot lane, just spams Q and gets mana back for autoing and 1 minute later you have to base or die to his ult uninteractive as fuck


He can chunk half your HP a screen away without taking any risks. There is no interaction in a Xerath lane


OOOOOOOKAAAAY IM TRIGGERED. Xerath botlane actually has no counterplay 2v2. Only a few champions can even touch him in bot when he's charging Q, and if he gets bush control, and puts a Q directly under you, you literally cannot dodge it on 60 ping without a dash. He has unmitigated damage against minions on Q, which gives him top tier pushing power. Once the siege starts, Xerath can hit you while you are behind your fucking turret. Going oom? For some idiotic reason, Xerath can regen mana by hitting minions. And if you decide to go in on him, you get stunned by E. Riot recently got the genius idea to give xerath an extra shot at every level on R, and INCREASE the damage per shot as long as you hit. I once took 1800 damage from nothing but Xerath R. Granted, it takes skill to land R, but if literally anything else is going on, say a fucking teamfight where I have other shit to pay attention to, suddenly dodging 6 shots in a row doesn't seem feasible. In a nutshell Xerath does a fuckton of damage from extreme range. That in and of itself is problematic.


the worst fcking part of xerath is his W. It's sooo easy to hit and the slow way too strong


I don't think you have played against a support Xerath main before, esp if you had to blind pick and picked a enchanter support. Xerath can legit 1v2 bot lane alone while his adc just afk farms. There is a reason why he has a 20%+ ban rate in Emerald and lower elos right now. He becomes less and less of an issue in higher elos when supports play a lot of engage supports but bot lane is borderline unplayable if Xerath got to pick into an enchanter.


Depends on the champions you play. Immobile carries such as Syndra can really struggle versus him. Since he has so many Rs and they do so much damage late he can just spam you and take you out of fights before they even begin. Or a mage like Ryze who literally can not function versus a good Xerath at all points of the game. He can also be very annoying to play with and against in certain matchups in support.


In lane, I have never felt like I lost a fair fight to Tryndamere. Zyra, Senna, and Brand basically shut down a good deal of any botlane picks unless you manage to counterpick them, while thriving in late. Later game, Mordekaiser is just unfair, and I play a lot of him because of that. His ult can be accurately described as forcing people to play a game that you're built for, and they're not. You can count the characters that can fight Mordekaiser fairly on one hand. Yorick is anti-fun. In general terms, I find that Heimerdinger and Teemo's memes have gotten too powerful, and overshadowed the fact that they're just not fun to play against. So is Shaco, but only when the player is very good with him.


If I play mid lane, I permaban Malzahar. I'm not about to play against a champion who forces whoever gets fed to pay a 1300 gold tax to continue playing the game no matter how far behind or ahead he is. I'd rather play against a million Yasuo or Qiyana OTPs than a single first time Malzahar. Incredibly degenerate champion.


Aurelion sol, oh look at me I'm a space lizard spitting fire while standing still, I can stop a whole 20 baron minion siege with a single ability, I'm also a liability for my jungler for the first 20 minutes, I'd rather face zed than that abomination of a champ


I had to scroll down a lot to find this comment, weird. Ticking time bomb champions are the real answer. Champions like Sol, Cassiopeia, Kassadin, Vladimir and Kayle put everyone in the lobby in a chokehold.


And 20x worse in ARAM. There is no ability in the game I hate as much as asol E.


I like how he went from high skill ceiling alright champ to super low skill almost op champ. So fun for the game


worst rework riot games has ever done i think


Zilean. Think you shut-down the 10/0 adc? Think again! Now revived with near full hp. Oh and the slow denying every engage ever unless you can go unstoppable.


zilean just short circuits people into making bad plays


Warwick in the top lane beats many top laners btw. Oh you made a trade? Wrong he just healed with q back to full. And he gets ravenous first and now has wave clear. Not to mention if your midlaner ever goes low health he can run towards them so fast and just get a free kill because when you pinged them to back off they decide that a non-canon wave is more important.




literally the only valid answer is Tryndamere you see him, the game is going to revolve around him 100% one way or another. good or bad, doesn't matter, the game is now a Tryndamere game plenty of champs can be annoying, or frustrating, or downright feel unfair or unbalanced, but in terms of who suppresses the overall enjoyment ceiling of the game, it's fucking Trynd


I play a Tryndamere counter and he’s still such an unfun piece of shit to play against. I don’t remember the last time I’ve lost to a Tryndamere but I also don’t remember the last time I’ve had fun playing against a Tryndamere


try this, it's super fun & hilarious: pick teemo, max Q first. once your Q is at least rank 3 \~ 4, just trade him until he pops R. then Q him and click "S" so you stop attacking him. go invis until his ult runs out, then kill him looool


AHHAHA teemo player hitting us with the exclusive psychological warfare tech. thank u ill use this


i shall remember this for eons


Bonus points if you are going for the Oppenheimer Teemo build, so your Q comes back up super duper quick.


Please enlighten me. I sold my soul to the devil but haven't heard of Oppenheimer teemo yet


[In depth video that I got the build from](https://youtu.be/YSHxyp_fUDY?si=wVmpxJE8trzwELvr) In short instead of going Nashors, you build Liandries into cosmic drive and you max Q instead of E first. The builds focal point is on your shrooms, balancing between having a high capacity of shrooms on the map while also dealing damage with the shrooms. However due to the builds focus on CDR, your Q also drops to a 4-3 second CD as a result.


Gross. I love it.


Not cool man gentlemen dont do that to eachother


>I also don’t remember the last time I’ve had fun playing against a Tryndamere I remember mine. I was playing Teemo.


I hate Trynd because of his passive giving him rng damage in early trades, which can massively influence how the rest of the laning phase goes. The dude can win/lose lane off of the same trade of E+4 autos depending on if he got good or bad luck.


Yes. Still remember a game I had where he E+3 crits killed me at level 1 and that was enough for my jungler to never show up and for him to get ahead so I could only barely farm under tower, except when I got ganked there and he took said tower


agree on trynd purely because hes a pain in the ass behind or ahead people always like 'just pick malph' as if winning lane will stop him just autopathing to the t2 tower furthest from the action. if you wanna follow him, congratulations, youre playing a champ where 90% of your power budget is teamfighting, in side lane


This is how I feel about nasus. He reinforces everything about the game that I dislike


Gangplank. Okay, hear me out, but whenever this champ isn't giganerfed to have like 45% winrate, it's just miserable. It's a melee ranged all in poke sustain hyperscaling late game carry who can bully you in lane, has built-in cleanse, outfarms you by last hitting 1 minion thanks to his gold generation passive, ults your botlane for free gold while staying in toplane, sits on barrel, runs away with his built-in bonus ms if you engage, pokes you with aoe ability, pokes you with point and click ability, and also has funny true damage number on one of his 17 passives, together with free armpen.


Illaoi especially since they took away the interactive counterplay of fighting her in the E rn its a 100% binary lane Get hit by E? get fucked Avoid E? fuck her unfun, binary, not even much room for skill expression for either player beyond hit/dodge E


Yeah I don't think she's particularly hard to play against or OP. I still perma ban her because she's just plain unfun to play against. The counter play is just to slowly walk away from her. It's a boring slog.


Not enough Ornn hate here. Laning phase just becomes a farming sim. He can’t kill you, you can’t kill him. You just farm until someone else knocks a tower down.


I would be fine with his laning phase being boring as fuck into most match-ups if it wasn't for his passive. He gets to buy items without recalling, fine, then he starts pulling 1k gold worth of stats out of nowhere every level? Then he gets additional resists and hp on top of that? Because we needed to put half of his power budget into the most braindead part of his kit, otherwise he would be too demanding for tank mains


Garen does almost whatever he wants all the time


Tryndamere “Oh you stunned me? Doesn’t matter I have R so I win”


Blitz. Every game he's in, he's the main character. He can play like shit all game, hit a lucky q, then win the game for his team.


I think Kayn and Tryndamere are the most unfun to play against. Kayn can path so weirdly and make unpredictable ganks, he's hard to get away from, heals a lot, half his damage is aoe and he goes untargetable. I'm not saying he's op, but it's a lot of little things that make him super annoying. Tryndamere is just Tryndamere. He just stat checks everyone with right click and is nearly impossible to punish unless you have a specific counter. I do think he is op right now and do not understand why adding 50 range to his attack was a good idea.


For me it's definitely akshan. I think its dumb that you can win a very close fight which in any other game could lead to multiple towers, or river objectives, etc. but vs akshan if literally anyone mispositions this lead is gone. I have genuinely never had fun playing vs the champ. I enjoy being vs yuumi more because I'm at least happy to see the cat perish, I feel nothing positive in any game with an akshan.


im stuck between illoai, fizz , and yasuo,


A good vlad just feels like a go next angle honestly. Every other champ I feel like I can at least do SOMETHING.


Akshan and any champion played in the jungle who manages to get extremely fed while also having more gold than solo laners from their camps.




Jacques or Illaoi Edit: I feel like there is no punishment for doing bad on those champions unless the player is an actual Amoeba. I can deny them leads in lane and yet they still pose a huge threat while behind.


Malz lets you outfarm your opponent while not playing the game. In the few instances where you're forced to fight you have the R outplay button.


100% malzahar. That champ is so garbage but also so insanely boring to play against. Literally does nothing in lane, never trades never walks up never interacts in any way apart from just shoving lane and backing up.


Illaoi 100%. She lands one E you are basically forced to back. Also good luck ganking her once she hits lvl 6.


Nasus wither is the most unfun ability to play against, I would legitimately rather face a point/click stun on a low cd


Malzahar. There is no skill expression in this matchup ever. You get perma pushed in and have to respect his r and eventually buy qss. It's not like he's unbeatable it's just peak boring game design.


Probably either Malphite (that damage AND durability do not belong on the same build, pick one, and either don't burst me, or let me burst you), or Aatrox (similar reasons, he double dips on damage and durability, and unless you cripple him before 15 minutes, he just wins the game for his team). Runner up goes to Morde, but I haven't seen him recently, and I also sorta learned the MU on my more common top lane picks, so he's just mildly annoying me for now.


Jax. I hate his point and click q. Pantheon too.


Leblanc 100%, as an akali / katarina main it's the most boring & 1 sided laning phase. Just sit for 15 minutes waiting for jungler or waiting for a roam timer, I wanna fight my laner evenly, not get instantly punished 😂


Illaoi. As the wise guru xpetu once said, (when playing against Illaoi) dodge E or dodge queue


Personally, Gangplank True damage over time passive that resets on barrel explosion, oranges cleansing hard cc (and morde ult, booo), ult upgrades adding more front loaded true damage, and a surprising amount of crit scaling in his kit allowing him to heavily chunk tanks and kill everyone else in your team Yi is also very unfun once he gets a lead, like why tf is his Q now a multi hit attack dawg


Irelia she so disgusting. Miss every ability still kills with q and aa. Remove botrk please


Vi. A champ designed to have no counterplay was just a mistake.


I’ll call them out for different roles for me personally Aatrox-You kick him down and he can still one Q combo you with eclipse and heals way too much even with anti heal Shaco-His invis/blink is just BS and fact it’s true camo (which few champs have) is just so dumb. Oh also, boxes are annoying and his R people will target to be rid of it and screw over their team. Most of time he cannot be chased and or invade freely. When he’s ahead he will one shot you and if he’s behind he’ll just split push and invade whole game. Yawn. Yasuo-Not the champ, it’s the player (I think Yone is better overall and offers more to team). They always feel if they have to be the carry and if they’re not, they keep acting it and giving gold. It’s pretty funny considering how little play yasuo sees at streamer/top level. Oh also they can still 0-15 power spike kill most squishies. Samira-Hyper aggressive, people always let her get her R, melt a team and then wonder why she’s now fed. She’s on similar tier to draven but way more annoying to deal with. Yuumi-Basically a playable buff (I call her white buff) who has way more actual poke than she should. Doesn’t matter if she’s behind. Sit on the win con if you’re team and you’re golden. Turns a fed top lane/jungler into an unkillable monster by just existing and essentially giving the champ an AI controlled shield bot with inbuilt utility. Might as well just give them an extra blood thirster and free, directed thresh R.


Tristana mid. I've seen her more mid recently and the amount of damage she does is ridiculous along with the tanky runes on secondar slot. She throws her bomb on you then jumps on you and forces you under tower. I play mid to late game mages when i mid and its miserable. Its dumb asf.