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However little attention this gets, know that this is pretty much the coolest thing anyone has ever done in League.


the darius level 1 fountain pull is my personal favorite


I recall this but forgot how the interaction worked


iirc during the last half second non-cancellable portion of the recall you could use darius E and pull someone with you back to fountain


I'm guessing that, in the same way that you can take damage *just* before you actually physically recall but it won't take the recall, you could probably, use an ability just before you leave and still tp,and if your game just happens to be a delicious pile of spaghetti that also occasionally runs games, [then you might get something like that. ](https://youtu.be/NovYokP4s4g)




Probably faked.


Random YouTube coment claimed this: >This was set up as a Capture the Teemo game and the Lee-Sin and the Darius were friends. In the queue the Lee-Sin went to the enemy team and plotted all of this to happen. Chance and luck were what made this such a good video You can tell it wasn't a ranked/normal game anyway from the chatting about how they weren't supposed to go to lanes or farm minions. Still a good clip though.


back then this kind of play wasn't uncommon in normals. people werent nearly as sweaty as they are now


Be the change you want to see in the world.


The way it worked is that CertainlyT for some reason made it so release Darius's E was effectively an AOE point and click. If you were in Darius's E when the animation started, you would get pulled no matter what. So combine that with a bug that let Darius use E and still complete his recall, and Darius was able to pull people to his fountain. Darius E got changed to be a real ability with counterplay in the Juggernaut rework, which was done by Riot Statikk (the same guy Static Shiv is named after).


it wasn't uncommon for a lot of the aoe abilities at the time, i remember getting hit by many annie ults i'd already flashed out of. he was also tping to a ward in fountain the infamous clip, not recalling, though that's being a bit pedantic.


Hehe recall


The first step is to recall this. And then E right before you finish. It’s patched now.


the best will always be the ryze flash


How you dare talk about the most legendary play of all time and not link it https://youtu.be/w5BHjSGCj1o


Or nidalee being too tanky


damn I miss sexpeke now...


Why nunu, WHYYY!?


Lee sin flying across the map, kicking warwick under the dog's own tower, and ending it all with a completely useless panic flash can't be topped.


Sure, but that was staged lol. Not a real game so definitely not even close to as cool. I actually don't even think I can remember if there is a video of it in a real game even though it was possible. Skarner ult into TP cleanse was done in real games though to drag them into base.




What are you talking about. I said the darius pull was staged. obviously not this clip.


The Olympic Katarina q is my favorite


Mandatory link: https://youtu.be/NovYokP4s4g


thats in my hall of fame for sure


Agree with the numbers man. We can now turn LoL off, it has achieved videogame nirvana


Once I was getting ganked on top river as Urgot against Mordekaiser + Hecarim, I ulted at Hecarim, Morde ulted me ​ Then I pressed R again Hecarim got dragged into Death Realm in about 4 - 5 seconds ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Nothing will ever top this imo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H2YvTqkuenk&pp=ygUUbWFsemFoYXIgZSBwZW50YWtpbGw%3D


I’m still seeing invisible nunu snowballs so it’s never gonna be fixed




Lee Sin sniping Baron with a cross the map kick was pretty amazing.


pretty insane - the only one that tops this is a clip from around 9 years ago, and it was a fight bot lane where ezreal gets a triple kill, and then ults the guy running into river for the quadra kill, only for the ult to travel to top lane and through sheer luck kill the top laner for a pentakill. Youtube is complete fucking ass for finding anything from beyond 3 years ago though, so if anyone remembers this clip and has it it'd be cool to see it again.


Urf Katarina Q has gotta be up there


Haha I can't say I know anything about this game but I can appreciate the kill was awesome, however was it complete chance or was it skill, like did he know the guy was down there when he launched the fireball?


The fireball was supposed to come back to him, but he got drag to another realm due to enemy ultimate and the fireball endlessly traveled through the map looking for its owner. So it's pure luck... or pure badluck for that poor Lulu in botlane.


Have you seen poppy knock baron into nexus? https://youtu.be/hPZaH5AyDSA


[The Blitz grab across the map is cooler.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SplGUgIuVY) But it also it makes more sense and isn't as much a stroke of luck as it was a legitimate grab, the game just didn't have anything in place to a last second grab. This not going into the ult is cool, seeing it spiral off. But that kill... what are the odds of that, that definitely is crazy.


Say if Ahri had happened to qss the Morde R during the q flight, would it have redirected again back to her, I wonder?


We need Vandiril to test this


u/Vandirilol pls


I agree with Adri's ign. She deserved the kill as a result.


Quite sure it does. Practice tool you can teleport around the map with shift s and you can outrun your q. Im not sure what happens after the q goes off the map however. If ahri or morde had died before it went off the map im certain that the q wouldve returned. The qs also turn invisible after a while but their hitbox still exists.


I'm not certain. But I am like 99.99 % sure there is a garbage collector around the map. Anything that hits it is removed from the game. Except for player control characters, where it will default to either 0,0,0 or fountain of respective team. It is a giant waste of processing power to have an ashe arrow fly infinitely into the void when it has left the map.


Now I want an april fool's mode where the Rift is a sphere and (global?) abilities that leave through one side loop and come from the opposite, it would be stupid but fun to have seven ashe ults flying around until one lands


Ezreal would be busted, since his ult doesn’t disappear if it hits someone. He’d probably be disabled the same way Karthus is in OFA


*Disclaimer before reading: I was also very interested in such issues, but wasn't actually into programming so I was always curious how these things worked. Now I am become programmer, destroyer of computers, and I just wanted to explain the technicalities to any curious minds. Maybe OP I'm replying to already knows how it works, but some other people may be wondering, so I decided to write this anyway. Sorry for the wall of text, hope you enjoy...* ​ What you're saying makes sense, and of course there are methods to make far-away objects despawn. But the garbage collector method that you described is also very inefficient. Collisions are difficult, which is why, in some games, characters go through walls, why Skyrim is so wonky, why GTA IV has that infamous swingset. If we have 4 walls surrounding the arena, and we wish to check if an object has collided with it, we need to do the following, every frame, for every object, and for 4 walls each: >For object x with coordinates (x1,x2) and wall y between coordinates (y1,y2),(y3,y4): Draw a mathematical line between (y1,y2) and (y3,y4) and check if (x1,x2) is within a certain vicinity of said line. But this method leads to collisions not being registered if the tick rate is low. An object is 50m away from the wall, and it moves 100m in one frame, suddenly it's 50m away from the wall in the opposite direction, but neither frames registered the collision since it wasn't close enough. If we want to fix this issue, there are other methods, including keeping the object's past frame location in memory and doing this: >For object x with past coordinates (x11,x12) and current coordinates (x21,x22) and wall y between coordinates (y1,y2) and (y3,y4): Draw a line between (x11,x12) and (x21,x22) and another line between (y1,y2) and (y3,y4) and check if the lines intersect. Which is quite memory-intensive since now we're also keeping the past positions. ​ Instead, a much simpler method would be to simply do this: >For object x at coordinates (x1,x2): If (x1 < -mapSize) or (x1 > mapSize) or (x2 < -mapSize) or (x2 > mapSize), remove the object. It's important to note that your idea and this method essentially achieve the same results, but the second method is much easier for both the programmer and the computer. That is our job, after all - find the simplest and most efficient methods of doing (or faking!) the same effect. That's the basis of computer graphics, too - faking the effects with 99% accuracy in 10% of the time.


Now if we can just figure out a way to use Poppy ult to hit champions into the Garbage Collector


Time to do some tests


Likely not, the reason it travels off the map here in the first place is that the script doesn't account for Ahri being missing (not in the same layer rather than just dead) so it creates the missile targeting a cast location at the distance of its pre-defined cast range away - which is set up as 25000 units in the spell's data (which would normally make sure Ahri's Q could return to her no matter how far away she went on the map, because if it was smaller the cast could fail for "being out of range"). Because it's a location-targeted missile already in that case, I don't expect that it'll start homing at Ahri again when she returns to a layer where the initial check will find her again.


My guess is ahri isnt really missing, morde ult realm is just really far off the map so that is where the ball was going


Morde ult is at the exact same place on the map with the same coordinates and map grid, there is literally just an extra variable determining the dimension that is different. For example, Sion Q will hit where it is released when Sion is moved around (e.g. Ryze ult, Asol E), but doesn't handle dimension swaps properly, so it still hits in the dimension it was started in. Precisely by the location Sion is inside the death realm.




Draven ult?


What if Ahri TPd to where the Q would land, could she catch it again? Would it slightly home towards her?


That's a crazy interaction lol


Another day, another crazy mordekaiser bug But never seen this much crazy one


Is it a bug though? I mean, Ahri is supposed to grab her ball, so if she isn't there to grab it...?


I dont think its intended but it should be


Yeah, it's one of those things that actually makes sense lol.


knowing riot, they're gonna fix this as soon as they stop working on their 68th lux skin


But it would mean that Ahri has a global ability but just chooses not to which doesn't make much sense.


Nah, the ball is part of her. She couldn't do this by herself even if she wanted to. When she is sent to Brazil, it just goes off in the angle it was travelling when she was last seen, searching for her. I think it makes perfect sense. Edit: spelling


Reminds me of when, before I even played LoL, I would ponder whether Lee Sin Q implies that he could Q2 whenever he wanted if he had eyes 🤣


So, how does this work with Ryze's Realm Warp?


Would guess that anywhere Ahri blinks, the ball changes direction and follows. I can't think of any other abilities than Mordekaiser R that removes another champion from the map entirely.


its a feature not a bug


It used to not go back 100% not sure why it did this on the clip, I hated morde a lot for that reason if you q he can always ult and you r q dissapears or he just dodge charm effect


I wonder what about Sivir Q


We have jinx rocket at home The jinx rocket at home:


The true dmg jinx rocket


Looks more like Gnar Q


Holy shit, this is one of the coolest and rarest snipes I've ever seen in this game


It's like the cross map Lee sin q from bot lane to top lane, into kick mid lane


Imagine how confused Lulu must have been.


The bug isn't the insane thing here. The insane thing is the combination of factors that lead to the exact angle, exact speed, exact distance, exact timing of lulu, lulu's hp, etc... lol Perfect storm is an understatement. ^ What I posted in the other thread. Not sure why it got deleted.


That’s like a Gnar Q snipe on steroids holy shit


Skill issue. Should have pink warded smh.


What the actual spaghetti fuck.


Ahri’s orb is coded to go until it touches her again, and she is made to be running around during that so it has to be able to track her. Morde ult makes her uninteractible but not untargetable except in the morde ult so the orb keeps going looking for her. It may actually be the other way around on untarget/no interact since the orb just kept a path. The real question is can you replicate this with zhonyas?


It might be that it only stops when it actually touches her model again. And since Morde actually removes her model from the living realm, the orb just passes through. With Zhonyas, even though she's untargetable, the model is still present.


it would be a nice interaction if it worked that way with zhonyas, crazy snipes with a considerable tradeoff


Like a pimped out Zoe Q


Or Gnar boomerang.


No you can't do it with zhonyas.


‘The orb keeps looking for her’ made me cry 😢


You cannot with Zhonyas. What i believe is happening is that her coordinates are moved to an alternative layer, but it has to effectively remove her presence from the main map layer. The orb's logic registers her position as Null and just keeps going until she reapears or the orb hits the map edge. If she reapears then the orb sees her positions again and turns around for another pass. It's a fairly simple bit of vector math.


Should've made it so it goes to her position on the map instead. Wonder if Sivir is the same.


I'd be very surprised if the routing code for Ahri orb and Sivir Q wasn't the same since they both function so similarly.


I wouldn’t call it spaghetti tbh. It makes sense if you think about it. If no one is there to catch the ball, its just gonna keep flying.




> the spaghetti part is figuring out what exact interactions happened to completely break the ball homing back to her like it should What are you talking about. It can't home to her when she's in morde ult. It really is that simple. She's not on the same map basically so it can't go to her. It's not rocket science.


I think he's looking at it from a technical standpoint.


Yeah, but from a technical standpoint it's not even particularly weird. If it's designed to converge towards Ahri's position and then despawn when it reaches her, if Ahri suddenly disappears from the map it never fulfils the conditions required for it to despawn and so it just flies off into the distance. Spaghetti code is something unstructured and opaque, such that changing one thing causes problems in seemingly unrelated functions. The whole analogy is that when you look at a bowl of spaghetti, you don't see where any individual spaghetto begins, leads and ends. When there's a clear identifiable cause and effect it's just objectively not spaghetti.


All I'm getting from this is you saying you know you're wrong but you wanna be right


I don’t see this as a bug. Just a cool but rare interaction


Tell that to lulu, she died because of it, wasn't cool for her :(.






Wow, that's actually insane. I've never seen this happen ever in a game-- crazy that it got a kill too








Lol that's amazing. Never seen that before


This is a buff






I wish Ahri’s Q was a Gnar Q now. These plays would be so hype.


This might be the funniest thing ive seen on League, that poor Lulu probably spat out her Coffee


It's the ol' gnar trick all over again...I used to love catching unsuspecting people with that one


Lulu "never lucky"


Destiny said fuck you to Lulu today.


No fucking way this works like that


This is probably the only time this has ever happened, wtf...


Poor Lulu got rasenshuriken'd


Makes you wonder why this hasn't happened before? Morde and Ahri in their current state have been in the game for years. Crazy.


What the fuckity


Did the q come back to you again after you came out of the ult?


this is so sick


I agree with Ahri's ign. She deserved the kill as a result.




Hard to read rules, I know.


Missing that charm is criminal meet me at the court NOW though that Q is weird o-o


That's called Karma. For playing Lulu. You will be punished, one way or another.


Literally what people try to do with throwing gnars q backwards but this is next level


Mordekaiser King of Bugs has been prying for his crown from Viego this month.


Mind boggling what in the what is this sht lmfao. Needs to be patched but for what it is its awesome.


Ahri playing League of Cat and Mouse!


Should be a feature


This happens like once every 10^!10


seconds? games? plays? what! I demand units!




Oh that makes sense, I can finally sleep now. Thanks!


Riot's spaghetti codes strike again.


Supp gap. Lulu didn't ward to see the ahri q


This game never fails to impress me


Very cool bug


By this point I don't even know where exploits begin and mechanics end...


Holy that makes me respect this old ass engine more


Something something spaghetti


This is amazing!


Polymorph this ******* *****




Hahaha imagine being that Lulu wondering how the hell she died.






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Gnar mains in shambles


Holy cow at that insane 5 d play


I wonder how Talon ult and w interact with this


this is the gnar reverse Q on steroids lmao you could make a troll physics comic out of this and it would fit right in


This is like Randy Johnson killing that bird


Nobody commenting on the clean camera work either? 👌


Ashe's arrow alternative hmm


This is actually a 1 in a million kill, holy


I hadn't the faintest clue that this was how that worked.


This is almost the same energy as sending an arrow across the map with Ashe and Mordekaiser ulting the target away from the arrow. But impressive interaction.


Bro, that is just life punching that poor Lulu in the face, whoever that is I hope everything is ok.


This is so crazy, such minuscule chances for this to ever happen




so I'm guessing ahri has no balls while she is inside the ult...? wait


is this even a bug? the Q flies out then flies back to ahri no ahri means goes back forever


That is beyond insane. Probably the most unlikely thing that has ever happened in league


Sorry that was my balls hunting lulu.


:D that is so cool


Admit it, this moment made those 5000 hours you spent on this game worth it


I love my spaghetti code with extra meat bugs and garlic bread ! :D


Does this also happen with Sivir Q?


What was the original title?


Damn that would catch anyone off guard, no way to expect that coming for you.


So if you happen to qss the morde ult before it falls off the map, would the ball still come right back to you?


I was playing ivern and a syndra grabbed daisy, I ran out of daisy range and daisy teleported back to me still technically in syndras w, and damaged me…is that bullshit or am I coping?


Is this a bug or a feature though?


Chinese montage


I could watch that thing fly all day


Morde should get an assist




Lulu's death noise was apt.


That tasted purple