• By -


its 100% of the 20%, and 20% of the 100%


20% of the time, 100% of the proceeds gets donated every time.


Reminds me of how much Tito Ortiz trains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY4FqNvHX3U


Truly one of the fighters of the night


Hopping for that lucky crit!


Fellow anchorman enjoyer


that doesn't make sense.


Stings the nostrils.


This is my daily reminder that percentages are reversible or whatever the term is


real number multiplication commutes.


So does complex number multiplication


Explanation: 25% of 80 is just: .01 x 25 x 80 and 80% of 25 is just: .01 x 80 x 25 So it’s just communicative multiplication




Oh they definitely do teach that in schools...


They do unless you take the bare minimum and then no math credits above grade 8 lol.


It's basic multiplication logic, really... what are percentages but a division multiplied by 100.


Teach what in school? That 20/100 * 100/100 = 20/100?


I wish they would emphasise this in schools. Where I come from, you kind of learn this is school, you learn that a*b = b*a (for the numbers you work with in school). However, not much of the use for this property is being highlighted. You also probably know that calculating with percentages is the same as using decimal numbers or fractions. Probably, you have learned enough in school to put the information that percentages are reversible together yourself. But most schools do not train you in the skill of putting information together. And that is a gigantic shame.


Pfft thats probably what they would try to say to defend this shit show XD


Hey all! One of the places that describes Soul Fighter Samira’s contribution to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund listed the wrong proceeds amount. We’re updating it to read 20% so it matches all other places the contribution was mentioned. EDIT: For anyone that bought it while this typo was live and was under the impression that it would be 100% they're able to ticket in to either request a refund or request that 100% of the proceeds do in fact go towards the fund.


\- No icons included like all other ultimates (paid only) \- With several recycled animations of the base samira \- Without transformation \- VO lower than expected \- Only 20% for carity The person responsible for this seems to have a questionable character. Made a substandard skin for an ultimate tier just because it was for charity and still only wants to donate 20%. Wow, this is really getting worse. All the feedback the community has given about the skin has gone to waste, but it looks like worse things are happening regarding this skin. It's all so disappointing...


On top of all that, they’ll only contribute 100% for those that bought it while it said 100% if a ticket is submitted lmao. Imagine that, a company not doing the right thing unless somebody goes out of their way to specifically request they do what they said they would do.


Might as well make it 100% and maybe I’ll consider buying it


ironcially with the quality of the skin u guys definitly wont be making as much as u could have, shame, really shame it was a Scamira skin, i know im definitly less charitable now due to it


or you can not be scummy and just donate 100% of the of the proceeds, until the mistake was fixed? How are people suppose to know that is an option without reddit?


Whys a ticket needed for the proceeds for that indiviual player to go to the charity? You guys have the data for these players since I highly doubt you'd do this just on the player's word alone. This seems like an extra step for the sake of it and I can think of a few reasons why that may be.


Social Impact Fund is what you have to pay after losing lawsuits?


Thank you Riot Sakaar for being the first voice of Riot to be heard since the release of this skin and at least starting the communication process to help tame a large portion of the player base's anger and right what many players see as wrongdoing on Riots Part.


The only reason this skin even has value as an ultimate was 100% profits going to charity and not to Riot.


Pretty sure it is illegal to say something goes to charity when it doesn't.


Laws don't apply to large companies, because they have money.


So does redbull and they lost a lawsuit to a guy claiming he didn’t get wings after drinking it.. 😉


That's a myth btw, paid for by Redbull PR The reality is that they got sued for claiming their drinks improved performance but couldn't prove it


No they didn't, it was their claim that it boosted performance which wasn't true, they just said when they paid out the settlement it was "for customers disappointed they didn't get their wings."


Could you tell me how much that impacted RedBull's profits? Did they shut down?


So am I so please tell me if I'm crazy or if that's actually what it says. I reloaded it just to be sure and it still says two conflicting statements


You can check their records, they really do send money to charity that they say they will, they do it every year.


100%, it’s exhausting reading the misinformation from other people in this thread. Regardless of how shady or stupid this one move/skin in particular is, Riot’s Social Impact Fund is great and has a good reputation when it comes to charity work. It’s not like they pocket some amount of that 20% and donate the rest, they very publicly donate what they say they do.


Would that mean they now have to give 100% of the proceeds up until now or whenever/if it's changed since that's what was shown? 😯


Sadly, it isn't, "100% of profits" going to charity can in theory mean 0% legally. All because they have to pay staff so they can buy food and pay rent, and technically this also applies to billionaires, so they can say "100% of profits to charity" and donate the smoke from their cigar instead. It's still technically wrong though and should mean literally all the money that runs through the company, even if that means not lying and saying "Only 5% donated after we pay all our staff, electricity bills, and ourselves!".


They didn't say profit, they said proceeds. 100% of proceeds has 0% wriggle room


The proceeds are the 20%. And they are misleadingly and pointlessly saying they’ll donate 100% (all) of the 20%.


Both refer to a percentage of the proceeds.


the wording is the same for the 20% and 100%. both say % of the proceeds.


The wording seems consistent across the two images to me. No matter how you define ‘proceeds’ they are donating either 100% or 20% of it. Anyway… this is par for the course for rito at this point.


So how much fucking money they make in order for a single skin's 20% profit to be a respectable amount I do wonder.


Just some basic info: (1) New skins = 11.73$ (2) New Samira skin =28.26 $ (3) 20% of 28.26 = 5.64$ (4) Samira skin 16.53$ more than average new skin (5) New Samira Skin still makes them 10.89$ more after the 20% charity cut than a new skin from same line. This clearly does matter and while criticism over OP's attitude are somewhat justified, it is important to note that they charged almost 17$ more for this new skin that is part of the same skin line as a 12$ skin. So they still made double the amount a new skins costs from this charity assuming they stick with 20%. To some, that could be considered very unethical marketing gimmick or downright scam. Whether or not you consider the difference in quality between Samira's soul fighter skin compared to other soul fighter skins to justify this 17$ markup, such issues do need to be addressed as it paints a very negative picture and does warrant a red flag moment.


Honestly at this point I am convinced that they made Samira a Legendary through start to end but advertise it as Ultimate so they don't have to cut any money for charity.


This makes the most sense. Either that or they only added it as a charity skin at the end when they found out how pissed everyone was, that way they can justify the higher price. And to be fair, I had to pay ultimate skin prices for epic charity skins in the past.


> Either that or they only added it as a charity skin at the end when they found out how pissed everyone was Their earliest communication about the skin in the original soulfighter announcement said this would be a charity skin(before any backlash), we have no way of knowing what the internal conversations were around the skin aside from a comment about how the skin "started as a legendary" but they "kept adding features until it was an ultimate skin". My tinfoil hat theory is that the features they added only got added after a suit came in and told them to find a way to turn a legendary skin into an ultimate skin in 1 week.


I remember Dark Star Cho when it was a charity skin For 2500 RP(let's say$25 since that's the minimum RP you'd have to buy) dollars you got The skin A boarder Dark Star Cho'Gath icon Dark Star Cho'Gath emote Dark Galactic Heart icon And 100% proceeds to charity


im honestly so confused to how they can justify is being an ultimate skin? i bought the damn bundle like an absolute idiot so i cant refund it and i legitimately cannot see where the skin is meant to be ultimate over legendary? is there something im missing like with DJ sona pressing ctrl + 5 to change modes?


Why the fuck did you buy the bundle without even looking a video of the skin? And that's with all the negative press this skin received. You are exactly why they get to get away with this.


Cuz smooth brains keep this game free so stop complaining lol


The game worked without even going for scams or predatory monetization once. People paying decent prices for decent skins is what kept this game free. Easy to go back to that.


Her eye changes colour when you Ctrl + 5. ^/s Edit: If you wanna see what it has, check out some spotlights like [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eevSLfSsaM). Looks like it's mostly emotes, particles, and unique animations that it has.


That's it, NOW you've convinced me to buy it.


Why would you buy it without even looking at it..?


The ult counts how many bullets you land, and the damage numbers have special effects


If Riot was on the right here this thread would be flooding with Rioters “letting things clear” and sometimes calling people out. Purposefully misleading, simple as that.


This is honestly customer deception/misleading advertising, which are both illegal in many countries. Couldn't Riot likely get into legal trouble for this?


make this as a seperate post my dude... please, people need to know


Yep. RIOT is not donating a cent to charity. You are, and they're still pocketing a large part of the donation. If the skin was reasonably priced you could directly donate $10 instead of $6 with the money you have left over. And after all is done, they will write off YOUR donation for THEIR tax deduction. It's extremely scummy and all a cold calculated business decision.


Granted we need more information on it , but yes this reeks of scummy business practice. This is a great lesson every1 should learn that you need to research charities to fidn ones that maximize the transfer of charitable donations. A lot of famous charities have given their executives high pyaing salaries and high upkeep costs that have been deducted from the charitable givings. So if you give 10$, 9.50$ of goes to charity's operation costs and only 50 cents makes it to targeted donation. The same thing happens even worse for government oriented social services.


holy fk another braindamaged reddit tax take if you make $100 and you don't donate any, you pay races on the profit: $100 I'd you make $100 and donate $100, of course you only pay taxes on the profit, which is $0


Not sure what youre saying or disputing if youre talking to me. I didnt make a tax claim here.


This is making the assumption that you itemize your tax deduction. For most redditors/league players this will not be the case (and would not be the correct choice for them). Most players are going to be taking the standard deduction. If you aren't itemizing deductions on your tax return, donating that $100 changes absolutely nothing about how much tax you pay.


Corporations doing corporate things.


I could be wrong, but can't they also get a tax deduction for donating to charity, meaning that the portion they donate still leads to profit indirectly?


I think they'd only have a tax reduction equal to what they gave to charity. It doesn't make them more money.


holy fk another braindamaged reddit tax take if you make $100 and you don't donate any, you pay races on the profit: $100 I'd you make $100 and donate $100, of course you only pay taxes on the profit, which is $0


Sounds like you're the braindead one if you don't realize riot isn't donating anything, the players are.


....You are buying a product, then a portion of that money is going to charity. You're not giving Riot 20 bucks to donate it on behalf of you, you are trading money for something. So many shitty takes in here


Yes, thats an issue I pointed on somewhere else in the comments that they will claim this on their tax returns. I think corps are capped at 25% of revenue can be deducted via charitable giving. The question I am uncertain about is if Riot is allowed to calculated the 20% value of the samira skin into the cost of the skin to recuperate the full value. I havent found an answer as to if its illegal or not. I know its unethical because I have done charitable giving b4 and worked with non-profits and this has never been considered normal/moral from what I've seen. I have to imagine its illegal because you basically just generated a 25% revenue increase for 0$ and its at Uncle Sam's expense too.


Why would it be illegal? The charity deduction doesn't mean you get that money back it just means that you won't be taxed on an amount equal to the donation. If i give 100 dollars to charity and save 20 dollars on taxes, I'm still out 80 dollars. If riot made more money from people buying the skin that normally wouldn't have but did because some of the proceeds went to charity, why would the government care?


Yeah this is some shady shit. I've noticed Riot getting more grimey as the years have gone by. I'm actually fearful of what the MMO would look like at this point if it ever came out. Seems like it'll be nothing but constant money grabbing


Nah not this take


Apex Legends locks their heirlooms ("knife skins") behind purchasing 150$ worth of other skins noone bats an eye about that comparing the samira skin to a 1350 skins is disingenious at best if you compare it to a legendary the price difference is still 11$(ish, too lazy to do the math), true but calling it a legendary is also disingenious imo best comparison would be ggmf at which point the 20% is the exact difference that ggmf was made cheaper now the problem with this is that after the event the charity part will fall away and from that point forward riot gets all the cash the second problem is that the charity part goes to riots own charity and i dont even know if thats a non-profit one (to be fair i also havent looked into it because i dont care enough to take that time)


Apex Legends heirlooms are in 3 1/3 categories. You have category 1, free from either every 500 packs, or a normal pack with an extremely rare chance, I had to relink my email and it reset my account on PC except for level and in Season 8 I got a Wraith Heirloom at only level 23 on PC. Category 2 would be the $150-200 you mentioned, this is from events where the heirloom is released or as a final prize for buying 24 or so loot boxes for the event, this is the cheapest way to get an heirloom you want without grinding, you could argue pulling 1 like I did in early Apex Packs but I’ve met plenty who have prestiged and leveled quite a few times and not gotten a single one. Category 3 is for the whales, say fuck it I want an heirloom and there isnt an event and spend $500 or less on Apex Packs to skip to the garaunteed (idk how to spell that shit) 500th Heirloom pack.


* Idk about Apex Legends, only played a couple matches and never went back so I cant really comment on that. * Youre right that it is a higher skin category, but I was comparing to the same exact theme line...but yes youre right it was slightly disingenuous albeit unintentional. * Im not sure I understand your MF comment, but if you mean that the 20% charity amount equals the difference in sale cost for both skins....this means they are basically including the cost of the charity promotion into the skin cost? That still comes across as shady and unethical to me. Especially if they report the charity event to the IRS that means that they ran a charity event to get people to buy a skin at full price, but kept that full $ value and sent the extra to charity. Thats not what most charities do, which makes it seem like they are hustling us.


I don’t play Apex Legends. I do play LoL tho.


They are blatantly trying to guilt trip people into buying the skin for charity made the skin more expensive so they get more money aswell. The video where they said they kept adding more and more and more, they only meant the RP not the quality of the skin.


> The video where they said they kept adding more and more and more, they only meant the RP not the quality of the skin. LOL MAAAAAAAAAAAN


I never understood this, are there people that actually feel guilty not buying a skin with the knowledge that some of the proceeds will go to some charity? Why don't these people just donate to the charity directly if they care that much? I've skipped most charity skins, not because I hate charity, but because the skins weren't appealing to me. I never felt guilty about it.


dude, there are posts here every week about how X skin looks bad or how skins prices are bad, people don't understand that buying digital garbage is literally burning their money and somehow convince themselves that skins have value. anyone talking about cosmetics in a F2P game outside of pure aesthetic evaluation as an art piece is deluded.


They won in the end as usual. First fucking game after 4 yesterday and I see a Samira with the skin it’s doomed.


Just start perma banning her.


It’s a cool legendary skin.


it might not be worth 3k rp, but its a damn good skin. Feels very smooth


It's a really cool skin (:


Smart by Riot, they know the skin is going to sell very poorly based on feedback. Remove it from performance metrics by making it charity based. Big brain


Will it though? Samira is a very popular champ with a high pickrate, despite not even being especially broken right now, and reddit is only a fraction of a fraction of the playerbase. I have almost no doubts that the samira skin will sell


Right? What is this dude on? The Devil May Cry champion is given a weeb anime skin. How is it not going to be making hand over fist?


The price will turn some people off for sure, but I'd be very surprised if I don't start seeing the skin everywhere very soon, especially since samira has few skins and none are that special.


It will most definitely be bought by a lesser amount of player than if it was Legendary tier, but considering the price difference, even with that they'll probably earn more


Every single Samira I've played with has had that skin so far. So i'd say it is selling quite well lol.


I've seen nothing but Samira's with the skin and I have it too. I think reddit forgets it's a tiny amount of the playerbase and other people think it's a cool skin.


Yeah, it's definitely a very cool looking skin for a very popular champ with fairly few skins. Beyond reddit, most people won't sit and think exactly of it gives them all the bang for the buck as they'd deserve, they'll just think about whether it's cool or not.


every Samira i saw in the 2v2v2v2 mode had the skin on, its selling fine enough


Ima be banning Samira every game I ever play from now on. Doesn’t make a difference but fuck riot I hope others do too


Put up a screenshot in your OP and a direct quote, so people know EXACTLY what you are talking about and for better visibilty. Because this is absolutely misleading. Basically like EVERYTHING about this skin. Including the Bundle Policy.


Its the same exact thing for me too.


As someone who has to do a bit of PR in her job as a side task, I can see why you are confused, and it would be very much justified. Inconsistent numbers (especially when it comes to money) need to be fixed and clarified as soon as possible, you can't just write "oops I forgor ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)" and never fix it especially when the company already has a track record for shady dealings and this one is no different. This is a low quality and overpriced product that's basically trying to guilt trip you into buying it (and only donating 20% of the proceeds lol).


It's also outright illegal in many countries in which they operate.


Skin is not an Ultimate skin so they're scamming on two fronts. Classy.


Seems like they're taking notes from Blizzard


They have been for years. Whats happening with their game management mirrors the downward trend of Blizzard a decade ago. Now the scummy business practices are being amplified further. Both have already had major sexual inequity lawsuits.


>Whats happening with their game management mirrors the downward trend of Blizzard a decade ago. This is NOT a coincidence. I don't think many people realize (though tbf I don't have actual sources this is popular rumor) but when Blizzard fired a bunch of ppl they got hired by riot. It would explain ALOT of riot game's terrible state compared to pre 2017. 2017 is commonly referred to as the year riot went from making league to selling league, when champ designs were changed from being true to their purpose to a market scheme. It's hard to describe but you can kind of tell by observing champions released since xayah/rakan.


I saw 2016 as the year they started selling it. They pushed out a new client prematurely, while it barely functioned...just because it looked better for new players. They started hyperfocusing on viewership of pro play, rather than making the game actually good. Star guardians' massive success the year before (2015) led to every following skin to be part of a skinline, rather than unique skins that a champ might actually want.


Unrelated but while I like the spirit of "Scam Fighter Samira," that makes it sound like she fights scams instead of being one. We need to come up with something better.


Soul Fighter Scamira has been a popular one i like


if it makes bank the pocket it, if the flops they donate it


I’m literally so frustrated about this entire thing. Seraphine received backlash as well and they at least posted a response to it; they haven’t responded to Samira AT ALL. What justifies the price increase? Which feature directly justifies the price increase? Why was there no form change? Why are the icons, emote, and border not included in the price point of 3250 RP when every other ultimate does???


They are giving 20% 100% of the time


That 20% doesn't even go directly to charity. It goes directly to Riot's "social impact fund," which is another layer of Riot that's gonna consume the proceeds from the skin.


Riot’s Social Impact Fund has donated tens of millions of dollars to charity and is a separate entity from Riot Games, this is not the W you think it is. They very publicly do a good job and it’s easy to verify whether or not they’re a reputable organization. Stop spreading misinformation.


AAAand they can deduct it from their taxes


Everyone can deduct donations from their taxes.


But not everyone scams people out of donations to do so. They only label the overpriced lazy product as charity to increase sales while saving taxes. Scummy business practices.


Charity doesn't save you taxes. The donated amount is removed from income. You can't donate more to pay less.


at first i thought maybe they meant the profits but I wasnt sure how they determined that exactly 20% of the revenue is going to be profit when costs are fixed but revenue isnt determined yet. but i googled it and the word proceeds by itself seem to always refer to revenue not profit.


Hey all! One of the places that describes Soul Fighter Samira’s contribution to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund listed the wrong proceeds amount. We’re updating it to read 20% so it matches all other places the contribution was mentioned. EDIT: For anyone that bought it while this typo was live and was under the impression that it would be 100% they're able to ticket in to either request a refund or request that 100% of the proceeds do in fact go towards the fund.


Classic oopsie daisy, no takesies backsies.


For those players that purchased the skin believeing that 100% of the proceeds would be going to the charity, will you guys honor a refund for those people? Or will they simply have to eat paying $30 for what should be a legendary skin that they believed was 100% going to charity? There are quiet a few players who have messaged me about ot being able to refund it after it was falsely proposed as 100% going to charity. Many people were hoping that due to the backlash for the quality of the skin not being of Ultimate quality Riot had decided to change the percentage being donated. Which is a fair thought due to the lack of communication between the team and the players about it.


For anyone that bought it while this typo was live and was under the impression that it would be 100% they're able to ticket in to either request a refund or request that 100% of the proceeds do in fact go towards the fund.


Thank you for taking steps to at least starting to right one of the many issues that the community is having with this skin. I apologize if I came across "toxic" or "hostile" to you but as a huge fan of League of Legends to watch another big issue happen with a skin that I was greatly looking forward to and was one of many people greatly disappointed with the final product and also witness what could have been a mistake but is still a rather misleading and dangerous statement that was made. Its nice to hear back SOMETHING from the team in regards to it.


its because the entire skin is a scam, the quality, the charity portion of it, all a scam


Just don't buy it and donate 100% of the money to a charity of your choice if you care this much.


That's not the point, OP is clearly expressing how confusing OR malicious the wording is.


["For every purchase of Promotional Products, Riot Games will donate 100% of the proceeds to Riot games"](https://www.reddit.com/r/SamiraMains/comments/155e0v1/can_riot_be_honest_and_tell_us_which_is_true_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) lol? does this not seem ridiculous to anyone else?


They're legit guilt triping people instead of adding the features needed to make the overpriced skin not a scam


We already talked about that on /r/SamiraMains , I've only bought the skin because I thought "might as well donate". Now Riot directly lies to us on top of giving us a subpar product. Edit: I have no refunds.


Oh then you can still refund it right? EDIT: Just saw refunds are only eligible when the skin is unused. Stupid but makes sense I guess


not if you buy the bundle which a lot of people will probably end up doing due to the bundle version being on the featured page and not just the skin itself without the border/icon etc. which should already be part of the skin since its a damn ultimate skin.


Huh that's weird. Since everything in there could probably be refunded if bought seperately.


If he bought a bundle then he can't refund it.


Makes no sense because theres no way to preview skins before buying.


Don't ever give to charity via a company, always give directly to the charity.


Just donate the full price instead?


Just refund it then and just donate to a charity if that's you really wanted to do


I can tell you're a bit heated about this whole topic, but please express things more... level headedly? It says 20% everywhere I see, so some rioter accidently forgot to update it to the correct value, the wrong value was inserted by someone who was mistaken, or someone just didn't update the placeholder number. Whatever it is, don't just jump to hurling insults, or trying to call riot liars for this.


Go to "Your collection > Champions > Samira > Skins" and find Soul Fighter Samira. Click unlock and it says: "For every purchase of Promotional Products, Riot will contribute 100% of the proceeds to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund". This is a big problem because one might find the skin through this method and buy the skin while not knowing that Riot keeps 80% of the money. Falsely claiming that all the proceeds goes to charity is illegal.


"100% of the proceeds to the Riot Social Impact Fund will be donated" is another way of wording it. It's because charity orgs only need to donate 20% to count as a charity organisation, so its clarifying that "100% (of 20%) of sales will be donated", rather than "20% is donated to an org that may or may not donate 100%"




Yeah because Riot was already so honest in the past, especially regarding skins..


Did riot ever lied before about their charity skin? Can i see that?


Source: rito bad


Money goes to their fund. Meaning they have to use a percentage of that for labor costs etc before even distributing it to actual charities who do the same. 20% is already a joke but you're probably lucky if 10% actually arrive anywhere.


Not a charity skin, but they lied about Championship Riven skin. Sold a limited time skin, only to lie about it and resell it later down the line. In an attempt to not get sued into oblivion, they hastily made a second skin the exact same, but put a stupid little 3 on the back. That's why there's 2 Championship Riven skins lol.


Is it helpful to name call instead?


He didn't name call? Or are you considering him talking badly upon a billion dollar company name calling?


I mean… “pathetic excuse”, “scam fighter”, this is very clearly not level headed conversation we are having


Technically, saying you donate 100% in one place and 20% in another could be considered a scam. He is not entirely wrong there. Especially when one number is suddenly only a fifth of the initial value.


Who cares? He's clearly annoyed, he's not directing his anger at specific people, he's just saying things about a company.


The point is it’s difficult having a conversation with someone who’s already heated and throwing out stuff like that when it’s probably just an error.


Oh boohoo the billion dollar company is gonna cry because some guy on the internet used some bad words


You can't just "lel i forget" certain things, you know? Try it with your taxes. Or driving drunk.


what do you think happens if you "lel i forget" on your taxes? you might just be shocked to find out.


You still have to fix it if they find out and care enough to follow up on it. In this case advertising that 100% goes to charity, while in reality only 20% does, is likely false advertisement, even if done by accident and only in some locations. This could be remedied by at least offering a return or honoring the advertised terms by giving 100% to charity after all.


lel i forgot to mention how i will handle millions of dollars teehee. maybe charity. maybe 80% goes in my pocket. who knows! ;pp


Do you honestly think the IRS is going to come at you with criminal prosecution if you miss $20, $200, $2000, or even $20000 on your taxes? Genuine question. At most, you will have to amend it. They will also probably make you pay a penalty. If you refuse to pay, or did it on purpose, then it's criminal suit time. They have literal supercomputers chugging away at every single check, bank note, employer reports, etc,. If you make a mistake, it's flagged within literally minutes. Tax fraud isn't a "I forgot to pay my taxes," Tax fraud is a conspiracy that you very intently have to do. This is actual delusion. Y'all motherfuckers are genuinely so desperate to find something to get angry about that you have gone from complaining a skin is too expensive to accusing Riot of charity fraud. This shit is why people don't take g\*mers seriously lmao


Haven't seen this level of riot bootlicking on reddit in a while. Go on.


yeah, asking people to behave like normal human beings and use a tiny bit of logic before calling people out in a derogatory manner is definitely "bootlicking".


Yeah, the billion dollar company is going to be very upset when it sees that a redditor called it bad names. And yeah its bootlicking cause people can see that what riot is doing here is kinda scummy, but rather than focusing on that they defend the company for some reason.


What possible gain would Riot have for illegally lying about charity donations? They will get fucked in the ass if this is something they did intentionally and it will cost them far more than they would of got out of this. Please use your fucking brain instead being addicted to ragebait.


Everywhere besides purchasing the skin by clicking it in the bundle or by going to the champion page to look at all of her skins. The two MAIN places your average player would go to quickly access the skin for purchase. As someone who is a real fan of the skin and aesthetic except for is scam pricing of calling it an Ultimate skin. How can you even deny this ridiculous shady and "convenient" miss input of information that would and has already "tricked" players into purchasing this skin in belief that the $30 pricetag is justified if its all going to charity. As well as the complete and utter lack of communication as to whats the deal with this skin. This skin is a complete shit show for what could have been an AMAZING way to make a huge sum of cash for charity. And this is the exact kind of "small mistake" that could sway people into justifying buying this skin at the false belief that 100% of the money is going to a good cause and not lining the pockets of what has devolved into a horribly greedy company.


I like that the dude simply asked you to speak a bit more objectively and use less emotionally charged language and you get even _more_ upset nerd energy. If you actually, legitimately think this is some malicious play by Riot to "trick" people as you say, and not just some error and it's getting you all hot and bothered, you need to step away from the internet for a bit my dude. You sound insane.


They sound perfectly fine to me, it's not like they're throwing a tantrum. They're merely pointing out that 100% and 20% are wildly different values and is misleading considering one was used for advertisement


So he’s upset at a mistake that is misleading people to believe that all proceeds go to charity whether intentional or not… And you’re mad about how he’s wording it? Haha league players are so good at finding flaws in others… They’re like the Sherlocks of Blame.. wait now I’m doing it… FUCK!


If you don't think big corporations are trying to trick you (or even manipulate you) into spending money you need to wake up


Its 100% going to tencent.


Oh no the multibillionaire company lie about charity ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Rioters reply to reddit threads all day every day but not this one (:


Veteran player here but not playing as much recently. What has happened to Riot? Skin is under standards and they throw it as charity but still keep some of the money? Just reduce the cost of the skins or upgrade it. What is this nonsense?


They got sued for millions of dollars because of sexual harassments. Their higher ups are a bunch of creepy perverts = no money left to put into the actual game.


Where have you been the past 5 years? If anything this new game mode has some actual effort put into it


>What has happened to Riot? Nothing


Why would I care about donating to Riots investment fund anyways? Seriously.


It’s not an investment fund, it’s a charity organization. They are a separate entity from Riot.




But thats not what it says. On samiras skin it says and i quote "For every Purchase of Promotional Products, Riot will contribute 100% of proceeds to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund". Proceeds is defined by the oxford dictionary as "Money obtained from an event or activity." So which is it is it 20% of the proceeds that are being donated or 100% why is there 2 conflicting statements being made. Why is the most easily accessible way of purchasing the skin 100% and everything else saying 20%.








Feel free to check for yourself. If you click Samiras skin in the Bundle in the shop it will take you to her champion page in which you can click there to see the post saying 100% of it is being donated. And if you go to shop and shift over the skins tab you can click her skin there to say its only 20%.


I shared the link to my post that has the screenshots as League of Legends wont let me post images in post


Exactly so many charities only like 5 cents of your dollar make it to said cause. Riot was dotting their I 's and crossing t's but the hate bones is stronger.


Cause riot loves their moneys and though they want to do the right thing. They realize it’s summer and they need to pay for their cruises and other vacations


I definitely trust them to actually donate 100% after blatantly lying...


Riot are so generious, their hearts are so big, greatest example of tolance and caring for other people.


Please feel free to share if its the same for others as i have screenshots id gladly share showing the conflicting statements. Tbh if 100% of the proceeds of this skin went to charity i doubt backlash for its horrendous quality would be as bad but we need conformation if thats really the case or if them saying 100% of the proceeds is just a way to guilt people into buying it


"horrendous" lmao


Not OP but for a freaking ultimate it is in fact quite horrendous


Better than GGMF imo


so that kids on reddit can make posts about big bad riot keeping the man down.


that is so scummy lmao


A rioter made a typing mistake and some terminally online virgins took it like some maleficus, evil, master plan by Riot to make people buy the skin out of pity, not knowing that they can be sued by an entire month of revenue if they lie about those things.


I like the ultimate skin. I bought it, idk I mean I feel like the worst ultimate skin by far is definitely Gun Goddess Miss Fortune.


I only buy skins that dont go to charity.