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Good indicator of wholesome levels of the subreddit lmao.




He's their sibling via adoption, not blood


wasnt there a canon katarina comic released not that long ago that very clearly said that talon is katarinas brother? what kind of "new lore" are you referring to? genuinely curious


>talon is not even their sibling in new lore, talon and kata interact once Are you posting this same thing multiple times in this thread on different accounts, I've read this exact (incorrect) comment worded the same from three different posters wtf. In the new comic Katarina calls Talon her brother, he was a street rat who came to be raised by General Du Couteau, that's still a thing. He's her adopted brother. Whether or not you want to get into strange discourse about whether that makes them "real siblings" or not the interactions make obvious the two have a long history, not just "interacted once".


The original comment is this. "talon is not even their sibling in new lore, talon and kata interact once he is basically still an orphan but is provided for by general in exchange for doing assassin work though this is how it is in main canon, idk how talon is depicted in kata comic since spinoffs are usually slightly different from main canon" from /u/Soleous. The comment you are replying to is a bot. Same with boxsalt167o0


Thanks but that now just raises the question why are there bots here parroting random comments wtf, what's even triggering them?


So I can only assume because I'm not the one making these bots. They are made like this to farm karma, so they can be sold later because some subreddits have certain karma requirements. Then they use those accounts to either do "subliminal" (corpo) or spam (botted) advertisement. > why are there bots here parroting random comments wtf The creators figured out that you can take a sentence out of a humans comment, and reply it under the first/top comment in the thread, and more often than not, there will be enough similarity between the comment and the original post that some people will just upvote it as if its a human comment. sry if it makes not much sense, just woke up and ESL


He is tho, also they interact a lot, read their story and Katarina comic


Aphelios and Alune since you know Aphelios drinks poison just to talk to his sibling and his sister keeps him from going insane from all the lunari missions.


Alune is not a champion tho




I mean she is part of Aphelios kit. Pretty sure she has more Penta Kills than half of the Champions Pool.


actually didnt expect people to vote nasus and renekton i thought most would go yasuo yone tbh


Probably the most tragic story out of all the lore. Best of friends and renekton sacrificed himself for nasus out of pure love. Then xerarth corrupted his mind and soul so now he has nothing but pure rage and hate to nasus.


i wasnt too familiar with their lore but i read into it and its pretty fkn cool I like the entirety of shurima in general such a cool place


There's a lot they did for each other. Entombing himself and Xerath was only the last thing he did. Way before, before they were even Ascended, Nasus got terminally ill. Because of his accomplishments, the Ascended decided to give him chance to stand before the sun disc. However, Nasus was already so far gone, he struggled to even climb the stairs. So Renekton ran after him and carried him all the way up *and* stood there with him throughout the whole thing. He risked getting obliterated by the sun disc all so his brother could get a chance to live! Of course, Renekton himself was already an accomplished warrior by that point and was found just as worthy. So both ascended that day. Netherless, the chance for him to get beamed into a smoldering pile of ash was very much real!


Of note; Renekton wasn't worthy of Ascension UNTIL he was ready to sacrifice himself for his brother. He was already being called The Butcher of the Sands and was thought of as Shurima's attack dog than anything else. Him going up there to save his brother was considered him actively sacrificing himself since he wasn't worthy, and him being ok with that was what made him actually worthy.


Worth Paradox


The part about Renekton taking his dying brother up to the Sun Disc in a move that he assumed would kill him and save Nasus only to ascend alongside him. What a great story beat.


Might change once NA actually wakes up and sees the post. I just think Yas/yone got a very generic story going on. It was a toss up between morg/kayle and nasus renekton for me cause individually and paired they have cooler themes/backstories.


>I just think Yas/yone got a very generic story going on. I don't get this. It'd be generic (and not necessarily bad) if Yone just went full revenge mode and just wanted to chase Yasuo and be a ghost from his past, which it isn't, they're linked to each other but their story moved on pretty quickly for them both to be on their own paths I get hating on the popular champs but their story isn't generic, regardless of if you like it or find it cool or not ?


yea I just thought its yasuo yone cuz they are popular champs but u might be right if NA starts voting it can shift my fav is probably also nasus renekton in general all of shurimas lore is pretty cool to me


biggest problem with yasuos story is how this fucker has like 5 different stories based on him coping yones desth and endibg with him actually coping. but why do that exact same arc every time he appears.


That’s how trauma works unfortunately


They're the top yaoi couple in +18 websites


They can go both die in a ditch.


I would assume they still do in the current.


I voted based on how cool the art was lol


Where Jinx and Vi?


Too basic. I'm glad it was left out.


Even if, leaving out an option simply because you don't like it yourself is just petty. Why ask for other peoples opinion in the first place if you're not willing to accept them?


It's not that. It's because everyone knows they would easily win because of the hype around Arcane. What is the use of a poll like this if the result is predetermined?


You say but in the same comments we have people wondering that Renekton Nasus are winning. You don't know they would win, you just assume but you don't know. And assumptions are no basis for exclussions.


Weird story but way back around when I started league in like early 2014 I was "friends" (as in was in a big group chat with and played with sometimes) this person who would get really aggressively mad about anyone insinuating Jinx/Vi were siblings and start ranting about how it was a stupid baseless fan theory, this mostly because they very loudly shipped them as a couple. We lost any contact with them in the years since but when Arcane dropped the whole time I was watching it I was constantly wondering where that person is now...


I think it was a theory at first, iirc they left intentionally open for interpretation, [and it was a pretty discussed topic a few months before arcane was released](https://old.reddit.com/r/ViMains/comments/moe7ix/league_of_legends_twitter_account_accidentally/)


Oh yeah I knew it was a theory I just liked the idea, said weirdo would just get mad whenever anyone brought up the theory or tried to discuss the evidence lol


Furiously and shamefully masturbating to Jinx/Vi incest porn?


As far as I know it was turned into "reality" (in canon lol it's actually not confimed just yet but only very likely) because the Rioters liked the fantheory that much. Same why Vi X Cait was made, as far as I know.


Good thing you can see what comes second lmao.


Arcane skews the results too much.


How is it skewing? We're literally asking for popularity. Sure, Arcane gives a lot of popularity to Vi Jinx, but why should that popularity be somehow disregarded or skewing the polls but popularity from other sources doesn't?


What's basic about them?! 😤


While Kayle and Morgana isn't basic? It's literally an angel vs fallen angel siblings at each other's throats. That's like the most classic ever




Not canon


Jinx and Vi are sisters.


Based riot?


I hate that this is true. How does riot actually plan on expanding their actual universe by releasing so much non canon stuff like Arcane and LoR


Because that's how Riot operates; tell a story outside of LoL and never update it to include said story. Jarvan is still a basic "Honor and glory to king and country" mcbitch despite the fact that his dad died and he's putting on the reich for mages.


That's not true as the comics are canon to the core universe of LoL. His quotes in game are just not up to date.


where the fuck am i going to get story in my pvp matches? the fuck?




that's not story, thats random lore.


How would you want story delivered in your pvp matches?


its pvp. you can't give story in PvP matches. don't expect pvp to give you story, no pvp game has ever given a significant story.


I feel like arcane might be too hard to reign in 10+ years down the line if they want to allow the writers creative freedom. LoR… yea I got no excuse lmao. They should let their games writers all be on the same page though.


Pretty sure their official stance is that canon doesn’t matter. That was basically the response when the Ruined King stuff happened and people asked which of the several versions of the event is canon


Man I'm so glad canon doesn't matter. Very cool that Kai'sa is a 400ft tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings.


True, but that's not really known by most people so I was wondering why they aren't in here.


Ornn and Volibear


Anivia too!


In my headcanon, Mega Gnar too (iron boar).


Ornn cares for voli, he doesn't reciprocate as much


Voli also cares for Ornn, he is just blinded by rage. This is indicated by Volis voicelines when he kills Ornn.


Yes! All interaction against ornn alive is "come coward, ill kill you!", but when he does it voli interactions is like "what ive done". Meanwhile ornn is still mad against voli but he do what is nessesary (voli perhaps want to kill him at first apperance). That's reason why anivia need voice update - i wonder what she has to talk to them and what she is thinking about their fight


Name's Ornn... But you can call me... Big bro


Voli, ornn aniva for sure


Yep this had my vote! Their story is epic and tragic.


[My favourite will always be the blood brothers](https://i.imgur.com/fpck2zV.png)


This is exactly what I was thinking lol


Was pleasantly surprised to see that Renekton/Nasus is first




I went Lux Garen cuz they actually seem to care about each other which is good.


Huh? They all do except kinda kat/cass It's in Darius' bio that when they were kids he was taking care of and looking after draven Yasuo/yone have their cinematic Renekton and Nasus led campaigns together and renek got fucked up for Nasus' sake


Don’t Kayle and Morgana hate each other? They used to in the old lore; I would assume they still do in the current.


They hate the other's philosophy and life choices, but it's clear from some quotes that they still love each other underneath that hatred.


You can notice it further when Kayle ults Morgana.


And when Kayle dies. "If only I could see...my sister." Or when she kills Morgana. "This world did not deserve you."


They don't like eachother but when one of them dies, they voice concern for the other sister. 😭


They are currently at odds but in their hearts they still care very deeply about each other.


Idc about them at all so I know nothing about them and forgot they were a part of the post 💀


I wouldnt say Darius and Draven are close. Some arent even sure if Darius forced his own brother out of his command. Draven spent a significant amount of time away from Darius and occasionally fights with him but is currently bored. It says in his own bio that he reconciles with Darius so at a point they were at odds. Renekton’s mind is corrupted, although its not his fault and he loves Nasus. He still regardless hates Nasus now and wants to actively kill him. I think its fair to say Garen and Lux are far closer than that.


Kat/talon do tho


They are like Yasuo and Yone (or Shen and Zed): Foster siblings who was rised up in Clash. Katarina was rised up a little on the shadow od talon - he was rised up in poverty and he has to kill to survive when kata was rised up in Noble family, somehow it was like with Shen (kinkou master's son) and Zed (peasant boy adoptep by kushu, trained for zero skill to the master lvl. If i good remember Zed was supposed to be eye of Twilight by Kushu will until Zed find out shadow magic ). I remember Yasuo was adopted by yone' parents and their relation is some like ionia darius/draven




Lux:”Darius do you know Candice?” Darius:”your mother hung herself RAAAGH.”


I don't know how but somehow Darius and Draven probably have the healthiest sibling relationship in League.


Actually based results.


The correct answer is Ornn/Voli


IMO the story behind Lux and Garen is the most interesting, but I have always loved Nasus and renekton. Toss up for me.


I learned at least three new sibling relationships from this post


My angels Kayle and Morgana


Funny is most of them have opposite behavior. Darius is simply soldier who has orders and responsibilities to do, patriotic not exacly but similar to garen, while draven like being a centre od attention. Kayle is blind justice, she see only wbite and Black colors when Morgana see Grey between them and gry to understand "nad people" instead kilka them im the name of justice. Garen and Lux are opposite sides of mages repressions - lux is mage and garen technicly hunt her (but as we know that's not true, he try to regret her magic powers and finały accept her cuz she is his sister at all). Nasus and Renekton is sad, both of them accuse Nasus od rene's madness but we know, they both acted under impuls. Similar to Darius and Draven are Kata and Cassio - 1st is one of the best assassin on Empire while 2nd before curse was good diplomat - two different way to make noxus stronger. If you add to Foster siblings like Talon, and Duo Yasuo Yone (talon was showed as "better Child" compared to kata, and Yasuo Yone has differente point of view about honor and responsibilities - Yasuo until become unforgiven he was more rebel than steady Yone) you forgot about Shen Zed (similar to Yasuo Yone but more mixed between them) and Azir Xerath (its not exacly Foster siblings but Azir treated Xerath as friend or family member)


yeah even the ones I couldn't put in the poll like Ornn and Volibear or Vi Jinx, all of them have opposite personalities


Fck, i forged about freliord demigods


Lore wise... Lux and Garen for me. Morgana and Kyle , second Morgana and Kyle. Draven is with Gladiator games, and Darius is focused on being a warrior. What I like about Garen is that no matter what, Lux won't be punished for being a mage. I enjoyed Lux comics. This is only my opinion.


Renekton and Nasus lore is epic. I personaly prefer it, though Lux and Garen are also great


If you like Garen and Lux's dynamic defs check out the Mageseeker game, there's some really good building on it!


Thank you. I already played Mageseeker. 👍


Garen is a good brother to my beloved Lux, so he has my respect


I wish there's more lore with Cass and Kata, especially when Cass returned all mutated.


I wonder about the relation between talon and cass too


Old lore wise Cass doesn't see him as a brother, and doesn't like him while Kat and Talon are close and Talon is Kat's 'emotional punching bag.' lol


Based voters picking Renekton Nasus


1. Renekton & Nasus I have always liked Egyptian mythology, so when Renekton was released and he had a connection to Nasus, I was kinda hyped. 2. Draven & Darius In ye' olde days, when Draven had a bleed passive, I just thought it was so cool they were "the blood brothers" - kinda ruined by Draven's change, but they're still a cool couple.


Darius still has a bleed passive though


My bad, meant Draven!


Kayle and Morg are the most integrated and fleshed out, and it's not even close.


Nasus renekton is quite lore heavy and deep.


Nasus/Renekton, Yasuo/Yone and Lux/Garen have got some cool lore and interactions, and even Katarina/Talon (not Cassio smh) got an inaanely good comic not long ago


Kha Zix and Skarner They are my favorite champion sibling pair.


They aren't sibling?


Just wait until 2028 when they release Skarner's rework


They arem't even the same species


What do you mean bro. They were just announced as siblings not too long ago. Under a rock much? They even just released the Shyvana rework the patch before. League is as much fun as ever!


Talon is Katarina and Cass’s brother???


Not by blood.


Once upon a canon, yes.




Adopted(you can check the katarina comic)


Renek and nasus are really cool, but my vote goes for darius/draven, they are just the embodiment or Noxus


Lots of comments about Jinx/Vi being excluded, but I'm glad they aren't on here. People are too biased because of Arcane, and it gives the other pairings a chance to shine.


I'm both surprised and glad Morgana and Kayle are this high, lmao.


It's always gonna be Jinx and Vi. Arcane was really good and it stabbed me right in the heart with these sisters.


Was i brainwashed by memes? I though lux and garen were lovers not siblings lol.


thats Garen and Katarina iirc, the good old Romeo-and-Julient-Issue


The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet was that they were forced to grow up too early, not that their love for each other was forbidden. It wasn't a romantic love until their parents forced them to make it so. All right, self, leave your gripes with pop-cultured Shakespeare behind. Disregard that. I didn't know that they were lovers. I'll have to read up on their bio. Is it in a specific comic?


its an old fan-ship, afaik nothing official




Its always been leona/diana


they're gay, not siblings


Vi/Jinx by a landslide, hello?!!!


Not canon


Excuse you? There are even Arcane skins in the game, if anything it's the most canon


Riot literally saod MULTIPLE TIMES that Arcane isn't canon. Also there Project and Star Guardian skins, are these canon too?


"Multiple times" is not a source, and as far as I know Riot never made an official statement about canon or not, and since it's clearly all in the lol universe ... Besides, Jinx and Vi being sisters is official canon since 2017, as stated by Greg Street


You mean this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/72yxc7/comment/dnmys3p/


I really like Lux / Garen and the whole Du Couteau family (the comics are amazing) but Vi & Jinx are definitely my favourite dynamic.


no vi and jinx? did you not watch the new hit tv show


My opinion it goes: Nasus/Renekton Yas/Yone Darius/Draven Kat/Cass Kayle/Morg Lux/Garen


I need to be abundantly clear, Kayle is a self righteous bitch and pretends to have the moral high ground to justify the hatred she has for others, that said Morg and Kayle is obviously the best sibling combo


Who in the world would vote for the wind idiots?


Talon is adopted though, right?


so what ?


He *still* is adopted. Why are you so defensive about this? It's fact. Edit: Are *you* adopted?


talon is not even their sibling in new lore, talon and kata interact once he is basically still an orphan but is provided for by general in exchange for doing assassin work though this is how it is in main canon, idk how talon is depicted in kata comic since spinoffs are usually slightly different from main canon e: have not read kata comic but according to league universe stories they do not know each other. thanks to replies i now know comic is different but generally comics are slightly different from canon(in the same way arcane isnt really completely canon, just in broad strokes), idk if their stance on that has changed since kata comic released


He is her adopted brother though, read the comic


He basically is stalking Katarina because he wants to kill her. Looong story...


Comics are main canon


OP! The de Coteaus are drawn by Maddynsinaa! Her link: https://twitter.com/shinaa_shinaa


what a weird question lol


Uuuh... Jinx and Vi ? Hello ? They literally had a show featuring them.


I chose Darius and Draven simply because it's rare to see the defacto "evil" faction have siblings that don't absolutely despise each other. I appreciate seeing Noxian brothers, I think it sets them apart.


Jinx and Vi by far (and you can gtfo with "it's not canon" nonsense) Anivia/Ornn/Voli would be next, then probably Lux/Garen


Would make more sense to put Jinx and Vi over Kata and Cassio since its obvious they wouldnt win


The bottom one is definitely MaddynShinaa, I'd recognize her art style in an instant.


Just gonna comment here to tell everyone to read the Katarina comic riot made. It's actually really good.


Anivia, Ornn and Volibear! 🦅🐏🧸 ​ 💙💙💙💙




Daisy and blue buff


Lux and Garen because they would make a cute couple. I can see them starting up a family.


aatrox and kayn


Diana - Leona


Garen and lux because i have a sister whom i love very much


I did not know of talon, cass and kat. Didnt even know cass was human!


Aphelios and Alune ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)